Stardust Crusaders - Chapter 149 [262]
DIO's World, Part 16 (
Empowered by Joseph's blood, DIO relishes in his newfound power, laughing maniacally as he repeatedly claws out his head. He then taunts Jotaro for inadvertently helping him recover his powers.
As DIO continues to laugh, Joseph's spirit manifests in front of Jotaro, warning him not to get angry and use his powers wisely during his battle with DIO. Saying his goodbyes to his grandson, Joseph's spirit passes on, to Jotaro's confusion. DIO suddenly calls for Jotaro's attention by completely draining Joseph's blood from his corpse. Infuriated beyond reason, Jotaro charges at DIO before leaping into the air for the vampire to follow him.
To Jotaro's horror, DIO exclaims that Joseph's blood has mended the wound on his neck and completed the fusion to Jonathan's body. This not only restores DIO's powers in full but is further demonstrated during the ensuing exchange of strikes in which DIO manages to use time stop for 9 seconds consecutively and takes the opportunity to deliver massive damage to Jotaro.
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