Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Nightmare (October 2023)

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Published October 19, 2023
Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Nightmare (October 2023)
Interview Archive

An interview with Show Yamamoto, content director for Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Nightmare, as well as comments from production staff and the following voice actors: Fairouz Ai (Jolyne Cujoh), Mutsumi Tamura (Ermes Costello), Daisuke Namikawa (Narciso Anasui), Yuichiro Umehara (Weather Report), and Yohei Azakami (Moschino). These were published in a pamphlet sold at the event.


©Marcel Fujii

Show Yamamoto

Show Yamamoto: Content director. Passionate JoJo fan. Sub-director of Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Mansion, Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Amusement Park, The Letter Inside DIO's Mansion, and main director of Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Museum. His favorite character in Stone Ocean is Guccio.

"It was probably the most difficult part of the Escape From JoJo series to date."

Q: Please tell us the story behind this production.
I wrote a suggestion to the company that it was about time to work on another JoJo project. After producing collaborative performances for Stardust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, and Golden Wind, there was no way we could pass on Stone Ocean. We just had to know when to do it.

Q: What do you think is the selling point of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean?
This is nothing new to the series, but I was overwhelmed by the sophistication of each head-to-head battle. Also, the Stand abilities in Stone Ocean is so versatile and open up all kinds of possibilities. The battles between these abilities are also great.

Q: When it comes to real escape games, have you ever had any difficulty in keeping participants from coming up with ideas to exploit the versatility of the game?
That right there! That's the main problem. For instance, Weather Report can be used to cover the room in snow, even if there's absolutely no use for it. We tried to narrow the participants' line of thinking using the answer format and the situation at hand.

Q: Why did you choose a dream world for the setting?
This is the part I really struggled with. It was probably the most difficult part of the Escape From JoJo series to date. Stardust Crusaders and Golden Wind follow the course of a journey, and so there's room to insert side stories like entering stores. There's very little of that in Stone Ocean. I thought about using a standard prison for the setting and having the facilities serve the mystery, but I just couldn't work out the timeline of it.

This performance takes place after Jolyne and company lose F.F., as they nod off to sleep in their cells. Having a situation where Jolyne, Ermes, Weather, and Anasui were all in one place as the enemy attacked them was simply impossible, no matter what we did. So I had to set it within a dream.

Q: What if it had been set right after Jolyne's incarceration, or around the time she broke out of prison...?
At the start, these four people hadn't yet met each other, and their abilities remained unknown. Stand abilities are well-guarded secrets, because having other people know about them puts you at a disadvantage. Even during the prison break, the four of them never meet in the anime... I briefly considered a performance following Weather and Anasui's separate escape, but I just didn't think it'd be possible.

"Alternating between generic riddles and original riddles..."

Q: What are some of the improvements made to the game this time around?
In collaborative performances, I think alternating between presenting generic riddles and original riddles related to the work's perspective and characters creates a certain balance. I call it the Yamamoto system. If the structure is such that one can proceed to the original work's riddle at the same time as solving the general riddle, the person who solves the riddle early might say, "Use your Kiss to solve this next riddle," before anyone else can even start thinking about it. Then the person playing Ermes would say, "I wanted to think about it too..." We tried to make it possible for everyone to think about the Stand ability riddle as a team.

Q: The concept that participants take on the roles of the characters and use their Stand abilities to escape is similar to your previous work, Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Museum.
That is the case, but it has also slightly evolved. In the previous work, the scenes of the abilities activating were essentially represented by images, and only Moody Blues was able to be recreated by the staff. The audience reaction at the time was great, so this time around, we used real people to represent Stone Free and Diver Down. I think the best part of this performance is being able to see your own Stand ability coming forth in real life. But it was tough to replicate the movement of Stone Free's string, and the art director is having a lot of trouble figuring it out through trial and error.

Q: What are some of your favorite lines?
I think it'd have to be the snide remarks about escape games in the beginning, such as, "A game of riddles would be in bad taste," and "So the Stand's power lies in pain-in-the-ass puzzles." I also thought the line, "Sleep and death are twin brothers," was very JoJo-like. Koji Shikano, the main director of the collaborative escape games for Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable, is in charge of the writing for this performance, wanted to make it so "before the 'ora ora ora' (Jolyne's Stand cry), she hits the enemy with a cool line arranged from a line he said earlier in the game." A prelude to the 'ora ora' (laughs).

Q: Did the animation side request anything from you?
We were in close communication this time around. But they were very helpful, not only in pointing out issues, but also in coming up with ideas to solve them. For example, we usually write lines like, "I'm going to solve every riddle," but they pointed out that "there's only one riddle at the moment, so let's have them say, 'I'm going to solve this riddle.'" I was impressed by their attention to detail.

Also, the line I mentioned earlier, "Sleep and death are twin brothers," was originally written as, "Death and sleep are twin brothers." But one of the supervisors said, "Isn't this a quote from Peter Dickinson's novel Sleep and His Brother (Sleep and Death are Brothers in Japan)? Wouldn't it be better to change the order to match the novel?" The expertise of Shueisha's editors surprised me.

"The use of the digital recorder came to us along the way."

Q: How did you construct the mystery?
Since the theme of the performance is dreams, I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street for reference. At the ending of the movie, Freddy, who everyone thought was defeated, comes out of the mirror. That was the best part of the movie, so I was determined to include a scene where the characters wake up from a dream, only to realize they are still in the dream.

To do that, you have to have them fall into Moschino's trap, but the mystery has to have a well-crafted setup. It wouldn't be fair if Moschino erased the markings on the guard uniforms himself, so we decided to have Moschino do the preliminary work to make them disappear when Weather makes it rain. Mr. Kano said that he referred to the scene at the end of Diamond is Unbreakable where Hayato Kawajiri escapes his predicament, in which anyone he tells about Yoshikage Kira will be blown to pieces, by calling Josuke. While following the rules of the Stand, he took advantage of a loophole to corner his opponent. I wanted to create that JoJo feeling of intellectual battle.

I also like the part where a turnabout comes by using Moschino's voice through the digital recorder, because it takes advantage of the enemy's mistakes in a very JoJo way. When this idea came up during a meeting, we said, "We can end the meeting here. That's what we're going with. We haven't tested it yet, and we haven't gotten confirmation from the supervisors, but this is the only way it could ever have worked!"

Q: Did you work backward from the larger mystery and introduce the digital recorder in the middle of the meeting?
No, not quite. At first, we were using the IC recorder simply to demonstrate Kiss's ability, and the company asked me, "Do you need an IC recorder?" I was about to back down, since it certainly wasn't cheap, but then my spirit lifted at the thought of using it in the big mystery. It's not often you get so lucky.

Q: Do you have a message for the participants?
During the coronavirus pandemic, it was difficult to yell out "Stone Free!" I'm really glad to be able to do that again. The Escape From JoJo series is becoming more and more sophisticated as it goes on, and there are still many Stand abilities that I would love to use. I would also like to collaborate with other series as well. Here's hoping there will be more to look forward to in the future.

Interviewer: Emiko Tobita
Interview date: August 29, 2023

©Marcel Fujii

山本 涉

山本渉(やまもと・しょう) コンテンツディレクター。 熱烈なジョジョファン。『ジョジョの奇妙な館からの脱出』『ジョジョの奇妙な遊園地からの脱出』『MYSTERY MAIL BOX DIOの館に残された手紙』でサブディ レクターを、『ジョジョの奇妙な美術館からの脱出』でメインディレクター を務める。『ストーンオーシャン』で好きなキャラクターはグッチョ。



――『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ストーンオーシャン』の魅力はどこにあると思いますか?


ここは本当に苦しみました。これまでの「ジョジョ脱出」で一番苦労したかもしれない。「スターダストクルセイダース』や『黄金の風』は旅をしているし、お店に入るなどサイドストーリーを差し込む余地があるんですよね。『ストーンオーシャン』はそれがほとんどなくて。素直に刑務所を舞台にして設備を謎に使うことも考えたのですが、どうしても時系列がうまくハマりませんでした。 本公演の時系列は徐倫たちがF・Fを失って、独房でうなだれているあたりです。「徐倫、エルメス、ウェザー、アナスイの4人が偶然揃っているところを敵に襲われる」というシチュエーションは何をどうしても無理だった。だから夢にするしかなかったんです。





序盤の「悪趣味な謎解きゲーム」や「謎解きなんてめんどくせぇスタンド能力だな」といったリアル脱出ゲームへの悪口ですね(笑)。あと、「眠りと死は双子の兄弟」というセリフはジョジョっぽいと思いました。本公演は『スターダストクルセイダース』『ダイヤモンドは砕けない』とのコラボ脱出でメインディレクターを務めた鹿野康二さんがシナリオを担当しているのですが、「オラオラ(※徐倫の攻撃の掛け声)前に、敵が序盤に言ったセリフをアレンジしたいい感じのセリフを叩きつける」という展開を入れたかったと言っていました。オラオラ 前口上ですね(笑)。

今回はかなりやりとりしました。でも、ご指摘だけでなくそれを解決するアイデアも同時に出してくださるので、すごく助かりましたね。たとえば、僕らつい普段の癖で「すべての謎を解き明かし〜」といったセリフを書いちゃうんですが、「いま提示されている謎はひとつだけなので、『この謎を解き明かし〜』にしましょう」と指摘していただき、「こんな細かなところまでちゃんとチェックしてくれるんだ」と感動しました。 また、先ほどの「眠りと死は双子の兄弟」というセリフは、最初は「死と眠りは双子の兄弟」と書いていたんですよ。でも、担当者さんが「これってピーター・ディキンスンの小説『眠りと死は兄弟』からの引用ですよね。小説に合わせて順番を変えたほうがよくないですか」と提案してくださって。集英社さんの編集力の高さを感じました。


夢がテーマの公演なので、参考に『エルム街の悪夢』を観たんです。あの映画って、エンディングで倒したと思っていたフレディが鏡からバーンと現れるんですよ。それが最高だったから、「夢から覚めたと思ったのにまた夢だった」という展開は絶対入れようと思いました。 それにはモスキーノの罠に嵌まってもらう必要があるけど、謎はフェアに作られている設定です。看守服のマークをモスキーノが消していたらフェアじゃない。そこで、モスキーノは下準備だけしていて、ウェザーが雨を降らせたことにより消えてしまった、ということにしたんです。鹿野さんは、『ダイヤモンドは砕けない』の最後で川尻早人が「誰かに吉良吉影のことを伝えると爆死する」というルールの中、仗助に電話をかけることで窮地を脱するシーンを参考にしたと言っていました。スタンドのルールに則りながら、ギリギリのラインを攻めて相手を罠に嵌める。そういうジョジョの頭脳戦っぽさを出したかったんですね。 ICレコーダーに吹き込まれたモスキーノの声を利用して逆転するところも、「相手の落ち度を利用する」というジョジョらしさがあって気に入っています。会議でこのアイデアが出たときに、「もう会議終わりでいいや、これで行こう」となりました。「テストプレイもしてないし代表の確認も取ってないけど、これしかありえない!」と。



インタビュー収録日:2023年 8月 29日


Cast Comments


1. Please tell your fans about your participation in this escape game.

2. Have you ever participated in an escape game before? If so, please tell us about your experience; if not, tell us about a situation you would like to escape from.


① リアル脱出ゲーム出演にあたって、ファンの方へメッセージをお願いします。

② リアル脱出ゲームの参加経験はありますか?あれば想い出を教えてください。ない場合は、脱出してみたいシチュエーションを教えてください。

Fairouz AiMutsumi TamuraDaisuke NamikawaYuichiro UmeharaYohei Azakami
Fairouz Ai as Jolyne Cujoh

Major roles: Power in Chainsaw Man, Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer in Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure, Sumireko Ogawa in Mysterious Disappearances, among others.

1. When I heard that Jolyne and her friends were going to participate in an escape game, I was really looking forward to reading the script! I was a bit nervous because it was more difficult to say the new lines, but it was the first time in a while that I was able to talk with my friends, and the memories of that recording came back to me and gave me courage in my "cell." Thanks to the wonderful writers, my wish to see Jolyne and her friends that way came true! I personally always wanted Ermes and Weather to talk to each other, so I was really happy to see it happen!

2. How about an attraction recreating the battle with Man in the Mirror in Golden Wind? Since it takes place in the mirror world, all the words throughout the escape game are mirrored, and even the voices are reversed... The difficulty might be bellissimo high, but I can't retire now!



「チェンソーマン」パワー役「トロピカル〜ジュ!プリキュア」夏海まなつ/キュアサマー役「怪異と乙女と神隠し」緒川菫子役 など

① 徐倫たちが「リアル脱出ゲーム」に参戦すると聞いたときはスタンドも月までブッ飛ぶこの衝撃ってヤツでして、台本を読むのが本当に楽しみでした!オリジナルのセリフを言うときはいつも以上に難しいのでドキドキしましたが、久しぶりに仲間たちと掛け合いをし、アフレコ時の「思い出」が蘇ってきて、「細胞」に勇気を与えてくれました。素晴らしいライターさんのおかげで「こんな徐倫たちの姿が見たかった!」という願いも叶いましたし、個人的にエルメェスとウェザーの会話がずっと見たかったので本当に嬉しかったです!!

② 『黄金の風』のマン・イン・ザ・ミラー戦の追体験ができるアトラクションとかどうでしょうか!鏡の中の世界なので脱出ゲーム内に書かれている文字はすべて左右反転していて、声までが逆再生で聞こえてくるとか…難易度がベリッシモ高そうですがリタイアは許可しないイイイイイーーーーーーーッ!!

Mutsumi Tamura as Ermes Costello

Major roles: Hiromu Arakawa in Hyakusho Kizoku, Hiro Amanokawa in Digimon Ghost Game, and Esora Shibaura in Technoroid Overmind, among others.

1. I was so excited when I heard that you could play a character in this escape game! I think you can play as whichever character you want, but the story fully carries the atmosphere of Stone Ocean, so I hope you can stay true to yourself while solving the mystery! I hope you all enjoy it!

2. I never even came close to solving any of the riddles, and playing the role didn't help me at all, but it felt like my nose was keen enough to make me a master searcher! Even if I was no good at it, cooperating with others made riddles fun for me.

田村 睦心


「百姓貴族」荒川弘役「デジモンゴーストゲーム」天ノ河宙役「テクノロイド オーバーマインド」芝浦エソラ役 など

① キャラクターになりきって脱出ゲームが出来るらしいと聞いて、とてもワクワクしました!どんなときでもなりきろうと思えばできると思いますが、シナリオもストーンオーシャン感満載でしたので存分になりきって謎を解いてもらえたらと思います!楽しんでくださいね!!

② 私は謎解きが全然できず、役に立たなかったのですが、勘は冴えていたみたいで、探す系はわりと得意でした!不得意でもみんなと協力したら楽しめるので謎解きは楽しかったです。

Daisuke Namikawa as Narciso Anasui

Major roles: Goemon Ishikawa in Lupin the Third, Eustass Kid in One Piece, and Shota Kazahaya in Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You, among others.

1. I'm pleased to report that the JoJo team will be participating in the escape game. How will they interact in this tense situation, and will they become partners or enemies? It'll undoubtedly be a red-hot experience. I hope you'll be able to fully enjoy the world of JoJo. In a realistic setting, Anasui's Diver Down would be essential to the escape plan. Though, every other character would be, too... But I digress. Please make sure to have fun!

2. I'm the type of person who gets impatient with escape games, even though I know from experience that I need to keep my cool. Often, I only realize things in hindsight. I'm well aware of how much inspiration I've been given, how many of the little things I can notice, how to connect the clues and hints... but I always end up screaming my head off, and then it's over.

浪川 大輔


「ルパン三世シリーズ」石川五ェ門役「ワンピース」ユースタス・キッド役「君に届け」風早翔太役 など

① この度、ジョジョチームが脱出ゲームに参戦することになりました。緊迫した中でどのように関わってくるのか、果たして味方なのか敵なのか。熱いというのは間違いありません。ジョジョの世界観を存分に味わっていただければと思います。リアルな世界線ならば、アナスイのダイバーダウンは脱出系には必要不可欠。いや、どのキャラクターもそうか…余談でした。楽しんでくださいッッッ!!!

② 脱出ゲームは経験上、冷静さが必要なんだとわかっていながら、焦ってしまうタイプです。後から考えれば、そうだよねぇということもしばしば。どれだけひらめくか、どれだけ小さなことに気付けるか、ヒントとヒントをどのようにつなげていくか、わかってる…しかし、いつも、ウォーーーッッッ!となって終わります。

Yuichiro Umehara as Weather Report

Major roles: Anos Voldigoad in The Misfit of Demon King Academy II, Jugram Haschwalth in Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War, and Klaus in Spy Classroom, among others.

1. I am very happy to have the opportunity to play Weather Report again for the first time in a long while. The story has a unique twist that isn't in the original story, so the conversations between the characters were fresh. I wanted to see all of the cast members together in conversation, so I was very satisfied with this opportunity. Solving mysteries and fighting alongside the characters in Stone Ocean makes this an unmissable attraction for fans of the original story, and I hope that their voices will help immerse the audience in the world of JoJo.

2. I once stopped by with a few of my colleagues after a drinking party at work. At first, we took the challenge lightly, but we got frustrated when we found ourselves unable to solve the riddle. Like children, we tried again and again, playing until late at night. No matter how many times we tried, we could never solve the final riddle and clear the puzzle, but I also realized that it's good to be absorbed in an attraction as an adult. I'd like to go there again someday.

梅原 裕一郎


「魔王学院の不適合者II」アノス・ヴォルディゴード役「BLEACH 千年血戦篇-訣別譚-」ユーグラム・ハッシュヴァルト役「スパイ教室」クラウス役 など

① 久しぶりにウェザー・リポートを演じる機会をいただけて嬉しく思います。原作にない新たな展開のお話なので、キャラクターたちの会話が新鮮でした。このメンバーで揃って会話をしている姿を見てみたかったので、大変満足です。『ストーンオーシャン』のキャラクターたちと共に謎を解き、戦うというのは原作ファンの方にはたまらないアトラクションだと思いますので、声がつくことで、ジョジョの世界に没入していただく一助になっていれば幸いです。

② 一度作品での飲み会の後に、同業者数人で立ち寄ったことがあります。初めは軽い気持ちで挑戦していたのですが、謎が解けないと大変悔しく、子どものように何度も何度も挑戦し、夜遅い時間まで遊びました。何度も挑戦しましたが結局最後の1問が解けず、クリアすることはできませんでしたが、大人になってからアトラクションに夢中になるというのもいいものなのだと実感しました。またいつか行ってみたいと思います。

Yohei Azakami as Moschino

Major roles: Guel Jeturk in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Ayumu Tanaka in When Will Ayumu Make His Move?, and Kennosuke Tokisada Ouma in Kuromukuro, among others.

1. Good day, JoJo fans! This is Yohei Azakami, a fellow JoJo fan. I played the guest character Moschino in this work, the escape game Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Nightmare! I am truly honored to be able to participate as a Stand user in the world of Stone Ocean, a world that I have fallen in love with! It was a rewarding experience to see how far I could go in expressing Moschino's image and storied history in my voice! I only hope you enjoy the recording as much as I did!

2. I often play escape games with my fellow voice actors! I'm not a very bright person most of the time, so I end up as a burden who follows the others and acts worried... (laughs). But one time, as the group struggled to solve the last riddle of an escape game, my brain suddenly awakened, and I was able to lead us all to freedom. For that one moment, I was a hero! It was the best feeling ever!

阿座上 洋平


「機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女」グエル・ジェターク役「それでも歩は寄せてくる」田中歩役「クロムクロ」青馬剣之介時貞役 など

① ジョジョファンの皆様、ごきげんよう。ジョジョファンの阿座上洋平です。リアル脱出ゲーム『ジョジョの奇妙な悪夢からの脱出』にて今作のゲストキャラ「モスキーノ」を演じさせていただきました!夢中になった『ストーンオーシャン』の世界に、"スタンド使い"として参戦できたことが本当に光栄です!モスキーノのイラストや詳細な経歴など、どこまで声で表現できるのかなど、非常にやり甲斐を感じる収録でした!是非大いに迷い、大いに楽しんでいただきたいです!

② 脱出ゲームはよく声優仲間たちと遊びに行っております!普段はあまり頭がキレる方ではないので、悩んでいるフリだけして皆の後についていくだけのお荷物なのですが…(笑)とある脱出ゲームのラストの謎解きにグループで苦戦している中、突然僕の脳が覚醒し、全員を脱出に導いたことがあります。あのときだけはヒーローになれましたね!最高に気持ちよかったです!

Staff Comments

Koji ShikanoYusuke SugawaraKento MitsudaRyotaro NakamuraKaori IwataChiemi TadaMari Tsuda
Scenario Writer: Koji Shikano

Moschino is the cunning type. He pretends to be fair while setting a trap behind every riddle. I wrote the story hoping that the moment of victory (the "ora ora ora") in the battle of wits against such a devious enemy would be the most exhilarating. I hope you enjoyed the unique world of JoJo and felt the rush of stepping into the shoes of Jolyne and her friends.


鹿野 康二


Producer: Yusuke Sugawara

Thank you for purchasing this pamphlet. This is the third performance of Escape From JoJo, which began with Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Mansion in 2017. The game's selling points are the contemplation and exhilaration that come with overcoming difficult situations by making full use of Stand abilities, and above all the ability to cry out, "Ora-ora!" I hope you had the opportunity to let out your daily frustration with a good "ora-ora!"


菅原 侑亮


Content Work: Kento Mitsuda

Thank you for visiting this performance and buying this pamphlet. I like Jolyne. She uses her limited power in conjunction with her intelligence and resourcefulness to defeat her enemies, and at the very end she puts up a brave last stand against an enemy far too powerful for her. This performance allows you to experience the feeling of escaping from a crisis with your Stand and intuition, just like Jolyne's group. I am honored to be part of this performance, where one can play the part of Jolyne and her friends!


三津田 健人


Production Work: Ryotaro Nakamura

A Stand experience found only within Escape From JoJo! I hope everyone who picked up this pamphlet enjoyed the ride. And this time, it's not just the Stand experience, but also the relentless riddles that confront you, making it a very difficult performance. That said, I would be truly happy if everyone who participated enjoyed it from the bottom of their hearts!


中村 遼太郎


Marketing and Public Relations: Kaori Iwata

Thank you for participating in this performance. I was in charge of marketing, and I really felt as if I just had to tell as many people as possible about the charm of Escape From JoJo. How was the experience of becoming one of the characters and entering the world of JoJo? I only hope that it was able to deliver the red-hot feeling that makes one want to shout, "Game, set, match!"


岩田 佳織


Art Producer: Chiemi Tada

I was in charge of the interior decoration of Moschino's Stand (in other words, the prison). Every one of the mysteries he came up with was a challenge from an artistic perspective. Boxes, recorders, levers, the works... He really came prepared! I really had to rack my brain and rework my ideas over and over to make the show both interesting and JoJo-like. If at any point you all felt the urge to scream, laugh, or shout, that was the moment where the art beat Moschino!


多田 知笑


Product Development: Mari Tsuda

Thank you for attending and for purchasing this pamphlet. We hope you enjoyed the performance. If you were to continue enjoying Escape from JoJo's Bizarre Nightmare after coming home with the hoodie, acrylic stands, and other merchandise, it would make all of us very happy! All of a sudden, Moschino has become a favorite character of mine! I am truly sorry that we couldn't release any merchandise of him!


津田 麻里



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