Stardust Crusaders - Chapter 143 [256]
Jotaro watches as a knife appears in his grandfather's chest. Joseph warns Jotaro to run away, that he is no match for DIO and his World. DIO tells Jotaro about Kakyoin's death. Completely angry, Jotaro approaches DIO. Star Platinum and The World face-off, resulting in injuring Jotaro's leg. DIO proclaims that his Stand is far superior to Star Platinum. The two Stands face off again, Star Platinum grazing DIO's chin. The two compare their punching speed, letting loose a barrage of "ORAs" and "MUDAs". The force propels both users into the air. Planning to finish this measuring contest, DIO stops time. He tries to give a finishing blow, but Jotaro twitches his finger. DIO leaps back, pondering the similarities between Star Platinum and The World.
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