JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スターダストクルセイダース, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu) est la deuxième saison de l'adaptation animée de la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventureproduite par le studio David Production.
La saison adapte la troisième partie de la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, est longue de 48 épisodes mais coupée en deux sous-saisons longues de 24 épisodes. La seconde sous-saison est nommée Stardust Crusaders: Bataille en Egypte (スターダストクルセイダース エジプト編, Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu Ejiputo-hen).
Stardust Crusaders est disponible sur les plateformes de streaming Crunchyroll et ADN qui ont obtenu une licence de diffusion de l'anime en version originale sous-titrée.
Une version doublée en anglais a été confirmée le 2 juillet 2017 pour une diffusion sur le chaîne télévisée américaine "Adult Swim" de Toonami.[2] La version en anglais de la saison a été diffusée du 29 juillet 2017 au 11 août 2018, suivie immédiatement par la version doublée de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.
Le possédé (悪霊にとりつかれた男Akuryō ni Toritsukareta Otoko)
: 4 avril 2014
En 1983 au large des Iles Canaries, des chasseurs de trésors remontent le cercueil de DIO des fonds marins. On retrouvera leur bateau plus tard, manquant de ses passagers.
Quatre ans plus tard, Joseph Joestar part à Tokyo voir son petit-fils Jotaro Kujo qui s'enferme dans une cellule de commissariat car il croit être possédé par un esprit maléfique. Joseph et son ami le diseur de bonne aventure Egyptien Mohammed Abdul expliquent à Jotaro ce que sont les Stands, des incarnations humanoïdes de l'esprit combatif. Abdul possède un Stand manipulant le feu nommé Magician's Red, tandis que le Stand de Jotaro est très fort. Plus tard, Joseph révèle avec son stand divinateur Hermit Purple que DIO est revenu et qu'il a attaché sa tête au corps de Jonathan.
Jotaro est sceptique sur l'histoire de Joseph. Cependant, Jotaro se fait ensuite attaquer à l'école par Noriaki Kakyoin, un assassin de DIO. Kakyoin possède un Stand nommé Hierophant Green qui se déroule en tentacules et qui tire des émeraudes. En colère car Kakyoin s'est attaqué à une infirmière innocente, Jotaro le vainc facilement. Chez lui, les héros découvrent que DIO contrôle Kakyoin avec un bourgeon de chair planté dans sa tête.
Grâce à la précision de Star Platinum et à ses nerfs d'acier, Jotaro extrait le bourgeon de chair et libère Kakyoin de l'emprise de DIO. Malheureusement, la mère de Jotaro Holy tombe malade car la présence de DIO rend son Stand hors de contrôle. Jotaro décide d'accepter la demande de Joseph de l'accompagner pour vaincre DIO et sauver sa mère. Les héros découvrent que DIO se cache en Egypte et prennent un avion en direction du Caire. Cependant, DIO les surveille et a déjà envoyé un assassin à leurs trousses.
Les héros sont attaqués dans l'avion par Tower of Gray, une sorte de lucane volant à une vitesse extraordinaire et ayant la langue acérée. Comme Star Platinum et Magician's Red sont trop dangereux à manier dans un avion, Kakyoin se charge de l'ennemi. Il feint d'être faible et empale le Stand par surprise avec les tentacules de Hierophant Green. Cependant, le manieur a saboté l'avion et les héros se retrouvent à Hong Kong. Là, ils rencontrent leur prochain adversaire : un Français avec un Stand a l'allure de chevalier.
Le Français se présente comme Jean Pierre Polnareff dont le Silver Chariot manie l'épée avec une grande dextérité. Polnareff défie Abdul en combat singulier. Malgré la dextérité, l'armure et la grande vitesse de Chariot, Abdul est plus intelligent. Par deux fois, il prend Polnareff par surprise et le vainc. Polnareff capitule et Jotaro lui enlève son bourgeon de chair. Polnareff décide d'accompagner les héros car il est à la recherche d'un manieur de Stand avec deux mains gauches qui a tué sa soeur.
Les héros embarquent dans un navire apprêté par la Fondation Speedwagon. Pendant le voyage, ils découvrent un passager clandestin, une petite fille. Ils sont aussi attaqué par un Stand aquatique et Jotaro découvre que c'est le capitaine qui est l'ennemi. Jotaro est entrainé dans l'eau où il combat et vainc finalement Dark Blue Moon. Le capitaine meurt, mais il a saboté le navire et force tout le monde dans les canots de sauvetage.
DIO discute avec sa confidante Enya, une vieille manieuse de Stand qui explique qu'elle a envoyée sept manieurs à la poursuite des héros. Pendant ce temps, les héros rencontre un navire fantôme, un cargo sans passagers mis à part un orangoutan en cage. Les héros savent qu'un ennemi est proche mais ne le trouvent pas. Jotaro découvre que l'ennemi est l'orangoutan, dont le navire lui même est le Stand, Strength. Le singe manie les murs de Strength rien que par la pensée. Jotaro le vainc et les héros sont finalement secourus par les autorités.
Les héros atteignent Singapour et s'installent dans un hôtel. Seul dans sa chambre, Polnareff est attaqué par un shaman indien nommé Devo le Maudit. Polnareff blesse Devo et le fait battre en retraite. Cependant, le Stand de Devo, Ebony Devil, prend contrôle d'une poupée qui piège Polnareff sous le lit et essaie de le tuer. En brisant un miroir, Polnareff peut regarder au-dessus du lit et parvient détruire la poupée, tuant Devo du même coup. Pendant ce temps, Joseph utilise son Hermit Purple et découvre que Kakyoin pourrait être un traître.
Jotaro, Kakyoin et la petite fille se promènent dans les rues de Singapour. Cependant, Jotaro découvre alors que "Kakyoin" est un autre mercenaire déguisé nommé Rubber Soul. Rubber Soul possède un blob corrosif nommé Yellow Temperance que même Star Platinum ne peut pas endommager. Ainsi, Jotaro le traîne dans la mer pour le forcer à renvoyer son Stand. Malgré une dernière attaque, Jotaro se débarrasse de Rubber Soul. Les héros prennent donc le train en direction du continent.
Les héros arrivent à Calcutta, où ils font l'expérience du choc des cultures. Dans un restaurant, Polnareff voit Hanged Man, le Stand de l'homme qui a tué sa soeur, dans un miroir. Pressé de la venger, Polnareff s'en va seul trouver son ennemi. Pendant ce temps, le mercenaire Hol Horse rencontre J. Geil, le fils d'Enya. Dans les rues de Calcutta, Hol Horse confronte Polnareff et le tue presque avec son Stand revolver, Emperor. Abdul intervient mais Hanged Man le poignarde depuis une vitre et Hol Horse tue Abdul d'une balle à la tête.
Malgré son chagrin, Polnareff doit fuir avec Kakyoin. Les deux essaient de résoudre l'énigme du pouvoir de Hanged Man. Celui-ci les a poursuivi dans leur camionnette. Lorsqu'il attaque, Kakyoin est forcé de faire s'écraser le véhicule. Cependant, Polnareff voit que Hanged se déplace de surface en surface et le blesse. Les deux retrouvent J. Geil qui essaie de cacher son Stand dans les yeux d'un foule de mendiants, mais Kakyoin le piège et Polnareff peut en finir avec lui. Hol Horse s'échappe grâce à une fille qu'il a charmé et Joseph se retrouve avec une tumeur au bras.
Les héros se rendent avec Varanasi accompagnés de Nena, la fille que Hol Horse a séduit mais qui est aussi un ennemi caché. Joseph part seul se faire opérer de sa tumeur, mais découvre que c'est en fait Empress, un Stand qui parasite les corps. Comme Joseph n'a pas de bonnes capacités de combat, il a du mal contre Empress qui continue de grandir et de devenir plus fort. En utilisant Hermit Purple, il découvre un baril de goudron, immobilise Empress dedans, et parvient à la tuer, tuant Nena sur le coup. Les héros partent de Varanasi en voiture.
Sur la route vers le Pakistan, les héros rencontrent une voiture au conducteur suspect et hostile. Méfiants, ils suivent la voiture mais sont leurrés dans un endroit isolé. L'ennemi est le conducteur de Wheel of Fortune, une voiture possédée par un pouvoir Stand qui est très puissant. La voiture asperge Jotaro avec de l'essence et créé une étincelle pour le brûler, mais Jotaro creuse en fait un tunnel pour attaquer l'ennemi par surprise et le vaincre. Pendant ce temps, Enya décide de partir se débarrasser elle-même des héros.
Les héros arrivent au Pakistan et interrompent leur voyage car le brouillard se lève. Les héros se retrouvent dans une ville morne et terrifiante, plongée dans le brouillard. Une vieille dame sympathique les accueille dans son hôtel mais c'est en fait Enya qui tend son piège malgré les soupçons de Jotaro. Alors que les héros se reposent dans leurs chambres, Hol Horse débarque et Enya l'attaque, l'accusant d'avoir abandonné J. Geil. Elle utilise son Stand de brouillard Justice pour contrôler Hol Horse comme une marionnette et lui fait se tirer dessus, mais le bruit attire Polnareff.
Polnareff engage la conversation avec Enya, qui cache Hol Horse et essaie de garder sa couverture intacte. Elle attaque finalement Polnareff et l'accule. Enya prend le contrôle de sa langue et le force à nettoyer les latrines avec. Cependant, Jotaro intervient et démasque Enya qui se décide à attaquer de front. Même si Star Platinum ne peut pas se défendre contre Justice, Jotaro fait inspirer Star Platinum pour qu'il aspire le brouillard dans ses poumons et étouffe Enya, qui est vaincue. Hol Horse est toujours vivant et s'enfuit.
Les héros arrivent à Karachi. Là, ils rencontrent Steely Dan qui tue Enya en activant un bourgeon de chair qui était cachée dans son cerveau. Malgré tout, Enya refuse de révéler le pouvoir de DIO. Les héros veulent attaquer Dan, mais ce dernier révèle que son Stand microscopique Lovers a déjà infiltré le cerveau de Joseph et que Joseph ressentira toute douleur auquel Dan pourrait être soumis. Mis à part Jotaro, qui reste et devient temporairement le faire-valoir de Dan, les héros prennent la fuite et trouvent une télé qui observe dans le cerveau de Joseph. Polnareff et Kakyoin peuvent rétrécir leurs Stands et les envoyer dans le crâne de Joseph.
Jotaro finds himself the temporary slave of Steely Dan. The assassin finds ever more inventive ways to humiliate Jotaro and even uses him as a scapegoat to steal some jewelry. Despite all that, Jotaro binds his time for the eventual revenge. Meanwhile, Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green have reached the brain. The Lovers proves itself a more formidable Stand than expected and uses flesh clones to confuse its foes. However, Hierophant Green deploys its tentacles to detect the real Lovers, which is wounded and flees. Jotaro sees Steely Dan's injury and understands that the tables have turned. Easily capturing The Lovers and stopping Steely Dan from taking a little girl hostage, Jotaro delivers his most violent beatdown yet to the enemy.
The Joestar Group reaches the United Arab Emirates. Planning to cross the Arabian desert, Joseph decides to use camels as transportation. Playing the expert, Joseph humiliates himself when he tries to teach the group to ride a camel. Departing into the desert, the group soon realizes that the Sun is still up despite their watch telling it's night time. The Sun above their head is revealed to be a fake Sun Stand, which is incredibly powerful and bombards the group with lasers. They are thus forced to hide under a rock and find the enemy while suffering the scorching heat of the Sun. Eventually, all but Joseph begin to madly laugh, but they then reassure the old man, having found the enemy who has been hiding behind a mirror. Jotaro then quickly throws a stone at the enemy and defeats him, revealing the night sky.
Kakyoin finds himself in a strange theme park and is attacked by a new Stand: Death Thirteen. Woken up by Polnareff in the middle of the attack, Kakyoin cannot remember the dream he's just had. Already up, Joseph has decided to lend a plane to fly above the desert and accepts to take a seemingly sick baby with him. In the sky, Kakyoin and Polnareff fall asleep again and are attacked by Death Thirteen. Kakyoin tries to cut his arm, but the Stand explains that he can't force himself to wake up. However, he struggles so violently his actual body begins to disturb Joseph, causing a crash. As the group prepares to camp for the night, Kakyoin sees that the words "BABY STAND" have been cut on his arm, caused when he was dreaming. The young man begins to suspect the baby.
When the baby stabs a scorpion that was approaching his basket, Kakyoin sees him and begins to accuse him of being an enemy. However, the group judges that Kakyoin is losing his mind and when he summons Hierophant Green, Polnareff knocks him down. Everyone eventually falls asleep and becomes the playthings of Death Thirteen who amuses himself at their expenses. However, Kakyoin comes in, having kept Hierophant Green because he fell unconscious having it out. Despite Death Thirteen's tricks, Hierophant Green invades the enemy Stand and forces its User to cancel the nightmare and heal his injuries. Nobody but Kakyoin remembers Death Thirteen, and the young man gets his revenge by forcing the baby to eat his own poop.
The Joestar Group has reached the Red Sea. However, they take a detour to a lone island where Joseph visits an old man stated be Avdol's father. Reminded of his comrade, Polnareff then wanders alone, stumbling upon a lamp. The lamp contains a Stand named Judgement who plays the genie and grants the Frenchman three wishes. Enthusiastic, Polnareff asks for a treasure and then asks for his sister Sherry and for Avdol to come back from the dead. Judgement seemingly grants all three wishes, and Polnareff sees Sherry hiding in the high herb. Unfortunately, Sherry is revealed to be a golem made of earth that attacks Polnareff.
Polnareff has been tricked by the Stand Judgement into wishing his sister Sherry to come back, but she is revealed to be a mere clay doll that attacks Polnareff. Soon Avdol's clay doll also comes to attack him. Unable to fight the golems resembling his loved ones and comrades, Polnareff lets himself at their mercy but the real Advol suddenly comes in and attacks with Magician's Red. Revealing that he merely faked his death in India, Avdol easily defeats Judgement and its hidden User. When the group gathers, Polnareff is shocked to learn that everyone knew about Avdol, just that they didn't trust him with the secret. Avdol reveals a submarine which he's bought and which will allow them to slip into Egypt undetected by the enemy.
The group starts their underwater trip under the Red Sea. Joseph takes the opportunity to call Suzi Q to give news of him, although he pretends nothing is wrong and goads her into not checking up on Holy. Soon after, the group realizes an enemy Stand is among them: High Priestess, a Stand that can transform into any non-organic material, begins to attack the group. Even Jotaro has trouble dealing with her and she begins to destroy the submarine, threatening to imprison the heroes at the bottom of the sea. When Suzi Q calls again the submarine, Jotaro picks up the phone to reassure his grandmother before evacuating the submarine with the others.
Under the Red Sea, the group is threatened when their submarine is sabotaged by High Priestess. The group uses the scuba equipment to evacue the sinking sub, harassed by High Priestess at the same time. Although they seemingly let it inside the submarine, High Priestess fuses with the ocean floor to become a giant head swallowing all the heroes. Fortunately, Jotaro's Star Platinum has finally a big enough target and smashes all of High Priestess' teeth, defeating its unseen User. The group has finally reached Egypt and prepares for the last stretch of their crusade.
Having reached Egypt, the group waits for a Speedwagon Foundation envoy, which arrives by helicopter to deliver supplies and a new "ally": an irreverent dog named Iggy whose Stand The Fool manipulates sand. The group also learns that 9 unknown Stand Users await them in Egypt, the first of which is trailing them. Despite his blindness, the Stand User named N'Doul is confident he can take the heroes on. After the departure of the Speedwagon Foundation, they find that the helicopter has crashed and that the pilots seemingly drowned. A new watery Stand attacks them and slashes Kakyoin's eyes. When they try to flee, the enemy Stand, Geb, destroys the car and everyone is thrown out, except Iggy who detected the attack thanks to his nose and got out beforehand.
The fight against Geb continues. The watery Stand can hide beneath the sand, but the group realizes that the User can only attacks those emitting noises. Avdol fails to bait Geb out and is defeated. Thus, Jotaro takes action and forces Iggy to stay with him, as he's noticed that Iggy's nose allowed him to detect the attack. Ensues a tense back and forth during which Jotaro uses Iggy to glide toward N'Doul while N'Doul relentlessly harasses Jotaro. The students nonetheless reaches his foe and wins a last Stand duel, but N'Doul commits suicide to prevent himself from revealing DIO's secret ability although he explains the Egypt 9 Glory Gods to him. Jotaro then buries N'Doul, honoring his strength and willpower.
The group arrives in Aswan and put Kakyoin in the hospital, trailed by a strange duo. Oingo the big brother can transform into anyone while Boingo the little brother can predict the future with his comic book, Tohoth. Using Tohth to see the near future, the Oingo Boingo Brothers try to poison Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff but fail to do so when Iggy causes a scene. Later, the Brothers predict that Jotaro will be killed by a bomb and thus Oingo tries to put a bomb inside of Joseph's car. However, he is surprised by Joseph and Polnareff and forced to fake being Jotaro riding toward the hospital with the bomb near him. Suspecting that he may be the one getting killed, Oingo must juggle between the bomb and the group's antics while trying not to raise suspicion. However, both brothers end up being taken out by the bomb and then beaten up by the men of a man they mugged earlier, with none of the heroes knowing about the attempts on their lives.
While Kakyoin must rest a few days in Aswan, the rest of the group go down the Nile, trailed by yet another enemy. This enemy is Anubis, a sentient sword Stand that brainwashes a local boy named Chaka into pursuing the heroes. In Kom Ombo, Chaka confronts Polnareff and a sworfight ensues, Chaka being an amateur but the powerful swords making him more than a match for the Frenchman. Polnareff closely wins by revealing his secret sword shooting technique. Taking the sword with him, he rejoins the group and later goes to the barber with Jotaro. Khan the barber ends up being brainwashed and attacks Polnareff.
The fight against Khan begins. Polnareff understands that the real enemy is the sword itself, but Anubis reveals that it learns from fighting his enemies continuously and thus effortlessly defeats Silver Chariot. Jotaro comes to the rescue and wins with difficulty but, by sheer bad luck, Polnareff ends up being controlled by Anubis. Forced to face a Silver Chariot/Anubis combination, Jotaro loses the swordfight, Anubis stabbing into Jotaro's guts, but the delinquent uses this opportunity to destroy the blade into tiny pieces. A last assassination attempt by Anubis is foiled thanks to Iggy, and the sword Stand finishes at the bottom of the Nile.
Back in Aswan, Kakyoin receives the visit of doctors from the Speedwagon to heal his eyes faster. Meanwhile, the Joestar Group has reached Luxor. Momentarily isolated because he went to the bathroom, experiencing the peculiar dry toilets of Egypt, Joseph stumbles upon an electrical socket and touches it, getting shocked for his trouble. Unbeknownst to him, he's fallen under the spell of Mariah of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods and her Stand Bastet. The next day, Joseph realizes that he's been magnetized and all metallic objects now fly toward him. Because he woke up late, he is alone and meets Mariah whose wires entangle themselves inside an elevator's mechanism and threaten to crush his hands. Avdol comes in to save Joseph, but he too has been magnetized by Bastet. Trying to pursue Mariah, the duo realize that they are now stuck to each other.
The fight against Mariah and Bastet continues. Joseph and Avdol have been magnetized and are now stuck to each other. While they try to separate themselves, the two end up getting in compromising positions and publicly humiliated. They ultimately manage to escape their predicament only to fall onto train tracks with a train approaching. Mariah has been observing them and revels in her impending victory as she assumes that they cannot escape the tracks nor would think of destroying them and endanger the passengers. But instead, Avdol digs a hole underneath the tracks, allowing the duo to survive the passage of the train and they confront Mariah who bombards them with nuts and bolts before she flees. Joseph and Avdol resume their chase, but the magnetism has grown to the point even cars are attracted to them. Despite surrounding her, Joseph and Avdol appear to be losing. However, the two them rush toward each other and return the magnetism against Mariah by crushing her under the mass of the metallic objects stuck to them. Meanwhile, Jotaro and Polnareff are trailed by another of DIO's goons, Alessi.
Alessi of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods trails Polnareff and Jotaro, but Polnareff eventually notices the assassin. Confronting him alone, Polnareff seemingly gets the upper hand against Alessi's shadow Stand and pursues his enemy in the alleys of Luxor. However, Polnareff eventually notices that he's been de-aged into a child. As a child, Polnareff is much weaker and Alessi comes to attack. The young Silver Chariot isn't a match for Alessi's Stand, Sethan, but by chance, its sword hits Alessi's neck, forcing him to flee. The young Polnareff then meets a sympathetic woman mistaking him for a lost child and takes him into her home. The woman also cleans Polnareff, who enjoys himself. However, Alessi breaks into the house to attack them.
Alessi makes the woman disappear and forces Polnareff into a bathtub full of water with the intent of drowning him. Like an impertinent child, Polnareff comes up with a plan and defecates to kick his feces into Alessi's face. Disgusted, Alessi lets go. Polnareff discovers with horror that the woman has been de-aged into a foetus that will soon die. Taking her with him, Polnareff takes refuges inside of a room without exits with Alessi forcing the door open with an axe. Polnareff cleverly uses a mirror plunged into an aquarium to create an unlikely hiding spot and attacks Alessi who falls down a window. Incidentally, Alessi meets Jotaro and de-ages him but even as a child, Jotaro is tough enough to beat him down. Taken out, Alessi's power is cancelled, allowing Jotaro and Polnareff to finish him up. The group finally gathers, and Joseph creates another spirit photography that shows DIO's lair.
The group has arrived in Cairo. Having a photography of DIO's hiding place but unfamiliar with the building, the group asks for information across the city and finally meet a man that seems to know about the house; unfortunately the man asks them to bet for the information. Polnareff recklessly accepts to bet on which of two pieces of meat a nearby cat will take first and loses, and the man, named Daniel J. D'arby, steals Polnareff's soul with his Stand Osiris. D'Arby reveals himself to be working for DIO. The group is now forced to bet their souls to take back Polnareff and Joseph steps in. Joseph challenges D'Arby to put coins inside of a full glass to see whoever makes the glass overflow first. Although the old man does his best to destabilize D'Arby and cheat, D'Arby is the better cheater and tricks Joseph into miscalculating the number of coins he'd need to overflow the glass by slightly tilting it with a piece of chocolate that melted under the heavy sun. Joseph loses his soul and Jotaro must play, challenging to a game of poker.
The game of poker between Jotaro and Daniel J. D'Arby begins. The gambler is confident in his skills and ability to cheat but underestimates Jotaro. Attempting a second dealing, D'Arby is easily spotted and Star Platinum breaks his finger. D'Arby is then forced to play seriously and the dealing is given to a seemingly unrelated child. However, the child and the entire bar is on D'Arby's payroll, allowing the gambler to win a first hand and half of Jotaro's soul. However in the second hand, Jotaro doesn't bother to look at his cards and outrageously raises the stake by betting Avdol's, Kakyoin's and even Holy's soul, psyching out D'Arby by showing that Star Platinum is faster than the eye can see and dealing a crushing psychological blow by demanding that D'Arby reveals the secret of DIO's Stand. Scared out of his mind, D'Arby folds and releases everyone. Jotaro's risky bluff has paid off.
Hol Horse enters DIO's lair to report his mission to the Vampire, and is warned to kill the Joestar Group for good or die. Angered by DIO's cocky attitude, Hol Horse tries to shoot him from behind but DIO suddenly reappears behind him, impressed by the gunman's fighting spirit and letting him off the hook. Realising the gulf between them, Hol Horse is frightened into full loyalty for his master. Later, Hol Horse comes back to Cairo after a trip to Aswan to enlist Boingo. Skeptical about Tohth, he sees that a prediction about him kicking a woman and the woman then offering him some jewelry is true and he saves said woman from a scorpion on her neck. Hol Horse is thus convinced of Tohth's power. Trailing the Joestar Group, Hol Horse is outraged to learn that he supposed to put his fingers inside PoLnareff's nose to beat the heroes. The cowboy is then surprised by Polnareff while Boingo, hidden under a crate, cannot help. Cornered as Polnareff calls his companions, Hol Horse puts his fingers inside of Polnareff's nose as predicted.
Hol Horse and Boingo's assassination attempt continues. After putting his fingers inside of Polnareff's nose, Hol Horse holds him at gunpoint and hides in a corner, forcing Polnareff to lie. The Frenchman does his best to tip his companions and then sneezes because of his irritated nose, uncovering Hol Horse. Although he is cornered, the group is too distracted by the enemy in front of them to avoid a car that crashes into them. Hol Horse hides again and consults Tohth only to see that at midday precisely, Jotaro will be filled with bullets. For his part, Jotaro is the first to get up. Pressed by the clock, Hol Horse shoots inside a pipe that leads to Jotaro's head but another of Polnareff's sneezes causes the student to back off, avoiding the bullets. Unable to believe the prediction was true, Hol Horse is also too distracted to see his bullets coming back at him and pierce through the image of Jotaro on the pages, hitting him. Hol Horse is retired. For his part, Boingo has learned from the experience but is defeated by Iggy.
The Joestar Group is unable to pinpoint the location of DIO's hiding place and must resort to ask one of the beggars of Cairo, who are very familiar with the city, for help. They then notice that Iggy has wandered off again. By pure chance, Iggy stumbles upon DIO's Mansion and meets two large dogs that spot the shadow of a bird under the door and try to sneak in to eat it, only to get impaled by an ice spike. DIO's Mansion is guarded by Pet Shop, an evil falcon who can create ice. The ever vigilant falcon kills the beggar from earlier and begins to suspect Iggy who plays dumb. But when the young owner of the two dogs is threatened by Pet Shop, Iggy confronts the bird. Because Pet Shop can fly and bombards Iggy with ice, the dog is forced into a sewer, followed by the bird. Pet Shop is tricked into striking a sand clone and Iggy lands a hit on the bird, but it only makes it more serious.
Injured, the evil guard falcon Pet Shop unleashes the full power of his ice Stand Horus. In the humid sewer, Pet Shop gains the advantage and traps Iggy with a fast ice creation, forcing the dog to tear off his paw. Pursued into the Nile, Iggy dives at the bottom of the river to hide, but Pet Shop's falcon consitution allows it to swim. It eventually spots the small sand dome Iggy has created as a shelter and tries to bury it in ice. When Iggy tries to dig deeper, he sees that Pet Shop has outmaneuvered him, preparing to spit an ice spike. As a last resort, Iggy leaps at Pet Shop and bites his beak, the ice spike then killing Pet Shop. The sand dome colllapses and Iggy almost drowns, but he is saved by the boy he saved earlier. Found by Kakyoin and taken care of, Iggy regroups with the Joestar and leads them to DIO's Mansion.
The Joestar Group has finally found DIO's Mansion. Trying to sneak in, the group is welcomed by the mansion's butler, Telence T. D'Arby, the little brother of Daniel. Telence reveals his Stand Atum, which is similar to Osiris, and manages to guess where Jotaro's Star Platinum will hit and avoids it, gripping Jotaro's soul with his hand. A black hole appears in which D'Arby drags Jotaro, but also Joseph and Kakyoin. The trio find themselves on an island in the middle of the water, where D'Arby presents them with a collection of soul-infused dolls he created from his victims and challenges them to a video game. Kakyoin comes first and challenges D'Arby to a game of F-Mega.
SC Episode 41 (ダービー·ザ·プレイヤー その2Dābī za Pureiyā Sono 2)
: 1 mai 2015
The video game session begins. Rusty, Kakoyin loses the lead to Telence T. D'Arby at the beginning but resorts to spin his car to make both cars crash, making things even. Kakyoin and D'Arby are near equals and manage to avoid the many obstacles on their paths. At a critical point of the track, Kakyoin tries to send D'Arby's car flying but the gamer uses the impact to take a huge shortcut on the tracks. Acknowledging his loss, Kakyoin loses his soul. Jotaro then comes in and challenges D'Arby to a game of Oh! That's A Baseball! Jotaro is gifted with the game and snatches the first points, but D'Arby decides to use Atum's power. Reading into Jotaro's soul, D'Arby can now guess his next moves and takes the advantage, but then Jotaro decides to declare his pitches.
SC Episode 42 (亜空の瘴気 ヴァニラ·アイス その1Akū no Shōki Vanira Aisu Sono 1)
: 8 mai 2015
The video game session continues. Telence is in the lead, but when Jotaro begins to declare his pitches, Telence realizes that although Jotaro's soul seemingly tells the truth, the throws are entirely different. Unable to find how Jotaro is cheating, Telence loses his cool and accidentally release Kakyoin before discovering that Joseph has been playing in Jotaro's stead with Hermit Purple. Defeated, Telence is pummeled into the sky, revealing that it was only a fake. Meanwhile, DIO sends his most valuable subordinate Vanilla Ice to kill the Joestar Group. For their part, Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy begin to investigate the mansion, taking out a Stand User responsible for creating illusions. Vanilla Ice ambushes the group and Avdol puts himself in harm's way, saving his companions but getting disintegrated by Vanilla Ice's ability: Cream.
SC Episode 43 (亜空の瘴気 ヴァニラ·アイス その2Akū no Shōki Vanira Aisu Sono 2)
: 15 mai 2015
The fight against Vanilla Ice begins. The enemy Stand User is challenged by Polnareff and Iggy, but Vanilla Ice can hide inside of Cream's mouth, creating an invisible floating sphere of destruction. Polnareff and Iggy are chased up to the art gallery on the second floor where Vanilla Ice ambushes Polnareff and takes out his foot. When Vanilla Ice gets out, he is greeted by a DIO sand clone courtesy of Iggy but sees through the trick, uncovering Polnareff and Iggy and violently beating down the dog for daring imitate his master's likeness. Polnareff sends Silver Chariot to save Iggy and uses the scattered sand to detect Vanilla Ice, attacking him when he peeks out of Cream. Despite the sword in his mouth, the enemy refuses to die and takes a chunk of Polnareff's leg, immobilizing him. Cream begins to circle around the art gallery, threatening to reach Polnareff who cannot move. Finding no escape, Polnareff salutes Iggy one last time.
SC Episode 44 (亜空の瘴気 ヴァニラ·アイス その3Akū no Shōki Vanira Aisu Sono 3)
: 22 mai 2015
The fight against Vanilla Ice continues. Against common sense, Polnareff has been saved by Iggy, who's spent the last of his strength to lift him in the air with his sand. Iggy expires from his wounds. Vanilla Ice is taken by surprise and Polnareff deals a decisive flurry of stabs. Although Vanilla Ice stands back up, Polnareff guesses that he's been transformed into a Vampire and cuts the wall, letting the sun in. Vanilla Ice is finally defeated and Polnareff mourns his fallen comrades. Meanwhile in Japan, Suzi Q has decided to visit her daugher Holy. Sitting by her side, Suzi fully trusts Joseph and Jotaro to save the day. Back in DIO's Mansion, Jotaro defeats a Vampire by the name of Nukesaku while Polnareff mends his wounds and finally meets DIO.
The final battle begins. DIO confronts Polnareff and tries to charm him to his side and when Polnareff resists the temptation, decides to intimidate him by randomly "teleporting" him. Confused, Polnareff summons Silver Chariot and DIO summons his Stand, The World. However, the rest of the Joestar Group barges in through a wall, forcing DIO to retreat in the shadows away from the sun rays. Bringing Nukesaku out of a bag, the heroes force him to lead them to DIO's chamber, in which stands a coffin that Nukesaku opens only to find himself cut into pieces inside the same coffin. Feeling an impending attack, the group jumps out of a window, witnessing the sun disappearing into the horizon. DIO's hour of power has come. Jotaro and Polnareff stay hidden in ambush while Joseph and Kakyoin are pursued by the Vampire. Using a carjacked limousine, DIO fights Hierophant Green while Kakyoin closely studies The World's abilities. DIO finally throws his driver at the two's truck, causing it to crash. For their part, Kakyoin and Joseph take to the roofs of Cairo and Kakyoin concocts a plan to reveal The World's real power.
The final battle continues. DIO jumps up to Cairo's roofs, pursuing Joseph and Kakyoin, the latter of which remembers his lonely past. Kakyoin thus reuses the real form of Hierophant Green. DIO then finds himself ambushed by Hierophant Green, having become a network of tentacles shooting at him from all directions, and Kakyoin planning to force DIO to reveal his ability. Suddenly, DIO disappears and Kakyoin is sent flying. Agonizing because of the hole in his stomach, the student understands DIO's power but can only signal a clue by shooting at a clock tower nearby. As he flees, Joseph finally understands that DIO can stop time. Unfazed by Joseph's discovery, DIO simply overpowers him and Joseph falls down to the streets, incidentally meeting Jotaro. As the old man warns him, DIO stops time and throws a knife at his throat, taking him down. Angered, Jotaro brings out Star Platinum and confronts DIO head on.
The battle between Jotaro and DIO continues. Star Platinum has a slight advantage in strength, but DIO's superior skill prevails. Satisfied of his demonstration of power, DIO stops time, only to see Jotaro move his finger. Disturbed and then happy to see that Jotaro has used magnets to move in the stopped time, DIO comes near to strike Jotaro but the student reveals that he is really able to briefly move during the stopped time, Star Platinum punching through the Vampire. DIO heals by sucking the blood of a civilian and decides to surround Jotaro with knives which strike true despite Star Platinum's efforts to deflect them. Jotaro is down but still conscious. However, DIO is wary and tries to gauge whether Jotaro is alive or not. When the Vampire counters a foolish ambush attempt by Polnareff, Jotaro must move a bit to deflect DIO's attention off the Frenchman. Jotaro is forced to stop his hearbeat to a dangerous length to fool the Vampire but manages to restart his heart and, as DIO approached again, hits him in the head. Star Platinum pummels DIO but the Vampire has tricked Jotaro into sending him toward Joseph. Sucking the old man's blood, DIO has not only healed, but gained in power.
The battle between Jotaro and DIO continues. Having sucked Joestar blood, DIO is now fully synched with his body and with this comes a better mastery of his time stop ability. Jotaro tries to resume the battle, but DIO can now stop time up to nine seconds. Elated, DIO kicks Jotaro into a nearby bridge and deals a finishing blow by trying to crush him beneath a road roller. However, at the last moment, Jotaro unlocks his own time stop power. DIO is taken by surprise and after a final back and forth, is truly defeated. Later, Jotaro revives Joseph who uses the occasion to enact a prank in bad taste. When the sun rises, DIO's body is exposed to the sun and disintegrates, ending his life. At the same time, Holy's curse is lifted. Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff see each other off, Polnareff returning to France while Jotaro and Joseph fly back to Tokyo to meet Holy and Suzi Q. The adventure has ended.
Pour refléter le changement progressif du style artistique d'Araki dans le manga original, la deuxième saison présente un style de dessin, différent de celui de la première saison, notamment pour les personnages. Ici, les dessins des personnages sont beaucoup plus proches du style artistique de la troisième partie du manga.
Avant la saison 2, le dernier épisode de la saison 1 montrait Jotaro avec une palette de couleurs bleue et violette. L'une des premières images promotionnelles présente la tenue de Jotaro avec une combinaison de noir et de violet. Dans l'anime, sa tenue est noire avec un débardeur vert.
Contrairement au premier épisode de la première saison, la deuxième saison n'a pas eu de véritable générique de fin avant le troisième épisode, où Walk Like an Egyptian est introduit comme le thème de fin de la saison.
L'arc Stardust Crusaders a été séparé en deux parties :
Le voyage du Japon en Égypte (chapitre 114 à 182) a été diffusé d'avril à septembre 2014.
L'arc de l'Égypte (chapitre 183 à 265) a été diffusé de janvier à juin 2015.
Douze doubleurs ayant participé à des œuvres de JoJo avant cet anime font leur retour, et cinq d'entre eux reprennent leur rôle :
Takehito Koyasu reprend son rôle de DIO après être apparu pour la dernière fois dans l'épisode 9 de la première saison et avoir interprété les deux incarnations de DIO dans All Star Battle.
Daisuke Ono rejoint le casting et reprend le rôle de Jotaro Kujo après l'avoir interprété dans All Star Battle.
Unsho Ishizuka, qui a déjà interprété Devo dans All Star Battle, incarne Joseph Joestar.
Comme Shigekiyo Yangu, un personnage de la quatrième partie qui apparaît également comme combattant dans All Star Battle, n'apparaît pas dans Stardust Crusaders, Kappei Yamaguchi prête sa voix à Forever.
Le doubleur de Guido Mista dans le jeu vidéo Part 5, Kentaro Ito, interprète N'Doul.
L'ancien doubleur de Speedwagon dans le jeu PS2, Masaya Onosaka, interprète Alessi.
Junichi Suwabe revient après avoir interprété Telence T. D'Arby dans All Star Battle.
Le seiyuu qui interprétait Enrico Pucci dans All Star Battle, Sho Hayami, reprend le rôle de Vanilla Ice} qu'il avait déjà dans "Heritage fo the Future".