The Letter Inside DIO's Mansion

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The Letter Inside DIO's Mansion (DIOの館に残された手紙, DIO no Yakata ni Nokosareta Tegami) was an escape room-styled attraction based on the anime adaptation of Stardust Crusaders. The attraction is the third collaboration between Tokyo-based company SCRAP and the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure TV Anime Production Committee, following Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Amusement Park and Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Mansion.

The event was sponsored by TOKYO MYSTERY CIRCUS as part of their "MYSTERY MAIL BOX" game. It involves players picking up a letter left within DIO's mansion, where they must work with Jotaro and his friends to solve the mystery written in the letter to escape from the mansion.

The escape room was held in Tokyo from February 15, 2018 to May 31, 2018.[1]


"You will become food for Lord DIO! Take pride in becoming a part of him!" Saying so, the small man leaves with a sinister laugh. Participants find themselves locked in a dimly lit room, devoid of windows, unable to discern whether it's day or night, but they understand that they are facing death and that they can't easily leave. They notice a transceiver on the ground and, with trembling hands, switch it on and shout, "Help me!"

"Is someone there?" A man's voice is heard from the other side of the transceiver. The man's name is Jotaro Kujo. He says he has infiltrated this mansion to defeat a person named DIO. With Jotaro's help, the player aims to escape from the mansion. However, terrifying Stand users are watching within the mansion. Players must communicate with Jotaro and others through the transceiver to escape from DIO's mansion.

The escape room is an indoor event on the first floor of Tokyo Mystery Circus's Mystery Plaza. There is no limit to team sizes, nor is there a time limit, but the estimated duration of the game is 30–60 minutes. Players will find letters inside mailboxes inside the venue and will have to solve the riddles and puzzles written in them to escape.[2] The story takes place after Jotaro's battle against Telence T. D'Arby.

The "transceiver" works by the players communicating in a LINE group on their smartphones, where they can send messages to Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin. Players could mention character names, Stands, and places, which the characters would respond to.


Characters from The Letter Inside DIO's Mansion

IggyAvAnim.png TheFoolAvAnim.png

Jonathan Joestar
George Joestar I
Erina Pendleton
Lisa Lisa
Merlai Anne
Suzi Q
Sherry Polnareff

NdoulAvAnim.png GebAvAnim.png


OingoAvAnim.png KhnumAvAnim.png


BoingoAvAnim.png TohthAvAnim.png


MariahAvAnim.png BastetAvAnim.png


AlessiAvAnim.png SethanAvAnim.png


PetShopAvAnim.png HorusAvAnim.png


KennyAvAnim.png TenoreSaxAvAnim.png

Captain Tennille

ForeverAvAnim.png StrengthAvAnim.png


HolHorseAvAnim.png EmperorAvAnim.png


JGeilAvAnim.png HangedManAvAnim.png


NenaAvAnim.png EmpressAvAnim.png


ZZAvAnim.png WheelOfFortuneAvAnim.png


SteelyDanAvAnim.png LoversAvAnim.png


ArabiaFatsAvAnim.png SunAvAnim.png


CameoAvAnim.png JudgementAvAnim.png

Dr. Elliot
Al Yankovic

LINE Conversations

The characters respond to names of other characters, Stands, techniques, terms, food, and locations. If they don't recognize a name, Jotaro responds: "Sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about." (「悪いが何を言っているかわからねーぜ」)

Allies and Family

Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Jotaro Kujo (or Jotaro)
Jotaro: "What's up? Did you find something?"
承太郎 「どうした?何か見つかったか?」
Noriaki Kakyoin (or Kakyoin)
Kakyoin: "Hmm? Is something wrong?"
花京院 「ん?何かあったかい?」
Joseph Joestar (or Joseph)
Joseph: "Hmm. Did you call for me?"
Muhammad Avdol (or Avdol)
Joseph: "He's a man traveling with us. Have you all perhaps met him?"
Jean Pierre Polnareff (or Polnareff)
Kakyoin: "He's a friend traveling with us. A bit of a goof... perhaps you've met him?"
Jotaro: "He's an ally on our journey. A cunning dog, but have you seen him somewhere?"
Joseph: "We've come this far on our journey to save Holy."
Jonathan Joestar (or Jonathan)
Joseph: "He's my grandfather. I've heard he was a gentleman with a strong sense of justice."
Joseph: "She's my grandmother. She was frightening when angry..."
Joseph: "She's my Ripple teacher, and also my real mother."
George Joestar (or George)
Joseph: "That's the name of one of my ancestors. Why do you know it?"
Joseph: "Hmm, that is my father's name. I heard he was a pilot and died in battle... Why do you know his name?"
Joseph: "Are you talking about the girl we met on our journey? If it's her, I thought she returned to Hong Kong."
ジョセフ「この旅の途中で出会った少女のことか? あの子なら香港に帰ったんじゃあなかったかのう」
Joseph: "That's the name of Polnareff's sister."
Joseph: "That's my wife. We met in Italy."
Joseph: "A man who has served the Joestar family for 30 years. A trustworthy man."


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
DIO (or Dio)
Joseph: "A malevolent man. One must never approach him."
ジョセフ 「邪悪な男じゃ。決して近寄ってはならんぞ」
Captain Tennille (or Tennille)
Joseph: "He was the captain of the ship we boarded on our way to Singapore. He had been replaced by a fake Stand user..."
ジョセフ 「わしらがシンガポールへ向かうときに乗った船の船長じゃ。偽物のスタンド使いにすり替わっておったがの……」
Devo the Cursed (or Devo)
Kakyoin: "He was an opponent Polnareff fought. Seems he was a famous assassin."
花京院 「ポルナレフが交戦した相手だ。有名な殺し屋だったらしい」
Kakyoin: "The man responsible for Polnareff's sister's death. He was beyond redemption."
花京院 「ポルナレフの妹の仇だ。救いようのない男だったよ」
Kakyoin: "Come to think of it, we haven't seen that guy in some time..."
花京院 「そういえばあの男はいつの間にか我々の前に姿を現さなくなったな……」
Joseph: "Polnareff seemed truly smitten with her. It was a case of 'if it seems too good to be true, it probably is'."
ジョセフ 「ポルナレフは本気で惚れておったようじゃの。うまい話には裏があるという奴じゃった」
Joseph: "An old woman who was infatuated with DIO. In the end, she was killed by an assassin sent by DIO..."
ジョセフ 「DIOに心酔していた婆さんじゃ。結局、DIOが差し向けた刺客によって殺されてしまったがの……」
Jotaro: "The worst guy in history."
承太郎 「史上最低の野郎だったぜ」
Kakyoin: "The name of the Stand user Polnareff and Avdol fought. Why do you ask?"
花京院 「ポルナレフとアヴドゥルが戦ったスタンド使いの名ですね。なぜあなたがそれを?」
Jotaro: "The blind Stand user we met in the desert. Quite a formidable opponent..."
承太郎 「砂漠で出会った盲目のスタンド使いだ。なかなか手強い相手だったぜ……」
Jotaro: "...What are you talking about?"
承太郎 「……なんのことだ?」
Joseph: "Boingo? What are you talking about?"
ジョセフ 「ボインゴ? なんのことじゃ?」
Joseph: "That was... the man Polnareff fought, wasn't it?"
ジョセフ 「たしか……ポルナレフが戦った男じゃったかな?」
Joseph: "She was a woman with impressive legs."
ジョセフ 「脚がグンバツな女じゃったわい」
Joseph: "D'Arby, huh? He was a born gambler."
ジョセフ 「ダービーか。やつは根っからのギャンブラーじゃったな」
Jotaro: "A Stand user who could read minds. I made him have no hope of recovery though..."
承太郎 「心を読めるスタンド使いだ。再起不能にしてやったがな……」
Joseph: "Is there someone by that name over there? We haven't encountered anyone like that yet."
ジョセフ 「そっちにはそんな名前の奴がいるのか。我々は今のところ遭遇しておらんな」
Joseph: "Who's that?"
ジョセフ 「だれじゃ?」
Joseph: "Vanilla Ice? What's that? I'm not in the mood for something sweet right now."
ジョセフ 「ヴァニラ・アイス? なんじゃ? 今、甘いものが食べたい気分ではないのう」

Other Characters

Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Joseph: "It's a doll of a doctor that the younger D'Arby had. Seems he had killed many people..."
Kakyoin: "It's a doll that the younger D'Arby had. Its soul should have been released."
花京院 「ダービー弟が持っていた人形ですね。その魂は解放されたはずです」
Kakyoin: "It's a doll of a Japanese boy that the younger D'Arby had. It seems he had an exceptional IQ."
花京院 「ダービー弟が持っていた日本人の少年の人形ですね。ずば抜けたIQを持っていたらしいです」


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Kakyoin: "Jotaro's Stand. It possesses both power and speed."
花京院 「パワーとスピードを兼ね備えた承太郎のスタンドです」
Kakyoin: "Mr. Joestar's Stand. It can create spirit photos, but it tends to break instant cameras."
花京院 「ジョースターさんのスタンドです。念写することができますが、インスタントカメラだと壊れることになりますね。」
Kakyoin: "My Stand. It specializes in long-range attacks."
花京院 「ぼくのスタンドです。遠距離攻撃を得意としています」
Joseph: "Avdol's Stand. It can manipulate flames at will."
ジョセフ 「アヴドゥルのスタンドじゃ。炎を自在にあやつることができるんじゃよ」
Joseph: "Polnareff's Stand. It has the form of a knight clad in armor."
ジョセフ 「ポルナレフのスタンドじゃ。甲冑をまとった騎士のような姿をしておる」
Joseph: "Iggy's Stand. It can freely manipulate sand."
ジョセフ 「イギーのスタンドじゃ。砂を自在にあやつることができるんじゃよ」
Kakyoin: "I defeated that Stand."
花京院 「そのスタンドはぼくが倒しましたよ」
Jotaro: "The Stand I turned into fish bait..."
承太郎 「俺がカマボコにしてやったスタンドだな……」
Jotaro: "The Stand that materialized as a powerful ship."
承太郎 「強大なパワーにより実体化した船のスタンドだ」
Joseph: "A terrifying Stand that turns hatred for its opponent into power. Polnareff defeated it."
ジョセフ 「相手への恨みを力とする恐ろしいスタンドじゃ。ポルナレフが倒したがのう」
Kakyoin: "...It disguised itself as me and attacked. It feels quite strange to think about it."
花京院 「……僕に変装して襲ってきたと聞いたよ。何だか妙な気分になるよね」
Kakyoin: "The Stand that moved from mirror to mirror, from reflection to reflection. It was quite a challenge to defeat."
花京院 「鏡から鏡へ、映るものから映るものへ移動するスタンドだった。結構倒すのに苦労したよ」
Joseph: "A Stand that could freely control bullets. It seems it could also control the trajectory of the bullets."
ジョセフ 「銃弾を自在に操るスタンドじゃ。弾丸も自在に操ることが出来るようじゃ。」
Joseph: "A terrifying Stand that latched onto my arm. Well, I showed it the difference in our years of battle experience."
ジョセフ 「わしの腕にとりついた恐ろしいスタンドじゃよ。ま、戦いの年季の違いというやつを見せつけてやったがのう」
Kakyoin: "The Stand that integrated with a car. The user was a man with a frail body, but with unusually strong arms."
花京院 「車と一体化していたスタンドですね。本体は、腕だけが異様にたくましい貧弱な体の男でした」
Joseph: "Enya's Stand. The old lady Enya had incredible tenacity in her Stand power."
ジョセフ 「エンヤ婆のスタンドじゃ。本体のエンヤ婆はとんでもない執念のスタンドパワーの持ち主じゃ」
Kakyoin: "A terrifying Stand with the ability to reflect any damage back to the person infiltrated by the Stand."
花京院 「本体への攻撃は、スタンドに潜入された者に跳ね返るという恐ろしい能力のスタンドです」
Kakyoin: "It was the Stand we encountered in the desert. I couldn't stop laughing when we found out where its user was hiding."
花京院 「砂漠で出会ったスタンドです。本体の居場所を見破った時は笑いが止まりませんでしたね」
Kakyoin: "I think it has turned back into a harmless baby now. The others don't remember anything, though."
花京院 「今は無害な赤ん坊に戻ったと思うよ。他の仲間は何も覚えてないけれどね」
Joseph: "It's the Tarot card of Judgement, isn't it?"
ジョセフ 「タロットの審判のカードじゃな」
Kakyoin: "We were indeed in a pinch when we got attacked on the submarine."
花京院 「潜水艦で襲撃を受けた時はさすがに焦りましたよ」
Egypt 9 Glory Gods (any of them)
Joseph: "One of the Nine Glory Gods of Egypt."
ジョセフ 「エジプト9栄神のひとつじゃな」


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Jotaro: "That's Avdol's technique. I've experienced it once; it's quite a troublesome move."
承太郎 「アヴドゥルの技の名だな。一度味わったことがあるが、かなりやっかいな技だぜ」
Kakyoin: "That's my special move."
花京院 「僕の必殺技さ」
Kakyoin: "That's one of Avdol's major attacks. There's no surviving if you take it head-on."
花京院 「アヴドゥルさんの大技です。あの技をまともにくらえばひとたまりもないでしょう」
Joseph: "That's one of Avdol's finishing moves. How do you know about such a thing...? Could you be a new Stand user?!"
ジョセフ 「アヴドゥルの必殺技じゃな。おぬし、なぜそんなことを知っておる……? まさか新手のスタンド使いか!?」


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Jotaro: "The guys at school sometimes call me that."
Joseph: "It was my nickname when I was young, brings back memories."
承太郎 「学校の奴らは俺をそう呼ぶこともあるな」
ジョセフ 「わしの若い時のニックネームじゃ、懐かしいのう」
Kakyoin: "Avdol is quite skilled at tarot card readings."
花京院 「アヴドゥルさんはタロットカード占いが得意ですね。」
Ripple or Overdrive
Joseph: "The Ripple is a secret technique that produces life energy through special breathing methods."
ジョセフ 「波紋とは特殊な呼吸法から生命エネルギーを生み出す秘術じゃよ」
Joseph: "A Stand is a powerful vision created by life energy."
ジョセフ 「生命エネルギーが作り出すパワーあるビジョンじゃよ」
Kakyoin: "Made from DIO's cells, it can control people. Without Jotaro's Star Platinum, I would be..."
花京院 「DIOの細胞から出来ていて、人を操ることができます。承太郎のスタープラチナがなければ、今頃僕も……」
Joseph: "Speedwagon... my grandfather's best friend founded that foundation."
ジョセフ 「スピードワゴンのじいさん……わしの祖父の親友が結成した財団じゃ」
Kakyoin: "It's one of the games I've been into. I just played it again after a long time."
花京院 「僕がやり込んでいたゲームの一つだ。先ほど久しぶりにプレイしたばかりだよ」
Joseph: "It's the baseball game Jotaro just played with the younger D'Arby. Do you like games too?"
ジョセフ 「さっき承太郎がダービー弟とプレイした野球ゲームじゃな。おぬしもゲームが好きなのか?」
Kakyoin: "Chiyonofuji? Are you Japanese?"
花京院 「千代の富士? あなた日本人ですか?」
Tarzan, the Ape Man
Joseph: "Bo Derek."
ジョセフ 「ボー・デレク」
Eat It
Jotaro: "Who sang the parody of 'Beat It', named 'Eat It'?"
Joseph: "Al Yankovic"
承太郎 「『今夜はビート・イット』のパロディ、『今夜はイート・イット』を歌ったのは?」


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Kakyoin: "It's my favorite food. Oh, there's some in this room too. Rero rero rero rero..."
花京院 「僕の好物なんだ。お、この部屋にもあるぞ。レロレロレロレロ……」
Joseph: "I drank it in India. It's sweet and quite addictive."
ジョセフ 「インドで飲んだのう。甘くて、けっこうクセになるんじゃよ」
Kebab or Doner Kebab
Joseph: "It's like a sandwich from the Middle East. I haggled it down to less than half price in Pakistan."
ジョセフ 「中東のサンドイッチみたいなもんじゃ。パキスタンで半額以下まで値切ったぞ」
Coffee Gum
Joseph: "I have some coffee-flavored gum, do you need it? It's a favorite of the dog traveling with us."
ジョセフ 「コーヒー味のガムならワシが持っておるが、必要なのか?ワシらと一緒に旅をしている犬の大好物でな」


Player's Message
Character's Message (English)
Character's Message (Japanese)
Tiger Balm Garden
Kakyoin: "That's where Polnareff, who was controlled by the flesh bud, fought with Avdol."
花京院 「肉の芽によってあやつられていたポルナレフとアヴドゥルが戦った場所ですね」
Joseph: "It was a fine city. Ah, that's where Polnareff's luggage was mistaken for trash..."
ジョセフ 「いい都市だったの。ああ、ポルナレフが荷物をゴミと間違えられてな……」



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