Vento Aureo - Chapter 57 [496]

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An unexpected transformation from Pesci!! The 150 kilometer-per-hour battle continues!! These gangsters won't stop moving toward a brighter future! (ペッシの思わぬ変貌!!時速150km(キロ)の死闘は続く!!輝かしき未来に向かってギャングスターは止まらない!)

The Grateful Dead, Part 9 (偉大なる死(ザ・グレイトフル・デッド) その⑨, Za Gureitofuru Deddo Sono 9), originally Remove the Hook! (針をはずせ!, Hari o Hazuse!) in the WSJ release, is the 57th chapter of Vento Aureo and the 496th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.


Pesci, now overflowing with confidence, sends Beach Boy's hook deeper into Bucciarati's arm. Bucciarati cuts off his arm with Sticky Fingers, however Pesci succeeds in inserting the hook back in. Pesci then jerks Beach Boy to the side, sending Bucciarati off the train. Bucciarati quickly grabs on to the side of the train, causing Pesci to then jerk him upward towards some power lines.

Bucciarati opens a zipper on the train roof, and falls into the train. Bucciarati seems to be safe for now, but he notices that the hook is now only centimeters away from his heart. To save himself, Bucciarati uses Sticky Fingers to break himself up into multiple pieces. Doing this however causes his blood to stop flowing, his heart to stop beating, and his lungs to stop breathing. To Bucciarati, this is what it means to have resolve.


(Cover only)

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The series has now been running for 10 years and 500 issues. Thank you so very much! Also, we're still looking for assistants!! Please send Mr. Azuma your resume and a few drawings that show your skill!!



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