Published July 2, 2017
Incomplete transcript

Hirohiko Araki's video message of him greeting the attendees and discussing his book from the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure panel at Anime Expo 2017 on July 2, 2017. From the session, an interview conducted by VIZ Media discussing his passion for fashion was posted later on October 7. At the panel, there was also an interview with Hisashi Sasaki.


Hirohiko Araki

Hello From Sensei

Hello to everybody attending Anime Expo in Los Angeles! I'm the creator of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki. This year, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is celebrating the 30th anniversary of serialization. Thank you all for your encouragement over all these years. I am extremely thrilled and honored by your consistent support.

Manga in Theory and Practice

This book is really intended for the select few who are seriously aiming to become manga artists. I worked on this book with hopes that this book will help and guide those people to become established manga artists. This book may not be very interesting or helpful for the general public, but there are important lessons and tips for manga artists I've learned over the course of my 35+ year career compiled in here. I would be thrilled if you can find the time to check it out! I'm leaving the rest up to a trustworthy comrade I've worked with for over 30 years. Please welcome former Editor-In-Chief (of Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan), Hisashi Sasaki!

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Fashion

Q: Do you watch fashion shows for inspiration? Were there any fashion campaigns that inspired JoJo's?

A: I look at fashion magazines, go to fashion shows at times, check out clothing on display at the mall. I try to examine and study various fashion designs.

Q: Do you have a favorite designer of all time?

A: My favorite designer of all time, since I debuted in the 80's, is Moschino. He has since then passed away. He blends humor with beauty. He also used symbols in his designs and various techniques and I really liked all of that. As for others, I like Italian brands such as Gucci or Versace. I think they're wonderful.

Q: How do you think the fashion of JoJo's fit into today's world of fashion?

A: There's what's known as the "JoJo pose", a fashion pose. It's heavily influenced by Rome, Roman sculptures and their poses. The modern day fashion industry can also trace its roots back to the Romans. It's really a universal thing. I believe that makes the JoJo fashion perfect for the modern fashion world.

Q: Are there any designers working today you enjoy? Throughts on any current fashion trends?

A: Designers today? They're all so great. Each and every one of them is truly impressive.

Q: Did you ever dream of becoming a fashion designer?

A: No! I'm a mangaka. Mangaka are mangaka. I'll stick to designing within the world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I appreciate your continued support for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!

Hisashi Sasaki

Q: You were Araki Sensei's editor on the Diamond is Unbreakable arc and worked with Araki Sensei very closely. What's one thing about Araki Sensei nobody knows?

Note: Missing the rest of the interview



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