VOGUE+ (February 2022)
Ultra Jump (January 2022)
Interview Archive

An interview with Hirohiko Araki from the February 2022 issue of VOGUE+ magazine published on February 9, 2022. It is notable for being the first interview that Araki has ever been done with the Chinese press.
VOGUE+ is a monthly Chinese apparel, beauty and fashion magazine that started publication in September 2005.
- It’s been 20 years since you created Stone Ocean, a masterpiece of a manga featuring a female protagonist. What was the reason that you made the main character a woman?
Araki: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series based around the theme of the protagonists inheriting the spirits of their ancestors. My goal was to make the main character of Stone Ocean, Jolyne Cujoh, a woman who would still be able to hold her own in a fight, both physically and mentally.
- How does the way you portray Jolyne Cujoh physically differ from those of your other male protagonists?
Araki: Even when depicting male characters, I often reference poses and styles used by women. And while drawing female characters, I try to make them more expressive and dynamic than they would be normally. In Jolyne’s case, I was very conscious of how muscular the character would be.
- The way the series focuses on spiritual power and the manifestation of “Stands” is very unique. What were you thinking when you came up with this concept?
Araki: Stands were created to reflect an “inner power” that’s invisible to the naked-eye. That’s why when I design Stands in my manga, I aim to match the ability and appearance to the personality of the user they’re tied to.
- So what was the design process for Jolyne’s Stand “Stone Free“?
Araki: Jolyne’s Stand “Stone Free” has the ability to turn itself into string and manipulate it. The more string it uses up, the weaker the main body becomes. This gives the Stand a “risk and reward” element that I think goes together very well.
- I’ve noticed that over time the characters in JoJo have become much slimmer, sexier, and softer from how you initially drew them. What was the reason for this change?
Araki: I think it’s because of how the times have changed. In the ’80s, main characters were drawn as the embodiment of adventure, with muscular bodies and strong features. However, when I came up with the concept of “inner power” in the ’90s, the bodies of the main characters started becoming more normal-sized (around 5’7″ to 5’9″).
- How does fashion tie into your manga?
Araki: Fashion plays a very important role in the creation of my manga because it helps highlight the appearance and personality of my characters.
- The characters in JoJo are very elegant and beautiful. Which character design is your favorite?
Araki: It would have to be Weather Report’s fur hat.
- I heard you’re personally involved in selecting the ending songs for the JoJo anime, so why did you choose “Distant Dreamer” by Duffy as the ending song for Stone Ocean?
Araki: When I listen to it, I vividly picture Stone Ocean's protagonist, Jolyne, within the coastal prison. Duffy’s “Distant Dreamer” is a great song and I love it very much.
- VOGUE Magazine has appeared many times in JoJo. Can you tell us the influence that VOGUE has had on your art?
Araki: VOGUE is a fashion magazine chock-full of avant-garde and artistic photos. Every time I read it, I get inspired to draw.
[Translated by Morganstedmanms (JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia)][1]
- 您在20年前就创作了《石之海》这部以女性为主角的王道漫画,创作的背景和决心是怎样的?
- 对空条徐伦在身体的描绘和动作的展现上,跟前几部男性主人公有何不同?
- 《乔乔》强调个体的精神力,并将其具化成“替身”,这样的设定非常特别,您在创作时是怎样思考的?
- 空条徐伦的替身“石之自由”的设计理念是怎样的?
- 《乔乔》的人物身材从开始的壮硕慢慢变得纤瘦、性感、柔和,产生这种变化的原因是什么?
- 您如何看待时尚与漫画这两者间的关联?
- 《乔乔的人物造型十分之华和复杂,您最得意的人物造型设计是哪一个?
- 听说《乔乔》动画的片尾曲您也会亲自参与挑选,那么最新这部《石之海》的片尾曲为选择了Duffy 的Distant Dreamer?
荒木:这是一首听之便能思及海岸监狱里《石之海》主人公徐伦形象的歌曲。Duffy的Distant Dreamer真的是很棒的歌,我太喜欢了。
- 《乔乔》里多次出现了VOGUE杂志的身影,可以讲讲VOGUE对您创作的影响吗?