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Mike Harper

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For similarly named characters, see Mike

Mike Harper (マイク・ハーパー, Maiku Hāpā) is the main antagonist of Poker Under Arms. He is a skilled gunman and a card sharp player whom Don Peckinpah challenges in a game of poker.

A modern recreation of him also appears in the spin-off one-shot Cool Shock Guy B.T. as the main antagonist.


Mike Harper is a lean man with a long face and smooth features, save for a scar on the left side of his mouth. Harper has long, curly, light hair. He wears a light shirt, a dark tie, a spotted vest, and a dark jacket. He also wears a typical cowboy's hat.


Contrasting Don Peckinpah, Mike has a sincere yet prideful personality. He is a man of few words, who is nonetheless cordial and more sophisticated than Peckinpah in his mannerisms. When Peckinpah shows off, Mike feels obligated to also demonstrate his skills at cardistry to match with his foe,[2] and he shows some satisfaction when he wins against Peckinpah at poker.

It is implied that Mike is as brutal as Peckinpah, as he has amassed a bounty of $10,000 like Peckinpah.[3] When a bounty hunter shows up, Mike guns him down at the same time as Peckinpah[4] and then draws a gun on him when he learns that he's cheating at poker, showing that Mike is ready to kill his enemies.[5]



Mike is a skilled gunman, who's managed to survive despite having a $10,000 bounty on his head. When the bounty hunter appears, Mike has the instinct to see him coming and easily guns him down.[4]


Mike is also skilled at cardistry. He's able to mix a deck of cards and make it so the four aces are next to each other, even when someone cuts the pile.[2] His "luck" at poker is implied to be him cheating, and he's able to switch four cards in his hand without being caught, until someone points out that he and Peckinpah have the same hand.[5]


Poker Under Arms

Mike Harper is a skilled gunman who has amassed a bounty of $10,000.[3] Just after arriving in town, Mike goes to the saloon and plays poker. He easily wins and catches the attention of Don Peckinpah, another outlaw with a bounty on his head. To show off, Peckinpah takes four cards and flicks them into the deck to push out the four aces. Not to be outdone, Mike then mixes the deck so that the four aces end up at the top, scaring the other players away. The two gunmen agree to play one-on-one.

Mike Harper quickly reveals himself to be the better player and keeps winning. Frustrated by his losing streak, Peckinpah takes out his anger on a drunken old bum interrupting the game. Regaining his composure, Peckinpah devilishly suggests that they bet their guns to make the game more interesting, which would the loser defenseless against anyone wanting to claim their bounties. Unaware of the bluff, Mike reluctantly agrees. Peckinpah secretly switches his cards and reveals his hand, four of a kind in queens. Unfortunately, Mike has also cheated and also has four queens. When the drunk man points this out, Peckinpah and Harper throw the table and draw. At this moment, the old man throws a Molotov cocktail at the two gunmen, killing both.[6]

Cool Shock Guy B.T.

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.

In the year 202X, Mike Harper is a gambler working for Manabu, who goes to casinos and cheats to earn money. He is warned by Manabu not to go to the Dinosaur Hotel in Las Vegas, since the Magic Gentleman B.T. is working there. Mike ignores his boss's concerns and heads to Dinosaur Hotel anyways, believing B.T.'s magic can't defeat his modern science. Mike hacks into the casino's security cameras and communicates with AI using earbuds or a bone conduction headset. While playing roulette, the AI would analyze the footage and predict which number the ball would land on. Mike employs this method to correctly bet all in on single numbers, earning 36 times the maximum bet each time. He wins 35 times in a row, until B.T. challenges him to a one match showdown with no betting limits.

B.T. first wishes to test the spinning wheel to check if it isn't tilted, and throws several balls into the wheel, showing that he can control them to land in specific slots. Mike spoils the trick by guessing that they will land in all the slots numbered in prime numbers, and the balls indeed land in those slots. Mike tries provoking B.T. by saying that at least their match hadn't started yet. However, B.T. remains confident and taunts Mike that he should've wished that was the real game.

As their real match begins, B.T. spins the wheel and throws the ball in, but suddenly, a lit cigarette appears in his mouth. Unnerved, Mike hurriedly bets on the color red instead of a single number. However, the ball finally lands in the 00 slot, which is not colored, and thus B.T. wins. Enraged, Mike pulls out his handgun and tries to shoot B.T., but the latter quickly flicks two balls at his face and hand, knocking him out. B.T. savors his victory, though the staff tells him that smoking in the casino is prohibited.[7]


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance



  1. JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER - Cool Shock Guy B.T. Model Sheet Collection
  2. 2.0 2.1 Poker Under Arms, p.12-13
  3. 3.0 3.1 Poker Under Arms, p.16
  4. 4.0 4.1 Poker Under Arms, p.15
  5. 5.0 5.1 Poker Under Arms, p.31
  6. Poker Under Arms
  7. Cool Shock Guy B.T.: The Smoker Under Arms Incident

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