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This article is for the main protagonist of Cool Shock B.T. For the manga artist, see "Buichi Terasawa".
I'll make them pay! Pay what they deserve! (食らわせてやらねばならん! しかるべき報いを!)

B.T. (ビーティー, Bītī) is the main protagonist of the Cool Shock B.T. series, as well as its one-shot pilot, B.T. "The Wicked Boy". Although B.T. are his initials, his real name is unknown since Koichi Mugikari keeps it a secret.[1]

He is a clever yet quite malicious boy who befriends Koichi. With his smarts, B.T. fights against all manners of bullies but also commits his own crimes.

B.T. makes a return as the protagonist of the spin-off Cool Shock Old B.T., which is set decades after the original series. He is also the protagonist of the 2024 reboot manga and Cool Shock Guy B.T., which is set in the year 202X.


B.T. is a young boy with an average constitution. He has mid-length hair cut into a regular haircut with a velvety texture. His hair is mostly of light color but his hair becomes dark when it goes down on his cheeks and also on his eyebrows. He has big eyes with large eyebrows and a sharp gaze.

Cool Shock Old B.T.

In the Cool Shock Old B.T. one-shots set decades after the original series, B.T. is now an old, tall and lean man. He's kept the same haircut from his childhood and has a thin chin puff. B.T. now wears a dark three-piece suit with a tie with a "BT" print and a bright shirt underneath. His jacket is a plain jacket with a black and white arrow motif on the shoulders and sleeves whose ends are decorated with "X"s and a serrated line. He is briefly seen wearing another dark suit with a bowtie.

B.T. now wears a special wristwatch that can do things like signalling him when it's time to take his drugs and to control his car. In Cool Shock Old B.T. Chapter 2: The "Say Hi to Old Virginia" Incident, it is shown that he is now bound to a wheelchair.


B.T. is clever and devious but is ultimately a friendly boy.

BT rubbing his ear as he plots his revenge

B.T.'s most prominent trait is his general cleverness for his age. His favorite pastime is to perform magic tricks, which he performs very skillfully. He likes to commit cunning schemes to get back at his enemies, but is also able to think of plans on the fly, his skill in magic helping him coming up with various ways to outsmart and defeat his foes. He considers himself to be smarter than most people and looks down on brutes. When he schemes against his enemies, B.T. prefers to completely outsmart them and considers that physical assault like stabbing someone is too vulgar for him. His intelligence also comes with a fair amount of confidence and as a consequence, B.T. doesn't fear anything and boldly enacts his plans despite the dangerous adults he faces.

B.T. has got a criminal streak and often breaks the law. For instance, he's quite fond of fossils and once stole the skull of a dinosaur for himself. Consequently, B.T. has a large collection of strange objects that he keeps in his room. His hoarding habit is referenced in the "Cool Shock Old B.T." spin-off as he's seen with another collection of objects. He's also interested in gaining money and once tried to blackmail his upperclassman Date, trying to extort a large sum of money from him. He also stole some jewels and planned on reselling them later. B.T. once went as far as indirectly causing the stabbing of a bully he greatly disliked, showing a fair degree of ruthlessness. He sometimes rubs his ear lobe when he's plotting.

However, B.T. is also a good friend to Koichi Mugikari. Because Koichi tried to help him against two bullies, B.T. felt grateful for the help despite its failure and is constantly seen with his good friend. B.T. is very loyal to Koichi and constantly does him favors, such as giving him stolen jewels and helping his family when the Freckled Boy's family invades the Mugikari's home.



B.T. performing a magic trick

B.T. is quite skilled in a number of tricks, from magic tricks to other athletic feats. These tricks help him perform the unexpected against stronger enemies and help him come up with clever plans that ordinary people won't see coming. Among his tricks are the following:

  • Disappearing and reappearing. B.T. is able to make objects disappear or reappear from nowhere in his audience's mind with his great handling skills and prestidigitation skills. He also performs this with handwriting by scribbling on his arm with a pencil and rubbing the spot to make the message appear.
  • Capturing a hornet.
  • Ventriloquism.
  • Faking a cardiac arrest. Using a ping-pong ball, B.T. puts it under the armpits and presses it, temporarily stopping the blood flow in the arm. This allows him to make it look like someone has died.
  • Lockpicking. He's knowledgeable in unlocking doors without the keys. For instance, he uses a clamp on a string to latch on to the lock from the inside through the mail slot.
  • Rubber band flinging. B.T. is able to somewhat hide a rubber band on his hand and, by mimicking a shooting gesture, fling the rubber band at his enemy's eyes, blinding them temporarily. He uses this opening to perform tricks.
  • Stone throwing. B.T. uses a stone to attack bullies from a distance with great accuracy.


B.T. is fairly intelligent, more than an average kid, and uses his talent to come up with clever schemes. For instance, he manipulates the friction between two of his bullies to have one stabbing the other in anger. He also comes up with a plan to fake a death and blackmail an upperclassman he dislikes. He is knowledgeable in a good numbers of topics and has great deductive skill. He once observed a car from afar and, by analyzing the plate, guessed which direction it would take.

B.T. is also knowledgeable in the subject of chemistry and exploited the chemical reaction between cyanamide and alcohol to make Manabu's family faint. He has also shown to be quite agile by using a wooden stick as a pole from which to jump and reach tree branches.

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

In Cool Shock Old B.T. and the reboot, B.T. is a skilled hacker and an expert with technology. In Cool Shock Old B.T., he hacks into a self-driving car's navigation history to locate Manabu's hideout, and alters its capabilities so that it could target humans with a command on his watch.[5] Decades later, he manages to remotely hack Manabu's spaceship while sitting in his own spaceship, changing its trajectory to redirect it into an oncoming meteorite.[4] In the reboot, B.T. hacks into police records and surveillance cameras to locate the arsonist's next target. B.T. also hacks into the arsonist's live stream, modifying it so that his voice would be changed and his face would be obscured with a mask while on camera. He claims to be good at repairing smartphones and restoring their data, which he proves by successfully transferring Koichi's smartphone data onto a new phone after his got burned.[6]


B.T. Appears!!

Koichi meets B.T. for the first time

The first chapter narrates Koichi's meeting with B.T. and his grandmother. At school, Koichi meets with the two and is asked the direction to the principal's office to which Koichi obliges. B.T. playfully plays a trick on Koichi, pretending to spit many marbles out of his mouth when in reality he only spit one and had the rest of them in his sleeves.

The Summer Camp Incident

In a summer camp, the present children were bullied by two upperclassmen, Kuroyama and Akagawa. However, B.T. was the only one immune to their taunting and was even defiant so the bullies decided to beat him up. For trying to help B.T., Koichi too was beaten.

Afterward, the children were shown playing by the lake, with Kuroyama putting a dragonfly in Akagawa's swimming pants for kicks. Koichi surprised B.T. with a sedated Japanese hornet in his hands. B.T. put the hornet in Kuroyama's jacket, also finding a knife in his clothes. However, it was Akagawa who was stung by the hornet which he found in his pocket instead, confusing Koichi. Later, B.T. told Akagawa that he saw Kuroyama putting something in his clothes, alluding to the time Kuroyama putting a dragonfly in his speedo and purposefully letting Akagawa think that B.T. meant the hornet. That way, he successfully pushed Akagawa to stab Kuroyama.

The Prank Corpse Incident

B.T. tries to swindle Date with a fake death

One day, Koichi surprises B.T. and an upperclassman named Ninomori plotting against another student named Date. Showing off his ventriloquy skills and how to fake a cardiac arrest by squeezing a ping-pong ball in his armpit, B.T. plots to swindle $1000 out of Date. It is revealed that B.T. is jealous of Date because he was courting a girl named Aiko whom B.T. had a crush on. For his part, Ninomori couldn't stand Date being better at kendo.

Ninomori confronts Date and breaks and stomps a memento from Date's grandfather, angering the man and causing him to make a serious strike. Ninomori falls and hits his head on a rock. Date is convinced that Ninomori is dead and B.T. barges in to blackmail Date, seemingly making him run to get the money. In the meantime, B.T. and Koichi discover that Ninomori really looks dead. Worse, Date comes back with a crowd and accuses the boys of having murdered Ninomori. Nonetheless, B.T. turns the situation around by using Date's memento. By rubbing his arm, he makes a message that looks like Date's grandfather is accusing Dat of murder from the otherworld. Ninimori actually comes to his senses, having unwittingly fooled everyone because his concussion from a sparring match made him fall unconscious.

Nonetheless, B.T. gets his wish as Aiko now looks down on Date for falsely accusing boys of murder.

The Two Old Guys Incident

Two crazed "soldiers" kidnap B.T. and Koichi

Koichi and B.T. go fishing in the countryside, but their day is ruined when two strange men confront them. Those men are two thugs disguised as soldiers who kill animals for the kicks and take the kids prisoner. B.T. adopts a defiant attitude, amusing the leader who decides to make a bet. The soldier ties B.T.'s foot to the rear of a parked car nearby and asks B.T. to choose whether it will go left or right at the next intersection. If B.T. guesses right, a knife on the way will be available for the kid to free himself or else B.T. will be dragged across a harsh rocky road. B.T. chooses the left and the car does turn left; far from being lucky, B.T. has only analyzed the car's license plate and guessed its town of origin to know its most probable trajectory.

B.T. breaks his watch to get shards of glass and cut his bounds. The two men go at him, but B.T. uses a large array of tricks to keep them off him until the soldier grabs him and throws him into a truck's way. B.T. is almost run over, but mysteriously makes the thug run away by making him believe he's an ostrich. B.T. then performs a disappearance act to confuse the leader and throw a rock at his head, taking him out. It is explained that B.T. put a string around the soldier's tooth and tied it to the passing truck as he was flying, forcing him to run. B.T. also threw a rubber band at the leader's eye, blinding him for a moment and using a stick in his hands to throw himself up into the branches. As compensation for his watch, B.T. robs the leader of his money.

The Dinosaur Fossil Thief Incident

B.T. and Koichi try to steal a dinosaur skull but the museum guardian surprises them

One day, B.T. and Koichi infiltrate a museum at night. It is revealed that Koichi has paid a visit to B.T.'s home, meeting an unknown woman on the way. More importantly, B.T. learns about and plans to steal the skull of a spinosaurus whose skeleton is being exposed at the museum. B.T. and Koichi enter the museum during the day and break into a storage room. A guard named Saiko catches Koichi, but B.T. distract him, allowing the kids to hide in a crate. In the process of stealing the skull, the boys trigger an alarm and Saiko comes to catch them.

B.T. sprays Saiko with a fire extinguisher to blind him, allowing the boys to run away. On their way to the exit, the boys cross path with the woman from earlier, but their interrogations are cut short when the woman goes away without explaining herself. B.T. and Koichi try to take an elevator but several guards come out of it. B.T. and Koichi nonetheless manage to enter the elevator without being caught, but are intercepted by Saiko. As a final ploy, B.T. bluffs Saiko into believing the stuff from the fire extinguisher and a hairspray will chemically react to create acid, and the guard is intimidated into letting the boys go.

The next day, B.T. confronts his grandmother about last night and she reveals that she manipulated B.T.'s fascination with fossils to goad him into stealing the skull. The ensuing chaos would then let her own agent, the woman, go into a safe room and steal the jewels stored there. B.T. can only acknowledge his grandmother's mastery, although he later tells Koichi that he did snatch a few jewels from the deposit point of the treasure by using Saiko's keys.

The Eerie Freckled Boy Incident

BT meets a freckled boy matching his wits with deviousness

One day, Koichi's family is about to go out. Incidentally, B.T. discovers Koichi's well-trained dog. Just as it exits the garage, the family's car bumps into something and the family sees that they've hurt a freckled boy, later revealed to be named Manabu. The boy is fine but Koichi's parents feel guilty and invite him inside their home, hoping to not let the police know about the incident. Manabu quickly overstays his welcome, eating directly in the fridge and "borrowing" Koichi's clothes but Koichi's family do not know what they ought to do.

The next day, Manabu takes a liking to Koichi's dog and tries to make a bet. B.T. accepts on Koichi's behalf and the two boys each place a candy near an anthill to see whichever candy the ants will go to first. Amazingly, Manabu's candy is picked by the ant and he wins the dog. It is explained that last night, Manabu had placed insect repellent near the anthill and made it so B.T. would put his candy here. Next, Manabu's family arrives but instead of picking up their son, they pressure Koichi's family into letting them stay. The boy eventually privately gloats to Koichi and B.T. that his family has already intimidated the father into servitude and is planning to ruin him. B.T. decides to save Koichi's family.

This evening, B.T. serves a plate of sashimi to Manabu's family, only to reveal that it was blowfish sashimi. The whole family except the boy collapses, angering him and pushing him to pursue B.T. After the family is taken by an ambulance, Manabu sees the dog and foolishly follows him. Manabu eventually sees B.T. and throws a knife at him, but he's then bumped by a truck. Thus, the whole family of intruders has been pushed out of Koichi's home. B.T. reveals that he hasn't fed blowfish to them, but instead slipped cyanamide in it. The cyanamide prevents the digestion of alcohol, causing stomach pains and explaining why everyone except for Manabu have been affected. The series ends here.


In the pilot, B.T. investigates a murder to clear a young girl's name
The story begins with B.T. and Koichi walking together when an upperclassman suddenly appears. B.T. and the senior play a game (which they seem to have been playing for some time) in which B.T. tosses a coin in the air and catches it, and the senior tries to guess in which hand the coin is. However, the senior loses again and must give 100 yens to B.T.. As he angrily throws the coin at the ground, he demands a rematch but B.T. refuses. When the senior leaves, B.T. cheekily shows to Koichi that he had been hiding the coin behind his fingers to trick the senior. Then, an upperclasswoman gives the coin to B.T.. It is Fuyuko Nakagawa, a girl B.T. has a crush on. Seeing B.T. frozen still because of his shyness, Koichi teases his friend about Fuyuko.

Later on, B.T. and Koichi see Fuyuko being arrested by the police and learn that she's accused of having murdered a reporter. At the police station, a fat policeman interrogates Fuyuko, who confesses to the murder. Supposedly, the reporter had invited Fuyuko in his house because he had found her wallet but then had tried to assault her. She defended herself with a pair of scissors and accidentally stabbed the reporter in the back before fainting from the shock. A child and a pair of policemen stumbled upon the scene and Fuyuko was quickly arrested for murder, even if it was in self defense. Upon learning of this story through a policeman, B.T. decides to investigate the house and prove Fuyuko's innocence.

That night, B.T. and Koichi break into the reporter's house and stumble upon a secret envelope full of incriminating photos. The next morning, B.T. calls the fat policeman and accuses him of the murder. In truth, the reporter was merely hurt since he was able to rip his rug and it was the fat policeman (the only one who was present, alone and conscious when the reporter died) who finished him off. Moreover, B.T. shows a photo of the fat policeman working with the yakuza and concludes that the policeman must have had killed the reporter because he was being blackmailed. The policeman draws his gun to kill B.T. but the latter throws a rubber band at the policeman's eyes, blinding him for a second before hiding somewhere. Koichi and a second policeman reveal themselves and arrest the fat murderer. It is revealed that B.T. had hidden underneath a table and used two mirrors to cover his hiding spot.

Fuyuko is declared innocent and freed while the real murderer is imprisoned.


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

Cool Shock Guy B.T.

In the year 202X, B.T. has become a stage magician working at Dinosaur Hotel, in Las Vegas. He stars in his own show despite his young age because he's actually secured a unique deal with the hotel. B.T. will play against any gambler of the casino with an unusually long winning streak and he must win back the winning gambler's chips. If B.T. wins, he is paid 30% of the casino's earnings, but if he loses, he will contract a debt equal to that of the gambler's winnings. So far, B.T. has been successful.

One day, his old friend Koichi Mugikari pays him a visit. After his usual show, B.T. meets Koichi at his hotel room. Koichi wonders that B.T. must be living the dream playing magic tricks onstage in Las Vegas, but B.T. has grown bored of the tricks and begins to explain his actual work.

Suddenly, a bunny girl at the hotel barges into the room and asks that B.T. helps the casino against an unusual gambler. B.T. smirks in anticipation. In the surveillance room, B.T., Koichi and the assistant witness a gambler dressed like a western gunslinger playing at the roulette. The gambler, Mike Harper, has won 35 times in a row by betting on individual numbers on the spinning wheel, to the astonishment of the staff and all the casino's occupants. When the dealer nervously throws his ball in the wheel, the gambler again confidently bets on the slot number 26 and wins 36 times the maximum bet.

Interested, B.T. understands Mike's trick and goes to the casino to challenge the gambler. They agree on playing one game with unlimited betting. First, B.T. wishes to test the spinning wheel to check if it isn't tilted, and throws several balls into the wheel, showing that he can control them to land in specific slots. Mike spoils the trick by guessing that they will land in all the slots numbered in prime numbers, and the balls indeed land in those slots. However, B.T. remains confident and taunts Mike that he should've wished that was the real game.

The real game begins. B.T. spins the wheel and throws the ball in, but suddenly, a lit cigarette has appeared in his mouth. Unnerved, Mike hurriedly bets on the color red instead of a single number. However, the ball finally lands in the 00 slot, which is not colored, and thus B.T. wins. Enraged, Mike pulls out his handgun and tries to shoot B.T., but the latter quickly flicks two balls at his face and hand, knocking him out. B.T. savors his victory, though the staff tells him that smoking in the casino is prohibited.

Later, B.T. receives his pay and Koichi marvels at the riches he has earned. Koichi asks him how he won, so B.T. proceeds to explain that Mike hacked into the casino's security system and used artificial intelligence to predict the results of the roulette from analyzing the footage of the dealers. However, B.T. threw a wrench in his plan by lighting the cigarette, obscuring the wheel with the smoke to throw the AI off. While Mike quickly thought of a good counter by betting on a color and hoping for the near 50/50 chance win, B.T. had also been counting on it. When he checked the spinning wheel, B.T. allowed the gambler to outdo him and lured him into a false sense of security by assuming B.T. was not skilled enough to control where the ball would land when the wheel was spinning. B.T. actually made it so his ball would land on the 00 slot and his plan to counter the cheater went without a hitch.

Worried, Koichi asks B.T. what would have happened if any step of his plan failed, and B.T. plainly says that he would have lost everything, but he nostalgically thinks that it would have then been just like their simpler childhood. The conversation concluded, B.T. offers to play poker with Koichi, but Koichi asks him to show him more magic tricks instead.

Cool Shock Old B.T.

Post Cool Shock B.T.

Several memories show that B.T. and Koichi have maintained a close friendship throughout their entire lives. These memories include: B.T. helping Koichi put on a tie as children, young B.T. and Koichi taking photos, young B.T. and Koichi looking at Switzerland watch models, teenage B.T. and Koichi playing rugby, an adult B.T. giving a speech at Koichi's wedding, Koichi letting B.T. carry his son, B.T., and Koichi together at the release of Koichi's Cool Shock B.T. novel, Koichi surprised to see B.T.'s excavation of a Spinosaurus skeleton displayed at a museum, Koichi supporting B.T. at a magic show, B.T. comforting Koichi at a funeral, an elderly B.T. and Koichi posing in front of a Sherlock Holmes statue, Koichi and B.T. vacationing at Hawaii, and B.T. slicing an apple for Koichi while he's at the hospital.

The Eerie Freckled Old Geezer Incident

At some point, B.T. gets married to a woman who currently lives in England. Together they become the CEOs of a trading company which they started as both a business and a hobby. During his job, B.T. once had to import an old castle from South America. He eventually retires, with his wife remaining as the sole CEO. As an adult, B.T. does volunteer acting performances at child welfare facilities.

Taking a photo with Koichi, declaring that he'll get payback against the scammers

When B.T. and Koichi are 72 years old, B.T. hears that Koichi lost his house and arrives to help him move. While driving Koichi to his new house, Koichi explains how he got scammed by "The Outlaw Guys". Once they arrive, they find that the house is not the same as what Koichi saw in the tour, and is instead a run-down building. B.T. reveals that they tricked him by swapping the villa with a different one during the tour Koichi went on beforehand. Using a technique called structure relocation, they lifted the entire house with a jack and carried it elsewhere. B.T. examines the tracks on the ground and finds that they lead to Boyoyoing Cape which has a lot of conveniently empty houses. Once the tour was over, the scammers moved the houses back to their original locations.

B.T. asks Koichi if he contacted the police, but Koichi said they didn't want to handle it since it was a legitimate contract and the scammers went into hiding. B.T. claims that's good for them since now they can get payback themselves. B.T. and Koichi create a ploy to lure the scammers to them. B.T. had his wife send furniture from London and then they uploaded a video saying that Koichi found rare diamonds in the furniture of an old house he bought (these were actually retrieved from a museum when they were kids). The scammers eventually see the video after it gets a lot of views and head to meet Koichi again. While waiting, B.T. takes eastern medicine which he got shipped from London as well, as he prioritizes his health and wants to live until he is 183 years old. B.T. and Koichi get dressed up using B.T.'s stage clothing. B.T. acts as Koichi's butler and brings the scammers tea. As soon as they drink it, the male scammer collapses. B.T. then brings out a blade and intimidates the female scammer, claiming that he poisoned them with tetrodotoxin from blowfish. He says that if they want the antidote, she'll have to tell him where their hideout is and reveal the identity of their boss. Meanwhile, Koichi narrates that B.T. actually just put sleeping pills in the tea and not poison.

B.T. and Koichi break into the hideout

Out of fear for her boss, the employee refuses to say anything but B.T. manages to hack their car and find where their hideout is from the GPS navigation history. They head to the hideout with B.T.'s car and crash through the building. The boss reveals himself to be Manabu, claiming that he knew they'd try to hit him with a car again since they did with an ambulance 60 years ago, although B.T. states that he doesn't recognize him. Manabu reveals that he already sold Koichi's house for seven million yen. He offers B.T. to make a bet, showing that he has a pouch full of coins. If he loses, he'll buy the house back since he still has the contract, and if he wins then he'll take B.T.'s vintage car. B.T. accepts and changes the rules that Manabu initially suggests. They decide that the rules will be to toss the coins onto tables and guess whether the difference between heads and tails will be an odd or an even number. Manabu goes with an even number so B.T. chooses odd. Koichi is the dealer and tosses the coins as the game begins. Koichi notices that B.T. was palming a coin that he pickpocketed. If he placed an extra coin on the table, B.T. could ensure the difference would be an odd number. However, Manabu also had a coin hidden in his palm. After both of them placed an extra coin on the table, Koichi also secretly placed a coin as well, guaranteeing that it would be an odd number.

Defeating Manabu once again

Dumbfounded at his loss, Manabu unsheathes his cane to reveal a sword and charges toward B.T. As he gets closer, Manabu is hit by the autonomous car that B.T. hacked and his sword goes flying, landing beside B.T. and puncturing his vintage car's tire. They use the car to send Manabu and his slaves to the police hospital. Meanwhile, B.T. opens Manabu's safe and remarks that he's glad Koichi caught on to his idea without any signals.

B.T. finds the contract of Koichi's old house in the safe but it'll take some time for him to get it back. He allows Koichi to stay over at his house for the time being, insisting that his grandmother would be happy to see him. However, since B.T.'s tire was punctured by the sword, they'll have to walk all the way there. B.T. steals a wallet he found in the safe, as he and Koichi prepare to go on the long trek back home.[7]

The "Say Hi to Old Virginia" Incident

In 2060, B.T. is now in his 90s and is wheelchair-bound. B.T. suddenly invites his friend Koichi Mugikari to a trip in space without explaining himself.

During his meal, Koichi receives a video transmission from a mysterious individual who informs him that he's planted two bombs on their ship. One of the bombs is by their escape pod, whereas a much bigger one called "Old Virginia" is right next to their engine.

B.T. and Koichi head to the escape pod cockpit and see the first bomb. B.T. warns Koichi not to touch it, since it's likely a vacuum bomb which ignites the surrounding atmosphere. They find a note attached to the bomb, displaying a mini-shogi puzzle with the opponent's gold general piece on 3a, the opponent's king piece on 1a, the player's rook piece on 3c, and the player's pawn piece on 2c. Koichi sees that the note mentions that there is a passcode and deduce they will most likely be able to disarm the bomb if they solve the puzzle. However, B.T. claims to only know how to play chess, so he lets Koichi solve the puzzle instead. Koichi quickly deduces that it's possible by moving the rook to 3a and promoting it, moving the king to 1b, and moving the promoted rook to 2b. B.T. then deciphers the passcode by imagining that the squares on the shogi board are like the keys on a numeric keypad, so the current placements of the shogi pieces would equal to "765" based on the order of the moves Koichi made. Thus, B.T. disarms the bomb which gets crushed into the ground when it deactivates. Koichi wants to evacuate but B.T. doesn't want to since they're having fun and there's still one more bomb left. Assuming the bomber was challenging him to a battle of wits, B.T. is determined to stop the second bomb and punish the bomber.

The duo heads to the engine room where they encounter "Old Virginia", a large bomb that looks like an orange. B.T. assumes that the bomber went with such a huge bomb because of the engine room being the most durable part of the ship. Old Virginia displays a countdown timer with about eight minutes left. However, B.T. realizes that there is no way to disarm it, as the bomber did not leave any puzzle, buttons, codes, or control panel. Koichi suggests that they should head back to the escape pod or try lowering the oxygen levels in the room so that the vacuum bomb won't be able to explode, but B.T. declares that both solutions they would take too long. The elderly duo accept their impending deaths. B.T. apologizes to Koichi for showing a lackluster side of himself in the end. This shocks Koichi as that is the first time B.T. has apologized to him in almost 80 years. Both of them laugh and share stories of all the good and sad memories they had together throughout their lives.

Koichi mimics B.T.'s palm trick that he did during a magic show in Vegas. Afterward, he wonders what happened to the smaller bomb that B.T. disarmed. B.T. reveals that he brought the bomb with him, carrying it in his suit's pocket. The bomb is active again, due to a plan B.T. was saving as a last resort in case something happened. He declares that he isn't running away. Echoes ACT4 carries the smaller bomb to Old Virginia. As the robot squeezes the smaller bomb, it explodes and sets off the second bomb. At that moment, the surrounding oxygen in the air is consumed by the first bomb, creating a vacuum, which minimizes the second bomb's explosion. Koichi thanks Echoes ACT4 for its sacrifice. Despite both explosions, the first bomb is actually still unscathed, though it's no longer dangerous to them.

The bomber greets Koichi and B.T. on their monitor. He is disappointed that he couldn't hear them scream, but reveals that he's parked right next to their ship and will warp himself into theirs, determined to make them his slaves. B.T. realizes that the bomber is Manabu and predicts that Manabu will be the one screaming instead. Surprised, Manabu suddenly notices that his ship is about to collide with a meteorite. As he crashes into it, B.T. announces that he hacked Manabu's ship and redirected it to head to the oncoming meteorite.

Finally, B.T. declares that they need to follow that meteorite, divulging the real reason he invited Koichi onto the ship. He heard a rumor from his grandmother that somewhere in space, there's an ultimate lifeform floating around who could grant them eternal life if they recover it. Shocked, Koichi agrees to follow B.T. until the end of the universe, since they'll be best friends forever.[4]


Creation and Development

Beyond his initials, Araki has not given B.T. a full name. Araki used the initials instead of a name to allude to the way reporters refer to underaged criminals in a way such as "Boy A."[8] While B.T.'s initials are meant to be a homage to Buichi Terasawa, Araki also enjoys referring to B.T. as "Boo Takagi", a reference to the lead singer of The Drifters, a Japanese rock band and comedy group.[2][9]

When writing B.T.'s tricks, Araki used a mix of adapted inspirations and original ideas he made up himself.[10] He was also designed to resemble Sherlock Holmes.[11]

Dio Brando was developed in the same way as B.T.. He and Dio to a higher degree, represent "the dark side of humans’ jealousy and hungry spirit".[12]


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  1. Cool Shock Old B.T. Chapter 1: The Eerie Freckled Old Geezer Incident takes place 60 years later. Koichi wrote a novel when he was 35 and B.T. states that was 37 years ago
  2. Koichi and B.T. are 90 in Cool Shock Old B.T. Chapter 2: The "Say Hi to Old Virginia" Incident and they met each other in 1982.


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