Scolippi (スコリッピ, Sukorippi) is a tertiary character featured in the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo, specifically the "Sleeping Slaves" story arc.
Scolippi is a sculptor who gets involved with Team Bucciarati and particularly Guido Mista, as his girlfriend's father accuses him of murdering her and requests the gang to avenge her. Scolippi wields the Stand Rolling Stones, which predicts the death of others.

Scolippi is an adult Italian man with a lanky but slightly muscular body. He has straight hair kept at shoulder-length decorated with a row of hair clips and a somewhat prominent bang on the right side. He also uses dark eyeshadow. Scolippi wears a plain shirt decorated with metal plates on the chest and holed at the shoulders, and dark pants with a spiderweb motif. His crown of thorns and the gunshot wounds on his hands he receives from Mista may be reminiscent of Jesus Christ and his stigmata.
Color Schemes
Scolippi appears to be somewhat withdrawn and meek, yet benevolent. He is said to have avoided showing himself to his girlfriend's father despite having a committed relationship with her.[1]
Scolippi calmly puts up with Mista's violent intimidation attempts, explaining how his powers work. Because Rolling Stones's nature allows him to know whether or not he's fated to die, he is able to keep remarkably calm even with a gun in his mouth, knowing that he will survive any given situation.[2] Despite having been mistreated and misunderstood by both his ex-girlfriend's father and the assassins sent to kill him, Scolippi bears none of them any ill will, as he sees people as puppets who are unable to escape their fates. He even prays for Bucciarati and his companions when he sees that his Rolling Stones has predicted the deaths of several of them, hoping that their suffering will have meaning.[3] Scolippi is a firm believer in fate, and understands that no one, including himself, takes precedence over his Stand and the fate it represents.
Scolippi is a Stand user wielding the spherical rock-like Stand, Rolling Stones, which follows those fated to die and divines their destined deaths, as well as offering them an immediate and peaceful alternative if they choose to come into direct contact with it.

As a child, Scolippi suddenly discovered his stand Rolling Stones and learned of its abilities. He later became a professional sculptor, not attaining fame, yet still making a decent living.
Eventually, six months before the events of Vento Aureo, Scolippi's girlfriend would touch Rolling Stones, and decide to kill herself in order to preserve her organs, as they could be transplanted to her father who would need them to heal from an illness. Due to the complexity of Rolling Stones's ability, the death of his girlfriend appeared like a murder commited by Scolippi, but his girlfriend's father claimed she would never be the type to commit suicide.
Sleeping Slaves

In the elevator of his building, Scolippi encounters Mista, who has come to investigate the matter of Scolippi's girlfriend's death at the request of her father. Mista quickly begins his rough interrogation within the rising elevator. Answering Mista's questions, Scolippi explains that he's a sculptor with no knowledge of Stands other than his own ability, which acts independently and has followed Bucciarati. Skeptical, Mista shoots Scolippi's hand, but suddenly notices that Rolling Stones has disappeared. He holds his gun to Scolippi's cheek as Scolippi explains that Bucciarati's fate has been sealed, much as Michelangelo believed that a sculptor's purpose is simply to free a statue's predestined form from the marble. Mista has no patience for this, and tries to intimidate Scolippi into bringing back the stone by forcing him to play Russian Roulette. Scolippi divulges that Rolling Stones predicts future deaths and confronts its targets, offering them a peaceful alternative when they touch it; he claims that this is the true cause of his girlfriend's death. Mista attempts to shoot Scolippi in the mouth, but his gun misfires, as Scolippi isn't yet fated to die. After pistol-whipping Scolippi, Mista leaves the elevator to pursue Rolling Stones and save Bucciarati.

Scolippi watches as Mista jumps from the building's seventh story in order to reach and destroy the stone. As the gang leaves the area, he notices that, as he tried to explain, Mista has not prevented Bucciarati's death: unbeknownst to the departing gangsters, the rubble takes the form of Abbacchio and Narancia as well, signalling their future deaths. As a silver lining, Scolippi notes that Mista was ready to die for his leader and, admiring this determination, hopes that the youths' arduous road will fulfill some purpose.

- Chapter 590: Epilogue: "Sleeping Slaves" (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 591: Sleeping Slaves, Part 2 (Flashback)
- Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3 (Flashback)
- Chapter 593: Sleeping Slaves, Part 4 (Flashback)
- Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5 (Flashback)

- Golden Wind Episode 38: Gold Experience Requiem (Flashback)
- Golden Wind Episode 39: Sleeping Slaves (Flashback)

- “Are you... a policeman? ...No, the police wouldn't go this far... (……あんた………警官か?………?いや 警察はこんなことは……)...Anta... keikan ka? ...? Iya keisatsu wa konna koto wa...”—Scolippi, Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3
- “And yet... the stone moved... Michelangelo himself, who shines upon the apex of history, once said, "When I carve marble, I have no concept in mind. The stone itself has already determined its own form... All my hands do is release that form from within the stone." (「石」は…行ってしまった………歴史の頂点に輝く かの『ミケランジェロ』が言った言葉がある…『わたしは大理石を彫刻する時…着想を持たない』…………『『石』自体がすでに彫るべき形の限界を定めているからだ……わたしの手はその形を石の中から取り出してやるだけなのだ』………と)'Ishi' wa... Itte shimatta... Rekishi no chōten ni kagayaku ka no "Mikeranjero" ga itta kotoba ga aru... "Watashi wa dairiseki o chōkoku suru toki... chakusō o motanai"... "'ishi' jitai ga sudeni horubeki katachi no genkai o sadamete iru kara da... Watashi no te wa sono katachi o ishi no naka kara toridashite yaru dake nano da"... to.”—Scolippi, Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3
- “Michelangelo was saying that he didn't ponder the stone's final form as he chiseled it. That form, that fate, was inherent within the stone's existence. That artist was able to witness fate as he sculpted. (ミケランジェロは「究極の形」は考えてから彫るのではなく すでに石の中に運命として「内在している」と言っているのだ 彼は彫りながら運命を見ることができた芸術家なんだ)Mikeranjero wa 'kyūkyoku no katachi' wa kangaete kara horu no de wa naku, sudeni ishi no naka ni unmei toshite 'naizai shite iru' to itte iru no da. Kare wa hori nagara unmei o miru koto ga dekita geijutsuka nanda.”—Scolippi, Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3
- “Likewise, I have not sculpted that form of Bucciarati, nor was it carved by your bullets. That is its destined form... That image was bleeding from a hole in its chest, I believe? In a few days—or perhaps months, I can't say for sure—that is how Bucciarati will die. (あの『ブチャラティの形』も僕が彫ったわけではないし 君の銃弾が彫ったものでもない あれは「運命の形」なんだよ…像は胸に穴を開けられ血を流していましたね? 数日後か…あるいは数ヵ月後かわからないが
ブチャラティ は近いうちそうやって死ぬ …)Ano "Bucharati no katachi" mo boku ga hotta wake de wa nai shi, kimi no jūdan ga hotta mono de mo nai. Are wa 'unmei no katachi' nandayo... Zō wa mune ni ana o akerare chi o nagashite imashita ne? Sūjitsugo ka... arui wa sūkagetsugo ka wakaranai ga, Bucharati wa chikai uchi sō yatte shinu...”—Scolippi, Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3 - “We are all slaves of fate. Such is the meaning behind my ability, Rolling Stones. (われわれはみんな「運命の奴隷」なんだよ それがぼくの能力―――「ローリング・ストーンズ」の意味なんだ)Wareware wa minna 'unmei no dorei' nandayo. Sore ga boku no noryōku—'Rōringu Sutōnzu' no imi nanda.”—Scolippi, Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3
- “Over? You think it's all over? If you hadn't resisted... If you'd just accepted Rolling Stones... then it would all have been over, without any trouble... (「終わり」……? 全ては「終わり」だって? 逆らわずに……『
石 』を受け入れれば「安楽」に終われたのに…)`Owari'……? Subete wa `owari' datte? Sakarawazu ni... "Rōringu Sutōnzu" o ukeirereba 'anraku' ni owareta no ni...”—Scolippi, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5 - “Are they all like him? Would they jump from that high to destroy the stone? All for the sake of their friend, Bucciarati?! Without a second thought...? (しかし……… 彼らは全員
こーなのか ?あそこから飛び降りて「石」を破壊するとは……あのブチャラティという仲間のために………!! 平気で…)Shikashi... Karera wa zen'in kōna no ka? Asoko kara tobi orite 'ishi' o hakai suru to wa... Ano Bucharati toiu nakama no tame ni...!! Heiki de...”—Scolippi, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5 - “There may yet be some purpose to the perilous road they face... Perhaps their hardships will serve some greater purpose, one that brings hope to someone somewhere. (彼らがこれから歩む『苦難の道』には何か意味があるのかもしれない……… 彼らの苦難が………どこかの誰かに希望として使わっていくような何か大いなる意味となる始まりなのかもしれない…)Karera ga kore kara ayumu "kunan no michi" ni wa nani ka imi ga aru no kamoshirenai... Karera no kunan ga... doko ka no dareka ni kibō to shite tsukawatte iku yō na nanika ōi naru imi to naru hajimari na no kamoshirenai...”—Scolippi, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5
- “I cannot pray for their safety, but I pray they are sleeping slaves... and that, when they wake, these sleeping slaves will sculpt something meaningful. (無事を祈ってはやれないが 彼らが『眠れる奴隷』であることを祈ろう……… 目覚めることで…何か意味のあることを切り開いて行く『眠れる奴隷』であることを……)Buji o inotte wa yarenai ga, karera ga "nemureru dorei" de aru koto o inorō... Mezameru koto de... nanika imi no aru koto o kiri hiraite iku "nemureru dorei" de aru koto o...”—Scolippi, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5
- In the European Spanish version of Netflix, Scolippi is mistakenly implied to be female in the description of GW Episode 39 via the use of feminine word endings (una usuaria de Stand llamada). The error is not present in the episode's subtitles.
- ↑ Chapter 590: Epilogue: "Sleeping Slaves", p.9
- ↑ Chapter 592: Sleeping Slaves, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5, p.12
- ↑ JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104