JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドレコーズ, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Daiyamondo Rekōzu) was a free mobile game for Android and iOS. The game was revealed in the January 2017 issue of Ultra Jump. It was released on February 20, 2017, in Japan.
On August 29, 2018, the game received a large update. The title was changed to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records Reversal (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドレコーズ
On September 17, 2019, it was announced that the game would no longer be available to play. The purchase of Diamond Coins was available until October 17, 2019, and the game's servers officially closed down on November 18, 2019.
Diamond Records was a Japan-only, 3D action gashapon style mobile game featuring content from the first five parts of JoJo: Phantom Blood, Battle Tendency, Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable and Vento Aureo. It is free-to-play with some in-app item purchases.[2]
Players are able to fight against other known characters from the series as they appear in the anime adaptation and a number of common enemies exclusive to each part such as Vampires, Zombies (both vampire-created and Justice's army), Nazi soldiers, or delinquents in beat 'em up style mob battles within a number of 3D arenas also taken from locations featured in the series.
Characters are used as Statues (スタチュー, Sutachū), in-game figures of characters from the series which have varying statistics in HP (health/hit points), ATK (attack), and DEF (defense). In accordance with their value, figures have levels going up to level 99 and a rarity value rated into stars, going from 3-Star to 6-Star rarity. 3-Star Statues are silver, 4-Star Statues are gold, 5-Star Statues are rainbow-colored, and 6-Star Statues are platinum.
Statues can be organized into a Team (チーム, Chīmu) of three, with one Statue being designated as leader.
If a duplicate statue is unlocked which the player already has, it combines with the statue in their collection and increases its stats.
DoDoDo Mode
Knocking out opponents fills gauges at the bottom of the screen, with character specific katakana such as オラオラオラ (OraOraOra), 無駄無駄無駄 (MudaMudaMuda), ドラララ (DoRaRaRa), or the generic beating of ドドドド (DoDoDoDo) surrounding a heart button/icon. Once at least a single gauge is completely filled, hitting said heart will activate DoDoDo Mode (ドドドモード, Dododo Mōdo). During DoDoDo mode, temporary benefits will be granted to the character while the screen darkens and changes to a deep magenta color. The effects vary depending on the element of the character using it. The gauge's maximum length can be determined by the Star level of the Statue, and can be upgraded.
Each character has an element, which is displayed as an icon next to their name.
(勇気, Yūki)
(闘志, Tōshi)
(知略, Chiryaku)
(団結, Danketsu)
(孤高, Kokō)
Every character comes with their own Growth Tree (成長ツリー, Seichō Tsurī) where the player can use materials to upgrade the Statue's stats and unlock skills. Certain areas of the Growth Tree are locked and require Expansion Keys in order to activate them.
There are regular skills which are shown by a blue icon and can be used infinitely with a cool-down. SP skills are shown in pink and have limited usage. Some SP skills also have cinematic cutscenes.
Statues can be equipped with special items called Minds (マインド, Maindo), which consist of an image from various scenes of the anime. They vary in rarity from 1-4 stars, and can boost stats, grant other bonuses under special conditions, or unlock exclusive skills for characters. Statues have a limit called CP to determine how many Minds can be equipped. One-star Minds have a copper frame, two-star Minds have a bronze frame, three-star Minds have a silver frame, and four-star Minds have a gold frame. Minds that can be equipped have levels from 1-10, with stronger effects when the level is increased. Equipping multiple copies of the same Mind on a Statue results in a Mind Link (マインドリンク Maindo Rinku), which increases the bonuses of the equipped Mind.
There is another type of Mind which can only be used once by combining with a Statue rather than staying in the player's box. These Minds are experienced multipliers and have different icons. One-star experience Minds are bronze, two-star Minds are silver, three-star Minds are gold, and four-star Minds are rainbow-colored.
- Medals (Elements: Blue Star, Red Heart, Green Diamond, Gold Chain, Purple Triskelion) held by Harvest (1-4 Stars)
- 1.2x Bonus EXP (5x Bonus EXP for Platinum Medal) is gained if the medal's element is the same as the Statue that it combines with.
- Minds with Harvest on them (1-4 Stars)
- 1.2x Bonus EXP is gained if these Minds are combined with the Minds that can be equipped.
- Trophies (1-4 Stars)
- 1.2x Bonus EXP (5x Bonus EXP for Platinum Trophy) is gained if combined with any Statue.
- Turtles (2-4 Stars)
- +1 Boost to a 3-star (Bronze Turtle), 4-star (Silver Turtle), 5-star (Golden Turtle), or 6-star (Rainbow Turtle) Statue.
There are a total of 1004 Minds that can be collected.
- AP allows missions to be played. There is a limit to the amount of AP that a player has, which can be increased by ranking up. AP can be restored by using a sandwich item or by spending a diamond coin.
- Materials are unlocked by completing quests. There are different items such as bracelets and necklaces, colored red, blue, and green. They are used in the Growth Tree to upgrade stats and unlock skills.
- Gold is used to level up Statues and Minds by additionally using Medals, Trophies, or other Minds.
- Friendship Points are obtained by using another player's Statue as support.
- 0 Friendship Points - Unlocks one Mind, but can only be obtained once per day (1 to 3 stars, with relative rarity). Resets daily at 4 a.m. Japan Standard Time (G.M.T. +9).
- 100 Friendship Points - Unlocks one common Mind (1 to 3 stars, with relative rarity).
- 1000 Friendship Points - Unlocks ten Minds (1 to 3 stars, with relative rarity).
- Diamond Coins are usually unlocked by completing challenges or by successfully achieving all three missions in the final battle of a story mode quest. The coins have multiple uses but are mainly for unlocking Statues and 3-4 star Minds.
- 1 Diamond Coin - Used to revive all characters to full health if the whole team is knocked out in battle. Can alternatively be used to fully recover AP or to increase the player's Mind box capacity by five. Can also alternatively be used to summon a random Statue or Mind that will be added to the player's collection once per day (resets daily at 4 a.m. Japan Standard Time [G.M.T. +9]).
- 3 Diamond Coins - Unlocks a random Mind that will be added to the player's collection.
- 5 Diamond Coins - Summons a random Statue that will be added to the player's collection.
- 30 Diamond Coins - Unlocks ten random Minds that will be added to the player's collection. In addition, three Rainbow Trophies will be rewarded.
- 50 Diamond Coins - Summons ten random Statues that will be added to the player's collection. The first summoned statue is a guaranteed 4 star statue or better.
In-App Purchases
Diamond Coins can also be purchased with real money.
Default Diamond Coin bundles
(February 20, 2017 - September 13, 2019)
- Diamond Coins A (1) - ¥120
- Diamond Coins B (6) - ¥480
- Diamond Coins C (12) - ¥840
- Diamond Coins D (30) - ¥2000
- Diamond Coins E (60) - ¥3800
- Diamond Coins F (90) - ¥5400
Diamond Coin Boost Campaign bundles
(February 23, 2018 - March 4, 2018)
- Diamond Coins G (6 → 8) - ¥480
- Diamond Coins H (12 → 16) - ¥840
- Diamond Coins I (30 → 40) - ¥2000
- Diamond Coins J (60 → 80) - ¥3800
- Diamond Coins K (90 → 120) - ¥5400
End of Service Diamond Coin bundle merge
(September 13, 2019 - October 17, 2019)
- Diamond Coins A (1) - ¥120
My Town
Diamond Records features a guild system, in which 15 players can join a player created "MyTown" team. Towns can be set to allow open registration or require admin approval. Town members are able to gather online in an avatar-based chat room and can participate in cooperative Town events.
Town Events
Players can participate together with their town, earning points by defeating enemies in unique event quests. These points unlock various rewards for all Town members after passing certain milestones, as well as individual rewards for the player who earned them. The first MyTown quest featured the Justice fight from Stardust Crusaders, with players and Towns unlocking various upgrade materials, as well as unique event Minds.
Playable Characters
There are 247 obtainable Statues of the following 91 characters.
10200 ATK
12600 DEF
12600 ATK
13200 DEF
9900 ATK
9450 DEF
15400 ATK
17600 DEF
13860 ATK
10710 DEF
9702 ATK
8379 DEF
11400 ATK
13200 DEF
12600 ATK
10200 DEF
20100 ATK
25200 DEF
25200 ATK
26700 DEF
23400 ATK
22050 DEF
28900 ATK
29300 DEF
27360 ATK
20610 DEF
22302 ATK
20079 DEF
23100 ATK
25800 DEF
25200 ATK
20100 DEF
9966 ATK
8607 DEF
10800 ATK
15000 DEF
13500 ATK
12900 DEF
9834 ATK
7599 DEF
10956 ATK
9462 DEF
11400 ATK
8208 DEF
16300 ATK
11700 DEF
13200 ATK
12600 DEF
22566 ATK
20307 DEF
23400 ATK
29400 DEF
27000 ATK
25500 DEF
23334 ATK
17499 DEF
23556 ATK
21162 DEF
25800 ATK
20808 DEF
30700 ATK
24300 DEF
26700 ATK
25200 DEF
10230 ATK
8835 DEF
13500 ATK
10500 DEF
11325 ATK
7701 DEF
16200 ATK
11000 DEF
7650 ATK
11250 DEF
11250 ATK
8550 DEF
13100 ATK
12500 DEF
10700 ATK
14900 DEF
22230 ATK
20835 DEF
27000 ATK
20400 DEF
25725 ATK
16701 DEF
30600 ATK
20000 DEF
16650 ATK
25650 DEF
23250 ATK
20550 DEF
26600 ATK
25100 DEF
23300 ATK
29300 DEF
9834 ATK
9387 DEF
11625 ATK
7905 DEF
15840 ATK
11880 DEF
14520 ATK
11220 DEF
20300 ATK
14600 DEF
13200 ATK
10200 DEF
13200 ATK
12600 DEF
14400 ATK
10800 DEF
23034 ATK
21387 DEF
26025 ATK
16905 DEF
30240 ATK
22680 DEF
28020 ATK
21120 DEF
34700 ATK
27200 DEF
26700 ATK
20100 DEF
26700 ATK
25200 DEF
26400 ATK
22800 DEF
6300 ATK
5700 DEF
10875 ATK
7395 DEF
8154 ATK
11325 DEF
12426 ATK
13080 DEF
11625 ATK
7440 DEF
16425 ATK
11826 DEF
9834 ATK
8493 DEF
7992 ATK
7992 DEF
12600 ATK
11400 DEF
25275 ATK
16395 DEF
20754 ATK
25725 DEF
24426 ATK
25080 DEF
23625 ATK
19440 DEF
30825 ATK
24426 DEF
22434 ATK
20193 DEF
19992 ATK
19992 DEF
7600 ATK
5900 DEF
8625 ATK
6555 DEF
9240 ATK
9702 DEF
9300 ATK
9300 DEF
12375 ATK
8415 DEF
14454 ATK
13797 DEF
16350 ATK
11118 DEF
13800 ATK
13800 DEF
16600 ATK
6500 DEF
16125 ATK
13755 DEF
21840 ATK
22302 DEF
21300 ATK
21300 DEF
26775 ATK
17415 DEF
27954 ATK
26397 DEF
30750 ATK
20118 DEF
25800 ATK
25800 DEF
20100 ATK
20600 DEF
26500 ATK
40700 DEF
20200 ATK
13700 DEF
17800 ATK
15400 DEF
16000 ATK
18800 DEF
15200 ATK
13300 DEF
16800 ATK
14800 DEF
17300 ATK
11000 DEF
34500 ATK
29600 DEF
40000 ATK
51500 DEF
34600 ATK
22700 DEF
29800 ATK
27400 DEF
28600 ATK
32300 DEF
27800 ATK
25000 DEF
30300 ATK
24700 DEF
30800 ATK
21800 DEF
16200 ATK
15400 DEF
17900 ATK
20800 DEF
19600 ATK
20300 DEF
26300 ATK
47900 DEF
17800 ATK
15400 DEF
19600 ATK
22000 DEF
4010 ATK
4010 DEF
17800 ATK
17000 DEF
28800 ATK
26200 DEF
31400 ATK
30700 DEF
32200 ATK
34700 DEF
39800 ATK
59600 DEF
30400 ATK
27100 DEF
34000 ATK
32800 DEF
14010 ATK
14010 DEF
31300 ATK
29600 DEF
5202 ATK
6426 DEF
5814 ATK
7650 DEF
7200 ATK
5184 DEF
6600 ATK
6300 DEF
6336 ATK
5472 DEF
5472 ATK
4608 DEF
5670 ATK
5670 DEF
5184 ATK
4896 DEF
7152 ATK
14226 DEF
11814 ATK
13650 DEF
21000 ATK
7584 DEF
14850 ATK
14100 DEF
14736 ATK
10272 DEF
12672 ATK
7908 DEF
7470 ATK
7470 DEF
7584 ATK
6696 DEF
7425 ATK
5049 DEF
6402 ATK
5529 DEF
5415 ATK
5700 DEF
5202 ATK
6732 DEF
6666 ATK
5757 DEF
7272 ATK
5454 DEF
6930 ATK
5985 DEF
5049 ATK
5346 DEF
21225 ATK
6849 DEF
14802 ATK
10329 DEF
10215 ATK
10500 DEF
7152 ATK
14982 DEF
15066 ATK
10557 DEF
13272 ATK
11454 DEF
15330 ATK
10785 DEF
7899 ATK
8646 DEF
5400 ATK
7500 DEF
5400 ATK
5100 DEF
6615 ATK
5355 DEF
8000 ATK
6000 DEF
6237 ATK
5049 DEF
5529 ATK
5529 DEF
7500 ATK
5400 DEF
7650 ATK
5508 DEF
12300 ATK
14700 DEF
7800 ATK
6900 DEF
14565 ATK
7455 DEF
16400 ATK
10800 DEF
14637 ATK
5649 DEF
10329 ATK
10329 DEF
21300 ATK
7800 DEF
21450 ATK
7908 DEF
6120 ATK
5814 DEF
9100 ATK
6230 DEF
5238 ATK
4947 DEF
6300 ATK
6600 DEF
7500 ATK
4800 DEF
6600 ATK
5700 DEF
7200 ATK
5400 DEF
6930 ATK
5355 DEF
13020 ATK
10014 DEF
22900 ATK
8630 DEF
7638 ATK
6747 DEF
14850 ATK
14700 DEF
13500 ATK
10800 DEF
15000 ATK
10500 DEF
13200 ATK
11400 DEF
15180 ATK
7305 DEF
6732 ATK
5814 DEF
7800 ATK
5304 DEF
7575 ATK
5151 DEF
6060 ATK
6363 DEF
8700 ATK
5916 DEF
5100 ATK
7500 DEF
5130 ATK
4845 DEF
5700 ATK
5700 DEF
12732 ATK
11814 DEF
16800 ATK
5904 DEF
19425 ATK
8001 DEF
12060 ATK
12363 DEF
22500 ATK
7716 DEF
7950 ATK
19350 DEF
7530 ATK
6645 DEF
10500 ATK
10500 DEF
6600 ATK
5100 DEF
4998 ATK
6174 DEF
7500 ATK
5700 DEF
6237 ATK
6534 DEF
5643 ATK
5940 DEF
5880 ATK
5586 DEF
5292 ATK
7350 DEF
6534 ATK
6237 DEF
11400 ATK
9900 DEF
5598 ATK
14574 DEF
13500 ATK
11700 DEF
14637 ATK
15534 DEF
9843 ATK
12840 DEF
12780 ATK
9786 DEF
7692 ATK
21150 DEF
14784 ATK
14037 DEF
7875 ATK
5355 DEF
8625 ATK
5520 DEF
6600 ATK
5100 DEF
6732 ATK
6426 DEF
4845 ATK
5130 DEF
5700 ATK
4800 DEF
5253 ATK
6798 DEF
5472 ATK
7200 DEF
21675 ATK
7155 DEF
22425 ATK
7320 DEF
14850 ATK
7050 DEF
15732 ATK
14826 DEF
6645 ATK
7530 DEF
11700 ATK
10800 DEF
5853 ATK
15798 DEF
12672 ATK
14700 DEF
5304 ATK
6864 DEF
7125 ATK
4845 DEF
5700 ATK
5985 DEF
5454 ATK
7575 DEF
7950 ATK
5088 DEF
4998 ATK
5292 DEF
6534 ATK
5643 DEF
7128 ATK
5346 DEF
7254 ATK
15114 DEF
18975 ATK
8145 DEF
11700 ATK
11985 DEF
7854 ATK
21375 DEF
13950 ATK
11088 DEF
6798 ATK
7692 DEF
14934 ATK
10443 DEF
21528 ATK
7146 DEF
5292 ATK
5292 DEF
5049 ATK
7425 DEF
6237 ATK
5940 DEF
6400 ATK
4900 DEF
6468 ATK
5586 DEF
5700 ATK
6600 DEF
7575 ATK
5454 DEF
6111 ATK
5820 DEF
11292 ATK
11292 DEF
6849 ATK
21225 DEF
12237 ATK
11940 DEF
15400 ATK
5500 DEF
14868 ATK
10386 DEF
10800 ATK
14400 DEF
21375 ATK
7554 DEF
13011 ATK
12720 DEF
5670 ATK
7560 DEF
6360 ATK
6360 DEF
8975 ATK
5500 DEF
5346 ATK
7128 DEF
9000 ATK
9000 DEF
14100 ATK
14400 DEF
9900 ATK
8500 DEF
11300 ATK
7200 DEF
14370 ATK
12060 DEF
15960 ATK
10560 DEF
22775 ATK
7300 DEF
7146 ATK
21528 DEF
15000 ATK
15000 DEF
27900 ATK
16200 DEF
18300 ATK
13300 DEF
18800 ATK
10500 DEF
4488 ATK
3876 DEF
5325 ATK
3408 DEF
3876 ATK
4488 DEF
3780 ATK
5250 DEF
3366 ATK
3564 DEF
3762 ATK
4158 DEF
3618 ATK
5025 DEF
3648 ATK
3648 DEF
7200 ATK
11400 DEF
9438 ATK
7026 DEF
25325 ATK
5408 DEF
7026 ATK
9438 DEF
23780 ATK
7250 DEF
5016 ATK
5514 DEF
5412 ATK
11808 DEF
5568 ATK
12675 DEF
6798 ATK
6798 DEF
15200 ATK
19400 DEF
5175 ATK
3726 DEF
4221 ATK
4422 DEF
4422 ATK
3819 DEF
4488 ATK
3468 DEF
5100 ATK
3468 DEF
3417 ATK
5025 DEF
3315 ATK
4095 DEF
3705 ATK
4875 DEF
4221 ATK
3417 DEF
12825 ATK
5676 DEF
9171 ATK
9672 DEF
9372 ATK
6969 DEF
9738 ATK
4518 DEF
12750 ATK
5118 DEF
5067 ATK
12675 DEF
4365 ATK
9045 DEF
6705 ATK
7875 DEF
9171 ATK
4467 DEF
3990 ATK
3990 DEF
4158 ATK
4356 DEF
4950 ATK
3168 DEF
4140 ATK
3933 DEF
3564 ATK
4950 DEF
3762 ATK
3960 DEF
4554 ATK
3933 DEF
4047 ATK
4047 DEF
4356 ATK
4158 DEF
11990 ATK
11990 DEF
9108 ATK
9606 DEF
8700 ATK
6918 DEF
12140 ATK
11933 DEF
5514 ATK
12600 DEF
5412 ATK
5910 DEF
12554 ATK
11933 DEF
12047 ATK
12047 DEF
9606 ATK
9108 DEF
4554 ATK
4347 DEF
3312 ATK
5175 DEF
3570 ATK
3780 DEF
3570 ATK
4620 DEF
3591 ATK
4725 DEF
3990 ATK
4620 DEF
5025 ATK
3417 DEF
3672 ATK
5100 DEF
5175 ATK
3312 DEF
9804 ATK
9297 DEF
7062 ATK
8925 DEF
5570 ATK
5780 DEF
4620 ATK
9870 DEF
7941 ATK
9225 DEF
11990 ATK
12620 DEF
12675 ATK
5367 DEF
5622 ATK
12750 DEF
8925 ATK
7062 DEF
4356 ATK
3762 DEF
3360 ATK
3990 DEF
3705 ATK
3705 DEF
4260 ATK
4260 DEF
4200 ATK
3300 DEF
4290 ATK
3705 DEF
3819 ATK
4422 DEF
5100 ATK
3672 DEF
4032 ATK
3840 DEF
9306 ATK
6912 DEF
5360 ATK
5990 DEF
6855 ATK
6855 DEF
12260 ATK
12260 DEF
9450 ATK
4350 DEF
9240 ATK
6855 DEF
6969 ATK
9372 DEF
12750 ATK
5622 DEF
8232 ATK
8040 DEF
3876 ATK
3264 DEF
5250 ATK
3990 DEF
4410 ATK
4200 DEF
9300 ATK
9700 DEF
6099 ATK
7062 DEF
6800 ATK
7900 DEF
9100 ATK
11300 DEF
9000 ATK
5800 DEF
11876 ATK
11264 DEF
25250 ATK
5990 DEF
12410 ATK
12200 DEF
29300 ATK
11700 DEF
9249 ATK
12012 DEF
8800 ATK
27900 DEF
29100 ATK
13300 DEF
29000 ATK
7800 DEF
2244 ATK
2772 DEF
2850 ATK
2052 DEF
2772 ATK
2646 DEF
2244 ATK
2904 DEF
2838 ATK
2451 DEF
2451 ATK
2838 DEF
2091 ATK
2214 DEF
3144 ATK
5622 DEF
7050 ATK
3402 DEF
5772 ATK
5496 DEF
3144 ATK
5904 DEF
5688 ATK
4401 DEF
4401 ATK
5688 DEF
3291 ATK
3564 DEF
2268 ATK
3150 DEF
2223 ATK
2223 DEF
2565 ATK
3375 DEF
3300 ATK
2376 DEF
2646 ATK
2772 DEF
2772 ATK
2394 DEF
2838 ATK
2193 DEF
3618 ATK
7350 DEF
4173 ATK
4173 DEF
3065 ATK
8375 DEF
7500 ATK
3726 DEF
5496 ATK
5772 DEF
5622 ATK
4344 DEF
5838 ATK
3093 DEF
3225 ATK
2193 DEF
2142 ATK
3150 DEF
2040 ATK
2520 DEF
2646 ATK
2142 DEF
3375 ATK
2160 DEF
2214 ATK
3075 DEF
2622 ATK
2622 DEF
7375 ATK
3393 DEF
3342 ATK
7350 DEF
2940 ATK
5370 DEF
5496 ATK
3042 DEF
8375 ATK
2660 DEF
3564 ATK
7275 DEF
4622 ATK
4622 DEF
2706 ATK
2583 DEF
3036 ATK
2898 DEF
2772 ATK
2142 DEF
2904 ATK
2772 DEF
2142 ATK
2772 DEF
2166 ATK
2850 DEF
2622 ATK
2208 DEF
5706 ATK
5433 DEF
8036 ATK
3398 DEF
5772 ATK
3042 DEF
5904 ATK
5622 DEF
3042 ATK
5772 DEF
4716 ATK
5475 DEF
4872 ATK
4458 DEF
3150 ATK
2142 DEF
2322 ATK
3225 DEF
2772 ATK
2904 DEF
2706 ATK
2337 DEF
2280 ATK
2280 DEF
2600 ATK
2000 DEF
2640 ATK
2280 DEF
7350 ATK
3492 DEF
3672 ATK
7425 DEF
5622 ATK
5904 DEF
5556 ATK
4287 DEF
4230 ATK
4230 DEF
5600 ATK
2900 DEF
5490 ATK
4230 DEF
2394 ATK
2772 DEF
2457 ATK
2340 DEF
5250 ATK
3990 DEF
7100 ATK
4800 DEF
13100 ATK
22700 DEF
13100 ATK
20200 DEF
2700 ATK
2700 DEF
4344 ATK
5622 DEF
4932 ATK
4815 DEF
13500 ATK
12240 DEF
20100 ATK
5800 DEF
20100 ATK
23700 DEF
20100 ATK
21200 DEF
4700 ATK
4700 DEF
Non-Playable Characters
Unused Statues

Many characters in Diamond Records have unused variants that were never brought to the game during its active service.
Animation and VFX Files
- 3☆ Dire
- 3☆, 4☆, and 6☆ Straizo
- 3☆, 4☆, and Alternate 6☆ Dio Brando (Phantom Blood)
- 3☆ and 4☆ Wang Chan
- 3☆ and 4☆ Bruford
- 3☆ Tarkus
- 6☆ Caesar Zeppeli (Unity)
- 3☆ and 5☆ Messina Assist
- 5☆ Santana (Solitary)
- 3☆ and 4☆ Esidisi
- 3☆ and 4☆ Kars
- 3☆ and 4☆ Ultimate Kars
- 3☆ and 4☆ Wired Beck
- 3☆ and 4☆ Cyborg Stroheim
- 6☆ Muhammad Avdol (Fighting Spirit)
- 6☆ Muhammad Avdol (Unity)
- 3☆ and 4☆ Gray Fly
- 3☆ and 4☆ Imposter Captain Tennille
- 3☆ and 4☆ Devo
- 5☆ Rubber Soul (Solitary)
- 5☆ Hol Horse (Tactical)
- 5☆ Enya the Hag (Unity)
- Playable Steely Dan Assist
- 5☆ N'Doul (Tactical)
- 5☆ Boingo Assist
- 3☆ and 4☆ Chaka
- 3☆ and 4☆ Mariah
- Playable 4☆ Telence T. D'Arby Assist
- 3☆ and 4☆ DIO
- 3☆ and 4☆ High DIO
- 5☆ Josuke Higashikata Assist
- 4☆ Koichi Hirose (ACT1)
- 5☆ Koichi Hirose (ACT1) (Tactical)
- Alternate 3☆ Koichi Hirose (ACT2)
- 4☆ Koichi Hirose (ACT3)
- 5☆ Tonio Trussardi Assist
- Alternate 3☆ and 4☆ Yuya Fungami
- 6☆ Anjuro Katagiri
- 6☆ Keicho Nijimura
- 6☆ Akira Otoishi (Fighting Spirit)
- 3☆ and 4☆ Yoshikage Kira
- 3☆ and 4☆ Kosaku Kawajiri
- 3☆ and 4☆ Terunosuke Miyamoto
- Alternate 4☆ and 6☆ Giorno Giovanna
- 4☆ and 5☆ Bruno Bucciarati
- 4☆ and 5☆ Leone Abbacchio
- 4☆ and Alternate 6☆ Guido Mista
- 4☆ and 5☆ Narancia Ghirga
- 5☆ Ghiaccio
- Playable Formaggio, Illuso, and Pesci
- 5☆ Shigekiyo Yangu (Fighting Spirit)
Diamond Records includes numerous playable locations from parts 1-5, many of which having multiple variations depending on which characters are present in the level. Every daytime stage includes a nighttime variant that will appear when characters such as vampires, zombies, and Pillar Men are present.
The main mode of Diamond Records features quests based on events from the animation, but also has daily upgrade material quests, and special event quests. Each quest has three objectives which grant the player with various rewards for each that is achieved. The default objectives are: Complete the quest, All team members survive, Use at least one SP.
Story Quests
Story quests all have the same three default missions aside from the boss quests, which are the last quest of each story part. The objectives of the boss quests are listed below.
Daily Quests
Daily Quests give out experience-boosting Minds and materials as rewards for their completion. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday - All/Gray
- Tuesday - Red (Fighting Spirit)
- Wednesday - Blue (Courage)
- Thursday - Green (Tactical)
- Friday - Gold
- Saturday - Purple (Solitary)
- Sunday - Yellow (Unity)
Before February 4, 2018:
- Monday - Green (Tactical)
- Tuesday - Red (Fighting Spirit)
- Wednesday - Blue (Courage)
- Thursday - Green (Tactical)
- Friday - Red (Fighting Spirit)
- Saturday - Blue (Courage)
- Sunday - All/Gray
Special Event Quests
Diamond Records features nearly constant special events, in which players are able to earn special rewards through game play, usually by collecting specific items from defeated enemies. These collectibles can either be exchanged directly for rewards, including Diamond Coins, upgrade materials, and Minds, or can unlock the same kinds of rewards at specific totals as they accumulate.
- ↑ Characters that only appear in images reused from the anime. The avatars for these characters are not the specific images used in the game and are only for illustrative purposes.