An ugly woman like her... she used her Stand to assimilate other people.
—Joseph about Nena, Chapter 149: Empress, Part 4

Nena (ネーナ, Nēna) is a tertiary antagonist featured in the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders, specifically the "Empress" story arc.

She first appears in India alongside Hol Horse and tries to assassinate Joseph Joestar while passing as an ordinary woman. She is a Stand user who uses Empress.


Nena wears the disguise of a 16-year-old Indian girl in typical Indian attire.[2] Underneath it, Nena is really a short, ugly, and overweight woman wearing a bikini. Nena also possesses a bud on her tongue.

Disguised, Nena has a bindi on her forehead and wears an ankle-length, sleeveless dress and a headscarf, along with plenty of jewelry such as a pair of looped earrings and a bead necklace.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaOVAAnimeCapcom Fighters
(Tan. Magenta and golden Bindi, red lipstick.)
(Lavender robes and hijab with a red trim, golden jewelry.)


Skin(Fair, red lipstick.)
Eyes(Pale Brown)
Outfit(Pink bikini.)
(Fair. Light purple Bindi, pink lipstick.)
(Lavender robes and hijab, red shirt, dull golden jewelry.)
(Tan. Dark magenta and golden Bindi, salmon lipstick.)
(Magenta robes and an orange trimmed burgundy hijab with an orange and green diamond pattern. A pink scarf and sash.)
(Golden loop earrings and braclets, and a red bead necklace.)


(Gray. Lavender eyeliner and magenta lipstick.)
Eyes(Gray (dead eyes))
Outfit(Purple binki.)
(Light orange robes, golden jewelry, reddish brown shoes.)


Nena is a devious servant of DIO. Not much is known about Nena but most of the things she's seen doing indicate a twisted personality. She is an assassin at DIO's service and Enya the Hag notes that her Empress's specialty is to slowly kill her victims.[3] Nena also hides her true form by assimilating the skin of another, prettier woman with her Stand and uses her good looks to trick her targets into thinking she's an innocent woman and approach them to plant Empress in them.[4] Nena also keeps this habit in presence of potential allies.

She's initially introduced as a young Indian girl pretending to be in love with Hol Horse[5] to the point of wanting marriage.[6] She uses her "relationship" with him as a means to infiltrate the Joestar Group and later charms Polnareff as a distraction while trying to assassinate Joseph Joestar.[7]

The information below derives from the Stardust Crusaders OVA which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.

In the OVA, her role as a villain was cut. Instead, Nena truly is a young, naive girl who fell for Hol Horse. She yearns to marry him, and is heartbroken by his rejection. Hol Horse comments that a girl like her is useful, loyal to the point that she would sacrifice her safety for him.

Concludes non-canon section.



Main article: Empress

Empress is a long-distance parasitic Stand that grows from a victim's flesh after contact with Nena's blood. It feeds on external resources relative to its rapidly growing size, while actively trying to harm its host in increasingly dangerous ways.

Empress (エンプレス(女帝))Link to this section



Nena & Hol Horse

Nena is a Stand User hired by DIO to intercept and kill the Joestar group. She used her Stand Empress to kill a beautiful young woman and wore her skin to hide her true form. She accompanies Hol Horse using this disguise, pretending to be a naive girl who fell for his charm.[2] According to Hol Horse and Polnareff, Nena comes from a noble family in Benares, though it is unclear if this status is from the young woman she killed or completely fabricated.[2][9]

Stardust Crusaders (1988)

Nena is initially portrayed as an ally and lover of Hol Horse. She arrives with him to Calcutta's outskirts on the back of an elephant. She shows interest in marrying him but he denies her marriage offer claiming he is a traveler destined to die on the street and couldn't stay with her even though they loved each other. He later reveals to J. Geil that he is with her just because she could be useful in the future, potentially sacrificing her life for him.[2]

Nena stopping Polnareff

Following the events of the Emperor and Hanged Man story arc, Nena reappears to aid Hol Horse when he is cornered by the Joestar Group. Just as Polnareff is about to strike, she intervenes by grabbing hold of his leg, allowing Hol Horse to escape on horseback.[10] Despite her efforts, Polnareff continues to move forward, injuring Nena's arm in the process as he drags her along. Joseph eventually steps in to treat her wound and urges Polnareff to abandon the chase. Unbeknownst to the group, a drop of Nena’s blood falls onto Joseph’s arm and manifests into a talking wart that ominously consumes a fly. As the group continues their journey, Nena subtly reveals another wart on her tongue, which makes an ominous "Chu-mi-min" noise. It is also revealed at this point that Nena had been specifically sent by Enya the Hag to make the Joestar Group suffer for the death of her son.[9]

Nena "listening" to Polnareff

Nena accompanies the group on a bus to the city of Benares, remaining close to Polnareff while he attempts to dissuade her from her attachment to Hol Horse, whom he describes as manipulative. Meanwhile, Joseph’s infection worsens as the wart on his arm slowly transforms into a face. After killing a doctor attempting to remove it, the face reveals itself to be the Empress Stand. Through her Stand, Nena tries to frame Joseph for the murder, forcing him to flee the Indian police as the face grows larger and more dangerous. Despite Joseph's desperate struggle to fend off Empress, Nena manipulates Polnareff at key moments, distracting him to prevent him from assisting.

Nena Distracting Polnareff

During the chaotic battle, Nena uses Empress to consume everything in its path, including live animals, growing larger and more menacing as Nena continues to mock Joseph and threaten his life. The Stand eventually reaches a size capable of physically striking Joseph, forcing him to haphazardly defend against it whilst running through the streets of Benares. He runs past Polnareff and Nena again, but she fakes being in love with Polnareff to distract him once more.[7]

Nena's true-self revealed

Joseph ultimately outsmarts Nena by using the struggle to locate a barrel of coal tar and dunks his arm along with her Stand into it. Nena mocks Joseph for thinking he could suffocate her Stand, but soon realizes that the tar was meant to solidify Empress, allowing Joseph to destroy it with Hermit Purple. Nena's involvement is revealed soon after when Polnareff, unaware of her true nature, attempts to kiss her. With her Stand defeated, Nena's disguise falls apart, exposing her as an older, grotesque woman who had been using Empress to assimilate and impersonate a younger woman. Joseph arrives and explains her deception to a horrified Polnareff, who is left in shock as Nena collapses and dies.[11]


The information below derives from the Stardust Crusaders OVA which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.

Hol Horse and Nena

When Hol Horse is traveling through India to confront the Joestar Group, Nena suddenly appears to confess his affection for him. She yearns to marry him, however Hol Horse doesn't reciprocate completely, as the life he leads is unfitting for a girl from an aristocratic family. He comforts Nena by explaining that he can't marry her because he loves her too much. Nena accepts the reality, and returns back to her home.

Nena later appears when Hol Horse is surrounded by the Joestar group, and when Polnareff unleashes Silver Chariot, she tugs on his leg and gives Hol Horse the opportunity to escape.

Concludes non-canon section.

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


  • I am the "Empress", old man! And you Joseph will be the first to die!!!
    —Empress, Chapter 147: Empress, Part 2
  • I'm bigger now, but I still need you to feed me, "daddy"!!!
    —Empress to Joseph, Chapter 148: Empress, Part 3

Video Games

Capcom Fighters

Heritage for the Future (Arcade/DC)

Nena makes her first appearance in a video-game in Heritage for the Future, alongside Hol Horse during some of his introduction/loss animations.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1)

Nena's Stand Empress, appears as a special battle in Super Story Mode. Nena herself doesn't show up, but is featured in the stage's loading screen & the selection menu.

Leeching Off a Parent's Arm! (Adventure)
(親の腕かじり! Oya no Ude Kajiri!)


StoryPromotional Art
Adventure Battle CardCrusade


  1. Lovers - Vol.4 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P124 The Secret of JOJO Characters
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
  3. Chapter 147: Empress, Part 2 P.5.
  4. Chapter 149: Empress, Part 4 P.19.
  6. Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2 P.10.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Chapter 148: Empress, Part 3
  8. JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Chapter 147: Empress, Part 2
  10. Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
  11. Chapter 149: Empress, Part 4

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