Guido Mista

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  • Part 5Click here for the subject from the original continuity (Parts 1-6).

Obligation? We aren't talking about no 'obligation' here. We ain't asking, either. We're telling him to do it. However he has to.
—Guido Mista, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond

Guido Mista (グイード・ミスタ, Guīdo Misuta) is a tertiary ally featured in the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. He is an incarnation of the original Mista, living in the 37th universe.

Mista wields the Stand The Iron Ladies. He is a member of Passione, working under Bruno Bucciarati (Universe 37) and Giorno Giovanna (Universe ?).[1]


Mista is a teenager with a muscular build. He wears a form-fitting crop top outfit with a high, ribbed turtleneck collar and a distinctive diamond pattern covering his torso and arms. On his head, he wears a unique knit hat with a diagonal grid pattern and a large downward arrow symbol in the center of his forehead. He also wears zebra striped pants and a belt.

He has a bit of a bad odor, as Runbaba 12 sniffs once, makes a face, and then keeps his distance from Mista.[1]


The 37th universe's Mista is a bold and unfiltered individual with a rough-edged sense of humor and a confrontational attitude. Loyal to his allies but suspicious of outsiders, he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind, often in a blunt or immature manner. He finds amusement in taunting people, even turning tense situations into opportunities to mock or tease them.

Despite his apparent recklessness, Mista has a practical side, often questioning and trying to make sense of strange occurrences in his environment. He also has a unique sense of justice and pragmatism, recognizing the rules of the mafia and the consequences of breaking them. He's not afraid to challenge people, but he can be disarmed by strong personalities. For instance, he admits that he cares about his possessions too after Rohan Kishibe yells at him for suggesting that he could just buy a new clock after it went missing.[2]



Main article: The Iron Ladies

Mista wields a Stand named The Iron Ladies, which can redirect bullets like Sex Pistols. However, it appears as cross-dressers wearing female gym uniforms.

The Iron Ladies (アタック・ナンバーハーフ)Link to this section
JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
Bullet Redirection



Tracking Down the Boss

Mista helps Giorno (Universe ?) and the others in Passione with tracking down their boss. He accompanies Detective Runbaba 12 in their investigation.[1]

Mista breaks up the fight

After George Joestar wakes up at Arrow Cross House, Mista settles the fight between George and Vinegar Doppio (Universe 37). His Stand deflects the bullets that George fires at Doppio, having them hit the wall. Doppio orders Mista to shoot George but Mista tells him to knock it off. Mista shoots six bullets at Doppio instead, and his Stand deflects the bullets just enough to scrape Doppio's cheeks, leaving three scars on each cheek resembling cat whiskers. Mista and The Iron Ladies laugh at Doppio, mocking his new appearance and saying it looks cute on him.

From Fugo (Universe 37) pointing out how the sky looks outside, Mista realizes that Morioh must be floating upside down in water. Later, Abbacchio (Universe 37), NYPD Blue, and George perform autopsies on the corpses of Diavolo and Kosaku Kawajiri (Universe 37), who they assume is Yoshikage Kira at the time. Mista mentions that they are all acting like freaks by touching Diavolo's body everywhere and then cackles along with Fugo. When Reimi Sugimoto (Universe 37) gets her memories back and decides to take George back home, Fugo and Mista retort that George still hasn't solved the mystery. Reimi threatens that if Fugo and Mista don't listen to her, they would never escape, since they are inside her and Cube House has no doors or windows. Fugo and Mista panic trying to look for exits, and encounter the tesseract function of Cube House for the first time.

Traitor Among the Gang

Meanwhile, Bucciarati accuses Giorno of lying about something and raises his voice. Fugo and Mista run back into the room asking Bucciarati what is happening. After Giorno's battle with Enrico Pucci (Universe 37), Mista's clothes disintegrate from the sped up time. However, he blissfully brags about being free as the other gang members laugh at him.

When Giorno betrays them by revealing that Diavolo was his alternate personality the whole time, Mista attacks Giorno along with Fugo and Abbacchio but their attacks do nothing.[2]


Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


  • Knock it off. He's a bit of a crazy son of a bitch, but he's a mafia made man, and if something happens to him we'd have to pay it back. That's how the system works.
    —Guido Mista, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • Shut up! I wanna shoot you myself! Get your shit together, you're the worst when you're like this!
    —Guido Mista to Vinegar Doppio, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • Dahahahahahahaha! You're so cute with your kitty cheeks, Doppio! Wahahahaha!
    —Guido Mista, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • Obligation? We aren't talking about no 'obligation' here. We ain't asking, either. We're telling him to do it. However he has to.
    —Guido Mista, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond



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