Vanilla Ice

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Je suis Vanilla Ice et je vais vous éradiquer au sein des ténèbres que j'abrite.
—Vanilla Ice, Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3

Vanilla Ice (ヴァニラ・アイス, Vanira Aisu) est un antagoniste secondaire figurant dans la troisième partie de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, dans l'arc "Vanilla Ice, la pestilence du vide".

Ice est un des serviteurs les plus fidèles de DIO et manie le Stand de vide, Cream. Transformé en Vampire alors que le Groupe Joestar envahissent le manoir de DIO, Ice attaque Abdul, Polnareff et Iggy.


Vanilla Ice est un homme très grand et musclé avec des cheveux ondulés qui tombent au niveau du dos. Il porte une paire de boucles d'oreilles métalliques en forme de cœur et un bandeau fin arborant un cœur au milieu du front.

Sa tenue se compose d'un gilet sombre à queue de cuir et ouvert sur un justaucorps à manches longues. Sur son épaule droite se trouve une sangle métallique reliée à un grand cœur sur sa poitrine droite et aux lettres «VI». Il y a un cœur plus petit à la base de son abdomen, fixé par une bande autour de sa taille faisant office de ceinture. Ice a les jambes nue et il porte des bottes foncées montent à mi-mollet. Dans le manga, il porte également des gants, mais il n'en a pas dans l'anime.

Dans All-Star Battle et l'OAV, le justaucorps de Vanilla Ice n'a pas de manche et ce dernier a des bracelets.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Manga CouleurJeu SFCOAVHeritage for the FutureAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Cheveux(Bleu clair)
(Justaucorps bleu, gilet vert, gants blancs, accessoires dorés)
Yeux(Violet sombre)
(Justaucorps saumon, gilet gris, accessoires dorés)
(Justaucorps bordeaux, gilet bleu avec dessous violet, gants blancs, accessoires dorés)
(Justaucorps violet, gilet noir, gants blancs, accessoires dorés)
(Justaucorps bleu, gilet et manchettes noirs, ceinture marron, accessoires roses)
(Justaucorps bleu, gilet noir, accessoires violets)
(Justaucorps magenta, gilet noir, accessoires rose)


Vanilla Ice frappe Iggy pour l'avoir fait frapper l'image de DIO

Vanilla Ice se définit par sa fidélité fanatique et résolue à DIO. Lorsque DIO demande du sang à Vanilla Ice, ce dernier n'hésite pas à utiliser son propre Stand pour se couper la tête et remplir une urne de son propre sang. Par celà il prouve sa loyauté absolue à DIO qui ressuscite Vanilla Ice sur le champ en tant que Vampire sans boire son sang offert.

Vanilla Ice est généralement calme et méthodique quand il combat. Il a la sagacité pour créer des pièges, sachant qu'il ne voit pas le monde quand il est dans Cream et que donc immobiliser ses victimes avec un appât où se poster sur un chemin qu'ils sont susceptibles d'emprunter permet de compenser pour celà. Il n'hésite pas à consciencieusement handicaper ses victime en blessant leurs jambes et leurs pieds, ou bien à balayer une salle entière pour s'assurer de tuer ses cibles.

Bien que Vanilla Ice soit normalement un individu calme, raisonné, il est enragé à l'idée qu'on puisse tenir tête à DIO où qu'on lui manque de respect d'une quelconque manière. Lorsque Iggy crée une statue de sable de DIO alors qu'il essaie de prendre Vanilla Ice au dépourvu, ce dernier décide de ne peut le tuer mais de tabasser le petit chien de ses propres mains pour le châtier pour l'avoir fait frapper une icône de son maître. De même il pense que tous ceux qui osent résister à DIO méritent la mort.

Cela implique également que Vanilla Ice est quelque peu distrait. Dans son zèle d'aller à la rencontre de l'ennemi, il entre dans son Stand et détruit un mur avec au lieu de passer par la porte, une chose dont se plaint DIO.

Pouvoirs et compétences

Main article: Cream

Cream est le Stand de Vanilla Ice et possède l'un des pouvoirs les plus destructeurs de la série. Sa bouche est liée à une dimensions des ténèbres et Vanilla Ice est le seul qui puisse survivre dans cette dimension car tous ceux qui passent dans la bouche de Cream sont désintégrés au passage. D'ailleurs, Cream peut s'avaler lui-même pour devenir une sphère de vide qui est invisible et invincible, détruisant tout sur son passage. Sa seule faiblesse est que dans cette forme, Ice ne voit pas le monde réel et doit régulièrement jeter un coup d'oeil pour voir où Cream va.

Cream (クリーム)Link to this section

DIO le transforme en Vampire sans qu'il ne le sache. Il acquiert alors l'immortalité et peut survivre à des blessure mortelles pour un humain, mais il devient faible aux rayons du soleil.


Stardust Crusaders

Vanilla entre en scène

Vanilla Ice est présenté pour la première comme un humain se protestant devant la porte de la chmabre de DIO pour rapporter la défaite de Telence T. D'Arby à son maître. DIO l'autorise à entrer dans sa chambre et explique que D'Arby a perdu parce que ce dernier n'avait pas la volonté de mourir pour DIO. DIO demande alors à Vanilla Ice son sang pour guérir son corps. Sans hésitation, Vanilla Ice prouve sa loyauté se coupant la tête avec Cream, son Stand, et verse son sang dans une urne.

DIO, satisfait par cette démonstration de loyauté, ne boit pas le sang de Vanille Ice et décide de ressusciter son fidèle serviteur car ce serait du gâchis de perdre un fidèle comme lui. Vanilla Ice est guéri et revient à la vie, DIO lui ordonne alors d'aller tuer les héros. Ice se fait tout de suite avaler par son Stand et sort de la chambre à toute vitesse à travers un mur, ce qui consterne un peu DIO qui dit qu'il aurait pu utiliser la porte tout simplement.

Vanilla Ice cible Iggy, Jean Pierre Polnareff et Mohammed Abdul. En gravant un message sur un pilier et en attendant dans un coin, Vanilla Ice s'attend à pouvoir tuer tous les trois d'un coup, mais Abdul est le seul à remarquer le message et pousse ses compagnons hors de la trajectoire de Cream. Abdul meurt mais Polnareff et Iggy survivent. Ice se dévoile alors pour avaler les bras d'Abdul et déclarer qu'il va les tuer.

Enragé par la mort d'Abdul, Polnareff riposte avec Silver Chariot et envoie une série de coups d'estoc, blessant l'épaule de Vanilla Ice et démolissant le mur de la pièce dans laquelle il se trouve. Après avoir failli être tué par une autre attaque d'Ice, lui et Iggy s'enfuit. Ice les poursuit directement pour un temps avoir d'essayer de se poster vers la porte d'entrée dans l'espoir qu'il courent simplement dans son Stand de vide en essayant de s'échapper. Contrairement à ses attentes, Polnareff et Iggy ont le courage de rester dans le manoir et filent au premier étage vers la galerie d'art. Vanilla Ice réapparaît brièvement et repart au premier étage pour devancer Polnareff dans la galerie. Cependant, il surgit d'en dessous le pied de Polnareff pour l'empêcher de courir.

Vanilla passe à tabac Iggy

Silver Chariot attaque de Ice repart dans Cream. Quand il revient pour jeter un coup d'oeil, la salle a été dévasté mais Polnareff et Iggy ont disparu. Ils ont en fait utilisé The Fool pour se cacher dans les escalier et ont créé une statue de sable de DIO pour tromper Ice. Ice voit pourtant les fenêtres ouvertes et comprend que ce DIO est un faux. Il détruit la statue et attaque Polnareff et Iggy. Il isole alors le chien et le frappe violemment, lui donnant des coups de pied et des coups de poing pour l'avoir forcé à "profaner" une icône de DIO. Iggy est blessé mortellement. Polnareff envoie Silver Chariot et Vanilla Ice se réfugie dans Cream. Lorsque Ice revient, il est pris par surprise par Silver Chariot qui lui perce la tête à travers la bouche. Cependant, Ice ne meurt toujours pas et commence à frapper le bras de Silver Chariot avant de traîner une partie de sa main dans le vide.

Il blesse ensuite Polnareff dans une succession rapide d'attaques, lui cassant le bras droit et absorbant une partie de sa jambe pour l'handicaper pour de bon. Après que Polnareff ramène Iggy à lui, Ice décide de balayer la salle en faisant une spirale pour pouvoir tuer Polnareff sans regarder. Incapable de s'échapper, Polnareff dit à Iggy d'utiliser ses pouvoirs pour s'échapper et avertir les autres - mais la fierté du chien le pousse à Polnareff à la place. Ice réapparait dans le monde réel et déclare que ses blessures dont dû à l'intervention d'Abdul. Il jure de tuer le reste des héros avant de succomber, mais remarque du sable qui tombe du plafond. Polnareff tombe et lui perce la tête avant de lui envoyer une volée de coups d'épées.

Vanilla Ice réduit en poussière

Vanilla Ice se relève encore pour tuer son ennemi, mais cette fois Polnareff a compris qu'il était devenu un Vampire grâce à DIO. En laissant le soleil entrer dans la galerie, il fait en sorte qu'un rayon de lumière désintègre la jambe de Ice. Ice est pris par surprise et enragé lorsque Polnareff le défie de s'approcher. Il se prépare à se jeter sur Polnareff mais Silver Chariot le pousse alors dans la lumière et Vanilla Ice est réduit en poussière.


Vanilla Ice apparaît dans les épisodes de 1993 de l'OVA, sa seule apparition étant dans l'épisode "Le Guerrier du Vide: Vanilla Ice". Il sert le même but que dans le manga: un serviteur de DIO qui combat Polnareff et tue Avdol et Iggy.

Son passé est développé dans l'OAV. Il était ostracisé à cause de son Stand mais a ensuite rencontré DIO et lui est devenu absolument fidèle, abandonnant sa conscience pour devenir le serviteur préféré de DIO.

Lorsque les héros entrent dans le manoir de DIO, lui et son maître se coordonnent pour les piéger. Ice tue Avdol alors que DIO place ce dernier dans son cercueil. DIO le laisse ensuite attaquer Polnareff. En détruisant le sol, il entraîne le Français vers les escaliers puis le rez-de-chaussée, puis la cour. Il réussit à immobiliser Polnareff mais Iggy intervient et le blesse. Pour se venger, il tue Iggy et frappe son corps.

Enragé par sa cruauté, Polnareff invoque Silver Chariot et le perce de façon répétée puis coupe sa tête. Comme il n'est pas un Vampire dans cette version de l'histoire, il meurt.

Chapitres / Episodes


Quote.png Quotes
  • Lord DIO, your wish will come true. I will kill them all...
    —Vanilla Ice, Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1
  • Avdol... has been reduced to nothingness. Beyond my jaws an endless void, a dark dimension which harbors thing which even I do not comprehend. Your ally is dead, but fret not as you will soon join him. You are arrogant enough to think you can defeat Lord DIO, therefore you must be punished! One by one, each of you shall fall in line, as I scatter your fragments into the deepest recesses of the void.
  • No... I will not die... nor do I have time to waste on your meagers attacks. I will dispose of you here! I will consume Iggy, then kill Joestar and the others! Only then will I allow myself to die!
    —Vanilla Ice, Chapter 243: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 6
  • Ton ami Avdol est dans l'autre monde. Il a été avalé par le vide que j'ai créé, il est passé dans l'autre monde. Seulement je ne sais absolument pas où il se trouve. La seule chose dont je sois certain, c'est qu'on ne peut accéder à ce monde là qu'une fois réduit en poussière.
  • Tu as désobéi à maître DIO et c'était une chose stupide et méprisable. Tu mérites le châtiment qu'on réserve aux poltrons. De quoi voudrais-tu être soulagé maintenant ? Un bras ? L'estomac ? Mais non, tu n'en a pas.
  • Mais c'est fini mon pauvre ami, tu es infirme. Il est grand tempt pour toi de t'abandonner à la mort en méditant sur les effets néfastes de la stupidité.

Jeux Vidéo


Vanilla Ice appears as the game's penultimate boss before DIO. As a boss, Vanilla Ice is the second most difficult character to beat, as he has a large amount of health. He uses his Stand to attack.

The main difference from the original story is that all 6 heroes battle Ice at once and that he does not kill Avdol and Iggy straight away. Instead, both can stay alive for the remainder of the game.

Heritage for the Future (PS1/DC/Arcade)


Vanilla Ice appears in two "forms" in Heritage for the Future. The first is the standard character which can be selected on the main menu for Story Mode or versus play, and the second functions as the "sub-boss" of the game, appearing before the final battle with DIO.

These two "forms" are more or less identical in appearance, but the sub-boss version of Ice can use alternate special attacks and super moves that do greatly increased damage. As a CPU boss, he uses his Stand's void more often to attack, generally by either moving in a straight line on the bottom of the screen or sweeping from top to bottom in an arc. His super moves both involve more drastic movements, with one having him void-warp around in a spiraling circle, just like in the manga and anime.

Vanilla Ice's Story Mode starts after the Joestar party has infiltrated DIO's mansion in Egypt. The vampire is able to eliminate one hero after another, until he fights Jotaro Kujo himself to the death. Afterwards, Ice reports his success to DIO. According to his ending, the vampire blood which transformed Ice took complete control of him afterwards, and he became DIO's slave forever.

When other characters (such as fellow villains) fight him in the game's Story Mode, the spiraling grooves from his attacks are not present in the stage.


Vanilla Ice is predictably one of the most powerful fighters in Heritage for the Future, arguably much more deadly than his sub-boss version if used by a skilled player.

Aside from commanding a powerful array of physical attacks, Vanilla's specialty, much like in the manga, is to use the powers of the "void" to crash into his opponents and damage them. He can take the form of the void ball while on the ground, in mid-air, and even change directions in the middle of a charge. This allows a player with quick reflexes to counter an oncoming attack, juggle an opponent into the air with careful timing, or even retreat in the face of danger.

Caution is advised, however, because unlike the manga, Vanilla Ice is STILL vulnerable while in his "void ball" form, and can be hit by projectile attacks (or even certain physical attacks, if the angle is correct).

Ice can also take the full form of his Stand Cream, who possesses very powerful and far-reaching attacks, but it comes at a steep penalty in speed and some mobility.

As noted before, Ice really shines in the hands of experienced players, as he benefits greatly from the Tandem mechanic. Unlike other fighters, who can attack faster when using the Tandem, this ability allows Ice and Cream to attack the opponent simultaneously for long and brutal combos. While this takes careful timing to execute properly, Ice is more than capable of depleting half of the opponent's energy in a single flurry of blows.

All of this gives Vanilla Ice the tools to be one of the most deadly characters in-game, when played properly.

All-Star Battle (PS3)

Vanilla Ice ASB.png

Vanilla Ice returns as DLC character in the PS3 title. He was confirmed along with Anasui for the 4th campaign. He, DIO, and Old Joseph Joestar are the only characters to have two different Styles (Stand and Vampirism Powers in the case of Ice and DIO). Vanilla Ice has 950 HP.

Most of his attacks from the previous game returns, but made slower to balance him out. Exclusive to Vanilla Ice is a Stand Power Gauge, which shows how much Cream can be used and slowly regenerates when it is not full; Ice always starts the match with the gauge half-full. Only one ability may be used when Cream is active; Ice is unable to use his Throw, HHA, or GHA while inside Cream. The Stand Power Gauge also depletes if Cream blocks or takes damage. When empty, Ice will automatically exit Cream. Of special note is that Cream is the tallest entity in the game while active, being slightly taller than even Wamuu.

Stand On/Off

Vanilla Ice can summon or recall Cream, altering his available abilities. Ice enters Cream's mouth doing so, and begins depleting the Stand Power Gauge with his Stand active.

You wretched beast!
ASBDPad3.png + ASBH.png (Stand Off only) ON GROUND

This move can only be used when the opponent is down. Ice rapidly kicks them multiple times.

Once and for all!
ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png or ASBDPad4.png/ASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png (Stand On only) IN AIR OK

Spending a 1/5th of the Stand Power Gauge, Cream swallows itself and moves toward the opponent as a moving void, dealing heavy damage on hit and knocking the opponent into the air. The directional button combined with attack button inputted alters Cream's path and speed. Backward makes Cream move slower, and forward makes it move faster. The attack can be used multiple times without stopping in order to juggle the opponent or hit them multiple times in a single motion. It also grants invincibility while in effect, is unblockable, and can hit a downed opponent. If the entire Stand Power Gauge is used up in a single combo with every attack hitting, the total damage dealt is even superior to Ice's GHA. The downside to such a singularly powerful move, however, is that the lengthily telegraphed start-up animation makes Ice easily susceptible to counters and parries when using it, with little-to-no ability to feint.

  • Light - Cream moves a short distance forward. This version can be jumped over, but is more controlled when trying to juggle the opponent.
  • Medium - Cream moves upward at an angle, doubling as an anti-air. This version can be avoided if the opponent is far enough.
  • Heavy - Cream rapidly moves forward a considerable distance. This version is easily jumped over and is less controlled when trying to juggle to the opponent, but is otherwise the most aggressive version of the attack.
Special Moves
How dare you! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice delivers a rising uppercut in a classic "Shoryuken"-style move, and like one, doubles as an anti-air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

This vicious arm! []
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad1.pngASBDPad4.png + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice summons Cream to deliver a chopping combo, knocking the opponent down on the final hit. If Medium or Heavy is inputted, the attack has a start-up delay but activates a complete guard effect before executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

Lord DIO
(After ability) ASBS.png ON GROUND

This move can only be used following any skill marked with a star (). Ice follows up on his attack by grabbing his opponent, plunging his fingers into the neck/torso, and draining their blood, stealing a small amount of health (much like DIO did to Joseph; This also marks the first time in any JoJo media that Ice is seen draining blood).

Start with the legs!
ASBDPad2.pngx2 + ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png then ASBL.png/ASBM.png/ASBH.png ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice summons Cream in its void form and sends it into the ground, and a second button press causes it to come back up in a moving assault before burrowing once more. The attack button inputted alters the ability's ranges, and the second input changes the direction of attack. The attack is unblockable and can hit a downed opponent. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)

  • Light - Cream reappears right in front of Ice; The Stand moves towards and past Ice before disappearing back into the ground, covering a small area behind him as well.
  • Medium - Cream reappears at mid-range; The Stand shoots straight up, doubling as an anti-air before disappearing back into the ground.
  • Heavy - Cream reappears at long-range; The Stand moves forward before disappearing back into the ground.
Throw - I swear I'll kill you!
2 ATK buttons at close range or ASBT.png ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice lifts the opponent by the neck and hold them still as he summons Cream to collide with them.

Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
The great void rises!
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice's HHA, "The great void rises!", has him enter Cream as it flies forward and reaches out. If it connects, Cream violently devours the opponent before spitting them out, reminiscent of Ice's devouring of Avdol's severed arms. The HHA has no way to be comboed into as it has a long start-up delay, and is not a part of Easy Beat as a result. However, it is a Throw and thus is unblockable, and has the added effect of completely restoring Ice's Stand Power Gauge to full if successful.

Spirit of Emptiness
ASBDPad2.pngASBDPad3.pngASBDPad6.png + 3 ATK Buttons, or ASBG.png ON GROUND

Vanilla Ice's GHA, "Spirit of Emptiness", has him enter Cream as it swallows itself and flies in a vertical circle. If it connects, Cream will knock the opponent off-balance. When they regain footing, they will have realized too late that Cream is carving an inescapable closing spiral on them. When the Stand reaches them, it viciously and mercilessly thrashes them into the air before a final upward hit sends them away (in the exact same fashion he assaulted an injured Polnareff and his earring, as well as in the Capcom game).

Vanilla Ice has special intro dialogue with Part 3 DIO before the fight starts, wherein both men acknowledge this fight as a training match. When Ice wins, he reaffirms his eternal loyalty to DIO.

Although his default hair color is dirty blond in ASB, his unlockable Color D changes his hair color to white and his clothes to pink, the same ones seen in the Capcom games and the OVA.

In the English localization of the game, the subtitles of his default opening line read "Let's kick it one time...", a clear reference to the opening lyrics for his namesake's, Vanilla Ice's song, Ice Ice Baby.

Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)


Vanilla Ice was confirmed for the game alongside DIO.

Ice is both a Stand user and a Vampire. As a Vampire, he is able to steal opponents' health. All damage to him aside from Ripple-based will become "white damage", that can be healed over time, and inversely, Ice will take more damage from Ripple-based attacks. As a Stand user, Vanilla Ice is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle, and more specifically is he a Mode User. The player can switch control between Ice and Cream to alter the character's abilities, with Stand Mode being the more powerful.

  • Style Action - I don't know where it leads, but it's a pitch black space...: Control is switched between Vanilla Ice and Cream as Ice enters the Stand. Cream has slow speed, but can ascend, and deals the majority of Ice's damage. Ice will return to Normal Mode either by manually inputting the Style Action, or when his stamina runs out. If Cream is attacked by any attack that would deal a knockdown, Ice is forced out of the Stand early.
  • Trait - Pissed: If DIO is Ice's partner and falls first in battle, "You foul creature!" will permanently become its EX variation during Ice's Soul Successions.
  • Dual Heat Attack - Spirit of Emptiness: It works the same as the one from All-Star Battle, with the exception that Cream only rams the opponent once with enough power to send them flying.

While in Normal Mode:

  • Lord DIO...: Ice stabs his arm forward. If he connects with an opponent, he will grab them by the neck/torso and absorb their health.
  • You foul creature!: Ice rapidly kicks opponents multiple times, dealing 6 hits. This attack can also hit opponents that are down. If "Pissed" is active, he will instead kick 11 times and delivers each individual kick much faster.
  • EX - Lord DIO...: Ice gains invincibility while he stabs his arm, and he will absorb considerably more health.
  • EX - You foul creature!: Ice kicks the opponent 11 times and delivers each individual kick much faster.

While in Stand Mode:

  • Now I've taken your legs!: Cream enters the void and dives underground. If Ice is locked on, Cream will reappear at his target's feet in an unblockable attack regardless of range, otherwise simply reappearing on the spot. Opponents hit by the move will suffer slowed movement speed for a short period of time.
  • It's time to settle this once and for all!: Cream swallows itself and charges forward, dealing heavy damage on hit and sending opponents flying. Cream can be steered with the movement stick. Backward makes Cream move slower, and forward makes it move faster. The attack grants invincibility while in effect, is unblockable, and can hit downed opponents. However, Cream's stamina consumption is increased as long as the skill is active. If Cream hits a wall or the borders of the stage, it will simply return by popping out of the ground at a nearby location. The skill can be deactivated manually by reinputting the activating button.
  • Corner, then kill.: Cream disappears into the void and reappears at specific points in the stage represented by anchor icons. This allows for quick escapes and inversely can be used to get closer to opponents just as fast. The skill by itself will not deliver an attack, but a Powerful Attack can be inputted to do so. The additional attack is unblockable.
  • EX - Now I've taken your legs!: The skill executes quicker and the damage is increased.
  • EX - It's time to settle this once and for all!: Cream's charge speed is increased.
  • You brought this on yourself! It's all your fault!: Ice must connect the EX variation of "You foul creature!". (200 Points)
  • It's no use... you won't get far on those legs.: Ice must connect "Now I've taken your legs!" 3 times. (200 Points)
  • I'm going to toss you into the void.: Ice must connect "It's time to settle this once and for all!" 3 times. (300 Points)
  • Whoever's reading this: Turn around, and you die.: Ice must Backstab 5 times. (500 Points)
  • They were crushed into tiny pieces... and died.: Ice must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)

Unlike the previous game, his main color scheme is now based on his anime appearance, including the effects of Cream's ability (turning from a deep red to the purple and black color).

Story mode

In the story mode, he is revived by DIO (in his Heaven Ascension form, but from alternate world where he finally conquered the world) and now able to fight in a daylight thanks DIO's new godlike powers on him, similar to the way how Kars becomes immune to the daylight after using the Red Stone of Aja implanted Stone Mask on him. He is seen in the last part of Chapter 2, set in Part 5/Vento Aureo timeline in Italy, backing a now revived and brainwashed Bruno Bucciarati to kill the heroes and to get the Saint's Corpse from them. However, he and Bucciarati are defeated by Polnareff and Giorno Giovanna as they retreat via teleportation by DIO. Before Ice retreat after Bucciarati first, he is asked by Polnareff about his true loyalty, the late-DIO or "that man". However, Ice only says that he is only loyal to one person, without telling them "that man" they speak of is none other than his master DIO, Ice knows this and departs afterward.


Vanilla Ice is paired with Jotaro in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Hol Horse and Yukako Yamagishi in the first round, but is eliminated by Jolyne Cujoh and Gyro Zeppeli in the second.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Swallowed in Dark SpaceImmortal Follower
Vanilla Ice
Swallowed in Dark Space ver.
Skill: Cream
Replaces random panels with Vanilla Ice panels, then erases all of them and their surrounding panels. It also makes Vanilla Ice panels not appear for a while
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 1
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 2
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 50
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 40
Vanilla Ice
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: October 28, 2020 - Present

Swallowed in Dark Space ver.
Cost: 0
After Ice's skill gauge fills up twice, replaces random Vanilla Ice panels with two Intensified Ice panels.
Skill: I don't have time to feel pain!
For each color, drags the panels down and replaces two random panels with intensified panels. For a certain period of time, intensified falling block panels will appear.
Skill Lv 1
Moved Colors: 2
Cooldown: 65
Skill Lv 2
Moved Colors: 3
Cooldown: 65
Skill Lv 3
Moved Colors: 3
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 4
Moved Colors: 5
Cooldown: 60
Skill Lv 5
Moved Colors: 6
Cooldown: 50
Vanilla Ice
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening
Date: February 22, 2021 - Present

Immortal Follower ver.
Cost: 0
After 5% of time passed since battle began, charges partner skill gauge by 50% (once per battle).

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StoryChapter Covers
StoryDesign SheetsPromotional Art
SFCHeritage for the FutureAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven


  • Dans All-Star Battle, Ice peut sucer le sang de ses ennemis alors qu'il est sensé ignorer qu'il est un Vampire et qu'il ne l'a jamais fait dans la série.
  • Vanilla Ice et son Stand Cream font un jeu de mot : Vanilla Ice Cream.
  • Cream est le premier Stand de la série à être nommé à partir d'un groupe de musique.


  1. The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice - Vol.9 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P170 The Secret of JOJO Characters
  2. Stardust Crusader Model Sheet No.SC-MC000-40-42
  3. JJBA Artbook: JoJo 6251
  4. SO Chapter 152: Made in Heaven (4) (Note: initialement 1988; changé ultérieurement)
  5. Yuji Kishi "CODE RED" Official Website - Biography of YUJI KISHI

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