Noriaki Kakyoin
Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明, Kakyōin Noriaki) is a primary ally featured in the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders. He also appears as a posthumous primary character in the spin-off manga Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak.
Kakyoin is a Japanese student who was brainwashed by DIO during an earlier trip to Egypt and is sent to kill Jotaro Kujo. After being freed from DIO's influence, he decides to join Jotaro on his quest to Egypt to save Jotaro's mother and find redemption. Kakyoin is a Stand user and wields the long-ranged Hierophant Green.

Kakyoin is a young man of above-average height and a fit build. He is typically seen wearing a slim-fitting long gakuran, but also wears striped pajamas during his initial encounter with Death Thirteen. In the anime, he additionally wears the pajamas when admitted to the hospital.
Kakyoin keeps medium-length hair, characterized by a large, twisting bang hanging before his face. He wears cherry-shaped earrings: each is a long, fine arch, tipped by small spheres.
He is considered handsome and has captured the attention of a few women. One of Jotaro's admirers commented on his looks and during the Tower of Gray encounter, he swooned two female stewardesses. Upon arriving in India, he is also referred to as beautiful by a man trying to sell him a tattoo.
Later, Kakyoin acquires two thin scars vertically crossing both eyes from Geb, which he often hides with a pair of dark sunglasses.
Color Schemes
(Fearless Kakyoin)
Noriaki Kakyoin is first introduced as a cruel teenager because of DIO's brainwashing. Thus, he remorselessly attacks unrelated civilians and adopts a might makes right mindset.[12] However, he reveals himself as a righteous, though blunt individual. Kakyoin is ruthless with his enemies but loyal to his companions.
His reason for joining the Joestar Group is for both fighting evil,[11] and as thanks toward Jotaro for saving his life. Kakyoin is a brave individual, willingly participating in the dangerous journey to Egypt, and is also able to keep his nerves even in the direst situations such as having been punched through by The World.
Kakyoin is noted by Araki to be "the honor student type",[13] and thus can be described as haughty and somewhat introverted. Though he normally keeps a polite and somewhat formal behavior, Kakyoin is a rather cold and prideful man. He hates bowing down or brown-nosing. The humiliation of having been weak enough to bow to DIO is a part of his motivation for seeking redemption and revenge during Stardust Crusaders.[14]

Kakyoin mentions he could never relate to people because of his ability, and thus never desired to make friends for most of his life.[14] He thinks only respectable individuals can be friends of his.[5] The Joestar Group is the only group with whom he has attached himself, but he cares very strongly for them. Araki himself mentions that if it weren't for their Stands, Kakyoin and Jotaro wouldn't have been friends.[13] Kakyoin has shown to lighten up with Polnareff, although he can also be very brutal and vindictive, having elbowed Polnareff too as a "reconciliation".[15] His attitude is notably worse with his enemies, whom he frequently threatens and belittles. Even as a hero, he can be particularly cruel to his enemies, as seen when he rips Tower of Gray to pieces without hesitation[16] and takes revenge on Mannish Boy by forcing him to eat his own excrement.[17]
Kakyoin has stated that if he were to fall in love, he would fall in love with someone like Holy, who gives off the feeling that anything will be alright and can calm anyone's heart, making them feel at ease.[11]
In the spin-off Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, Kakyoin's soul communicates with his cousin Ryoko and explains more about his views at the time. Although a small part of him blames Ryoko for letting him succumb to DIO's curse, Kakyoin ultimately places the blame on his weakness. He is nonetheless happy to hear Ryoko tell him he was never weak. Kakyoin also realizes that he can only blame his lonely youth on his inability to reach others, instead of pretending that his Stand ability set him apart from his peers. Finally, he says that acknowledging this weakness in him allows him to forgive himself. Kakyoin also shows some relief at seeing Ryoko grown up, though she never confirms her identity, because it means that his journey wasn't meaningless in the end.[18]
Kakyoin's long-range humanoid Stand is Hierophant Green; able to extend tentacle-like limbs or unravel to a modest extent; as well as fire a barrage of hard projectiles (an "Emerald Splash"). He is often seen shouting his signature attack (like the Emerald Splash) in fights.
Kakyoin is, due to a lifetime of possessing Hierophant Green, quite proficient at using it. Although it is mostly seen as a humanoid, Kakyoin states that its true form is that of a bunch of strings; as such one of his key tactics is to secretly unravel Hierophant Green's tentacles while keeping the main body as a distraction. Thanks to that, Kakyoin can infiltrate bodies, suddenly avoid attacks by unraveling his Stand, use the strings as ropes, and even perform piercing attacks. However, Hierophant Green's otherwise straightforward Emerald Splash does not lend itself to imaginative use of it.
Kakyoin is skilled at playing video games, expressing confidence about beating Telence T. D'Arby in the racing game F-MEGA. After making the rookie mistake of not boosting his car at the starting line, he recovers from this and shows off his skills by performing a spin attack against D'Arby in order to regain a foothold against him.[20] While in the speedup tunnel, Kakyoin is able to ride against the side of the wall,[21] as well as maneuvering the turns and hazards of the tunnel while in complete darkness.[22] He utilizes his power meter to knock D'Arby completely off the racing track.[22]
- Jotaro Kujo: Like with Avdol, Jotaro's relationship with Kakyoin begins with a fight. After defeating him, Jotaro takes Kakyoin to his house to remove DIO's flesh bud and release him from DIO's control. Jotaro and Kakyoin later develop a strong friendship, discovering a mutual interest in sumo, and Kakyoin is one of the few people Jotaro smiles at. Kakyoin sacrificed his life to give Jotaro an advantage against Dio and Jotaro mourns his death along with Joseph and Polnareff. In the JOJONIUM special interviews, Araki comments that without their power, Jotaro and Kakyoin probably wouldn't have become friends.
- Joseph Joestar: Having joined them on their journey to Egypt, Kakyoin got along well with the rest of the group. While his interactions with Joseph specifically were minor, Joseph usually went to him to crack jokes and express his comedic nature (due to Kakyoin being able to tolerate it the most). Towards the end of the series, Kakyoin's last act before dying was shooting the clock tower with his Emerald Splash, to help Joseph discover the secret behind The World's ability to stop time. Joseph, whilst hiding his grief, responds by treating the message with utmost importance and swearing that Kakyoin's death would not be in vain.
- Jean Pierre Polnareff: The two worked well together in battles such as Hanged Man and Lovers. The two did have a brief falling out when Mannish Boy attacked the gang with Death Thirteen and Polnareff didn't believe Kakyoin when he said the baby was the stand user, believing the journey had taken its toll on Kakyoin and made him crazy. However, upon learning that Kakyoin was right, he genuinely apologized and the two have gotten along since. Kakyoin notes that it is thanks to Polnareff knocking him out while he had his Stand out that let him save the day. While in a sinking submarine, the two were still able to joke around with each other and do a manly handshake. At the end of their journey, Polnareff mourned his comrades, including Kakyoin.
- Muhammad Avdol: Kakyoin first interacted with him during his recovery after DIO's flesh bud had been removed. With both of them having adequate knowledge of Stands, the two proved useful to the Joestar group in every battle. Like Polnareff, Avdol's alleged "death" impacted Kakyoin and he swore to avenge him. While this would turn out to be a front by the rest of the group to fool Polnareff, Avdol, likewise, considered Kakyoin as a valuable comrade and even discouraged Jotaro from gambling his soul in Daniel J. D'Arby's game of poker.
- Iggy: Kakyoin had the least interaction and time spent with Iggy, due to his hospitalization after their confrontation with N'doul. Following the fight with Pet Shop, Iggy was found by Kakyoin and the Speedwagon Foundation doctors. When Iggy and Kakyoin rejoined the group, Kakyoin was the one who could immediately discern Iggy's determined drive for revenge underlying his behavior of leading the group to DIO's mansion.
- DIO: Having met DIO on a holiday in Egypt with his family and then put under his control with a flesh bud, Kakyoin was loyal to him and would do anything he wanted. However, upon having the bud removed by Jotaro and seeing the harm DIO was causing towards the innocent Holy Kujo, who had shown him kindness as he was recovering at the Kujo residence, Kakyoin decided to go with Joseph, Jotaro, and Avdol to Egypt to defeat DIO.
- Ryoko Kakyoin: Kakyoin seemed to have cared for his little cousin Ryoko since he protected her against DIO. In a later scene, it seems that, while a small part of him blames Ryoko for letting him succumb to DIO, Kakyoin is mostly happy to meet her and is glad that she is alive because it means his journey wasn't meaningless.
Chapters / Episodes

- Chapter 117: The Man with the Star Birthmark
- Chapter 118: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 1
- Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2
- Chapter 120: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 3
- Chapter 121: The Power Called a "Stand"
- Chapter 122: Head to Egypt
- Chapter 123: Tower of Gray
- Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
- Chapter 125: Silver Chariot, Part 2
- Chapter 126: Silver Chariot, Part 3
- Chapter 127: Dark Blue Moon, Part 1
- Chapter 128: Dark Blue Moon, Part 2
- Chapter 129: Dark Blue Moon, Part 3
- Chapter 130: Strength, Part 1
- Chapter 131: Strength, Part 2
- Chapter 132: Strength, Part 3
- Chapter 133: Devil, Part 1
- Chapter 134: Devil, Part 2 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 135: Devil, Part 3
- Chapter 136: Yellow Temperance, Part 1 (Yellow Temperance's ability)
- Chapter 137: Yellow Temperance, Part 2 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 138: Yellow Temperance, Part 3 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 139: Yellow Temperance, Part 4
- Chapter 140: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1
- Chapter 141: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
- Chapter 142: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3
- Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4
- Chapter 144: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 5
- Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6
- Chapter 146: Empress, Part 1
- Chapter 147: Empress, Part 2
- Chapter 148: Empress, Part 3 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 150: Wheel of Fortune, Part 1
- Chapter 151: Wheel of Fortune, Part 2
- Chapter 152: Wheel of Fortune, Part 3
- Chapter 153: Wheel of Fortune, Part 4
- Chapter 154: Justice, Part 1
- Chapter 155: Justice, Part 2
- Chapter 156: Justice, Part 3
- Chapter 157: Justice, Part 4
- Chapter 158: Justice, Part 5 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 159: Justice, Part 6 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 160: Lovers, Part 1
- Chapter 161: Lovers, Part 2
- Chapter 162: Lovers, Part 3
- Chapter 163: Lovers, Part 4
- Chapter 164: Lovers, Part 5
- Chapter 165: Lovers, Part 6
- Chapter 166: Sun, Part 1
- Chapter 167: Sun, Part 2
- Chapter 168: Death Thirteen, Part 1
- Chapter 169: Death Thirteen, Part 2
- Chapter 170: Death Thirteen, Part 3
- Chapter 171: Death Thirteen, Part 4
- Chapter 172: Death Thirteen, Part 5
- Chapter 173: Death Thirteen, Part 6
- Chapter 174: Judgement, Part 1
- Chapter 175: Judgement, Part 2
- Chapter 177: Judgement, Part 4 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 179: High Priestess, Part 1
- Chapter 180: High Priestess, Part 2
- Chapter 181: High Priestess, Part 3
- Chapter 182: High Priestess, Part 4
- Chapter 183: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
- Chapter 184: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2
- Chapter 185: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 3
- Chapter 186: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 4
- Chapter 187: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 5
- Chapter 189: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo, Part 1
- Chapter 190: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo, Part 2 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 191: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo, Part 3 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 192: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo, Part 4 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 193: Anubis, Part 1
- Chapter 205: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 1 (Cover only)
- Chapter 215: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 5 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 216: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 6 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 223: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 227: D'Arby the Player, Part 1
- Chapter 228: D'Arby the Player, Part 2
- Chapter 229: D'Arby the Player, Part 3
- Chapter 230: D'Arby the Player, Part 4
- Chapter 231: D'Arby the Player, Part 5
- Chapter 232: D'Arby the Player, Part 6
- Chapter 233: D'Arby the Player, Part 7 (Soul taken by Atum)
- Chapter 234: D'Arby the Player, Part 8 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 235: D'Arby the Player, Part 9 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 237: D'Arby the Player, Part 11
- Chapter 238: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1
- Chapter 240: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3
- Chapter 241: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 4
- Chapter 243: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 6 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 244: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7
- Chapter 246: Suzi Q Joestar Visits Her Daughter
- Chapter 247: DIO's World, Part 1
- Chapter 248: DIO's World, Part 2
- Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
- Chapter 250: DIO's World, Part 4
- Chapter 251: DIO's World, Part 5
- Chapter 252: DIO's World, Part 6
- Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
- Chapter 254: DIO's World, Part 8 (Death)
- Chapter 255: DIO's World, Part 9 (Flashback)
- Chapter 256: DIO's World, Part 10 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 258: DIO's World, Part 12 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 260: DIO's World, Part 14 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 261: DIO's World, Part 15 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 262: DIO's World, Part 16 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 265: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends (Flashback)
- Chapter 324: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 7 (Flashback)
- Chapter 443: Bucciarati is Coming, Part 1 (Photo only)
- Chapter 565: "Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 12 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Chapter 571: What Lies Beyond the Arrow (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 1 (Flashback)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 2 (Flashback)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 3 (Tohth's ability)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 4 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 5 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 8 (Flashback)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 9 (Flashback)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 10 (Flashback)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 12 (Imagination)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 13
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 14 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 15 (Spirit)
- Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Final Chapter (Mentioned)Mentioned only

- Stardust Crusaders Episode 2: Who Will Be the Judge?!
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 3: DIO's Curse
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 5: Silver Chariot
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 6: Dark Blue Moon
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 7: Strength
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 8: Devil
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 9: Yellow Temperance
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 10: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 11: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 12: Empress
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 13: Wheel of Fortune
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 14: Justice, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 15: Justice, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 16: Lovers, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 17: Lovers, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 18: Sun
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 19: Death Thirteen, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 20: Death Thirteen, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 21: Judgement, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 22: Judgement, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 23: High Priestess, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 24: High Priestess, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 25: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 26: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 27: "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 28: Anubis, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 30: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 35: D'Arby the Gambler, Part 2 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 39: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 40: D'Arby the Player, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 41: D'Arby the Player, Part 2 (Soul taken by Atum)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 42: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 43: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 44: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 3
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 45: DIO's World, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 46: DIO's World, Part 2 (Death)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 48: The Faraway Journey, Farewell Friends (Flashback)
- Diamond is Unbreakable Episode 15: Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House, Part 2 (Flashback)
- Golden Wind Episode 1: Gold Experience (Photo only)
- Golden Wind Episode 29: Destination: Rome! The Colosseum (Silhouette/Photo only)
- Golden Wind Episode 32: Green Day and Oasis, Part 3 (Flashback)
- Golden Wind Episode 33: His Name is Diavolo (Flashback)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 2 (OVA): Hierophant Green
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 3 (OVA): Silver Chariot and Strength
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 4 (OVA): The Emperor and the Hanged Man
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 5 (OVA): The Judgement
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 6 (OVA): The Mist of Vengeance
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 7 (OVA): Justice
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 8 (OVA): "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 1
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 9 (OVA): "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 10 (OVA): D'Arby the Gambler (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 11 (OVA): DIO's World: The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 12 (OVA): DIO's World: Kakyoin - The Duel in the Web (Death)
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episode 13 (OVA): DIO's World: Farewell Friends (Flashback)

- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 1
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 2
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 3
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 4
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 5
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 6
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 8
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 10
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 11
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Train from the Desert to Hell City, Chapter 13
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Gravestone of Hot Sand
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 7 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 10 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 12 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 13 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 16 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 17 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 24 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 27 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 29 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 54 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 65 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 69 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 70 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 71 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 72 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 73 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 76 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 78 (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 1: Dire straits (Flashback)
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 2: Dazed date (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 3: Dissonance (Mentioned)Mentioned only
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 5: Disquietude (Flashback)
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 6: Double doubt (Voice only)
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 7: DIO
- Crazy Heartbreakers Chapter 8: Diamond (Mentioned)Mentioned only

- “The side which survives is good and how they do it is beside the point. The loser is the evil one. (「悪」?「悪」とは敗者のこと…「正義」とは勝者のこと…生き残った者のことだ 過程は問題じゃあない
敗 けたやつが『悪』なのだ)'Aku'? 'Aku' towa haisya no koto... 'Seigi' towa syōsya no koto... Iki nokotta mono no koto da. Katei wa mondai jaa nai, maketa yatu ga aku nano da”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2 - “What?! He deflected my Emerald Splash?! But that's impossible!”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2
- “My Hierophant Green'll go mad from the mutilation, alright―mad with joy! (わたしの「
法皇の緑 」は…ひきちぎると くるい もだえるのだ 喜びでな!)Watasi no 'Haierofanto Gurīn' wa... hikitigiru to kurui modaeru no da, Yorokobi de na!”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 123: Tower of Gray - “JoJo... are you going to eat those cherries? They don't seem like much but they're my favorite fruits. Could I have them? Thanks... rerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorero... (
JOJO そのチェリー食べないのか?ガッつくようだがぼくの好物なんだ…………くれないか? サンキュー レロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロレロ)JOJO Sono cherī tabe nai noka? gattuku yō daga boku no kōbutu nan da............ kure nai ka? Sankyū rerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorerorero”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 139: Yellow Temperance, Part 4 - “Consider that your make-up handshake, Polnareff. (それは仲なおりの「
握手 」のかわり だ ポルナレフ)Sore wa nakanaori no 'akusyu' no kawari da Porunarehu”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4 - “My name is Noriaki Kakyoin! To avenge my friend Avdol and so that the sister of my friend Polnareff may be at peace... you will pay with your life! (『
我 が名は花京院 典明 』『我が友人アヴドゥルの無念のために 左にいる友人ポルナレフの妹の魂のやすらぎのために』『死をもってつぐなわせてやる』)Waga na wa Kakyōin Noriaki'' ''Waga yūzin avuduru no munen no tame ni, hidari ni iru yūzin porunarehu no imōto no tamasii no yasuragi no tameni'' ''si o motte tuguna wasete yaru”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 145: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 6 - “"To truly understand yourself," huh? That's a good tip. But you clearly don't understand your enemies that well, you lack preparation! (おのれを知るという事はなかなか いい教訓だが おまえは敵を知らなすぎたようだな 勉強不足だ)Onore o siru toiu koto wa nakanaka ii kyōkun daga, omae wa teki o sirana sugita yō dana, benkyō busoku da”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 164: Lovers, Part 5
- “It's about time for your punishment, baby. (さあ お仕置きの時間だよ ベイビー)Sā Oshioki no jikan da yo, beibī”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 173: Death Thirteen, Part 6
- “Although you are still a baby, I will still break your neck if I have to.”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 174: Judgement, Part 1
- “I curse myself for kneeling to DIO! Because of Jotaro, I decided to join this jorney to seek change and redemption. I won't be the same Kakyoin again, D'Arby! That's why I will wager my soul here! That is why I, Noriaki Kakyoin will not lose this game! All because of my current mental state!”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 231: D'Arby the Player, Part 5
- “No regrets. About anything that has happened on this journey or will happen from this point on. I will regret nothing. (後悔はない……今までの旅に……これから起こる事柄に……ぼくは後悔はない……)Kōkai wa nai… ima made no tabi ni… korekara okoru kotogara ni… boku wa kōkai wa nai…”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 249: DIO's World, Part 3
- “I'll make Hierophant Green the way it used to be! Invisible to everyone! I'll make Hierophant Green invisible again to find out his Stand's secret and finish him off! (こいつを昔のように誰にも気づかせなくしてやる そう!DIOの正体をあばき 倒すため完璧に気配を消してやろう。)Koitu o mukasi no yō ni dare nimo kizukase naku site yaru. Sou! Dio no syōtai o abaki taosu tame kanpeki ni kehai o kesite yarou.”—Noriaki Kakyoin about DIO, Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
- “The web attacks you when you touch it! It surrounds you for 20 meters in every direction! It can sense you and your Stand's every move! (触れれば発射される「
法皇 」の「結界 」はッ! すでにおまえの周り半径 20m! おまえの動きも「世界 」の動きも 手にとるように探知できるッ!)Hurereba hassya sareru 'haierofanto' no 'kekkai' wa! sude ni omae no mawari hankei nijū mētoru! omae no ugoki mo za wārudo no ugoki mo te ni toru yō ni tanti dekiru!”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7 - “Take this, DIO! 20-Meter Radius Emerald Splash! (くらえッ!DIOッ!
半径 20m エメラルド・スプラッシュを─────ッ!)Kurae! Dio! Hankei nijū mētoru emerarudo supurasshu ō!”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7 - “It's... a message... That's... all I can do... (メ…ッセージ… …で…す… これが…せい…いっぱい…です)Me... ssēji... de... su... kore ga... sei... ippai... desu”—Noriaki Kakyoin, Chapter 254: DIO's World, Part 8
- “Mr. Joestar... Please... figure... it... out... (ジョースター…さん 受け取って…ください… 伝わって……… ください……)Jōsutā...san uketotte...kudasai... tsutawatte......... kudasai......”—Noriaki Kakyoin's last words, Chapter 254: DIO's World, Part 8

- While writing Part 3, Araki had originally intended for the kanji of Kakyoin's first name to be read as "Tenmei." This can be seen when Kakyoin signs his name as "Tenmei Kakyoin" in the log book in Enya's hotel. However, due to a miscommunication between Araki and his editor, his name ended up being "Noriaki."[13]
- Kakyoin is seen incorrectly wearing Polnareff's earrings several times throughout Part 3. This includes Chapter 160, 164, 172, 182, and 183.
- According to anime producer Nobutaka Kasama in the 2020 Anime Expo interview about the anime series, the "rero rero" of Kakyoin was particularly difficult for Daisuke Hirakawa (the voice actor for Kakyoin) to pull off since it was to be repeated 17 times and so he had to train himself out of work (for instance rehearsing repeatedly during bathing).
- Kakyoin's voice actor in the Capcom fighting games (along with several other characters in the revisions of the game), Mitsuaki Madono, would later go on to voice Part 8 Josuke Higashikata in All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
- Kakyoin's voice actor in the Stardust Crusaders Drama CD, Sho Hayami, also voiced Enrico Pucci in All-Star Battle and Vanilla Ice in Heritage for the Future, the Part 3 Anime, and Eyes of Heaven.
- ↑ Chapter 159: Justice, Part 6
- ↑ See here for detailed explanation.
- ↑ JoJo 6251 "World of Hirohiko Araki" P168
- ↑ Star Platinum - Vol.1 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P152 The Secret of JOJO Characters
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Chapter 133: Devil, Part 1
- ↑ JOJO magazine 2023 WINTER
- ↑ JoJo 6251, p.151
- ↑ Stone Ocean Chapter 152: Made in Heaven, Part 4 (Note: Originally 1988; changed in later chapters)
- ↑ Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 JoJo 6251
- ↑ Chapter 139: Yellow Temperance, Part 4
- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 Chapter 122: Head to Egypt
- ↑ Chapter 119: Noriaki Kakyoin, Part 2
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 JoJonium Volume 12 (Noriaki Kakyoin) - Special Interview
- ↑ Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Chapter 253: DIO's World, Part 7
- ↑ Chapter 143: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 123: Tower of Gray
- ↑ Chapter 173: Death Thirteen, Part 6
- ↑ Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak: Chapter 13
- ↑ JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104
- ↑ Chapter 230: D'Arby the Player, Part 4
- ↑ Chapter 231: D'Arby the Player, Part 5
- ↑ Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Chapter 232: D'Arby the Player, Part 6