JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (OVA) - Episode 13

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DIO's World: Farewell Friends (DIO(ディオ)の世界 さらば友よ, DIO no Sekai: Saraba Tomo yo) is the 13th and final episode of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OVA. It adapts Chapter 256 through Chapter 265 of the manga.

Jotaro and DIO finally confront each other. Although The World's ability to stop time seems invincible, Jotaro discovers that he possesses the same power. The ensuing battle across Cairo sees both combatants pushed to their very limits, each hell-bent on putting an end to their intertwined destinies.


Jotaro and DIO's fight is about to begin. Joseph still agonizes from his wounds. Star Platinum and The World's clash devastates the street, but DIO has a clear physical edge. Amused, DIO stops time to finish off Jotaro but again Jotaro manages to survive punches from The World. When DIO attacks again, he realizes that Star Platinum can move in the stopped time, protecting its user. It then sends DIO flying. Jotaro begins to understand Star Platinum's power too.

Stopping time repeatedly, DIO sees that Jotaro can move to a point. To test Jotaro, DIO unveils dozens of knives and traps him midair, throwing his knives from all directions. Despite Star Platinum's speed, several knives hit their mark and Jotaro falls down into the concrete.

Jotaro has survived the attack thanks to the splinters on his chest but must play dead to lure DIO close to him. However, DIO is prudent and Jotaro must even stop his own heartbeat. Nonetheless, DIO rips out a road sign, intending to use it like a halberd. Thankfully, Polnareff intervenes and drives Silver Chariot's sword in DIO's brain. Jotaro is thus able to punch DIO's head. Letting Polnareff rest, Jotaro approaches DIO and pummels him but DIO is sent right next to Joseph's corpse. Sucking his blood, DIO has now healed completely.

Having reached the height of his power, DIO desecrates Joseph's corpse, angering Jotaro further. A violent fight ensues and although Jotaro is empowered by his wrath, DIO can stop time to up to nine seconds while being crazed with insanity. Jotaro is dominated completely until he lands on a bridge. DIO stops time and prepares for a last attack. DIO tries to crush Jotaro beneath a tank truck but Jotaro then stops time, evading death and immobilizing DIO. Star Platinum violently kicks DIO in the knee, making him fall. As a last-ditch attempt, DIO spurts blood in Jotaro's eye and tries to make The World kick his head off; thankfully, Star Platinum punches The World's leg and makes it explode in two alongside its user. Jotaro has definitely won.

Afterwards, Joseph is revived thanks to a blood transfusion. DIO's remains are thrown into the sea, and the surviving Joestars reminisce their fallen comrades. Later, Jotaro, Joseph and Polnareff have a last goodbye at the airport. Meanwhile, Holy has fully recovered and awaits for Jotaro and Joseph's return.




Script (脚本)
北久保 弘之
Script Cooperation (構成協力)
今 敏
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Hiroyuki Kitakubo
北久保 弘之
Episode Director (演出)
Hiroyuki Kitakubo
北久保 弘之
Animation Director (作画監督)
羽山 淳一


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 13 (OVA): DIO's World: Farewell Friends
Start End Title OST Description

DIO's Dervish
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3
Star Platinum can move in stopped time!
DIO's speech about Jotaro stopping time/DIO reveals his knives
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3
Jotaro hit by the knives
Polnareff saves Jotaro
DIO waits for a taxi
DIO tries to flee
The World Vs. Star Platinum
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3
DIO has drunk Joseph's blood/Jotaro gets angry
Star Platinum going all out/DIO stops time one last time
Jotaro has stopped time/Jotaro and DIO's last clash
Into The Sea
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3
The heroes have won
Parting Friends
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3
The heroes depart
Going Home
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol. 3

Manga/OVA Differences

  • The episode opens with a news report detailing the aftermath of Kakyoin and Joseph's battle with DIO.
  • DIO and Jotaro's first few clashes are omitted. The fight instead begins with their punch barrage stand-off.
  • Jotaro’s magnet trick is removed. Instead, Star Platinum is naturally able to move for one second within DIO’s time-stop, explaining how Jotaro survived his initial confrontation with The World.
  • DIO is sent flying into a butcher shop instead of a dinnerware shop.
  • DIO does not drain an innocent woman's blood to heal his wounds, as his wounds instead heal naturally.
  • Jotaro is only able to deflect DIO's knives for an instant, rather than two seconds like in the original story.
  • Rather than magazines, the bandages Jotaro applied to his broken ribs earlier are what protect him from the knives.
  • DIO tests Jotaro's vital signs before attempting to cut off his head and being attacked by Polnareff.
    • Star Platinum counterattacks DIO as he stops time against Polnareff, rather than as he attempts to decapitate Jotaro a second time.
    • DIO remains unaware of Vanilla Ice's defeat before Polnareff's attack. Likewise, Jotaro remains unaware of Iggy's death until Polnareff informs him.
  • Jotaro steps on the cover of the manhole DIO attempts to escape into, rather than approaching from inside.
  • Jotaro seeing Joseph's ghost is omitted.
  • The brawl after DIO sucks Joseph's blood is greatly extended. Highlights include DIO attempting to sink Jotaro to the ocean floor with a fishing boat, massacring a tram full of civilians, and destroying a pillar thrown at him by Star Platinum.
    • In the original 1994 release, the scene where DIO declares he is on the greatest high and breaks Jotaro's ribs is cut. Instead, the scene jumps to DIO trying to sink Jotaro after he stops time, with no indication of time resuming. According to Kitakubo, the scene was unable to be finished during the original production schedule. The scene is restored in the 2002 re-release.[4]
  • Unlike in the original story, DIO uses a tanker truck instead of a steamroller to crush Jotaro.
    • Time resumes after DIO deals the final blow. The tanker explodes from the damage Jotaro and DIO have dealt to it.
  • The World and Star Platinum's clash is mirrored physically by a kick from DIO and a punch from Jotaro.
  • Joseph's revival occurs offscreen in a Speedwagon Foundation helicopter. DIO's remains are dropped from the helicopter into the sea, rather than being exposed to sunlight in the desert.
  • The surviving heroes are seen at Cairo International Airport with their injuries covered by bandages, rather than already being fully healed.
  • Joseph puts a Gipsy Kings tape into his Walkman aboard the plane, rather than Get Back at the airport.






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