Kishibe Rohan Meets Gucci

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Kishibe Rohan Meets Gucci (岸辺露伴 グッチへ行く, Kishibe Rohan Gutchi e Iku, lit. Rohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci), also known as Rohan da Gucci, is a one-shot written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki.

Published in the October 2011 issue of Shueisha's women's fashion magazine SPUR on August 23, 2011, the one-shot was created as part of a collaboration to celebrate the reopening of Gucci Shinjuku, the 90th anniversary of Gucci, and the 30th anniversary of Hirohiko Araki's manga career.[2] The one-shot was also included in the first volume of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, and was later reprinted in full-color in JOJOmenon.

The story stars Rohan Kishibe as he makes his way to Florence, Italy to uncover the mystery behind his grandmother's Gucci bag, which mysteriously vanishes any object placed inside it.


Sometime after his grandmother's death, Rohan heads to Florence, Italy with her keepsake bag in hand. The bag carries a Stand-like property that causes any object Rohan puts within the bag to vanish once it closes. For that reason, Rohan visits a Gucci factory near Florence alongside an interpreter, hoping to find an explanation. Speaking to the leather goods artisan in charge, Rohan sees fit to demonstrate the bag's ability using a 10-euro bill and a 50-euro bill (though he briefly considers using a 100-euro bill in place of the latter). Seeing that both bills have disappeared, the artisan explains that Rohan's bag is one of three special bags made by a certain genius artisan. Despite the artisan's warnings that Rohan doesn't understand the bag's "true purpose," Rohan demands that the artisan fix it for normal use. Finally, the bag is fixed, and Rohan leaves alongside his interpreter.

Some time later, Rohan's interpreter gets him drunk and escapes with all of his valuables, leaving only the bag. The manga artist is left to wander alone outside as rain begins to fall. However, Rohan then finds a new Gucci umbrella on the ground, and a car stops to help him soon after. Rohan arrives at a hotel, but is unable to afford even the hotel's smallest room priced at 60 euros. Just as he is about to leave, a couple notices his recently-found umbrella and offers 60 euros in exchange for it. The price causes Rohan to remember the two bills he put inside the bag, and he finally comes to understand the bag's "true purpose" of equivalent exchange. Rohan is able to pay for the hotel room; nonetheless, he regrets not using the 100-euro bill before having the bag "fixed," as the hotel also offered a lavish complementary dinner for only 50 more euros.



Author's Note

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I am honored! It was a genuine adventure into the unknown! I found myself having to produce a manga about the famous Gucci brand. Trying to find a way to take on this subject was a real conundrum, but then I thought about Rohan. I actually didn't have him in mind from the start. He really is able to travel in any circumstance for his work, which is really convenient for me. Once I made Rohan the protagonist, the story came together in no time. I tried to have him hold the traditional bag from the brand and wear some of Frida Gianinni's creations while respecting the details to the best of my ability. I'd also like to thank the decisive courage of SPUR magazine.
なんと名誉なことに! まさに道への冒険! ファッションブランド『GUCCI』のバッグを題材にした漫画を描く事態に。どんな話にしたら良いのか?と、不安と悩み考えた時に思いついたのが「露伴」の存在。実は露伴起用は後なのです。彼は色々な条件の場所に取材に行ってくれるから、本当にありがたい。露伴を主人公にしたとたん、あっという間に話ができてしまいました。しかもGUCCIファッションを着せて、なかなかサマになってくれたので、良かったです。伝統的なGUCCIのバッグ、そしてファッションデザインは全てデザイナーのフリーダ・ジャンニーニさんのものを可能なだけ正確に着させました。また、SPUR誌の勇気と決断に感謝いたします。



  • This one-shot is notably absent from the English and Spanish releases of TSKR Volume 1, despite appearing in other international editions. According to the Spanish publisher, Ivrea, it was removed from the Spanish edition at Shueisha's request.[3]
  • On June 24, 2023, two supposed original paintings for the one-shot went for auction in Italy.[4][5][6] According to the item listing, the paintings were given to the project manager of the exhibit by Araki and were put up for auction by the manager's family after his passing. Ultimately, neither painting was ever sold.[7][8]


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