Stardust Crusaders - Volume 8 [19]
With the defeat of Death Thirteen, a baby Stand that could control people's dreams, Jotaro and his friends continue their journey across the Red Sea. On the way there, they stop at a small island to meet a certain someone. To their surprise, the person they find is none other than Avdol's father.
- 059 (172). Death Thirteen, Part 5
- 060 (173). Death Thirteen, Part 6
- 061 (174). Judgement, Part 1
- 062 (175). Judgement, Part 2
- 063 (176). Judgement, Part 3
- 064 (177). Judgement, Part 4
- 065 (178). Judgement, Part 5
- 066 (179). High Priestess, Part 1
- 067 (180). High Priestess, Part 2
- 068 (181). High Priestess, Part 3
Author's Note

No one realizes this, but as of December I will have been a manga artist for ten years. (I'm not saying this because I want someone to congratulate me.) Ten years... it's only two words, but it's an amount of time that makes me go "Hmm..." When I consider that I spent my entire twenties working in manga, again I go "Hmm..."