Junjo Shindo (March 2022)
Ultra Jump (March 2022)
Interview Archive

An interview with Junjo Shindo, author of El Aleph. It was originally published in the Spring 2022 issue of JOJO magazine, released on March 19, 2022.
Please tell how you felt when accepting the offer for this story.
Shindo: Although I was given the offer about two years ago, I remember immediately thinking, “There’s no reason to refuse.” Even though I was swamped with a different serialization then, I pounced onto the offer on the spot it was given in. This kind of opportunity is rare to present itself in an author’s life. I was born in 1977 so JoJo is the framework and meat for making entertainment to me, being part of the generation which took a direct hit from that story. While thinking that there’s no higher honor than being able to take part in that masterpiece, I was also anxious of whether I would be able to do as well as I did for my original novels.
This story King of Infinity: rey infinito is a spinoff which takes place between Part 2 and Part 3.
Shindo: I wanted to try writing JoJo from the approach of historical fiction. I wondered whether there was a way to restructure the enjoyment of JoJo as a saga which traverses different periods and settings one after another from the approach of a history novel. When you write spinoffs like these I think there’s two forks at the beginning, of either creating an adaption faithful to the original or sticking to your field of expertise and letting the characters go wild, and this time I aimed to go fifty-fifty with both approaches.
The setting is in Guatemala, Central America.
Shindo: I first outlined the story wanting to write about a different “bow and arrow” from the main series. The stone mask which appears from Part 1 originates from the Aztec civilization too, and JoJo harmonizes well with Latin American literature as well. I enjoy Latin American literature and the magical elements of the Ripple and Stands, the worldview where the human drama of a bloodline of one clan and conflicts with rivals can coexist coherently, and the narrativity of the actual and fictional mutually intersectingーthere’s many elements which is applicable to the magical realism of Latin America.
Why did Lisa Lisa appear?
Shindo: I wanted to try writing Stands in a period before Part 3 stared, where a name for Stands doesn’t exist. If Part 3 is the Bible, then I decided to write what would be equivalent to a section of the Old Testament and begged Lisa Lisa to deign to appear here. She has an unshakeable presence even in tumultuous ages, and seemed able to be extend her activities into revolution and change. I fleshed her out from diligently examining the main series like I was depicting a historical figure like Hojo Masako, Tomoe Gozen, or Joan of Arc.
New Stands appeared in the story.
Shindo: I became painfully aware of the greatness of such a monumental franchise like JoJo. First I asked, “How many Stands are allowed in this?” to confirm with the Editorial Board which graciously answered, “How many you please.” Then I became enthusiastic and wracked my brains, but then realized that Mr. Araki had precisely already thought of everything. But when writing novels, the more reckless it is the more I enjoy it. At any rate right now I continue to spend every day thinking of new perspectives to the Ripple and Stands, wanting to increase more opportunities of writing and reading JoJo.
Is there anything you kept in mind when conveying the world of JoJo?
Shindo: I’ve definitely thrown wide open a different circuit from my usual writing to compose this. From that overpowering horror when new enemies ambush the protagonists, to that unparalleled high level of entertainment from superpower battles, and how the celebration of humanity pierces you... I’m determined to go up to the point where all my ideas concerning JoJo are exhausted, with nothing left to expand upon at all.
A message for the readers, please.
Shindo: Nothing would make me feel happier than the readers being able to immerse themselves like how absorbed I was while writing this, being able to experience “writing JoJo.” But at the same time I also strove, and continue to strive to express the world of JoJo which was only possible within the realm of prose. Please go take a look.[1]
真藤:依頼をいただいたのは2年ほど前なんですが、即座に「断る理由がない」と思った記憶があります。連載が立てこんでいたのですが、オファーをいただいたその場で「やります」と飛びつきました。こんな機会は、作家生活のなかでもそうは巡ってこないだろうって。ぼくは1977年生まれで直撃世代なんで『ジョジョ』はエンタメを作るうえでの骨格であり、血肉になっています。そうした作品に関われてこんなに光栄なことはないと思うのと同時に、自分のオリジナルの小説以上に、うまくやれるのか? という不安はありました。
――本作「無限の王 rey infinito」は第2部から第3部にかけてのスピンオフですね。
※注 旧約聖書のこと。イエス・キリスト誕生以前に書かれた。ユダヤ教およびキリスト教の聖典。
PROFILE 真藤順丈 しんどう・じゅんじょう