Name Variants

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A list of English spelling variations and alternatives for many names and terms across various media in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.

For the purposes of this website, the articles use a naming convention that takes into account the most recent Japanese romanization found in the manga or artbooks, as well as their consistency throughout multiple official sources.
An example of Araki writing out a name in English

Due to a lack of proper localization for much of the series's history, as well as different localization groups with their own preferences, a common problem for fans of JoJo is determining the correct English spelling of names. Both official publishers and fan translation groups often translate these names based on assumption or other reference material, or to avoid trademark and copyright issues outside of Japan.

While many character, location, and Stand names are spelled exactly like their namesakes in Japanese, it is just as common for Japanese names to be slightly edited to distinguish them from the original artist or work. Complicating matters is a lack of consistency on the part of Hirohiko Araki and Shueisha: spelling changes in both languages become apparent even in the manga, and can vary wildly across other official sources as well.

JOJOVELLER is the most recent artbook to provide English names for all major characters through April 2014, while some volumes and supplementary materials provide English names for newer characters and Stands.

Name Variants

Phantom Blood

Phantom BloodDio BrandoDario BrandoGeorge Joestar IErina PendletonJonathan JoestarMark WatkinJack the RipperOgre StreetTattooAmatoRobert E. O. SpeedwagonWang ChanWill Anthonio ZeppeliRippleWindknight's LotPocoBrufordTarkusWinzaleoEijkmanCaineghisPoco's SisterTonpettyAdamsDireStraizoDoobiePage, Jones, Plant and BornnamFather Styx
Part 1: Phantom Blood (ファントムブラッド)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fantomu Buraddo
Japan Japanese
Part 1 Jonathan Joestar: His Youth (第一部 ジョナサン・ジョースター ―その青春―)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
Phantom Blood (ファントム・ブラッド)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in SBR Extra Chapter 3.
Japan Japanese
Phantom Bloodline (ファントムブラッドライン)
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
Phatom Blood
Used on a postcard commemorating the end of the anime's first season.
Japan Japanese
Inconsistently used in merchandise for the Phantom Blood musical.
United States of America English
The 1st Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
France French
Jonathan Joestar Adolescence: Phantom Bloodline
Used in the French collector's edition of the OVA.
Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dio Burandō
Japan Japanese
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Common nickname from Stardust Crusaders onward. Also used in Chapter 42, the title of Chapter 19, and the Weekly Shonen Jump title of Chapter 39. Exclusively used in Netflix's Latin American Spanish subtitles.
Japan Japanese
Dio Joestar (ディオ・ジョースター)
Legal name after his adoption in OVER HEAVEN.
China Chinese
Dior Brando
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the Chinese release.
Croatia Croatian
Dija Branda
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Dia Branda
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Finland Finnish
Dio Brandon
Used in Netflix's Finnish subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Sweden Swedish
DIO brando
Used in Netflix's Norwegian and Swedish subtitles.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
ดีโอ บรันโด (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
迪奥·布朗度 (Dior Brando)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
迪奥布朗度 (Dior Brando)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
디오 브란도 (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Дио Брандо (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
ديو براندو (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Greece Greek
Ντίο Μπράντο (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
דיו ברנדו (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Dio Brandót
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Дiо Брандо (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Dario Brando (ダリオ・ブランドー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dario Burandō
China Chinese
brandy Brendo
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
George Joestar I (ジョージ・ジョースターⅠ世)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jōji Jōsutā Issei
Japan Japanese
Sir Joestar (ジョースター卿)
Title used by himself, Inspector Archer, and his officers. Also used in the credits of the anime adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Jorge Joestar
Used for the address on Dario's letter in Chapter 6.
Japan Japanese
George Joestar (ジョージ・ジョースター)
Full name without the generational suffix. Used in the PS2 game, All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Sir Joster
Used in the English localizations of Capcom Fighters and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
China Chinese
Jorge Joestar 1st
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Erina Pendleton (エリナ・ペンドルトン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Erina Pendoruton
Japan Japanese
Erina Joestar (エリナ・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Erina Pendolton
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Elena Pendleton
Used in the first Italian release and the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Erina Pendorton
Used in the Malaysian release.
China Chinese
Elina Joestar
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jonasan Jōsutā
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Common nickname throughout Phantom Blood.
Mark Watkin (マーク・ワトキン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Māku Watokin
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Mark Watkins
Used in the Brazilian release.
Jack the Ripper (切り裂きジャック)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kirisaki Jakku
Japan Japanese
Jack of the Darkness (闇のジャック)
Used by Dio in Chapter 18.
Japan Japanese
Jack the Ripper (ジャック・ザ・リパー)
Used by Dio in Chapter 18, as well as Adventure Battle Card.
Japan Japanese
Jack The Ripper
Used in the PS2 game.
Ogre Street (食屍鬼街(オウガーストリート))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ōgā Sutorīto
Japan Japanese
Ogre Street (喰屍鬼街(オウガーストリート))
Alternate spelling used in JoJo 6251 and Adventure Battle Card.
Tattoo (刺青)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Japan Japanese
Cronin (クローニン)
Used in the musical adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Tattoo Guy
Used in the PS2 game's character profile.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's release.
Amato (アマト)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Oriental Man (東洋人役)
Used in Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R, as well as the credits of Episode 2.
Japan Japanese
Kempo Fighter (中国拳法家)
Used in the PS2 game.
United States of America English
The Asian
Used in the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Robāto Ī Ō Supīdowagon
Japan Japanese
Reo Speedwagon (レオ・スピードワゴン)
Used for his signature in Chapter 48 and in the tailpiece of Chapter 311.
United States of America English
Robert Speedwagon
Exclusively used in the English release of the OVA.
Wang Chan (ワンチェン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wan Chen
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Italy Italian
Wang Chen
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Wang Chung
Spelled like the band. Used in some fan translations.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli (ウィル・A(アントニオ)・ツェペリ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wiru Antonio Tseperi
Japan Japanese
Baron Zeppeli (ツェペリ男爵)
Self-proclaimed title in Chapter 18.
Japan Japanese
Will A. Zeppeli (ウィル・A・ツェペリ)
Common abbreviation. Exclusively used in the anime, the musical, All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Wirr A Zeppelie
Used for his signature in Chapter 36.
Japan Japanese
Used in one of the tailpieces of Chapter 44.
United States of America English
Will Antonio Zeppeli
Antonio Zeppeli
Used in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Will A. Zepelli
Used in the prologue of VIZ Media's initial publication of Stardust Crusaders.
Italy Italian
Will Anthonio Zeppelie
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
William Antonio Zeppeli
Typo used in early editions of JOJOVELLER.
Ripple (波紋)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in VIZ Media's publication, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R, and bonus features in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Wave Energy
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Windknight's Lot (風の騎士たちの町(ウインドナイツ・ロット))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Uindonaitsu Rotto
Japan Japanese
Wind Knight's Lot
Used in a newspaper article in Episode 9.
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Wind Knights Lot
Used in the Italian release, Crunchyroll's subtitles, and the anime's English dub.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian release.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Windknights Lot
Used in the Brazilian release.
Poco (ポコ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the Italian and Brazilian releases.
Bruford (ブラフォード)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Dark Knight Bruford (黒騎士ブラフォード)
Full title.
Japan Japanese
Pruford (プラフォード)
Typo used in the Phantom Blood musical pamphlet.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Italy Italian
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Italian and Malaysian releases.
Language Name Usage

France French
Chevalier noir Bruford (Black Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's French subtitles.
Italy Italian
Cavaliere Nero, Blueford (Black Knight, Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Italian subtitles.
Spain European Spanish
Bruford, caballero negro (Bruford, the Black Knight)
Used in Netflix's European Spanish subtitles.
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Blueford el Caballero Oscuro (Blueford the Dark Knight)
Used in Netflix's Latin American Spanish subtitles.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Cavaleiro das Trevas Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Brazilian Portuguese subtitles.
Portugal European Portuguese
Bruford, cavaleiro negro (Bruford, the Black Knight)
Used in Netflix's European Portuguese subtitles.
Poland Polish
Czarny rycerz Blueford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Polish subtitles.
Poland Polish
Bruford Czarny (Bruford the Black)
Used in the Polish release.
Germany German
Schwarzer Ritter Bluford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's German subtitles.
Flag of Thailand Thai
อัศวินรัตติกาล บลูฟอร์ด (Knight of the Night Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
Taiwan Traditional Chinese
黑騎士布魯福德 (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
黑骑士布鲁福德 (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
흑기사 브루포드 (Black Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Темный рыцарь Блуфорд (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
فارس الظلام بلوفورد (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Croatia Croatian
Mračni vitez Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Temný rytíř Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Netherlands Dutch
Zwarte ridder Blueford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Dutch subtitles.
Denmark Danish
Den mørke ridderen Blueford (The Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Danish subtitles.
Greece Greek
Σκοτεινέ Ιππότη Μπρούφορντ (Dark Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
האביר האפל בלופורד (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Blueford, a Sötét Lovag (Blueford, the Dark Knight)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Mørke ridder Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Norwegian subtitles.
Romania Romanian
Cavaler Întunecat Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Romanian subtitles.
Sweden Swedish
Mörka ridaren Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Swedish subtitles.
Türkiye Turkish
Gece Şövalyesi Blueford (Night Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Turkish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Темний лицар Блюфорд (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Tarkus (タルカス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JoJo 6251, the PS2 game, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, Volume 3 of VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Winzaleo (ウィンザレオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Winzaleo the Lion King (獅子王ウィンザレオ)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Eijkman (アイクマン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Eijkman the Lightning Knight (イナズマの騎士アイクマン)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Caineghis (カイネギス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Caineghis the One-Eyed Man (独眼のカイネギス)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Japan Japanese
Caighines (カイギネス)
Typo used in an advertisement for the PS2 game in Weekly Shonen Jump.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Poco's Sister (ポコの姉)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Poko no Ane
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's description for Episode 8. Likely a misinterpretation of a noise Doobie makes in Chapter 37.
Tonpetty (トンペティ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Ngapoi Ngawang Tonpetty (ンガプー・ンガワン・トンペティ)
Full name in JORGE JOESTAR.
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish release.
United States of America English
Tom Petty
Spelled like the musician. Used in some fan translations.
Italy Italian
Ton Peti
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Adams (アダムス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Croatia Croatian
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Türkiye Turkish
Used in various Netflix subtitles.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
อดัม (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
亚当 (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
亞當 (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
애덤스 (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Адамс (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
آدم (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Arabian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Άνταμς (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
אדם (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Адамс (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Ukranian subtitles.
Dire (ダイアー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Straizo (ストレイツォ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Straiz-oaf (アホレイツォ)
Insult used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 49.
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the French and Spanish releases.
Italy Italian
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the first Italian release and the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Italy Italian
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish and second Italian releases.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Doobie (ドゥービー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Doobie the Monster (怪人ドゥービー)
Full name.
United States of America English
The Dreaded Doobie
Full name in Crunchyroll's subtitles.
United States of America English
Doobie the Phantom
Used in some fan translations.
United States of America English
Monster Dubee
Used in some fan translations.
Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam (ペイジ, ジョーンズ, プラント, ボーンナム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Peiji, Jōnzu, Puranto, Bōnnamu
United States of America English
Pajyu, Jones, Pluton and Barnum
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Poland Polish
Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham
Spelled like the members of Led Zeppelin. Used in the Italian, Brazilian and Polish releases. Also used internally in the PS2 game.
Father Styx (スティクス神父)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.

Battle Tendency

Battle TendencySpeedwagon FoundationJoseph JoestarBrutoRudol von StroheimDonovanSantanaPillar MenCaesar Anthonio ZeppeliWamuuEsidisiKarsLisa LisaAir Supplena IslandRed Stone of AjaLogginsMessinaSuzi QGeorge Joestar IIVolcano Island
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sentō Chōryū
Japan Japanese
Part 2 Joseph Joestar: His Proud Lineage (第二部 ジョセフ・ジョースター ―その誇り高き血統)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
United States of America English
The 2nd Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
Speedwagon Foundation (スピードワゴン財団)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Supīdowagon Zaidan
United States of America English
Speed Wagon Foundation
Used in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Josefu Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Common nickname throughout Battle Tendency.
Japan Japanese
Malaysia Malay
Josef Joestar
Used in his character profile in Chapter 73, his gravestone in Chapter 113, his signature in Chapter 159, the OVA's soundtrack, and the Malaysian release. Also used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Japan Japanese
Joseph Joester
Used in a magazine advertisement for the anime adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Joseph-Joestar (ジョセフ=ジョースター)
France French
Jonathan Joestar
Used erroneously in some of the French release's character summary pages.
China Chinese
Joseph Josder
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Bruto (ブルート)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Used in the first French release.
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish release.
Rudol von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Rudolf von Stroheim
Used in the Italian release and the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Donovan (ドノヴァン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
JOJOVELLER, Anime (English Dub)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and VIZ Media's publication.
Santana (サンタナ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
France French
San Tan
Used in Crunchyroll's French subtitles.
Pillar Men (柱の男)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hashira no Otoko
Japan Japanese
Tribe of the Pillar's Darkness (柱の闇の一族)
Used by Lisa Lisa in Chapter 95.
Japan Japanese
Tribe of Darkness (闇の一族)
United States of America English
Ultimate Lifeforms
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shīzā Antonio Tseperi
Japan Japanese
Caesar A. Zeppeli (シーザー・A・ツェペリ)
Common abbreviation. Exclusively used in Last Survivor.
Japan Japanese
Ceasar Anthonio Zeppeli
Used in a magazine advertisement for the anime adaptation.
United States of America English
Used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 87 of VIZ Media's publication and Episode 19 of the anime's English dub.
Italy Italian
Cesare Antonio Zeppeli
Used in the Italian release.
China Chinese
Used in Crunchyroll's Chinese subtitles.
United States of America English
Caesar Antonio Zeppeli
Used in some fan translations.
Wamuu (ワムウ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish release.
Esidisi (エシディシ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Esidisi of Fire (炎のエシディシ)
Self-proclaimed title in Chapter 78.
Japan Japanese
Used by Heavy Gauge figures.
France French
Spain Spanish
Spelled like the band. Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Poland Polish
Italy Italian
Used in the Polish and second Italian releases.
Italy Italian
Used in the first Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Kars (カーズ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Lisa Lisa (リサリサ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Risa Risa
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth (エリザベス)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth Joestar (エリザベス・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth Straizo (エリザベス・ストレイツォ)
Used in JORGE JOESTAR and its official website.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Lisa Lisa (Elizabeth)
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Used in early editions of JOJOVELLER.
Air Supplena Island (エア・サプレーナ島)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ea Sapurēna-tō
United States of America English
Air Suplena Island
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Isola di Easprina
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Saplena Island
Used in some fan translations.
Red Stone of Aja (エイジャの赤石)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Eija no Sekiseki
Japan Japanese
Super Aja (スーパーエイジャ)
Used by Lisa Lisa in Chapter 76.
United States of America English
Red Stone of Asia
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Ruby Eijia
Used in the Malaysian release.
Loggins (ロギンズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Messina (メッシーナ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Suzi Q (スージーQ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sūjī Kyū
Japan Japanese
Suzi Q Joestar (スージーQ・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Suzi Quatro
Spelled like the musician. Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Suzi Quatro Joestar
Married name used in JoJo 6251.
United States of America English
Malaysia Malay
Suzie Q
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, the Malaysian release, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Susie Q
Susie Quatro
Used in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Sigi Q. Joestar
Married name used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
George Joestar II (ジョージ・ジョースターⅡ世)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jōji Jōsutā Nisei
Japan Japanese
Jorge Joestar (ジョージ・ジョースター)
Used in JORGE JOESTAR and its official website.
China Chinese
Jorge Joestar 2nd
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Volcano Island (ヴォルガノ島)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Isola di Vulcano
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Isola di Volgano
Used in VIZ Media's publication.

Stardust Crusaders

Stardust CrusadersJotaro KujoHoly KujoSadao KujoMuhammad AvdolMagician's RedStand UserHermit PurpleJonathan's StandNoriaki KakyoinHierophant GreenStar PlatinumGray FlyTower of GrayJean Pierre PolnareffSilver ChariotImposter Captain TennilleMerlai AnneEnya the HagDevo the CursedEbony DevilRubber SoulYellow TemperanceHanged ManJ. GeilHol HorseEmperorEmpressZZSteely DanLoversArabia FatsSunDeath ThirteenMannish BoyJudgementSherry PolnareffCameoHigh PriestessMidlerIggyThe FoolN'DoulGebEgypt 9 Glory GodsOingoBoingoTohthKhnumAnubisChakaKhanBastetMariahAlessiSethanDaniel J. D'ArbyOsirisStephen MoorGarie MoorHorusPet ShopChibi and BuchiTelence T. D'ArbyAtumKenny G.Tenore SaxVanilla IceRosesNukesakuThe WorldWilson Phillips
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders (スターダストクルセイダース)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu
Japan Japanese
Part 3 Jotaro Kujo: Heritage for the Future (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第三部 空条承太郎 ―未来への遺産―)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Travelers (スターダストトラベラーズ)
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure The 3rd Chapter
Used in the intro of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1)'s Super Story Mode.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Crusader
United States of America English
-Part 3- Jotaro Kujo: Legacy to the Future
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Legacy to the Future
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
United States of America English
The 3rd Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Crusaders (スターダスト・クルセイダース)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in early editions of the Shueisha JUMP REMIX release.
Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Kūjō Jōtarō
Used in the first French release, as well as the bookmarks included in the French collector's edition of JJL Volume 25.
Japan Japanese
Common nickname in early chapters of Stardust Crusaders.
Japan Japanese
Qtaro Kujo
False name used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Jotaro Cujoh
Used inconsistently in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1) and Netflix's subtitles.
Japan Japanese
Used in Jump Novel Vol. 4.
Spain Spanish
Kujo Jotaro
Used in Netflix's Spanish subtitles for GW Episode 33.
Poland Polish
Jōtarō Kūjō
Used in the Polish release.
Malaysia Malay
Jyotaro Kujoh
Used in the Malaysian release.
United States of America English
Jotaro Joestar
Erroneously used in a deleted post by All-Star Battle R's official social media accounts.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
'ูโจ โจทาโร่ (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Chinese
空條承太郎 (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
쿠죠 죠타로 (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Ukraine Ukrainian
Джотаро Куджо (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Russian and Ukrainian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
جوتارو كوجو (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Greece Greek
Κούτζο Τζόταρο (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
ג'וטארו קוג'ו (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Holy Kujo (空条 ホリィ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Horyi
Japan Japanese
Seiko (聖子)
Japanese nickname.
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Holly Kujo
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication, the English localization of All-Star Battle, and the Italian release.
United States of America English
Holley Kujo
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
United States of America English
Holly Joestar
Used in bonus features in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Sadao Kujo (空条 貞夫)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Sadao
Malaysia Malay
Sadao Kujoh
Used in the Malaysian release.
China Chinese
Kujo zefu
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Muhammad Avdol (モハメド・アヴドゥル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mohamedo Avuduru
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Mohammed Abdul
Used in the OVA's soundtrack, the Italian and second French releases, the anime's Spanish dub, and the Italian release of the light novel.
Japan Japanese
Mohamed Avdol
Japan Japanese
M. Avdol (M・アヴドゥル)
Exclusively used in the OVA.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Germany German
Mohammed Avdol
Used in Crunchyroll and Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English and German dubs, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R, and the French release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Muhammad Abdul
Used in some fan translations.
Magician's Red (マジシャンズレッド(魔術師の赤))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Majishanzu Reddo
Japan Japanese
Magicians Red
Used in The Genesis of Universe, as well as the attract mode of JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Magician Red
Used in the Italian releases of Stardust Crusaders and light novel.
Stand User (スタンド使い)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutando Tsukai
Japan Japanese
Stand Master
United States of America English
Stand Wielder
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Hermit Purple (ハーミットパープル(隠者の紫))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hāmitto Pāpuru
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Japanese
Hermit Purple (ハーミットパープル)
Japan Japanese
The Passion (受難(ザ・パッション))
Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kakyōin Noriaki
Used in the first French release.
Japan Japanese
Tenmei Kakyoin
Author's reading of his name. Used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
Noriaki Kakyouin
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Hierophant Green (ハイエロファントグリーン(法皇の緑))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Haierofanto Gurīn
Japan Japanese
France French
Hierophant Emerald (法皇の緑(ハイエロファントエメラルド))
Used initially in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and in the first French release.
Japan Japanese
High Erophant Green
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Star Platinum (スタープラチナ(星の白金))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutā Purachina
Japan Japanese
Star Silver (星の白金(スターシルバー))
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Star Platinum (スタープラチナム)
Spain Spanish
Malaysia Malay
Star Platina
Used in the Malaysian release, as well as the anime's Spanish dub.
Spain Spanish
Estrella Platino
Used in the Spanish localization of All-Star Battle.
China Chinese
Star Platium
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Gray Fly (グレーフライ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gurē Furai
Japan Japanese
Gray Fly (グレー・フライ)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in model sheets for the anime.
Italy Italian
Grey Fly
Used in the Italian release.
Tower of Gray (タワー・オブ・グレー(灰の塔))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tawā obu Gurē
Japan Japanese
Tower of Glay
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
United States of America English
Tower of Grey
Used in the anime's English dub.
Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jan Piēru Porunarefu
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Jean Paul Polnareff (J(ジャン).P(ポール). ポルナレフ)
Used in Chapter 127 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as the Italian and second French releases of Vento Aureo.
Japan Japanese
Jan. P. Polnaref
Used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
Used in the OVA's soundtrack.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
Jean-Pierre Polnareff (ジャン=ピエール・ポルナレフ)
Used in JOJO magazine 2023 WINTER, All-Star Battle and the official website for All-Star Battle R, the English release of the OVA, both French releases of Stardust Crusaders, and the Italian release of the light novel.
Japan Japanese
Jun Pieal Polnareff
Japan Japanese
Jean-Pierre-Polnareff (ジャン=ピエール=ポルナレフ)
United States of America English
Jean Pierre Eiffel
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
United States of America English
Jean Pierre
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
France French
Jean-Pierre Polnaref
Used in the French release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Jean Polnareff
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Silver Chariot (シルバーチャリオッツ(銀の戦車))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shirubā Chariottsu
Japan Japanese
Silver Chariots
Used in The Genesis of Universe, internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future, and in the BODY WILD underwear collaboration.
Japan Japanese
Silver Chaliots
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Imposter Captain Tennille (偽キャプテン・テニール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nise Kyaputen Tenīru
Japan Japanese
Captain Tennille
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Captain Teneil
Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), the Italian and first French releases, and Crunchyroll's French subtitles.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Captain Dragon
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Merlai Anne (マーライ・アン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mārai An
Japan Japanese
Runaway Girl (家出娘)
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Bad Girl (不良少女)
Used in the drama CD adaptation.
Enya the Hag (エンヤ婆)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Enya (エンヤ)
Legal name.
Japan Japanese
Enya Geil (エンヤ・ガイル)
Full name in JoJo 6251 and Japanese merchandise.
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Enya Gail
Used in JoJo 6251, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), and the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Enya BAA
United States of America English
N-Yah Gail
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Devo the Cursed (呪いのデーボ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Noroi no Dēbo
Japan Japanese
Devo (デーボ)
Legal name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Soul Sacrifice
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Used in the Mexican release.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Ebony Devil (エボニーデビル(悪魔))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ebonī Debiru
Japan Japanese
The Devil
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Rubber Soul (ラバーソール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rabā Sōru
United States of America English
Robber Soul
Used in VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, as well as the English localizations of Heritage for the Future, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), and Eyes of Heaven.
Yellow Temperance (イエローテンパランス(黄の節制))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ierō Tenparansu
Japan Japanese
Yellow Temparanc
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
Hanged Man (ハングドマン(吊られた男))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hangudo Man
Japan Japanese
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
United States of America English
The Hanged Man
Used in VIZ Media's publication, the English release of the OVA, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
J. Geil (J・ガイル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jei Gairu
Japan Japanese
John Geil (J(ジョン)・ガイル)
Used in Chapter 158 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
J. Gail
Used in JoJo 6251, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), the English release of the OVA, Crunchyroll's French subtitles, the anime's French dub, and the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC) and in the Mexican release.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
J. Gale
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Hol Horse (ホル・ホース)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Horu Hōsu
Japan Japanese
Hol Hource
Poland Polish
Hol Oates
Used in the Polish release. Based on his namesake, Hall & Oates.
Malaysia Malay
Hol Hoss
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Horu Horse
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Emperor (エンペラー(皇帝))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
The Emperor
Used in VIZ Media's publication, the English release of the OVA, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Empress (エンプレス(女帝))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
The Empress
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
ZZ (ズィー・ズィー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Zī Zī
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Zii Zii
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Steely Dan (鋼入りの(スティーリー)ダン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutīrī Dan
Japan Japanese
Dan (ダン)
Legal name.
United States of America English
Dan of Steel
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
S-Terry Dan
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
United States of America English
Rubber Soul
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
Lovers (ラバーズ(恋人))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
France French
The Lovers
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English and French dubs, and VIZ Media's publication.
Arabia Fats (アラビア・ファッツ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Arabia Fattsu
United States of America English
Alabia Fats
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Sun (サン(太陽))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
The Sun (ザ・サン)
Used in Adventure Battle Card, Pocket JoJo, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English and French dubs, and VIZ Media's publication.
Death Thirteen (デスサーティーン(死神13))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Desu Sātīn
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Death 13
Spelled with Arabic numerals. Used in Chapter 168, the title of Volume 18, JoJo's Venture and its revisions, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Death (デス)
Used in Chapter 179.
Mannish Boy (マニッシュ・ボーイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Manisshu Bōi
United States of America English
Manishu Booi
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Judgement (ジャッジメント(審判))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication and the anime's English dub.
Sherry Polnareff (シェリー・ポルナレフ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sherī Porunarefu
Japan Japanese
Used internally in Stardust Shooters.
France French
Used in the first French release.
Cameo (カメオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
High Priestess (ハイプリエステス(女教皇))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hai Puriesutesu
United States of America English
The High Priestess
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Midler (ミドラー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Sidler (シドラー)
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and inconsistently in VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Iggy (イギー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
The Fool (ザ・フール(愚者))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Fūru
Japan Japanese
Used in the attract mode of JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
N'Doul (ンドゥール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
N'Dyoul (ンドュール)
Used initially in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Used in the OVA's soundtrack.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
France French
Used in the French release of the OVA.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Geb (ゲブ神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Geb
Translation of its full Japanese name.
United States of America English
Stylized in uppercase English. Used in the English release of the OVA.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Egypt 9 Glory Gods (エジプト9栄神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ejiputo Kyū Ei Shin
United States of America English
The Nine Egyptian Gods of Prosperity
Used in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Nine Egyptian Gods
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
The Ennead
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Nine Great Gods of Egypt
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
Oingo (オインゴ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Mr. O (O氏)
Alias used in the afterword to Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's initial publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Boingo (ボインゴ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's initial publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Israel Hebrew
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Tohth (トト神)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Tohth
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Spelled like the Egyptian deity. Used in JoJo 6251, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Khnum (クヌム神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Khnum
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Anubis (アヌビス神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Anubis
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Chaka (チャカ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Khan (カーン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Japan Japanese
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
Bastet (バステト女神)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Goddess Bastet
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JoJo 6251, JOJO A-GO!GO!, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), VIZ Media's publication, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Mariah (マライア)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Alessi (アレッシー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Used in both Italian releases.
Italy Italian
Also used in official Italian releases.