JoJo: The Memories of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~
"JoJo: The Memories of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~" (ジョジョ その血の記憶~end of THE WORLD~, JoJo Sono Chi no Kioku ~end of THE WORLD~) is the second opening theme song of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders and the fourth overall opening theme of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation. Animated by Studio Kamikaze Douga, the song was sung by Hiroaki "TOMMY" Tominaga, Coda, and Jin Hashimoto, together known as the JO☆STARS.
"JoJo: The Memories of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~" peaked at number 17 on the Oricon's Weekly Singles Charts, during the week it was released.[2]
Opening Animation

The opening begins in a dark background of turning gears and a swinging pendulum, with the pendulum progressively moving upwards. On each swing left it shows a JoJo - young Jonathan Joestar, older Jonathan, Joseph Joestar, then Jotaro Kujo, with Jotaro and Joseph appearing as they do in Stardust Crusaders. On each swing right it shows Dio Brando, with the first two swings showing his two designs in Phantom Blood, the third being his appearance in the Spirit Photograph Joseph took of him, and the fourth being a close-up of his face, in shadow and covered by his hand, showing only one of his eyes. The music also plays a heartbeat, which synchronizes with each swing of the pendulum.
After the pendulum's last swing, the scenery changes to a desert with clockwork gears strewn about. Here, the sextet demonstrates their different Stand abilities. After Jotaro, Joseph and Muhammad Avdol, Noriaki Kakyoin is shown performing his infamous Emerald Splash, while pointing and with the same pose he assumes before launching his 20-meter radius Emerald Splash in his final battle against DIO. Finally, there's Jean Pierre Polnareff dual-wielding rapiers, foreshadowing him unwillingly falling under the control of Anubis. The scenery changes after Silver Chariot unleashes attacks at the camera.

In what appears to be Kenny G.'s labyrinth, the sextet are then seen climbing a dark staircase. A spotlight swings left and right 4 times, each swing showing a different silhouette of an Egyptian god, foreshadowing the enemies whose Stands are based on the deities. The scene switches to the downward view of the staircase, with Polnareff and Joseph on the left, Jotaro in the center, and Iggy, Muhammad Avdol and Kakyoin on the right side. Iggy is also shown to have a missing and bandaged right leg, referencing his fight with Pet Shop. The scene zooms into Jotaro before the staircase shatters around him. Jotaro then summons Star Platinum in sync with Jin Hashimoto's singing the Stand's name. This scene is foreshadowing of which Crusaders survive, with the soon-to-be-fallen appearing on the right side of the screen.

The scene changes into the sextet standing on top of a building, watching the sky turn to dusk, and the lights turning on at the Cairo skyline. Next, the pendulum swings again, each showing the heroes fade into a silhouette. This is actually another foreshadowing of the fate of the heroes, cleverly disguised as visual effects. First, Avdol is shown reaching out to Polnareff and Iggy, depicting the moment before Vanilla Ice kills him. Both Avdol's and Iggy's silhouettes are red, whereas Polnareff's is blue, implying that he is the only survivor of the Vanilla Ice fight. Right before the next pendulum swing, Polnareff is pushed back two steps, referencing the staircase he is unable to ascend when confronting DIO. Next, Kakyoin is shown surrounded by a web of Hierophant's tentacles, depicting the moment before DIO blasts him into the water tower behind. Again, right before the next pendulum swing, Hierophant's web is broken apart all at once. Then, Joseph is shown reaching out in the same way he does to Jotaro before DIO stops time and throws a knife at Joseph's throat, momentarily killing him. This is further depicted with a sharp line aiming at Joseph's throat, coming from the top-right of the screen. Finally, Jotaro is shown frozen, suspended in mid-air, surrounded by more sharp lines again depicting knives—though he briefly moves a finger during the freezing, implying his eventual tolerance to The World's time-stop ability.
The scene changes into shooting stars, with the sextet emerging from it, referencing an artwork by Hirohiko Araki. The sextet is seen standing shoulder to shoulder, this time referencing a similar shot from when the group arrives in Egypt, which then briefly switches to their Stands.

Jotaro is then seen reaching the top of a flight of the stairs, his fists clenching, with Star Platinum emerging from within, who then unleashes blazing fists. A view of The World can be briefly seen before the screen shatters. The scene then zooms onto Jotaro's face, with a silhouette of who appears to be DIO appearing to the right. Jotaro immediately turns around and unleashes a barrage of punches with Star Platinum.
The scene changes into a flurry of ORAs, in Katakana, which turns into JO, also in Katakana, while all three singers chant Jotaro's battle cry repeatedly. A view of Star Platinum and The World trading punches can be seen briefly. The Jo☆Stars shout "ORA!!" as the JJBA Stardust Crusaders logo shows, that is later vaporized by what appears to be the sun, the same fate that ultimately finishes off DIO.
Altered Versions
The Opening during SC Episode 47 has a different ending from the original entirely. Rather than leaving to Star Platinum punching the screen, The World interrupts, punching it as well as DIO calls out his Stand's name. As the screen shatters, time stops and the music pauses, leaving only the sounds of DIO's footsteps. A fully revealed DIO walks past Jotaro with a smug smile, in a sequence that takes exactly 9 seconds. After he walks past Jotaro, time resumes. As Jotaro turns, The World and Star Platinum begin their attack rushes as both of their users look on, their battle cries ringing out as the blows land. The final scene changes from a flurry of "ora"s to a flurry of both "ora"s and "muda"s.
In SC Episode 48, the final episode of the season, the opening has been changed even more to include sound effects, such as Silver Chariot's swishing swords or the general noise of Stands manifesting. Also, when the camera pauses after moving to Jotaro on the staircase, The World is seen punching away the credits and the staircase around him, explaining why it shattered in the original version. The silhouette section also adds new images for a split second: DIO is shown standing at the top of the "stairs" Polnareff, Iggy, and Avdol are climbing; when Kakyoin erects his barrier, The World appears in front of him, ready to strike him down; the line representing DIO's knife flying at Joseph's throat is replaced by DIO's arm appearing to drain Joseph of his blood; and when Jotaro is surrounded by knives, Star Platinum appears to try and knock them away.
Lyrics in red indicate lyrics sung by TOMMY, lyrics in green indicate lyrics sung by Coda, and lyrics in blue indicate lyrics sung by JIN. Lyrics in yellow are sung together by TOMMY and Coda. Lyrics in the default text color are sung together by all three singers.
深海へ 眠った物語が
灼熱の 砂を波立てて
宿命を また呼び覚ます
Shinkai e nemutta monogatari ga
Shakunetsu no suna wo namidatete
Shukumei wo mata yobisamasu
The tale... left asleep at the deep sea
The heat rising...from the rippling sand
The call of destiny...echoes once again
終着の地を焦がす 寡黙な炎
おびき寄せられた 神々の化身
Shūchaku no chi wo kogasu kamokuna honō
Obi ki yoserareta kamigami no keshin
Osore wo shiranu ken ga tsuranuku
A glowering inferno scorches their destination
The power of the gods has been assembled
Pierced by a blade that knows no fear
目指す場所とは まだ見ぬ
近づいて来る 決戦の時
打つべきピリオドは スタープラチナム
Mezasu basho to wa mada minu sadame
Chikadzuite kuru kessen no toki
Utsubeki Piriodo wa ... Sutā Purachinamu!
Where they are headed lies a fate yet unknown
But the time for their final battle swiftly approaches
But the one who'll type that period is... Star Platinum!
始まってしまった物語に 奪われたままの時に
今 終わりを告げるため 歩き続ける クルセイダース
Hajimatte shimatta monogatari ni ubawareta mama no toki ni
Ima owari wo tsugeru tame aruki tsuzukeru Kuruseidāsu!
Their story has begun! Their time is running out!
They will finish this! They won't stop! Crusaders!
空白のラストページに そのこぶしを叩き込め
end of THE WORLD その血の記憶
Kūhaku no Rasuto Pēji ni sono kobushi wo tatakikome
End of The World! Sono Chi no Kioku
He'll take that blank last page and plant his fist through it!
End of The World! The Memories of that Blood!
雨のようなエメラルド 砂漠に降れば
愚者名乗る勇者 見せる蜃気楼
闇の気配追う 波紋の棘
Ame no yōna emerarudo sabaku ni fureba
Gusha nanoru yūsha miseru shinkirō
Yami no kehaiō Hamon no ibara
If in the desert, emeralds fall like rain
A hero calling himself a fool will display his mirage
Rippling thorns track the evil presence
復活のため 選ばぬ手段
無垢な生き血を 求め彷徨う
歴史に打つ楔... スタープラチナム
Fukkatsu no tame erabanu shudan
Mukuna ikichi wo motome samayō
Rekishi ni utsu kusabi Sutā Purachinamu!
He will do whatever it takes for his revival...
He wanders in search of innocent fresh blood!
Who will put a stake through their history? Star Platinum!
始まってしまった物語に 流して来た悲しみに
今 終わりを告げるため 命を懸けた クルセイダース
Hajimatte shimatta monogatari ni nagashite kita kanashimi ni
Ima owari wo tsugeru tame inochi wo kaketa Kuruseidāsu!
Their story has begun! Sadness is flowing in!
They will finish this! They risk their life! Crusaders!
宿命のラストページに その怒りを叩き込め
受け継がれる 不滅のプライド
Shukumei no Rasuto Pēji ni sono ikari wo tatakikome
Hikari to yami no Desutini
Meguru rekishi wa Buraddi
Uketsugareru fumetsu no Puraido
He drives his anger into this destined last page!
Destiny of light and dark...
Bloody history around them...
Pride undying passed from one generation to the next!
始まってしまった物語に 奪われたままの時に
今 終わりを告げるため 歩き続ける クルセイダース
Hajimatte shimatta monogatari ni ubawareta mama no toki ni
Ima owari wo tsugeru tame aruki tsuzukeru Kuruseidāsu!
Kūhaku no Rasuto Pēji ni sono kobushi wo tatakikome
Their story has begun! Their time is running out!
They will finish this! They won't stop! Crusaders!
He drives his fist into this blank last page
始まってしまった物語に 流して来た悲しみに
今 終わりを告げるため 命を懸けた クルセイダース
宿命のラストページに その怒りを叩き込め
end of THE WORLD その血の記憶
Hajimatte shimatta monogatari ni nagashite kita kanashimi ni
Ima owari wo tsugeru tame inochi wo kaketa Kuruseidāsu!
Shukumei no Rasuto Pēji ni sono ikari wo tatakikome
End of The World! Sono Chi no Kioku
Their story has begun! Sadness is flowing in!
They will finish this! They risk their life! Crusaders!
He drives his anger into this destined last page!
End of The World! The Memories of that Blood!
All lyrics are written by Shoko Fujibayashi; all music is composed by Kohei Tanaka, all arrangement by Kohei Tanaka & Yasuhisa Murase.
Animation Staff
Music Staff
Illustration Staff
Opening Videos

- When Coda sings the line "Mada minu sadame", the song title changes into "JoJo ~The Fate of That Blood~ (ジョジョ ~その血の
運命 ~)" for a frame, referencing the first opening of Season 1. - The previous openings of the show are referenced in the song's bridge: TOMMY's lyrics include the word "Destiny", Coda's lyrics include the word "Blood", and the final section of the bridge (sung by all three singers) includes the word "Pride". These lyrics reference "JoJo ~The Fate of That Blood~", "BLOODY STREAM", and "STAND PROUD" respectively.
- The Japanese lyrics write Star Platinum's name as "Sutā Purachinamu" (スタープラチナム) instead of the usual "Sutā Purachina" (スタープラチナ).
- The idea of having openings vary a bit to showcase DIO's time-stopping power came from Kamikaze Douga. During the presentation of the opening, Junpei Mizusaki, the president of the company, suddenly said, “It’s DIO, so we just need to stop time for 9 seconds."[3] However, there is a slight inaccuracy in this inclusion as the clothes DIO wears in the opening reflect him when he could only stop time for up to 5 seconds.
- When Star Platinum is punching at the screen, the credits for director (ディレクター) changes shape for a few frames to say "memetaa" (メメタァ) (an onomatopoeia made by the frog punched by Will Anthonio Zeppeli).