Atsushi Watanabe's Building Exploration (October 2014)

Published October 31, 2014
Atsushi Watanabe's Building Exploration (October 2014)
Interview Archive

An essay from Hirohiko Araki discussing his enjoyment of the "Atsushi Watanabe's Building Exploration" TV program as well as talking about his own home. It was published in the "Atsushi Watanabe's Building Exploration BOOK 25th Anniversary Special Edition" mook on October 31, 2014.[1][2]



What a shock!
The author of the popular manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is also a fan of Building Exploration!

"Mr. Watanabe, I'll follow you wherever you go..."

Written by Hirohiko Araki

It's a soothing show.

"Good morning. I'm Atsushi Watanabe."

Every time I hear that narration, I get excited and think, "It's finally starting."

I usually watch Atsushi Watanabe's Building Exploration just as I go to bed. I watch the recorded program in bed like a kind of nightcap, and then drift off to sleep. The exterior of the house is shown as Watanabe appears, and then you enter the front door and meet the family who lives there for the first time. It feels like I'm visiting the house alongside Watanabe.

And as they make their way deeper and deeper into the house, Mr. Watanabe and the family talk about the layout, the materials, the key points, and their favorite furniture. I regularly see Mr. Watanabe sitting in a chair talking leisurely about how comfortable the house is, or taking a moment to pause as he goes up to the second floor before looking around the living room and exclaiming, "Woah!" in awe. As the show wraps up, Mr. Watanabe's hushed voice resonates pleasantly as he shares his impressions of the visit.

The next episode preview is also amazing. I don't think there are many shows that impress me with just their previews alone, but seeing the footage and hearing the narration of, "Next week, we'll visit in a wooden house of some kind," it makes me think, "I wonder what kind of house it is. I'd like to go. I'll just tune in again next week." At a little under 30 minutes, the length of each show is just right, and after watching it, I go to sleep feeling happy, thinking, "Today was another great day."

Many of the people who appear on the show are in their 30s. They're the generation that has finally obtained their dream home, and are about to begin writing a new chapter in their family's history. What I love about Building Exploration is that I get to see not only the unique homes, but also the atmosphere of hope around them, with people getting married, having children, and saying, "We built a home!" It's like a feeling of moving up in the world. It conveys hope for the future, and it makes the viewer feel joy, too.

I began watching Building Exploration so long ago that I hardly remember it. It used to air a little bit later in the day, right around the time I woke up. It was the perfect show to relax and watch while eating breakfast. Later on, when the broadcast time changed, I couldn't watch it when it aired anymore, so now I record it every week and watch it at night, when I have free time.

There are a lot of reality TV shows with a real estate theme, but I think Building Exploration, is the most interesting, if only because it's been running for so many years. The reason for that is probably Atsushi Watanabe's character.

The show has exposition, rising action, a climax, and resolution, and each time the houses are introduced with a similar pace. Mr. Watanabe's narration and comments are also so incorporated into the format that you could call them part of its beauty. Even though the houses are all different, the way they're presented is the same, so you'd think it'd be easy for it to become repetitive, but it probably feels so fresh because Mr. Watanabe's guidance is so wonderful. I think his honest and kind personality brings out the charm of the people who live there, and makes us feel at ease.

It's like a home version of Mito Kōmon or Sazae-san. Mito Kōmon and Sazae-san don't exactly have unusual stories, and even if something goes wrong, viewers know that it'll be alright in the end. I think the reason they've remained popular for so long is that you're allowed to get a little nervous while watching them, within a comfortable range.

The same goes for Building Exploration. It doesn't seem to have a story, and Mr. Watanabe is like Mito Komon, traveling through houses and conversing with the people who live there. Just like how Mito Komon isn't just a story about defeating bad guys, but becomes a tourist's guide to all of Japan by visiting various places, Mr. Watanabe is a great guide who shows you around houses as if they were tourist attractions, and even tells you about the preferences and philosophies of the people who live there.

Houses are strange things, in that they reflect the personalities of their occupants. Custom-built houses like those featured in Building Exploration particularly put the tastes and personality of their residents on full display. Perhaps we, the viewers, are "profiling" the tastes and lifestyles of the residents themselves through Mr. Watanabe.

I've been very interested in other people's houses ever since I was a child. It's difficult for children to come into a house by themselves, isn't it? Even if they wait at the entrance, as soon their friends appear, they immediately go outside to play. But I was always curious about what was going on inside, wondering, "What's on top of the stairs I can see from the entrance?" or, "I can hear music, but from what room and what kind of audio equipment?"

Even now, I have a strong desire to see other people's houses, so when my friends build a house or buy an apartment, I almost always come to see it. I also try to see as many of the rooms as I can. When I built my own house, if they wanted, I would show my friends around all of the rooms.

When a woman appears by herself in Building Exploration, I wonder what happened to her husband and the rest of her family. And when I see a strange ornament, I wonder why they'd buy such a weird ornament, or why they'd put it halfway up the stairs.

It's interesting to see how different people prioritize different parts of the house, like a music room or a basement. Also, I feel like pasta has become more common in family meal scenes recently. It feels as though curry rice was a little bit more common before. Of course, there's no katsudon, and there never was (laughs).

The houses that left the biggest impression on me were the ones that were built right next to each other like terraced houses, and held either twins or married couples. They were identical in construction, but if you looked closely, you'd notice that there were slight differences in the designs and the things they placed inside the house. Those subtle differences felt like something right out of science fiction.

I also remember the house that looked like a field. The roof was a field, so even though it was a house, it felt like you were outside the whole time. I was also impressed by the house where the staircase spun around and around, and took up a whole room.

There are times when I have to go, "Woah!" and pause the recording, and sometimes I get hung up wondering about the entrance and rewind the video after it's already progressed to the living room. I even store away the recordings of episodes I like so I don't delete them.

I built my house over a decade ago, but seeing so many houses on Building Exploration proved useful to me regardless.

I was particular about making the house comfortable and easy to live in. In particular, I wanted dining to become the center of the house, so I made the kitchen the brightest room. Mr. Watanabe often says, "That's nice. That's relaxing." It's good to pursue interesting and stylish design in a house, but I believed that comfort was most important.

JoJolion (Part 8 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) includes blueprints of the Higashikata family home where the main character lives, and in the same way, I also drew my own blueprints for my ideal house and gave them to an architect.

Some of my choices in furniture were based on Building Exploration. For example, the floor lamp with arched supports is one that appears in many of the houses. When I saw furniture featured on the show in interior design shops, I was so impressed that I thought, "Oh, is that the chair? Furniture by famous designers really is different," and that experience was very helpful in designing my own home. But I mainly dealt with decisions regarding the structure and functionality. I left the interior design and colors to my wife. She spends more time at home, so I wanted the space to be comfortable for her.

At the end of Building Exploration, you see the floor plan and construction costs. I checked that data as well. I paid particularly close attention to the floor plan. I'm interested in the structure and orientation of the building. I like to think about the flow of it all, which way people will face and how they'll move and such.

Both in real life and in manga, I pay attention to directions and flows. Tokyo has a lot of diagonal streets, so if you don't pay attention to your direction, you'll quickly get lost. When drawing manga, it's also very important to think about which direction the main character is facing, whether the window faces south, which direction the enemy is attacking from, and so on.

When it comes to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in particular, because of the particular era and country each story takes place in, I draw up blueprints of the buildings and figure out their style and structure before the serialization begins. When it comes to making sure the story and art don't veer off track, no matter how long the series has been running, the design and structure of the houses are just as important as fleshing out the characters' personalities.

I often look at architectural photography books and specialized books for reference when drawing manga. Even the house in which JoJolion's main character lives is inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's house. Rather than simply copying the actual building, I drew it as though I were a disciple of his. I incorporated design features such as how the wood meshes with the stone pillars, or how the glass is fitted into its frames.

It's been 27 years since JoJo began. Building Exploration is only 25 years old, and that two-year gap gives me a sense of familiarity. I really want to thank Mr. Watanabe personally for introducing me to so many houses.

If they ever work on a special, I'd love to see him visit houses overseas. Whether it's Asia or Europe, I don't mind. The housing situations over there are so different from Japan's, so I'd like to take a closer look at them. Domestically, I'd like to see him visit people who live in places with location and land restrictions, like on a boat or deep in the mountains.

No matter how obsessed you become with your own interests, it's alright. We, the fans, will follow you wherever you go.




係り下ろし 荒木飛呂彦さん


































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