Bruno Bucciarati ★ História

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Um resumo cronológico detalhado da vida de Bruno Bucciarati.


Bucciarati, aos 7 anos, com seus pais

Bruno Bucciarati nasceu o filho de um humilde pescador em uma cidade costal onde ele passou a maioria de sua feliz infância com dois pais carinhosos. O anime menciona que isso se passou em um subúrbio de Nápoles.

Quando Bucciarati tinha sete anos de idade, seus pais decidiram se divorciar. Seu pai Paolo Bucciarati queria continuar na vila de pesca onde eles moravam enquanto sua mãe queria ir para a cidade grande. Os dois decidiram que Bucciarati deveria escolher com quem ele queria viver. A mãe de Bucciarati tentou convencê-lo a ir com ela para a cidade e receber uma boa educação, mas no final, Bucciarati disse que preferia morar com seu pai. Ambos os pais de Bucciarati ficaram chocados, mas sua mãe entendeu a motivação por trás da decisão dele. Bucciarati sabia, mesmo em sua pouca idade, que assim qeu sua mãe chegasse à cidade ela esqueceria da vila, mesmo que ela estivesse chorando e triste no momento. No entanto, sue pai continuaria sozinho e ficaria velho e morreria e precisaria de alguém lá com ele. Essa bondade era parte da personalidade de Bucciarati, embora sua mãe não esperava que essa bondade acabaria piorando sua vida.[1]

Com o passar dos anos, o pai de Bucciarati trabalhava muito duro na esperança de que Bucciarati um dia se mudaria para cidade e receberia uma boa educação. Certo dia, dois homens fingindo serem pescadores se apresentaram e pediram para serem levados à uma ilha. Os pescadores pareciam estranhos, um deles até mesmo esquecendo de levar sua vara de pesca. O pai de Bucciarati levou uma vara e procurou pelos pescadores mas ao encontrá-los, ele viu que eles eram na verdade gângsteres envolvidos com o tráfico de drogas com vários outros homens.
Bucciarati, aos 12 anos, mata os gângsteres que haviam vindo para matar seu pai

O pai de Bucciarati foi baleado sete vezes mas um barco da guarda costeira passava por ali, forçando os gângsteres a fuigirem. A tripulação o encontrou e ele foi levado a um hospital. No entanto, enquanto o pa ide Bucciarati estava inconsciente, os mesmos dois gângsteres entraram escondidos em seu quarto, pretendendo acabar com ele. Enquanto um ficava de guarda, o outro foi para matar o pai de Bucciarati, quando de repente ele encontrou uma faca apontada para ele pelo Bucciarati de doze anos, que estava se escondendo embaixo da cama para proteger seu pai sabendo que as pessoas que tentaram matá-lo viriam novamente.[1] Bucciarati matou os dois gângsteres mas sabia que a polícia não poderia proteger a ele ou sua família de uma possível retaliação. Ele então se juntou a Passione pela proteção que ela lhe daria contra os amigos dos dois gângsteres que poderiam estar buscando vingança.

Trabalhando para a Passione

Bucciarati descobre drogas sob a posse da Passione

Por alguns anos, Bucciarati trabalhou sob Polpo, não pensando muito sobre as ações da gangue, embora isso fosse por volta da época que a gangue começou a vender drogas dentro da cidade. Cinco anos depois, o pai de Bucciarati morreu de complicações durante sua cirurgia, mas Bucciarati sabia que a gangue estava envolvida com a operação e que eles estavam tentando separá-lo de seu pai.[1] No final, a confiança de Bucciarati foi traída quando ele inevitavelmente descobriu sobre o tráfico de drogas da Passione, mas mesmo assim ele não podia fazer nada a respeito da situação. Bucciarati trabalhou firmemente, ganhando confiança o suficiente de Polpo para ser encarregado de esconder seu tesouro em Capri.

Ao mesmo tempo, Bucciarati trabalhava para construir uma equipe de indivíduos confiáveis, recrutando quatro adolescentes e homens nos pontos mais baixos de suas vidas: Pannacotta Fugo, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga e Guido Mista.

Bucciarati começa a recrutar pessoas confiáveis

Na adaptação de anime, Bucciarati conheceu Pannacotta Fugo uma tarde enquanto o jovem deserdado e sem-teto foi pego tentando comer e sair sem pagar por um garçom, mas Fugo explicou qeu havia uma lei que permitiria que ele saísse livre. O garçom pediu que Bucciarati lhe ajudasse. No entanto, Bucciarati estava mais impressionado com a mente sagaz de Fugo e o contratou. A adaptação de anime também mostrou Bucciarati abordando Leone Abbacchio, que à esse ponto era um ex-policial caído e um bêbado. Bucciarati lhe convenceu a se juntar a gangue e colocar seus talentos em obra.

Certo dia, Fugo trouxe Narancia Ghirga à seu restaurante e perguntou se ele podia alimentar Narancia, que costumava viver nas ruas como um adolescente desabrigado. Bucciarati imediatamente deu seu prato a Narancia e pagou para o tratamento da doença em seu olho. Narancia mais tarde pediria para se juntar a gangue de Bucciarati, mas Bucciarati recusou ocm raiva e disse para Narancia ir à escola em vez disso. Mesmo assim Narancia passou pelo teste de Polpo e obteve sucesso.

Em certo ponto, Bucciarati também ouviu sobre o caso de Guido Mista, acusado de ter atirado em três homens a sangue frio. Temendo que Mista morreria na prisão e provavelmente também mataria um marginal da prisão ou um homem gay, Bucciarati mexeu pauzinhos para liberar Mista.[2] A adaptação de anime também mostrou Bucciarati e Mista tendo uma conversa antes que Mista pudesse ser convencido a se juntar à equipe.

Um Destino Selado

Um florista pedindo para Bucciarati e o resto da equipe Bucciarati investigar a morte de sua filha.

Certo dia, Bucciarati descobriu sobre a morte de Luca Lacrimejante e foi encarregado com a investigação do assunto. Bucciarati também recebeu um pedido de um dono de loja de flores que explicou que sua filha havia misteriosamente pulado de um prédio para matar a si mesma e pediu que Bucciarati se vingasse do namorado de sua filha, quem ele pensava ter sido o culpado pelo incidente. Disposto a dar ao homem mas sendo um simples homicídio, Bucciarati então enviou Mista para interrogar o namorado enquanto Fugo lhe convenceu a ser enviado em seu lugar.

Ao mesmo tempo, Mista esteve vendo o Rolling Stones perseguindo a Bucciarati mas sua confusão preocupava Bucciarati, que decidiu seguir Mista. Bucciarati foi quase tocado pelo Rolling Stones mas foi salvo por Mista que o pegou e pulou do sétimo andar para destruir a pedra, sobrevivendo a queda ao aterrisar no carro de Fugo. Mista havia descobrido que o Rolling Stones mostrou que Bucciarati estava destinado a morrer e buscou evitar seu destino ao destruir a pedra. Vendo ambos Mista e Fugo feridos, Bucciarati acaba decidindo investigar a morte de Luca ele mesmo.

Antes disso, Bucciarati é permitido se dispôr de Luca já que agora ele é inútil para a gange, e pega algumas partes de seu corpo com ele para usá-las depois.

Vento Aureo

Battle contra Giorno Giovanna

Bucciarati confronta Giorno Giovanna

Bucciarati encontra Giorno Giovanna em um funicular e lhe interroga a respeito do assassinato de Luca. Usando uma fachada de civilidade antes de revelar que ele veio em nome do Chefe, Bucciarati pergunta a Giorno se ele conheceu Luca no aeroporto. Giorno responde que ele nunca sequer ouviu falar dele. Para fazê-lo suar, Bucciarati põe o olho de Luca no punho fechado de Giorno e finge ir embora, apenas para supreender o Giorno perturbado e lamber sua bochecha. Bucciarati então descobre que Giorno estava mentindo;

Para conseguir a verdade, Bucciarati espanca Giorno e põe mais partes do corpo de Luca em Giorno com o Sticky Fingers. Giorno logo retalia e revela seu Stand, Gold Experience. O Gold Experience soca Bucciarati no peito. Quando ele se levanta, Bucciarati vê que ele ficou forte o suficiente para dobrar uma barra de metal e é até mesmo mais rápido que o Stand de Giorno. No entanto, ele logo percebe que sua mente está meramente delirando enquanto seu corpo está indefeso. O Gold Experience soca Bucciarati e ele recebe a sensação completa da dor em sua percepção retardada do tempo.

Bruno luta com Giorno, mas eventualmente fazem as pazes

Bucciarati é lançado aos ares para o fundo do funicular e é forçado a completamente revelar o Sticky Fingers para bloquear utro ataque. Percebendo que um confronto direto possa ser perigoso contra o poder do Gold Experience, Bucciarati decide fugir e se recuperar, mas Giorno lhe persegue, se recusando a deixá-lo escapar. Encontrando uma multidão de pessoas, Bucciarati usa seu Stand para se esconder dentro do corpo de um garoto de treze anos mas é logo descoberto por Giorno usando o poder do Gold Experience e seu próprio dente perdido. Bucciarati decide diretamente lutar contra Giorno e o engana a atacar o braço do civil o qual ele grudou em si mesmo e quase corta Giorno ao meio com seus zíperes. Entretanto, Giorno remove seu próprio braço para socar Bucciarati novamente. Derrotado, Bucciarati é surpreendido quando Giorno lhe poupa. Ele descobre que a decisão de Giorno foi baseada em sua hesitação ao ver o braço pertencente ao adolescente no qual ele se escondeu; ele havia sido injetado com drogas. Bucciarati só foi poupado porque Giorno viu que ele é uma boa pessoa.

Seguindo a conclusão de sua luta, Giorno declara sua intenção de se infiltrar na Passione e considera Bucciarati um aliado. Convencido pela determinaçao de Giorno, Bucciarati aceita ajudá-lo a se infiltrar em sua gangue, Passione, embora o gangue seja rápido para informá-lo de que caso suas ambições de assumir o controle da gangue ou seu envolvimento no assassinato de Luca forem descobertos, ele não ofereça ajuda a ele já que ele afirma que ninguém ajudaria um traidor. Após Giorno se iniciar na Passione através de um dos testes de Polpo, Bucciarati explica a ele que a maneira mais eficiente de dar um golpe no Diavolo é ter uma boa reputação com ele e então introduz Giorno ao seu grupo.

Promoção a Capo

Após Polpo ser assassinado por Giorno, encenado para parecer um suicídio já que ele havia usado o Gold Experience para disfarçar uma arma como uma banana, Bucciarati leva sua gangue à ilha de Capri para tomarem o tesouro escondido de quatro bilhões de liras que uma vez pertenciam a Polpo, Bucciarati tendo o ajudado a escondê-lo anteriormente.

Mario Zucchero's Attack

Abbacchio e Bruno rastreando um inimigo

Quando ele termina de dar as instruções à equipe, Narancia é levado para fora de vista e desaparece. Logo, Mista e Fugo também são pegos. Um inimigo está se esocndendo no barco mas todos os possíveis esconderijos já foram checados. Giorno transforma o sapato de Narancia em uma mosca e prova que ele ainda está vivo mas Abbacchio se recusa a revelar o Moody Blues na frente do novato. Giorno então propositalmente se deixa ser atacado e desaparece. Abbacchio então invoca o Moody Blues e investiga o ataque contra Narancia. Graças a Abbacchio, é revelado que o Stand inimigo pode perfurar e desinflar pessoas como balões. No entanto, Abbacchio envia o Moody Blues para dentro do cano para o qual Narancia foi puxado para investigar o lugar e é atacado, desinflado e pego. Bucciarati fica sozinho e o inimigo, um outro gângster da Passione chamado Mario Zucchero, o interroga a respeito do tesouro. No entanto, Bucciarati já percebeu o truque do inimigo quando ele viu que o sangue de Abbacchio não alcançou o interior do barco. Fingindo estar atacando todo o lugar por raiva, Bucciarati propositalmente abre um buraco no casco para afundar o barco e forçar Zucchero a revelar o segundo barco que ele usou para cobrir seu iate. Zucchero aparece, usando Abbacchio de refém. Entretanto, Bucciarati abre o braço do Sticky Fingers para abrir zíperes nas partes do corpo dele de longe.

Depois disso, a equipe tenta torturar Zucchero mas isso é fútil já que Zucchero ainda é um gângster endurecido. Abbacchio descobre que Zucchero já contatou seu parceiro em Capri e a equipe se pergunta o que fazer. Giorno sugere que eles enviem alguns homens para se livrarem do parceiro antes disso e então elee Mista vão à Capri e Mista eventualmente derrota Sale.

Protegendo Trish Una

File:Bruno promotion.png
Bucciarati is promoted to capo

Bucciarati vai ao esconderijo do tesouro e cumprimenta o capo Pericolo. Ele então revela que o tesouro esteve escondido nas paredes de um banheiro público. Após um rápido exame, Pericolo aceita o tesouro e promove Bucciarati para o cargo de capo, dando a ele o controle dos hotéis e casinos de Nápoles. No entanto, Pericolo lhe encarrega com a última missão de Polpo: proteger a filha do Chefe, Trish Una, de uma equipe de assassinos traidores que buscam sequestrá-la e usá-la para expôr a identidade do Chefe.

Protecting Trish Una

Bruno então leva sua equipe e Trish para uma casa nas vinharias do interior. Narancia é enviado para comprar suprimentos mas é encontrado pelo assassino Formaggio. Narancia incendeia uma rua inteira para derrotar Formaggio e o esconderijo da gangue é então garantido ser descoberto brevemente. Felizmente, o Chefe rapidamente dá novas ordens para a equipe. Uma chave deve ser recuperada na Pompeia e Bucciarati envia Giorno, Fugo e Abbacchio para fazer a tarefa. Eles recuperam a chave apesar de terem de lutar contra o assassino Illuso.

Express Train to Florence

On the key are engraved further instructions. Team Bucciarati thus goes to Naples train station to board the first train to Venice and find something that will help them. On the platform, Bucciarati is initially stuck and cannot find any lock that fits the key. Meanwhile a duo of assassins, Prosciutto and Pesci, close in on them. Bucciarati finally finds Coco Jumbo, a turtle with a key-shaped cavity on its shell. Bucciarati quickly takes it and activates its ability Mr.President. The whole team and Trish are able to go inside of a room inside the turtle, and hide in the driver's cabin.

Battle Against Prosciutto and Pesci

Prosciutto's The Grateful Dead ages everyone in the train

Pesci and Prosciutto stay on the train and try to search it. Pesci almost finds the turtle, but Prosciutto then deploys his The Grateful Dead. Suddenly, everyone in the train grows old at an alarming rate. Mista hastily wants to get out and fight, but an old Giorno points out that not everyone is aging at the same rate. Bruno, Mista and Trish are relatively young. Giorno deduces that they have stayed younger thanks to their body temperature and thus touching an ice cube will help. Mista is sent outside to fight. Although Mista corners Pesci, he is ambushed by Prosciutto and is taken down. Thankfully, Sex Pistols no.6 warns Bucciarati about the incoming enemy.

Bucciarati must drag Prosciutto out of the train

Bruno hides in the ceiling with no.6 while Prosciutto and Pesci search the driver's cabin. When they find the turtle, Bruno comes out and attacks only to be blocked by Prosciutto's The Grateful Dead. The assassin has sensed the wind and protected himself. A short close-quarters fight ensues. While Sticky Fingers keeps The Grateful Dead and Prosciutto busy, Bucciarati comes down and violently kicks Pesci against the glass, taking him out. Bucciarati concentrates on Prosciutto to cancel his aging power. When The Grateful Dead attacks Bruno on the ground, he quickly zips his head in half to evade the punch and has Sticky Fingers punch Prosciutto in the guts. The assassin is wounded but Bucciarati has exerted himself, heating his body and canceling the effect of the ice cube. Aged, Bucciarati's Stand is slower. Determined to safeguard his subordinates, Bucciarati opens a hole in the hull of the train and throws himself out along with Prosciutto.

Bucciarati and Prosciutto are thrown out of the speeding train. Pesci wakes up and manages to hook Prosciutto with his Beach Boy. Taken by surprise by the snapback, Bucciarati almost drops Prosciutto and only hangs by his shoes. Complimenting the capo on his spirit, Prosciutto still tries to kick Bucciarati out. Bucciarati tries a punch which Prosciutto avoids since it is slower. Then, Bucciarati drops his grip on the hitman to throw a second punch that is deflected by The Grateful Dead. This is what Bucciarati wanted as he aimed for Pesci's line. Warned about its power by no.6, Bucciarati attacks the line to transfer the damage to Prosciutto, who is dropped out of the hook while Bucciarati grabs it. Bucciarati climbs to the roof of the train and tries to detach the hook by zipping his hand, but soon notices that the aging effect has started again. Against all odds, Prosciutto has stuck himself in the machinery of the train. Wounded beyond hope, the hitman keeps his Stand active. This action inspire Pesci to become a cold-blooded and focus assassin as well.

Pesci tries to assassinate Bucciarati

Pesci's tremendous mastery of Beach Boy allows him to always sink his hook in Bucciarati's body despite his every actions. Pesci proceeds to try and fling Bucciarati into the sign posts near the train tracks. Bucciarati is forced to go inside of the train and the hook is steadily approaching his heart. Bruno performs a desperate action. He attacks the line and splits his body into multiple parts to confuse Pesci, going as far as split his heart in two to keep it from beating and keep Pesci from hearing the heartbeat. Unable to breathe or even pump blood, Bucciarati waits for Pesci to retract his hook. After a while, Pesci does break and thinks that Bucciarati may be targeting Prosciutto; he recalls Beach Boy and stops the train. Although Bruno almost loses his life, the recoil of the stopping time thankfully pushes the pieces of his heart together and Bruno is able to recover.

Bruno bidding Pesci "Arrivederci".

Bruno and Pesci meet beside the train and a short fight ensues. Pesci has the confidence to send Beach Boy's hook directly at Bucciarati's heart, but Sticky Fingers grabs the line, yanks it to put the line around Pesci's neck and snap it. Pesci is pretty much defeated but decides to let Trish out of the turtle and smash it against the rocks. Bucciarati tries to intercept him but Pesci reveals his real plan to go directly in Coco Jumbo and kill Bruno's team. However, Sticky Fingers detach its arm to grab Pesci from afar and pull him out, and then proceeds to pummel him. Pesci is cut into pieces and thrown into the river. Suddenly, Trish demands explanation about the strange fights happening around her. Seeing a paw print on the ground, Bucciarati realizes that Trish is a Stand User. The team has survived the attack but the train is stopped and other hitmen are sure to come soon.

The Road to Venice

At first, the team tries to hide inside of a truck but the driver discovers the turtle and Mista must knock him out. The team walks on the Via Appia for a while until Giorno suggest to steal a car.

Baby Face attacks the team but Giorno defeats it

Near a parking lot, the rest of the team works on stealing a car while Bucciarati guards Trish inside the turtle. When she demands to go in the toilet, Bucciarati opens a hole inside the turtle so that she can relieve herself. Distracted when Giorno reports to him, Bucciarati then notices that Trish has disappeared and that there is something wrong with the room. It is revealed that an enemy Stand has "cubified" Trish into a cupboard and it then attacks Bucciarati, taking him out. The enemy Stand, Baby Face, is thankfully defeated by Giorno. Giorno also sends a snake after Melone to get rid of him.

The team is instructed to use Moody Blues and they discover Pericolo who tells them to retrieve a disc containing further instructions for Trish's final delivery. The team subsequently finds the disc, learn about the instructions and reach San Giorgio Maggiore, the final destination of their mission.

Delivering Trish Una to the Boss

Bucciarati tells Trish that her father loves her
The team island of San Giorgio Maggiore, where one man should accompany Trish to the top of the belfry while the rest wait in the boat. As the leader, Bucciarati volunteers to escort Trish to the top of the church's belfry to meet her father. Knowing that Giorno has a unique opportunity, he asks for his "lucky brooch", in reality a brooch given life that will act as a bug.

Trish, having never met her father, shies away from the elevator to the top. Bucciarati responds by reassuring her that her father loves her and that she'll soon be given a new identity so that she could live her life in peace. To further comfort her, Bucciarati lets her hold his hand during the elevator ride up. It is then that after noticing the elevator ride felt somewhat shorter than expected, Bucciarati turns around to see that he's actually holding Trish's severed hand. He immediately realizes that the Boss only wanted Trish brought to him so that he could kill her himself and erase any potential leads to him and his identity. Revolted by the evilness of the Boss, Bucciarati decides to openly rebel and pursue him.

Battle Against the Boss

Bucciarati fatally injured by The Boss's King Crimson

Bucciarati sees the Boss exiting the elevator shaft and manage to pin the bug to his jacket by dropping it. Following the Boss's trail, he deduces that the Boss is heading to the crypt and decides to overtake him and wait in ambush behind a column. His plan to assassinate him and save Trish is thrown into disarray when the Boss somehow notices his presence and orders him to leave or die. The moment Bucciarati attacks, the Boss vanishes and a Stand grabs Sticky Fingers's arm from behind a pillar, threatening to break it. Bruno destroys the pillar but the Boss isn't here. From the shadows, the Boss asks him why he would betray the gang despite a mission accomplished. Yelling out that Trish never had a father in the Boss and that he will never understand how he feels, Bucciarati pulls out a mobile phone to contact Giorno. Given directions from his ally, he attacks the Boss through a nearby column, only to hit what he soon realizes is himself, left confused as his conscience switches over to the other him. The Boss and his Stand, King Crimson reappear behind Bucciarati. Explaining its ability to erase time, King Crimson punch clean through his torso.

Miraculously, Bucciarati comes back to life

Though grievously injured, Bucciarati zips up the wound to trap King Crimson's hand and retaliates. The Boss proceeds to activate King Crimson's ability once more: the ability to erase time and see into the future. Effortlessly avoiding being hit, the Boss positions him behind Bucciarati and delivers a fatal chop that cleaves through much of his torso. Dying and helpless to save Trish, Bucciarati screams out and almost witnesses her being killed by her own father before the Boss is suddenly sucked into a turtle; Giorno has used his Gold Experience to turn the ladybug brooch-turned-tracking device back into a clone of Coco Jumbo which forces the Boss into the turtle. Noting how the boy always fills him with courage, Bucciarati musters the strength to take Trish and escape from the Boss by coming up with a plan involving the limited amount of time King Crimson can see into the future. Bruno carries the unconscious Trish up to the stairs but realizes that the Boss has already gotten out of the turtle to block his path. Bruno seemingly ambushes the Boss from behind by detaching Sticky Fingers' arm, and misses, but reveals that he did everything to occupy the Boss while he aimed at the pillar, creating a zipper. Bruno uses the zipper to go up the ceiling with Trish and crawls into the chancel of the church. When Giorno reaches Bucciarati, the capo appears to perish on the spot, before awakening and ordering him to attract the team inside. Giorno does so, unwittingly dissuading the Boss from revealing himself to the group. The Boss decides to retreat, temporarily.

Explaining the situation to his crew

On the pier, Bucciarati tells his team about his betrayal and asks the team to come with him. However, he refuses to use his authority as the team leader and asks them to join him out of personal choice. Except for Giorno who planned to become a traitor, the whole team is terrified and Fugo calls him out on doing such a thoughtless act. However, Abbacchio and Mista board the boat: Abbacchio admits that he feels most at peace when he's with Bucciarati and Mista merely wants to get at the Boss's fortune, knowing Bucciarati would never fight a battle he couldn't win. Narancia begs Bucciarati for an order to follow him but is told to decide for himself. Fugo and Narancia are left behind, though in the end Narancia ultimately swims after the boat, which gladdens Bucciarati. Giorno notices that Bucciarati does not feel pain nor bleed, and after helping him up from faintness, he is cold to the touch.

Betraying the Boss

Squalo and Tiziano's Attack

Tiziano and Squalo attack the team

Still in Venice, Team Bucciarati have lunch at a restaurant and debate on their next course of action. Bucciarati reveals the power of King Crimson to his team and decides to investigate the Boss' past to acquire information and ambush him. However, there seems to be no way of even knowing where he comes from. Trish gets out of the turtle and reveals that her mother Donatella Una met the Boss in Sardinia. Thus, the team's destination is set.

However, Narancia sees an enemy Stand in his soup. Narancia's tongue is torn off but quickly replaced by Giorno. In reality, the team is attacked by the duo of Squalo and Tiziano. Tiziano's Talking Head forces Narancia to lie about the enemy and Bucciarati is misled. Tiziano lures the team to the kitchen and manipulates them to create an explosion. Clash uses the opportunity to wound them. Thankfully, Narancia manages to find and kill the enemy Stand Users. Team Bucciarati thus leaves Venice and heads to the airport.

Notorious B.I.G's Attack

The team is attacked by the invincible Notorious B.I.G

In the airport, Bucciarati neutralizes two guards and his team proceed to hijack a private plane. During their preparation, Passione operative Carne approaches the plane, only to be shot down by Mista. Soon after the plane takes off, Giorno and Mista discover Carne's fingers in the fridge and Bucciarati zips it out of the plane. However, the posthumous Stand, Notorious B.I.G., appears. Bucciarati has to see Mista and Narancia get heavily wounded and Giorno loses both hands in an attempt to get Notorious B.I.G. off the plane. Desperate as three of his teammates including their healer Giorno are severely wounded. He takes his men to the cockpit to apply first aid, unaware that meanwhile, Trish is having her own battle against Notorious B.I.G. He only notices it when he returns to the cabin, by which point Notorious B.I.G has grown to half of the plane's size. Trish takes the initiative and makes the plane crash whereas the cockpit is softened and turned into a makeshift parachute. Most of Notorious B.I.G is destroyed but a last piece is stuck on Abbacchio. Bucciarati willingly offers his hand as a bait, which Trish's new Stand Spice Girl cuts off, as they have acquired a new hand Giorno has made for himself.


Bucciarati and Narancia lured away from Abbacchio

In Sardinia, the team investigates a stela near which the Boss supposedly took a picture of Trish's mother. Abbacchio's Moody Blues proceeds to rewind to fifteen years ago. However, a bunch of scalpels are thrown toward their direction. Although Sticky Fingers grabs the scalpels, and enemy is here. Narancia seemingly kills the only man in the vicinity but Bucciarati wants to investigate it for himself. Unbeknownst to them, the mysterious Vinegar Doppio has been fighting Risotto Nero and prevailed. Weakened, the Boss's host tries to crawl away and hide. Bucciarati and Narancia arrive at the site of the battle and see Risotto's corpse. However, Bucciarati notices that a feet has been cut clean off, meaning there was someone else who wounded Risotto and Bucciarati tells Narancia to detect any life form that seems to be purposefully going away from their position. Narancia finds something and the pair surround this unknown person. However, Bucciarati discovers that it is a boy, tied up. Meanwhile the Boss is able to approach Abbacchio and kill him.

Abbacchio dies but leaves a clue to his team

The team is shocked by Abbacchio's sudden death. As a silver lining, Abbacchio has managed to uncover the face of the Boss with his Moody Blues in his final moments and pass on his discovery to the team. The team proceed to search available databases to investigate the Boss and Bucciarati receives contact from a third party that confirms the identity of the Boss as that of man named Diavolo, and is told to go to the Colosseum in Rome so that the mysterious contact can give them the Arrow which can unlock a power great enough to trump Diavolo's King Crimson. Bucciarati accepts to go to Rome via boat.

Cioccolata and Secco's Attack

Cioccolata and Secco attack the group

The team is ambushed on a coastal village near Rome by the Guard Squad members Secco and his Oasis and the sadistic Cioccolata and his Green Day. Green Day's mold spreads in the village and Narancia hastily jumps down the boat. The mold invades his body and Bucciarati orders him to toss the turtle to Mista but Mista manages to shoot their boat's engine, making it explode and propelling Narancia and his turtle upward. Thanks to Giorno's knowledge, the team is aware that the mold will spread if they ever go down. Bucciarati thus replaces Narancia as a guard. When Bucciarati and Mista go up some stairs, they discover Secco whose Oasis makes the ground soft. They only manage to reach the streets by a hair's breadth, followed by Secco. Mista tries to stop Secco, without success. Bucciarati decides to jump down the concrete platform to lead Secco out of it and ambushes him. Sticky Fingers pummels Secco and drives him away, buying the team enough time to take a car to Rome.

Bucciarati reveals his undead status to Giorno

The team is subsequently able to drive to Rome, during which Bucciarati tells a dumbfounded Giorno that he is a dead soul piloting his own decaying corpse and that this state is nothing short of a miracle allowing him to see through his mission. Their conversation is cut short when Cioccolata and Secco toss a mold-ridden corpse on their windshield. Indeed, they are on an helicopter. Secco dives into the ground and Giorno and Mista manage to seemingly imprison the helicopter at the top of the tower. The team splits up and Bucciarati takes care of Secco. However, Secco reveals that he is considerably stronger and faster than Sticky Fingers, especially when he uses the softened ground to bounce his elbows against them and power up his punches. Bucciarati is forced to retreat. Eventually, Giorno kills Cioccolata which stops the mold from spreading, but that makes Secco only more determined to get whatever is in the Colosseum.

Battle Against Secco

Bucciarati fights Secco

After a short close-quarters fight, Bucciarati is bested again. He decides to zip into the ground and runs towards the Colosseum. Secco follows him and ineluctably closes on him thanks to his great sense of hearing. Even if Bucciarati tries to make decoys by breaking a water pipe, Secco is good enough to keep track of Bucciarati. When Bucciarati decides to stay still, Secco munches on concrete and spits it in the air, creating a deadly rain of hardened spikes. Bucciarati resumes his run and tries confuse Secco by zipping a lamppost into pieces that sink into the softened ground. Still, Secco is on his trail. Worse, Bucciarati's body begins to be affect and a softened finger breaks, tipping off Secco. Secco makes a powerful punch that softens the ground over a large area and even makes cars sink. As Secco closes in on Bucciarati, he decides to sacrifice his lost eardrums and pops a car tyre. The noise also deafens Secco who loses his advantage. Secco must resurface and takes a teenager hostage. However, Bucciarati manages to finish Secco off, sending him walking clumsily into a garbage truck as the Passione member desperately tries fiddling with the zipper that was placed on his body, never to be seen again.

Final Confrontation Against the Boss

Entrance to the Colosseum

The Boss disguises his soul as Trish's soul

The battle with Secco takes its toll on Bucciarati himself, as his undead body shuts down. Bucciarati loses his sight and hearing. Incidentally, Doppio and Diavolo trick him into leading them to the meeting point with the mysterious party, revealed as Jean Pierre Polnareff. Bucciarati is then deceived into thinking that the teenager is actually Trish, once Doppio is informed by Diavolo through a call that Bucciarati can only sense people by their souls due to being undead - Diavolo disguises his soul as that of Trish's own. Inside of the Colosseum, Polnareff calls them out from the second story and Bucciarati truthfully answers his question. Incidentally, he does inform Polnareff that "Trish" is a Stand User and thus the Frenchman asks to see their Stands.

This forces Diavolo to ditch Bucciarati and reveal himself to Polnareff. Following a quick fight, Polnareff is killed by King Crimson but Silver Chariot is pricked by the Arrow, turning into Chariot Requiem. Everyone in Rome is forced to sleep.

Chariot Requiem Unleashed

Bucciarati in Diavolo's body

Once Silver Chariot is pierced by the Arrow in Polnareff's possession after its user is effectively killed by Diavolo and King Crimson and transforms into Chariot Requiem, Bucciarati then goes into Diavolo's body. Revealing himself, Bucciarati attacks Chariot Requiem and takes off the arm that holds the Arrow. He finds his team in the same predicament, as well as Jean Pierre Polnareff in the body of Coco Jumbo. However, when tries to take the arrow, he discovers that Chariot can control Sticky Fingers and any other Stand to protect the Arrow. Chariot reattaches his arm and departs. To stop whoever is in his body, Bucciarati orders his body to be shot. However, Narancia is gruesomely killed. The team only has a short time to mourn the dead Narancia. Somehow, Diavolo is lurking around and Polnareff theorizes that Diavolo was sharing his body with another soul, meaning someone else is possessed by the Boss.

The Battle For the Arrow

Diavolo almost obtains the Arrow

In the streets, the team tries to retrieve the Arrow without success. Suddenly, Mista's gun breaks and Giorno pretends that Diavolo may be hiding inside of one of the heroes' bodies. To calm Mista who refuses to have anyone approach him, Bucciarati tells Giorno to test him first but it is revealed that Diavolo is hiding within the body of Mista "behind" the soul of Trish who also inhabits the body and Diavolo takes control. Bucciarati, Giorno, Mista runs after Diavolo, who avoids all attacks with King Crimson's power. Bucciarati sees Diavolo attacking something behind his head, which causes Chariot to burst and allows him to take the Arrow. Despite a back-and-forth, Diavolo ends up punching through his own body to fly and take the Arrow.

Bruno Bucciarati's Fate

Bucciarati ascending to heaven

Fortunately, Bucciarati also deduces the weakness of Chariot Requiem and destroys the soul light behind his head to save Trish, robs Diavolo of the Arrow and return everyone to their original bodies. This, in turn, allows Bucciarati's soul to finally transcend to the afterlife. As a spirit, he says his goodbyes to Giorno, thanking him for having brought him back to life, not just literally but by restoring the dying faith in his soul. Ascending to heaven, guided by angels, Bucciarati shows his appreciation for having met Giorno in Naples by leaving the Arrow in his hands, allowing him access to greater power.

Major Battles


The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.
Team Bucciarati

In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an incarnation of Bucciarati lives in the 37th universe. Bucciarati has the same appearance and a similar personality as his original universe counterpart, but gets angry more often. He is still a member of Passione and the leader of Leone Abbacchio (Universe 37), Pannacotta Fugo (Universe 37), Guido Mista (Universe 37), and Narancia Ghirga (Universe 37). However, Giorno Giovanna (Universe ?) is his boss.[3]

He wields a different Stand named Stepmom, which can sew things together at rapid speeds with its needle.

Stepmom (グッドナイト・ムーン)Link to this section
JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
Bucciarati with the pebble phone

Bucciarati helps Giorno and the others in Passione with tracking down the boss of Passione. When Nero Nero Island collides with Morioh, Bucciarati summons Jorge Joestar, Daibakusho Curry, and Runbaba 12 to the Budogaoka Academy Garden. Giorno speaks with Jorge on the phone, requesting his help to find Diavolo. Bucciarati is the leader, Giorno is in charge of communications, and three other members will each individually accompany the three detectives. After Giorno hangs up, Bucciarati warns Jorge not to lie since he can smell when someone is lying. He then assigns his team members to each detective. Abbacchio accompanies Daibakusho Curry, Mista accompanies Runbaba, and Narancia is assigned to Jorge.[4]

When Narancia and Jorge end up in Mars, Bucciarati calls them on their pebble phone. He reminds them that they have Morioh's citizens hostage, so he doesn't want them fooling around. Jorge states that despite speaking like a gentleman, he knows Bucciarati's group is full of murderers who kills civilians. However, Bucciarati responds that his group swore an oath not to kill innocent people. He thanks Jorge for telling him that Cioccolata, Secco, and others have betrayed them.[5]

Bucciarati calls Jorge

After Jorge and Narancia crash from space back to Earth, Bucciarati calls them and Jorge relays the situation they're in. Bucciarati explains that Reimi fixed the holes in Arrow Cross House after the spaceship crashed through it. There are only minor injuries on either side of the war with the American army, and the latter is starting to surrender since nobody could contact headquarters or leave the island. After the spaceship crashed, Morioh's barrier came back up but the island's power went out. Only Arrow Cross House still has light, water, and gas. Bucciarati also reveals that they found the dead bodies of Diavolo and Yoshikage Kira in the study of the Arrow Cross House, where they had somehow been lying for at least twelve hours, despite Jorge and Rohan Kishibe having been in and out of that room all day. He shares footage from Abbacchio's Stand Videodrome, depicting a holographic display of Diavolo and Kira's sudden deaths with their throats being slit. Bucciarati also states that Jorge shouldn't bother trying to deduce how they died since the world is better off with villains like them dead.[6]

Asking if Giorno is lying
Using Stepmom on Giorno

Bucciarati closely watches the investigation of the George Joestar from the original universe, after he ends up in the 37th universe. When George asks Bucciarati if Giorno is lying, Bucciarati notices the scent of a lie coming from Giorno. Giorno tells him that he's imagining it, infuriating Bucciarati. Fugo and Mista run back into the room asking Bucciarati what is happening, but Bucciarati angrily yells at Fugo to shut up. Giorno denies all of the accusations but Bucciarati doesn't believe him. Bucciarati begins stitching Giorno's mouth closed with his Stand Stepmom until Giorno yells out that he isn't lying, but he was the one that was lied to. Meanwhile, NYPD Blue and Abbacchio notice that Diavolo's pages from Heaven's Door were not in order; his body only had odd pages, meaning that Diavolo had an alternate personality and someone else had the even pages. Giorno says that he was betrayed by God, causing Bucciarati to punch him in the face.

They find Antonio Torres's hollowed skin was disguised as Giorno all along. The real Giorno moves his soul into Diavolo's corpse and reveals his betrayal. Bucciarati attempts to attack Diavolo with his team and the Japanese group, but they fail to prevent Diavolo from taking George with him.[3]

Bucciarati informs Jorge of what occurred and how the other George solved the mystery. Learning about Dio Brando, Bucciarati interrogates and tortures the original Antonio, learning that Dio is his boss. Unable to think of a solution on how to flip Morioh, Jorge tells Bucciarati to gather as many Morioh citizens into Arrow Cross House as he could so that they could either time travel or be protected from whatever happens to the island. However, Bucciarati states that since Reimi reverted back to Cube House, they have no way to exit the house or bring anyone inside.

Later, Bucciarati has Daibakusho Curry and Runbaba 12 investigate what happened to Denta Shishimaru's secretary, Chien Kunimido. The two are quickly able to find Chien at his house, learning that he is actually Kira. Disguised as Chien, Kira had blown up several detectives and also tortured the original George to the brink of death. Listening to Jorge's request, Bucciarati sends the original Antonio through Cube House back in time to England. Bucciarati and the others manage to reach Chien's house by Reimi rolling Cube House like a die. By the time they arrive, Kira apparently killed George already. Angered, Bucciarati threatens to kill Kira but Jorge warns him not to, as they need Kira's power. He has Bucciarati drop Kira through the hole in Cube House, which teleports Kira to Jorge.[7]


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