Seishun to Dokusho (June 2011)
Rohan au Louvre (May 2011)
Interview Archive

A comment from Nisio Isin recommending Hirohiko Araki's Bizarre Horror Movie Analysis. It was published in the July 2011 issue of Seishun to Dokusho on June 20, 2011.[1] The comment was also posted in full on the Hirohiko Araki Official Website on June 30.[2]
Reading "Hirohiko Araki's Bizarre Horror Movie Analysis"
First of all, I have to admit, I'm not really the type who watches many movies. The reason is because I'm scared of the darkness in movie theaters. To be more specific, what scares me is the situation where a lot of people gather in one place to the point where I can’t see what the person next to me is doing. So, I've hardly seen any of the movies introduced in this book.
However, it's precisely because of that fear that I was able to enjoy this book from a different perspective. I think I can confidently recommend this book to people like me who usually don't go to movie theaters, or to those who find horror movies too scary to watch. It is true that I was probably a little more excited than usual to read a book by Araki-sensei, a manga artist I deeply respect, but in the end, all I did was "read a new book," nothing more than that.
Yet, when I finished reading, I somehow felt like a veteran movie fan who had watched many horror films. Moreover, I found myself wanting to go buy the DVDs, thinking, "Maybe I’ll watch that movie again." It was a strange book and a uniquely strange reading experience. This is probably because Araki-sensei really loves horror movies and loves introducing them to the reader. His way of talking about the movies makes the reader feel that same enjoyment.
Recently, in the world of creative writing, stories about "chasing your dreams" or "making wishes come true" have started to lose some of their persuasive power. Personally, I feel that stories about "Being happy in the now!" attract people more than those that focus on ambition. I think this is because the idea of "dreams don't come true" has become more widely accepted, and instead, people have started seeking the "importance of the everyday," or in other words, "affirmation of the status quo."
However, there is nothing more fleeting than the present. The world has become a place where dreaming is difficult. But maybe that's why, by watching horror movies with themes about the "collapse of everyday life," we can prepare ourselves for when that time comes. However, I am still afraid to go to the cinema!