Um individuo mal-educado e grosseiro porém leal, Narancia é um membro do Equipe Bucciarati e, por extensão, da Passione. Ele segue Giorno e Bucciarati em sua missão para proteger Trish Una devido à compartilhar a mesma tragédia que ela. Narancia é um usuário de Stand que luta com o avião de combate, Aerosmith.
Narancia é um adolescente de altura média e porte magro. Ele possui um rosto infantil e cabelo escuro bagunçado com franjas em seus olhos.
Ele veste uma regata fina e calças, sob as quais ele veste uma saia curta. Ele também veste outros acessórios, incluindo uma bandana e pulseiras.
Narancia carrega com si mesmo um canivete que ele usa para ameaçar pessoas e ocasionalmente em batalhas.
É notável que Narancia é retratado com musculos abdominais prominentes no anime, constrastando com Mista e Fugo que não possuem o mesmo.
Esquemas de Cores
A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
Mangá ColoridoGioGioAll-Star BattleEyes of HeavenAnime
Hair(Black with purple-gray highlights)
(Purplish-black shirt and pants with orange head/wristbands and orange/yellow skirt. Purple shoes.)
Hair(Black with indigo highlights)
(Dark indigo shirt and pants with orange head/wristbands and orange/white skirt. Dark indigo shoes.)
Hair(Black with purple highlights)
Eyes(Dark Green)
(Purple shirt and pants with orange head/wristbands and orange/yellow skirt. Dark purple shoes.)
Eyes(Dark Green)
(Bluish-black shirt and pants with yellow-green head/wristbands and green/yellow-green skirt. Navy shoes.)
Hair(Black with purple highlights)
(Amethyst shirt with purple pants and shoes, orange head/wristbands and light orange/yellow skirt.)
Muito tempo atrás... Eu também fui abandonado. Por meu pai, e meu melhor amigo... os dois me abandonaram... nós somos iguais. Eu e a Trish... nós somos... parecidos... Bucciaratiiii!!!! Eu estou indo! Eu vou com vocês! Me deixa subir!
Narancia Ghirga é um jovem grosseiro e colérico que demonstra grande lealdade aos seus camaradas.
O comportamento geral de Narancia pode ser descrito como um tanto infantil, melhor ilustrado com sua educação não tendo se extendida além do ensino fundamental.[1] Suas habilidades matemáticas são tão baixas que ele não consegue multiplicar números que possuem mais de um digito, sabendo que 6 x 5 = 30 mas mesmo assim achando que 16 x 55 = 28.[1] Entretanto, isso não implica estupideza, já que Narancia é capaz de contra-atacar os movimentos de seu oponente sob pressão em uma batalha de vida ou morte. Ele é propenso à realizar uma ação violentamente direta, regularmente surpreendendo seus inimigos mais sorrateiros. Por exemplo, ele uma vez ateou fogo em uma rua inteira para encurralar Formaggio.[2] Ele também derrotou Squalo e Tiziano ao fazê-los pensar que ele ainda estava sob o efeito das mentiras forçadas de Talking Head quando ele cortou sua língua fora.[3] Ademais, ele dominou seu Aerosmith ao ponto de brincar com suas sutilezas, deduzindo com um bom grau de precisão o que está acontecendo apesar das informações limitadas de seu radar.
Narancia regularmente tem explosões de raiva
Narancia tem um pavio quase tão curto quanto Fugo, gritando, xingando, e agredindo durante suas explosões.[4][5] Ele notavelmente guarda um par de canivetes que ele regularmente usa para ameaçar outras pessoas e não hesita em cometer ações violentas, por exemplo achando que um civil é um inimigo da gangue e imediatamente começa a espancá-lo junto de alguns de seus companheiros.[6] Ele também tem uma negligência casual em relação a chachina que Aerosmith causa, sua personalidade sendo refletida na potência de fogo formidável do avião e sua precisão limitada. Como resultado, suas batalhas acabam sempre com os arredores sendo devastados.[2][7]
Narancia comprando lanches durante uma missão
Naturalmente, Narancia se mantem o menos maduro dos membros da equipe, demonstrando ações infantis ao expressar pensamentos aleatórios em voz alta e ocasionalmente fazendo bobagens. Ele é normmalmente aquele que mais procrastina durante as missões, por exemplo negligindo as precauções básicas durante sua viagem de compras ao ignorar os conselhos de Fugo[8], até desenhando uma rota que levava diretamente até o esconderijo da equipe em um mapa.[9] Ele também foi o primeiro à abaixar sua guarda quando o grupo chegou no seu destino em Veneza.[10] Narancia também demonstra ser possessivo de sua comida e se enfurece caso ela seja roubada.[11] Tendo notado que Giorno era mais jovem que ele, Narancia ocasionalmente o lembra de seu status como o mais novo da equipe.
Apesar de seu comportamento malcriado, Narancia apresenta um lado doce para aqueles que o conhecem. Tendo perdido sua mãe e seu se tornando negligente por consequência, Narancia põem seus amigos acima de tudo e considera "amizade" a coisa mais valiosa no mundo. Ele ficou devastado pela traição de seu círculo de amigos e então fez de Bruno Bucciarati seu herói. O homem foi uma das primeiras pessoas à tratá-lo como um ser humano e Narancia se tornou extremamente leal ao gângster.[12] Tendo medo de trair a Passione e seu temido Chefe, Narancia pediu para Bruno "ordená-lo" à trair a gangue, demonstrando dependência emocional no líder de sua equipe.[13] Fora de suas explosões, Narancia é normalmente a pessoa mais bondosa para seus companheiros, e apesar de ter um começo não muito bom, seu relacionamento com Trish rapidamente melhora ao ponto deles abertamente terem conversas pessoais durante sua jornada, por causa dele e Trish terem algo em comum em sua tragédia passada: tendo sido traidos por aqueles que eles confiavam.[14]
Narancia deseja comepnsar por seus anos perdidos como um delinquente. Consciente de sua falta de educação acadêmica, Narancia é disposto à deixar Fugo educá-lo e expressou uma vontade de voltar para a escola apesar de saber que ele provavelmente seria motivo de chacota.
O Stand de Narancia, Aerosmith, é um avião de combate em miniatura com um arsenal mortal completo que o permite detectar fontes de dióxido de carbono por perto, particularmente a respiração de outros organismos.
When Narancia was ten, his mother died of an eye disease. Narancia's father did not love him very much and after his mother died, began to neglect Narancia more and more. Soon Narancia stopped attending school and began staying at his friends' houses, stealing food from restaurants for dinner. Narancia believed that friendship was the most important thing in the world, which allowed him to be manipulated by an older friend. The friend told Narancia to dye his hair blond, claiming that it was the current trend. Narancia obeyed in his attempts to look cool, but the next day, the police arrested him and ordered he be put in the juvenile detention center, where Narancia ended up spending a year inside. Confused, Narancia looked around for information and discovered that his older friend had broken into a house and beaten an old woman, before convincing Narancia to change his appearance so that he would be falsely accused while his "friend" would go free.
Abandonado por todos, Narancia aceita seu destino
A year later, at age 15, Narancia was finally released from the detention center, although he had contracted an eye disease from the guards continually beating him up. Rumors sprung up among his former peers that he had inherited the disease from his mother and that it was contagious. This caused his former friends to avoid and shun him. He finally understood that his closest friend, the one who framed him, was the same individual that spread the rumors since Narancia had only ever told him about his mother's eye disease. With nowhere to go and all by himself, Narancia had given up on his life, believing that he would die the same way his mother did.
However, one day, as he was digging through trash cans looking for food, Narancia was picked up by Pannacotta Fugo and taken to a restaurant. From there, he met Bruno Bucciarati, who offered him spaghetti that was originally his own order. After the meal, Bucciarati called an ambulance to bring Narancia to a hospital. Spending three weeks in the hospital, Narancia's eye disease was cured, but he was confused as to Bucciarati's motives for helping him. Soon he discerned that Bucciarati was a mafia member and pleaded for Bucciarati to let him work for him. Bucciarati suddenly became angry and threatened Narancia to go home and attend school like a normal person. Narancia did as he was told, but kept wondering what made Bucciarati so upset. Eventually, he realized Bucciarati was angry for Narancia's own good, refusing to allow a young man like him become involved with gangsters. However, this knowledge only served to make Narancia desire to work with Bucciarati even more. Half a year later, Narancia went to see Polpo without Bucciarati's knowledge and passed the test, becoming a member of Passione.[12]
When Narancia is first introduced, he is sitting with Guido Mista, Leone Abbacchio, and Fugo, waiting for Bucciarati who's team he became a part of. Fugo tries to get Narancia to study. Narancia appears to be understanding the math question until it is shown he has done it completely wrong, despite his confidence in the answer. Fugo disciplines him by stabbing him with a fork, and Narancia retaliates with a knife, resulting in a standoff between the two. Before the situation could escalate further, Bucciarati arrives with a new member: Giorno Giovanna. Narancia asks Giorno for his age and comments that Giorno is younger than him by two years. After Giorno seemingly drinks Abbacchio's urine, Narancia and the others are left in awe at the new recruit.
Narancia is next seen on the boat headed for Capri Island with the rest of Bucciarati's group. He had bought a CD player and was listening to it, but the volume is high enough for Mista, who is sitting nearby, to hear it. Annoyed, Mista asks Narancia for a can of soda, and when Narancia isn’t looking, pours the drink over the CD player, which causes it to short-circuit. Narancia is left confused and becomes angry, swearing to teach the shopkeeper that sold it to him a thing or two. Bucciarati finally reveals that Polpo had died; the group's objective is to head to Capri Island to retrieve the fortune worth ten billion lire that Polpo had Bucciarati hide in order for Bucciarati to be promoted to a caporegime. Narancia is as excited as everyone else at the prospect of both the money and the promotion. However, he is then the first to get captured by Mario Zucchero's Stand, Soft Machine, as the group is attacked in an attempt to steal the fortune. After Bucciarati and Abbacchio defeat Zucchero, Narancia is shown having Fugo examine his head for bruises. Then he, Fugo, and Abbacchio all end up kicking Zucchero's body around, while Mista abuses Zucchero's detached head. After declaring Zucchero is going to the ninth level of hell, Narancia engages in a torture dance, quickly joined by Mista, then Fugo.
Narancia tem uma faca apontada para seu rosto
Upon arriving on Capri Island, and while waiting for Bucciarati to reveal the fortune, Narancia gets into a confrontation with a cleaner, threatening them with his knife when they go to clean the restroom they are currently occupying. Narancia's knife is soon reversed onto him by the cleaner, but the confrontation is interrupted by Pericolo, a Passione caporegime who has come to take the six billion and promote Bucciarati to capo in turn. The cleaner, whom Narancia got into a fight with, is exposed as Trish Una, the daughter of Passione's boss. The group is handed the task of protecting her from traitors while escorting her to her father.
Bucciarati's team goes into hiding, beginning their mission to escort Trish. Narancia is assigned by Bucciarati to go out and get food as well as a few things requested by Trish. Fugo tries to make Narancia remember the specific directions he needs to follow while driving as to not be tailed back to the house where they are. Narancia tries twice to recall the instructions but ends up forgetting both times, causing Fugo to get angry. Abbacchio says he’s not worried about anyone following Narancia; Narancia's Stand should be enough to ward off any followers.
Narancia then goes on his shopping trip, though is acting incredibly cautious. Going from store to store, he stops Bucciarati's rental car in the middle of the street when he feels like he's being watched. Suddenly a voice calls out to Narancia and as he looks under the car, he sees a pair of feet that climb into the vehicle. Narancia finds a man sitting in the backseat, who asks him where he is going. The man introduces himself as Formaggio, claiming to be a member of the gang. Formaggio rambles on about how after Polpo's death Bucciarati's group disappeared as well as other, more nonsense topics. Narancia is lulled into a momentary false sense of security, which gives Formaggio the opportunity to attack Narancia with his Stand Little Feet. Narancia stumbles backwards and Formaggio demands to know why Bucciarati's group didn’t attend Polpo’s funeral. It is at this point that Narancia calls out his Stand, Aerosmith, and begins shooting at Formaggio, who is still in the backseat of the car. Formaggio is surprised that Narancia is a Stand user, while Narancia states he will finish his assignment and not let Formaggio follow him.
Narancia’s Aerosmith sends a barrage of shots at Formaggio, who is at a disadvantage because of the small confines of the car. When Aerosmith releases a bomb, Formaggio uses his Stand's power to shrink himself and escape. All the while, Narancia is kicking the car, yelling at Formaggio, when suddenly he realizes Formaggio is not there. Formaggio uses this to his advantage and slips into Narancia’s back pocket, content to let Narancia search for him. As Narancia looks around, he notices people are coming to see what all the commotion is and so he decides to call back his Stand. As he looks around for his knife, he realizes he is no longer bleeding from the cut Little Feet gave him. He stumbles upon a knife, but notices that it's too big to be his, then notices his shoes are too big as well, causing him to wonder where his shoes had gone. He gets into the car, only to realize the seat is too big and he can’t reach the pedals. Jumping out, Narancia is left thinking that he got in the wrong car when finally he realizes that he is shrinking because of Formaggio's Stand.
Narancia looks around for Formaggio before deciding to contact Bucciarati to tell him that people are after Trish. He heads for a store with payphones inside, only to realize he is too light to activate the weight-based sensors of the automatic doors. Struggling to trigger the sensors and enter, Narancia then calls forth Aerosmith to shoot down the doors as well as to shoot one of the payphones so he could get coins of the right size to make the phone call. Narancia climbs up to another payphone and dials the number but then realizes the phone line has been cut. He curses Formaggio and looks around, summoning Aerosmith to find him. Formaggio hides out of sight in Narancia’s pocket but then is surprised when Narancia finds him. Narancia has Aerosmith shoot Formaggio, only for Formaggio to have Little Feet make a shrunken pen grow back to its normal size, thus shooting Formaggio into the air and to safety. From there, Formaggio notices that Aerosmith is still tracking him and he tries to escape, eventually reaching a sewer grate.
Narancia encontra Formaggio através do radar do Aerosmith
He soon realizes that Aerosmith tracks him by the carbon dioxide he breathes out and tries to flee by holding on to one of the many rats in the sewer. However, Narancia notices that one of the rats is breathing harder than the rest due to it carrying Formaggio's weight and shoots at it, effectively wounding Formaggio. Unfortunately, because of Narancia’s ever decreasing size, Aerosmith's attack was not enough to kill Formaggio who returned to full size to save himself. Angry, Narancia decides he needs to hide before resuming his attack.
Climbing onto the sidewalk, Narancia runs towards an alleyway. He is cornered by a cat but uses Aerosmith to swiftly drive it away. As he reaches the alley and climbs on top of a pack of bottles, Narancia finds himself being washed off the bottles as a full-sized Formaggio pours a can of beer over him. Formaggio then steps on Narancia and demands he tells him where Trish is. Narancia refuses and Formaggio has a flashback of the fate that befell two members of his group, and becomes angry, withdrawing a spider he found in the sewers and threatening Narancia with it. Narancia tries to shoot him with Aerosmith, but Formaggio uses Little Feet to grab hold of Aerosmith, then forces Narancia into the bottle with the spider. Formaggio insists Narancia tell him where Trish is, claiming he doesn’t want to see Narancia get eaten by the spider. Narancia refuses and attacks the spider, stabbing it with a shard of glass, only to realize the spider had attached some webbing to him. The spider bites Narancia and begins wrapping him up. Formaggio notices something had dropped from Narancia’s pocket earlier and examines it, realizing it to be a map leading back to Team Bucciarati's hideout. Formaggio laughs when he finds that Narancia marked all the roads, realizing he should just follow it in reverse.
O Confronto Final de Narancia & Formaggio
As Formaggio decides to leave Narancia to die, Narancia starts reminding him of Aerosmith’s ability to track carbon dioxide and reveals that he had shot a hole in the gas tank of a nearby car; he was waiting for it to catch fire. Formaggio turns around just in time for the car to explode, catching him on fire and allowing Narancia to return to his regular size. With Narancia now back to normal, Formaggio uses his own blood in tandem with shrinking himself to douse the fire on his body and escape. Due to the burning car, Narancia is unable to locate him on the radar. Despite this, he asserts that since he can’t track Formaggio, he’ll just make the fire bigger to prevent his escape, and so has Aerosmith shoot at all the cars on the street. Nowhere left to run or hide, Formaggio returns to his normal size, but is badly burned, and resolves to kill Narancia directly. He asserts that because they are very close, Little Feet has the advantage because of its greater speed. Both call forth their Stands and attack, but Aerosmith surprises Formaggio by being the faster Stand and shoots Little Feet’s vital spots. As Formaggio falls, he uses his last words to tell Narancia that things will be harder for Narancia and everyone else. Narancia calls back Aerosmith, only to realize he failed his mission because all the money and supplies were burned up.
Escortando Trish
Upon returning to the gang and informing them of his encounter, Fugo openly notes how Narancia had sent a 'smoke signal' to la Squadra by setting blaze to an entire street. Narancia becomes highly anxious and stressed at the idea that things could only become worse because of his own actions. However, Giorno admits that Narancia took the best course of action, given his situation. This not only diffuses Fugo's disappointment but puts Narancia at ease as well.
Narancia envelhece por causa do The Grateful Dead
Sometime later, the group obtains Coco Jumbo, a turtle that possesses a Stand named Mr.President, which allowed the group to travel long distances discreetly. On the train headed for Florence, Narancia is eating a banana when he notices that it's suddenly become expired. It is then that he himself suddenly grows old, with all associated afflictions like going deaf, losing teeth and his bones being deformed. He nearly dies of old age. The rest of the gang would find out that this was the result of Squadra Esecuzioni member Prosciutto and his Stand The Grateful Dead. As the Stand's only weakness is colder temperatures, Trish tends to Narancia by using ice cubes stored in the fridge of Mr.President to keep him from completely withering, against Bucciarati's orders to care for herself. Narancia eventually returns to normal thanks to Mista and Bucciarati defeating Prosciutto and his comrade Pesci.
As the group nears their destination, Giorno and Mista are sent to retrieve an OA disc containing the final instructions for bringing Trish to her father. The others decide to arrive late by boat, with Narancia on the watch. Docking the boat, Narancia arrives just in time to see Giorno healing Mista's wounds from the two's battle against Squadra Esecuzioni member Ghiaccio. Due to the odd angle he was watching from and Mista's pained moans, Narancia comes to the wrong conclusion and decides to pretend that he didn't see anything.
Traindo a Passione
Team Bucciarati finally reaches their destination: the San Giorgio Maggiore church. Narancia and the others are ordered to stay behind as he escorts Trish to her father. When him and Giorno, whom suddenly ran ahead, return, Bucciarati announces his betrayal against Passione. He reveals that the Boss wanted to kill Trish all along, and declares that keeping her safe will result in him and his men being marked as traitors.
Narancia nada desasperadamente atrás do barco
After Giorno, Abbacchio, and Mista board the boat, the indecisive Narancia desperately asks Bucciarati what to do. Though he wants to go with Bucciarati and waits for the 'order' to be given, Bucciarati tells Narancia that the choice is for him to make, merely telling him that he "can't handle this" in advice. Left anxious as he and Fugo watch the boat depart, Narancia then sees the injuries that were inflicted on Trish by her father, remembering how he too was abandoned by the people he trusted. He makes up his mind and jumps in the water to swim after the boat, screaming how Trish is like him as the gang silently accepts his decision. They leave the area, with Fugo staying behind.
Clash e Talking Head
Narancia é forçado à manipular Giorno em um ataque
While still in Venice, the gang discusses their situation and how they plan on taking down the Boss and his invincible King Crimson while at a restaurant. Narancia beats up a shady looking passerby only to realize that it wasn't anyone from Passione. Though he insists that they not tell Trish she's been betrayed by her own father, Trish herself suddenly appears from the turtle and admits that she's known from the moment she regained consciousness. While the group continues their discussion, Narancia notices that the spoon he was using to eat his soup suddenly disappears from his hand. Taking another one, he proceeds to continue eating, only for that spoon to pull out of the soup the remains of the first one. Narancia notices some sort of miniature shark in the soup, but before he is able to relay to the team that they are being attacked, the Stand lashes out and rips off his tongue. Clash, the Stand of Squalo, can teleport to any body of liquid in range. After having his tongue restored by Giorno, Narancia tries to tell the others the details of the attack and describe the enemy Stand, only to begin telling lies; Talking Head, the Stand of Squalo's partner, Tiziano, has attached itself to Narancia tongue and prevents him from communicating the truth. While the rest of the group cannot understand Narancia's strange and hysterical behavior after he's attacked, Giorno becomes the first to entertain the idea that Narancia might actually have been under attack from an enemy Stand the whole time.
However, Tiziano had already manipulated Giorno in the restrooms. When Giorno finds himself alone and Narancia accidentally makes a puddle of water, Clash comes out and bites Giorno's throat, dragging him into the water. Narancia begins shooting in hopes of hitting Clash, timing and predicting his attacks to nearly hit the enemy Stand. However, Clash tears Giorno's throat out to prevent him from breathing and emitting carbon dioxide before teleporting into an underground water line with him in its grasp. In spite of this, Narancia actually meant to shoot Giorno himself, and the smoke coming from the bullet wounds allows him to keep track of Giorno and Clash's location in order to attack the Stand and damage Squalo. After being hit by a few successful shots that leave him profusely bleeding with ragged breath, Squalo tries to lure Narancia in the kitchen and provokes a gas leak to prevent Aerosmith from shooting. Narancia simply hacks at him with Aerosmith's propeller. Tiziano intervenes and with Talking Head, manages to lure Team Bucciarati in the kitchen and bait Mista into shooting, causing an explosion.
The fire overcharges Aerosmith's radar, but Giorno gives Narancia another tongue and tells him to pursue the Stand Users. Narancia begins pursuing them as was instructed by Giorno before his throat was ripped out, and starts wading through the crowd while yelling out in public that he knows where they are. Tiziano reassures his partner Narancia cannot find them among the many tourists and those playing football; plus, if Narancia says that he's found them, it means he hasn't thanks to Talking Head. However, Narancia reveals that he's cut off the tongue Talking Head was attached to and has skewered by his knife. Moreover, he's talking thanks to the tongue Giorno previously created. He was also merely waiting for a blip on his radar to react so sharply to his outcries, which was, in fact, the panicking Tiziano. He attacks Squalo with the intent of saving Giorno, but Tiziano jumps in the way and is killed, telling his partner to use his splattered blood to attack Narancia.
Narancia kills Squalo
Narancia and Squalo have a showdown out in public, with Clash critically biting Narancia's neck only to fail at damaging any vital spots, and Narancia gunning down Squalo with an extended barrage of bullets by Aerosmith. Checking to see if Giorno is still alive, Narancia admits that the junior member feels more like a commander than Bucciarati himself. Putting his trust and faith in Giorno and silently acknowledging that with him by their side, the gang might be able to defeat the boss, Narancia picks him up and brings him back to the group to receive first aid.
O Caminho Para Sardenha
Notorious B.I.G ataca o avião dos heróis
The team manage to leave Venice and reach the airport to steal an airplane. Despite Narancia's misgivings, Abbacchio assures him that Moody Blues will be able to pilot the plane to Sardegna. During their preparation, the operative Carne approaches the plane and summons his Stand, but is promptly killed. However, soon after the plane takes off, the Stand Notorious B.I.G manifests itself. It eats one of Giorno's arms, severely wounds Mista by eating at Sex Pistols, then Narancia as it destroys Aerosmith. Giorno then loses his other hand trying to get rid of Notorious B.I.G. Bruno can only bring the wounded to the cockpit, inside of Coco Jumbo, to administer first aid. Thankfully, Trish spots a spare hand that Giorno has made and manages to safeguard it against Notorious B.I.G, who has clung to the plane. The plane crashes but the team get rid of Notorious B.I.G and arrive in Sardegna.
When they reach Sardinia, the group goes to the Costa Smeralda so that Abbacchio can rewind Moody Blues and take a look at the Boss. Unbeknownst to the group, the boss himself is fighting against the leader of La Squadra EsecuzioniRisotto Nero, and Aerosmith becomes involved in the battle when scalpels fly towards the group and Bucciarati intercepts them. Narancia sees one source of CO2 and shoots it. Ultimately, Aerosmith is used to kill Risotto, all without letting Narancia know exactly what went down. Risotto manipulates Aerosmith to also attack the Boss, but ends up dead. Bucciarati and Narancia leave Abbacchio to investigate what's going on up the cliffs and discover the corpse of Nero. Buccellati sees that someone has been fighting Nero and thus Narancia tracks a source of CO2 that seems to deliberately go away from them. However, the see that it was a small boy, tied and whose blood has been taken. The gang then realizes too late the danger of having left Abbacchio alone and rush back to him.
Abbacchio falece mas deixa uma pista para seus aliados
The gang stumbles upon Abbacchio's lifeless body, and Narancia desperately tries to shake him awake. He begs Giorno to heal Abbacchio, threatening to beat him up if he didn't comply. Narancia continues this until Bucciarati yells at him, ordering the group to move on. Narancia tearfully argues that Abbacchio can't be left alone, and only stops when Giorno is able to notice the rock in his hand that leads to a mold negative of the boss' face. Narancia hesitantly looks back as the gang walks away from Abbacchio's final resting place.
Thanks to their research, the team attracts the attention of an unknown ally who reveals the name of the Boss: Diavolo. They agree to meet at the Colosseum.
O Caminho Para Roma
Narancia é ferido profundamente pelo mofo de Green Day
The team take a boat to the coast of Italy and arrive at a coastal village where they notice that the local population is infected by a deadly mold. Wanting to get away, Narancia jumps down into their boat but inadvertently triggers the growt of the mold on himself and the team in the turtle that he was holding. Bucciarati orders Narancia to throw the turtle to Mista but Narancia's arm decomposes as he tries. Thankfully, Mista blows up the engine, allowing Narancia to be shot back up to the pier. Heavily wounded, Narancia is replaced by Bucciarati as a lookout while Giorno tries to heal him the best he can. When Trish criticizes Bucciarati for coldly telling him to throw the turtle, Narancia argues that it was the best option for him and says that she ought to get to know Bucciarati better afterward.
The group eventually reaches Rome, and manage to dispatch Cioccolata and Secco, although Bucciarati is separated from the group. Now blind and deaf, Bucciarati is tricked into believing Doppio is Trish, and leads the Boss to Jean Pierre Polnareff in the Colosseum.
Confronto com o Chefe
After the confrontation between Jean Pierre Polnareff and Diavolo, Chariot Requiem switches the souls of everyone within the vicinity, including Diavolo, Doppio, Polnareff, and Team Bucciarati. While switched with Giorno's body, Narancia tries to summon Aerosmith, but the Stand comes out too quickly and breaks through a brick wall before Narancia can even notice as a result of Requiem powering up every Stand. Knowing that all they need to do to win against Diavolo was to take the Arrow, Narancia swears to go to school after everything was over, regardless of whom would make fun of his intelligence, and wishes to live a happy life and eat good food from his hometown.
After Mista kills whomever was in Bucciarati's body, presumed to be Diavolo, Narancia is then instantly killed with Giorno's body being impaled on broken and splintered bars. This leads Giorno to realize that it was Doppio in Bucciarati's body, meaning that Diavolo is still alive and residing
Narancia's final rest
within the body of someone within the group; Narancia was targeted due to his radar. Giorno mourns for him by giving life to the surrounding rocks, having them grow flowers (presumably from Narancia's hometown) that cover and embellish his body. More determined than ever to defeat Diavolo and seize the Arrow, Giorno himself vows to Narancia that he won't let anything hurt him anymore, and swears to bring him home.
If I can't find your breath all because the fire's too big... then I just have to make it bigger! If I set fire to the whole street!! Then you'll get completely burnt up now that you've shrunken down!
Long ago... I was abandoned, too. By my dad, and by my best friend... they both abandoned me... we're the same. Me and Trish... we're... alike... Bucciaratiiii!!!! I'm coming! I'm coming with you! Let me on!
When I get home, I'm gonna go to school... It might be cool to let the guys make fun of me for being dumb... and I wanna eat some fresh, hot pizza! An authentic margherita from my hometown, baked over an oak fire, with porcini mushrooms on top!
Narancia makes his first video game appearance in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, voiced by Fujiko Takamoto.
Narancia's normal attacks include knife swipes and kicks. "Take that! And that! And that!" can be used consecutively if the previous attack lands; Narancia will injure his foot on the seventh attack, though the injury only stuns him and does not affect the health gauge. Most of Narancia's moveset utilizes his Stand Aerosmith in order to shoot or bomb the enemy. When Narancia enters Stand Mode, the player takes control of Aerosmith and can move freely. Aerosmith's radar appears at the bottom-right corner of the screen, allowing the player to view the relative positions of enemies and other breathing organisms. Though Aerosmith is capable of inflicting heavy damage in Stand Mode, its use renders Narancia immobile and open for attack.
Narancia Ghirga / Aerosmith
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
I'll cut you right up! (3x)
Shoot to kill!
Tackle (while moving)
Shoot to kill!
Fire away!
I'll blow you away!
Take that! And that! And that!
You're in the way!
Volare via!
Available Stages: Chapter 3-1
Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-2, 10-3, 11-2, 11-3
Narancia returns in the PS3 title, voiced by Yuuko Sanpei, he was confirmed for the game alongside Bucciarati and Diavolo.
As one of the mass majority of playable characters in the game with the "Stand" Style, Narancia can turn Aerosmith on/off, changing movesets, as well as having access to the Stand Rush ability returning from the Capcom game, being able to attack in conjunction with his Stand. Narancia has 950 HP.
Stand On/Off
Narancia can summon or call off his Aerosmith, changing the way he plays.
You bastard!
Narancia performs a high kick. All of Narancia's skills can be performed instantly following this move.
Special Moves (Stand Off)
You're not going anywhere!
Narancia punches the opponent as he simultaneously summons Aerosmith to shoot them while flying forward. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'll shoot you through!
Aerosmith is summoned to shoot while advancing upward. The opponent is shot into the air and carried away from Narancia if they are caught. Additional presses of the attack button extend the time Aerosmith is shooting. This move doubles as an anti-air. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Don't shoot if you ain't got the stones!
A Throw. Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly forward a considerable distance. If it connects, Aerosmith shreds the opponent with its propeller as Narancia runs up and jump-kicks them high into the air.
Special Moves (Stand On)
I'll make you swiss cheese!
Aerosmith is sent to shoot the opponent while advancing. This move can activate Rush Mode. A Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Blast off!
Aerosmith loops and drops a bomb, dealing heavy damage and knocking the opponent off their feet if it hits. The bomb's fire lingers for a short moment, able to hit the opponent if they step in it and causing them to bounce, and is also a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent while it is executing. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Narancia sends Aerosmith forward to attack. This skill does not do anything by itself, but gives access to a variety of follow-up moves that be performed up to three times in a looping series of attacks, plus a finishing move to end the assault. This effectively gives the player direct control over Aerosmith until the series ends. Every time a new attack is executed, Aerosmith will correct its orientation should the opponent have sidestepped/dodged it, in order to once again send attacks in their direction. The follow-up attacks are determined by directional buttons for basic moves, and attack buttons for finishing moves. However, as Aerosmith is being controlled, Narancia himself is completely vulnerable. This ability and every follow-up listed is a Stand Rush skill that Narancia can disconnect from to attack the opponent or interrupt and defend himself while it is executing.
I'll shoot!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith flies up and shoots from a high angle. This deals the most damage and is a middle attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is crouching, but has the longest start-up delay. Continues the loop of attacks.
Perfect timing!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith advances forward as it shoots. This has the shortest delay and can easily combo from any of the other attacks. Continues the loop of attacks.
Now's my chance!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith flies close to the ground as it shoots. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching, but deals the least damage. Continues the loop of attacks.
Gonna send you flying!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith shoots the opponent while flying overhead. This fires the most bullets in a single volley. Continues the loop of attacks.
Shoot, shoot, shoot it up!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith loops back around a long distance and fires off a large volley of bullets that are unblockable, knocking the opponent off their feet on impact. A finisher that ends the loop of attacks. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I know how to waste you!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith dives in a barrel roll low to the ground, knocking the opponent into the air with its propeller. This is a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A finisher that ends the loop of attacks. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
I'm gonna kill you!
(during "Attack!" loop) ON GROUND
Aerosmith drops a bomb, dealing heavy damage. The bomb's fire lingers for a short moment, able to hit the opponent if they step in it and causing them to bounce, and is also a low attack that cannot be blocked if the opponent is not crouching. A finisher that ends the loop of attacks. (Comboable through Puttsun Cancel)
Take that! And that! And--
2 ATK buttons at close range or ON GROUND
Narancia rapidly kicks the opponent multiple times before a final kick sends them away.
Heart Heat Attack / Great Heat Attack
I'll make it bigger!
+ 2 ATK Buttons ON GROUND
Narancia's HHA, "I'll make it bigger!", makes Aerosmith carpet bomb the whole area in front of him with five bombs to attack the opponent and knock them off their feet, dealing more damage the closer they are and sending them a long distance away from Narancia. The HHA does not require an initial hit to connect in order to work, and will not stop until it finishes. The HHA can also hit a downed opponent, and be performed immediately following Narancia's GHA with strict input timing, but at drastically reduced damage.
Volare Via
+ 3 ATK Buttons, or ON GROUND
Narancia's GHA, "Volare Via", sends Aerosmith flying under the opponent. If the attack is successful, Aerosmith will start hailing the enemy with an extended volley of bullets and carrying them high into the air. Narancia then war cries "VOLAVOLAVOLA!!!" during the assault before shouting "Volare via!", prompting Aerosmith to stop its attack and drop a bomb on the falling opponent, creating a massive explosion.
Narancia is the only playable member of Team Bucciarati who does not activate Resolve Mode when low on health, keeping the standard Rumble Mode.
Aside from all the Part 5 characters, Narancia has special dialogue with Polnareff. Before the fight, Narancia will ask if his opponent really is 'Polnareff the turtle', while Polnareff merely threatens to make Aerosmith into a hanging ornament (referencing the nature of Part 3 where Polnareff and company face off against countless Stand users sent to kill them on their journey). This is due to Narancia recognizing Polnareff from the events of Vento Aureo, but Polnareff, who in-game is from his time during Stardust Crusaders, hasn't met Narancia at that point. If Narancia wins, he'll be surprised to see that Polnareff had such strength. If Polnareff wins, he'll angrily question who Narancia is.
Narancia is also one of the few characters (such as Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Old Joseph) that keeps his previous game's color scheme.
Narancia Ghirga was confirmed for the game alongside Giorno Giovanna, Guido Mista, and Pannacotta Fugo.
Narancia is of the Stand User Style, but more specifically is he a Mode User. The player can switch control between Narancia and Aerosmith to alter the character's abilities, with Stand Mode being the more powerful of the two.
Style Action - I can suss 'em out with Aerosmith!/Deactivating Aerosmith!: Control is switched between Narancia and Aerosmith. Aerosmith deals the majority of Narancia's damage, has above-average mobility, and can freely ascend and descend to any height as it pleases. Normal Attacks and Powerful Attacks done while in Aerosmith Mode will result in the Stand firing strings of bullets and dropping bombs directly below, respectively. If Aerosmith is attacked while under the player's control, Narancia himself will not take any damage, rendering attacks dealt to the Stand futile. This way, it is also possible for Aerosmith to defend Narancia from projectiles by intercepting them. However, the use of Aerosmith leaves Narancia near defenseless if it is not nearby to defend his body. Narancia's stamina gauge slowly depletes while in Aerosmith Mode, automatically canceling control over the Stand if it empties. Actions such as destroying stage objects and performing Dual Combos and DHAs are only available while in Host Mode.
While in Host Mode:
I don't need bullets to kill you!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to fly a considerable distance forward, using its propeller to slice opponents it makes contact with. Aerosmith has some homing capabilities while moving. If his Style Action is inputted during the move, control will seamlessly switch over to Aerosmith Mode from the Stand's current location.
There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Narancia summons Aerosmith to shoot a volley of 12 bullets while advancing. If the activating button is rapidly pressed, the attack can be extended to add up to 6 more bullets. The final shot will cause opponents to collapse.
EX - I don't need bullets to kill you!: Aerosmith's homing capabilities are given a boost, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops moving.
EX - There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you escape!: Aerosmith fires 3 more bullets, and Narancia is granted super armor until Aerosmith stops firing.
While in Aerosmith Mode:
Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: Aerosmith begins flying around, dropping 5 bombs over a wide area in a rough "X" formation. The bombs' explosions knock opponents off their feet if they hit directly. They also create patches of fire that linger for several seconds, igniting opponents and causing them to gradually lose health if they come in contact. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires a volley of 6 bullets while advancing, performs a somersault, then fires another 6 bullets for a total of 12. The final shot causes opponents to collapse. The attack can be angled vertically to a slight degree if Narancia is locked on, but the bullets themselves will curve forward if aimed.
You little rat!: Aerosmith flies around in a circle, firing bullets in all directions with short range. The individual bullets deal heavy damage and knock opponents off their feet if they connect. If Aerosmith makes contact with a wall or obstacle during the skill's progression, it will immediately cancel its attack and teleport back to its starting point.
EX - Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!: The bombs and fires deal more damage.
EX - It's definitely worth a shot!: Aerosmith fires 2 more bullets and deals more damage.
All the money and the stuff got burned.: Narancia must connect "Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you!" twice. (200 Points)
I'm gonna kick your ass!: Narancia must connect "It's definitely worth a shot!" 3 times. (200 Points)
I still have another way to kill you!: Narancia must break an opponent's health gauge while in Aerosmith Mode. (300 Points)
VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA VOLA: Narancia must achieve a total hit count of 200. (500 Points)
Volare via!: Narancia must Retire an opponent with a Dual Heat Attack. (800 Points)
Dual Heat Attacks
Solo - Volare Via: Identical to its performance in All Star Battle, though executes faster for the sake of brevity.
With Fugo - Two people, two short fuses!: Fugo has Purple Haze assault the opponent, firing its Virus Capsules at them after sending them flying. He then prompts Narancia to attack, with the two watching as Aerosmith shoots both the opponent and the capsules surrounding them, causing the capsules to break open and the target to completely melt.
With Mista - I'm gonna send you flying!: Mista unloads his revolver on the opponent, each bullet carried by Sex Pistols and kicked into the foe at different angles; Narancia follows up by having Aerosmith unleash an extended barrage of machine-gun bullets into the opponent, turning upward to spear and carry them into the air as it's ridden by the Pistols. Performing a somersault, Aerosmith ends the attack by firing at the airborne opponent from above and sending them crashing into the ground while Sex Pistols cheer.
Narancia is given an alternate costume. The costume is based on the flashback from when he was tricked into disguising as one of his "friends", wearing a more casual outfit consisting of blond-dyed hair with no accessories, a striped button-up collar shirt, and normal pants with loafers.
He is paired with Diego Brando in the Eyes of Heaven Tournament, defeating Robert E.O. Speedwagon and Ermes Costello in the first round, but eliminated by Mariah and Esidisi in the second.
A informação abaixo é derivada de uma fonte que não foi escrita pelo Araki. Como tal, ela pode ou não ser considerada canônica.
In the light novel JORGE JOESTAR, an incarnation of Narancia lives in the 37th universe. Narancia has the same appearance and personality as his original universe counterpart, but wields a different Stand named U-Boat. U-Boat is a fleet of submarines that can move inside living things or Stands and fire missiles.
In the 37th universe, Narancia is a 16-year-old boy in 2012. He was abused by his father, betrayed by his friends, sent to juvenile prison and bullied. He then became homeless and was preyed upon by street gangs. He joined Passione and has killed twenty-three people since he joined, although all of them were "low-life scum" according to Pucci.[15]
Narancia and Jorge in space
Narancia helps Giorno (Universe ?) and the others in Passione with tracking down their boss. Bucciarati assigns him to be the partner of Jorge Joestar and they take a pebble phone with them. Suddenly, Jorge sees Tsukumojuku Kato standing next to Narancia. Tsukumojuku tries grabbing Jorge's shoulder, but Narancia gets in his way. In that instant, the three of them are teleported far away. Tsukumojuku brushes off that he brought an anomaly along with him since it must mean something and then he vanishes, leaving Narancia and Jorge alone on the H.G. Wells spaceship headed to Mars.
Aboard the H.G. Wells Spaceship, Jorge and Narancia are caught and tied to a bed by Captain Funnier Valentine and his team of astronauts. Enrico Pucci introduces himself and asks for their names. Since Narancia couldn't speak English, Jorge answers for him. Pucci sees the mark of Passione on Narancia's knife and moves onto other questions. The crew is surprised to learn that they somehow appeared there from Morioh and Nero Nero Island. Narancia starts kicking Jorge, thinking Jorge's Stand brought them here.
Attacked by Rear Window
As Jorge assumes the moon must be the reason for him being brought there, he suddenly hears a dull chime echoing inside his stomach with the reverb spreading through his body. Narancia had put his Stand inside Jorge and warns Jorge not to move his head to the left if he doesn't want to die. A torpedo bursts through Jorge's skin as he screams in pain, covered in blood. The astronauts are about to see what happened, but they stop, suspicious of it being a trap. Angry that they didn't fall for it, Narancia fires four cruise missiles out of Jorge toward the astronauts, leading Jorge to learn that Narancia's Stand is an attack submarine hiding inside his body. However, Goyathlay Soundman summons a sand monster in front of the astronauts to swallow up the missiles. Narancia fires another missile which hits Jorge's wrist, freeing his hands from the zip tie. He then suddenly punches Jorge, knocking off a tooth with a spurt of blood. The tooth flies toward Soundman, with a submarine hiding on it. Although Soundman's sand monster knocks the tooth away, Narancia smirks. Drops of Jorge's blood had landed on Soundman's face from the tooth, and Narancia's U-Boat surfaces on top of the blood splatter. Narancia is about to attack Soundman but a hand holding a gun toward Narancia's forehead suddenly emerges from his own mouth. Funnier Valentine threatens to kill Narancia before his missiles explode unless he holds his fire. Narancia had U-Boat within his own body as well, and fires a missile toward the arm sticking out of his mouth. However, Funnier's Stand dodges and Narancia ends up exploding his own teeth off. Despite his injuries, Narancia remains conscious and fires several missiles at Soundman. The sand monster contains all of the explosions so Narancia starts firing missiles from within Soundman's body, exploding the man's back. Funnier's Stand appears again and fires bullets from behind Narancia, but all of the bullets explode before they could reach his head. Narancia had been deflecting each bullet with U-Boat's missiles.
Jorge asks Narancia whether he really wants to die here, mentioning that he'll never see his friends again. Narancia hesitates and then bursts into tears, realizing that he'll die. Suddenly, Jorge sees Narancia's face and entire body start melting as if it was rotting away. Jorge turns around and sees Pucci's Stand but all the other astronauts had gone back to their normal duties. Pucci uses his Stand to pull out two DISCs from Narancia's head and one DISC from Jorge's head, reading their memories.
Slapped by Pucci
Pocoloco Tripleseven points out that someone is coming towards them, about to destroy their spaceship. He tells Pucci to wake Narancia up to see if he could move his submarine. Pucci inserts Narancia's DISCs back in and tells him that God has forgiven his sins already. Narancia is extremely confused when he wakes up, as he had been seeing an illusion that he killed all of the astronauts already. Pucci manipulates him by saying Narancia has no reason to kill them as they are his friends. Narancia doesn't argue back and Jorge is terrified of Pucci's manipulative capabilities, certain that Pucci must be evil. Narancia explains that he can't move his submarine because it can only move inside living things or other Stands, but Soundman's Dune had gone too far and became ordinary sand again. Narancia enthusiastically suggests blowing up the third moon, causing Pucci to slap him and momentarily eject his DISC again for bad manners. With his DISC back inside, Narancia apologizes to Pucci.
Soundman's sand reaches the moon, and Narancia's U-Boat suddenly starts moving again. Narancia uses his Stand's periscope and questions whether moons are alive. After Pocoloco suddenly screams, they all see that the "moon" is actually a giant eyeball and its lid just opened. Its tentacles grab the spaceship but Narancia tries firing at it with dozens of submarines. The "moon" then opens its mouth and swallows up all of the submarines.
President The Funniest Valentine appears on the loudspeaker and tells them that they're now referring to the moon as The Eyed Balloon. He shows them the interior of The Eyed Balloon, revealing that there are several Giotto probes inside. He also tells them the history of Kars, who Pocoloco saw earlier.
Protected by U-Boat
From Soundman's suggestion, Narancia merges his whole U-Boat fleet into a giant submarine. Soundman and Pucci go with Narancia on the giant U-Boat toward Kars. Soon, Funnier suddenly betrays his crew and assassinates Pocoloco with his Stand's gun. Funnier then shoots Narancia and Pucci as well. Jorge grabs Narancia's knife and tries to stab Funnier but the astronaut dodges and disarms Jorge, stabbing Jorge in the shoulder instead. Soundman tries fighting back but is killed by Funnier. As Funnier escapes, Narancia reveals that U-Boat caught the bullet in his forehead so he didn't actually die. He fires a cruise missile which collides with the escape pod, killing Funnier.
The giant U-Boat rams into the side of the H.G. Wells due to The Eyed Balloon's tentacles. Narancia and Jorge jump into the hole of the submarine and Narancia immediately pilots it away. The H.G. Wells spaceship explodes, but they are confronted by Kars who entered their submarine as well. Kars decides to build his own spaceship using The Eyed Balloon and the Giotto probes. He reveals that The Eyed Balloon was composed of 36 different Kars from each universe, each holding a Giotto probe within the sphere. Each Kars work together, assembling a futuristic spaceship using their own body parts and the parts from the Giotto probes. The remaining Kars melt themselves into fuel for the ship, as Narancia and Jorge watch in horror. Kars orders Narancia to shrink the submarine and then he carries it along with Narancia and Jorge into his new spaceship. While Kars doesn't need to eat to survive, he declares his intention to eat Narancia and Jorge after arriving at Earth as a celebratory feast. Meanwhile, the pebble phone starts ringing and Narancia is excited to speak with Bucciarati again.[16]
Narancia embarrassed
Jorge hears a sonar ping from inside his body and realizes that Narancia has put U-Boat inside him. Narancia had also put one submarine inside Kars. However, Kars feels something inside himself and pulls it out. He analyzes it by dismantling the whole submarine and examining the individual parts. Noticing the computers in the control room of the submarine had some sort of visual data, Kars plugs the computer's cord into the palm of his hand and opens his mouth. A beam of light shines from his mouth and projects the information from his palm onto the wall across from him. Every image that displays on the wall are naked images of Trish Cicciolina from Narancia's memories. Trish Cicciolina was an adult entertainer who later became a member of the Italian Parliament, and she is even famous in Japan. Narancia embarrassingly begs Kars to stop displaying them. Kars asks if human bodies are now capable of making machines, but Narancia goes berserk from his embarrassment and Jorge worries that Kars will kill him. Thus, Jorge answers Kars by saying that it's not a machine, but a Stand. He explains what Stands are and Kars wonders whether he could use one too since he can see and touch them. Kars puts his hand to his chest and a submarine with a different design from Narancia's U-Boat surfaces from within him. Both Jorge and Narancia are speechless at Kars's spontaneous development of a Stand, realizing the hopeless situation they're in now.
Firing missiles at the ships
Kars also develops his own version of Pucci's Stand, who managed to survive due to Soundman's sand protecting Pucci from Funnier's bullet earlier. After some banter, Kars gives Jorge a downgraded copy of his U-Boat. He calls Giorno and Narancia speaks with him. Giorno tells them that there is an expected bombing on Nero Nero Island and Morioh after an American scout plane had crashed on Morioh, resulting with the residents clashing with the Navy. Jorge and Narancia decide to disable the military weaponries with their Stands. After Narancia and Jorge send waves of missiles to the ships, their spaceship descends to Earth.[17]
Scouting the island
The spaceship of Kars smashes into the Arrow Cross House as Jorge assumes that they all are about to die. However, Kars saves them by transforming his body into a sphere. Narancia tells Jorge that they should consider running away now while they have the chance, but then discovers that they aren't in Morioh. He sends out a few hundred tiny U-Boats onto the grass, having them scout in all directions. Jorge remembers that he was still borrowing a version of U-Boat from Kars and does the same thing.
They find a sign displaying "Wastewood" as well as a newspaper dated November 11, 1920. Jorge wonders how they ended up 92 years ago and why the place looks abandoned, as they couldn't find any citizens. Narancia jokingly congratulates Jorge after he discovers a wedding venue for "Jorge Joestar" and Elizabeth Straizo. Jorge realizes that it must be the other Jorge who Tsukumojuku told him about, so they were brought to another universe. Jorge tells Narancia that they should check out the other Jorge's home but Pucci says that they should go to the capital, London, as something waits for them in 'Desolation Row'. However, Narancia then sees three zombie men fighting to eat a little girl. Narancia kills the three men but the girl becomes a zombie herself. Jorge, Narancia, and Pucci fight off the zombies with their Stands. Riding a large U-Boat, they decide to flee to the Joestar mansion and take Kars with them.
Zombies appear behind Narancia
After Narancia starts yelling in Italian, Penelope de la Rosa tells them that she doesn't know what's going on with the island and asks them to leave but Erina arrives to greet her guests. As Jorge talks to Erina, three zombies appear behind them but Penelope entraps them with her Wound, scaring Narancia. Bored with their talk, Narancia goes back to U-Boat.
Mocking Jorge
Deciding to join their group, Penelope heads back with Jorge to U-Boat and Narancia cackles about how Jorge could pick up a girl in the situation that they're in. The group arrives at London, where Pucci is greeted by Funny Valentine. They also meet Dio Brando, leading Pucci's Stand to evolve into C-Moon and Made in Heaven.[18]
Fleeing with Jorge & Penelope
Thrilled about getting closer to his goal of standing on top of the universe, Dio taunts Kars and his enemies. Rather than being irritated, Kars is excited to fight Dio, as Penelope, Narancia, and Jorge watch with fear. Narancia grabs Jorge and Penelope and then flees on a one meter long U-Boat, appearing similarly to a skateboard. They meet Lisa Lisa on the way and speak with her. Narancia interrupts to point out that Dio and Kars are constantly exploding from each other's attacks. They would regenerate faster each time, enjoying their immortality to the fullest.
Later, the giant Antonio Torres tries protecting Dio. Jorge and Narancia fire a barrage of missiles with U-Boat at the giant Antonio, but he knocks them all aside. After Lisa Lisa also attacks him with the Ripple, Antonio's head begins to crumble, but Kars tells them to stop killing him or they won't be able to return England back to its original timeline. In the end, Narancia returns to the 37th universe.[19]
Narancia's profile
Young Narancia and his father in a flashback
Narancia and his friends
Framed after changing appearance and caught by police
Suffering the same eye infection that took his mother's life