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Pour la liste complète des Stand, voir la Liste de Stands. Pour des Stand qui ne sont pas nommés, voir Liste de Stands sans noms.
En fait, Jotaro, ce que tu appelles un "esprit maléfique" est une puissante vision créée à partir de ton énergie vitale! Et puisqu'il se tient près de toi, nous l'appellons... un Stand !
—Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Part 3

Un Stand (スタンド, Sutando) est la manifestation physique de l'"énergie vitale" (生命エネルギー, Seimei enerugī).[1] et un pouvoir propre à la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Un Stand est créé par son propriétaire, qui est généralement appelé un Manieur de Stand (スタンド使い, Sutando Tsukai).[2] Un Stand se présente généralement comme un personnage éthéré qui lévite près du manieur et qui possède des pouvoirs surhumains. Selon le manieur, un Stand sera utilisé pour le bien ou pour le mal.


Les Stands sont définis comme des personifications de l'énergie vitale. Lors de leurs introductions, les Stands sont écrits "Stand" (幽波紋(スタンド), Sutando),[3] avec les furigana changeant la prononciation des kanjis "Onde fantôme" (幽波紋, Yūhamon). Mais la filiation avec l'Onde sera vite abandonnée. Joseph Joestar explique que le terme "Stand" vient du fait que les Stands en général flottent aux côtés de leurs manieurs, prêt à obéir leurs ordres.

Les Stands sont surtout utilisés au combat

Le Stand, alternativement, peut être vu comme une manifestation de l'esprit combatif et représentent jusqu'à un point la psyché du manieur. Cependant les Stand peuvent se manifester avec une dédication à une activité, auquel cas il ne faudrait qu'au manieur une certaine ténacité. Au-delà de ces définitions, les Stands présentent une vaste variété de comportements et d'apparences. Ils suivent vaguement quelques principes mais il n'y a pas de standard définitif avec lequel on peut définir un Stand. En tant que manifestations de l'esprit, les Stands sont aussi variés que des êtres humains peuvent être variés.

A cause de leur diversité, les Stand ne sont pas sur un pied d'égalité. Certains peuvent être incroyablement puissants car leurs manieurs ont une grande ténacité; d'autres sont situationnels à cause d'un trait de caractère essentiel; d'autres sont même néfastes à leurs propriétaires s'il ne sont pas suffisamment combatifs.
Star Platinum, la carte de l'étoile
Lors de leurs introduction dans Stardust Crusaders, les Stands étaient nommés en fonction des cartes du tarot divinatoire puis selon le panthéon Egyptien, leur design faisant figurer des motifs associés. Vers la fin de Stardust Crusaders les Stands sont nommés à partir d'

and in all subsequent story arcs, Stand names are albums et groupes de musique de la scène musicale occidentale. Seul un Stand fait référence à la musique japonaise.[4]

Les Stands sont issus d'un virus alien qui est arrivé sur Terre dans une météorite tombée dans Cape York au Groenland. Il est expliqué que le virus infecte des gens et les tue pour la plupart du temps mais ceux qui survivent obtiennent un pouvoir Stand.[5]

Le manieur et son Stand

The Stand est créé à partir de la psyché d'un individu, qu'il soit humain ou un animal. Le propriétaire du Stand est souvent appelé le manieur et celui-ci va nommer son Stand et l'utiliser à de multiples fins.

Le manieur partage les blessures du Stand

La plupart du temps, les Stands sont liés au corps de leurs manieurs. Dans ce cas, les dommages causés au Stand se reflètent de manière équivalent sur le manieur et vice-versa. Si le Stand est automatique ou est attaché à un objet ou possède un pouvoir spécifique comme l'armure de Silver Chariot, alors le manieur est préservé des dommages causés au Stand.

Sauf cas exceptionnel, si le manieur meurt alors son Stand meurt avec lui. De même un Stand souffrant de dommages catastrophique conduit à la mort du manieur. Il y a un cas de manieurs survivant la destruction de leur Stand, quand Silver Chariot est battu par Magician's Red[6] auquel cas l'occasion est comparé à un traumatisme psychologique. Un Stand automatique peut être détruit sans affecter son manieur. A l'inverse, certains Stand peuvent survivre à la mort de leurs manieurs can Anubis et Notorious B.I.G sans explication.

Le Stand et son manieur partage un lien psychique intime. En premier lieu, le Stand obéit les ordres de leurs manieurs à la lettre et sans faille. Dès qu'un ordre est donné, le Stand essayera de le le remplir, ce qui peut inclure attaquer quelqu'un, défendre le manieur ou autre. Si un Stand est doué d'une personnalité, il peut commenter qu'un ordre n'est pas prudent mais obéira son manieur en fin de compte. Certains Stands semblent automatiquement protéger leurs manieurs comme lorsque Star Platinum attrape une balle alors que Jotaro se tire dessus[7] ou lorsque Weather Report empêche son manieur de se suicider.[8]

Holy tombe malade à cause de son Stand

Il y a des cas où le propriétaire ne peut pas contrôler son Stand, car celui-ci est automatique comme Super Fly ou parce que le manieur n'a pas un esprit suffisamment combatif comme c'était le cas pour Holy Kujo.[9] Dans ces cas, le Stand peut être néfaste pour le manieur. Dans le second cas, le Stand agit comme une sorte de maladie et la victime tombe malade sans cause apparent avec des symptômes tels que de la fièvre et une faiblesse généralisée du corps. Selon Muhammad Avdol, le manieur va sombrer dans un coma et ne plus jamais s'éveiller. De tels cas sont assez fréquents pour qu'il dise qu'il ait vu de nombreuses personnes mourir de cette façon.[9]

Un principe de base est qu'un manieur ne peut avoir qu'un seul Stand, en tout cas en même temps. Un Stand peut changer d'apparence ou être divisé en plusieurs entités, mais personne n'est capable d'acquérir naturellement et manier plusieurs Stands. Des circonstances exceptionnel liés à de très rares pouvoirs de Stand comme celui de Whitesnake, peuvent causer un manieur à avoir plusieurs Stands mais on considère qu'un seul d'entre eux au maximum est le vrai Stand du manieur, ou il arrive aussi qu'un Stand puisse changer de manieur comme le font Cheap Trick et Anubis, lesquels sont maléfiques et dont les "manieurs" seraient plus des victimes.

Un Stand va occasionnellement avoir un cri de combat, criant un mot de façon répété alors qu'il cogne l'ennemi.

Manier un Stand

Le contrôle que le manieur a sur son Stand est en partie instinctif, mais peut nécessiter de la pratique pour en avoir la maîtrise.

Au début, un manieur ne connait pas son Stand et quel est son pouvoir. Il doit donc le découvrir par lui-même. Quelque fois, le pouvoir est simple à comprendre et à utiliser comme pour le Echoes de Koichi Hirose; d'autre fois, un Stand conscient va l'expliquer au manieur comme Spice Girl le fait pour Trish Una[10]. Mais la plupart du temps le manieur va devoir utiliser et expérimenter avec son Stand pour découvrir son pouvoir. Par exemple, DIO et Jotaro ont possédé leurs Stands respectifs pour de longue périodes de temps sans savoir qu'il pouvaient arrêter le temps.[11]

DIO découvre qu'il peut stopper le temps

Après coup, c'est au manieur de découvrir qu'est ce qu'ils peuvent faire avec leurs pouvoir. Un manieur aura besoin de pratique et d'imagination pour développer le potentiel du Stand et le manipuler de façon plus précise. Des subtilités dans le pouvoir et la façon de l'appliquer doit être découvert au fil du temps. Par exemple, [[Jean Pierre Polnareff s'est entrainé pour pouvoir manier Silver Chariot comme un épéiste émériteChapter 125: Silver Chariot, Part 2</ref>, ou encore Giorno Giovanna n'a découvert ce que le pouvoir de Gold Experience faisait aux humains qu'après avoir frappé Bruno Bucciarati[12] et a apppris à soigner plus tard encore[13].

Pour manier un Stand, le manieur doit sciemment le faire apparaître et lui donner des ordres. Par conséquent, un manieur de Stand est toujours vulnérable à des attaques surprises. Ce n'est pas le cas si le Stand est automatique.

Obtenir un Stand

Une flèche mystique donne un pouvoir Stand

Dans la plupart des cas, une personne doit être né avec son Stand ou en avoir le potentiel pour espérer manier un Stand. Sans ce potentiel, il n'a aucune chance de l'acquérir. Pour ceux qui sont nés avec un Stand, le déclencheur pour son apparition varie de manieur en manieur mais est généralement dérivé du travail des talents du manieur. C'est pourquoi il est fréquent qu'un Stand soit lié au travail du manieur.[14] Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Tonio Trussardi, et Kenzou sont des gens nés avec le potentiel et qui ont acquis d'eux-mêmes leurs Stand. Cependant, la méthode la plus commune d'obtenir un Stand est encore de se faire percer avec une flèche qui a été créé à partir des fragment d'une ancienne météorité tombée sur Terre il y a des milliers d'années. Une personne avec le potentiel va survivre à la blessure et obtenir un Stand, sinon elle meurt. DIO, Diavolo, Enrico Pucci, et Jolyne Cujoh sont des exemples de tels manieurs. Une personne sans potentiel mais étant soignée par des moyens surnaturels peut acquérir un Stand comme ce fût le cas pour Koichi Hirose.

De plus, une personne qui acquiert un Stand va causer l'acquisition d'un Stand pour tout les descendants encore vivant du manieur. Par exemple, le corps de Jonathan Joestar avait été percé par la flèche, ce qui a causé tous les autres membres de la famille Joestar d'avoir leurs propres Stands. Comment des frères et soeurs acquièrent un Stand est montré de façon inconstante. En effet si Koichi a acquis un Stand, sa soeur Ayana Hirose n'en a pas eu; par contre les jumeaux Enrico et Weather ont tout les deux acquis un Stand lorsque Pucci a été percé. Si une personne acquiert un Stand, ses enfants auront au moins le potentiel de façon générale.

In the new continuity of Steel Ball Run and JoJolion, the Arrows don't exist. The way most known Stand users have acquired their Stand is unknown. However, one confirmed method of acquiring a Stand is to survive going through a location named the Devil's Palm, a shifting plot of land containing the Saint's Corpse, which can bless someone and give them a Stand.

History of Stands

The "Stands" in JoJo can be conceptualized as a reification of hidden talent, with their source being a sort of energy that's been in the Earth since ancient times.[15] The oldest instance of a Stand User dates back to the 16th century with the death of Caravan Serai and the emancipation of his Stand, Anubis.

The Arrows' creator

Appropriately 50,000 years ago, a meteorite crash landed on Earth around an underpopulated region of Cape York, Greenland. Several hundred years before the discovery of the virus, a man who wished to acquire the power of gods took the rocks and fashioned them into a set of Arrows whose fate is undetermined.

In 1978, a mineral excavation team discovered the meteorite and uncovered an unknown virus within the rocks of the surrounding area and determined that it has been laying dormant inside the meteorite that hit Earth long ago. Despite extensive research, government doctors were unable to determine the alien virus' purpose outside the total elimination of human life. Akin to the theory of evolution, it was discovered that certain people possessed the quality that would allow them to survive when exposed to the virus, rewarding them new abilities.[16]

The Arrows resurface in 1986 when an Egyptian ruins investigation team uncovered six of them from underneath the Egypt desert. The Arrows were eventually stolen by Diavolo, who sold five of them to Enya the Hag. The Arrows allowed the wielder to unlock Stand abilities in those who had the potential to awaken one, essentially acting as the aforementioned trigger. Thus since the '80s, there has a been a sharp rise in the population of Stand users. The six Arrows were eventually distributed to various people, among them were Keicho Nijimura, Yoshihiro Kira, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and the Speedwagon Foundation.[17]

Second Continuity

In the later parts, the Stands were reintroduced but with unknown real origins. In Steel Ball Run, Stands were described as being granted by the Devil's Palm and the Saint's Corpse which both bestowed power to those that could seek them out and survive their presence. However, a number of Stand Users acquired their powers without ever stepping in America or meeting with the Corpse, most notably the characters of JoJolion.


Classification Graph
Main article: Stand Types ★ Stand Types

Stands present themselves in a wide variety of forms. Some adopt a humanoid form, others, the appearance of an object or a tool. These Stands all share an inability to be viewed by ordinary humans, unless bound to physical objects. In addition, some Stands can simply be devoid of appearance, simply manifesting themselves as a special power.

Stands can be divided into 5 trends based on their appearance. Most of the Stands have features from two or more categories.[18]

Classification Summary
Natural Humanoid Stands in this category have physical characteristics similar to human beings, most often their users. Obvious identifiable features include arms and legs, but the category distinctly specifies appendages that are reminiscent of the human muscular system as well as having working eyes and mouth. Stands that apply to this category include Star Platinum, Magician's Red, Hanged Man, The World, Crazy Diamond, Heaven's Door, Killer Queen, Gold Experience, Sticky Fingers, Purple Haze, Baby Face, Spice Girl, and Chariot Requiem.
Artificial Humanoid While also having humanoid-like bodies, Stands in this category will often feature artificial or mechanical nuances that separate them from natural humanoids. This includes having completely non-humanoid facial features and mechanical joints. Appearances that resemble robots, cyborgs or androids are applicable here. Examples of Artificial Humanoids include Hierophant Green, Silver Chariot, Ebony Devil, Death Thirteen, Osiris, Cream, The Hand, Bad Company, Cinderella, Echoes, Black Sabbath, Moody Blues, White Album, and Green Day.
Natural Non-Humanoid This category features Stands that, while not human-like, are reminiscent of other lifeforms or objects in nature. This includes basic organisms such as animals and plants, but also more unorthodox concepts such as fog. Stands that may be described as "monster-like" are often applicable here. Stands in this category include Hermit Purple, Tower of Gray, Yellow Temperance, Lovers, Justice, Sun, Horus, Stray Cat, Sex Pistols, The Grateful Dead, Notorious B.I.G, Metallica, and Rolling Stones.
Artificial Non-Humanoid Stands comparable to instruments or mechanical objects are placed in this category. This includes vehicles, weapons, and machines. Stands in this category include Strength, Emperor, Wheel of Fortune, The Fool, Ratt, Aerosmith, and Beach Boy.
Phenomenon Stands in this category typically either don't have clear appearances or are integrated into their user's appearance. This includes Stands such as Tohth, Khnum, Tenore Sax, Love Deluxe, Achtung Baby, and Atom Heart Father.
Stands change with age

A Stand's appearance is not set in stone. Stands change appearance as their Users age. As seen with Jean Pierre Polnareff's Silver Chariot[19] or Jobin Higashikata's Speed King,[20] young Stand Users have typically childlike Stands and when they become adults, the Stands' features also become adult-like. A special category of Stands that can evolve into different forms or ACTs, is also able to change form and therefore appearance. Finally, a Stand pierced by the Bow and Arrow can evolve into a brand new form called a Requiem Stand.

When a Stand is injured, they may either bleed like an organic being, crumble into ashes, fizzle out in flashes of light, or break into small pieces like a statue.


Some Stands emote, but most don't

Most Stands display no personality, sometimes because they do not have a form with which to emote, but the majority of humanoid Stands simply hover behind and above the user awaiting a command. Some Stands display bits of personalities through facial expressions, but it is ambiguous whether the emotions come from the Stand or simply reflect the User's state of mind.

For unknown reasons, a handful of Stands do have a separate consciousness from their Users. They are sentient and can converse with their Users whenever they are summoned. Although they display a variety of personalities, most still obey their Users to the letter. Examples of such Stands include Echoes, Spice Girl, and Whitesnake. Rarely, these Stands are uncontrollable and have no true master, and instead, move from host to host and actively seek to harm their "user" with their powers. Anubis and Cheap Trick are examples of such Stands.

Whenever a Stand talks, their otherworldly nature is indicated in the original manga material as a text written with Katakana. In the case of audiovisual media such as the anime or a video game, a Stand's voice will possess a ghostly echo and mechanical tone.


Main article: Stand Types

Each Stand possesses supernatural properties as well as a special, unique power, indirectly granting its User superhuman abilities:

Stands can act unseen from most
  • In general, a Stand is invisible to normal humans, yet can interact with normal objects. It allows the User to use their Stand unnoticed by a large majority of the population. The mundane use of a Stand has been likened to a poltergeist phenomenon by normal people. Even a Stand's power is invisible for ordinary humans; for instance, normal people cannot see Magician's Red's flames but can feel its heat.[21]
  • Stands are ethereal and, as a result, possess intangibility. It is uncommon but not unheard of for Stand Users to channel their Stands inside their bodies to protect themselves, using their Stand's superhuman durability to their advantage. It is even more uncommon for Stands to phase through objects, but the possibility exists.
  • Only Stands can harm Stands
    A Stand is invulnerable to any harm except against another Stand or if their Stand User is harmed.
  • As psychic projections, Users can also communicate through their Stands. Barring rare exceptions, a Stand User typically shares their consciousness with their Stand and is able to see through its eyes. Moreover, a Stand User can also speak through their Stand, enabling a form of distant communication. However, the Stand must have a mouth or otherwise be able to speak to do so. Notable examples include Star Platinum, Death Thirteen, Highway Star and King Crimson.
  • Users possess the ability to shrink their Stands to a microscopic level, but the one time it was shown, Polnareff indicated that it was difficult to manipulate the Stand at such a subtle level and that it was taxing to maintain the small size,[22] making that property impractical in most cases.


Each Stand possesses an esoteric and unique power that defines it and sets it apart from other Stands.

A sword Stand and a fire Stand

A Stand's power can wildly vary between Stands. The nature of the power can range from relatively mundane powers such as using a sword or controlling flames to extremely powerful ones such as the ability to manipulate the flow of time. These powers have many different subtleties, such as a limited range or a special way of manifesting themselves, that can be exploited during a fight. For instance, Sticky Fingers can create zippers on any surface, but it has to hit an object with its hand to be able to create them. It is up to the User to know how to protect themselves or use their enemy's weakness to their advantage.

The User is sometimes immune, or protected to a degree against the power of their Stand. For instance, Prosciutto can stay young despite his The Grateful Dead aging everyone around it. However, the reverse is just as widespread, as Stand Users like Pannacotta Fugo with Purple Haze's virus, and Muhammad Avdol and Magician's Red's flames are stated to be just as vulnerable.

In rare cases, Stands can have the same abilities. Usually, siblings like the D'Arby Brothers or two rats can roughly have the same power.

Barring rare exceptions, if the Stand is destroyed or the User is knocked out, the Stand's power immediately disappears and any modification to the environment due to its power is reversed.

Each Stand is unique, but many share enough characteristics that they may be grouped under specific Stand Types. Very uncommon special stands may appear in the story from time to time due to exceptional circumstances.


Great power can be offset by short range

One of the most important features of a Stand is its range. Stands in principle can only be used within a predetermined range centering around the Stand's owner. As such, for the sake of convenience, the range that a Stand can perform abilities is referred to as "Firing Range" (射程距離). A Stand's range and accuracy are inversely proportional; the further the Stand moves away from its firing range, the weaker and less subtle it becomes. This principle is applied to almost all Stands. Furthermore, this can be construed more specifically as "effective firing range", as a Stand will only gradually lose effectiveness the further it deviates from its firing range, rather than just relinquish immediately. The Stand range is effectively just the range where it can optimally perform.[18]

From a general point of view, all Stands can be roughly divided into two types: "Short distance", and "long distance". As a trend, short-range types display great power, many of which excel at direct blows or destruction (Silver Chariot, Crazy Diamond, Sticky Fingers, etc.), and are often referred to a "Power Types". Long-range types typically have a special ability that can let them indirectly attack. (Hierophant Green, Echoes ACT1, Beach Boy, etc.)

Some long-distance types are referred to as "Automatic Pilot", in which the "power vs distance from user" principle does not apply. This is exactly what is touched upon in the third Stand theorem, in that autopilot types are typically an extension of an "effect" that results in a Stand triggering. As such, these Stands are independent of the Stand User's will and mental strength, and their power does not drop as a result. As a related note, certain Stand abilities do not have specified ranges (Earth Wind and Fire), an example being time-based powers, such as The World or King Crimson.[18]

Stand Parameters

Example of Stand parameters displayed (Star Platinum) in JOJOVELLER

Stand Parameters (スタンドパラメータ, Sutando Paramēta), or Stand Statistics are six statistics used outside of the story to gauge a Stand's capabilities. Some parameters refer to specific abilities of the Stand, such as in the case of Moody Blues and Whitesnake. They are in order (clockwise from top): Destructive Power, Speed, Range, Persistence, Precision, and Developmental Potential.

  • Destructive Power (破壊力, Hakairyoku):

Measures the Stand's strength and ability to cause destruction (physical injury or collateral environmental damage) in a given period of time. Close-Range Stands such as Star Platinum, The World, Crazy Diamond, Killer Queen, Gold Experience and Stone Free will typically boast high destructive power (Rank C or higher). There are also cases like C-Moon, where destructive power is low or not applicable, despite having fairly destructive abilities.

  • Speed (スピード, Supīdo):

Measures the Stand's agility and reflexes as well as performance speed. This is also typically evaluated fairly high for Close-range Stands. Sometimes it can be strengthened through training, such as with Stands like Silver Chariot.

  • Range (射程距離, Shatei Kyori):

Measures a compromise of the Stand's range of manifestation, range of ability influence, and spatial mobility. In most cases it is inversely proportional to destructive power. However, there are cases where both power and range are excellent, such as Red Hot Chili Pepper and Weather Report. In addition, a Stand's range may decrease due to evolution, such as with Echoes and Made in Heaven.

  • Persistence (持続力, Jizoku-ryoku):

Measures the duration of time that the Stand can actively maintain its ability. It can also be used in the sense of the time it takes before a special ability can be activated again, such as Star Platinum: The World's time stop.

  • Precision (精密動作性, Seimitsu Dōsa-sei):

Measures the Stand's accuracy and range of influence/effect of their abilities to specified targets. Automatic type Stands are generally evaluated with Rank D or under with a few exceptions.

  • Development Potential (成長性, Seichō-sei):

Measures the Stand's possible functions, utilization of its abilities and powers, and capacity to improve its overall capabilities. It decreases in rank as the user masters their Stand. For example, Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum is Rank A in Developmental Potential during Stardust Crusaders, but is given Rank C during Stone Ocean, as Jotaro has had many years to hone Star Platinum's power. However, Rank C implies that all of Star Platinum's possible abilities and functions still had not been discovered or figured out by that time. For a Stand to gain an E-Ranking, it means that either their Stand user discovered all of their Stand's abilities or the Stand came with very few abilities and thus cannot grow any more than it has. Stands such as Green Day and Notorious B.I.G, with infinitely increasing abilities, will be evaluated very high in this parameter.

Each statistic is ranked from A to E; though rankings of None and Infinite are also possible. If a rank is Unknown, it will show a question mark (?); this is usually because the Stand or its full capabilities have not yet been revealed in the storyline. Rankings are defined as follows:

A: Excellent (超スゴイ, Chō Sugoi)
B: Good (スゴイ, Sugoi)
C: Comparable to a Human (人間と同じ, Ningen to Onaji)
D: Weak (ニガテ, Nigate)
E: Very Weak (超ニガテ, Chō Nigate)

They are first seen in the artbook JOJO A-GO!GO!, later in canon from Vento Aureo onward as Stands are shown with their parameters along with their name and ability description. Steel Ball Run and JoJolion do not display parameters, but Stands introduced during these arcs are given them in artbooks.


Dans l'anime à partir de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders les paramètres de Stands sont illustrés dans des Eyecatch montrés après toute coupure publicitaire. Dans JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, la silhouette du manieur de Stand est aussi montrée. Dans JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, les eyecatchs son stylisés à partir d'une animation de pièce tournante se transformant en la roue des paramètres.

Les paramètres de Stand sont aussis utilisés dans les émissions radios hebdomadaires comme ORAORAdio et Morioh RADIO 4 GREAT pour noter les animateurs et les invités.


Araki had conceived his idea of Stand following a need to illustrate his character's abilities and drew inspiration from several sources. As the Vampires and therefore the Ripple which was needed to fight them, became less relevant, there was a need to innovate the way characters in the series would fight each other. Araki mentions several trains of thought which would eventually lead into the creation of the Stands.

In several instances, Araki says that he was influenced by spiritualism, the ancestor cult of the Shinto religion giving him the idea of an otherworldly being protecting someone.[23][24] Moreover, Yokai legends and folklore would become one of the main inspirations for the Stands' appearances.[25]

Alternatively, starting from the idea of psychic powers, Araki mentions that his natural skepticism about psychic powers inspired him to draw a psychic entity summoned by the characters. His interrogation about how psychic powers could affect the physical world without any medium led him into illustrating the psychic powers through Stands, which could make the reader visualize the way characters affected the world with their minds.[25] Araki mentions having in mind a punching fist coming out of the body to break an object, and thought that anything could be drawn, giving him a lot of artistic liberty.[26]


  • The concept of Stands were inspired by the 'guardian spirit' from Jiro Tsunoda's Ushiro no Hyakutarō manga.[27]
  • Araki explains that Stand abilities are often the first element he thinks of when he creates a character, and that he then develops the character's personality and appearance based on the harmony with said Stand power.[25][28]
  • Starting from Part 3 to Part 6, the name of each Stand that is used by the main protagonists are referring to their own representative sub-titles (e.g. Star Platinum, Stand of Jotaro Kujo from Stardust Crusaders).
    • Throughout the majority of Part 3, Stands were named after Tarot cards often followed by another element such as a colour or a number, such as Hierophant Green and Death 13. Starting with Cream late into Part 3 (and later standardized in Part 4), stands were named after bands, musicians, albums, and songs. Like characters named after musical acts, these Stand names have historically been the subject of renaming in English localization of JoJo material, so as to avoid trademark infringement. These altered names have become a common point of chagrin and humor among JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fans within the Anglosphere, most notably the renaming of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap to "Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price".
  • Currently, Stands that don't have an anime version of their Stand parameters are Tenore Sax, Love Deluxe, Echoes (ACT 2), Achtung Baby, Ratt, and Boy II Man.


  1. JOJOVELLER: STANDS | Definition of a Stand, p.316
  2. Chapter 139: Yellow Temperance, Part 4
  3. Chapter 116: Jotaro Kujo (3), pg. 7
  4. JOJOVELLER: STANDS - Comments by Hirohiko Araki
  5. Chapter 552: Pronto! On the Phone, Part 2
  6. Chapter 126, Silver Chariot Part 3
  7. Chapter 114: Jotaro Kujo, Part 1
  8. Stone Ocean Chapter 129: Heavy Weather, Part 5
  9. 9.0 9.1 Chapter 121, The Power called a "Stand"
  10. Chapter 538: Notorious B.I.G, Part 6
  11. Chapter 257: DIO's World, Part 11
  12. Chapter 445: Bucciarati Is Coming, Part 3
  13. Chapter 504: Baby Face, Part 5
  14. JOJOVELLER: STANDS | Techniques to Stands, p.319
  15. Hirohiko Araki, 2006
  16. Chapter 552: Pronto! On the Line (2) p.13
  17. Chapter 569: A Brief Flashback p.13
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS - Standlogy, pp. 84, 103-105, 118-120
  19. Chapter 206, "God Sethan" Alessi Part 2
  20. JJL Chapter 64, The Plant Appraiser Part 1
  21. Chapter 115, Jotaro Kujo Part 2
  22. Chapter 163: Lovers, Part 4
  23. Interview Archive, Animeland (06/01/2003) 
  24. Interview Archive, French Reportage 09/20/06
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Interview Archive, JOJO 6251
  26. Interview Archive, JOJO PS2
  27. Weekly Shonen Brackets 100Q (04/05/2003)
  28. Manga in Theory and Practice; Chapter 3: Designing Characters; Special Abilities and Finishing Moves, the origins of Stands.

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