Jean Pierre Polnareff

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ALERTA DE SPOILERS: Spoilers da Parte 5 podem estar presentes abaixo.
Eu vou te transformar em um alfineteiro!! Eu esperei anos por esse momento! E o resto, eu deixo para o próprio Diabo. (「針串刺し」の刑だッ!この瞬間を長年待ったぜッ!あとは閻魔様にまかせたぜ。)
—Jean Pierre Polnareff ao J. Geil, Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6

Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ, Jan Piēru Porunarefu) é um aliado principal na terceira parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders. Ele aparece novamente na quinta parte, Vento Aureo como um aliado menor.

Em Stardust Crusaders, o francês Polnareff viaja com Jotaro e Joseph para vingar sua irmã, que foi assasinada por um homem com duas mãos direitas. Em Vento Aureo, Polnareff aparece novamente para ajudar a Equipe Bucciarati em sua jornada para derrotar o Chefe da gangue italiana Passione.

Polnareff é um usuário de Stand que porta o Silver Chariot, um Stand humanoide revestido por armadura e armado com uma rapieira.



Polnareff é um homem de altura acima da média e um porte musculoso.

Com uma linha do cabelo curta, ele possui um cabelo prateado que sobe diretamente acima de sua cabeça, liso, e com uma altura de aproximadamente metade de sua cabeça. Ele não possui sobrancelhas. Ele usa brincos no formato de corações quebrados.

Quando Polnareff era uma criança, ele possuía dentes salientes e orelhas grandes.

Stardust Crusaders

Polnareff veste um top preto, com uma alça indo de seu peito até seu ombro esquerdo. Ele também veste um par de calças soltas com pochetes amarradas ao seu cinto em cada lado de sua cintura. Ele perdeu dois dos dedos de su mão esquerda e todos seus dedos do pé esquerdos após sua batalha contra Vanilla Ice.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoJogo do SFCHeritage for the FutureOVAAll-Star BattleAnimeEyes of Heaven
Os olhos do Polnareff são canônicamente azuis mas são coloridos de prata na versão digitalmente colorida do mangá.
(Top preto com realces roxos, calças cinzas e brincos dourados.)
Pele(Meio Bronzeada)
Olhos(Marrom claro)
Roupa(Top roxo)
Cabelo(Branco com tintura roxa)
(Top roxo, calças amarelas, e brincos vermelhos)
(Top preto/vermelho-marrrom, calças verdes e brincos vermelhos)
(Top preto com realces azuis, calças cinzas e brincos vermelhos)
(Top e sapatos pretos, calças cinzas, e brincos vermelhos)
(Top preto, calças cinzas, brincos vermelhos e sapatos azul-marinho)

Vento Aureo

Polnareff part 5 anime.png

Nos anos 90 enquanto na Itália, Polnareff veste um top parecido com o que ele usou durante a viagem ao Egito. Suas calças são diferentes junto com a adição de joelheiras e um cinto. Os dedos que ele havia perdido se encontram presentes em sua mão esquerda.

Após perder seu olho direito e suas pernas até seus joelhos, Polnareff agora utiliza uma cadeira de rodas com pernas prostéticas, tem suas coxas enfaixadas, e usa um tapa-olho estilizado. Ele também trocou seu ante-braço completamente com um prostético conectado à sua mão. No mangá, seu ante-braço perdido é trocado por um espinho em um quadro,[1] assim como a aparência de seu Stand. Ele é do contrário mostrado como tendo uma mão normal com dois dedos prostéticos. No anime, seus dedos se encontram intactos.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoGioGioAnime
Olhos(Roxo claro)
(Top preto com realces roxos, laços rosas, ombreiras douradas, e calças brancas.)
Olhos(Marrom claro)
(Top borgonha, laços cor-de-vinho, ombreiras bege, e calças cinzas.)
(Top azul-marinho, laço magenta, ombreiras douradas, e calças brancas.)


Eu irei morrer assim. Reconhecendo sua força. Cometer suicídio à esse ponto seria sem honra.
—Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 126: Silver Chariot, Part 3

Jean Pierre Polnareff é um francês orgulhoso porém honrável e com boas intenções.

Polnareff prefere morrer do que agir sem honra

A característica que mais define Polnareff é sua honra. Em sua primeira aparição ele se debilita de propósito ao explicar como sua habilidade funciona[2] e luta contra seu então oponente Avdol em um terreno mais adequado à ele.[3] A honra de Polnareff é tão grande que até sob o controle de DIO, ele recusa à fazer algo tão desonroso como atacar alguém pelas costas.[2] Adotando cavalheirismo, Polnareff é relutante à fugir de uma batalha ou usar táticas desonrosas, embora ele possa ser persuadido se o oponente é alguém que ele odeie profundamente como Vanilla Ice[4] ou DIO.[5] Ele é de fato um tanto feliz ao ver Chaka o desafiar diretamente.[6] Polnareff também é muito ávido em vingar seus entes queridos, viajando o mundo em busca daquele que matou sua irmã Sherry.[7] Polnareff é bem-intencionado e sacrifica seus romances em potencial para que seus inimigos não machuquem uma mulher inocente, o caso mais notável sendo com Malèna,[8] cuja bondade com ele quando o Stand de Alessi o fez se tornar uma criança o inspirou.[9]

Polnareff chamando Avdol de covarde

Igualmente, Polnareff pode parecer arrogante, confrontacional e pode ser um bocado impulsivo. Ele é muito orgulhoso de seu Silver Chariot, com boa razão já que ele treinou duro com ele,[3] mas sua grande auto confiança infelizmente significa que ele é mal adequado a lutar contra os usuários de Stand maléficos que cruzam seu caminho, já que ele não espera por seus ataques e isso o leva a inúmeras situações desavantajosas, notavelmente contra o Emperor de Hol Horse[10] ou Anubis.[6] Polnareff tem problemas em ver seus próprios erros e pensa em si mesmo como melhor do que ele realmente é, tendo uma vez notado o descuido de jogar um cigarro aceso no chão, um cigarro que ele jogou, e causou um incêndio.[11] Durante sua jornada, não é incomum para Polnareff discutir com seus companheiros ou entrar em conflito com várias pessoas que ele conhece. Ele também inicialmente pensava menos de Avdol, por ter fugido de DIO em vez de lutar, e teve uma discussão que destruiu sua amizade. Igualmente Polnareff atacou Iggy quando os dois se conheceram, com suas duas personalidades colidindo violentamente.[12]

Comendo comida de bebê, algo que ele acha delicioso

Polnareff é o membro menos sério do grupo, servindo como o oposto de Jotaro.[13] Ele pode ser o que mais se liga aos seus companheiros, casualmente brincando com Kakyoin, Joseph, e até mesmo com Jotaro. Sendo muito extrovertido, ele não tem problemas em expressar felicidade ou tristeza, e então é aquele com mais compaixão do grupo, sendo aquele que lamenta por seus companheiros abertamente. Essa característica levou a os outros membros do terceiro Grupo Joestar a não revelarem a recuperação do Avdol já que eles tinham medo de que ele revelasse o segredo.[14] Polnareff é um tanto facilmente distraido e repetidamente busca um jeito de melhorar o clima, fazendo uma piada em linguagem de sinais com Kakyoin enquanto o submarino em que eles estavam estava afundando,[15] e estava disposto a provar a comida caseira de Joseph.[16] O sonho de infância de Polnareff era se tornar um artista de quadrinhos, e maior que Walt Disney. Ele eventualmente desejou criar seu próprio parque de diversões, chamado Polnareff Land.[17] Polnareff faz referências à icones da cultura pop frequentemente, como Tom & Jerry, ou O Exorcista. Ele pode ser estúpido em batalh mas já demonstrou intelecto, estratégia e instinto surpreendentes.

Polnareff não consegue resistir a garotas bonitas

Polnareff se considera um mulherengo. Isso faz parte de seu narcissismo leve, muitas vezes se considerando um homem jeitoso e possui um orgulho especial em seu cabelo. A beleza de mulheres é o suficiente para distraí-lo de até as coisas mais sérias, levando a Joseph comentar que Polnareff pensa com sua virilha.[7] De fato, até em sua forma infantil ele já se deleitava em tomar banho com uma mulher bonita. Normalmente um lutador perceptivo, sendo capaz de farejar Devo o Amaldiçoado,[18] Chaka, e Alessi,[19] ele parece ser incapaz de imaginar que uma mulher poderia ser do mal, nunca suspeitando de Nena[20] ou da Velha Enya[21] quando ele as conheceu. Polnareff é muito amigável com mulheres, dando conselhos amorosos a Nena e tentando ser gentil com Enya (embora isso tenha a enfurencido não intencionalmente).[21] o típo favorito de mulher de Polnareff depende do que ele sente no momento.[22]

Como um homem "sofisticado", Polnareff detesta lugares sujos, especialmente privadas sujas ou que não se encaixam em seus padrões.[23]

Interessantemente, os melhores amigos de Polnareff durante o curso da jornada ao Egito são Avdol e Iggy, ambos dos quais ele não gostava inicialmente. Em fato, nenhum outro personagem lamentou as mortes de seus companheiros do jeito que Polnareff lamentou, e nenhum outro personagem se dedicou tanto à vingá-los.

Em Vento Aureo, Polnareff amadureceu considervelmente se tornou um individuo sério e focado. Suas experiências permitem que ele aconselhe Giorno e o resto da Equipe Bucciarati durante a batalha contra Diavolo.



Silver Chariot

Artigo principal: Silver Chariot

O Stand de Polnareff é Silver Chariot, um dos mais rápidos; utilizando uma rapieira em uma ofensiva flexiva e letal.

Silver Chariot (シルバーチャリオッツ(銀の戦車))Link para essa seção

Chariot Requiem

Artigo principal:Chariot Requiem

Em Vento Aureo, após ser tocado pela Flecha Polnareff desenvolve o Chariot Requiem, um Stand capaz de manipular almas.

Chariot Requiem (チャリオッツ・レクイエム)Link para essa seção
Soul Manipulation & Complete Alteration of Life

Ele mais tarde se torna sustentado pelo Stand de Coco Jumbo, Mr.President.


Having been born with Silver Chariot, Polnareff is stated to have intensively trained with his Stand, with great results. Thanks to his training, Polnareff is able to expertly wield Silver Chariot and make it fight with the expertise of a seasoned swordsman, able to command it to slash or stab with great precision and timing. Although the sword is its main feature, Polnareff can also command his Stand to perform kicks in a pinch.

Moreover, Polnareff has a habit of partially channelling Silver Chariot through his body, adding greater protection against attacks.

Habilidades Pessoais


Polnareff's tactical acumen is greatly impeded by his faults, such as mild arrogance, tendency to be distracted by women (especially pretty ones), and his general nobility of character which makes him slow in expecting treachery.

However, Polnareff has proven to be a very perceptive fighter. Firstly, he is noticeably faster to catch when a man is trying to attack him. He has managed to decipher the powers of Hanged Man and devised an effective counter to it, has occasionally shown to greatly use the environment to his advantage for instance by purposefully breaking a mirror and use the pieces to observe a blind angle, and his experience enabled him to be able to figure out some of Cream's weaknesses and King Crimson's power, devising a mildly effective counter to its time erasure.


Polnareff's training with Silver Chariot and an off-hand comment about Chaka's amateurish sword stance suggests that Polnareff himself is a skilled swordsman. His skill is somewhat demonstrated when after being possessed by Anubis, he himself is able to overwhelm Star Platinum. The anime expands on that by giving him a typical fencing stance.


After having been defeated by Diavolo, Polnareff went into hiding and developed computer hacking skills, allowing him to watch over numerous law enforcement databases unnoticed and communicate undetected by Passione with Bucciarati's Gang.



  • Sherry Polnareff: Not much has been shown of their relationship. However, it is fairly obvious that he loved her dearly. He spent years training his Silver Chariot and spent three years searching for the man who raped and murdered his sister who was J. Geil. He also carried a picture of her wherever he went. It is shown in flashbacks that he took care of her since she was young and was particularly close to her, especially since their mother died when he was three. When Cameo's Judgement claimed to be a Genie, Polnareff had him bring back his dead sister and when she was about to kill him, he initially could not fight back because he thought she was his sister.


  • Muhammad Avdol: Possibly his best friend throughout the journey, Polnareff initially met the fortune teller under DIO's control (as he had a flesh bud in his head) and challenged him to a battle. Avdol recognized his chivalrous soul and Polnareff was subsequently saved. Initially, Polnareff also thought less of Avdol when he learned that he ran from DIO rather than confront him, but Avdol's "sacrifice" considerably improved his view of him. After Avdol revealed he was alive, the two became great friends despite their opposite temperament. In fact a recurring theme for Avdol was that he often had to save Polnareff from danger such as with J. Geil and Hol Horse, Cameo with his stand Judgement, and Cream. During both Avdol's deaths, Polnareff deeply mourned the loss of his companion, and tried to wish for Avdol's return to life to Judgement.
  • Iggy: The two initially did not get along since Polnareff woke him up after a bumpy flight. Polnareff disliked Iggy's cocky and demeaning attitude and antagonized him frequently, causing Polnareff to be Iggy's most common target when it came to getting bitten and farted on. Despite this, during their fight against Cream, Iggy sacrificed himself to save Polnareff. Polnareff deeply mourned his sacrifice, admitting he initially thought Iggy was a stubborn shitty mutt but grew to love how stubborn he was and how he didn't get close to humans because it showed how proud he was, and it was this determination that allowed him to beat Vanilla Ice.
  • Kakyoin and Polnareff's "manly handshake".
    Noriaki Kakyoin: The two were good friends and while not as close to him as he was to Avdol, the two greatly cared for each other and worked well together in battles, such as Polnareff's battle with J. Geil and when Joseph was infected by The Lovers, Kakyoin and Polnareff worked together to defeat him. The two did have a brief falling out when Mannish Boy attacked the gang with Death Thirteen and Polnareff didn't believe Kakyoin when he said the baby was the stand user, believing the journey had taken its toll on Kakyoin and made him crazy. However, upon learning that Kakyoin was right, he genuinely apologized and the two have gotten along since. For example, when the two were in a sinking submarine, the two were still able to joke around with each other and do a manly handshake. At the end of their journey, Polnareff mourned his comrades, including Kakyoin.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Polnareff and Jotaro were very close, their friendship being one of the few relationships for which Jotaro displayed open gestures of friendship such as comforting Polnareff when he rejected a possible love interest, and a teary farewell hug with him. By the time they got to Egypt, Polnareff's jolly temperament managed to make Jotaro appreciate him. Both respect each other as Stand users, Jotaro considering Silver Chariot dangerous enough so that he needs not restrain himself in a fight. Polnareff and Jotaro developed a habit to stick to each other, and Jotaro put himself at risk to save him from Anubis and DIO. It is unknown if Jotaro ever learned of Polnareff's fate after the events of Part 5.
  • Joseph Joestar: The two got along well with Polnareff respecting Joseph's powers and authority and Joseph respecting Polnareff's abilities with Silver Chariot. While Polnareff had the least interaction with Joseph, it was evident the two got along such as joking with each other during the Death Thirteen and Oingo Boingo Brother arcs. Joseph tended to complain that Polnareff thought too much with his crotch and joked around too much, while Polnareff saw Joseph as sometimes silly and accident prone, (such as with the plane crash and when he tried riding a camel in the Sun arc). Nonetheless, Polnareff was willing to help out Joseph when he was attacked by Lovers and Joseph offered Polnareff a chance to come and live with him in America since he knew Polnareff had no one else back in France. Though Polnareff ultimately declined he was grateful that Joseph offered him the chance and bid him a teary farewell. It is unknown if Joseph ever learned of Polnareff's fate after the events of Part 5.
  • Malèna: A kind woman Polnareff met when he was de-aged by Alessi. She saw he was injured and took him to her house to take care of his wounds and clean him. Despite being a child, he was excited when she bathed him because of her beauty and the shared intimacy. When she was turned into a fetus by Alessi, he defeated Alessi to return her to normal. When she asked him where the child she saw was, rather than flirt with her, he pretended not to know because he didn't want to endanger her. It is obvious Polnareff developed genuine feelings for her.
  • Bucciarati's Gang: Polnareff first heard of Bucciarati's gang when they searched police databases to identify Diavolo. He chose to trust their righteousness and wanted to give them the Arrow so they could vanquish Diavolo, fully cooperating from the start with them. During the final fight, Polnareff acted as a voice of reason during the mayhem that Chariot Requiem and King Crimson were producing among the group. Finally Polnareff chose to stay close to Giorno Giovanna and was entrusted the Arrow inside Mr.President. It is unknown if he ever knows Giorno's lineage.


  • J. Geil: As the Man who raped and killed his sister, Polnareff greatly hated J. Geil. Polnareff finally got his vengeance when he had Silver Chariot repeatedly stab J.Geil, killing him.
  • Devo the Cursed: Polnareff and Devo met as enemy, and while Polnareff thought little of Devo since he was a poor fighter, the shaman grew to hate Polnareff after Silver Chariot injured him, fueling the power of Ebony Devil. Polnareff later took revenge by killing Devo.
  • Anubis: Anubis was one of many assassins sent by DIO to kill the group. Originally Polnareff thought Anubis was just a sword but realized what he was when the sword possessed him.
  • Alessi: Originally Polnareff saw Alessi as another enemy, but after he changed Polnareff into a child and tried to kill Malèna, Polnareff grew to despise Alessi. After turning back into an adult, Polnareff pummeled Alessi along with Jotaro.
  • Vanilla Ice: Jean Pierre hated Ice for the murders of Avdol and Iggy. Polnareff avenged Avdol and Iggy by stabbing Vanilla Ice in the face and forcing the Vampire into the sunlight.
  • DIO: Like Kakyoin, he too met DIO and was placed under his control. After having the Flesh Bud removed by Jotaro, Polnareff decided to join the team, though at first for his own goals, as Polnareff theorized that DIO would know where his sister's killer would be. Even after he avenged her sister's death, Polnareff chose to stay with the group to defeat DIO. After the deaths of both Avdol and Iggy, Polnareff vowed to defeat DIO no matter what.
  • Diavolo: Polnareff investigated Diavolo in Italy, but only took the full measure of Diavolo's dangerousness during a clash after which he was left for dead and miraculously survived. Knowing he couldn't face Diavolo and Passione alone, and isolated from his allies, he laid low and waited for an opportunity. Polnareff was killed by Diavolo but then his soul was attached to Coco Jumbo. During the final moments of Vento Aureo, Polnareff showed that he didn't underestimate Diavolo one bit and advised Bucciarati's Gang.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

TV Icon.png Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


Quote.png Quotes
Show AllEnglishJapaneseRomaji
  • I'll just die like this. As recognition of your strength. Committing suicide at this point would be dishonorable. (フフ…やはりこのままいさぎよく焼け死ぬとしよう…それが君との戦いに敗れたわたしの君の「能力」への礼儀……自害するのは無礼だな…, Fufu… yahari kono mama isagiyoku yakeshinu to shiyou… sore ga kimi to notatakai ni yabureta watashi no kimi no `nōryoku' e no reigi…… jigai suru no wa bureida na…)
    —Chapter 126: Silver Chariot, Part 3
  • With pretty legs like those, we need a full body shot! Just like this shutter button, I want to push, push, push my way into your hearts! (君キレイな足しているから全身入れよーね。シャッターボタンのように、君のハートも押して押しまくりたいな〜。, Kimi kireina ashi shiteiru kara zenshin ireyo ne. Shattābotan no yō ni, kimi no hāto mo oshite oshi makuritai na 〜.)
    —Chapter 127: Dark Blue Moon, Part 1
  • My Stand is the chariot card... the war machine, Silver Chariot!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
  • Thats right. We have yet to introduce ourselves. You've beeen so kind as to share your last meal with Jean Pierre Polnareff.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 125: Silver Chariot, Part 2
  • One last pathetic gasp? Just die quietly, would you?
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 125: Silver Chariot, Part 2
  • I swore to avenge the cruel fate of my sister! To use my own Stand to hunt the killer down and make him pay... with his life!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 127: Dark Blue Moon, Part 1
  • It's so damn annoying.. for him to die right before my eyes... THIS IS SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!!!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff about Avdol, Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
  • My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff! For my sister's honor and so that my friend Avdol can rest in peace...I'm going to send you straight into the depths of despair, J. Geil!!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 144: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 5
  • I'm gonna turn you into a pincushion!!... As for the rest, I'll leave that to the Devil himself.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6
  • I'll dice you like a daikon radish!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 163: Lovers, Part 4
  • Fine, then make me... a comic artist! It's been my childhood dream! I wanna be bigger than Disney! Not just any starving artist! I want to build Polnareff Land!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 175: Judgement, Part 2
  • No. No, no... Wait a minute... Actually, a girlfriend would be sweet! Love is better than money or fame! She's got to be really cute. I want a girl who's my perfect match! Our pinkies connected with a red string of love! Grant that if you can, you bastard!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 175: Judgement, Part 2
  • "Prepare to die"? Getting right to the point, huh? You really are a man! Bring it on. Show me what your "Anubis" is made of!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff to Chaka, Chapter 194: Anubis, Part 2
  • Here's a question! How am I going to dodge this attack with this injured leg? Pick one. Answer no.1, the handsome Polnareff will suddenly come up with an idea to counter his attack. Answer no.2 My friends will come and save me. Answer no.3, I wont be able to dodge it, life is cruel.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 244: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7
  • So you finally show your face, DIO!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
  • The first time I met you, I submitted to your curse and the evil power that you possesse. i feel into a fate worse than death, becoming a dog without a home. I only felt compelled to be used by you. But now, I feel no fear, I only feel the will to fight! It's all because I met Mr. Joestar and his companions. The 45 days of our journey and the death of my friends have swept away my fear for you.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
  • This feeling... I have sided with the light. DIO is the darkness! Mr. Joestar is the light! I can clearly feel the distinction between black and white! My body may be damaged, but my mind is overflowing with courage! My body is one with the light!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
  • It's like time has stopped in prehistory. They have water, food, and houses, but everything else is just sand. Who know how many places like this there are in the world. Spots where nothing exists apart from the men inhabiting them. Just think about it for a moment and many others come to mind.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel)

Quote.png Quotes
  • You wish to defeat Diavolo, don't you!? I am your ally!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 551: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 1
  • There is a hidden meaning within this Arrow! I shall tell you of it! You must acquire a power that surpasses King Crimson! Come to Rome! This Arrow is the final and only method to defeat that man!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 551: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 1
  • The terror brought about by this Arrow, which I obtained after the battle in Egypt 12 years ago, will not end unless they come here!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff about Team Bucciarati, Chapter 565: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 12
  • How ironic, they joined the gang because society cast them out. And now, here they are trying to save the world from evil.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff about Team Bucciarati, Chapter 566: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 13
  • I shall keep waiting as I have for so long... doing nothing but guarding the true power of the Arrow...
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 566: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 13
  • He who fully controls the Arrow will control the world!
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 571: What Lies Beyond the Arrow
  • Put the Arrow into the turtle... that will do, Giorno. That is the duty of the survivors. Now let's go to the Colosseum.
    —Jean Pierre Polnareff, Chapter 594: Sleeping Slaves, Part 5


  • Polnareff se tornou a maior inspiração do design do personagem Benimaru Nikaido de King of Fighters. Os desenvolvedores da SNK continuam à se referir ao Benimaru como Polnareff até os dias de hoje.[24]
  • Na Parte 3 Polnareff is victim of a recurring gag involving bathrooms: Every time he goes to one he gets into trouble of varying threat levels, be it an attack from the enemy or some inconvenience from the bathroom itself. This is noted by Avdol after he has trouble in finding Mariah in a bathroom, as he comments that Polnareff is the expert with incidents regarding them.
  • There are strong parallels between Polnareff and Inigo Montoya from the movie and novel The Princess Bride: both are at first foes and then allies, both are master swordsmen and both sworn to vengeance against a man with a deformed hand. For Inigo, it was the count with six fingers. Finally when both meet their villain, they have a dramatic but concise presentation of their reason and intent for vengeance.
  • When writing Part 4, Araki would often receive letters requesting that he bring back Polnareff for Part 5 to see what he was up to after Stardust Crusaders, but initially did not want to. He later did end up changing his mind in order to answer the question of Polnareff's whereabouts and that like Jotaro he has been fighting hard this whole time, noting that adding him in was a last minute choice.[13][25]
  • In GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, he shares the same voice actor with La Squadra di Esecuzione members Illuso & their leader Risotto Nero.


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