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List of Stands
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En este artículo se enumeran todos los Stands que han aparecido en JoJo's Bizarre Adventure y multimedias relacionadas hasta ahora. Para ver los Stands sin nombrar véase: Lista de Stands sin nombrar.
SPOILER WARNING: Part 3 through 9 spoiler details may follow.
Hasta la fecha, hay un total de 182 Stands únicos desde la tercera hasta la novena parte en JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Stardust CrusadersDiamond is UnbreakableVento AureoStone OceanSteel Ball RunJoJolionThe JOJOLandsLight NovelsMisc.
Stands from Stardust Crusaders
Stands from Diamond is Unbreakable
Stands from Vento Aureo
Stands from Stone Ocean
Stands from Steel Ball Run
Stands from JoJolion
Stands from The JOJOLands
JoJo's Bizarre AdventureGolden Heart, Golden RingThe BookPurple Haze FeedbackJORGE JOESTARTSKR Short Story CollectionCrazy HeartbreakersEl Aleph
Stands from Purple Haze Feedback
Stands from Crazy Heartbreakers
Stands from El Aleph
Stands from Other Media