Jotaro Kujo (空条承太郎, Kūjō Jōtarō) jest protagonistą trzeciej części JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, oraz trzecim JoJo w serii. Występuje również jako postać drugoplanowa w Diamond is Unbreakable oraz Stone Ocean, a także pojawia się chwilowo w Vento Aureo. Z powodu wszystkich jego wystąpień, Jotaro jest najczęściej występującym protagonistą w serii.
Jotaro jest młodym delikwentem (番長, Banchō) mieszanej rasy (pół-Japończyk) który prowadził normalne życie dopóki stary wróg Rodziny Joestar, DIO, nie powrócił. Po tym jak jego matka,Holy zachorowała z powodu przebudzenia DIO, Jotaro wyruszył w podróż przez świat wraz ze swoim dziadkiem, Josephem Joestar, oraz grupą przyjaciół, w celu uratowania jego matki i pokonania Wampira raz na zawsze.
Jotaro jest oficjalnie przedstawiony jako muskularny mężczyzna, często opisywany przez inne postacie jako atrakcyjny [10] o wzroście 195 cm (6 ft 5 in). [6] Ma ciemne włosy, które ciągle zlewają się z jego czapką, zaostrzony podbródek, gęste brwi i zielone oczy.[6] Widać u niego również podobieństwo do swojego pra-pra-dziadka, Jonathana Joestar, oraz swojego dziadka, Josepha Joestar kiedy był on jeszcze młody.
Zewnętrzny motyw stroju Jotaro zmienia się w każdej części JoJo, w której on występuje. Jego znakami rozpoznawczymi są ozdobiona czapka z daszkiem, rozdarta z tyłu, przez co zlewa się z jego włosami, oraz płaszcz na długość około do połowy łydki, ze stojącym kołnierzem i przymocowanymi łańcuchami. Jego strój został zainspirowany przez Babel II, popularną mangę o chłopcu w szkolnym mundurze odbywającym wyprawę na pustyni.[11]
Jotaro ma na sobie zmodyfikowany, o długości trenczu gakuran/tsume-eri z wysokim, sztywnym kołnierzem, przebitym z lewej strony złotym łańcuchem. Pod spodem nosi dopasowaną koszulkę bez rękawów oraz parę obcisłych spodni, kosztujących ¥20,000[12] o krótkich, ostrych końcach nogawek, podtrzymywanych przez dwa wąskie pasy, często o innych kolorach, we wzorze rózno-kolorowych mozaikowych trójkątów (odwzorowujących opaskę Caesara/Josepha). Nosi również parę skórzanych butów (prawdopodobnie) bez skarpet.
Kultowa czapka Jotaro jest ozdobiona pośrodku złotym guzikiem, a po lewej stronie prostokątną złotą blaszką ze wzorem spłaszczonej dłoni. Jest rozdarta z tyłu przez co wygląda jakby łączyła się z jego włosami. Podczas gdy za pierwszym razem zostały one ukazane jako wyraźnie oddzielone od siebie, późniejsze publikacje powodują więcej niepewności co do miejsca, w którym jego włosy i czapka tak właściwie mają styczność. Według wypowiedzi Arakiego w wywiadzie chciał on aby Jotaro był rozpoznawalny przez czytelników nawet od strony tylnej, a nie tylko z przodu.[13]
Schemat kolorów
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaSFC GameHeritage for the FutureOVAAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Hair(Black with blue highlights)
Eyes(Light Blue)
(Blue gakuran and hat over a purple shirt, with golden chain and pins. Green/yellow and red/yellow belts.)
Skin(Slightly Tan)
Eyes(Dark Blue)
(Dark Blue gakuran and hat over a purple shirt, with golden chain and pins.)
Skin(Slightly Tan)
(Blue gakuran and hat over a pink shirt, with golden chain, pins and belts.)
Skin(Slightly Tan)
Hair(Black with blue highlights)
(Purple-trimmed blue gakuran and hat over a red shirt, with bronze chain and purple pins. Green and yellow belts.)
Hair(Black with cyan highlights)
(Teal gakuran and hat over a fuschia shirt, with golden chain and pins. Aqua/gold and gold/blue belts.)
(Black gakuran and hat over a green shirt, with golden chain and pins. Green/red and red/yellow belts.)
(Dark brown-gray gakuran and hat over an olive shirt, with golden chain and pins. Teal/red and red/yellow belts.)
Strój Jotaro uległ ogromnym zmianom w porównaniu z Stardust Crusaders, w dodatku przeszedł on przez kilka zmian w trakcie Diamond is Unbreakable. Każdy zawiera jego charakterystyczne połączenie czapki z daszkiem i trenczu. Nosi on spodnie z szerokimi nogawkami, a jego czapka, płaszcz i spodnie są zazwyczaj przedstawione jako białe.
W swoim pierwszym stroju nosi trencz z podwiniętym kołnierzem i mankietami. Pod płaszczem nosi pewnego rodzaju sweter nałożony na koszulę z wysokim kołnierzem; przez jego klatkę piersiową przebiega także na ukos zapięty pasek. Jego czapka ma na sobie metalowy emblemat z literą "J", w dodatku z poprzednim emblematem dłoni, teraz w kształcie serca.
Jego drugi strój, po raz pierwszy noszony przez niego w wątku fabularnego Let's Go Hunting! , ma styl przypominający jego szkolny mundurek z podniesionym kołnierzem i jedną, dopasowaną koszulą. Emblematy na jego czapce zostały zastąpione delfinem i słońcem, podczas gdy jego płaszcz zawiera metalowy emblemat dwóch delfinów ułożonych w serce na jego prawym ramieniu, oraz ekierkę z charakterystycznym znakiem dłoni na lewym ramieniu.
Jego ostatni strój zawiera płaszcz w stylu podobnym do drugiego, ale ma mankiety w mozaikowym wzorze trójkątów. Pod spodem Jotaro nosi małą, rozpiętą, pozbawioną kieszeni kamizelkę we wzorze naprzemiennych okręgów i krzyżyków, nałożoną na czarny golf z emblematem dłoni umieszczonym na szyi. Jego czapka ma na sobie rząd czarnych symboli wenus (♀) ze sztrałką na dole krzyża, przez co przypominają one kotwice, wraz z kolejnym emblematem dłoni umieszczonym obok nich. Jego dwa paski nie posiadają już wzorów, aczkolwiek do tego dolnego przymocowana jest mała sakiew.
Schemat kolorów
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaEyes of HeavenAnimeFilm
First Outfit
(White outfit and hat over a white shirt, with golden pins. Light purple/yellow sleeves and brown/yellow belts.)
Second Outfit
(White outfit and hat over a white shirt, with golden pins. Light purple/black shoes.)
Third Outfit
(White outfit and hat over a black turtleneck shirt and light purple vest, with gold pins. Light purple/yellow sleeves and black belts.)
(White-tinted violet outfit and hat over a black turtleneck shirt and lavender vest, with gold pins. Light purple/yellow sleeves and gray belts.)
First Outfit
(White outfit and hat over a purple shirt with green collars, with golden pins. Light purple/yellow sleeves. Purple/green and purple/yellow belts)
Second Outfit
(Light Gray outfit and hat over a pink shirt, with copper pins. Pink sleeves and purple/yellow belt. Brown and green backpack)
Third Outfit
(White outfit and hat over a black turtleneck shirt and light purple vest, with gold pins. Light purple/yellow sleeves and purple/yellow belts)
(White outfit and hat over a gray shirt with gold pins. Black belts and shoes.)
Jotaro utrzymuje swoją klasyczną czapkę w tym samym jasnym kolorze, tym razem z wyraźnie większym rozdarciem z tyłu, powodującym tym bardziej nienaturalne zlewanie się jego włosów i czapki. Okrągły emblemat z charakterystycznym symbolem dłoni często zawarty na jego czapce jest przymocowany do paska, który wygląda, jakby otaczał całą głowę, zaczyna się on w środku czapki a kończy na metalicznym wyścieleniu daszka.
Jego jasny płaszcz wygląda na znacznie bardziej obcisły, z wysokim kołnierzem ozdobionym symbolami "J". Ma on zaokrąglone ukośne cięcia wzdłuż boków i tylko jego górny guzik jest zapięty. Pod płaszczem Jotaro nosi czarny gold z kolejnym symbolem dłoni na szyi. Jego koszula ma na sobie dwa jasne paski przecinające się wzajemnie, a jego rękawy są podwinięte. Dwa jasne paski Jotaro są noszone w uporządkowany sposób, ma także spodnie z długimi nogawkami, które wyglądają jakby były podniesione nad jego butami.
Color Schemes
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnime
(Biały strój i czapka z białymi symbolami i guzikami wykończonymi złotem ozdabiającymi płaszcz, biały podkoszulek z czarnym kołnierzem.)
(Biały strój i czapka ze złotymi/brązowymi symbolami oraz guzikami zdobiącymi płaszcz, szaro-niebieski podkoszulek z fioletowymi pasami, turkusowe rękawy, pasy i buty)
Jotaro znowu nosi czarny płaszcz; tym razem z większą ilością detali. Wokół góry i podstawy kołnierza przebiegają linie; w pewnym momencie łączą się ze sobą i biegną przez całą długość płaszcza. Na powierzchni kołnierza znajdują się dwie szpilki w kształcie gwiazd, wraz z jedną od środka kołnierza, w dodatku po lewej stronie kołnierz przekłuty jest małym łańcuchem. Dwie linie biegną przez górę ramion, obok nich znajdują się kolejne dwie linie biegnące od kołnierza do boków ramion. Między klatką piersiową a brzuchem znajdują się dwa zamki. Na bokach ramion znajdują się wielkie gwiazdy, od których ciągną się linie aż do jego mankietów (na których również znajdują się gwiazdy), na których znajduje się powtarzający napis "JOJO". Na płaszczu znajduje się jeszcze jedna linia, która biegnie wzdłuż boku, poniżej pachy.
Pod płaszczem nosi jasną podkoszulkę z wydrukowaną gwiazdą na klatce piersiowej. Jego buty i spodnie wykonane są z materiału we wzorze skóry węża. Dodatkowo Jotaro nosi pojedyńczy skórzany pasek z dwoma rzędami ćwieków, złożony pod siebie za klamrą.
Potargana, zlewająca się z włosami Jotaro czapka, ponownie jest ciemnego koloru. Daszek ma kwadratowy kształt, z delikatnym zagięciem. Jasna sztabka złota umiejscowiona nad daszkiem zawiera emblemat dłoni tak jak w oryginalnej. Dwie linie biegną przez górę daszku, podczas gdy rozszerzona gwiazda obejmuje przód czapki, z jej górnym ramieniem biegnącym na czubek czapki.
Schemat kolorów
The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
Hair(Czarne z fioletowymi podświetleniami)
(Fioletowa czapka i płaszcz ze złotym obramowaniem nałożony na białą koszulkę. Zielone/złote gwiazdy i jasnobrązowe spodnie)
Stardust Crusaders
Pobiłem więcej ludzi niż musiałem, niektórzy z nich nadal są w szpitalu. Było wiele nauczycieli, którzy ze mną zadarli i nigdy nie wrócili z powrotem do klasy. No i hej, uważam też że nie trzeba płacić czeku jeżeli nie smakował ci posiłek. Ale nawet taki facet jak ja może dostrzec zło kiedy je zauważy...
Jotaro przedstawiony jest jako ostry, brutalny delikwent, ale ma on delikatne serce i jest lojalny dla tych, których lubi. Jest bardzo spostrzegawczy, inteligentny i bystry zachowując przy tym wiecznie chłodną, lekko neutralną postawę, wyrażającą brak zainteresowania.
Stalowe nerwy Jotaro destabilizują D'Arby'ego
Najbardziej zauważalną cechą Jotaro jest jego pozornie powściągliwa natura. Jest on cichą osobą, często usatysfakcjonowaną z wyrażania siebie w krótkich frazach. Według jego biografii Jotaro uważa, że każdy może po prostu wyczytać jego emocje z jego wyrazu twarzy i dalsze działanie w celu ukazania jego emocji byłoby prawdopodobnie stratą czasu, co sprawia, że inni postrzegają go jako bezdusznego.[6] W dodatku do tego Jotaro jest niezwykle chłodną osobą, potrafiącą zachować spokój nawet w najgorszych sytuacjach. Najlepszym przykładem jego opanowania byłoby starcie z Danielem J. D'Arby, w którym rozegrał niebezpieczną grę w pokera, w trakcie której z powodzeniem zblefował doświadczonego gracza pokera aby spasował, mimo że nawet nie wiedział jakie miał karty i założył się o dusze każdego swojego towarzysza i sojusznika, który był w to zaangażowany.[14] Mimo, że ukazany został fakt, że jest on lekko zaniepokojony gdy stanie się coś nieoczekiwanego, Jotaro prawie nigdy nie posuwa się tak daleko, by stracić panowanie nad swoimi emocjami.
Ukazuje rzadkie połączenie wściekłości i cierpienia z powodu śmierci Josepha.
Jotaro jest zarówno zaciekły, jak i łagodny, pokazując obydwie te cechy w różnych scenach, od spotkania z N'Doul do potyczki z braćmi D'Arby. Jednym świetnym przykładem jest to, że oszczędził on Noriaki Kakyoina zamiast bezpośrednio go zabijać, a nawet postawił własne życie na szali tylko po to, aby uratować młodego człowieka od śmiercionośnej niewoli DIO. Pomimo niechęci do bezpośredniego ukazania tego, Jotaro kocha swoją matkę i szanuje swojego dziadka Josepha. Impulsem Jotaro do udania się do Egiptu było zagrożenie życia Holy z powodu Standa DIO,[15] w dodatku wpadł w nietypową dla niego wściekłość, gdy wampir zbezcześcił zwłoki jego dziadka, po czym przeprosił ducha Josepha (który wcześniej ostrzegał Jotaro, by nie uległ złości).[16]
Uścisk dłoni z Kakyoinem, nietypowy przejaw przyjaźni ze strony Jotaro
Podczas podróży do Egiptu Jotaro przywiązał się do swoich towarzyszy i przez niektóre drobne gesty okazywał im swoją przyjaźń, podsumowując ją przez uścisk z odchodzącym Polnareffem.[17] Oznaki poluzowania jego temperamentu były również czasami pokazywane kiedy (chociaż nie często) się uśmiechał, na przykład wtedy, gdy grupa naśmiewała się z ZZ, a w pewnym momencie nawet gdy śmiał się razem z Kakyoinem i Polnareffem po odkryciu słabości The Sun.[18] Jotaro ma również słabość do dzieci i jest wobec nich znacznie bardziej tolerancyjny i opiekuńczy. Kiedy Anne towarzyszyła im w ich podróży, nigdy na nią nie krzyczał a nawet chronił ją od wrogich użytkownikó Standów, a także czuwał nad nią w sposobie podobnym do starszego brata, mimo że wyraźnie denerwowały go jej wybryki. Kiedy wziął loda od małego chłopca obiecał mu, że kupi mu nowego.[19]
Jotaro is angered when villains attack women
Jotaro hates people who hurt women or children in a fight, even if the woman or child in question is evil, and will be especially violent toward them;[20][21] one example of this is his beating of Steely Dan, which was partially motivated by Steely Dan killing Enya the Hag, and trying to use a little girl as a hostage when he was nearly defeated. In the OVA series, Jotaro grew more furious at DIO when he brutally slaughtered several innocent civilians inside a wrecked transit during their battle. However, Jotaro doesn't show mercy to evil women and will if need be severely beat them, such as when Midler attacked it and he busted her teeth through her Stand.[22] Furthermore, nagging girls chasing him (both at his school and throughout his journey) annoy Jotaro, who ignores or rudely drives them away, particularly when they begin to fuss or bicker.[23]
Jotaro is introduced calling his mom a "bitch"
Moreover, Jotaro is blunt and foul-mouthed, having no problem being insolent towards his mother or any other authority figure.[24] The teenager favors witty one-liners, often ridiculing whoever is the target of his quips and offering absurd reasons for his feats. For instance, he took the time to tell DIO the reason he lost was that the vampire "pissed him off".[25] Whether Jotaro does take himself seriously or is just having fun when using his one-liners is left unanswered. Nonetheless, Jotaro has shown a modicum of respect to the occasional enemy Stand User, praising N'Doul for having been formidable enough to manage to knock his hat off his head and commit suicide to help DIO, then listening to his speech about his devotion and finally burying his corpse in the desert.[26] Moreover, he noted how Daniel J. D'Arby was dangerous and compared him favorably to Telence, stating that Daniel would have spotted an obvious ploy which tricked Telence.[27]
Jotaro is interested in a large range of subjects, such as sumo or the TV series Columbo, from which he claims to have acquired his deductive skills.[28] Several hobbies indicate that he has an intellectual side, which would result in him becoming a marine biologist by part 4. Ironically, Jotaro is one of the few who can appreciate Calcutta's atmosphere, which shocks Joseph.
Jotaro also has a quirky, particular fashion taste and attachment to his clothes, from refusing to cut off parts of his pants when the school nurse asked him to, to buying clothes[21] to replace the ones that were destroyed after his fight with ZZ with exact replicas as pointed out by Joseph.[29] When he first trades blows with DIO, he specifically points out how the fight tore a hole in his apparently very expensive pants.[30] He also has an attachment to his hat.
Jotaro has a habit of muttering "Gimme a break..." (やれやれだぜ, Yare Yare Daze) to himself to express annoyance toward the ordeals and other events that happen close to him, to the point it has become his signature catchphrase.
Diamond is Unbreakable
In Diamond is Unbreakable, Jotaro becomes the leader and mentor of Part 4's Joestar Group, as well as a person they could rally behind. Koichi and Josuke comment that his company is calming to them, with respect to the consistent threat exerted by emerging Stand users. Having matured, Jotaro isn't as foul-mouthed as he was, although he is still blunt and retains his annoyance towards girls making a fuss.
Although his aloofness is still present, it has diminished somewhat over the years; meeting Tomoko Higashikata whilst looking for Josuke shortly after her father is killed by Anjuro, he tolerates her sudden clinginess when she mistakes him for Joseph, and offers some consolation for her father's death. He also admits to Koichi that he was glad to meet him, albeit privately.
Stone Ocean
In Stone Ocean, Jotaro displays his typical serious attitude, but this is also paired with a passionate paternal protectiveness for his daughter Jolyne, although his past neglect has worsened their relationship. Another instance of his diminished stoic attitude, he tells his daughter that he loves and cherishes her, which would motivate Jolyne throughout their adventure.
After he is "revived", Anasui, one of Jolyne's companions who is enthralled by her, asks Jotaro to approve his proposal to marry. Reacting first as though he spoke meaninglessly when Jotaro sees Jolyne lean against Anasui's chest, he pulls her into his arms, protectively; leaving Jolyne clueless as to their interaction.
During the final fight against Pucci, Jotaro's love for his family got the best of him, and he made the mistake of trying to both save Jolyne and kill Pucci, succeeding in neither and resulting in his tragic death.
One of the strongest Stands in the series, Star Platinum possesses superhuman senses, strength, stamina, accuracy and speed. Like other physically-powerful (or Close-Range) Stands, Star Platinum suffers from a narrow range of activity; active only within a 2-3 meter radius from Jotaro.
It is the same type of Stand as to DIO'sThe World, and, as it turns out, can likewise be used to stop time, an ability revealed at the very end of his fight with DIO.
The Tarot card The Star, after which it is named, symbolizes hope, above all.
During the final battle with DIO, Star Platinum awakens the ability to stop time.
This is the highest form to which Jotaro is shown to develop his Stand. Star Platinum: The World can stop time for as long as 5 seconds. It's duration seems to fluctuate on how constantly Jotaro uses the ability.[31]
Jotaro's natural battle sense and flexible thinking makes him extremely proficient at using his Stand, which is facilitated by how powerful it is in the first place. At its most basic usage, Star Platinum will punch through almost any obstacle Jotaro encounters, but he can also be very imaginative when applying its physical prowess, such as stretching Star Platinum's limbs for extra range or using its lungs to neutralize Justice.
Jotaro launching himself off the ground with Star Platinum
Jotaro frequently exploits his Stand's superhuman attributes to augment his own capabilities. He is able to use Star Platinum's enhanced eyesight to see far-away objects himself and, much like other Stand Users, can block attacks aimed at him with his Stand. Jotaro will often defend himself by channeling Star Platinum from inside his body, which also allows him to use its enhanced strength to launch himself into the air. This jumping technique is introduced during the fight with N'Doul, and utilized throughout Jotaro's final face-off with DIO.
Due to its short duration, Jotaro only stops time with parsimony. He mainly uses it for defense, utilizing the extra time to defend an ally or avoid attacks, and has only occasionally used time stop for offense.
Personal Skills
Intelligence: Jotaro is an adept tactician, using a mix of straightforward brute force and unexpected tricks to prevail. Thanks to Star Platinum's tremendous strength, Jotaro can either force his way out of any tough situation or use unexpected feats of strength such as tunneling his way toward an enemy or using his lung capacity to neutralize a fog Stand. Jotaro has occasionally used the environment to his advantage, filling his clothes with thick books when expecting DIO to use projectiles against him, or taking full advantage of The Fool's glider to approach N'Doul.
Jotaro's intelligence saves him from DIO's knives
The years have only increased his wits, and in Part 4 and 6, Jotaro demonstrates a methodical and vigilant sense of observation, watching his environment to anticipate the enemy's moves and attacks, and having a good grasp of the general mechanics of Stands to better identify a Stand's weaknesses.
Jotaro is notably good at psychological warfare and using calm judgment in dire situations. He is an accomplished bluffer, capable of using his adversary's own vigilance against the formidable Star Platinum to psych them out, demonstrated when he forced D'Arby to fold in a game of poker he had all but won or tricked DIO into underestimating Star Platinum's ability to move in the stopped time. He also provoked Forever into entering the range of Star Platinum to defeat him.
Knowledge: It is implied that Jotaro has accumulated a considerable amount of varied knowledge. At the beginning of Part 3, in his cell, in order to understand his Stand, he had collected a number of books on the theme of the paranormal. In Part 4, it is revealed that he specialized in marine biology; and he briefs Josuke skillfully for the task of hunting two Stand-wielding rats.
Strength: While not nearing the levels of superhuman strength possessed by his Stand, Jotaro himself is still notably strong, and has been for a long time; even when de-aged by Sethan, he was able to deliver a painful punch against a full-grown man.
Toughness: Jotaro is naturally confident and intolerant to suggestions that he should defer in any way, backed up by his own strength as well as that of his Stand.
Cigarette Trick: Jotaro is supposedly able to hold up to five lit cigarettes in his mouth, lit side inwards, and drink juice without putting them out. Oingo failed to replicate this technique. However, this trick could be false.
Bluffing: During both the Telence T. D'Arby and Daniel J. D'Arby arcs, Jotaro won through an impressive ability to bluff, as seen by his refusal to look at his cards when playing poker with D'Arby the Elder, and having the confidence to rely on Joseph Joestar to pick up on his signal by announcing his pitch against D'Arby the Younger.
Secret Technique
The Joestar family's "Secret Technique", running away, is usually utilized as a last resort. It is used by Jotaro in the series during his fight against Rubber Soul.[19]
Jotaro's relationship with people is usually straight forward, due to his type of personality. He usually tends to keep his emotions to himself, as he believes people can read his emotions simply by observing him. Simply put, if anyone hasn't made him angry, he is usually satisfied with those around him.
Jolyne Cujoh: Jotaro's only child. Jotaro, due to his many excursions, was an absentee father for much of Jolyne's childhood and well into her adolescence. As such, she grew to resent him though at times also craving his attention. His divorce only made matters worse, Jolyne practically disowning him and refusing to mention him until he visited her in prison. Jotaro, however, greatly cherished Jolyne, taking her safety above all else during Stone Ocean and being fully aware of his failures as a father. Eventually they began to patch their relationship up, Jolyne finally understanding why Jotaro was absent constantly and what exactly he was fighting for.
Joseph Joestar: Jotaro doesn't usually share his grandfather's humor, and the two have very different personalities. Despite their differences, they seem to get along fairly well, and can share a laugh or two once in a while, and they were able to bond much more during their travel to Egypt in order to save Holy. When Joseph was infected by Steely Dan's Lovers, Jotaro allowed himself to be humiliated to protect Joseph from Steely Dan and repaid his enemy a thousandfold. They were able to work well together against Telence D'Arby purely through shared familial intuition, and when DIO desecrated Joseph's corpse, Jotaro was enraged enough to attack DIO head on despite knowing the serious risk. While he was annoyed about Joseph's affair with Josuke's mother, he still cared for his grandfather especially in his advanced age and decided to protect Josuke's mother in place of Joseph, showing his respect for Joseph's feelings. He also showed a rare smile when he saw Josuke and Joseph getting along.
Suzi Q: Although they've never communicated in the manga, the anime included a scene of Jotaro talking to his grandmother on the phone. He respects her and assures her that there's nothing to worry about when Joseph couldn't talk to her. Suzi states that she was really happy to hear her grandson's voice after so long. She's heard that Jotaro became wild lately but she knows deep down that he's a sweet child who truly cares for his family.
Josuke Higashikata: The two have a mentor-protégé relationship. Although Josuke is younger than him, Jotaro is his nephew. When they first met, Josuke had assaulted Jotaro for mentioning his hair in a negative tone (despite Jotaro not intending to insult Josuke), but as the series progressed, the two became allies and have helped each other out a number of times against the various enemy Stands appearing in Morioh. Jotaro respects Josuke's ability and gentleness while being annoyed by his temper, and fully trusted him during their fight against Bug-Eaten.
Sadao Kujo: As a famous jazz musician, Sadao left his family to go on tour, and has never actually been seen in the series. It is unknown as to how long he has been gone, but there hasn't been any indication that Jotaro holds a grudge against him for this.
As Jotaro's mother, Jotaro greatly cares for her. In his childhood, Jotaro loved to play ball with her, but at his current age, his attitude has changed up to a point where he rebukes her affection, calls her annoying, and casually insults her. Regardless, the two take care of each other, and Holy is unfazed by Jotaro's rough exterior as she knows his true feelings. When she had fallen ill due to her Stand taking over her body, Jotaro had asked Joseph what they had to do to cure her. It was because of his concern for his mother's life that he set off to Egypt to fight DIO.
Giorno Giovanna: While they have never formally met, Jotaro investigated Giorno due to his connections to both DIO and the Joestar family. Having found out Giorno's relation with DIO, Jotaro avoided meeting him in person, and trusted Koichi to judge him in his stead.
A photograph of Jotaro's friends circa 1988-1989.
Muhammad Avdol: His first initial meeting with Avdol was not very friendly, but after Jotaro begins to truly understand Star Platinum and Stands, they quickly become allies. During the journey Avdol takes the role of the mentor, providing the rest of the group information on enemies such as Gray Fly, Devo the Cursed, and Midler. Jotaro would later mourn his death with Polnareff and Joseph.
Noriaki Kakyoin: Like with Avdol, Jotaro's relationship with Kakyoin begins with a fight. After defeating him, Jotaro takes Kakyoin to his house to remove DIO's flesh bud and release him from DIO's control. Jotaro and Kakyoin later develop a strong friendship, discovering a mutual interest in sumo, and Kakyoin being one of the few people Jotaro smiles at. Kakyoin sacrificed his life to give Jotaro an advantage against Dio and Jotaro mourns his death along with Joseph and Polnareff. In the JOJONIUM special interviews, Araki comments that without their power, Jotaro and Kakyoin probably wouldn't have become friends.
Jean Pierre Polnareff: After joining the group during their journey to Egypt, Polnareff gradually becomes good friends with everyone. Jotaro becomes friendlier with Polnareff, having no problem teaming up with him, and displaying his friendship openly with him. Jotaro also respects Polnareff as a fighter, commenting that his Silver Chariot Star Platinum can hold back against when Anubis possesses Polnareff. At the end of part 3, Joseph and Polnareff along with Jotaro mourn for the loss of their friends. Before going their separate ways, the group embraces one last time; promising to meet each other again sometime in the future. Jotaro's only comment to Polnareff was a friendly insult, mentioning that he'd never be able to forget his ugly face.
Anne: Jotaro treated the runaway girl as a burden and annoyance, but kept protecting her from enemies such as fake Captain Tennile and Forever. Anne had a crush on Jotaro because he was handsome.
Iggy: Jotaro meets Iggy prior the fight with N'Doul, but their relationship begins badly as Iggy is uncooperative in the fight and Jotaro throws him into N'Doul. As revenge, Iggy pranks Jotaro. Iggy, although not vocal about it, is a very prideful stand user, even believing that The Fool is stronger than Star Platinum. After the battle with DIO, Jotaro and Joseph acknowledge his death, alongside the other fallen crusaders.
Koichi Hirose: After witnessing Koichi's bravery during the events in Morioh, particularly fighting Kira's Sheer Heart Attack while Jotaro was unconscious, he has come to respect and trust him a lot. This bond later influences Jotaro to choose him to investigate Giorno Giovanna for his bloodline link with both the Joestars and DIO.
Okuyasu Nijimura: Although the two had little interaction, Okuyasu seems to see Jotaro as a mentor figure. However, he does ignore Jotaro's advice and goes after Red Hot Chili Pepper on his own. Jotaro is exasperated by his temper and lack of intelligence but sees him as an ally nonetheless.
Rohan Kishibe: Jotaro and Rohan are allies in the battle against Yoshikage Kira. Rohan states that the two aren't close[32] but they seem to have mutual respect for each other, as Rohan has Jotaro's phone number in his phonebook.[33] Rohan also tries heading to Morioh Grand Hotel thinking Jotaro could help him deal with Cheap Trick.[32]
DIO: Before their meeting, but having heard of each other, DIO and Jotaro were enemies. While DIO simply thought of Jotaro as a powerful Stand user, Jotaro didn't think much of the former but was at least intrigued that he was charismatic enough to gain the loyalty of other powerful Stand users like N'Doul. During their clash, DIO viewed Jotaro as much of a threat as Jonathan was, if not more, going to extremes to outwit and ensure his death. While Jonathan was an opponent DIO respected, Jotaro was an opponent DIO feared because Jotaro could move in the stopped time. After DIO had apparently killed his grandfather, Joseph, right in front of him, Jotaro's hatred for DIO intensified to where, for the first time, Jotaro was visibly enraged and acted on anger. After a short but grueling fight with the Vampire, Jotaro finally managed to outwit and kill DIO. His battle with him affected Jotaro so much, he nearly attacked the fully revived Joseph when he jokingly claimed to be DIO possessing his body.
Enrico Pucci: Pucci harbored a grudge against Jotaro for having killed DIO. However, Jotaro was unaware of Pucci's existence until the end of Stone Ocean. Pucci took his revenge by stealing both Jotaro's memories and Stand to let his lifeless corpse rot away, but nonetheless knew he was a dangerous Stand user, thus took every precaution against him. Pucci ultimately killed Jotaro in Florida.
Yoshikage Kira: The first time Jotaro would encounter Kira was near the Centipede shoe shop after Jotaro was heavily wounded by Sheer Heart Attack. Kira underestimated Jotaro due to the poor state he was in, only to get pummeled by Star Platinum for his trouble. Kira noted how dangerous Jotaro was and took the care to avoid confronting him again.
Daniel J. D'Arby: Daniel J. D'Arby's combination of skill in gambling and Stand power managed to impress Jotaro, even making him nervous at points. Jotaro went as far as saying that D'Arby was the most dangerous Stand user they've met yet. Through a combination of intimidation and sheer luck, Jotaro managed to bluff D'Arby and send him into shock. After meeting Daniel's brother Telence, Jotaro would acknowledge Daniel as the superior gambler, stating that Daniel would have seen through the trick he used against Telence.
N'Doul: While the two were enemies, Jotaro grew to respect N'Doul as a fighter during their fight, noting that N'Doul managed to knock away his hat, an impressive feat according to Jotaro. Jotaro was impressed by N'Doul's loyalty to DIO and buried him out of respect when he died.
Steely Dan: Because Steely Dan killed Enya, an old albeit powerful woman in cold blood, and then used his temporary position of power to continuously humiliate Jotaro, the latter developed a great grudge toward Steely Dan. When Steely Dan took a child hostage, Jotaro, not only content from breaking his limbs, delivered a particularly brutal pummeling as revenge.
Anubis: Jotaro comments that Anubis, a Stand relying on a simple powerful ability, notably a speed that rivaled that of Star Platinum, instead of a trick made it particularly dangerous. Anubis attempted to kill Jotaro several times with several host bodies including Polnareff. Jotaro smashed Anubis in half. Anubis possessed a child and attempted to stab Jotaro before Iggy tripped him.
Enya: Jotaro was one of Enya's primary targets as he was one of the most powerful Stand users opposing her master DIO, yet she was wary of Jotaro's power and intellect. For his part, Jotaro didn't think much of Enya. Jotaro was still shocked when he saw Enya dying on DIO's order yet still remaining loyal.
Anjuro Katagiri: Due to his attempted murder of Josuke's mother and successful murder of his grandfather, Anjuro was an enemy of Jotaro's. Anjuro, being a notoriously brutal murderer and recent Stand user, disgusted Jotaro and was one of the reasons Jotaro personally went to Morioh to stop him.
Akira Otoishi: Because Jotaro was investigating Stand Users, Otoishi saw him as a threat and tried to kill him. When Josuke got in his way, Otoishi decided to kill Joseph instead, only to be stopped by Okuyasu. When Otoishi is arrested, Jotaro threatens to hunt him down if he escapes from prison. Jotaro would later interrogate Otoishi, who would reveal he shot a rat with the Arrow (but hid that he shot 2 rats, Bug-Eaten and Not Bug-Eaten).
Johngalli A.: Johngalli A. bore a grudge against Jotaro for having killed DIO. While there is little interaction between the two, the fact he framed Jolyne for murder and attempted to kill her and him made them enemies.
No one ever said Jotaro Kujo was a nice guy. I beat the crap out of more people than I have to, some are still in the hospital. There's plenty of teachers who got on my bad side and never came back to class. And, hey I make it a policy not to pay the check if I didn't like the meal. But even a guy like me can spot evil when he sees it... Evil means to use the weak for your own gain and then stomp on them when it's over! And that's what you've done! To a woman and a doctor, even! And your Stand gets to hide from the victims, the law, the consequences! That's why I'll be your judge!
Didn't you say that there weren't paths left to take? You were wrong. A path is something that you make yourself. That's why I, Jotaro Kujo, will now show you how to build your own path! Oraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraora!!!!
Impossible? We did a lot of impossible things on this journey. I’m tired of hearing that things are impossible or useless. Those words mean nothing to us.
Next time we meet, I'm gonna land a thousand strikes on that face of yours.
But the Kujo family... No. The Joestar family has its own philosophy when it comes to fighting. I have just one strategy left. That's... to run away!
Do you understand?
You sure said all the crap you wanted to back there. I'm the type that takes such things to heart.
Even a guy like me can smell the stench of evil from miles away!
I'm the kind of guy who keeps a grudge if someone screws with me.
It's hard to see who you really are from your own perspective...
You're such a joke I can't even think of anything to say to you.
It's not cheating if you don't get caught.
This isn't enough... I'm still not angry enough!
I don't have any pity. Not for you.
You can't pay back what you owe with money! ORAORAORAORAORAORA! Here's your receipt.
Gimme a break... don't underestimate me just 'cause I'm a kid. Oraoraoraoraoraoraora!!
How does it feel, DIO?... Having your worst enemy stand behind you while you can't do a thing about it. Imagine a guy who can only hold his breath underwater for a minute. He comes to the surface at one minute and...yank! Someone grabs his leg and drags him underwater again... does it feel kind of like that?
Look at you. You're pathetic. I have zero sympathy for your sorry ass. But. If I kill you while you're helpless, that'll leave a bad taste in my mouth. How long will it take for you to heal? Three seconds? Four seconds? As soon as you heal, Star Platinum will split your head open all over the street! So heal!
There's only one reason you lost, DIO... just one simple reason. You pissed me off. (てめーの敗因はたったひとつだぜ…DIO…たったひとつの単純な答えだ…「てめーはおれを怒らせた」。, Temē no haiin wa tatta hitotsu daze… DIO… tatta hitotsu no shinpuru na kotae da… `temē wa ore o okora seta'.)
Josuke Higashikata, born in 1983. Your mother's name is Tomoko, she was 21 at the time studying at the university in Tokyo. You've lived here since you were born. In 1987 when you were 4, you had a severe fever due to an unknown illness for 50 days. You almost died. You father's name is... (hmph, this is harder than I thought) Joseph Joestar!
The dumb old bastard, saying "I love only my wife" like a saint. What the hell, and I finally find your son, you fickle... Sorry I said too much. My name is Jotaro Kujo, I'm officially your nephew.
Humans thrive on the destruction of others... but among them there's you, and your power is the kindest and most generous ability one could ever have. However, you can't bring back life once it has ended. No Stand can do that.
Give me a break. Now that I can see it up close, your watch looks like crap. But you don't have to worry about that. After all, I'm about to make it look even worse. Your face, that is. ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!
It's too short! Stopping time for five seconds isn't enough...
You're not making any sense... Are you insane?
I was one move... too late...!
His catchphrase, "Yare yare daze" has no direct translation but is usually translated to the effect of "Gimme a break." It can also mean "Well well well..." or "Alright, alright...", since "yare yare" commonly translates to "Oh well..."; It is generally an expression of boredom or exasperation.
In the official Viz Media translations, the phrase is considered cursing and is censored.
In the official Shonen Jump Advanced manga series he is seen saying "Give me a !@$&*# break..." and the English dub of the OVA translates it as "What a pain...".
In the Crunchyroll subs, it is translated as "Good grief". In the English dub of the 2014 series, it's translated as "What a pain (in the ass)" as well as "Give me a break".
In Popular Culture
In the first episode of Puni Puni Poemy, the Director and his alien opponent humorously fight a battle between Stands. The alien fought using a Star Platinum look-alike.
The shōjo manga group Clamp are fans of JoJo. In their later publication, Wish, the main angel character, Kohaku, closely resembles Kakyoin's hairdo and appearance. Ironically, the love interest of said character roughly resembles a hatless Jotaro, named Kudo Shuichiro. Although the angel is sexless, some fans have speculated this story is a shōnen-ai interpretation of the two. In their early years, Clamp also created doujinshi called Clamp in Wonderland which featured their original character, Jotaro and Kakyoin's child Jota (hatched from an egg) and his Stand Charmy Green (which looks like a green Star Platinum).
In the NBC drama, Heroes, a fictional Japanese salaryman named Hiro Nakamura is a fan of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. In his blog, he states that he wants to "be like JoJo and Vaan and go on adventures". One of his powers includes time manipulation, a gift shared with both Jotaro and Dio Brando. Hiro later posts on his blog under the pseudonym of Jotaro Kujo.
In the video game Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Monokuma beats Monomi with rapid punches while yelling "ORA ORA". In response, Monomi says "This is your Stand?!".
Iikubo Haruna, sub-leader of the pop group Morning Musume, has stated she is in love with Jotaro.