Drama CD Vol. 3 (July 1993)

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Published July 16, 1993

An interview with Kiyoyuki Yanada and Norio Wakamoto for the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure drama CD. It was published in the booklet included in the third volume released on July 16, 1993.[1][2]



Q: What are your impressions of Jotaro and DIO as characters?

Yanada: I was happy that Jotaro had a lot of lines in Volume 3 (laughs). But it was a difficult role. He doesn't laugh or cry, so I had a hard time understanding the finer details of his mentality. I thought that Jotaro should have a bit of an evil streak in him, so I played him that way. I'd like to play him better, and to make him a better character through that.

Wakamoto: DIO is usually calm and collected, but it was fun to see him suddenly lose his temper and scream. It's a role I really love. He's a vampire, but the fact that he's connected to the Joestar family makes him seem so human. I worked with the directors to perform the role in my own image. The "muda-muda-muda!" was a bit difficult, though (laughs).

Q: Since there are no pictures, this being an audio drama, were there any difficulties as a result of that?

Yanada: If there were pictures, I would've been able to see the expressions, so I might've been able to change my acting to match. For this episode in particular, I was screaming from start to finish (laughs).

Wakamoto: I really like this kind of work. Sometimes, it's even harder when there are pictures, because you have to fit your lines into the time they're provided. Audio dramas are easier and more fun to perform, because you can act them out however you like.

Q: Finally, a word for the fans.

Yanada: Please listen carefully to the battle with DIO, where I screamed so hard I almost broke my throat.

Wakamoto: I shouted at the top of my lungs during the long dubbing sessions, and I think that's why it became such a powerful production.


梁田 3巻は承太郎のセリフが多くて嬉しかったですね(笑)。だけど難しい役でした。笑ったり、泣いたりはしないので細かい心理をつかむのに苦労しました。承太郎には、少し悪の要素が入っていたほうがいいかと思って演じてみました。もっとうまく演じていいキャラクターにしてあげたいですね。

若本 ディオは冷静なんだけど、急に切れて絶叫するのが楽しかったです。とても好きな役ですね。吸血鬼であるけれど、ジョースター家との因縁を持ち続けていたところなどはとても人間的に感じます。演出の方たちと協力して自分のイメージで演じました。「無駄無駄無駄!」はちょっと難しかったですけど(笑)。


梁田 画面があれば表情がわかるから、それに合わせて演技を変えたりできたかもしれませんね。特に今回は最初から最後まで絶叫でしたから(笑)。

若本 僕はこういう仕事がとても好きなんです。画面があるとセリフをその時間に収めなければいけないからかえって難しいときがあるんですよ。音声ドラマは自由に演じられるからやりやすいし、楽しいですね。


梁田 喉を壊すほどに叫んだディオとの対決をじっくり聞いて下さい。

若本 長時間のアフレコの間、腹の底から声を出したので迫力ある作品になったと思います。


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