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A suit is a second skin, another version of yourself. There's no way I could relax in a suit like this.
—Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 2

Filo (フィーロ, Fīro) is the main antagonist of "My Prized Needle and Thread", a short story based on Vento Aureo.

He is the godfather of an Italian organization, which ends up getting affiliated with Passione. He and his brother Ago are somewhat infamous in southern Italy as "The Brother Gangsters".


Filo is a tall, slender, middle-aged gentleman. He has neatly combed hair with gray streaks. He wears a white flannel bespoke suit made in Naples with an uneven pick-stitched lapel roll, forming an asymmetrical, imperfect aesthetic. He is described to look impeccable wearing his suit, which is also lightweight and soft.[1]


Filo is a sharp-witted godfather[2] with a refined sense of style and a strong appreciation for tradition, especially admiring suits tailored in Naples. He considers a suit to be a "second skin," needing to combine comfort and elegance without sacrificing the personal expression of the wearer. He is a pragmatic man, having patience and biding his time despite Passione limiting his organization's activities. He repeatedly warns his brother not to go against Passione's Boss. After the Boss learns about Ago's betrayal and gives Filo a choice on whether his organization or brother should be eliminated, Filo makes the difficult decision to remain obedient, sacrificing his brother and prioritizing his duty as the godfather to protect his men.[2][3]

Nonetheless, Filo has a deep emotional bond with his younger brother, Ago, symbolized by the bespoke Neapolitan suits they commissioned together. His pride in this connection fuels his rage when Pesci desecrates Ago's cherished jacket, which he views as an unforgivable betrayal of trust and a second death for his brother. When he holds Prosciutto at gunpoint, he doesn't consider his actions as revenge, but rather punishment for Passione's members betraying his trust.[3]

Filo relies on his suit as a crutch for projecting power, believing the suit a man wears is what raises his class. He initially has a bias for Southern Italy's tailoring, considering Central Italy's tailoring "half-assed." Witnessing Prosciutto's commanding aura despite Prosciutto wearing a suit from Central Italy reveals Filo's insecurities, forcing him to confront the realization that true strength and presence come from within rather than outward displays. Filo then acknowledges his own shortcomings and admits that he had been the true "mammone" all along, rather than Pesci.[4]



Filo was the godfather of an organization in southern Italy, working alongside his brother Ago. Filo had a matching set of white suits tailored for him and his brother in Naples. He paid careful attention to every detail, including the needle and thread used to stitch them.[2] He was also affiliated with Salute, the Don of a Sicilian gang.[3]

At some point, Filo's organization was overtaken by Passione. He was forced to create an alliance with them, but his organization essentially became the gang's servants, with Passione's Boss holding complete authority over them.[2] When Ago betrayed Passione and worked behind their back, the Boss gave Filo the choice of either keeping his organization or his brother. To save his men, Filo made the tough decision to agree to the Boss's terms and sacrificed his brother, considering Ago got himself into his situation by betraying their trust.[2]

Filo watched the security camera footage of Ago's brothel where Ago's assassination took place. He saw Pesci desecrate Ago's corpse and tear up his specially made suit jacket while Prosciutto took the jacket away afterward. Filo was filled with rage and decided to punish Prosciutto and Pesci before Ago's funeral.[3]

My Prized Needle and Thread

Ten days after Ago was killed by Prosciutto, Filo finds Prosciutto at a luxury tailor shop in Florence, Italy. He critiques one of the off-the-rack suits in the shop, believing it has nice fabric but feels too heavy and restrictive. He then suddenly points a pistol at Prosciutto. At his signal, his subordinates also point guns at Prosciutto, while Filo demands for Ago's jacket back before Ago's funeral would take place at noon.[1] Filo shows Prosciutto the security footage so that Prosciutto could admit they took Ago's jacket. He pours grappa into two glasses and toasts to his brother Ago, but Prosciutto doesn't touch his drink. Filo accuses Pesci of betraying the trust Passione's Boss had once shown him by giving him the choice between saving his organization or his brother. Once more, he demands the jacket's return before Ago's funeral, threatening punishment otherwise.[3]

Prosciutto responds calmly, even with a gun pointed at him, admitting that he brought Ago's jacket to the tailor shop to be repaired. However, he doesn't know why Pesci took it or where he went with it. Filo becomes increasingly unsettled, noting Prosciutto's intimidating presence and observing the details of his suit. However, he believes that Prosciutto's imposing aura is just a bluff created by his suit. Filo mocks Pesci, calling him an immature "mammone" incapable of growth. Hearing an outsider insult Pesci triggers Prosciutto, causing him to unconsciously summon The Grateful Dead. Unaware of the Stand's aging effects overtaking him, Filo gasps for air and questions why Prosciutto believes the jacket will be returned.[3]

Overwhelmed by Prosciutto, Filo admits that the tailoring of Prosciutto's suit wasn't "half-assed", but it was his own inadequacies making him believe that Central Italy's suits weren't good. He notices that Prosciutto's suit seems to shift with his will, appearing soft if Prosciutto is peaceful or exuding heavy strength when Prosciutto is fighting. Thus, Filo admits to himself that he is the true "mammone."

As The Grateful Dead ages him, Filo gasps for air and weakly reaches for Prosciutto's untouched glass of liquor. Prosciutto drops an ice into the glass and Filo's withered arm regains vitality just as the clock strikes noon, leaving him questioning whether he was hallucinating. Determined to settle the matter, Filo stands and aims his gun at Prosciutto, declaring his intent to punish him for the missing jacket. Before he can act, a subordinate interrupts him with a phone call from his wife. She joyfully informs him that Ago's jacket has been returned by Pesci, beautifully intact. Overcome with relief and gratitude, Filo collapses to the ground, tears flowing as his anger dissolves.[5]


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  • People often say that tailoring in Central Italy takes the best of the north and south. Sure, calling it balanced sounds nice enough. But if you ask me, it's just half-assed. (中部の仕立ては北部と南部のいいとこ取りだと、よく言われはするな。確かに【中庸】といえば聞こえはいい。だが……私から言わせれば【中途半端】だ。)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 2
  • A suit is a second skin, another version of yourself. There's no way I could relax in a suit like this. (スーツは第二の皮膚、もう一人の自分も同然だ。これでは到底、スーツに身を預けてくつろぐことなどできはしない。)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 2
  • When it comes to off-the-rack suits, back in my younger days, most of them were hardly wearable, poor-quality junk with slapped-together fabric. The kind of cheap fabric that wasn't even good enough to wipe your ass after a crap, y'know? But this one's nice! (既製服といえば、だ。私の若い頃は生地を雑に貼っつけたような粗悪品ばかりで、とても着られたものじゃあなかった。クソしたあとのケツを拭く役にも立たないような、安い生地をだぞ? だが、コイツはいい!)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 2
  • Little Prosciutto, you think I'm doing this to you for something as petty as revenge or payback? Do you honestly believe that? (プロシュートくん。 キミはこの私が【復讐】とか【仕返し】のような、そんなくだらない理由でこんな行動に出たと………本気でそう考えているのか?)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 4
  • In business, trust is everything. It's unfortunate, but... my brother's death was his own doing. He betrayed that trust. On that point, I have no complaints. (ビジネスには『信頼関係』が最も物を言う。かわいそうだが………弟の死は自業自得だ。『信頼』を裏切ったんだからな。その点で私は納得している。)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 4
  • This suit... It's a special bespoke piece, made from the same fabric as my brother's. A suit filled with memories, where I even particularly chose the needle and thread used. (このスーツは……弟と共地で誂えた特別な注文服だ。【針一本】、【糸一本】にまでこだわった思い出の服だ。 )
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 4
  • Well... I was wrong! What was half-assed wasn't the tailoring…! It was me—the one wearing it! The real 'mammone' was me…!! (それを着るオレ自身だッ! 『ママッ子野郎』はオレだった………!!)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 6
  • ...Little Prosciutto. I've heard your story. But... time's up. I came here today to settle a score. And settle it I will! Since the jacket didn't come back...! I'll make sure you take your punishment! (……プロシュートくん。キミの話はわかった。だが・・・・・・時間切れだ。私は今日ここへはケジメのために来たッ ケジメはつけなければならないッ! ジャケットが戻らない以上…ッ! その『罰』は! 確実に! 受けてもらうッ!!)
    —Filo, My Prized Needle and Thread Chapter 6


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