It has been 49 years after Jonathan Joestar's death, and a much older looking Speedwagon and Straizo travel to Mexico to investigate a mysterious underground cavern. There they find it filled with similar Stone Masks to the one that was destroyed many years ago, as well a body integrated into a stone column.
Joseph Joestar in New York
Meanwhile in New York, a peculiar tourist gets his wallet stolen by Smokey, a local pickpocket. However, he then saves that same pickpocket from two violent and corrupt policemen by using the Ripple. This man is Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Jonathan Joestar. Joseph has just arrived to the United States with his grandmother Erina, who has been taking care of him since his father and mother died.
Back in Mexico, Speedwagon is betrayed by Straizo. Straizo has come to envy the youth that the Stone Mask had granted Dio and dons one himself, to Speedwagon's horror.
Straizo reveals his fangs as a vampire
JoJo, Erina, and Smokey all go to a restaurant, only for a mafia henchman to insult Smokey. Furious, Joseph takes the time to put back the man in his place. During the scuffle, Joseph amply demonstrates his talent at reading and outsmarting his opponents. However, a mafia acquaintance of Speedwagon's informs them that Speedwagon has been murdered by Straizo. Later that night, JoJo is confronted outside a cafe by Straizo, who had regained his youth as a Vampire. Straizo plans to kill Joseph before he can unlock the full potential of the Ripple, but Joseph quickly pulls out a Tommy-Gun and promptly blasts Straizo through the cafe window, declaring war on Straizo as revenge for Speedwagon.
Kim Jong Kyu Ku Ja Chun Kim Young Min Kim Yun Hui Park Jin Hee Park Hee Joung Byun Jin Sun Sin Jin Eun Yang Hyo Jung Lee Hye Kyoung Jung A Yung Cha Hyun Ju Chae Youn Kyung
Kim Jong Kyu Ku Ja Chun Kim Young Min Kim Yun Hui Park Jin Hee Park Hee Joung Byun Jin Sun Sin Jin Eun Yang Hyo Jung Lee Hye Kyoung Jung A Young Cha Hyun Ju Chae Youn Kyung
david production
Sae Akama Takahiro Okawa Kirara Kikui
赤間 紗枝 大川 貴大 菊井 きらら
Sunshine Corp. Hayashi FAI Studio Triple A Big Owl
The scene of Speedwagon revealing a mummified Stone Mask vampire to Straizo was removed from the anime.
After Joseph introduced himself to Smokey, the manga shows a single panel where Joseph says he wants to flip up some girl's skirts, which causes Smokey to question his British heritage. This was skipped in the anime.
Some lines of dialogue were censored in the TV version but were added back in the Blu-ray.
The police originally calls Smokey a derogatory term for a black person (黒人野郎), but the phrase is replaced with "a pile of garbage" (ゴミクズ野郎) in the TV version, putting less emphasis on Smokey's race.
Similarly, Joseph calls the police officer a "yankee" (アメ公) after punching him in the manga, but it's changed to a slang word for "policeman" (ポリ公).
Joseph's Coca-Cola bottle was changed to a generic soda.
Originally Joseph was reading a Superman comic while Speedwagon's plane was being hijacked. In the anime, the comic was changed to Baoh instead.
Minor details are erased from some scenes (ex. a glass of wine being thrown in the back of Smokey's head by the gangster).
Added more details to the newspaper that Joseph was reading in the cafe:
This is the first episode of the Battle Tendency arc. Our approach was globally different from that of Phantom Blood. Notably concerning the colors.
Thanks to the experience from the first part, the team knew which direction to take. Ideas flew, everyone had something to say. It was the perfect state of mind for this Episode 10. It contains many day to day scenes. It was really interesting: the action is in suspension, so to speak; it was the mundane scenes that were the most spirited (laughs).
The plans with the pop colors were one of Yasufumi Soejima's ideas, our visual director. They remind of the aesthetic of the comic-books from this era while keeping the spirit of JoJo, and the drawings get sharper.
The dusk also has a small effect. The sky is blue. It is the color designer Shunichirô Yoshihira, who insisted he tried something with the sky. The results is, frankly, cool.
Episode 10 is also that of the cops or the guy with the brass knuckles. The casting was on top of its game.
The Superman comic that Joseph was reading may have been changed, however the scene still references Superman in a more subtle way, as the Baoh comic's cover is based on that of Superman #1 from 1939.
The back cover of the Baoh comic features a legitimate comic ad for Aurora car models and the hit 1960's series called Get Smart. The actor on the ad, Don Adams, was the star of series.