Drama CD Vol. 2 (March 1993)
V Jump (February 1993)
Interview Archive

An interview with Hiroshi Yamaguchi, the scriptwriter for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure drama CD. It was published in the booklet included in the second volume released on March 19, 1993.[1][2]
Q: Out of the original work's four parts, what made you want to adapt Part 3 into an audio drama?
Yamaguchi: Parts 1 and 2 of the original work are part of a single epic, but Part 3 is structured in such a way that it doesn't matter how you divide the story. We discussed the matter with Araki, the original author, and came to that decision.
Q: What do you find particularly appealing about JoJo?
Yamaguchi: What I like most about it is the unique delivery of the dialogue. Also, Araki's stories are full of elaborate tricks, so they're always fun to read. I enjoy reading them, and I think of them as a treasure trove of ideas.
Q: Were there any difficulties turning it into an audio drama, since it only has sound and no pictures?
Yamaguchi: In Araki's works, there are many scenes where the secret behind the trick is revealed through pictures, so it's hard to figure out how to express it through sound. This time, a mirror Stand appears, and it's very much a visual thing, so I didn't know what to do there (laughs).
Q: Who are your favorite character and Stand?
Yamaguchi: I like DIO. When I read about The World's ability to stop time, I thought, "They're done for!" (laughs). Also, it might be a bit cliché of me, but I like the main character, Jotaro.
Q: Finally, a word for the fans.
Yamaguchi: We're going to create a compelling story that can only be expressed in an audio drama, so that people won't say the original is more interesting. Please look forward to it. Also, please fill out the survey and tell us what story you would like to hear next, what you liked and disliked about it, and so on! We'll take that into consideration for next episode!!
山口 第一部、第二部は原作が壮大な1本の物語になっているのですが、第三部は話をどこで区切っても大丈夫なような構成になっているということで、原作者の荒木先生とも話し合って決めました。
山口 僕が一番、気に入っているのは、あの独特のセリフ回しですね。あと、荒木先生の作るお話はトリックが凝っているので、読んでいて楽しい。アイデアの宝庫だなって思いながら楽しんでいます。
山口 荒木先生の作品はトリックの種あかしを絵で見せる場面が多く、音で表現するのにどうするか悩みますね。今回にしても鏡のスタンドが出てきて、あれは視覚的な物なので、「どうしよう…」って(笑)。
山口 ディオが好きですね。「世界」の時間を止める能力というのは、読んでいて「まいった!」って思いました(笑)。あとは月並みですが、主人公の承太郎が好きです。
山口 原作の方がおもしろいと言われないよう、音声ドラマならではの魅力ある物語を作りますので、よろしくお願いします。あとアンケートで、次はどの話を聞きたいか、良かった点、悪かった点などを教えてください! 次回作に反映させます!!