Dio Brando ★ Histoire

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Une biographie détaillée de Dio Brando.

Phantom Blood

Enfance (~1867-1881)

Dio Brando est né en 1867 ou 1868 en Angleterre. Il est le fils de Dario Brando un père alcoolique et abusif qui le maltraite. La mère de Dio meurt alors qu'il est encore enfant. Dario et Dio vivent dans la pauvreté et Dio se fait maltraiter, insulter et battre par son père. Ce dernier finit naturellement par détester Dario. Alors que Dio a dix ans, Dario tombe malade. Un jour, Dio essaie de lui donner un médicament mais son père le frappe pour ne pas avoir acheté de l'alcool pour lui. Dario ordonne alors à Dio d'aller vendre la robe de sa défunte mère. Excédé par ce geste, Dio décide de secrètement empoisonner son père, se servant de sa maladie comme alibi. Il va chez un marchant oriental nommé Wang Chan pour acheter du poison et tue son père avec. Dio apprend qu'un certain gentilhomme nommé George Joestar a une dette de vie envers Dario et il se fait adopter au sein de la famille Joestar. Dio rend une dernière visite à la tombe de son père et crache dessus en jurant de s'emparer de la fortune des Joestar.

Jeunesse avec Jonathan

Dio rencontre Jonathan Joestar.

Dio se rend en calèche au manoir des Joestar. En sortant, il rencontre immédiatement Jonathan Joestar, le fils unique de George Joestar qui a son âge. Lorsque le chien de Jonathan, Danny, arrive, Dio lui donne un violent coup de genou à la mâchoire, ce qui énerve Jonathan, mais on croit à un malentendu. Après que George présente son foyer à Dio, ce dernier commencer à s'imposer devant Jonathan et lui fait savoir qu'il sera le dominant parmi eux. Secrètement, Dio veut aller plus loin et veut harceler Jonathan pour le briser psychologiquement ; ainsi, croit-il, il héritera facilement de la fortune des Joestar.[1]

Dio commence à victimiser Jonathan en lui volant des affaires. De plus, il le surpasse durant les leçons de son père George et sait bien se comporter à table, ce qui fait que George gronde son fils plusieurs fois en le comparant à Dio. Durant une compétition de boxe organisé par les enfants du coin, Dio décide de défier Jonathan à la boxe en pariant même leur argent de poche du mois. Grâce à son expérience à la boxe, Dio bat Jonathan aisément d'un crochet au visage. Il va aussi vicieusement enfoncer son pouce dans l'œil de Jonathan. Il impressionne la bande de gamins locaux avec sa technique de boxes et tous se rassemblent autour de lui pour lui donner des leçons de boxe. Dio le leur promet et en plus les amuse avec un feu d'artifice de sa confection. Il promet de leur montrer comment on le fait mais calomnie aussi Jonathan en leur disant qu'il est un rapporteur pour l'isoler de ses pairs encore plus qu'il ne l'est.

Dio se fait tabasser par Jonathan.

Cependant, Jonathan trouve un certain bonheur lorsqu'il devient le petit ami d'Erina Pendleton, une fille locale. Un jour, Dio apprend l'histoire de Danny et Jonathan de la bouche de George. Il aperçoit aussi un étrange Masque de Pierre accroché au mur. Plus tard, Dio aperçoit un message d'amour gravé sur un arbre entre Jonathan et Erina. Il décide ainsi d'humilier Erina et lui vole son premier baiser, s'exclamant de triomphe après avoir embrassé Erina de force. Cependant, Dio est vexé quand Erina décide de s'essuyer la bouche avec l'eau d'une mare boueuse sur la route, car il comprend que cette eau est plus propre que lui. Il gifle la fille de colère et part. Bientôt, Jonathan apprend ce qui s'est passé et confronte Dio dans le hall principal, furieux. Jonathan veut se battre. Dio lui assène un coup de coude, confiant qu'il peut battre Jonathan une seconde fois, mais Jonathan trouve une force en lui pour renverser la situation et donner un violent coup de poing à Dio. Jonathan continue et tabasse Dio, au point que Dio se mette à pleurer. Dans sa colère, Dio prend secrètement un couteau mais George interrompt le combat et les punit en leur ordonnant de rentrer dans leur chambre. Durant le combat, Dio a noté que son sang à aspergé le Masque de Pierre et que des piques en sont sortis, mais il n'en fait pas grand cas pour le moment.

Plus tard, Dio va ligoter Danny, le cacher dans une boîte et mettre la boîte dans l'incinérateur du manoir, en attendant que le majordome l'active et immole le chien, sans qu'on puisse l'accuser. Dio prend aussi note que Jonathan possède en fait une certaine force mentale et réalise que son plan ne va pas marcher. Il décide de devenir plus aimable pour feindre de devenir l'ami de Jonathan.

Dio devient un Vampire

Dio revêt le Masque de Pierre.

Sept ans passe. Dio et Jonathan ont désormais tous les deux dix-sept ans et sont élèves à l'Académie Hugh Hudson. Dio lui va être diplômé en droit. Dio joue aussi au rugby dans son école avec Jonathan et lors d'un match, les deux coopèrent pour inscrire l'essai de la victoire. Dio et Jonathan se serrent la main en parlant comme s'ils étaient amis devant des reporters du l'université, mais en privé, il déteste toujours autant Jonathan. Pendant sept ans, Dio s'est comporté comme un bon membre de la famille auprès des Joestar pour qu'on baisse sa garde devant lui. De plus, cela fait quelques temps que George Joestar I est tombé malade, ce qui est en fait dû au fait que Dio l'empoisonne lentement avec la même substance avec laquelle il a tué son père biologique.

Malheureusement pour Dio, Jonathan découvre une lettre de Dario qui révèle que Dario avait les mêmes symptômes que George. Jonathan confronte Dio et exige de prendre le "médicament" que Dio porte à George. Dio refuse, essayant de persuader Jonathan et en invoquant leur "amitié". Jonathan demande à Dio de jurer sur l'honneur de son père Dario. Furieux, Dio déclare que son père n'a jamais eu d'honneur et il tente de donner un coup de poing à Jonathan. Jonathan, qui est devenu un grand jeune homme musclé, le jette de la balustrade du premier étage et déclare qu'il va faire analyser le poison de Dio pour prouver son crime. Jonathan part pour Londres, et plus précisément Ogre Street pour trouver la source du poison.

Déterminé à réussir son plan à n'importe quel prix, Dio concocte un plan pour tuer Jonathan avec le Masque de Pierre, sachant depuis son enfance que des piques en sortent si on met du sang sur le masque ; avec çà, il prévoit de tuer Jonathan en prétendant qu'il a eu un accident avec l'artefact. Il apprend que Jonathan est allé à Ogre Street et muse qu'il n'a peut-être pas besoin de tuer Jonathan car Ogre Street est un repaire de bandits. Cependant, il est toujours nerveux. Dio parcourt les rues de Liverpool en buvant à la bouteille, anxieux. Il rencontre deux ivrognes qui l'insultent et s'énerve. Il frappe l'un avec sa bouteille, coupe la gorge de l'autre, et décide de tester le masque sur le survivant. Il transforme sans le vouloir l'homme en Vampire, voyant de ses propres yeux que le vampire possède une force prodigieuse. Le vampire l'attrape et lui suce son sang, redevenant jeune. Heureusement, le soleil se lève et le vampire est désintégré par la lumière, sauvant Dio.

Dio revient chez les Joestar et voit Jonathan qui l'attend. Il comprend que Jonathan a trouvé des preuves et essaie de gagner du temps en le suppliant. C'est alors que le ruffian Robert E. O. Speedwagon et une troupe de policiers se révèlent pour l'arrêter pour tentative de meurtre. Acculé, Dio fait mine de se rendre et demande à Jonathan de lui mettre les menottes aux poignets personnellement. Lorsque Jonathan s'approche, Dio révèle le masque et un couteau. Il lance une attaque avec le couteau, mais poignarde seulement George Joestar I qui s'est interposé entre Dio et son fils. Dio met le masque et le couvre avec le sang de George, puis les policiers l'abattent, le propulsant à travers la fenêtre. George Joestar meurt et Jonathan le pleure. Cependant, Dio se transforme alors en Vampire lui aussi. Il revient à l'attaque et s'approche de Jonathan. Même lorsque Speedwagon lui tire à la tête, Dio ne sent rien et il massacre les policiers.

Dio s'approche de Jonathan de Jonathan lequel est décidé à battre le monstre devant lui. Jonathan attrape une lance qui décorait la maison et attaque Dio avec, mais Dio va aisément plier le fût en métal et plonger la pointe de la lance dans l'épaule de Jonathan. Dio atterrit du plafond en faisant des pirouettes, mais il perd Jonathan de vue. Il cherche Jonathan, tirant un rideau dans lequel il croit apercevoir Jonathan en voyant des traces de sang, mais c'est alors que le rideau tombe sur lui, en feu. Jonathan met le feu à sa maison dans l'espoir que le brasier puisse tuer Dio malgré son pouvoir de régénération. Jonathan monte à l'étage tandis que Dio, jubilant avec sa force extraordinaire, monte en enfonçant les pieds dans un mur en pierre et en marchant à la verticale.

Dio combat Jonathan tandis que le manoir Joestar brûle.

Après un bref combat sur le toit du manoir, Jonathan plaque Dio vers l'intérieur du bâtiment, tombant alors vers les flammes. Dio casse les côtes de Jonathan et attrape le mur à même la pierre, mais JoJo réuse de la pointe de lance pour l'enfoncer dans le mur et s'en servir comme appui. Jonathan prend ensuite sa ceinture pour attraper Dio par le pied et le tire en base avec lui encore. Jonathan poignarde Dio avec la pointe de lance. Dio lui casse les bras mais Jonathan tient bon. Le Vampire reste confiant car il sait qu'il peut sortir de l'incendie, mais c'est alors que Jonathan donne un coup de pied au mur pour se propulser et empale Dio sur la statue de la déesse de l'amour qui trône au milieu du hall principal. Dio est coincé sur la statue, au milieu du brasier, tandis que Jonathan s'échappe par une fenêtre. A l'insu de tous, un pilier s'effondre sur Dio, le protégeant un peu des flammes.

Quelques jours plus tard, Wang Chan rend visites aux ruines calcinées du manoir Joestar pour piller le bâtiment. C'est alors que Dio refait surface et lui suce le sang, le transformant en Zombie qui devient son premier serviteur. Dio jure de prendre sa revanche contre Jonathan. Il se cache un temps à Londres et transforme d'ailleurs Jack l'Eventreur en Zombie. Puis, Dio bouge dans le petit village côtier de Windknight's Lot. Là, il s'en prend à la populace pour régénérer sont corps brûlé et créer une armée de zombie pour pouvoir envahir Londres. Il envoie aussi Wang Chan assassiner Jonathan, qui devrait être encore convalescent. Cependant, Wang Chan revient blessé. Dio apprend l'existence de l'Onde, le seul pouvoir qui peut le vaincre à part le soleil.

A Windknight's Lot

Dio revoit Jonathan à Windknight's Lot.

Lorsque Jonathan, Speedwagon et le maître de l'Onde Will Anthonio Zeppeli atteignent Windknight's Lot, Dio hypnotise un petit garçon du coin nommé Poco pour que ce dernier attire les héros là où ils veut. Les héros se retrouvent dans un cimetière dont les morts se relèvent. Dio lui même se révèle, ayant guéri son corps à 100%. Lorsque Zeppeli l'attaque, Dio révèle une technique qui gèle le poing de Zeppeli au contact, ce qui empêche le maître de déployer son Onde. Jonathan intervient pour protéger Zeppeli mais se fait aussi geler un poing. Satisfait, Dio appelle aussi deux puissants zombie, les chevaliers noirs Tarkus et Bruford, qu'il a ressuscité pour en faire ses serviteurs. Bruford échange quelques coups avec Jonathan et est intéressé par sa capacité au combat, et donc le zombie demande à Dio la permission de le combattre en duel. Dio accepte la requête avant de partir.

Dio revient dans son château. Il reçoit notamment une mère et son bébé, la mère suppliant Dio d'épargner son enfant. Dio va sadiquement transformer la mère et la regarder dévorer le bébé. Plus tard, Dio reçoit la Soeur de Poco, une jolie jeune fille qu'il essaie de séduire puis de soudoyer pour devenir sa servante, mais la fille refuse ses avances et le gifle. Dio la laisse alors à la merci du Zombie Doobie. Heureusement, Jonathan intervient avant que rien de grave n'arrive. Le groupe des héros confronte Dio dans une des salles de son chateau. Dio s'avance alors pour combattre Jonathan personnellement. Cependant, le guerrier de l'Onde Dire le défie en premier, pour venger Zeppeli, qui était son ami et qui est mort. Dire essaie d'utiliser une technique spéciale sur Dio mais Dio lui gèle tout le corps et le brise en mille morceaux. Dire blessera Dio avec une rose chargée à l'Onde avec son dernier souffle, et expire. Ceci enrage Dio, et il appelle tous ses zombies pour massacrer le groupe tandis qu'il combat Jonathan personnellement.

Le combat entre Dio et Jonathan se passe sur un large balcon surplombant un ravin. Jonathan utilise son épée Luck & Pluck pour couper le bras droit de Dio et le tranche presque en deux. Dio contre-attaque en gelant la main de Jonathan à travers la lame de l'épée, puis menace de lui couper la carotide. Jonathan angle la pointe de l'épée dans un feu qui est derrière Dio et la chaleur transmise permet de libérer les mains de Jonathan. Dio brise alors Luck & Pluck. Jonathan n'a plus que ses poings et le pouvoir gelant de Dio lui donne un avantage. Cependant, Jonathan va alors mettre le feu à ses poings en les plongeant dans les flammes, puis donne un double coup de poing au torse que Dio n'arrive pas à geler. Dio est atteinte directement en plein torse par une décharge d'Onde et est propulsé dans le ravin. Tout le monde le croit mort. En fait, Dio va sa couper la tête avant que tout son corps soit touché par l'Onde. Il atterrit en tant que tête, recueilli par Wang Chan.

Dernier Combat contre Jonathan

La tête de Dio combat Jonathan dans un navire en flamme.

Deux semaines plus tard, la tête de Dio infiltre le navire où les nouveaux mariés Jonathan et Erina Joestar embarquent pour aller aux Etats-Unis, dans le cadre de leur lune de miel. Caché dans un cercueil piégé et fortifié, Dio fait en sorte que Wang Chan créé d'autres zombies dans le navire, puis leurre Jonathan dans la cale/salle des machines. Lorsque Jonathan arrive, Dio se révèle et complimente Jonathan sur sa force de caractère. Il révèle que s'il doit avoir un corps, se sera celui de son plus grand ennemi, et Dio tire des rayons fait d'humeur aqueuse vers Jonathan qui cette fois, lui transpercent la gorge.

Jonathan est mortellement blessé, mais en plus il ne peut plus respirer pour créer de l'Onde. Dio est déçu car il voulait tuer Jonathan sans douleur, et dit à Wang Chan d'en finir avec lui mais en se méfiant. Wang Chan ne l'écoute pas car il veut se venger, et lorsqu'il approche imprudemment Jonathan, ce dernier l'infuse avec l'Onde. Il contrôle le corps de Wang Chan en le détruisant, faisant en sorte qu'il se coince dans la machinerie. Il cause une surpression qui menace de faire exploser le moteur et le navire avec. Dio sort de sa capsule et ordonne à des zombies de retire Wang Chan, mais c'est trop tard il le moteur explose. Il s'accroche à Jonathan avec des tentacules pour essayer d'attaquer mais Jonathan le poignarde avec un morceau de métal. Jonathan serre alors Dio dans ses bras après avoir dit à Erina d'aller en sécurité dans le cercueil. Dio parle à Jonathan essayant de le persuader de le laisser vivre en échange de la vie éternelle, mais Jonathan est déjà mort, choquant Dio. Le navire explose pour de bon.

Dio disparait et finit, on ne sait comment, dans son cercueil qui coule au fond de l'océan. Il réussit à voler le corps de Jonathan et puise dans l'énergie vitale stockée dans le corps pour subsister pendant près d'une siècle même s'il est toujours enfermé.

Pré-Stardust Crusaders (1983-88)

Le cercueil de Dio est repêché par des chasseurs de trésor.

En 1983,[2][3] des chasseurs de trésors repêchent le cercueil de Dio, au large de la côte africaine[4]. Les chasseurs de trésor s'empressent d'ouvrir le cercueil alors que le Soleil se couche. On retrouvera le bateau plus tard vide, ainsi que le cercueil, sous-entendant que Dio a tué tout le monde. Libéré et disposant du corps de Jonathan, Dio va voyager à travers le monde. En juillet-août 1984, il rencontre une japonaise et s'unit avec elle, puis la laisse partir. De leur union naitra Giorno Giovanna. Il répète plusieurs liaisons avec d'autres femmes, mettant enceintes les futures mères d'Ungalo, Rikiel et Donatello Versus.

Durant les années suivantes, il rencontre Enya Geil et obtient un Stand, The World, lorsqu'il se fait percer par une Flèche mystique.[3] Il parvient à se créer une organisation de personnes qui lui sont fidèles, grâce à son charisme terrifiant. Un jour, Dio ordonne un servant de lui tirer dessus avec un fusil pour qu'il teste la force et la vitesse de The World. Dio se rend alors compte qu'il peut arrêter le temps, le laps de temps arrêté durant une fraction de seconde. Enya lui conseille sur son pouvoir et Dio parvient à rallonger le laps de temps figé alors qu'il sent The World se familiariser de plus en plus avec son pouvoir.[5] De plus, Dio suce le sang de diverses victimes pour régénérer.

DIO parlant avec un jeune Enrico Pucci.

Plus tard en 1986, Dio rencontre Jean Pierre Polnareff et lui lave le cerveau. En 1987, Dio va en Floride. Il y rencontre Enrico Pucci, un jeune homme qui aspire à devenir un prêtre. Dio s'intéresse à Pucci lorsqu'il le rencontre dans une église et voit qu'il porte un livre qui parle d'un prêtre qui abandonna sa cause. Dio va lui donner une pointe de Flèche et soigner sa jambe déformée.[6] En juillet 1988, Dio rencontre Mohammed Abdul et tente de le persuader de le rejoindre, mais Abdul parvient à s'enfuir. En août, il rencontre Noriaki Kakyoin alors que le jeune homme passe des vacances en Egypte, et lui lave aussi le cerveau.

Stardust Crusaders (1987-88)

DIO dans son repaire

DIO with Jonathan's Body
The awakened Dio Brando, now referred to as simply "DIO", begins his next moves within the later months of 1987.[3] For much of this time, DIO remains in shadows and the question of exactly what his stand "The World" does is a mystery to the Joestars and their companions. DIO's ambition is to create a perfect world for him and his servants. In the interim, he seeks to drain for himself the blood of the Joestar lineage, which will help him to fully fuse with Jonathan's body and take better control of The World.

Despite his knowledge that Joseph Joestar and allies are looking for him, he does not make any effort to go confront them himself and instead chooses to remain in his mansion reading or feeding on the blood of women. DIO spends a fair amount of time philosophizing in his mansion with Pucci, while the protagonists battle their way toward him.[7]

When Hol Horse reports on the defeat of Alessi and Mariah, DIO questions him about his ability to fight. Feeling humiliated, Hol Horse attempts to shoot DIO from behind but DIO uses The World to disappear and reappear behind the gunman. However, DIO spares Hol Horse as he is impressed and gives him one last chance; for his part, Hol Horse realizes that he's hopelessly outmatched and swears loyalty to DIO.

Not long afterward, the Joestar Group finally arrives at his Mansion. When Vanilla Ice comes to inform him of Telence T. D'Arby's defeat, Vanilla volunteers his life to complete DIO's assimilation of Jonathan's body and subsequently slices off his own head. DIO then utilizes his own blood to revive Vanilla as a Vampire.

Le Monde de DIO

After Vanilla's defeat, DIO's reveals himself to Polnareff on a set of stairs. He toys with Polnareff for a while and transports him during the stopped time to psych him, but Polnareff's determination holds and he attacks. DIO summons The World - only to be interrupted by Joseph, Jotaro and Kakyoin breaking down a wall and flooding the stairs with sunlight.
DIO reveals his Stand for the first time
The sunlight forces DIO to retreat in the shadows. As the Joestar Group reaches the top of his mansion's tower, DIO punishes Nukesaku for leading the heroes to him and cuts him into several pieces. Sensing a great danger, the Joestar Group jumps out of the window.

With the sun setting, the remaining Joestar companions split up into two groups and DIO follows Joseph and Kakyoin, who have commandeered a truck. DIO takes over a limousine and forces the senator Wilson Phillips to act as a chauffeur. During the car chase, DIO is attacked by Kakyoin's Hierophant Green but he easily flicks the Emerald Splash away. Summoning The World, DIO lands a heavy punch on Hierophant Green which wounds Kakyoin and inforrms him that The World is a close-range Stand with no away to attack at distance. In order to get close enough to Joseph and Kakyoin's truck, DIO launches the senator at them, thus resulting in their truck crashing into a building. He then follows them as they use their stands to flee across the rooftops, and ends up battling Kakyoin in the process. Kakyoin unravels Hierophant Green to create a great invisible network of tentacles shooting Emerald Splashes from all direction to trap DIO and launches an omnidirectional attack to force DIO to use his ability. DIO uses The World to stop time and destroy the barrier, punching Kakyoin through the stomach.

Before dying, Kakyoin realizes the nature of The World's time-stop power and uses his last strength to give Joseph a message. DIO wastes no time in catching up to and attacking Joseph, who is able to pass Kakyoin's message to Jotaro. However, DIO stops time and throws a knife into Joseph's throat. Jotaro challenges DIO to a fistfight, but while Star Platinum is a close match for The World, the latter prevails. Jotaro jumps but DIO stops time to kill him, only to stop as he sees Jotaro's finger twitch. Since Star Platinum and The World are similar, DIO suspects that Jotaro may be able to move in the frozen time. Reassured when he sees that Jotaro is using magnets to fake his movements, DIO attacks but is surprised by Star Platinum who sudenly moves and punches through his stomach. Jotaro is able to move in the stopped time.

DIO is wounded but quickly recovers by draining a nearby civilian. Unsure about the extent of Jotaro's ability to move during the stopped time, DIO shows off the many knives he's just taken. Jotaro jumps to escape but DIO stops time and surrounds him with knives. Jotaro is hit and falls to the ground, alive but gravely wounded. Jotaro plays dead but DIO wants to make sure of Jotaro's death and thus takes a street sign as an improvised executioner's ax. At this moment, Polnareff attacks him from behind but DIO's resilience and time power make the attack useless. To distract DIO from Polnareff, Jotaro must move his finger and make DIO refocus on him. More suspicious than ever, DIO tries to listen to Jotaro's breathing and hearbeat, forcing Jotaro to have Star Platinum squeeze his own heart. Satisfied, DIO approaches but Jotaro lands a punch on his head. Stunned, DIO finds himself cornered and opts to flee but Jotaro catches up to him. Star Platinum pummels the Vampire but DIO reveals that his plan was to go to Joseph's body all along and Star Platinum just sent him flying toward Joseph.

DIO drops a steamroller on Jotaro

DIO sucks Joseph's blood and becomes fully synched Jonathan's body, empowering him further. Now DIO is able to stop time for nine seconds. Jotaro wastes his movement for a meaningless clash and DIO is able to pummel Jotaro and send him flying. As a final attack, DIO stops time again and at the last moment, brings a Road Roller to crush Jotaro with. Jotaro is seemingly crushed and DIO gloats, but the youth then reveals that he's just become able to stop time too. Using this window, Jotaro crushes DIO's legs. DIO, determined not to lose, squirts some blood out of his leg and into Jotaro's eyes. He then attempts to finish him but to no avail. In the end, Jotaro lands a punch that connects with a kick from DIO. Star Platinum's hand breaks but The World is split in two, just like DIO whose body explodes and whose head shatters. Jotaro and doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation are able to do a blood transfusion between Joseph's body and the lower half of DIO's body. The transfusion is able to revive Joseph, and later they lay DIO's remains in the middle of the Sahara Desert to disintegrate with the rising sun.


Diamond is Unbreakable (1999)

DIO & Enya as remembered by Jotaro

After DIO's death, it is revealed that he, along with Enya, had more affiliates besides those discovered by the Joestar group. The Nijimura Patriarch, like others, sold his soul to DIO and had a flesh bud implanted on his forehead, similar to Polnareff and Kakyoin. However, it burst after DIO's death, mutating him for life. Sometime before Enya died, she gave the Nijimura Patriarch one of the Arrows in their possession which one of his sons used to create Stand users in Morioh. Yoshihiro Kira was also revealed to have been given an Arrow before his death. Kira used this Arrow to create more Stand users in Morioh as well, including his own son Yoshikage.

Vento Aureo (2001)

DIO's picture in Giorno's Wallet

Around twelve years after their battle in Egypt, Jotaro Kujo learns that DIO had at least one child, utilizing Jonathan's body after his casket was pulled up from the ocean. It is later discovered by Koichi Hirose that this son was Giorno Giovanna. Even though Giorno does inherit some of DIO's ruthless and brutal nature, as well as his ambition and charisma, he does not use it for evil ends as he also inherits Jonathan’s noble, polite, and overall kind nature toward good people.

After DIO's defeat, Polnareff took the Stand arrow from his mansion. This then leads Polnareff to go to Italy and track down Diavolo after finding out about the arrow in his possession.

Stone Ocean (2012)

In the year 2012, the Joestar family learns that Enrico Pucci encountered DIO shortly prior to and during their journey to Egypt. DIO "healed" Pucci's disfigured foot and gave him a Stand Arrow, speaking about the gravity which draws people together. He then told Pucci to seek him out using the Arrow if he wished to learn more. After a series of unfortunate events that led to Pucci being stabbed by the Arrow and gaining a Stand, he turned to DIO.

The two would spend a considerable amount of time together, each traversing to the other's location across the world and discussing ways to turn their philosophies into reality. During one of DIO's visits, he suddenly brings up his interest in reaching an ideal heaven, revealing that he had written the plans to do so in a notebook and that he would need Pucci's help in doing so.[8] DIO questioned Pucci's loyalty to him, however, pondering why the latter didn't use Whitesnake to remove The World from him. Pucci explained that he loved DIO as he loved God, and thus worshiped him too much to betray him. Ensuring that he wouldn't completely fade, he left one of Jonathan's bones in Pucci's care.[9]

This bone becomes vital to Pucci's plan when one of his underlings, Sports Maxx, uses his Stand to reanimate it. This results in the incubation of a "Green Child" (which also possessed the Joestar birthmark) that would later merge with Pucci to give him C-Moon and finally Made in Heaven. Aside from Pucci, several other figures emerge, shown to have ties to DIO: Johngalli A. is one of DIO's underlings who bears a grudge against the Joestars for DIO's demise, and Ungalo, Rikiel and Donatello Versus are, like Giorno, DIO's illegitimate children.

Combats majeurs

Partie 1

Partie 3


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Original Universe

My blood calls to blood, and thus I know! I am the king of the world! I rule everything!
—Dio Brando, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II

Dio Brando is the main antagonist of the light novel JORGE JOESTAR. He enacts a universal plan that would allow him to rule the entire world, with several minions such as Antonio Torres, Giorno Giovanna (Universe ?), Diavolo (Universe ?), Enrico Pucci (Universe 37), Funny Valentine (Universe ?), and The Funniest Valentine at his side.

List of Dio's Stands/Beyond
Trinity (三位一体(さんみいったい))Link to this section
Destiny Manipulation
The Passion (ザ・パッション)Link to this section
Descendant Precognition
The World Ultimate (ザ・ワールド・アルティメット)Link to this section
Stopping Time
C-Moon Ultimate Requiem (Cムーン・アルティメット・レクイエム)Link to this section
Gravity Shift
Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem (メイド・イン・ヘブン・アルティメット・レクイエム)Link to this section
Time Acceleration


Dio as a head
Dio in the water

In 1889, Dio escaped from Jonathan's grip as the ship exploded and then decapitated him, taking over his body. Dio's coffin with Erina inside fell into the water after all the explosions. Erina opened the lid of the box to check if there was anyone floating in the water that she could save, when she saw a hand attempt to grab her arm from under the box. As she attempted to close the lid, Erina saw Dio's terrifying face floating on the water. He impaled Jonathan's feet on a stick of wood embedded on the side of the box, allowing him to travel together with the coffin. When Erina opened the lid, Dio managed to grab Lisa Lisa out of the coffin and cradled the baby by his chest, using her as a hostage. Dio offered to spare Lisa Lisa if Erina offered her blood to him. As Erina could not refuse, Dio handed back Lisa Lisa and drank a lot of blood from Erina without restraint.

Dio and Erina

Erina could hear Dio struggling in pain that night, thrashing against the water and the coffin. As a nurse, Erina knew Jonathan's body would have been rejecting the foreign tissue of Dio's head. Before the sun rose, Dio knocked on the lid and asked to drink Erina's blood once more. In order to keep Erina's body healthy, Dio caught a fist full of fish. Using his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, he then cooked the fish on a floating piece of ship debris near the coffin. Erina took some fish, chewed it, and then fed it to the baby Lisa Lisa. Noticing Erina wasn't eating any herself, Dio remarked that Erina should keep the baby within her womb healthy as well, which shocked Erina as she did not yet realize that she was pregnant. Erina began eating while Dio drank the sea water and converted it from salt water to fresh water using his vampiric abilities. He then slipped his fingers into Erina and Lisa Lisa's arms to inject water into their bodies. Dio was about to go back into the water and hide underneath the coffin before the sun rose but Erina had realized the coffin had two compartments and told him to get in the bottom layer. However, Dio realized Erina's scheme was to have an easier advantage over him, as Dio being in the bottom compartment would allow Erina to easily lift the lid and have the sun shine on him. Dio threatened Erina for attempting to fool him and drained more of her blood as punishment. Furthermore, Dio pushed Erina into the bottom compartment of the coffin and took Lisa Lisa with him into the top compartment, threatening to eat her if Erina tried something stupid.

Torturing Erina

Dio then flipped the box and later used a mysterious power to kill a bird that was sitting on top of the coffin. After he roasted it, he offered it to Erina, who wondered how Dio managed to open the lid and prepare the meal without entering the sunlight. Over time, Dio started becoming unstable as he verbally harassed and violently tortured Erina. For hours, he would go on about how Erina was useless and it was her fault Jonathan died. When Erina would start crying, Dio changed his tone and acted gentle to keep Erina off balance. When Erina started apologizing, Dio thought she was mocking him and used his invisible power to drag Erina out of the coffin and threw her into the water. She would nearly drown and then Dio would use his power to pull her back into the coffin. This went on for days, and Dio would drink her blood in between. Each time, Erina would be near death but Dio would revive her by feeding her enough to restore what he drank. Although she only heard his voice the whole time without seeing him, Erina felt like his tool after the torture. She lost her sense of reality and even agreed to marry him after the constant manipulation.

One night, Dio opened the lid of the box and appeared in front of Erina. His wounds were almost completely healed from drinking Erina's blood. Seeing the vampire, Erina finally realized that this man was Dio Brando and not her owner, and she was Erina Joestar. Dio asked Erina to give her new husband a kiss, but Erina had reclaimed her sense of self and remarked that there's no muddy water to wash her mouth with afterwards. Erina realized Dio hadn't changed in the past ten years, and he must have been torturing Erina because he wanted Jonathan to see it, so Jonathan should be somewhere nearby. She knew Dio wouldn't leave Jonathan's head behind on the ship because of his obsessive nature. Believing Jonathan was by her side even if he had become a zombie, Erina was no longer afraid of Dio. After pointing out that Dio was doomed by his shallow mind and overwhelming self-importance, he throws her into the sea out of anger, where she manages to find Jonathan's head hidden under the debris near the coffin.

Dio weakened

Dio worriedly pulled Erina out of the water with his mysterious power, exclaiming that Jonathan would eat her because he believed Jonathan became a zombie. Confused as to why Jonathan wasn't doing anything to Erina, Dio wonders how long Jonathan would continue pursuing him. Erina refused to let Dio harm Jonathan's head and grabbed a piece of driftwood, which she then stabbed into the side of her neck. After seeing Dio's shock, Erina laughed in relief before losing consciousness, knowing that Dio couldn't let her die. Erina woke up after receiving blood from Dio, who also stitched her wound using knowledge he learned from various books he previously read. Dio had ended up giving Erina as much blood as he had drank from her, leaving him even weaker than he was before he first confronted Erina. For the first time, Erina realized just how lonely Dio was. Erina could have killed Dio then, but she felt pity for him and placed him into the bottom compartment of the coffin. After she was rescued by a ship, she had the fisherman weigh the coffin down and sink it.[11]

While sleeping in his coffin underwater, Dio sees the futures of Jonathan's descendants due to the Stand of Jonathan's body, The Passion. In the far future, Giorno starts having dreams of Dio who relays orders to him, either due to Dio's Beyond or from The Passion.[12]


Drinking Diavolo's blood

Following what he saw in his dream, Giorno becomes his Diavolo persona and jumps into Cube House with George Joestar. They travel back in time from the 37th universe to a ship in the original universe where Dio's coffin was recovered by fishermen. Diavolo yells at Dio to wake up. Hungry, Dio decides to drink some of Diavolo's blood first. As Diavolo's body belongs to Dio's son, his blood is suitable.

Dio with The Passion and The World

Diavolo attempts to use King Crimson but Dio's The World stops time before he can. Dio then uses the The Passion to see Diavolo's future. Dio kicks Diavolo and stomps on his head, claiming they still have work to do. George witnesses Dio and Diavolo vanish, realizing that they traveled through time as Cube House's effect was still lingering on Diavolo.[12]

Time Traveling

Killing Pucci's family from the sky

Using Cube House to travel through time, Dio presumably meets Funny Valentine and The Funniest Valentine along the way. At some point, he kills a version of Kars from a parallel world and takes the Pillar Man's body with him.[12] July, 1997, in the 37th universe, Dio prepares a message on a Giotto probe, inscribing a method of reaching Heaven. He uses his Stand to throw the metal plate from the sky onto the home of Enrico Pucci (Universe 37), killing Pucci's family.[13]

Dio returns with a dead parallel Kars

Dio eventually returns to the ship in the original universe and wakes George up by stomping on his face. Holding a Japanese katana, Dio demonstrates how Jonathan taught him that he could be entirely cut in half but still live. He then decides it's time for George to die, but George believes in his Beyond. He notices that Diavolo had reverted back into Giorno and his Stand was out. Already predicting what Giorno would do, The World grabs Gold Experience Requiem by the throat before it could touch Dio. Giorno declares that he doesn't mind being killed, but he wants to get Dio's soul to become a double of him. He reveals that he's not the son of the Dio that died robbing a train in the 37th universe, but instead comes from another universe where he canceled his own death and survived in a place between life and death until he arrived in this universe, waiting for Dio.

Giorno becomes a fake double, 'DIO'

Dio verifies that this Giorno has the Joestar birthmark and then thrusts his sword through Giorno's heart without hesitation. George starts crying, angering Dio as to how pathetic Jonathan's son is. Dio then sticks his hand into his chest and tears out half of his soul, claiming that he understands the shape of life now, causing George to realize that Dio spoke as if he had his own Beyond too. George believes in his Beyond, causing the sun to rise in time. However, Dio realizes that the sun isn't hurting him that much, shocking George. Before the sun could fully set, Dio shoves half of his soul into Giorno's corpse, transforming the boy's body into a duplicate of Dio. He then picks up the duplicate Dio, throws him into the coffin, and closes the lid.

Ecstatic over conquering the sun and the success of his plan, Dio walks up to the body of Kars he brought with him, lying on the desk beside George. He reveals that he had become the Ultimate Thing by drinking Kars's blood. Dio starts feasting on Kars's remains, claiming the Pillar Man is the best meal that he's ever had. Believing that George is unpredictable since he's a Joestar, Dio decides not to let him die, and demands that George take him to where he wants while the Cube House effect is still on him. He states that he'll sleep for two years until the fake Dio is killed in Egypt, and then he'll collect his Stand back. Afterwards, George will travel with him back in time to the Canary Islands, then England.[12]

Final Battle

Dio and Funny Valentine

Dio reunites with Funny Valentine in London. Funny introduces Dio to Pucci, Jorge Joestar, Kars, Narancia Ghirga, and Penelope de la Rosa. Seeing holes in Dio's hands and feet, Pucci weeps for his lord as arrows appear all over Whitesnake's body. Pucci levitates and becomes the center of gravity, unleashing his new Stand C-Moon. However, C-Moon's body then cracks and Made in Heaven emerges from it. Just before Pucci could activate Made in Heaven, Dio holds up his hand. The giant wall surrounding Great Britain formed the upside-down upper half of a giant version of Antonio Torres. The giant Antonio looks down at them and grabs Pucci, swallowing him to send him outside of the island's barrier. Pucci then activates Made in Heaven within Antonio's belly, speeding up time outside England. The universe loops 36 times, bringing the island of Great Britain to 2012 in the 37th universe.[14]

Fighting the original Kars

Thrilled about getting closer to his goal of standing on top of the universe, Dio taunts Kars and his enemies. Rather than being irritated, Kars is excited to fight Dio, as Penelope, Narancia, and Jorge watch with fear. Curious of each other's immortality, the two begin fighting. Kars charges forward first and immediately explodes from Dio's punch rush, with bits of his flesh flying in all directions. Dio and Kars constantly explode from each other's attacks, regenerating faster each time and enjoying their immortality to the fullest. Noticing that the sun is setting, Lisa Lisa thinks that Dio has a strategy in mind and must be buying time for it.

Dio and The World

Funny tells Jorge that Pucci's Made in Heaven was used to reach the next universe, attempting to connect history and create a loop, but instead what he created is a spiral staircase of different universes. 'Funny' mentions that Dio decided to punish Pucci for this sin, and thus he can no longer return to any universe due to Gold Experience Requiem. Meanwhile, Kars has three giant U-Boat Ultimate submarines shooting missiles but Dio would regenerate after each barrage. Kars then uses his own version of Goyathlay Soundman's Dune, swallowing Dio up into a massive whirlpool of sand and rubble. Dio breaks through the sand pillar and laughs along with Kars, realizing that neither of them will win against each other. Dio decides to summon The Funniest, who then leaps out of the helicopter without a parachute. At Dio's cue, Funny runs toward the place where The Funniest is about to land and then claps his hands as The Funniest falls into his arms. The Funniest vanishes and then Funny leaps toward Kars. With assistance from Dio's The World positioning Funny in place, Funny claps his hands on the Pillar Man. However, as time resumes, Kars quickly contorts his body to avoid the clap. Dio continues trying to stop time as Funny attempts to trap Kars between his palms but Kars would rapidly contort his body as soon as time resumes. In the moment that Kars smirks stating that he has figured out Dio's Stand, Funny finally succeeds in teleporting him to a parallel world.

Dio with his Beyond

Due to Kars and Jorge encountering Bites the Dust in the parallel world, they go back in time one hour, just before Kars was teleported. They arrive back at Piccadilly Circus with Funny about to teleport Kars again, but this time Jorge knows what would happen. Jorge yells out to Kars that Funny will clap twice, allowing Kars to instantly react to both claps. Kars sends Funny flying away with a punch but Dio unleashes the next part of his plan. A parallel world version of Dio grabs Kars from behind him, as a group of nine Funny Valentines and nine The Funniest Valentines surround Kars. 36 hands clap down on Kars and he vanishes once more along with the other Dio. Meanwhile, the group of Funnys collides with the group of The Funniests and they disintegrate into Menger sponges. Dio laughs over his victory until Jorge tells him to look at the sky. Kars grins down at him, revealing that he learned how to use his own version of Dio's Stand, The World Ultimate. He had stopped time and escaped from the claps. Wondering where Dio's confidence comes from, Jorge sees a shadowy figure with long hair talking behind Dio, realizing that Dio has a Beyond too.

Whitesnake Ultimate punches Dio

Dio's Stand becomes The World Ultimate as well, but Kars fights him with Whitesnake Ultimate. It punches Dio's cheek and shatters the DISC of The World Ultimate, dissolving Dio's Stand. Kars then uses Whitesnake Ultimate on himself, slamming the numerous DISCs flowing out of him into Dio's head. Dio's head and body swells up into a ball of flesh from all the DISCs but he remains confident. With an Arrow, Dio stabs Kars's Whitesnake Ultimate before he explodes into nine parts. Kars attempts to send Dio away with Ultimate D4C but Dio's body parts fly away, managing to take control of Kars's new C-Moon Ultimate Requiem. Dio furiously berates Antonio for being worthless and shouts that all he needs to do is inhale the pieces of Dio's body into him. Antonio finally manages to inhale, allowing Dio to travel outside England and achieve Made in Heaven Ultimate Requiem.

Dio in the 2nd universe

As Dio starts speeding up time, Funny and The Funniest discover that Dio is headed for the second universe where the original Steel Ball Run race took place. They realize now that the corpse of the "holy man" was actually just the body parts of Dio, separated from his fight with Kars. Dio's body couldn't recombine because Kars placed nine blank Stand DISCs into him. Humans and vampires can only have one Stand per person, so Dio's body attempted to compensate by splitting into nine pieces.

Jorge and the others manage to follow Dio by utilizing Bites the Dust and arrive at Trinity Church in the 2nd universe, where Funny leads them to the secret underground facility. They see a corpse of the parallel world Diego on the ground, along with Dio's head and Lucy Steel. Dio thanks Lucy because her giving birth to the supplemental head of the holy man allowed Dio to reach this spot where all his body parts were gathered without Funny Valentine or anyone in the race suspecting the truth of where the corpse's head had gone.

Dio's new body

As Dio pulls his corpse parts toward his head, Erina emerges from behind Dio. Erina fuels Dio's anger, stating that even Dario Brando had the sense to behave in front of George Joestar I, whereas Dio is still trapped by his parent's curse after a century and refuses to take responsibility for anything. Next, Lisa Lisa steps out of the darkness holding her son, Joseph Joestar. Dio roars with confusion as to why Lisa Lisa would bring her baby to a battle zone. Erina then calls for Jorge to show himself, surprising Dio even more. Jorge's plan of catching Dio off guard was working. With the help of Kars and Funny, Jorge cuts off the supplemental head of the Saint's Corpse and places the head of Jonathan in its place. Jonathan's head matches perfectly, as it was his original body. Jorge knows that all of this had become possible due to him, the other George, and Dio all sharing the same Beyond, known as The Trinity. Enraged, Dio yells at him to stop because it's his own body. However, Jonathan ends up reviving.

Frustrated about constantly losing to the Joestars, Dio attaches himself to the headless body of Diego. Dissatisfied, Dio declares he does not want to associate with the Joestars anymore and vanishes into the darkness of the stairs behind him.[15]

Alternate Dio

Parallel World

Parallel Dio grabs Kars

Funny Valentine goes to The Funniest Valentine's parallel world and finds a version of Dio Brando there. He brings the parallel Dio to the base world as part of the original Dio's plan to trap Kars.

This Dio grabs Kars from behind him, as a group of nine Funny Valentines and nine The Funniest Valentines surround him. 36 hands clap down on Kars and the other Dio, causing the other Dio to be sent to another world.[15]

37th Universe

37th universe's Dio

An incarnation of Dio appears in the 37th universe, living in America with his adoptive father, George Joestar I (Universe 37), and adoptive brother, Jonathan Joestar (Universe 37).

Jonathan's grandson, Joseph Joestar (Universe 37), describes Dio as a piece of scum. Joseph detests Dio so much that he only refers to him as "D", not wanting to say his full name. In 1889, Dio tries robbing a train but Jonathan attempts to stop him. They both end up dying in a train accident.[13]


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