Vento Aureo - Chapter 17 [456]
5 Plus 1 (
Bucciarati explains the hierarchy of Passione to Giorno: Boss, adviser, operatives, and small groups. To avoid attracting attention, all members dress in regular clothing and work regular jobs. The small groups (usually six to ten people) each have certain tasks they perform, such as collecting money, assassinations, drugs, etc. To become an operative, one must have great reputation amongst the other members.
Guido Mista, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga, and Pannacotta Fugo are sitting in a restaurant, while Fugo tutors Narancia multiplication. Suddenly, Mista starts freaking out over there being four pieces of cake left. Fugo then stabs Narancia with a fork for getting a multiplication problem wrong. Before Narancia can slit Fugo's throat, Bucciarati enters, introducing the group to its newest member, Giorno Giovanna. The gang, however, doesn't seem to care. Abbacchio secretly urinates into a teapot, and pours a cup for Giorno. The gang goads Giorno into drinking it, and to their surprise, he drinks every last drop. It is then revealed that by turning one of his teeth into a jellyfish, he was able to absorb all the urine without drinking it.
Author's Comment


- In both the original Weekly Shonen Jump publication of this chapter and Volume 49, Fugo calls Narancia a "doteinō" (ド低脳), a discriminatory term for mentally handicapped people, after stabbing him with a fork. The paperback edition and all releases based on it, as well as the anime's fifth episode, change the insult to "kusare nō miso" (クサレ脳ミソ), which roughly translates to "rotting brain tissue" (translated as "shit-for-brains" in Crunchyroll's English subtitles). The latter insult has become famous among Japanese fans for its ridiculousness.[2]
- GioGio's Bizarre Adventure is the only media that uses the original version of the line.
- ↑ The Hop Step Award (ホップステップ賞) was a monthly award given by Weekly Shonen Jump to up-and-coming manga artists from March 1985 to July 1996. The winners' submissions would be published in a series of collections every few months.