Nukesaku (ヌケサク) is a tertiary antagonist featured in the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders.
He is a Vampire henchman of DIO that disguises himself as a woman as an attempt to attack Jotaro when the Joestar Group infiltrates DIO's mansion. Having no Stand,[2] he is used as a punching bag and unwilling guide to his master's coffin.
Nukesaku is a small, pale-skinned male vampire.[3] He has long dark unkempt hair spiked backwards and a large widow's peak. Nukesaku wears a dark jumpsuit with an assorted vest and scarf on top. He also wears boots, a loincloth, multiple ringlets on his wrists and ankles, and an animal print taqiyah.
Nukesaku's back is the face and physique of a woman, used to disguise himself and fool the Joestar Group. Disguised as a female, Nukesaku wears simple earrings, a light dress, and a stylish belt. However due to his clumsiness, he forgets to fixate his hands to match his body.
Color Schemes
Nukesaku is the dim-witted and loyal servant of DIO. He is looked down by the others within DIO's mansion, and ordered to not interfere in the climactic battle. DIO's henchmen seem to detest him so much that he was nicknamed idiot (抜作, nukesaku).[3] Although he accepts his nickname,[4] he acts snide when the other henchmen are defeated before him, mocking them for being the useless ones.[3] Since Nukesaku lacks combat strength, he acts as a crying woman to lure his opponents to him. However, he overestimates his bizarre ability and immortality as he is easily defeated by the heroes who coerce him to reveal DIO's location.[5] Despite this, though largely out of fear, Nukesaku displays naive loyalty to DIO.[6]

As a vampire, Nukesaku has the natural ability to dislocate his body parts. In conjunction with his "Female Face", he can use it to trick people into believing he's actually just an innocent woman.
Female Face
Nukesaku has the face and physique of a woman on his backside. Using the female face, he can use it to talk and make expressions. While somewhat useful, he often forgets to fixate his body to match the way this face is looking.[7]
Nukesaku is one of DIO's many servants within the mansion. He was turned into a vampire at some point by drinking DIO's blood.[8] Nukesaku, disliked by his allies so much, was nicknamed idiot (抜作, nukesaku).[3]

At some point after DIO's awakening of a Stand, he decides to experiment with his potential. Nukesaku is seen wielding a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun to test the power of The World. He fires and DIO mysteriously discovers the true extent of his power.[9]
Stardust Crusaders (1989)

Nukesaku is refused any involvement in the climactic battle with the Joestar Group by his allies, who threaten to kill him should he interfere. However, after hearing that DIO's remaining loyalists were defeated, he hopes to gain the chance to prove his value.
Nukesaku attempts to use his ability to trick Jotaro and company into believing he's an innocent woman trapped in DIO's mansion. He, however, is greeted with a punch to the face by Star Platinum, and it is then that Jotaro tells him that he was careless, due to the fact that he had not reversed his hands as well. Nukesaku notes that he forgot his thumbs pointed in the opposite direction when he was clasping his hands. Furious, Nukesaku lunged at Jotaro, only to be pummeled by Star Platinum and sent flying into multiple pillars. He is forced to lead the group to DIO[4] and believes that DIO will use this opportunity to defeat the Joestars, but when he removes the lid of his master's coffin, he finds himself sectioned to pieces in the coffin instead.[10][11]
Chapters / Episodes

- Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3 (Retired)
- Chapter 250: DIO's World, Part 4
- Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11 (Flashback)

- Stardust Crusaders Episode 2: Who Will Be the Judge?! (Silhouette)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 3: DIO's Curse
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 24: High Priestess, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 44: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 45: DIO's World, Part 1 (Retired)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 47: DIO's World, Part 3 (Flashback)

- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 69 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 71 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 73 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 76 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 78 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 79 (Mentioned)Mentioned only

- “That's what they get for calling me Nukesaku... guess who's the "dumbass" now, Vanilla Ice?! All of you!! (このオレを ヌケサクだなんて 呼びやがって…… 逆にやられちまったのは ヴァニラ・アイス!てめーたちだぜッ!)Kono ore o Nukesaku da nante yobi yagatte... gyakuni yarare chimatta no ha Vanira Aisu! Temē tachi daze!”—Nukesaku, Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- “P-Please have mercy... don't drink my blood! Please don't drink my blood!”—Nukesaku disguised as a woman, Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- “My ability is the greatest of all time! How did you guys figure it out?! (どおーしてバレたんだァーッ!?オレの無敵の能力がァーッ!!)Doōshite bare tan daā!? Ore no muteki no nōryoku gaā!!”—Nukesaku's disguise removed, Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- “I'll kill you! I'm immortal from drinking Lord DIO's blood! (ブッ殺すッ!この俺様はすでにDIO様の血が体内に入って 不死身になっているのだァーーッ)Bukkorosu! Kono oresama wa sudeni DIOsama no chi ga tainai ni haitte fujimi ni natte iru nodā”—Nukesaku attempting to attack Jotaro, Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- “L-Lord DIO... just so you know, I haven't betrayed you... I led them here because I'm sure you'll defeat them--as sure as you'd wet your own pants if you peed into the wind... (DI…DIO様ァ…わたしはあなた様を裏切ったわけではないのですから〜〜〜 あなた様の力を確信しているからこそこいつらを案内したのですゥゥゥ 風の強い時にションベンしたらズボンにかかるってことと同じくらい確信していますゥ………)DI... DIOsama... Watashi wa anatasama o uragitta wake dewa nai no desu kara~ Anatasama no chikara o kakushin shite irukara koso koitsura o an'nai sitano desuuuu. Kaze no tsuyoi toki ni shonben sitara zubon ni kakarutte koto to onaji kurai kakusin site imasuu...”—Nukesaku, Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
- “Please kill them, p-p-p-p-p-p-please!! Lord DIOOO!”—Nukesaku opening DIO's coffin, Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
- “Huh?! Me? I was just opening the coffin... why... am I inside? (な……… 中にいたのは……… おれだったァーー 今フタを開けていたのにィ〜〜〜)Na......... Nakani ita noha... Ore datta. Ima huta o akete ita noni~”—Nukesaku revealed to be in DIO's coffin, Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
Video Games
Capcom Fighters (Various)

JoJo's Venture & Heritage for the Future
Nukesaku appears as part of the Joestar Group's individual Story Mode campaigns, in cut-scenes mirroring the plot of Stardust Crusaders as he's captured by Jotaro and forced to open DIO's coffin.
If censorship (regulation in the arcade options, triggered by certain region settings) is enabled, or in the HD remake, expressions disabled, he will instead be wholly trapped inside DIO's coffin in utter disbelief, without the dismemberment of the original, and the crusaders leave him helpless upon realizing DIO is in the vicinity.
When DIO is hit by Alessi's Sethan, he will turn into a whimpering Nukesaku.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1)

In the PS1 port of the arcade games, Nukesaku appears in Super Story Mode. He is captured by Jotaro and forced to reveal DIO's location. When they arrive to the coffin, he's then forced to open the coffin but to the group's surprise, Nukesaku is inside the coffin, wounded and confused.
All-Star Battle (PS3)
Nukesaku appears as a stage hazard on DIO'S MANSION stage, after one of the players is thrown into the hazard indication area, Nukesaku will appears on the stage's wall. Excited, he will drop down on a location equally distant between both fighters, skewing towards whichever character has more health. Characters he lands on will bounce on the ground and take considerable damage. If hit himself by any source, Nukesaku will be sent reeling before retreating back to the ceiling. Attacked or not, he will continue to drop down from the ceiling periodically for the rest of the match.
JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

女に化ける吸血鬼 ver.

Cooldown: 80

Cooldown: 80

Cooldown: 70

Cooldown: 70

Cooldown: 60
All-Star Battle R (Various)
Nukesaku appears as the Stage Gimmick (ステージギミック, Sutēji Gimikku) for the DIO's Mansion (ディオの館, DIO no Yakata) stage. He jumps down and attacks the players, returning an unlimited number of times.
Nukesaku also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 150 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.

- “It... was me inside... Even though I was the one who opened the lid! (な…………中にいたのは…………おれだったァーーー。今フタを開けたのにィ~~)”
- “I can't hold on to the "in your face!" laugh that's welling up inside me right now! (腹の底から「ザマミロ&スカッとサワヤカ」の笑いが出てしょうがねーぜッ!)”
- “"Loser?!" I am not a loser! (こ…この、て…てめー、ヌケサクと呼んだな…なめるなよ~~)”
- “May I ask you something? How did you know they call me "Loser?" (ひとつ聞いてもいいですか? どうしてわたしのアダ名が「ヌケサク」ってわかったんですか?)”
- Nukesaku is incorrectly classified as a zombie rather than a vampire in the JoJo 6251 artbook and the OVER HEAVEN novel.
- In Weekly Shonen Jump 1997 #22/23, Araki confirms in an author's note that Nukesaku is a vampire with no Stand ability. This had apparently been a frequent question asked of him by fans.[2]
- Nukesaku's voice actor in the Part 3 TV anime, Toru Nara, previously voiced Bruford in the 2007 Phantom Blood movie adaptation and later voiced Thunder McQueen in the Part 6 anime.
- ↑ Yuji Kishi "CODE RED" Official Website - Biography of YUJI KISHI
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Chapter 505: Baby Face, Part 6, Author's Note
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1 P.3.
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1 P.14.
- ↑ Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- ↑ Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3 P.13.
- ↑ Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1 P.11.
- ↑ Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1 P.12.
- ↑ Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11 P.7.
- ↑ Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
- ↑ Chapter 250: DIO's World, Part 4