Hirohiko Araki's Super-Favorites! Rules of Movies
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Hirohiko Araki's Super-Favorites! Rules of Movies (荒木飛呂彦の超偏愛! 映画の掟, Araki Hirohiko no chō hen'ai! Eiga no okite) is a shinsho (Non-fiction book) published by Shueisha and written by Hirohiko Araki.
In Rules of Movies, Araki takes a closer look at multiple films of various genres; theorizing the conceptual framework behind each and recapturing them from a completely new perspective.

Table of Contents
- Good Stories Have Suspense / What is enjoyable? / The Five Rules of Good Suspense / Stories Without Suspense / Facing Real World Concerns / Studying the Authors of Suspense
Chapter 1 - Best of the Best: Heat and Taken.
- The First Half of Taken Making You Cry / Professionals Have a Reason / Fellow Pros Bringing the Heat / The Sorrows of Al Pacino and Robert De Niro / The Fluctuating Nature of a Man
Chapter 2 - A Masterpiece is to "Make a Grown Man Cry".
- Michael Mann’s Trilogy of Men Crying / A Path You Must Take: The Day of the Jackal / The Various Lineages of Men Crying / The Prison Break in The Great Escape is a Sport / The Rule of Ocean Men / This is it: The Essence of Comraderie! / Midnight Run / Old Fashioned Masculine Pathos / Discovering Hope in the Sorrows of Characters
Chapter 3 - Masters of Suspense
- The Two Great Film Directors/ The Eeriness of Something You Think You Can See, but Can’t / Jurassic Park / The Superb Cut Ratio / Action, change, movementmovementmovement/ Tightly Packing Everything in the Story/ Spielberg’s Kleptomania/ Pushing the Audience Off: Dressed to Kill and Psycho/Brilliant Long Takes/ Watch Through De Palma’s Works Twice!/Filled to the Brim with Suspense: Are You Getting on or Not?/ The Story is no More Than One Thing
Chapter 4 - Love Affair - Erotic Suspense
- Erotic Suspense: The Miraculous Meeting/A Sad Future Awaits the Couple: Unfaithful / Fatal Attraction’s Sensation of Urban Legend / Being Able to Feel the Eroticism of the Era / Wicked Women in Action / The Super Powerful Wicked Woman Energy of L'Ennui / The Miraculous Coolness of Bound / It’s still too early to Keep it in the Dark / Wanting to Pile Up The Genre Called “Love Affair Suspense” / The Suspense Hodgepodge of Shining Through / The Excitement of Eloping! THE YEARNING! The Danger of Love Stories
Chapter 5 - Eastwood is a Genre
- At First, I Don’t Think I Really Want to Watch It / Hero Led by Fate / Grief for the Aging Firefox / The Reality of Unforgiven/Mystic River is a Film I Can’t Get Enough of / The Manly Aesthetics Protruding from Society / Who’s Eastwood’s Successor? / Hirohiko Araki Meeting Eastwood
Chapter 6 - Do Not Underestimate this Film
- Don’t Underestimate Serialized Movies! / Jason Bourne and the Lineage of Men Crying / The Fascination of Another Woman's Life / Challenging the Rules of Fairytale with Shrek / The Will to Overcome Disney/Subtle Beauty / Even in the Mainstream, Good Things are Good! / Slightly-Better-Than-a-B-Movie Entertainment Empathetic Homicide: Dexter / Getting Energy from a Murderer who Lives Positively / King of Soap Opera
Chapter 7 - A Classic Urban Legend is Necessary
- The Seduction of a Different World / An Empty, Parallel Universe: Fargo / Difficulty Analyzing a World in Eyes Wide Shut / Urban Legend is the Strongest Piece of Suspense / Prison Breaks are a Treasure Trove of Masterpieces / The Darkness of Modern Day Suburban American: Little Children / Roman Polanski’s Expression of His Dark History / Ghost Writer’s Tranquil Flavor
Araki's Best 20 Suspense Films

- Heat (ヒート, Hīto)
- The Great Escape (大脱走, Dai Dassō)
- Taken (96時間, 96 Jikan)
- Mystic River (ミスティック・リバー, Misutikku Ribā)
- Unforgiven (許されざる者, Yurusa Rezaru Mono)
- Psycho (サイコ, Saiko)
- Heaven Can Wait (天国から来たチャンピオン, Tengoku kara kita Chanpion)
- Shrek (シュレック, Shurekku)
- Fargo (ファーゴ, Fāgo)
- Dirty Harry (ダーティハリー, Dāti Harī)
- The Bourne Identity (ボーン・アイデンティティー, Bōn Aidentitī)
- City of God (シティ・オブ・ゴッド, Shiti Obu oddo)
- Duel (激突 ! , Gekitotsu!)
- Eyes Wide Shut (アイズ・ワイドシャット, Aizu Waido Shatto)
- The Butterfly Effect (バタフライ・エフェクト, Batafurai Efekuto)
- Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (マスター・アンド・コマンダー, Masutā Ando Komandā)
- Unfaithful (運命の女, Unmei no Onna)
- Frost/Nixon (フロスト×ニクソン, Furosuto × Nikuson)
- Bound (バウンド, Baundo)
- Witness (刑事ジョン・ブック 目撃者, Keiji Jon Bukku Mokugekisha)
- Reservoir Dogs (Runner-Up) (レザボア・ドッグス, Rezaboa Doggusu)