Diamond is Unbreakable - Episode 21

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It'd be troublesome if he saw what was inside the bag. (まずい…あの「袋」をあけられたら(・・・・・・))
Yoshikage Kira, Diamond is Unbreakable BD/DVD Volume 7

Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1 (吉良吉影は静かに暮らしたい その1, Kira Yoshikage wa Shizuka ni Kurashitai Sono 1)[1] is the 21st episode of Diamond is Unbreakable and the 95th episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation. It covers Chapter 342 through the first half of Chapter 345 of the manga.

The serial-killer Yoshikage Kira's peaceful day is thrown into disarray when Shigechi accidentally takes his lunch bag. In the bag is the hand of his latest victim and Kira must retrieve it to conserve his anonimity.


On a sunny day in Morioh, salaryman and secret serial killer Yoshikage Kira is relaxing at home with his "girlfriend," a severed hand from a woman he previously murdered. He gives his "girlfriend" a ring he bought for her before heading to St. Gentleman Bakery to buy a sandwich. Along the way, he is greeted by several of his female coworkers asking him to join them for lunch. Kira refuses, while another male coworker describes how Kira seems to keep to himself and how quietly he acts.

Yoshikage Kira enjoys a quiet day by himself

After buying a sandwich, Kira sits under a tree at the park to eat it, contemplating the beauty of Morioh. Just then, right behind the tree, Shigechi meets up with Josuke and Okuyasu and is asked to loan them lunch money. While giving them the money they need, a stray dog steals Shigechi's lunch bag (also a sandwich from St. Gentleman) from under his nose and runs off. When Shigechi notices that his sandwich is gone, he mistakes Kira's bag for his and takes it, not knowing that Kira's "girlfriend" is inside of it. Kira notices this right away and follows the kid to prevent him from seeing the hand, as he fears that the police could easily trace the ring on it and Kira's fingerprints back to him. Having not left a single clue during his 15-year career as a serial killer, Kira is determined to reclaim his "girlfriend."

Shigechi unknowingly takes Kira's paper bag

Kira follows Shigechi across town until the latter runs into Josuke & Okuyasu again. Shigechi offers to let them into his school's prep room to have the coffee and tea that the gym teacher regularly smuggles into the school, but Josuke & Okuyasu turn him down. Thinking that he can reclaim his "girlfriend" without much trouble, Kira follows Shigechi into his school's prep room and tries to grab the St. Gentleman bag while Shigechi is busy brewing himself some coffee, but is forced to hide in the gymnastics equipment when Josuke & Okuyasu suddenly join Shigechi, having changed their minds about his offer. While the trio is busy eating lunch, Kira attempts to grab the bag with a straightened-out coat hanger, but drops it, piquing Josuke's curiosity. Just when he is about to investigate the bag, however, Shigechi stops him and accuses him of trying to steal his sandwich. He then leaves again to prepare tea for Josuke & Okuyasu, during which Kira successfully reclaims the bag. Upon noticing that his bag is gone, however, Shigechi sends out Harvest to look for it but is cut short when the gym teacher enters the prep room, driving the three boys out and giving Kira an opportunity to escape without a trace.

Kira reveals his Stand Killer Queen

Shigechi, however, notices Kira carrying the bag from the same bakery that his sandwich came from, and suspects Kira of having stolen his sandwich. Shigechi tries to take it back with Harvest, but the bag rips open, exposing Kira's "girlfriend." Kira, knowing that he'll probably be exposed, gives Shigechi a monologue on how he wishes to live a quiet life before summoning his own Stand, Killer Queen, aiming to kill Shigechi before the boy can expose him.


(Voice only)


Script (脚本)
小林 靖子
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Yoriyasu Kogawa
古川 順康
Episode Director (演出)
Eum Sang Yong
Chief Animation Director (総作画監督)
西位 輝実
Animation Director (作画監督)
Kim Eun Sun


Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 21: Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Start End Title OST Description

Morioh Radio
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Morioh-cho RADIO
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira's breakfast with his girlfriend
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Yoshikage Kira's picnic
Friends! Friends?
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Josuke & Okuyasu ask Shigechi for money/Shigechi picks Kira's bag
Second Bomb
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira must retrieve the damning evidence
Friends! Friends?
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Josuke & Okuyasu are in the way/The trio will have lunch in the store room
Second Bomb
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira follows Shigechi to school
Between the Silence...
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira hidden but surrounded/Trying to recover the bag
Between the Silence...
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Josuke almost sees the hand
Second Bomb
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira retrieves the bag
A Lurking Evil
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Shigechi deploys Harvest/The trio must leave
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Kira is protected by lady luck
Looming Crisis
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Shigechi finds Kira and discovers Kira's hand
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Yoshikage Kira is found out
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Yoshikage Kira's way of life
Second Bomb
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Night Morioh Cho!~
Killer Queen reveal
I Want You
I Want You
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Main Theme~
Diamond is Unbreakable ~Good Morning Morioh Cho!~
Next Episode Preview

Manga/Anime Differences

  • Added new scenes with Kai Harada, Kira cutting his nails with a bowling pin shaped nail clipper, preparing breakfast and actually showing him giving a ring to the severed hand.
  • Added a line referencing Koichi and Yukako being together, which didn't happen yet in the corresponding manga chapters.
  • Added lines of dialogue between Josuke and Okuyasu about the sauce in their food when Kira is trying to get the sandwich bag.
  • Kira putting on gloves to hide his fingerprints while in the gymnasium is removed.
  • Removed Kira checking if anyone could see him before releasing Killer Queen.

In other languages

Language Title Translation
Japan Japanese 吉良吉影は静かに暮らしたい その1 Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
United States of America English Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Spain Spanish Yoshikage Kira quiere una vida tranquila - Primera Parte Yoshikage Kira Wants a Quiet Life - Part 1
Brazil Portuguese Yoshikage Kira Quer Uma Vida Tranquila - Parte 1 Yoshikage Kira Wants a Quiet Life - Part 1
France French Yoshikage Kira veut vivre paisiblement, Partie 1 Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Germany German Yoshikage Kira will seine Ruhe haben – Teil 1 Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Israel Hebrew יושיקאגה קירה פשוט רוצה לחיות בשקט, חלק 1 Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Flag of the Arab League Arabic يريد يوشيكاغي كيرا أن يعيش بهدوء فحسب الجزء 1 Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Italy Italian Yoshikage Kira vuole vivere tranquillo, Parte 1 Yoshikage Kira Wants to Live Quietly, Part 1
Poland Polish Yoshikage Kira chce tylko żyć w spokoju: część 1 Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live in Peace: part 1


Here’s an episode that's bound to succeed, and more importantly, an episode where one can feel sympathy for Kira. For example, there’s this moment where he’s hidden under the vaulting boxes and tries to pick up the bag with an iron wire. He’s so meticulous (laughs). When I was young, I had trouble liking Kira’s character, but now that I'm grown-up, I feel sympathetic for him. Is that how it is, to be an adult? (laughs)

Since this episode was mainly scenes about day-to-day life, our animation director, an expert in action scenes, had a lot of trouble with it. I thought it would be easy since there wasn’t any fight, but on the contrary, handling natural day-to-day movements can be difficult.

Part of the episode happens in the storage room of a high school’s gym. We made sure to reproduce every detail as close as possible to real life paraphernalia one could find in such a place.
Naokatsu Tsuda, Blu-ray limited edition commentaries



Duration: 16 seconds.
Link to this sectionEpisode 21 Preview

Narrator: A passionate first kiss.

Best wishes to Koichi and Yukako.

But Morioh was slowly being shrouded in dark clouds.

A serial killer lurks within the town.

Ah! Watch out!

Next time: Shigechi is in danger!

ナレーター: 熱いファーストキッス







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