Usagi Alohaoe
Usagi Alohaoe (ウサギ・アロハオエ, Usagi Arohaoe) is a primary ally featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.
He is first introduced as a student who buys drugs from Jodio Joestar and Paco Laburantes. Meryl Mei Qi then hires him as a fourth member of the gang's upcoming heist of a 24-carat blue diamond belonging to Rohan Kishibe. Usagi is a Stand user possessing THE MATTEKUDASAI which transforms his Stand into an object requested by someone else.

Usagi is a slim, well-toned, athletic teenager. He wears a tight form-fitting dark suit that covers most of his body aside from the face and hands. He has a few light-colored spiky bangs protruding from under the hood of his suit, which is tight enough to show that he has a short standard haircut save for the bangs and a small ponytail, which is covered by his hood.[2]
His suit is noticeably darker near the stomach. In addition, the suit is decorated with circular crests at the shoulders. Initially, the crests displayed art resembling legs wearing a garter belt,[2] but the symbol was later flipped upside down, now resembling legs in simple panties and high heels, as well as the outstretched arms of his Stand.[1]
Over his suit, Usagi wears a pair of light shorts with a thick stripe, as well as a backpack. Usagi's accessories include a light-colored beret and a black choker with a small buckle, although his initial appearance didn't feature them. Usagi also wears thick eyeliner.
Color Schemes

Usagi Alohaoe is scatter-brained, tardy,[3] and hedonistic, but trusted by Meryl Mei Qi to accompany her crew. Typically acting as the "airhead" of the group, Usagi tends to disregard simple instructions and is easily distracted by food[4][5] and money.[6][7] He has a habit of showing up with food ready to eat even in inappropriate situations. Prior to the mission to acquire HOWLER's land deeds, Meryl stressed the importance of leaving no trace or witness. Characteristically, Usagi trips and spills food all over the floor of the land registry in front of several armed guards,[8] causing Lulu and Bobby Jean to be able to track down his team later.[9] Usagi's behavior leads Jodio and the others to distrust him.[10] However, they eventually believe he is useful and try saving his life from Bags Groove's attack.[9]
Though the group often chides Usagi, he remains friendly towards all of them to a comical degree.[11] He's especially fond of Dragona, calling them "Pink-chan"[8][12] and confessing his love for them after knowing each other for only three days.[13] Although he is amiable with his crew, Usagi is still a sleazy teenager and swindles them by pretending their rented car was pricier than reality so he wouldn't have to pay for it.[14]
Usagi is fairly inquisitive and manages to ascertain the basic properties of the Lava Rock by messing around with it.[12] He is also comparatively more educated than the rest of Meryl's crew,[15] and Meryl herself states that he's an accomplished student.[16] For example, he explains to Paco and Dragona about the difference between flasks and beakers, as well as what 'a'ā lava is.[15] He also knows of different endangered bird species in the jungle,[17] and devises a clever plan to save the crew during their encounter with Wild Cat Size by serving them caviar to attract them to the Lava Rock.[18] He is usually the first in the gang to realize when they are being attacked by a Stand and who the user may be, but his gangmates typically don't believe him until they see more proof.[19][20]
Usagi is an emotional and dramatic person, crying often when he or his teammates are injured.[9][13] Nonetheless, he shows his bravery and determination when he saves his own life by unhesitatingly piercing his chest with a box cutter so he can use a straw to perform tracheal intubation.[20]
Usagi is a client of Jodio and bought drugs off him prior to his recruitment.[21] He later admits that although he experimented with drugs two or three times in the past, he is not an addict.[22]
Usagi's Stand THE MATTEKUDASAI can transform into objects that others around Usagi request.
- Jodio Joestar: Usagi is in a higher grade than Jodio at their high school. Jodio is surprised when Meryl Mei Qi added him to the heist team but he trusts Meryl's word that Usagi is a good kid.[2] Usagi is impressed with Jodio being on the same wavelength as him and asks if they can be good friends someday, but Jodio refuses.[12]
- Dragona Joestar: Upon being introduced at first Dragona believed Usagi to be irresponsible, having an odd personality and being late to arrive at Kona Airport. Usagi responds to this by being more exuberant and giving Dragona humorous codenames like "Pink-chan".[1] After Dragona gets injured by Charming Man, Usagi yells out in fear for Dragona's life, crying.[23] Once Dragona saves themself from a fatal injury, Usagi sighs in relief, and admits that when he saw Dragona being harmed he felt "a sense of despair" wash over him, like he "was about to lose everything". Following this, he admits that this made him understand his feelings for Dragona, declaring his love for them. Dragona brushes this off and says they aren't particularly interested in that sort of thing.[13]
- Paco Laburantes: Paco despises Usagi, often telling him to shut up and claiming that Usagi is a drug addict based on his energetic personality.[1] He also immediately assumes Usagi betrayed the gang and threatens to kill him once he catches him. However, Paco is relieved when Usagi saves the group and warns Usagi to get out of the way from the cats' attack, thinking he's in danger.[18]

- The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 4: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 5: "Rise Up"
- The JOJOLands Chapter 6: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 7: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 9: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 10: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 11: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 12: Charming Man
- The JOJOLands Chapter 13: Joestar Brothers
- The JOJOLands Chapter 14: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 15: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 16: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 17: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 18: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 19: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 2
- The JOJOLands Chapter 20: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 3
- The JOJOLands Chapter 21: HOWLER Company Impropriety Suspicions
- The JOJOLands Chapter 22: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 1
- The JOJOLands Chapter 23: Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 2

- “How's it hanging, Jodiooo?! You sure seem cheery this fine morning! Did you bring the stuff? [...] Hey! C'mon man! I'm counting on you here, Jodio! You've got it, right? The you-know-what? (よォ~~ ジョディオォ。モーニン元気ィィ~~~ おまえあれ持ってるか?[...] おい。いいだろォ~~ 頼むよジョディオォ~ なあ持ってるんだろ!あれェ)Yō~ Jodiō. Mōnin genkiii~~ Omae are motteru ka? [...] Oi. Ii darō~~ Tanomu yo Jodiō~ Nā motteru ndaro! Arē.”—Usagi Alohaoe, The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- “How about we call each other different colors? I'll call you Pink! What's up, Pink? The name's Blue! (じゃあこういう時は
色 で呼び合おう?君の事ピンクって呼ぶよォ!ピンクちゃんオレはブルーだよ)Jā kōiu toki wa karā de yobiaou? Kimi no koto Pinku tte yobu yō! Pinku-chan ore wa Burū da yo!” - “Pink, say "I want a camera". You need to say it. "I want a camera." I can't be the one to say it. (ピンクちゃん『カメラが欲しい』って言ってよ。君が言うんだよ。『カメラが欲しい』って。オレが言うのは駄目なんだ)Pinku-chan "kamera ga hoshii" tte itte yo. Kimi ga iu nda yo. "Kamera ga hoshii" tte. Ore ga iu no wa dame nanda.”—Usagi Alohaoe, The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- “Pink, do you want a pair, too? If there's something around here you want, just say so. If you want the same sorta scissors, then I can use my ability, THE MATTEKUDASAI, to transform into one. (ピンクちゃん… 君もひとつ欲しいかい?この周囲にあるモノを言うんだよ。同じ形のハサミでいいならオレの能力… 「THE MATTEKUDASAI」がひとつ変身できる)Pinku-chan... Kimi mo hitotsu hoshii kai? Kono shūi ni aru mono wo iu nda yo. Onaji katachi no hasami de ii nara ore no nōryoku... 'THE MATTEKUDASAI' ga hitotsu henshin dekiru.”
- “This isn't something where it oughta matter if it's an animal or a human. Even animals can see Stand abilities! (「動物」だからとか「人間」だからとか区別はないはずだ… 能力を見るヤツは動物でも見る!)'Dōbutsu' dakara toka 'ningen' dakara toka kubetsu wa nai hazu da.. Nōryoku wo miru yatsu wa dōbutsu demo miru!”—Usagi Alohaoe, The JOJOLands Chapter 4: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 2
- “Hey, uh... Dragona, that shopping trip sure was fun, huh? Ya know, with just you and me... heheh. We should cherish that. Don't let go of it! (なんかさあ………… ドラゴナちゃん。ショッピング楽しかったな…… 君とオレ一緒だったしィ……フフッ。それ… 大切にしような。手放すなよ)Nanka sā............ Doragona-chan. Shoppingu tanoshikatta na...... Kimi to ore issho datta shī...... fufu. Sore... taisetsu ni shiyō na. Tebanasu na yo.”—Usagi Alohaoe, The JOJOLands Chapter 9: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 1
- “Wheeeew! You're okay Dragona?! Thank goodness! I... I... Geez, I'm just so freakin' glad you're okay! I just felt a sense of despair wash over me, like I was about to lose everything... That made me realize something really important. Dragona, when I came on this trip to the island of Hawai'i... I finally came to understand this feeling welling inside my chest! I've realized I'm in love with you! (うわああああ!大丈夫かあ!?ドラゴナちゃん良かったなぁぁっ。オ…オレ!オレッ。ヤバイ!すごい嬉しいッ!今!オレ!絶望で全てを失うと思った…それでたった今大切な事に気が付いたんだよ。ドラゴナちゃん… オレッ…オレッ…… このハワイ島の旅行に来て…オレッ。オレのこの気持ち!胸がいっぱいだァ~~~ 君の事愛してるって気が付いたんだよ)Uwaaaaa! Daijōbu kā!? Doragona-chan yokatta naaa. O..ore! Ore. Yabai! Sugoi ureshii! Ima! Ore! Zetsubō de subete wo ushinau to omotta... Sore de tatta ima taisetsu na koto ni ki ga tsuita nda yo. Doragona-chan... Ore... Ore...... Kono Hawai-tō no ryokō ni kite... ore. Ore no kono kimochi! Mune ga ippai dā~~ Kimi no koto aishiteru tte ki ga tsuita nda yo!”—Usagi Alohaoe to Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 11: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 3
- “Ooh! I'm... sharing a bed with Ms Pink! Uhe~! I didn't know we had that sorta relationship! F-finally we're in bed togetheeer!”—Usagi Alohaoe to Dragona Joestar, The JOJOLands Chapter 20: Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 3
TJL Chapter 3 Cover
TJL Chapter 6 Cover
TJL Chapter 8 Cover
TJL Chapter 12 Cover
TJL Chapter 13 Cover
TJL Chapter 14 Cover
TJL Chapter 17 Cover
TJL Chapter 21 Cover
Ultra Jump September 2023 Cover
Ultra Jump May 2024 Cover
Ultra Jump September 2024 Cover
Ultra Jump March 2023 Back Cover
Ultra Jump April 2023 Back Cover
TJL Volume 3 Cover
TJL Volume 4 Cover
TJL Volume 5 Cover
The JOJOLands Volume Spine Illustration
TJL Chapter 8 Tailpiece
TJL Chapter 10 Tailpiece
TJL Chapter 15 Tailpiece
TJL Chapter 8 Tailpiece
TJL Chapter 10 Tailpiece
TJL Chapter 15 Tailpiece
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 29.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 65.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 14: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1, p. 8.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1, p. 10.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1, p. 11.
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 14: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1
- ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 9.2 The JOJOLands Chapter 16: Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 1
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 20.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 29-31
- ↑ Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 The JOJOLands Chapter 8: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 The JOJOLands Chapter 11: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 3
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 2: South King Street, p. 34.
- ↑ Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1, p. 15.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 67.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 6: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 1
- ↑ Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 7: Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 2
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 3: The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1
- ↑ Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 The JOJOLands Chapter 15: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 2
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 1: Departure, p. 43-47
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 15: Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 2, p. 17.
- ↑ The JOJOLands Chapter 10: Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 2