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Dio Brando/fr

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Template:Character Info/fr

SPOILER WARNING: Part 1-6 spoiler details may follow.
Inutile, inutile !!! (無駄 無駄!!!, Muda Muda!!!)
—Cri de combat de Dio Brando, Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10

Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー, Dio Burandō), aussi nommé DIO (DIO(ディオ)), est l'antagoniste principal de la première et troisième parties de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Phantom Blood et Stardust Crusaders, et un personnage posthume mais essentiel dans la sixième partie, Stone Ocean. Son influence au travers des six premières parties de la série avec des personnages majeurs comme Giorno Giovanna et Enrico Pucci étant connecté à lui.

Dio est un homme né dans la misère mais doué d'une ambition sans égale. Il est un méchant sans conscience, très rusé et désirant le pouvoir à tout prix. Il devient un Vampire puis un manieur de Stand et rassemble autour de lui des dizaines de servants. Il est responsable de nombreux évènements majeurs de la série comme la mort de Jonathan Joestar et le fait que la Famille Joestar devienne des manieurs de Stand. Son héritage persiste tout le long de la série.

Dio est le premier antagoniste principal de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Il est aussi le père de of Giorno, le protagoniste de Vento Aureo ainsi qu'une poignée d'enfants illégitimes.


Phantom Blood


Alors qu'il arrive au Manoir Joestar, Dio porte une tenue typique d'un jeune garçon aisé de l'époque: un manteau bleu, une chemise blanche, une cravate, des bretelles, des hauts-de-chausses et une paire de chaussettes rayés. Il a des cheveux blonds et un beau visage. Il a trois grains de beauté sur son oreille gauche.


La tenue de Dio ne change pas trop mais il remplace son manteau avec une veste. Il grandit beaucoup et prend du muscle. Alors que Jonathan part trouver un antidote pour la maladie de son père, Dio porte un haut-de-forme et une cape bordée de plumes au niveau du col.


Dio change drastiquement au niveau physique lorsqu'il utilise le masque de pierre et se transforme en Vampire. Ses yeux deviennent s'affinent et prennent un contour sombre, il développe des crocs de Vampire et il a les cheveux en bataille.

Il change de tenue après son premier combat formel contre Jonathan. Il porte alors un haut orné à deux couleurs avec un pantalon appareillé, une paire de bottes, des canons d'avant-bras et des bretelles attachées à une ceinture autour de la taille. Il acquiert aussi une écharpe.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaPB (PS2)FilmAnimeAll-Star BattleEyes of Heaven
Yeux(Brun clair)
Tenue (enfance)
(Costume violet, veste orange, chemise beige, cravate violette.)
Tenue de combat
(Haut verte et violet, bretelles dorées, pantalon jaune et chaussures vertes.)
Tenue (enfance)
(Costume bourgogne, veste brune, chemise gris clair, cravate rouge.)
Tenue de combat
(Tenue jaune et bleue, accessoires dorées, chaussures brunes.)
Peau(Claire / Pâle (vampire))
Yeux(Bleus / Rouge (vampire))
Tenue (enfance)
(Costume brun clair, chemise blanche, cravate orange sombre.)
Tenue de combat
(Tenue blanche et violette bordée d'or, accessoires dorés. Chaussures brunes.)
Costume (Enfance)
(Costume bleu marine, chemise blanche, cravate rouge sang.)
Tenue de combat
(Tenue blanche et pourpre, écharpe violette, veste brune, chaussures brunes.)
(Tenue jaune, accessoires rouges et écharpe violette. Chaussures noires.)
(Tenue rouge et blanche, écharpe violette, veste brune, chaussures brunes.)

Stardust Crusaders


Le visage de DIO reste caché dûe à l'obscurité de son manoir. Il a une coiffure en nuque longue descendant aux épaules. DIO demeure sans haut, exposant la musculature de Jonathan. Il porte un pantalon, plusiers bracelets métalliques à chaque poignée, des babouches en métal, et des protège-genoux en forme de coeur. Dans le jeu JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future, sa voice est aussi distordue. Cette forme de DIO est aussi nommée "DIO, le mal incarné".


Au dessus de sa tenue précédente, DIO acquiert un débardeur moulant et une veste. Son pantalon change, devenant ouvert au niveau de l'entrejambe. Il porte aussi une ceinture décorés avec un coeur et deux bandes de tissu sur les côtés. Son visage est révélé et il porte un bandeau au front décoré avec un coeur comme ses protège-genoux. Ceci est son apparence au début de l'arc Le Monde de DIO.

Il porte un collier couvrant sa cicatrice au cou mais l'abandonne après avoir confronté Polnareff une première fois.

Lorsqu'il poursuit les héros, DIO porte une cape qu'il jette durant sa confrontation avec Kakyoin.

Forme Finale

DIO approche son apogée physique après avoir sucé le sang de Joseph Joestar. Il abandonne sa veste et le bandeau a été détruit par Star Platinum. Ses cheveux racourçissent et sont désormais coiffés en pics, ses lèvres sont plus sombres comme s'il portait du rouge à lèvre. Il a aussi une allure plus meurtrière. Ceçi est son apparance durant la second moitié de l'arc Le Monde de DIO.


The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaSFC GameOAVHeritage for the FutureAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Peau(Claire. Rouge à lèvres noirs)
(Vest et pantalons jaunes, débardeur noir, accessoires verts, chaussures et bracelets dorés, cape jaune.)
(Tenue jaune, débardeur gris, accessoires verts.)
(Tenue orange, shirt brun-noire, accessoires, chaussures et bracelets bruns. Cape rouge/orange.)
(Tenue jaune-orange, shirt gris foncé, accessoires verts, chaussures et bracelets en bronze.)
Peau(Claire. Rouge à lèvres violet.)
(Tenue jaune, shirt vert foncé et accessoires verts. Chaussures et bracelets dorés.)
Peau(Pâle. Rouge à lèvres vert)
Yeux(Jaune-orange, puis magenta)
(Tenue orange, shirt noir, accessoires verts, chaussures et bracelets bruns. Cape rouge.)
(Tenue jaune, shirt noire, accessoires verts. Chaussures et bracelets dorés.)


Dio a une personalité ambitieuse, manipulative et dominatrice, et il montre souvent qu'il n'a pas de conscience ou d'empathie.

DIO est extatique alors que son pouvoir est au maximum

Les caractéristiques principales de Dio sont son ambition sans limite et son amour du pouvoir. Abusé par son père et ayant vécu dans la misère durant sa jeunesse[1], Dio s'est fixé comme but de devenir l'homme le plus riche puis le plus puissant sur Terre. Pour celà, Dio a usé de tous les moyens pour atteindre ses objectifs, même les plus ignobles. Dio cherche constamment a aggrandir son pouvoir en manipulant, séduisant et souvent en tuant ceux sur son chemin. Dio aime être dans une position dominante[2][3] et a souvent répété à quel point il adorait être en position de pouvoir. De plus, Dio ne tolérait jamais qu'on puisse lui tenir tête ou égaler sa puissance, et était enragé et profondément perturbé par ces éventualités à plusieurs reprises.

Durant toute sa vie, Dio avait tendance à s'entourer de sbires stupides et de servants attirés par son charisme naturel. Ne pensant pas grand chose d'eux initialement, il a ensuite sélectionné ceux qu'il voyait comme étant particulièrement mauvais, expliquant qu'une personne maléfique n'était pas liée par des règles comme l'honneur et était donc mentalement plus fort, faisant d'elles des servants plus puissants. Cette croyance a culminé dans son rituel pour absorber les âmes de 36 pécheurs (ou âmes particulièrement puissantes) et débloquer un pouvoir plus puissant que celui de The World.

Dio veux briser la volonté de Jonathan et usurper sa place au moment où ils se rencontrent

Dio est naturellement incroyablement égoiste, ne regarde que ses propres intérêts. Au mieux il ignore ceux des autres ou les écrase au pire. Dio manipule volontier son entourage pour prendre ce qu'il peut des autres. Il utilise n'importe quelle méthode comme la séduction ou parfois l'intimidation, du moment que sa cible remplit ses désirs. Dio est incapable d'aimer complètement une autre personne car il est intéréssé par ce que les autres peuvent lui apporter.[4] Les seuls personnes par lesquelles on peut dire que Dio a apprécié sont sa mère, Jonathan Joestar et Enrico Pucci. Dio a reconnu Jonathan comme son égal et a développé une certaine amitié avec Pucci. Cependant, Dio a tout de même cherché a voler le corps de Jonathan pour se l'approprier et son amitié avec Pucci a été formé dans le cadre d'un plan qui devait le bénéficier et lui donner encore plus de pouvoir.

DIO "séduit" Kakyoin

Lorsqu'il interagit avec quelqu'un, Dio va constamment les manipuler et essayer de les faire basculer de son côté. Il apparait comme un individu doux à la surface et use de ses charmes et son charisme naturel pour se faire admirer et aimer. Par exemple il a feint d'être un fils modèle et un camarade charismatique auprès du père et de l'entourage de Jonathan pour isoler celui-ci. En tant que Vampire, son charisme n'a fait qu'augmenter, jouant de son aspect d'individu charmant et mystérieux. Son arrogance l'a aussi souvent poussé à rabaisser et insulter ses enemies, et il dévalorise souvent la force des ses enemies comparée à ses pouvoirs de Vampire et son Stand.

Dio engage les obstacles et les problème de diverses façon dépendant de son humeur. Alors qu'il était humain, Dio était plus prudent et méthodique en essayant d'harceler Jonathan et a empoisonné George durant une longue période avec un poison lent. Son plan a été déjoué par pure chance lorsque Jonathan a découvert une lettre incriminante. En tant que Vampire, Dio va initialement se laisser emporter par son arrogance et laisse faire ses servants, les envoyant simplement au devant des héros dans l'espoir de le tuer alors qu'il se repose et rassemble ses forces. Sa défaite auprès de Jonathan l'a enseigné à être prudent par rapport à la famille Joestar. Par conséquence il a décidé de prendre Jonathan par surprise, et durant "Stardust Crusaders", il a envoyé ses mignons non pas pour assassiner les Joestars mais pour les délayer autant que possible pour qu'il puisse recouvrir ses forces. Durant son combat final, sa prudence, son habilité tactique et son arrogance firent en sorte que DIO alternait entre une approche méticuleuse et des assauts présomptueux.

Part 1 - Phantom Blood

Je rejette mon humanité! JoJo! Je vais surpasser le genre humain! (おれは人間をやめるぞ!ジョジョーーッ!!おれは人間を超越するッ!)
—Dio à Jonathan, avant d'utiliser le Masque de Pierre, Chapter 11: The Stone Mask, Part 4

Dans Phantom Blood, Dio est ambitieux, égocentrique, arrogant, mégalomaniaque et impitoyable, étant capable du pire pour atteindre ses objectifs.

Dio décide de devenir un Vampire

La cruauté naturelle de Dio est montrée tôt dans l'histoire lorsque qu'il prévoit d'exploiter la famille Joestar alors qu'ils étaient assez généreux pour l'adopter et lui offrir la vie d'un jeune noble.[5] Pour améliorer sa position et remplacer Jonathan Joestar pour avoir l'héritage de la famille, Dio a utilisé les moyens les plus sournois pour briser le jeune Jonathan. Ses méthodes par exemple étaient d'humilier Jonathan à la boxe en public, l'ostraciser de ses amis[2] et aussi voler le premier baiser d'Erina Pendleton pour la séparer de Jonathan.[6] Quand ses plans sont déjoué, Dio a opté d'empoisonner lentemen George Joestar I et de tuer Jonathan avec le masque de pierre pour faire croire à des morts naturelles/accidentelles.[7] Dio montra alors une certaine détermination à atteindre ses buts et ne perdit jamais sa volonté malgré les défaites qu'il subissait durant Phantom Blood, faisant en sorte de toujours trouver un moyen de se venger de Jonathan.

La manque d'empathie de Dio est aussi apparent puisqu'il a toujours vue les Joestars comme des obstacles malgré avoir vécu sous leur toit et interagit avec leurs amabilité pendant plusieurs années; il est aussi sous-entendu qu'il a une dent contre la classe aisée qu'il fréquente. Dio a maintenue une façade d'homme charmant et agréable avec tous sauf Jonathan, mais ne s'est jamais rapproché de personne. A la fin de la partie, le seul homme que Dio appréciait était Jonathan lui-même, reconnaissant avec réticence sa valeur en tant qu'ennemi juré[8] et ayant décidé de lui "donner une mort sans douleur" alors qu'il planifie de l'assassiner et de voler son corps, ayant même été choqué par la mort de Jonathan.[9] Etant heureux d'être devenu un puissant vampire, Dio passe son temps au comobat à narguer divers humains à propos de leur faiblesses et les considérait comme des insectes face aux Vampires. Le sadisme de Dio l'a poussé a changer une mère en Zombie juste pour la regarder dévorer son bébé. S'il est en position de pouvoir, il tend à tourmenter ses victimes. Par exemple, il a poussé son pousse dans l'oeil de Jonathan au milieu d'un coup de poing juste pour le faire souffrir.[2]

Dio gliffe Erina dans un coup de colère

Dio est très violent et ne se restreint jamais dans sa colère, étant sujet à des emportements meurtriers même durant sa jeunesse, ayant essayé de poignarder Jonathan après s'être fait battre et ayant violemment giflé Erina dans un coup de colère.[3] Il était aussi très cruel par rapport à Danny, le chien de Johnathan. Durant leur première rencontre il a violemment donné un coup de genoux à la face du chien.[5] Lorsque Jonathan a battu Dio, celui-ci a secrètement fait en sorte que Danny soit incinéré. Il est enragé lorsque quelqu'un lui tient tête et c'est la cause principale de ses colères. Dio lui_même a reconnu que son tempérament était une faiblesse[10] mais n'a jamais pu vraiment se maîtriser durant sa vie.

La personnalité de Dio pourrait être expliquée par son enfance dans la misère et sa relation abusive avec son père Dario Brando. Cependant Speedwagon a rejeté cette idée et dit que la pauvreté n'avoir rien à voir avec son caractère. De fait, Dio était tel qu'il a ouvertement rejeté son humanité pour devenir Vampire alors qu'il allait être arrêté par la police.[11]. Il échange sa sournoiserie pour un caractère plus arrogant et hédoniste qui dénigre les humains et se complait dans le mal. Dio respecte cependant la détermination et a reconnu que la détermination de Jonathan était égal au sien, ce qui lui l'"honneur" de servir en tant que nouvel hôte pour sa tête coupée.[12]

Le potentiel de Dio pour la sympathie est sous-entendu dans l'histoire lorsqu'il empoisonne son père pour venger l'abus que sa mère a subit.

Dio hait les chiens, les considérant comme de la vermine.[2]

Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders

Tout le monde vit pour atteindre la tranquilité d'esprit... N'es-tu pas anxieux à l'idée de me combattre sachant que tu risques ta vie?... Si tu me rejoins, je te donnerais une paix éternelle.
—DIO à Polnareff, Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2

Lorsqu'il réapparait dans Stardust Crusaders, la personnalité de DIO n'a pas beaucoup changé par rapport au moment où il s'est retrouvé au fond des eaux puisqu'il demeure un mégalomaniaque sanguinaire et sans remords. Il a cependant mûri par sa plus grande considération pour la bravoure humaine et est un individu plus calme et avec un meilleur sang froid.

DIO philosophe sur la nature du bonheur

DIO apparait pleinement vers la fin de Stardust Crusaders mais on le voit plusieurs fois dans son manoir philosopher avec les manieurs de Stand à son service et ayant apparemment pris Enya comme un conseiller et confident. Bien qu'il soit possible que celà ne soit qu'une sorte de manipulation, DIO reconnaît le pouvoir et la bravoure que les humains peuvent avoir et respecte particulièrement le fait qu'on puisse risquer sa vie pour atteindre ses objectifs. Bien qu'il souhaitait se débarrasser des Joestars rapidement, il a écouté les conseils d'Enya et restât dans son manoir pour accroître ses forces. De plus, DIO a appris à moins sous-estimer ses adversaires et fût précautionneux en combattant les membres de la famille Joestar. Cependant, il a toujours rabaissé les efforts d'autres manieurs de Stand pour le combattre. Il n'a notamment pas apprécié les efforts de Kakyoin à leur juste valeur bien que ce dernier ait grandement contribué à sa défaite.

Dans cette partie, DIO est plus calme et a pls de sang froid. DIO tolère notamment qu'on le résiste et garda son calme lorsque Polnareff l'a nargué, possiblement parce qu'il sait que son Stand, The World, le rend invincible de toute façon. Il apprécie même que Hol Horse ait l'audace d'essayer de le tuer, prenant son insurbordination comme un signe de sa force d'esprit. Cependant, DIO n'a toujours aucun scrupule à tuer autrui et a même ordonné la mort d'Enya pour avoir échouée à tuer les héros. De même, D'Arby était effrayé à l'idée de devoir révéler le pouvoir de The World, lui qui pourtant était très confiant.

La folie de DIO

Fidèle à lui-même, DIO adore le fait qu'il possède le Stand le plus puissant du monde et ne fait pas grand cas des effort des héros pour découvrir son pouvoir, les pensant être inutiles. Quand Jotaro montre qu'il peut bouger alors que le temps s'arrête, DIO devint plus nerveux bien qu'il garda son calme et usa d'autres plan pour le tuer. Lorsqu'il absorbe le sand de Joseph et est synchronisé au corps de Jonathan, DIO montre à quel point il est fou en perçant sa propre tête avec son doigt et déclarant qu'il était aux anges.

Ses dernières paroles montrent qu'il est toujours prêt à n'importe quoi pour gagner et méprise l'idée d'honneur ou de vengeance, utilisant un coup bas pour aveugler Jotaro momentanément. Malgré tout, DIO mourut des mains de Jotaro.

Partie 6 - Stone Ocean

Au-delà de mon Stand se tient où il faut être pour trouver le Paradis. Pour celà il faut un ami de confiance. Pourrais-je, moi, DIO, trouver une telle personne un jour?
DIO et Enrico Pucci

Durant des flash-backs avant la troisième partie, DIO a développé une amitié avec Enrico Pucci à travers de nombreuses conversations. Intrigué par Pucci, qui l'avait laissé se cacher dans une église, DIO a guéri son pied déformé, un acte sincèrement bénéfique, puis lui a confié une pointe de la Flèche qui lui donnera un Stand, Whitesnake. Durant ces flash-backs, DIO a pour se livrer sur plusieur thèmes et a confessé que le prêtre le faisait se sentir en paix. DIO a défié Pucci en demandant s'il le trahirait et volerait son Stand un jour. Pucci refusa de s'exécuter et DIO le remercia pour sa loyauté, admettant qu'il craignait que Pucci le trahisse.

Il n'est pas clair à quel point DIO était sincère, sachant qu'il a influencé Pucci à devenir un zélote impitoyable et meurtrier. De plus, DIO avait commencé cette amitié dans l'espoir d'exécuter son plan secret, lequel n'aurait bénéficié que lui et ses fidèles.

Over Heaven

(Ce qui écrit ci-dessous ne vient pas de l'oeuvre d'Araki et ne devrait pas être considéré comme faisant partie du canon de la série.)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Over Heaven, une nouvelle servant de traduction du Journal de DIO, offre une autre interprétation de la personnalité de DIO en mélangeant des éléments présents dans l'oeuvre originale avec des éléments inédits.

Dans le roman, DIO a vraisemblablement mûri au-delà de sa mégalomanie. A cause de l'influence de sa mère durant son enfance, DIO avait développé une fixation sur le concept de paradis, un concept qu'il revisite après qu'il acquiert un Stand. En découvrant le pouvoir caché de l'âme et le fait qu'il puisse utiliser et contrôler ce pouvoir, DIO a essayé de formuler un plan pour utiliser le pouvoir des Stands et des âmes pour matérialiser son paradis.

Apparently, all throughout the events of Stardust Crusaders, DIO had been holding meetings with Enrico Pucci as well as devising ways on how to go to heaven. He then comes to the conclusion that in order to achieve true victory and witness heaven, DIO must guide Pucci to heaven, and not the other way around. Spliced between these events are all sorts of entries, such as memories of his past life as a human and later on a Vampire, the intricacies of the Stone Mask, his musings about the generational feud between him and the Joestar Family, the life his parents had in the slums of London, him interacting with his organization, and various philosophical matters.

For what it was worth, DIO appears to have genuinely cared about Enrico Pucci, and even more so about his plan to go to heaven, stating outright that he would sacrifice his organization, his vampiric abilities, his stand, everything - just to achieve his goal of creating his heaven on earth.


Invulnerability! Eternal life! Stand power! Here lies the proof that none shall surpass the mighty DIO!
—DIO, Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17

DIO is one of the most powerful characters of the series. As a human, he was already brilliant but over time he's managed to acquire several powers, becoming a Vampire and then a Stand User.


Main article: The World
DIO with The World

DIO's Stand is The World; a close-ranged Stand with comparable, if not superior strength and speed against Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum.

About a year after gaining his Stand, DIO discovered it's signature ability of stopping time. At first, he could only do this for a very short amount of time, but by the end of Part 3, he is able to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds.[13] This duration would have continued to increase, had DIO not been defeated. When stopping time, DIO gives the impression that he is teleporting or otherwise moving at impossible speeds.

The ability is best known for DIO's activation and cancellation phrases THE WORLD, Time, stop! (世界(ザ・ワールド)! 時よ止まれ!, Za Warudo! Toki yo Tomare!) and Time resumes. (時は動き出す, Toki wa Ugokidasu).

Having had ample time to rest and train with The World, DIO is shown to have been thorough in exploring his Stand's abilities. Case in point, it was during an experimental session during which DIO sought to test the limit of The World's speed that he discovered his time stop ability.

To give himself an advantage, DIO has tried to keep the ability of The World a secret, only using it at key moments to psych out an opponent and perform incomprehensible sneak attacks, as well as only trusting its secret to a few confidants such as Enya the Hag and not hesitating to eliminate her as soon as she remotely risked to inform the Joestars of his timestop power. However, as soon as they understood its ability, DIO dropped the secret and showed a great degree of confidence about the supremacy of his power, ultimately not caring about his secret as he was convinced that no one could do anything about it. Thus, he began to liberally stop time against Jotaro. Thanks to the free time-frame of action granted by The World, DIO has made it possible to instantly reposition himself to avoid attacks or set himself up to attack, kill enemies instantly, or even displace his opponents to toy with them.

DIO has shown a high degree of control over The World, using it to battle Jotaro's Star Platinum to a standstill, but showing superior technique in hand to hand combat by using low kicks to unbalance Star Platinum or feints to out-punch Star Platinum. However, his Vampire constitution means that DIO never showed the same care at using The World defensively at he preferred to avoid being hit at all and regenerate by sucking blood.

Unlike every other enemy Stand User in Stardust Crusaders, DIO actively sought to improve his Stand's capabilities. He notably wanted the Joestar Group to come to him so that he could suck the blood of a Joestar and sync himself up with Jonathan's body to bolster his powers further. Araki himself has stated that DIO had the potential to stop time indefinitely.

Moreover, DIO had searched a way to unlock a power even more powerful than The World, using esoteric knowledge to divine a plan to create another mightier Stand.

Joestar Stand

DIO using the Stand

Due to the Arrow awakening a stand ability Jonathan Joestar's body in addition to DIO himself,[14] DIO is capable of using a Hermit Purple-like Stand which allows him to create psychic images, be it on photographs or crystal balls. Due to the connection he has between Jonathan's body and his descendants, DIO is also able to sense the presence of other Joestars and can use this to track their position. He is even able to tell when Joseph uses Hermit Purple to take a psychic photograph of him, and instinctively knew that his acquisition of a Stand also awoke Stand abilities in Jonathan's descendants.

Vampiric Abilities

Main article: Vampire

Becoming a Vampire as a young adult, Dio Brando displays a broad range of fantastic, supernatural abilities; explained as expressions of the full, unbound potential of the human body.

  • Superhuman Strength: Dio attains massive strength as a Vampire, allowing him feats such as forcibly walking on walls and single-handedly deflecting attacks such as Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash (volleys of substantially-sized emeralds flying at almost bullet speed). After absorbing Joseph's blood he is powerful enough to pick up and drop a steamroller on Jotaro.[15]
  • Superhuman Speed: Dio also possesses superhuman speed and agility. At one point he was described by Speedwagon being faster than a cheetah.[16]
  • Superhuman Senses: Demonstrated when placing his head on the ground to hear Jotaro's heartbeat, despite being a few meters away, Dio appears to have senses beyond human level.[17]
  • Regeneration: Dio can regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it. His incredible vitality is maintained by consuming human beings (or their blood), which he commonly does by piercing them with his fingers. Similar to every Vampire portrayed in the series, Dio sucks blood through tentacles in his fingers and has been seen at least once drinking blood from an unnamed girl. His body is able to live even after having vital body parts amputated and he can also control his detached body parts. The extent of Dio's own survivability is demonstrated when he could continue as just a head.
Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
  • Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (空裂眼刺驚(スペースリパー・スティンギーアイズ), Supēsu Ripā Sutingī Aizu, lit. "Space Splitting Eye Spiked Surprise"): Dio is able to pressurize bodily liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings in his pupils, eventually unleashing two fluid jets (referred to by Straizo as "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes"[18]) powerful enough to slice through stone.
  • Freezing his arm to stop Zeppeli
    Vaporization Freezing Technique (気化冷凍法 , Kikareitōhō): An ability Dio utilized after learning of the Ripple energy and the danger it presents to him. By vaporizing the moisture in his body, he can absorb heat from any living being he is in physical contact with and freeze them.[19] This ability can be circumvented by Ripple being channeled through items and fire. Dio loses this ability after his original body was destroyed.
  • Flesh Transmutation: Dio has extensive knowledge on the anatomies of organic beings, and he uses this knowledge to graft the body parts of different beings together, using this to create revolting chimeras that he keeps as pets. Dio ultimately utilizes this power to graft his head onto Jonathan's body.
  • Flesh Bud
    Flesh Buds (肉の芽, Niku no Me, Spores): Introduced in Stardust Crusaders, Flesh Buds are an extension of DIO's transmutation capabilities. DIO is able manipulate his hair to create parasites that he can insert into a human's head. The Flesh Bud will pierce through the skull into the part of the brain, making the afflicted compliant to Dio's charisma. As explained by Joseph, the parasite will gradually eat the inflicted's brain. If someone tries to take out the spore, which can prove fatal if it's not carefully removed, the Flesh Bud will sprout tentacles in an attempt to invade the intruder's brain. If the vampire wants, he can give permission to someone to activate the spore's tentacles anytime he wants if close to it. The spores possess another effect in case DIO himself ever dies. According to Keicho Nijimura, his father who was implanted by the spore underwent a mutation into a greenish animalistic form by having DIO's cells inside his body. Presumably, this is a side effect that the rest of the surviving Stand Users that DIO had implanted his spores inside of would suffer from.
  • Hypnosis: This ability was used twice on Jack the Ripper (anime only) and Poco, respectively. In the case of the former, Dio hypnotized Jack to convince him to join as a servant, allowing Dio to drain his blood and turn him into a zombie. Poco was manipulated to lure Jonathan into a trap, though his consciousness returned after being subjected to Jonathan's Ripple.[20]
  • Healing: Dio also seems to possess the ability to heal other people's wounds as he was able to completely cure Pucci's wounded foot by simply touching it. The origins of this power remain unknown - however, they could serve as an extension of his transmutation capabilities or his healing factor.


Intelligence: Dio is naturally intelligent, displaying cunning and perceptiveness as well as imagination repeatedly.

As a child and teenager, Dio Brando managed to achieve academic excellence with ease, having planned to graduate from university as a top law student.

Otherwise, Dio is a cunning villain and proficient tactician in combat. Dio almost managed to get away with two murders, biding his time in order to have a perfect alibi and was only discovered by accident. Upon his return from the bottom of the ocean, DIO built in six years a powerful criminal empire spanning over several continents and which brought him many riches. In a fight, Dio is particularly cunning and perceptive, his ruthlessness making him able to exploit dishonorable and downright inhuman tactics to get ahead, such as leading his enemies into a trap, using hapless civilians as projectiles and sources of energy, or plain sneak attacks. Dio has the habit of analyzing his opponents and determine quickly a counter to their strengths, such as freezing blood in order to stop the flow of the Ripple or forcing Jotaro's bluff by throwing multiple knives from all direction so that he's forced to act during the stopped time.

Naturally ambitious, Dio constantly seeks to improve himself and meticulously studies his abilities to make the most of them. As such, he developed a freezing power akin to the Pillar Men's Modes in just a month, and in six years, discovered enough about Stands to be able to fuse several together with souls in order to create the ultimate Stand. Arguably his most successful move Dio experimented on how his vampiric powers allowed him to fuse two organisms together and used that knowledge to steal Jonathan's body.

Though he doesn't show it often, Dio has become a natural philosopher, arguing about the human condition with multiple people.

Resilience: All prior to becoming a Vampire, Dio was already an able bare-handed fighter; A skill he says he developed in the slums of London. A good amateur sportsman, during a rugby game as a young adult, he is shown to have developed high athletic ability (as well as fantastic muscle mass).

Charisma: Dio is a cunning and charming individual. In addition to Stand Users, whom Avdol and Joseph suggest he recruits through charm or charisma, he has seduced many women throughout his life.

Knowledge: Throughout both his humble youth and tempestuous maturity, Dio is often seen reading. During his pre-teens, he is seen playing chess with adults. In Stone Ocean, in conversation with Enrico Pucci, he is shown to have accumulated some wisdom within the world of Stands. Importantly, Dio is able to concoct a plan, contained in his diary, incorporating vast, unknown information as to the deliberate creation of Stands of perfectly specific abilities.

Spiritual Connection: After stealing Jonathan's body, DIO began to share a spiritual connection with Jonathan's living descendants. He notably was instinctively aware of their presence and their well-being, allowing him to track them across Cairo. Joseph mentions that DIO probably cannot distinguish between him and Jotaro, and only feel their presence.


  • Vampiric Body: Dio Brando's powers, however, are all at the expense of having a body sustained by sheer willpower alone, rather than vital energy. A sufficiently powerful force of vitality - specifically sunlight or the Ripple - will negate the sustaining force's presence and disintegrate his long-unliving body.
  • Jonathan's Body (former): When DIO first acquired Jonathan Joestar's body and resurfaced from the ocean, he was unable to use the full power of his Stand, and had to acquire blood from a live Joestar to compensate and fully synchronize with his new form. Once this weakness was negated, he managed to grow significantly stronger, as did his Stand.



  • Dario Brando: Dio hated his father and saw Dario only as a stepping stone in his path to ascend in society. Dio's hatred stems from the abuse Dario dealt Dio's mother with his alcoholism, as well as Dio himself, to the point where he secretly poisoned to death and tricked Dario into thinking he was sick. He emphasizes this by spitting on his father's grave before leaving for the Joestar mansion.
  • Dio Brando's Mother: Though she isn't seen interacting with him, it's very clear that Dio loved his mother deeply, and the abuse she was dealt by his father was one of the reasons Dio slowly and painfully killed Dario.
  • Giorno Giovanna: DIO is not shown to have interacted with his son, Giorno, although Giorno keeps a photo of him in his wallet. It is unknown where Giorno got it from or if he knows of the kind of person his father was. Also of note is that DIO would drain Giorno's mother of her blood, had he not been killed himself by Jotaro.[21]
  • Ungalo, Donatello Versus, and Rikiel: Similar to Giorno's case, the mothers of all three men were left alive. However, none of them inherited Jonathan's spirit. All three only learned of their true father's identity after their fated encounter with Pucci.


  • Enrico Pucci: DIO's encounter with Pucci is presumably the most prominent example of humanity displayed by him, having healed Pucci's foot when they first meet. Through the time he spends with Pucci, DIO comes to trust him enough to allow Pucci to inherit control of his plan. At one point, DIO forced Pucci's hand into his head and nearly had his Stand DISC removed to test Pucci's loyalty to him.
  • Vanilla Ice: While the former is fanatically loyal to his cause, even willing to chop off his head to prove his worth, DIO annoyingly notes that Vanilla Ice often forgets about the doors after he uses his Stand, Cream, to travel via making a hole in the wall. Still DIO highly respected Ice's abilities, refusing to use the blood of someone of his caliber to heal himself.
  • Wang Chan: While at first a provider of his secret oriental poison that was crucial in killing Dario and attempting to kill George, after becoming a vampire, Dio used him as a scout and aide once his head is chopped off. Despite his dependence on Wang Chan, Dio doesn't take his insults to Jonathan lightly and threatens him for it.
  • Pet Shop: While not much is known about their relationship, DIO personally selected Pet Shop as the guardian of his temple while he was in Egypt.
  • Enya the Hag: Enya was one of DIO's most loyal followers and supporters. Despite her loyalty, DIO secretly implanted her with a flesh bud to insure her secrecy.
  • N'Doul: DIO was the first person to see N'Doul's worth which caused N'Doul to admire DIO. N'Doul was so loyal to DIO, that he killed himself in order to prevent himself from leaking valuable information.
  • Johngalli A: While there is no on-screen interaction between them, Johngalli was highly loyal to DIO, as shown when he framed Jolyne for murder and attempted to kill her and Jotaro to avenge him.


  • Jonathan Joestar: One of the most impactful relationships Dio ever had was with his adoptive brother, Jonathan Joestar. He initially viewed his adoptive brother as a stepping stone and pest to be driven to despair and abused in order to gain the Joestar family fortune. After being beaten once, he viewed him as more of a threat, feigning brotherly bonds in public, while secretly poisoning George Joestar in order to get his fortune quicker. He intended to kill Jonathan with the Stone Mask, but upon discovering the hidden power to unlock the vampire powers of man, he decided to use it on himself in order to become one. After another failed attempt to kill his adopted brother, due to his ego, Dio decides to have others face him rather than turn Jonathan into a zombie himself. After being bested by Jonathan, he quickly changes his mind, only to be thwarted once again. In their final confrontation, Dio admits he respects Jonathan in a twisted sense (to the point of scolding Wang Chan for taunting him) and is genuinely shocked when Jonathan dies. Dio would use Jonathan's body as a host, defining the destiny between him and the Joestar Family for centuries to come.
  • Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Due to Dio having used the Stone Mask and becoming a Vampire, Zeppeli immediately viewed Dio as an enemy once he learned about the incident at the Joestar Mansion and due to his own father using the same mask to become a Vampire himself. Dio himself is dismissive of Zeppeli's hatred towards his vampiric ways and connection to the Stone Mask, only viewing Zeppeli's mastery of the unfamiliar Ripple as nothing more than magic tricks.
  • Robert E. O. Speedwagon: After hearing from Jonathan what Dio was doing to George Joestar I, Speedwagon decided to help with finding the man that sold Dio the poison. Dio openly declares that after killing Jonathan, he would dispose of Speedwagon as well for being involved. After everything that had happened at the Joestar Mansion, Speedwagon went along with Jonathan and Zeppeli to defeat Dio, knowing that he was too dangerous now as a vampire to be left running around.
  • George Joestar: While George has always treated Dio with kindness and respect, Dio only saw George as a stepping stone in his quest for wealth. Thus, Dio feigned being the perfect ward to George, and even called him father despite having no such views.
  • Dire, Straizo, and Tonpetty: Being Ripple Warriors, the three knew the dangers of the Stone Mask and viewed Dio as an enemy because of his use of it. Out of the three of them, Dire was the one who really wanted to defeat Dio on his own, due to having been a friend of Zeppeli's for many years and Dio having a role in his death. At the time, Straizo knew that defeating Dio was important; however, many years later, he would admit to the older Speedwagon that he was envious of Dio due to the fact he would never age while Straizo would. This envy became so much that he would later use the Stone Mask on himself just so he could become young again.
  • Joseph Joestar: DIO needed Joseph in order to complete the merger of his head with Jonathan's body, secretly manipulating his minions to bring him closer and closer in order to drain his blood. Joseph had heard stories of Dio from Erina when he was small and knew of the danger he would bring. His hatred for DIO intensified, however, when he learnt that he had stolen the body of his grandfather, Jonathan Joestar, to use as his own. This hatred got to the breaking point when DIO's very existence threatened the life of Joseph's daughter Holy. Figuring out that since DIO was the cause of all the Stands in the Joestar family activating, it was more than likely that killing him would save Holy. That plan in mind, Joseph, along with his grandson Jotaro, his old friend Muhammad Avdol, and new ally Noriaki Kakyoin, decide to go to Egypt where DIO had gone to hide, and kill him.
  • Noriaki Kakyoin: Having met DIO on a holiday in Egypt with his family and then put under his control with a Flesh Bud, Kakyoin was loyal to him and would do anything he wanted. However, upon having the bud removed by Jotaro and seeing the harm DIO was causing towards the innocent Holy Kujo, who had shown him kindness as he was recovering at the Kujo residence, Kakyoin decided to go with Joseph, Jotaro, and Avdol to Egypt to defeat DIO.
  • Jean Pierre Polnareff: Like Kakyoin, he too met DIO and was placed under his control. After having the Flesh Bud removed by Jotaro, Polnareff decided to join the team, though at first for his own goals, as Polnareff theorized that DIO would know where his sister's killer would be. Even after he avenged her sister's death, Polnareff chose to stay with the group to defeat DIO. After the deaths of both Avdol and Iggy, Polnareff vowed to defeat DIO no matter what.
  • Muhammad Avdol: Unlike Kakyoin and Polnareff, Avdol recognized who DIO was upon meeting him, due to having heard about DIO from Joseph. As such, Avdol knew the man was an enemy immediately and managed to escape from him before he could be put under his control. With DIO threatening Holy's life due to him activating all the Stands in the Joestar bloodline, Avdol, along with Jotaro, Joseph, and Kakyoin decided to journey to Egypt to defeat Dio.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Despite DIO viewing Jotaro as nothing but an extension of Jonathan, DIO was fully aware how much of a threat Jotaro was. While Jonathan was an opponent DIO respected, Jotaro was an opponent DIO feared, as evidenced by DIO's attempts to kill him indirectly with his assasins, and eventually with his final confrontation with Jotaro. Jotaro himself however, saw DIO as nothing but a necessary evil he has to defeat in order to save his mother. After DIO had apparently killed his grandfather Joseph right in front of him, Jotaro's hatred for DIO finally intensified to where, for the first time, Jotaro was visibly enraged and acted on anger. After a long and grueling fight with the vampire, Jotaro finally managed to outwit and kill DIO.

Relationships in Over Heaven

(The information below derives from a Light Novel not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.)

  • Daniel J. and Telence T. D'Arby: DIO saw the D'Arby brothers as important tools to enter into heaven. While he believed their souls were too impure to enter themselves, he acknowledged their ability to manipulate souls as useful for his own ascension.
  • Enya the Hag: While the novel doesn't add too much to their relationship, DIO states that he would've considered letting her bear his child if she was younger.
  • Dario Brando: While their relationship is about as negative as it is in the manga, it is revealed that he hated his father for allowing him to enter the Joestar Mansion because he thought that one act of kindness allowed Dario to get into heaven and one of the reasons he wanted to get into heaven was to kill his father again before merely looking at it as a side opportunity.
  • Dio's Mother: In the novel it is revealed that his mother taught him everything he knew about the world. While DIO is unsure if heaven really exists, he believes that her death saved her from her living hell of a life. It is revealed that the words in his diary are from a nursery song she sung him.
  • Unborn Sibling: It is revealed that Dio's mother was pregnant with an unborn sibling but ended up miscarrying him/her.
  • Erina Pendleton: DIO respects Erina's strength and in some ways saw her as a bigger threat than Jonathan. DIO theorizes that Erina Joestar placed both him, herself, and the infant Lisa-Lisa in the casket on the boat where Jonathan died in order to escape the boat's explosion. DIO at first believes that Erina did this in hope DIO may return some day as a better man with Jonathan's body. He quickly dismisses the idea, stating that if it was the case that Erina reminded him of his mother.

Chapitres / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

*Chapter 1: Prologue

*Chapter 115: Jotaro Kujo, Part 2 (Couverture)

  • Chapter 116: Jotaro Kujo, Part 3 (Flashback(s))
  • Chapter 117: The Man with the Star Birthmark
  • Chapter 118: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 1
  • Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 120: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 3 (Flashback(s))
  • Chapter 121: The Power Called a "Stand" (Photo)
  • Chapter 122: Head to Egypt
  • Chapter 123: Tower of Gray (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 126: Silver Chariot, Part 3 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 127: Dark Blue Moon, Part 1 (Flashback(s))
  • Chapter 128: Dark Blue Moon, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 130: Strength, Part 1
  • Chapter 136: Yellow Temperance, Part 1
  • Chapter 139: Yellow Temperance, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 147: Empress, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 154: Justice, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 159: Justice, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 160: Lovers, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 161: Lovers, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 165: Lovers, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 174: Judgement, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 178: Judgement, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 184: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 186: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 188: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 193: Anubis, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 197: Anubis, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 198: Anubis, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 202: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 204: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?!
  • Chapter 211: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 212: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 214: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 216: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 218: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 221: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 222: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 223: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 225: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 227: D'Arby the Player, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 228: D'Arby the Player, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 229: D'Arby the Player, Part 3 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 231: D'Arby the Player, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 234: D'Arby the Player, Part 8 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 235: D'Arby the Player, Part 9 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1
  • Chapter 239: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 241: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 4
  • Chapter 242: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 5 (The Fool)
  • Chapter 243: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 244: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 245: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 8 (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 246: Suzi Q Joestar Visits Her Daughter (Mentionné)
  • Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
  • Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
  • Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
  • Chapter 250: DIO's World, Part 4
  • Chapter 251: DIO's World, Part 5
  • Chapter 252: DIO's World, Part 6
  • Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
  • Chapter 254: DIO's World, Part 8
  • Chapter 255: DIO's World, Part 9
  • Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10
  • Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11
  • Chapter 258: DIO's World, Part 12
  • Chapter 259: DIO's World, Part 13
  • Chapter 260: DIO's World, Part 14
  • Chapter 261: DIO's World, Part 15
  • Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16
  • Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17
  • Chapter 264: DIO's World, Part 18 (Décès)
  • Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends (Corps)

  • *Stone Ocean Chapter 12: The Visitor, Part 2 (Mentionné)

  • Stone Ocean Chapter 48: Torrential Downpour Warning, Part 1 (Flashback(s))
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 61: The Secret of Guard Westwood, Part 2 (Flashback(s))
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 94: Time for Heaven (Flashback(s))
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 95: New Moon! New Priest (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1 (Voix)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 111: It's Been a While, Romeo (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 112: Sky High, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 115: Sky High, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 116: Sky High, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 117: Sky High, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 124: Under World, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3 (Flashback(s))
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 129: Heavy Weather, Part 5 (Voix)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 134: Heavy Weather, Part 10 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 143: C-MOON, Part 3 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 145: C-MOON, Part 5 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 146: C-MOON, Part 6 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 147: C-MOON, Part 7 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4 (Mentionné)
  • Stone Ocean Chapter 154: Made in Heaven, Part 6 (Mentionné)

  • Anime Appearances
    Episodes in order of appearance

    *Stardust Crusaders Episode 1: A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit

  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 2: Who Will Be the Judge?!
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 3: DIO's Curse
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 5: Silver Chariot
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 6: Dark Blue Moon (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 7: Strength
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 8: Devil
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 10: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 11: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2 (Flashback(s))
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 15: Justice, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 16: Lovers, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 24: High Priestess, Part 2
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 25: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 26: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 31: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 33: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 34: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 35: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 36: Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 38: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 1 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 39: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 40: D'Arby the Player, Part 1 (Flashback(s))
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 42: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 43: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2 (Mentionné)
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 44: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 45: DIO's World, Part 1
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 46: DIO's World, Part 2
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 47: DIO's World, Part 3
  • Stardust Crusaders Episode 48: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends (Décès)

  • *JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 1 (OVA): The Evil Spirit

  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 2 (OVA): Hierophant Green
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 3 (OVA): Silver Chariot and Strength
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6 (OVA): The Mist of Vengeance
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 7 (OVA): Justice
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 8 (OVA): "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 9 (OVA): "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 10 (OVA): D'Arby the Gambler
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11 (OVA): DIO's World: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice (1ère apparition compl.)
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 12 (OVA): DIO's World: Kakyoin - The Duel in the Web
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 13 (OVA): DIO's World: Farewell Friends (Décès)

  • Quotes

    Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
    • You want me to be rich? Ha! Your..."inheritance", I'll accept. I will become rich and powerful, but not for you.
      —Chapter 1: Prologue
    • So... did you kiss JoJo yet? Probably not. Your first kiss wasn't with JoJo! It was I, Dio! (君…もうジョジョとキスはしたのかい?まだだよなァ。初めての相手はジョジョではないッ!このディオだッ!, Kimi… mō jojo to kisu wa shita no kai? Mada da yo na. Hajimete no aite wa jojo de wa nai! Kono dio da!)
    • I'll beat him once and for all! Fair and square! I'll teach him so his whole body remembers he can't beat Dio! In a fight or in life!
    • Alright! I'm burning with power! I love this feeling!
    • No way... no way... A piece of shit like him, beating me?!
    • The wailing of starving stray dogs...this severely cold winter! They're also desperately trying to survive! (餓えた野犬の慟哭か・・・酷寒の冬!ヤツラも生き抜こうと必死なのか!, Ueta yaken no dōkoku ka kokkan no fuyu! Yatsura mo ikinukou to hisshina no ka!)
    • I reject my humanity, JoJo! (おれは人間をやめるぞ!ジョジョーーッ!!, Ore wa ningen o yameru zo! JoJo!!)
      —Chapter 11: The Stone Mask, Part 4
    • Rework your strategy all you want. There is a limit to what you humans can do. (策を弄すれば弄するほど人間には限界があるのだよ , Saku o rō sureba rōsuru hodo ningen ni wa genkai ga aru noda yo)
      —Chapter 14: Youth with Dio, Part 3
    • Good Bye, JoJooo!
      —Chapter 14: Youth with Dio, Part 3
    • Most people have some good in their heart! Therefore, they cannot act all out! They fear the wonderful evil! However! There are those rare men who have not a strap of good in them... the evil elite! Like me... and like you... So how about it? Will you become my servant? Will you resign to I, Dio, Jack of the darkness?
    • This is what the call the food chain... pigs eat grass, humans eat pigs. And now we use those humans as food... the true lords who feed on the humans...
    • Blood is the power! Eternity is what I desire!
    • Night has fallen... it's time for you to die!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 24: Ripple Overdrive, Part 2
    • "Ripple"? "Breathing"? If you're going to go "huff huff", then blow a fanfare for me!
    • JoJo, speaking frankly... before I didn't want to kill you with my own hands. We grew up in the same house as childhood friends. Turning you into a Zombie didn't seem like any fun... That's why I sent those knights to kill you. But it looks like I was being too nice; seeing you alive makes me realize my inner weakness as emperor... so now I will rip you to shred without hesitation.
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 38: The Three from a Faraway Land, Part 3
    • Your courage! Your spirit! Your power! I respect you because I realized... JoJo without you, I Dio would not have gained the power of the Stone Mask but because of you the world isn't mine yet. If God exists and is controlling destiny, there's never been a relationship as cultivated as our! The two of us are two that make one! Basically, I will take the body of the one man I admire and live gorgeously forever! That is Dio's destiny! I won't make you suffer! That's my final courtesy to my one and only rival! Live as my body, JoJo!
      —Dio Brando to Jonathan, Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
    • Do you remember how much bread you have eaten in your life? (おまえは今まで食ったパンの枚数をおぼえているのか?, Omae wa imamade kutta pan no maisū o oboete iru no ka?)
    • Weakling! WEAKLING! Did you think you ever stood a chance?! Fool! (貧弱貧弱ゥ…ちょいとでもおれにかなうとでも思ったか!マヌケがァ〜〜!, Hinjaku hinjaku~! … Choito de mo ore ni kanau to de mo omotta ka!Manuke ga!)
    • Can a monkey reach a human? To I, Dio...You are but a monkey, JoJo!! (猿が人間に追いつけるかーッ?おまえはこのディオにとってのモンキーなんだよジョジョォォォォーーーーーッ!!, Monki ga ningen ni oitsukeru ka? Omae wa kono Dio ni totte no monkī nandayo JoJo!!)
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    • THE WORLD, Time, stop! (世界(ザ・ワールド)! 時よ止まれ!, Za Warudo! Toki yo Tomare!)
    • Time resumes. (時は動き出す, Toki wa Ugokidasu)
    • Every single person tries to survive because they desire peace of mind. The struggle to acquire fame, power over others, and money is all towards this end. Marriage and friendship is also for this purpose. To serve others, to fight for war and peace, all of these are attempts to sustain peace of mind. The search for peace of mind is the ultimate goal of all human beings. So... what's wrong with serving me? By serving me, you can easily obtain peace of mind. (「人間は誰でも不安や恐怖を克服して安心を得るために生きる」名声を手に入れたり 人を支配したり 金もうけをするのも安心するためだ 結婚したり 友人をつくったりするのも安心するためだ 人のために役立つだとか 愛と平和のためにだとか すべて自分を安心させるためだ 安心を求める事こそ人間の目的だ, `Ningen wa dare demo fuan ya kyōfu o kokufuku shite anshin o eru tame ni ikiru' meisei o te ni ire tari hito o shihai shi tari kanemōke o suru no mo anshin suru tameda kekkon shi tari yūjin o tsukuttari suru no mo anshin suru tameda hito no tame ni yakudatsuda toka aitoheiwa no tame nida toka subete jibun o anshin sa seru tameda anshin o motomeru koto koso ningen no mokuteki da)
      —Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
    • I'm satisfied enough. Now there's no need to play with you toys anymore!
    • Foolish humans! I will rule over you! Bow before my might and intelligence!
    • Heh heh heh heh. I'll give you one chance.
    • Relax. No need to be scared sick.
    • Oh, what rapture! Soon I'll be able to stop time for one, ten, even 60 minutes...
    • Hmph! You're mine! If we were playing chess or shogi right now, you'd be in CHECKMATE!
    • I must eliminate Jonathan's bloodline forever...
    • This is The World. Not that you can see or feel it. Time has stopped for you.
    • Invincible...immortal...STAND POWER!!
    • Just to make this clear, I'm not afraid of the Joestars, I just know that their bloodline is not to be underestimated!
    • I, DIO, have far surpassed all the Stand users and creatures who inhabit our world! And now I can stop time for a whole 5 seconds!
    • Go down two steps. I'll let you join me again. But if you want to die...step upward.
    • You could serve me forever, hm? I can offer you an eternal security.
    • Automobiles are convenient until everyone has one, jamming the roads. But when time stops, only one can move... DIO, and DIO alone!
    • You think like a mortal who only has a short time on this planet..."Bad taste in your mouth?!" What, you're afraid you'll regret it? Your reasoning is as compelling as rat shit in the bathroom. Your foolish honor will be your demise! As for I, DIO, I don't think like that. All I have is one simple goal...Just one! To win and to dominate! That's it...That's all that can fulfill me! (ごく短い時の流れでしか生きない人間の考え方をする 「あと味のよくないものを残す」とか「人生に悔いを残さない」だとか…便所のネズミのクソにも匹敵するそのくだらない物の考え方が命とりよ! このDIOにはそれはない…あるのはシンプルなたったひとつの思想だけだ…たったひとつ!「勝利して支配する」!それだけよ…それだけが満足感よ!, Goku mijikai toki no nagarede shika ikinai ningen no kangaekata o suru `ato aji no yokunai mono o nokosu' toka `jinsei ni kui o nokosanai'da toka… benjo no nezumi no kuso ni mo hitteki suru sono kudaranai mono no kangaekata ga inochitori yo! Kono DIO ni wa sore wanai… aru no wa shinpuruna tatta hitotsu no shisō dakeda… tatta hitotsu! `Shōri shite shihai suru'! Sore dake yo… sore dake ga manzoku-kan yo!)
      —Chapter 264: DIO's World, Part 18
    • It's a steamroller! (ロードローラーだッ!, Rōdo rōrā da!)
    • To stand on top of the world is to know no fear!
    • This is the greatest HIGH! HA HA HA HA!! (最高にハイってやつだアアア, Saikō ni haitte yatsu daaaǃ)
    • Some destinies deserve to be destroyed! Some fates deserve to be vanquished! And I've already severed all of mine!!
    • When one falls in battle and fails to attain their goals... one experiences failure, and when met with a fight in the future, fear takes over the body. To conquer fear... is what it takes to survive, the one to stand at the top of the world is one who lacks fear!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 130: Strength, Part 1
    • The Joestar Family. Fools? Perhaps... but those "pieces of garbage" never fail to interfere with my life. If there is one thing that I believe in, it is Fate! To put it simply, I do not fear the Joestars. However, I dare not underestimate their bloodline! I must remove their presence from my life completely!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 130: Strength, Part 1
    • Hmhmhmhm I'll give you another chance. Step down from where you are. If you do, you can serve me again. But, if you would rather die then walk up these stairs.
      —Dio Brando to Polnareff, Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
    • Polnareff, have you ever thought about why people try to survive? Every single person tries to survive because they desire peace of mind. The struggle to acquire fame, power over others and money is all towards this end. Marriage and friendship are also for this purpose. To serve others, to fight for war and peace, all these are attempts to sustain peace of mind. The search for peace of mind is the ultimate goal of all human beings. So... what is so wrong with serving me? By serving me you can easily obtain peace of mind. Aren't you uncertain now that you are fighting me, knowing you are going to die? You are a very adept Stand User, it would be a shame to kill you. Why not abandon Joestar and join me? I will give you peace of mind that will last forever.
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
    • You fool, find out for yourself. The true power of The World, as its name suggests, it the power to reign supreme over the world!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
    • This, Kakyoin... is my World.
      —Dio Brando punching through Kakyoin in the stopped time, Chapter 254: DIO's World, Part 8
    • In the beginning, I could only stop time long enough to blink. But, as my neck wound healed, I was able to stop tie for two, then three seconds. Now, I can stop time as long as five seconds. Five seconds is strange, considering that time is stopped, but it feelslike it is about five seconds. Heh. Soon, I'll be able to stop time for one minute, ten minutes, even an hour someday! I can't wait! I'll gradually be able to stop time longer and longer!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10
    • After what happened 100 years ago, I swore I would show no mercy to any descendants of the Joestars. All of you must die, quickly, utterly. The World's true power will finish you off!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10
    • Damn him... to think that one of the Joestars could invade my domain... invade my world!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 258: DIO's World, Part 12
    • Hpmph! You can't escape! If we were playing chess of shogi, I would say this was "checkmate"!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 258: DIO's World, Part 12
    • After I'm through with you, the "Joestar Egypt tour group" will be annihilated...
      —Dio Brando to Polnareff, Chapter 259: DIO's World, Part 13
    • That's right. My escape route... is drinking your grandfather's blood!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 261: DIO's World, Part 15
    • The Joestar Family has always been an unsightly nuisance to me, like dog shit on the street. But in the end, it seems that the fate of your family is to serve me...Fwahahahahahaha!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16
    • I've been immortal for a hundred years... but I've never felt so good! This is ecstasy! Hahahahaha! And it's all thanks to the blood of the Joestars! Their lives have returned to the progenitor! This is the greatest high ever! Hahahahahaha!!!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17
    • Take this! Here's a road roller!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17
    • The Earth is mine now! Immortality! Stand power! Hahahahahaha! This proves that no one is stronger than me, DIO! Measly humans! I shall rule over all of you forever! You shall bow beneath my wisdom and power!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 263: DIO's World, Part 17
    • "Bad taste in your mouth"?! What, you're afraid you'll regret [finishing me off while I'm down]?! Your reasoning stinks as bad as rat turds in the bathroom. Your foolish honor will be your demise! Hahahaha! But as for me, I don't think like that. All I have is one simple goal... just one! To win and to dominate! That's it... that's all that can fulfil me! How I do it... doesn't matter!
      —Dio Brando, Chapter 264: DIO's World, Part 18
    • What?! I-Impossible! AM DIIIOOOO! [explodes]
      —Dio Brando's last words, Chapter 264: DIO's World, Part 18
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    • There might be a way to go to Heaven.
    • The Heaven that I'm talking about pertains to the human mind, where your spirit will go. I'm not telling you to die. Your spirit evolves as does your power. Where it finally ascends, is what I'm talking about. True happinness lies there... if one is able to go to Heaven. I understand that happiness cannot be attained by having an invincible body or mountains of money, or even being the ruler of the human race. The true winner is the one that gets to see Heaven... I will get there, no matter how many things I must sacrifice.
    • All people are born with their own unique traits and characteristics. Kings have kingly traits, while cooks have cooking skills... That's just how life is.
    • What you need is my Stand. The World. What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is where you need to go in order to find Heaven. What you need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone capable of controlling his own desires. He must be someone who is not interested in political power, fame, wealth.... and must be someone who chooses the will of God before the laws of humans. Will I, DIO, be able to meet someone like this one day? What I also need is the lives of more than 36 humans who have sinned. That is because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within. There are 14 words that one must keep in mind. Spiral staircase. Rhinoceros beetle. Desolation row. A pear tart. Rhinoceros beetle. Via dolorosa. Rhinoceros beetle. Singularity point. Giotto. Angels. Hydrangea. Rhinoceros beetle. Singularity point. Secret Emperor. I'll engrave these words onto my Stand, so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is courage. I must have the courage to destroy my Stand, momentarily. My Stand, as it disintegrates, will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new. Whatever is born will awaken. It will show interest in the 14 words that my trusted friend will utter. My friend will trust me and I will become his friend. Lastly, I need an appropriate location. North latitude 28 degrees, 24 minutes west longitude 80 degrees 36 minutes... go there and wait for the new moon. That's when Heaven will come.
      —DIO's ultimate plan, Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
    • Do you believe in gravity? That there might be a reason why you tripped over me, of all people? (君は「引力」を信じるか?私に躓いて転んだ事に意味がある事を!?, Kimi wa `inryoku' o shinjiru ka? Watashi ni tsumazuite koronda koto ni imi ga aru koto o!?)
      —DIO, Stone Ocean Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3


    BT, le protagoniste de Cool Shock B.T., est probablement une inspiration pour le jeune Dio.[22]
    • Dans Phantom Blood, le nom de Dio est écrit normalement mais il est ensuite épellé "DIO" en englais et en lettres majuscules à partir de Stardust Crusaders et dans Stone Ocean. Ceci a probablement été fait pour accentuer son ascension en tant que monstre surnaturel.[23]
    • En 2000, Araki' nomme Dio son dixième personnage préféré, ou son troisième méchant préféré.
    • Dans Eyes of Heaven, les musiques pour Dio Brando and Diego Brando sont des remix de l'autre. C'est aussi le cas pour DIO et pour le Diego Brando d'un univers parallèle.
    • Araki considère que Dio est le vrai protagoniste de Phantom Blood. Araki a créé le personnage de Dio en premier avant Jonathan et apparait avant Jonathan. Araki a réfléchi sur le trait le plus terrifiant que Dio possèderait et a décidé qu'un côté "mal venue du passé" serait le plus effrayant. Dio a été développé avec ce concept en tête. Après coup, la "lumière" de Jonathan a été développée pour contraster les "ténèbres" de Dio.[24]
    • En 2018, Araki a décrit comment Blade Runner a influencé son manga. Il mentionne que les cheveux blonds de Dio et sa musculature on été influencés par le personnage de Roy Batty du film Blade Runner.[25]
    • En 2007, Araki a dit que Dio est bisexuel et qu'il ne fait pas attention au sexe de l'autre tant qu'il peut obtenir ce qu'il veut d'eux.[26]


    1. Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chapter 2: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 1
      • "J'aime être le premier, tu entends? Je ne laisserai jamais personne être au dessus de moi!"
      • "Je déteste les chiens! Ils sont de la sale vermine qui se savent pas où est leur place!"
    3. 3.0 3.1 Chapter 4: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 3
      • "Oui! Voila! Je sens de nouvelles forces me submerger!"
    4. 2007 Eureka November issue - Interview with Hirohiko Araki
    5. 5.0 5.1 Chapter 1: Prologue
    6. Chapter 3: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 2
    7. Chapter 7: A Letter from the Past, Part 2
    8. Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
    9. Chapter 44: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 6
    10. Chapter 5: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 4 "... ma colère est un point faible, je dois régler çà! J'ai besoin de garder mon calme et de me contrôler."
    11. Chapter 11: The Stone Mask, Part 4
    12. Chapter 42: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio, Part 4
    13. JoJo 6251 Stand Encyclopedia, P.124
    14. JOJO A-GO!GO! Stand Dictionary appendix note, p.33
    15. Volume 28, Chapter 263: DIO's World (17)
    16. Volume 5, Chapter 39: Fire and Ice, Jonathan and Dio (1)
    17. Volume 28, Chapter 260: DIO's World (14)
    18. Volume 6, Chapter 50: The Immortal Monster
    19. Volume 3, Chapter 25: The Power of the Mask That Freezes Blood
    20. Volume 3, Chapter 24: Invitation to a Trap
    21. V Jump Games Series - All of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo' Interview
    22. Cool Shock B.T. Ch 1
    23. The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice - Vol.9 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P170 The Secret of JOJO Characters
    24. JOJOmenon
    25. Hirohiko Araki Reveals Which Blade Runner Character Inspired DIO
    26. 2007 Eureka Interview.


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