Joseph Joestar

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—Joseph Joestar, Chapter 149: Empress, Part 4

Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター, Josefu Jōsutā) é o protagonista principal da segunda parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency, e o segundo JoJo da série. Ele também aparece como um aliado primário em Stardust Crusaders, e como um aliado secundário em Diamond is Unbreakable.

Como o neto de Jonathan Joestar, Joseph é um usuário natural de Hamon e um eventual usuário de Stand, tendo Hermit Purple como seu Stand. Um encrenqueiro exuberante com um talento excepcional para trapaças, Joseph encontra várias ameaças fantásticas aproximando-se dele durante sua vida com iniciativa e uma ingenuidade impressionante, batalhando contra vampiros, os Homens do Pilar, e usuários malevolentes de Stand.

Joseph é o segundo mais recorrente JoJo da série atrás de seu neto Jotaro Kujo. Ele também é o pai de Josuke Higashikata, o protagonista de Diamond is Unbreakable.


Battle Tendency

Joseph Joestar Anime Profile.png

Com 18 anos, Joseph é alto (195 cm/6'5"), formoso, com um porte poderoso e olhos claros. Ele tem um cabelo curto, escuro e desajeitado, com partes de sua franja saindo para fora em formato semelhante ao de espinhos, fora isso ele assemelha-se muito ao seu avô, Jonathan Joestar.

A roupa primária de Joseph é relativamente minimalista e pragmática. Ele veste uma regata cortada acima do umbigo, luvas cravejadas nos punhos, calças justas, e botas de couro da altura de seus joelhos. Na suiça ele veste um cachecol listrado, longo, e largo; e mais tarde, um presente póstumo de Caesar, uma bandana longa e fina com um padrão de triângulos em linha.

Inicialmente ele veste uma camisa de colarinho branco com uma gravata e suspensores, e um casaco com listras nos ombros. Outros artigos incluem um chapéu de piloto (como equipamento de moto), um gorro, e uma máscara de respiração feita para treinamento de Hamon. Após Kars cortar sua mão esquerda, Joseph a trocou por uma prótese mecânica, cortesia dos alemães, que consegue imitar movimentos humanos.

Quando retratado atualmente, Joseph sempre veste o chapéu de piloto e óculos de segurança, que foram adicionados permanentemente para diferenciá-lo de Jonathan e reforçar o "sentimento mecânico"" criado pelos vários aviões e motocicletas presentas na Parte 2.[1]

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoHeritage for the FutureAnimeAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Main Outfit
(Purple tank-top with brown trousers, yellow-striped jungle green scarf, and brown boots)
Main Outfit
(Light Purple battle attire with dark gray boots)
Main Outfit
(Dark green tank-top with blue trousers, yellow-striped green scarf, and black boots)
Hair(Dark Green)
Eyes(Lime Green)
Main Outfit
(Turquoise battle attire with red-striped lime scarf, and brown boots)
Main Outfit
(Olive green tank-top with blue trousers, yellow-striped light green scarf, and black boots)

Stardust Crusaders

Old Joseph Anime Profile.png

Joseph retem a maioria de sua saúde e musculos, embora seu rosto mostre sua idade. Seu cabelo é curto e cinza, ele possui uma barba grossa e bem cuidada.

Durante a jornada do grupo ao Egíto, ele veste uma roupa não muito diferente da usada pelo Indiana Jones: um fedora; uma camisa sem botões leve e com mangas curtas; calças câqui; sapatos formaiss; e luvas brancas com pulseiras escuras que escondem sua mão esquerda prostética (resultado da sua batalha contra Kars).[2]

Em sua introdução, ele é visto usando um sobretudo e um suéter de gola alta com uma gema vermelha no pescoço. Durante o arco Dark Blue Moon, ele veste uma camisa de marinheiro listrada com as mangas enroladas até os ombros. É visto no arco 'Bastet' Mariah que debaixo de suas calças ele veste uma cueca boxer com bolinhas.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoSFC GameOVAHeritage for the FutureAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Main Outfit
(Generally yellow shirt and fedora with brown trousers and gloves with purple arm-warmers)
Hair(Light Gray)
Eyes(Light Brown)
Main Outfit(Light Brown shirt with brown fedora)
Main Outfit
(Light purple shirt with brown fedora and trousers, purple gloves, and black arm-warmers)
Main Outfit
(Khaki shirt with brown fedora and trousers, white gloves, and dark gray arm-warmers)
Main Outfit
(Bright yellow shirt with brown fedora and trousers, white gloves, black arm-warmers, and blue shoes)
Main Outfit
(Khaki shirt with brown fedora and trousers, white gloves, and black arm-warmers)
Eyes(Light Blue)
Main Outfit
(Khaki shirt with tan fedora and brown trousers, white gloves, and gray arm-warmers)

Diamond is Unbreakable

Aos 79 anos de idade, Joseph sofre de senilidade, tendo perdido a longevidade do Hamon por falta de motivação para treinar.[3] Enquanto sua estatura alta ainda é aparente, ele é corcunda e usa uma bengala.[4] seu rosto afundado é coberto em rugas e uma barba bem cuidada.

Joseph veste um pequeno par de óculos pincenê, e um chapéu de lã listrado com aba e cobertura para as orelhas, parecido com uma ushanka. Sua vestimenta consiste de um sobretudo grosso, uma camisa de colarinho e gravata, luvas e calças largas.

Ele é tipicamente visto carregando Shizuka Joestar pela cidade após o arco Nós Encontramos Algo!.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoAnime
(Brown trench coat and shirt, light brown hat with black spots, yellow glasses, and khaki gloves)
(Maroon trench coat, light pink shirt, light brown trousers and glasses, yellow hat with brown spots, and white gloves.)


O-? Cê poderia dizer isso denovo? Lentamente? Em uma linguagem que eu entenda? Dependendo do que você disse, eu vou ter que te dar uma surra!
—Joseph Joestar, Chapter 47: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 3

Battle Tendency

Joseph brigando com um motorista de táxi.

Em Battle Tendency, Joseph é um jovem de cabeça quente, impetuoso e confrontacional. Rápido em responder violentamente a qualquer miníma provocação, Joseph muitas vezes entraria em lutas crescendo; antes dos eventos da história, ele havia sido preso sete vezes e expulso da escola uma vez por brigar.[5] Não tendo nenhum respeito por figuras de autoridade além de sua avó, e mais tarde Lisa Lisa, Joseph antagoniza tanto policiais[6] quanto mafiosos[7]. Ademais, Joseph é um individuo boca-suja e regularmente provoca seus inimigos, gostando de irritá-los. Ele notavelmente provoca Kars após lançá-lo para o espaço, alegando que ele planejou tudo desde o começo apenas para caçoar dele uma última vez.[8]

Joseph é brincalhão e prefere fazer bobagens do que ter qualquer responsabilidade. Ele memso admitiu que suas frases mais odiadas são "trabalho duro" e "trabalhe duro",[9] e ainda teve que ser forçado à treinar seu talento pelo Hamon para não ter que encarar sua morte certa caso ele não encontrasse e lutasse com Wamuu novamente. Joseph tem um lado um tanto brincalhão e passa a maioria de suas lutas degustando o fato dele levar a melhor sobre seus inimigos com suas táticas absurdas, algo que ele usa para pegar seus oponentes de surpresa por quão bobos seus planos são à primeira vista. Sendo exibido, Joseph ama ser o centro das tenções e odiou quando descobriu que seu rival Caesar possuia uma técnica especial.[10] Com seu talento com truques de mágica, a natureza orgulhosa de Joseph junto com seu amor por pegadinhas o torna uma força imprevisível em batalha.

Joseph sauda Wamuu após sua morte.

No começo de sua aventura, a única característica que redimi Joseph é sua devoção a sua família e amigos. Joseph tem um carinho profundo por sua avó Erina Joestar, e se fica muito enfurecido quando um gângster tem a pachorra de mencionar a morte de Speedwagon na frente dela, o que a entristece.[11] Joseph também tem muito afeto por seu cares "tio" Speedwagon, que ele considera um pai, sua desaparição fazendo com que Joseph procure por ele no México, Joseph também tem uma mania de formar amizades com outras pessoas. Apesar de ter tido sua carteira roubada, Joseph rapidamente se tornou amigo de Smokey e não tolerou qualquer discriminação contra ele.[6] Da mesma forma, Joseph se tornou amigo de Caesar Zeppeli e Lisa Lisa mesmo que tenha sido difícil. Joseph até veio a respeitar o Homem do Pilar Wamuu, e o saudou uma última vez enquanto ele morria.[12]

Durante o curso de Battle Tendency, embora ele nunca tenha realmente perdido sua atitude por inteiro, ele se torna um herói forte e focado. De acordo com sua rejeição por qualquer tipo de disciplina, Joseph acredita que truques e trapaças são justos desde que não sejam desnecessáriamente cruéis. Isso resulta nele se tornando um quebrador de regras e uma vez fez com que ele fosse repreendido ao tentar subir A Escalada do Pilar do Inferno usando uma corda em vez de com o Hamon.[13] Joseph possui um senso de honra peculiar, reconhecendo as estratégias dissimuladas de Esidisi como um tanto nobres, por ele tê-las feito pelos outros Homens do Pilar.[14] Entetanto, quando Kars apunhalou Lisa Lisa, Joseph ficou furioso pois ele manchou a memória de seu companheiro Wamuu.[15] E então poderia se dizer que Joseph dá muito valor ao conceito de família.

Joseph espiando a Lisa Lisa no banho, sem conhecimento de que ela é sua mãe.

Joseph, sendo o individuo sincero que ele é, ele possui um lado flertativo. Ele regularmente comenta sobre a beleza de mulheres e foi muito menos sutil em seus flertes com sua futura esposa Suzi Q. O comportamento antagonistico de Joseph em relação ao Caesar pode ter começado por inveja do fato dele conseguir seduzir mulheres tão facilmente. Sua natureza pervertida é revelada quando Joseph decide espiar Lisa Lisa enquanto ela tomava banho, completamente sem conhecimento do fato de que eles são parentes, e sua própria mãe.[16] Entretanto, quando Lisa Lisa praticamente se revelou como sua mãe, Joseph ficou mais preocupado com sua idade atual.[17] É revelado que Joseph é exigente quando escolhendo uma namorada, embora ele ache que sua inteligência não importe desde que ela seja bonita.[18]

É revelado em flashbacks que Joseph colecionava quadrinhos e era fã do {{w|Superman|Suwhendhe was young.[19] He becomes a fan of Rohan Kishibe's works when he is much older.

Stardust Crusaders

"OH! MY! GOD!"

In Stardust Crusaders, Joseph has considerably mellowed out, having lost much of his aggression and laziness. Still irascible toward Japanese in general, due to a Japanese man marrying his beloved daughter Holy,[20] Joseph is otherwise nice to his grandson and Noriaki Kakyoin. His self-confidence and penchant for befriending people is still present, notably with the appearance of his new friend Muhammad Avdol, and his tendency to approach the locals first and communicate with them,[21] overall being the one to deal business with them. For instance he takes it upon himself to order food in Hong Kong,[22] gladly approaches an Indian barman to try sugar cane juice,[23] tries to salute a hotel owner in Pakistan[24] as well as order shishkebab in Karachi.[25]

Joseph telling Kakyoin and Polnareff to stop fooling around.

Joseph is much more responsible than in Battle Tendency, being more proactive in his quest to Egypt, and also sometimes reminding his younger companions of their goals when they are distracted. Years of peace and the appearance of the much stranger Stands means that Joseph lost some of his talents at outsmarting enemies, and is often the victim of the Stands he encounters. However, Joseph still has a few tricks left up his aged sleeve, and is capable of outsmarting enemies, having successfully cheated against Telence D'Arby,[26] and figuring out The World time stop's limits.[27]

Joseph's goofy side is also still present, and his somewhat frequent failures at blending with the local culture and his struggle at battling Stands are a constant source of humor. Moreover, his boastful nature leads him to occasional goofs, such as misreading Chinese so much he orders dishes completely different from what he figured,[21] or pretending to know how to ride camels only to ridicule himself.[28] At the end of the saga, he demonstrates again his love for pranks, briefly making Jotaro believe that he was a resurrected DIO.[29]

Diamond is Unbreakable

Joseph cuts himself so Josuke Higashikata can find Shizuka.

In Diamond is Unbreakable, Joseph's advancing age has weakened his mind and he appears to have become somewhat senile. Joseph is now a pacified and even weak-willed man, even sadly accepting Josuke's demand that he not interact with Josuke's mother.[30] Despite this, Joseph is still a well-meaning old man who is willing to risk his life for others[31] and is nice enough to offer some counsel to Yukako about her crush.[32] Living in Morioh seems to have done him good, and at the end of the part, Joseph is more lively and happier, expressing confidence in the youth of Morioh at protecting the small town.[33]



Main article: Ripple

Joseph inherited the Ripple and its capabilities from his grandfather, Jonathan Joestar, as well as his mother, Lisa Lisa. In addition, he uses techniques commonly present in stage magic to confuse his foes. After his Ripple training, Joseph frequently combines his Ripple with other objects to perform complex and creative attacks. Later in Stardust Crusaders, he shows that he is able use the Ripple in conjunction with his Stand, Hermit Purple. However, as he grew older, due to neglecting his Ripple training, he became unable to do the same things he was capable of when he was younger and ended up aging at a relatively normal pace.


During his battle with the Pillar Men, Joseph had demonstrated several techniques similar to his grandfather's.

Overdrive / Ripple Overdrive(波紋疾走(オーバードライブ) Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Dash/Sprint) Link to this sectionLink to this section

The most basic application of the Ripple, where the user attacks with either their limbs or an object imbued with the Ripple. Joseph first uses it on a bottle of coke, causing the cap to fly off and break the finger bone of a police officer. He mostly uses it by charging his hand with Ripple and striking with a chop. Joseph uses it against Kars in a duel and shatters Kars's Light Blade which could cut through anything without fail up until that point.

Ripple Hypnosis Link to this section

When he's young, Joseph uses the Ripple on a pilot's head while Speedwagon's plane is being hijacked, which knocks the pilot out. He later uses this technique on a pigeon, controlling it to go inside the mouth of a woman that Caesar hypnotized. In his final battle against Wamuu, he controls the Vampire Horses by using the Ripple on their reins.

Ripple Hair Attack(波紋ヘア・アタック Hamon Hea Atakku) Link to this section

Joseph infuses his Ripple into strands of hair to make them hard enough to form a barrier, which blocks incoming projectiles. Joseph uses it to block bullets fired by Santana after ripping a fistful of Stroheim's hair.

Ripple Beat(波紋のビート Hamon no Bīto) Link to this section

An advanced adhesive technique, Joseph imbues both his fists and feet with the Ripple. To prevent himself from falling down a pillar covered with oil, he flips himself upwards and uses his hands to stick to the blast of oil. He then slides across and propels himself upwards, gaining more distance than he could from normally climbing or jumping.

Ripple Beat Overdrive(波紋疾走(はもんオーバードライブ)のビート Hamon Ōbādoraibu no Bīto, lit. Ripple Dash Beat) Link to this section

Joseph traps the opponent with ropes made of 100% wool, then imbues the ropes with the Ripple. It has enough force to slice through Esidisi's face.

Rebuff Overdrive(波紋肘支疾走(リーバッフオーバードライブ) Rībaffu Ōbādoraibu, lit. Ripple Elbow Branch Dash) Link to this section

Joseph charges Ripple into his elbows and delivers a powerful strike. This was used during Joseph's fight with Wamuu to retaliate his falling attack.

Zoom Punch(ズームパンチ Zūmu Panchi) Link to this section

Similar to his grandfather's move, Joseph uses the Ripple to dislocate his shoulder and arm to strike opponents at a longer range.

American Clackers

After pressing himself to come up with his own special attack, Joseph invented a fighting style that involved infusing the Ripple into a pair of normal American Clackers. Once infused, the Clackers become a lethal weapon, as the user is able to rip through an opponent's skin using them, and from there the Ripple can enter the body, thus inflicting massive damage. Because of their shape and aerodynamic design, someone who is trained in the Clackers' use is able to easily maneuver them around their body, even having the ability to make them seemingly disappear by hiding them behind their back.[34] The Clackers would end up being unusable after Wired Beck sliced the strings that were connected to both Clackers.[35]

Clacker Volley(クラッカーヴォレイ Kurakkā Vorei) Link to this section

Joseph chucks American Clackers infused with the Ripple into his opponent's direction. This can be done a number of ways, but to produce the best and most surprising effect, he can hide them behind his back. From there, Joseph can slingshot them from behind his back at the enemy in all directions.

Clacker Boomerang(クラッカーブーメラン Kurakkā Būmeran) Link to this section

Joseph throws both pairs of Clackers infused with the Ripple into a beam or pillar behind the opponent, fooling the foe into assuming that he missed. One gets stuck onto whatever it was thrown on and starts spinning, latching onto the second pair of Clackers. The second pair then flings back towards the opponent from behind, much like how a boomerang works.

Other Equipment

Joseph using a Tommy gun in his fight against Straizo

Other than his Clackers, Joseph has used a number of other weapons and tools in conjunction with the Ripple and his strategic wit.

  • He used Ripple to pop the cap off of a cola bottle at a corrupt police officer and two tequila bottles' corks against a pair of Nazi soldiers, in the form of high speed projectiles.
  • He used a Tommy gun to shoot Straizo and then strike him with the stock charged with the Ripple. This was followed by secretively attaching a grenade to Straizo's scarf, the pin of which was attached by strings to the pins of several other grenades Joseph had managed to plant on Straizo's back.
  • He used the yarn of a wool hat (which is highly conductive of the Ripple) to form a net underneath the spike-filled arena to use against Esidisi.
  • He wielded a large sledgehammer in the chariot race against Wamuu, which he slathered in oil to improve its conduction of the Ripple. Joseph also used a heavy crossbow to fire a Ripple-charged iron ball at the wall of the arena, where it rode around the entire wall before launching off and hitting Wamuu from behind.


Artigo principal: Hermit Purple

Joseph's Stand, Hermit Purple, manifests itself as a tangle of thorny vines, which Joseph can wield as both a weapon and a hazardous defense. Furthermore, it has been shown to conduct the Ripple, which makes Hermit Purple one of the more effective Stands against those weak to it such as Vampires. Joseph develops the Stand after DIO pierces Jonathan's body with the Arrow, upon which it responded to DIO and Enya awakening The World.

One of its special abilities is to use cameras, televisions and other things to perform a form of fortune telling referred to as spirit photography. When introduced, it was demonstrated that he had to smash an expensive Polaroid camera to do this, and the camera would dispense a picture of DIO. Later on he is seen using televisions for this ability without having to damage them.

Hermit Purple (ハーミットパープル(隠者の紫))Link para essa seção
Fotografia Espiritual

Hermit Purple também foi visto sendo capaz de se conectar à aparelhos eletrônicos. Joseph pode checar os aparelhos por sinais de adulterações, ou até contralá-los (por exemplo, quando ele usa Hermit Purple em uma TV, e consegue usá-lo para mudar os canais)

The Hermit card of the Tarot primarily gives a meaning of solitude, introspective, or soul-searching, which could symbolize Joseph's lifelong journey. It also carries a more direct meaning of teaching or advising, which is Joseph's main role in Part 3 on the subject of Stands.


Joseph's Stand

Joseph is quite adept at using his Stand, although he does so imperfectly. Joseph notably understands how versatile Hermit Purple's ability is and that it can be used on cameras, TV sets, and even dust to divine information. However during Stardust Crusaders, Joseph brutally breaks cameras to obtain spirit photographies whereas it is demonstrated that a simple tap will grant the same results.

Joseph also manages to exploit the vine-like nature of his Stand to its fullest, using it as a controllable rope to swing from place to place or tie enemies up. By combining it to the Ripple, Joseph also made Hermit Purple an effective but limited defense against DIO.


Joseph é um lutador exepcionalmente ágil, fazendo acrobacias diariamente.

Being quite athletic, Joseph distinguishes himself through feats of agility, in contrast to his grandfather Jonathan Joestar who performed feats of strength. He can for instance perform an aerial cartwheel when Esidisi grips his fist to escape the lock (all the while setting up a string to slice his arm),[36] has performed impressive jumps, for instance pole vaulting into Wamuu's chariot to escape being crushed[37] or a somersault while sliding underneath a layer of oil,[38] and has managed to perform corde lisse tricks against Kars.[39]

As he aged, Joseph's skills in that regard became less relevant, although he was still in shape and could still swing across rooftops with Hermit Purple.

Inteligência e Trapaçaria

A mente de Joseph Joestar é a sua arma mais letal e valiosa.

Joseph's favorite strategy is to psych out his opponents. To do so, he notably predicts what his enemies will say next or more commonly provokes them to unnerve them and make them predictable in their move. Joseph is incredibly proficient in analyzing the personalities of those he faces and guessing information about them by observing small details about them, then shamelessly exploits any character flaw they have in order to return whatever they will be doing next against them, most commonly their overconfidence. Of note are particular quirks such as Wamuu's pride as a warrior or Kars' obsession for the Red Stone of Aja. However, Joseph is unknowingly as susceptible to these tactics as his opponents, leading him to be psyched out himself by Esidisi.

Joseph is a master of trickery and deception

Having great prestidigitation skills, his goofy demeanor serving as the greatest distraction and facade he can rely on, Joseph is able to attack from unexpected angles or make critical moves under the guise of simple stupidity or ignorance; Joseph will often use one obvious strategy hiding another, more advanced one to fool and trap his opponents.

Joseph is maybe the most proficient man in the series at using his environment to his advantage, the Ripple increasing the danger and combative capability of any item he gets his hands on. Among others, Joseph has used mirrors, glass shots, hair, a well, pasta, pigeons, wool hats, icicles, pebbles, and an entire plane as tools and weapons to grasp the upper hand, each use having had applied efficiency and imagination. Joseph also keeps a number of tools handy just in case, concealing weapons on his person for when he expects danger.

When cornered, Joseph can still rely on his particularly quick wits to come up with a viable solution in an near-instant. The most successful instance being Joseph using the Red Stone of Aja to amplify Ultimate Life Form Kars' Ripple Attack so as to cause a volcanic eruption and send him into space.

Joseph's tendency to use so many tricks stems from his particular mindset. He considers that in combat, every move is fair-play with the exception of involving civilians and being needlessly cruel. Thus he isn't bound by any code and doesn't hesitate to flee, or cheat if the ends justify the means, as seen against the D'Arby brothers.

  • Near-Death Survival Technique: After he lit his scarf on fire, Joseph told Kars that he was putting his life in danger so he would be pushed beyond his own limits to find a new technique before the flame reached him. This was actually part of a plan to trick Kars, who would be too distracted to notice Joseph's plan to save Lisa Lisa.

Secret Technique

Joseph performing his secret technique
The Joestar family's "secret technique". Usually utilized as a last resort, Joseph invented this move to use when battling the enemy seemed hopeless. In reality, it was actually used to stall time in order for Joseph to formulate a plan. It was also used by his grandson Jotaro later in the series during his fight against Rubber Soul.[40]

The secret technique consists of carefully and quickly retreating from the opponent, while keeping a close eye on surroundings for things to use to defeat or assist in defeating them. To the untrained eye, it looks like Joseph is simply running away like a coward, augmented by his panicked shouting when doing so. He will also use this technique to try to lure an enemy away from others.


Joseph is a proficient pilot despite having crashed four times in his life. He is able to fly a large range of planes from a small Cessna to a Junker and once saved the lives of his companions and civilians by controlling the crash of the passenger airplane they were on. It is unknown when and where Joseph learned to pilot, though it is possible that he figured it out in the instances where he was forced to control an aircraft.



  • Jonathan Joestar: Joseph had no real knowledge of his grandfather prior to his battle with Straizo because of Speedwagon keeping the events of the past secret. However, Joseph holds great respect towards Jonathan due to his relationship with Erina and friendship with Speedwagon. When Caesar insults Jonathan, it enrages Joseph that he brought up the past. Joseph's respect for his grandfather is even more apparent in his later years, as he's shown to be angry that DIO is now using Jonathan's body as his own.
  • Erina Joestar: Joseph and Erina are very close due to Erina having raised Joseph all his youth in the absence of his parents. Erina loves Joseph dearly but is quite severe with him because of his indiscipline. Prior to meeting Lisa Lisa, Joseph only respects her authority and is very attached to her, being angry and becoming physically violent that one would ruin a coat she gave him or that someone would even make her distraught.
Joseph desperately holding on to the rope holding Lisa Lisa
  • Lisa Lisa: Joseph never knew his mother and thought she died in an accident. He meets Lisa Lisa thinking she is an unrelated Ripple user and her severity and prowess in the Ripple quickly shut Joseph's arrogance and belligerence. Joseph respects Lisa Lisa's authority and becomes close to her, getting angry when Kars humiliates Lisa Lisa to get at him. Joseph also finds Lisa Lisa attractive and has opportunistically peeped on her, (unaware of their relation); he is notably dismayed to find that she is 50 years old and makes fun of her for it.
  • Suzi Q: Joseph expresses some attraction towards Suzi Q upon meeting her early on in Battle Tendency, though does show some degree of exasperation at her air-headedness, notably when he realizes that she had not sent a telegram bearing news that he was alive to his family and friends. Both eventually marry and presumably live a happy life. It is shown that they enjoy teasing each other. Fifty years later into the marriage, Suzi Q is shown to trust her husband completely and believes that he had never failed her once. However, in Part 4, she is said to have been enraged when Joseph had an affair with Tomoko Higashikata. Her anger is mentioned again when Joseph brings home an adopted Shizuka, who Suzi Q initially believed to be another illegitimate child.
  • Holy Kujo: Joseph is incredibly attached to his daughter and is shown to be very close to her. Both are comfortable enough to tickle each other in public, and Joseph developed a hatred toward Japanese people in general because of Sadao Kujo taking Holy to live in Japan, where he couldn't meet her or his grandson Jotaro very often. Being her father, he naturally cares for her, becoming angry at Jotaro for disrespecting her (despite the latter's good intentions for doing so) and immediately becoming worried for his daughter's health after seeing her affected harmfully by her own Stand.
  • Sadao Kujo: While there is no on-screen interaction between them since he is the man who made his daughter move to Japan, Joseph presumably greatly disliked his son-in-law. As evidence of this, Joseph basically stated that Sadao was responsible for his hatred for the Japanese (with a few exceptions).
Jotaro and Joseph outwit D'Arby together in video games
  • Jotaro Kujo: Joseph is close to his grandson. Although Jotaro's aloofness makes their relationship difficult, Joseph's friendly nature makes it so they ultimately appreciate each other as family members, and Joseph trusts Jotaro's ability. Throughout the course of the series, he and Jotaro are able to get along more easily and eventually work together to defeat Telence T. D'Arby in DIO's mansion without even a need for words to understand the same plan of action. Joseph's apparent death and desecration by DIO notably enraged Jotaro. By the time of Part 4, Jotaro isn't as cold with Joseph, and Joseph confides more in Jotaro, sharing with him his observation of the spirit and will of the residents of Morioh.
  • Josuke Higashikata: While his relationship with his illegitimate son got off to a difficult start, Joseph understands his son's concerns and follows through with them. He refrains from seeing Tomoko and understands his son's frustrations in keeping him from getting lost in town. Joseph does, however, earn Josuke's respect after risking his life to save Shizuka, and the two are regularly seen hanging out together during the rest of Part 4. Joseph respects his son's sense of justice and trusts that Josuke will protect Morioh. It doesn't stop Josuke from stealing Joseph's wallet.
  • Shizuka Joestar: Joseph initially found Shizuka as a baby abandoned by her parents and decided to adopt her. When issues with Shizuka began to manifest and when Shizuka found her own life threatened by her powers, Joseph took up ways to calm those issues with makeup and slit his wrist to use the blood to find her respectively. Later, he is seen carrying her around as his own child and by the end of Part 4, brings her back to America to raise her as his own child.


  • Robert E. O. Speedwagon: Despite his cheeky attitude, Joseph cared for Speedwagon, and viewed him as an uncle. When Joseph received news of Speedwagon's supposed death, he becomes enraged and attacks Straizo without a second thought. Similarly, when he receives news that Speedwagon was still alive, he is seen happily tearing up before rushing to the Nazi base in order to break him out.
  • Smokey Brown: Despite having his wallet stolen by Smokey, Joseph bears him no ill will and actually helps bail him from the discriminating actions of the policemen who accost him, in the same manner, that his great-grandfather George Joestar did with Dario Brando. In a time when African Americans faced racial prejudice, Joseph backs up Smokey's rights to sit in a restaurant and beats up the man who insulted him. Smokey becomes grateful to Joseph for saving him and accompanies him throughout New York, and later with Speedwagon at Joseph's showdown with Kars.
Calling Caesar's name in agony
  • Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli: Due to their conflicting personalities, the two did not get along at all during their first encounter. It wasn't until their climb to the top of the pillar where Joseph began to respect Caesar's skills and gradually saw him as a fairly proficient partner during their 26-day training session. Their trust in each other grew to a point where Joseph expected Caesar to finish the missing link to the icicle chain after having fallen off the cliff during their first encounter with Kars. After Caesar's death by the hands of Wamuu, Joseph openly cried out in sorrow and promised to avenge him. After the announcement of the chariot race, Joseph donned Caesar's headband and during the final showdown used it to defeat Wamuu, claiming his reason for victory being that Caesar was with him the whole time.
  • Rudol von Stroheim: Joseph's personality makes it so he judges other people based on their individual actions and "soul". Because of this, he was never prejudiced towards Rudol's occupation as a Nazi. During the battle against Santana, Joseph is shocked by Stroheim's selfless act of self-destruction and briefly mourns his supposed death. He teams up with Stroheim during the final battle with Kars, when Joseph kamikazes a plane into an active volcano. Having jumped out of the plane before then, Stroheim grabs hold of Joseph and sacrifices his own cybernetic legs to cushion the fall, thus saving both their lives. As a final gift to Joseph, he replaces his severed left hand with a mechanical one.
  • Loggins: While the 2 have had limited onscreen interaction Loggins personally trained Joseph in Ripple. While Joseph admitted to hating Loggins for putting him through a hellish training. One of the reasons Joseph tried to kill Esidisi was to avenge Loggins. After the battle, Joseph thanks Loggins for 'torturing' him.
  • Wamuu: Ironically, one of the closest and most meaningful friendships Joseph shared was with Wamuu, whom he vowed to slay to avenge the death of Caesar. Though he already admires the Pillar Man's skill and cunning as a warrior, he truly comes to respect his nobility upon finding Caesar's blood bubble of antidote left intact by Wamuu to honor his opponent's bravery; and graciously returned the respect the ancient warrior afforded Caesar by easing the pain of his death with his own blood. The two men parted in warm friendship, and Joseph notably regards Wamuu as a friend enough to be enraged by Kars' ambush of Lisa Lisa, the sheer cowardice of which spat in the face of everything the proud and honorable warrior stood for in life.
The Stardust Crusaders
  • Muhammad Avdol: Out of the group, Joseph presumably knew Avdol the longest, having met him in Egypt prior to the events of Part 3. Since then, Joseph has formed a good friendship with the Egyptian and had even trusted him to help Jotaro unlock the full potential of his Stand through force. During their later journey to Egypt, the two fought alongside each other on several occasions, one of the more memorable instances being their battle against Mariah. At the end of the series, alongside Polnareff and Jotaro, he mourns the death of his companion.
  • Noriaki Kakyoin: Having joined them on their journey to Egypt, Kakyoin got along well with the rest of the group. While his interactions with Joseph specifically were minor, Joseph usually went to him to crack jokes and express his comedic nature (due to Kakyoin being able to tolerate it the most). Towards the end of the series, Kakyoin's last act before dying was shooting the clock tower with his Emerald Splash, in order to help Joseph discover the secret behind The World's ability to stop time. Joseph, whilst hiding his grief, responds by treating the message with upmost importance and swearing that Kakyoin's death would not be in vain.
  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: Meeting as enemies, Polnareff joins the group during their journey to Egypt and gradually becomes good friends with everyone. At the end of Part 3, Joseph and Polnareff along with Jotaro mourn the loss of their friends. Joseph knew that Polnareff had no one in France, so he offered for him to come with him to America. Polnareff refused the offer, stating that despite being alone, France was his homeland. Joseph also mentions that it'd be lonely if Polnareff didn't come with him. Before leaving, the group embraces one last time, throwing out friendly insults, and promising to meet each other again sometime in the future.
  • Iggy: When first introduced, Iggy acted much like a stray and initially hated everyone in the group. After the fight with N'Doul, he would willingly tag along with them, but during fights, he'd usually disappear. It wasn't until his fight with Pet Shop where his inner thoughts came to light; at this point, he seemed to understand Joseph was the leader of the group. While the interaction between the two was fairly minor, after sacrificing himself for Polnareff to defeat Vanilla Ice, Joseph and the group acknowledged his heroism and mourned his death along with the others.
  • Tomoko Higashikata: Despite Joseph's dislike of the Japanese in his late 60s due to his daughter marrying one, Joseph had an affair with Tomoko in 1983 when he is 63 years old and had an illegitimate son with her, although he was unaware of his son until several years later. Joseph later respects Josuke's wishes to not talk to Tomoko and he only sees her from far away.


  • Straizo: Due to him claiming to have killed Speedwagon himself as well as trying to kill him and his grandmother, Joseph bore a great hatred toward Straizo. Straizo underestimated Joseph as a warrior, but at the end respected him enough to warn him about the incoming danger of the Pillar Men and reveal that Speedwagon was alive.
  • Santana: The first of the Pillar Man Joseph encountered. It was him that allowed Joseph to prepare for the other three's defeat. Santana thought little of Joseph, but was intrigued by his Ripple ability and annoyed by his general demeanor. For his part, Joseph wanted to leave Santana alone, while teasing him and even entertaining the idea that he was neutral if not for the Nazis actions against him. However, Joseph's indifference transformed into belligerence when Santana attacked Speedwagon, using everything in his power at that time to defeat the Pillar Man.
  • Donovan: While there is little interaction between the two, the fact that Donovan attacked Joseph made the two enemies. During their fight Joseph filled Donovan with cactus prickles and tied him to a cactus, but not before interrogating him and having him confirm Speedwagon's status.
  • Esidisi: Initially, Joseph viewed him as an enemy for implanting a Wedding Ring of Death in his neck. After killing one of his masters, Esidisi was engaged in a duel by Joseph and fought him. Esidisi thought little of him and more than anyone else, proved a match for his wits. In the end, Joseph successfully outsmarted Esidisi and destroyed his body. Joseph became enraged when he possessed Suzi Q, and with help from Caesar, destroyed him. He eventually came to respect the Pillar Man for the extremes he went to in order to procure success for his comrades.
Kars vs Joseph
  • Kars: Kars was initially just one of the Pillar Men to defeat in Joseph's eyes. Likewise, Joseph merely was a Ripple user to kill to Kars' own. The former was annoyed by the latter's tendency to use unpredictable tactics until the former cheated in his duel with Lisa Lisa, dishonoring the pride of his comrades in the process. Joseph then came to intensely hate him for his underhanded methods and once he became the Ultimate Life Form, Joseph made great efforts in order to defeat him, including trying to send him into a volcano at the cost of his own life. Kars responded by cutting off Joseph's left arm and their fight ended in Joseph unintentionally sending Kars out into space, but not before mocking him one last time.
  • Nena: Nena is one of many Stand Users sent by DIO to kill him, Nena would constantly mock Joseph for his age and was shocked when he outsmarted her, allowing him to once again use his trick of predicting an opponent's next line.
  • Steely Dan: Dan and Joseph first met in a haggling contest (which Dan won), but after Dan's identity is revealed, he infected Joseph with his Stand and used him as a hostage so the others wouldn't attack him. Through his Stand, Dan unknowingly though not unintentionally embarrasses Joseph in public, forcing him to attract a crowd. After Kakyoin and Polnareff free Joseph of his control, Jotaro gets revenge for him.
  • Mariah: Mariah is one of many Stand Users sent by DIO to kill him, during their confrontation, Mariah magnetized Joseph and Avdol using her Stand ability, then tried to kill them using their resulting handicap. Despite their antagonism and wide age gap, Mariah finds the older Joseph attractive and states she might've become his lover if she didn't find DIO more attractive.
  • DIO: At first, Joseph was unaware of his existence due to Speedwagon making sure to keep the secret of the Vampire's existence prior to his battle with Straizo. He eventually learned the whole truth and came to despise the villain for using his grandfather, Jonathan's body as well as causing his daughter Holy to become deathly ill due to his presence. He embarked on a mission alongside his grandson, Jotaro to find DIO and kill him in order to save Holy.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

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Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
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  • Joestar. Joseph Joestar. You can call me JoJo.
  • He-llo? Could you say that again? More slowly? In a language I understand? Depending on what you said, I might kick your ass!
  • Your next line is... (次におまえは...)
  • Straizo! I've been waiting for you! Not that I expect you to die from that but... I will avenge Uncle Speedwagon!!!
  • The phrase I hate the most is "hard work" and my second most hated phrase is "work hard"!
  • You guys! You're riding a plane so you're prepared for the possibility of a crash, right?!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 46: Joseph Joestar of New York, Part 2
  • We run, Smokey!! (逃げるんだよ、 スモーキー!!)
    —Joseph Joestar doing his secret Joestar technique, Chapter 50: Straizo vs. Joseph, Part 3
  • My name is JoJo, I came from New York. This may be rude since we just met but bring me food and gasoline in the next 3 minutes, got that?!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 53: The Pillar Man
  • God, I think I got some cavities from all that sweet-talking!
    —Joseph Joestar about Caesar Zeppeli's womanizing, Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9
  • Bastard, are you messing with me?! I like making fun of people but I hate being made fun of!!!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 63: Joseph Joestar of Rome
  • Spaghetti nero looks bad but tastes great. Why don't you experience the true power of this attack before you boast!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 68: Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times, Part 4
  • Well, I was just thinking about how you're going to have to live your long life always thinking about how you were injured by a human... The only way to get over that... would be to win a fight against a properly me, is what I was thinking. If I do serious Ripple training, I'll have the talent to surpass you in a month. Since the only one to put a 5cm cut in your head was a piece of trash like me! Though, you know... it's probably better for you to kill me before I get stronger!
    —Joseph Joestar manipulating Wamuu, Chapter 70: An Engagement with Death: The Wedding Ring
  • The domineering Loggins... it was 3 weeks of hell listening to you yelling, I really hated you, you were so awful... and I was going to get you back for all of that!... Well instructor... watch from up there. You can see the results of all you put me through!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 77: Go! Ripple Master
  • You may have lived a long time, but you're not nearly as smart as me when it comes to coming up with plans!
    —Joseph Joestar to Esidisi, Chapter 78: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 1
  • You see, humans progressed little by little, bit by bit over those thousand years... It's nothing major but in the 18th and 19th centuries, magic and other illusions became popular entertainment... and I really love a good illusion!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 78: Flame Mode Esidisi, Part 1
  • I am to wait 30 minutes, and that's what I'm going to do! And the best place to wait... is right in front of Lisa Lisa's door! And while I'm waiting...would it be so terrible of me to keep an eye on this keyhole?! Woooaaahhh! NICE!
    —Joseph Joestar peeping on his own mother, Chapter 81: The Remains Lurk, Part 1
  • CAESAR! (シーザー! Shīzā!)
    —Joseph Joestar crying out Caesar's name, Chapter 92: Caesar: A Lonely Youth, Part 5
  • I played a dirty trick on yoooooou!!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 98: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 4
  • Wamuu... as a warrior you were tremendous... but the fact is that, until the end, I've had one powerful ally in Caesar.
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 103: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 9
  • You may be 10,000 years old, but when it comes to the "art of deception", you need a little more time than that, Kars!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 107: JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 1

Quote.png Quotes
  • Indeed Jotaro, what you have called an "evil spirit" is but a powerful vision created by your own life energy! And since it stands next to you, it is called a Stand!
    —Joseph Joestar introducting Stands, Chapter 116: Jotaro Kujo, Part 3
  • Did you see it? The thorns from my hand? That is my Stand! It can reveal faraway visions and place them on film. Of course, I gotta bust a 3,000 yen camera every time I use it...
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 117: The Man with the Star Birthmark
  • Jotaro... this is the third time I've been in a plane crash! Am I cursed?
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
  • I'll have you know. I, Joseph Joestar, have much more fighting experience than you do. (I can talk up a good game, but can I back it up? Damn it!)
    —Joseph Joestar to Empress, Chapter 148: Empress, Part 3
  • Opponents always get confident when they feel like they're winning, when in fact, they've already lost. That's the Joseph Joestar way. I may be getting on in my years, but I've still got it!
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 149: Empress, Part 4
  • I've run away in the middle of a fight before, but that was all part of my strategy! Joseph Joestar never admits defeat.
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 203: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 5
  • We have encountered The World before, but we have no idea what it does. If you climb a mountain without where the summit is, you'll run into trouble! You absolutely will! Like how you burp when you drink a cola, it's inevitable.
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 250: DIO's World, Part 4
  • Jotaro... this trip was a lot of fun, wasn't it? We had quite an adventure together... right Jotaro? The last 50 days... were a lot of fun...
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16
  • HmhmhmhmhahahaHAHAHA! You're a fool Jotaro! Thanks to you, I live again! [Jotaro summons Star Platinum] Wauuugh! Hold on Jotaro! I was just making a joke! Sorry!
    —Joseph Joestar pretending to be DIO after his revival, Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
  • DIO has stolen many things from people. Everything he had was stolen from others over the course of the last century... The things we've lost can't be compared to the importance of the Earth. But because of them, we're still alive. Kakyoin! Iggy! Avdol! It's all over...
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends

Quote.png Quotes
  • Josuke...I...I might die here. So, if I do, please tell your mother I said hello.
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 317: We Picked Up Something Crazy!, Part 3
  • I just wanted to look cool in front of you.
  • After seeing Josuke and his friends in this incident in Morioh, there's one thing I can say... the youth of this town... have a golden spirit. Just like the ones I saw when we headed for Egypt. A golden spirit, blessed with the radiance of justice. I saw it within Josuke and his friends... as long as it's there, they'll be fine. That spirit that they embody will naturally course into others without a word, even those who know nothing about what happened with Yoshikage Kira, and into the next generation as well...
    —Joseph Joestar, Chapter 439: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart


  • A running gag in Stardust Crusaders has Joseph lose parts of his prosthetic hand, or even the hand itself, when enemies attack him, but later appearing with it intact without any definite explanation.
  • Joseph sobreviveu 4 acidentes de avião (dois em Battle Tendency e outros dois em Stardust Crusaders); isso foi mencionado duas vezes em Stardust Crusaders.
  • Joseph, de todos os JoJos, viveu a vida mais longa de todos até hoje.
    • Araki uma vez disse que ele acha que Joseph está "um pouco mais burro mas ainda vivo" quando os eventos de Stone Ocean acontecem, estimando-se de que ele tenha cerca de 91 anos.[41]

Veja também


  1. JoJonium Volume 4
  2. Chapter 115: Jotaro Kujo (2) p.13, Jotaro rouba o dedo mindinho de Joseph
  3. ジョセフが老けこんだのは何故? → 荒木先生の回答「気の持ちよう」
  4. Chapter 314: Red Hot Chili Pepper (8) p.2, Okuyasu menciona o tamanho de Joseph e seu uso de uma bengala
  5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named C73P1
  6. 6.0 6.1 Chapter 45; Joseph Joestar da Nova Iorque
  7. Chapter 47; Joseph Joestar da Nova Iorque 3
  8. Chapter 112; O Homem que se tornou Deus
  9. Chapter 71; Mestre de Hamon Lisa Lisa 1
  10. Chapter 65; Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times 1
  11. Chapter 48; Joseph Joestar vs. Straizo 1
  12. Chapter 104; The Warrior returns to the Wind
  13. Chapter 73; Ripple Master Lisa Lisa Part 3
  14. Chapter 82, The Remains Lurk 2
  15. Chapter 106, The Bond binding Lisa Lisa and JoJo 2
  16. Chapter 81; The Remains Lurk 1
  17. Chapter 97; The Wind, The Chariot, and Wamuu 3
  18. Chapter 72: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 2 tailpiece
  19. Chapter 46; Joseph Joestar of New York 2
  20. Chapter 113: The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic
  21. 21.0 21.1 Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
  22. Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16
  23. Chapter 151: Wheel of Fortune, Part 2
  24. Chapter 154: Justice, Part 1
  25. Chapter 160: Lovers, Part 1
  26. Chapter 237: D'Arby the Player, Part 11
  27. Chapter 255: DIO's World, Part 9
  28. Chapter 166: Sun, Part 1
  29. Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends
  30. Chapter 315: We Picked Up Something Crazy!, Part 1
  31. Chapter 317: We Picked Up Something Crazy!, Part 3
  32. Chapter 348: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, Part 1
  33. Chapter 439: Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart
  34. Chapter 67-68: Special Attack: JoJo Clackers!
  35. Chapter 94: Climbing out of the Fortified Hotel
  36. Chapter 77: Go! Ripple Master
  37. Chapter 99: The Wind, the Chariot, and Wamuu, Part 5
  38. Chapter 74: Ripple Teacher Lisa Lisa, Part 4
  39. Chapter 108: JoJo: The Final Ripple, Part 2
  40. Chapter 138: Yellow Temperance (4)
  41. Weekly Shonen 「」 (JOJO冒險 荒木飛呂彥100問專訪); Q75, April 5, 2003

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