JOJOVELLER Stand Guide Commentaries
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JOJOVELLER includes a section called "DECODE JOJO's Artwork" where the artwork of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure from Parts 1-7 is analyzed by Hirohiko Araki himself.
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The use of color is all planned in advance
Back then, I often used color tones for the backgrounds. First of all, it was easy to indicate to my assistants and let them do the work (laughs). And secondly, I wanted the backgrounds to have a flat finish. A flat background often helps when you want the figure to stand out and look three dimensional. Since you can’t cover the entire surface with one piece of colored tone, I added a rotational effect and used it to patch the different sheets. They’re really not big enough (laughs), but the color tone deteriorates with time! Unfortunately, it shrinks. There are some pieces on which I had to peel the tone off and replace it. At the time of my first art book, JoJo 6251: The World of Hirohiko Araki, I had a hard time doing a lot of repairs and corrections.
About the coloring: at the time of Baoh the Visitor, I was still trying to express the three dimensionality directly in the shades of colors that I used, but in JoJo, I decided to use a technique similar to ukiyo-e, in which the backgrounds and figures are all represented by colored surfaces (surfaces painted in the same color, distinguished from other surfaces by outlines) and outlines. That's why, even for characters, especially for their clothing, I paint one colored surface in a matte color and don't do much cross hatch shading. Since it’s manga, you definitely want the texture and the power of the body to show, right? That’s why as a little “plus,” I add a touch of complementary highlights and shadows. I thought that this might be a new method of coloring in shōnen manga.
Before I start coloring, I make sure to make a note of the color placement for each colored surface and decide everything. I don’t usually think about it while I’m painting, but sometimes I change a part of what I had planned if I feel like it isn’t right. I started using a brush in the middle of Gorgeous Irene... because I wanted to create a sparkling effect, but also to hide the seams in between the tones (laughs).
Green feels powerful
Illustrations (1), (2) and (3) all have green as a dominant color. How did I grow such a passion for the color green...? I forgot (laughs). But even now, I still think it looks beautiful. It’s a color that I’m drawn to. I feel like it gives me power... Instead of a variety of colors, I used similar colors because I wanted to use a similar technique to magazines, so that people think “Oh, it’s the green book!” “It’s the green manga!” when it’s stacked in piles at the bookstore. And also, if I make it so that "this volume is yellow, so the next volume is green, and the next one is blue," readers won't accidentally buy two copies of the same volume, so it's a small consideration for the reader on my part (laughs).
The red color on the accessory that Jonathan is wearing... It’s impactful to combine it with green, but it's a contrasting color, so if you're not careful, it can look very tacky. To alleviate that, I added yellow to balance it out.COLOR

The fantasy that emanates from the body
Usually, in manga–especially in the case of shōnen manga–the characters often point at the reader or pose in a heroic manner. The poses that the characters strike in JoJo are a little different. They’re definitely not doing fighting poses. Rather than heroism, I placed more importance on the fantasy emanating from the reality that there is in the human body. That’s why I think maybe the people who read other manga will think about me, “That Araki guy, he draws really weird pictures, right?”
The roots are in David Bowie
The reason I started drawing these poses was because I was shocked by the cover art of David Bowie's album "Heroes". The cover is a picture of himself, but he is in a very unusual pose, with one hand on his chest and the other pointing straight up. He looks still, but at the same time, you can feel the energy contained within his body, and it gives a clearly different impression from a single frame cut out from the natural movement of his body.
Guiding with “accelerations” and “stops”
When I thought about why I drew them in such poses, I realized that it was because they are not posing in a way that humans normally would. It creates an atmosphere of the extraordinary and fantastic, and makes them easy to remember for the viewer. It’s a bit like what happened to me when I saw that Bowie album art. Therefore, I thought, "I'll incorporate this technique into my manga."
The covers of the comics were also ordinary pictures at first, but around the third volume, which is when I used illustration (4), the desire to "draw strange pictures" had already gone to my head (laughs). I began to think that I wanted to draw people into the world of my work through poses and composition alone. Looking at it this way now, the feeling of tension in the fingertips in (3) and (4) is completely influenced by David Bowie's jacket - the fingertips give the picture direction, or rather movement.
When deciding on a composition, I was always mindful of guiding the viewer's gaze and attention, such as where the gaze accelerates and moves, and where it stops abruptly. This applies not only to the poses of the characters, but also to the composition of the entire picture. It may be easier to understand if you look at the fan shaped disposition in picture (3). Of course, I also wanted it to evoke the power of the Ripple, and to give viewers a sense of expectation and excitement, like, "This guy looks like he's about to do something!"POSE

Creating a sense of unity and space with layout
I feel that the composition of this illustration (6) was particularly good, and it is one of my favorites. One of the main things I considered when painting this picture was how to organize the group of figures together. Another was how to position the Stands and their users. I placed them with the chain extending from Jotaro's collar and Hermit Purple’s thorns as the vertical center line, and Silver Chariot’s sword and Kakyoin's arm as the horizontal center line.
For Jotaro, Kakyoin, Avdol, and Polnareff, the characters and their Stands are placed symmetrically pointing in opposite directions, while Joseph is placed both above and below. The vertical and horizontal lines also represent the effect lines and movement lines of the characters. There is a direction in which Jotaro seems likely to move, and there are characters who seem likely to move in the opposite direction. Here I am trying to create a sense of expansion that unfolds up, down, left, and right. In addition, in order to represent the setting of the story, there’s a faint pyramid drawn in the background. Just like the previous paintings, I unified everything with the color green, and added a bit of sparkle by shining light on the piece. The reason why the piece is all condensed at the top of the space... that’s probably because I left the bottom open for the text (laughs).
Seeing the world like a Western-style poster
I've loved this technique of collaging the various elements contained within a piece ever since I was a child. I think I was probably greatly influenced by Western movie posters, such as those for the 007 series. Many of the old movie posters were painted illustrations, weren't they? The protagonists, supporting characters and villains are drawn in such a way that they can be easily identified without explanation, just by their size and positioning. There are multiple stages drawn in the background, allowing the viewer to imagine the characters, setting, scene and even the story.
I'm really drawn to the unique world view of such poster art, which is both strange and exciting, and has a sense of cohesiveness as a single work. I guess you could say it's romantic. It has a charm that stands out as a single painting, different from those using CG or photographs. There were a lot of wonderful works, especially from the 1960s to the 1970s. I feel really sad that such works are almost no longer seen today.COMPOSITION

Transforming characters and stories into icons
In the background of (5), I drew words and items that symbolize Jotaro and Part 3, the settings of the group's journey, and the accessories that appear in the story. I guess you could call it an iconization, a transformation of the characters and the story into designs. By the way, the reason I didn't color the icons is so as not to kill the contrast between Jotaro's blue and the white of the background.
The reason I started drawing these icons and patterns was because of the influence of fashion at the time I was writing. When I started writing the third part in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Italian fashion grew rapidly, and Armani and Versace were on the rise. They used a lot of different patterns, including paisley. I was most inspired by the use of patterns on the clothes of these brands.
Also, I wanted to somehow incorporate icons that give a sense of peace into a work that is categorized as a “battle” work... I drew a lot of hearts because I wanted to create a peaceful atmosphere. I can't instruct my assistants to make these kinds of icons, so I draw them myself. Actually, I don't often have assistants on color pieces. Incidentally, the same goes for the handwriting: from all the "ora ora" in (5) to the "dojyaaaan," I have to do it all myself. If I had an assistant write it, it would end up looking like that person's handwriting, and the mood would inevitably be different.
Adding detail and simplifying
In picture (7), the amount of detail drawn in the background has a lot of impact, so I decided to make the character simple. Here, as opposed to (5), there are a lot of different colors in the background. When published as a double-page spread, the parting fold of the book falls at the center of the picture, so to avoid making it difficult to read, I try not to draw too much there.
The fact that the protagonist, Jotaro, is completely looking away from the reader is against the theory of shōnen manga, but this picture is from around the time of Iggy's fight with Pet Shop, so I wanted Iggy to be the most noticeable. The main character, Iggy, is facing the reader. Iggy is the starting point for both Jotaro's perspective and the radial expansion of the background. I kept Iggy's surroundings simpler, using an almost black background and using a brush to make it stand out, and since the background is already quite far away, I also drew a flashy bird (Pet Shop) in the pattern (laughs). Looking at this picture and picture (5), Jotaro is often in a simple pose... To be honest, he doesn't "JoJo pose" that often (laughs).GRAPHIC

It all started with DB!!
Many illustrations for comic book covers like (8) and (10) are square. The reason I chose square shapes was because I saw the cover illustrations for Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama, and they were square (laughs). Oh my! As expected, the influence of Dragon Ball is huge! The advantage of square illustrations for comic book covers is that it’s easy to add the text afterwards. If you draw to the limit to fit the size of the comic, it's inevitable that the text will end up on top of it.
Drawing “things” as if designing them
For (6), my intention was to draw it like a movie poster. Pictures (9) and (10) were conceived with the intention of creating a "design” for something such as a scarf or handkerchief, rather than drawing an illustration. (11) is something I drew with the idea of a patch, or a sticker in mind. The same goes for (9), the stand users, stands, settings, and other elements are exactly the same, but each element is treated as a pattern or an icon. For ⑩, for example, by placing a square behind Josuke's head in the center, it’s not just an illustration of a character; he becomes one of the symbols too. The protagonist is also part of the pattern.
...Of course, I also draw illustrations with classic, shōnen manga-like compositions. On the opening page, among all the previous JoJos lined up, Jotaro is looking directly at the reader and pointing his finger, which I think is very shōnen manga-like. This was drawn for the cover of Weekly Shonen Jump. Speaking of Jump: when I'm in charge of a cover, I receive composition instructions from the designer in the form of a rough sketch. The cover is the face of the magazine, so to speak. So, when I draw for the cover of Jump, I draw not only based on my own feelings, but also taking into consideration the requests of the magazine.IDEA
……もちろん王道的な、少年漫画的な構図のイラストも描いていますよ。巻頭ページに載せた、歴代ジョジョが勢揃いしている中の承太郎なんかは、きちんと読者の方を見てビシィ! と指をさしていて、非常に少年漫画的だと思います。「週刊少年ジャンプ」の表紙用に描いたものですね。

Painting style and the interest of the viewer
When looking at picture (12), you can see that around Part 4, a sense of adventure began to emerge within me. In shōnen manga, there is the question of whether it's okay for the main character not to look at the reader, but I decided that it was okay. I wanted to draw a beautiful profile and a pompadour hairstyle. The two-dimensional art that you can see on the reliefs and paintings of Egyptian art have a sense of serenity, and a calming beauty. If you look at it as a painting, it's a very ordinary, traditional composition. However, since profiles tend to look flat, I emphasized the shading. When he’s facing forward, Josuke has a pompadour, so he naturally looks three-dimensional, but in this illustration he's facing sideways, so I gave him a thick layer of foundation and eyeshadow (laughs).
There is a painting by the surrealist painter René Magritte called The Empire of Light, in which a night view spreads out under a blue sky, and it's hard to tell whether it's night or day. One of my aims was to capture the atmosphere of that painting. The broken window glass drawn in the middle of a calm, everyday atmosphere, still figure and peaceful building, is meant to hint at something of criminal nature going on in the silence. With light leaking through the window against the muted colors of the outside, it naturally piques your curiosity about what's going on inside the window—that is, inside the house—and it makes you want to take a look inside. I think I was able to capture the ominous feeling that Morioh harbors... But this would never have been possible on the cover of Weekly Shonen Jump. I was able to draw it because it was a volume cover.MANGA and ART

Star Trek by Bob Peak
The poster for the first Star Trek movie had a rainbow stripe running vertically down the center of the picture, with the characters' faces drawn within it. It was drawn by an artist called Bob Peak, whom I admire and respect. Despite the fact that it was drawn flat, the rainbow stripe had incredible depth and left a profound impression on me. I thought, “Wow, that’s amazing!”
The active rainbow
Drawing something on a face, like in (17), is quite risky. However, I made sure that it covers a smaller part of Jolyne’s face in comparison to Jotaro’s. As a result, I think it makes the protagonist, Jolyne, stand out really nicely. Also, the rainbow gives the painting a sense of dynamism and activity. It gives the impression that Jolyne is about to launch something, and it's also the movement line of her attack. The reason I divided the ocean into different colors is because I wanted to create horizontal lines against the vertical lines drawn by the rainbow.
As for the colors, I wanted the rainbow colors that I used horizontally and vertically to be prominent and stand out a lot, so the other components (the clothes, the sky) are painted in more subdued colors. As a result, I feel like the rainbow has become the image color of Part 6. All things considered... isn’t piggybacking a bit strange (laughs)? But piggybacking and riding on the shoulders are an expression of love between this father and daughter.
"Light blue" and "pink" are golden colors!
For (13), like the ladybug flying towards the sky, I think that by incorporating flowers, which give a sense of life, I was able to vividly portray Giorno's ability to convey liveliness. It's a pretty simple but beautiful drawing, and I like it. Light blue and pink—these are derived from the colors of the sky and cherry blossoms. They are colors that Japanese people, as well as children, love. Even small children are able to appreciate the beauty of the combination of these colors, perhaps. Some people might think, "Pink is a bit too much for a male character, let alone the main character!", but I think it suits Giorno very well. Even after the serialization of Part 5 ended, I've used it repeatedly when drawing Giorno. The association of light blue and pink together makes the image color of Part 5, so to speak.
I'm sure there was a drawing where I painted Josuke's school uniform pink, with a light blue background (Volume 46's cover), but it’s not a color combination I will use a lot in drawings for other parts from now on. In a sense, it’s my golden combination, something I use when I want to make a decisive, winning move!COLOR SCHEME

A “sexy” school uniform
Regarding Giorno’s fashion: it’s an extension of the heart design uniforms of Jotaro and Josuke. However, I added a sexiness that previous designs didn’t have.
Towards a realistic body
In Part 5, there are parts that are drawn with a conscious effort to bring out sexiness, or rather, sexuality and eroticism. Giorno's design was influenced by the statue David (a statue of the ancient Israelite king David, Michelangelo's most famous work). In drawing (14), I wanted the Stand to make a gesture as if kissing Giorno. And there are some drawings like (15) where the characters from Team Bucciarati aren’t just standing next to each other, but in physical contact, as if embracing each other. The fashion is also a tight silhouette that shows off the body line, and the bare skin of the chest and abdomen is partially exposed.
When I first began drawing JoJo in the late 1980s, the character’s proportions were reminiscent of mythical heroes and muscular classic Hollywood stars, such as Sylvester Stallone and Jean-Claude Van Damme. However, in the latter half of the 1990s, the trends in the world had changed considerably, so I purposely made Giorno and his teammates shorter, making their bodies a little more in line with reality.EROS

Awakening to Western painting techniques
Before I started drawing these illustrations for Steel Ball Run, I basically painted using colored surfaces. Gradually, I began to use colors such as gray, sepia, and yellow to paint the base, similar to when creating an oil painting. I guess you could call it a Western-style method. I put the colors on top of the base to create the final color, and then add white to finish it off. I've continued to do that ever since. When I paint using colored surfaces, the finished picture looks like it is composed of a collection of parts with various colors, but with my current method, the characters look very calm, and the painting gives off a sense of unity.
Searching for new JoJo poses
As in (19), (20) and (22), I've been doing a lot of illustrations lately where I paint the base, then color the character, and then use two colors or so to draw the whole design. I also like the balance that a partially drawn background gives. As I mentioned in the previous section, this may have something to do with the fact that I brought the character’s realism closer to reality. I feel like my pictures have gotten more realistic. However, I have to stop right at the line where people still think, “This is a JoJo picture.” So I thought really hard about how to create new JoJo poses... and I went back to basics here (laughs).
By the way, the reason Gyro's cape is fluttering upward is because it was getting in the way (laughs). If it hanged down, it would disturb Gyro’s silhouette. In the case of this picture, the orange of the background would be wasted. So I flipped it up. I really like how there's a little bit of grass drawn in. I feel like it would be lonely without it. It has a Western feel to it, which I think is good.TECHNIQUE

Visualizing the unity of humans and nature
I wanted to draw a picture where human culture and nature blend together... I added purple to the background at the very back to distinguish the snow from the trees, but Johnny and his horse are the same color and pattern as the trees, blending into the natural world like a trompe-l'œil painting. These elements are fine, as long as they're simple. In the most extreme terms, if Gyro stands out, it's fine if Johnny is just "there if you look hard enough."
Series using the same technique
To be honest, I've always had the feeling of wanting to draw more backgrounds. I'm gradually running out of ideas for character poses (laughs), and I also wanted to avoid having set patterns for my drawings. There was the issue of time back then, and I also wondered whether it would fit the atmosphere of Weekly Shonen Jump. But ever since the serialization moved to Ultra Jump, I've had more freedom, and I've been able to draw pictures like this. One of the main themes of Steel Ball Run is a dialogue with nature, or rather, respect for nature, so I think the transfer came at a good time.
Recently I've been enjoying drawing series of illustrations in the same style, like (18) and (21), when they're commissioned at the same time, like for the cover of Ultra Jump and the inside cover for the serialization, or the cover for a volume.NATURE
[Transcription by kitkuni, translation by Flanpucci]