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Ceci est l'histoire d'une malédiction et du moyen de s'en défaire... Ce garçon mystérieux enseveli dans la terre, qui est-il ?

JoJolion (ジョジョリオン, JoJorion) est la huitième partie de la série JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, prépubliée dans le magazine Ultra Jump du 19 mai 2011 au 19 août 2021.

L'histoire se passe au Japon en 2011 dans la petite ville côtière de Morioh, qui a récemment été affecté par le Séisme de 2011 de la côte Pacifique du Tōhoku. L'intrigue suit l'aventure de Josuke Higashikata, un jeune homme amnésique qu'une jeune fille nommée Yasuho Hirose retrouve enseveli et qui veut retrouver son identité. Son enquête le mènera aux quatre coins de la ville et au fil de l'histoire il découvre les secrets de la riche Famille Higashikata et rencontre un ennemi inhumain.

JoJolion représente la seconde partie de la continuité de Steel Ball Run. Cette partie a gagné le grand prix dans la catégorie "Manga" au Festival des Arts et Média du Japon en 2013.[1] En 2021, Araki a aussi gagné le "Prix Spécial d'Iwate" dans la catégorie manga pour la partie 8 pour sa contribution à la culture de la préfecture.[2]

JoJolion sur la couverture d' Ultra Jump.


Un Homme Amnésique

Bienvenu à Morioh

Yasuho trouve un mystérieux garçon enseveli près des Murs qui voient

Une jeune fille nommée Yasuho Hirose se cache d'un garçon qui la suit, Joshu Higashikata. Elle se cache près des Murs qui Voient, des monticules de terres qui sont apparus près après le séisme qui a frappé sa ville de Morioh. Elle aperçoit alors un homme nu avec un chapeau de marin enseveli près d'une source. Elle appelle une ambulance et remarque alors une tache de naissance en forme d'étoile sur son épaule. L'homme demande alors à Yasuho comment il s'appelle. Elle le tire du sol et découvre alors que l'homme en question est complètement nu. C'est alors que Joshu arrive. Il méprend la situation et s'attaque à l'homme, mais celui-ci invoque une bulle qui sort de son épaule et aveugle Joshu, ce qui permet à l'homme de battre Joshu. L'homme s'évanouit aussi et tous deux sont emmenés à l'hôpital.

Yasuho nous décrit sa ville de Morioh et comment la ville a été affectée par le séisme de la côte pacifique du Japon en 2011. Elle déclare alors que l'histoire suivante concerne une malédiction et comment s'en défaire. Elle remarque aussi que l'homme sans nom avait quatre testicules.

Premiers Indices

Plus tard, Yasuho va à l'hôpital rendre visite au jeune homme qu'elle a trouvé et il lui révèle qu'il est amnésique et ne sait rien de son identité. Yasuho décide de l'aider en commençant par trouver la boutique d'où vient son chapeau de marin. A la boutique, ils semblent alors découvrir son identité : Yoshikage Kira. Cependant, Yasuho pense que ce nom ne lui va pas et l'appelle "Josuke", comme son ancien chien. Yasuho et l'homme se rendent à l'appartement de Kira, où Josuke découvre une femme nue qui leur demande de l'aider et ne semble pas savoir qui ils sont. Yasuho découvre un album photo contenant des photos sordides de la femme avec quelqu'un qui ressemble à Josuke et celle-ci s'enfuit, dégoûtée. Josuke se retrouve seul dans l'appartement. Il découvre alors que l'appartement et piégé de façon à ce qu'il puisse se blesser sur n'importe quel objet et que chaque fois qu'il est blessé, un membre se retrouve contrôlé par une personne qui se tient en embuscade dans l'appartement au-dessus. Josuke se blesse les deux mains et les deux pieds, mais grâce à son pouvoir Soft & Wet et le retour fortuit de Yasuho, Josuke parvient faire tomber du balcon et à attraper son adversaire.

Cet assaillant se présente comme Ojiro Sasame un surfer qui a une dent contre Yoshikage Kira. Ojiro confirme que Josuke n'est pas Kira même s'il y a une certaine ressemblance entre les deux. Ojiro raconte son histoire et comment Kira l'a convaincu de manger les bouts de ses doigts. Voyant une photo de Kira près de la source d'où il a émergé, Josuke a l'idée de retourner là-bas. Josuke et Yasuho découvrent alors le corps du vrai Yoshikage Kira qu'on diagnostique comme étant mort d'une crise cardiaque. Yasuho note que le corps de Kira n'avait pas de testicules.

L'identité de Josuke

Rencontre avec les Higashikatas

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Josuke est adopté par la famille Higashikata

Yasuho introduit Josuke au patriarche de la famille Higashikata, Norisuke Higashikata IV, directeur d'une compagnie d'importation de fruit héritée de son propre grand-mère Norisuke Higashikata I et nommée la Maison du Fruit Higashikata. Josuke est adopté au sein de la famille Higashikata et s'appelle pour l'instant Josuke Higashikata et est accueilli au sein de la famille. Pour sa première journée, Josuke est chargé de veiller sur la jeune benjamine de 16 ans de Norisuke, Daiya Higashikata, qui est aveugle. Alors que Norisuke prévient Josuke de façon sinistre d'obéir à sa parole, Yasuho se fait escorter par la bonne de la famille, Mme Nijimura, et est aussi avertie de ne pas revenir sous peine d'avoir des ennuis.

Alors que la famille se disperse, Daiya commence à flirter avec Josuke et commence un jeu dangereux avec lui. Elle utilise son Stand California King Bed pour voler chacun des souvenirs de Josuke à chaque fois qu'il lui désobéit. Pour que le jeu soit juste, elle lui explique cependant que s'il arrive à faire en sorte qu'elle marche sur son ombre, alors il récupèrera ses souvenirs. Mais, cela est plus facile à dire qu'à faire en raison de sa connaissance de la Maison des Higashikata et de sa perspicacité. Pendant ce temps, Yasuho découvre les résultats d'un test ADN et voit que Josuke et Kira sont pratiquement la même personne. Josuke perd presque tous ses souvenirs mais heureusement attire Daiya près du frigo en cachant le portable de cette dernière dedans et la lumière du frigo fait que Daiya se tient soudainement sur l'ombre de Josuke. Josuke décide de pardonner à Daiya pour ce jeu. Plus tard, il entre dans le bureau de Norisuke en suivant un symbole qu'il avait repéré plus tôt sur le poignet de Kira.

Josuke découvre un livre frappé du même symbole. C'est un accompte de la course Steel Ball Run. Dans ce livre, il découvre aussi un arbre généalogique de la famille Higashikata et découvre que la fille de Norisuke Higashikata I, Rina, s'est marié avec Johnny Joestar, l'ancêtre de Yoshikage Kira. Il découvre que la mère de Yoshikage, Holy, est encore vivante mais actuellement à l'hôpital pour une raison inconnue. Il prévoit de la rencontrer et donne rendez-vous à Yasuho à l'hôpital. En chemin, Josuke remarque que son GPS semble être détraqué. De plus, un Stand motocycliste le traque et apparait à intervalles irrégulières pour faire souffler un puissant vent glaçant avant de disparaitre.

Josuke découvre que le GPS est un allié qui est né du pouvoir Stand naissant de Yasuho, et que ce pouvoir lui donne des instructions pour éviter son assaillant. Il réalise que le Stand ennemi n'apparait que quand il "ouvre quelque chose", Josuke parvient tant bien que mal à atteindre l'hôpital. Une dernière attaque l'empêche d'entrer à l'hôpital mais il trouve et vainc le manieur : la bonne, Kei Nijimura. Kei révèle qu'elle n'a pas vraiment de mauvaises intentions car elle aussi est de la famille de Kira (portant la Tache de naissance Joestar à son épaule), et étant en fait la petite soeur de Yoshikage. Elle avait confondu Josuke pour un ennemi et ne veut pas qu'il s'approche de Holy. Pour montrer sa bonne fois, Josuke promet de ne pas l'approcher et les deux font la paix.

Josuke est une fusion entre deux personnes !

Kei est au courant des propriétés surnaturelles de la terre près des Murs qui Voient et y amène Josuke. Elle révèle à Josuke qu'il est sûrement une fusion entre Kira et un second homme inconnu, démontrant le processus avec deux fruits. Kira lui n'avait pas Soft & Wet mais plutôt Killer Queen, et l'identité du second homme est un mystère.

Pendant ce temps, Yasuho est entrée dans l'hôpital et a rencontré Holy Joestar-Kira, qui semble avoir des problèmes mentaux. Des agents de sécurité la jettent dehors tandis que Holy regarde l'ombre de Yasuho et note la présence de Paisley Park, et déclare que Yasuho sera d'une grande aide pour "son fils". Grâce à Paisley Park, Yasuho parvient à s'infiltrer à nouveau dans l'hôpital et en apprend plus en épiant les médecins qui examinent Holy. Holy a du mal à discerner entre les gens et les objets et les docteurs disent qu'il lui manque des bouts parfaitement sphériques de son cerveau malgré le fait qu'il n'y aucune trace de chirurgie.

Le Passage des Chantages et la légende de Johnny Joestar

Quelques jours plus tard, Norisuke demande à son fils cadet Joshu d'emmener Josuke au lycée de la ville pour voir s'il peut s'y inscrire. Cependant, le chemin du lycée passe par le notoire "Passage des Chantages" où les locaux arrivent, d'une façon inconnue, à faire en sorte et à prouver que Joshu et Josuke cassent des choses et doivent rembourser les habitants. Un vendeur d'animaux de compagnie montre que Josuke a tué une tortue rare sans le remarquer et lui réclame près de 330 000 yen. Joshu découvre en filmant le tout que Josuke s'est instantanément déplacé on ne sait comment. Les deux sont bientôt enrôlés de force pour servir de mules à un échange illicite alors que des policiers sont visiblement en train de les surveiller.

Josuke et Joshu comprennent séparément comment le Passage des Chantages fonctionnent et l'exploitent chacun à leur avantage. Joshu s'empare de l'enveloppe contenant l'argent de la transaction illicite et s'enfuit, repoussant les voyous qui l'y avaient forcé avec son Stand fraichement éveillé Nut King Call. Cependant en ouvant l'enveloppe, Joshu n'y découvre que des feuilles de gingko. Josuke avait pris l'argent en interceptant l'enveloppe plus tôt et se fait innocenter auprès des policiers et rembourse le vieux vendeur d'animaux. Il entame une conversation avec le vieil homme qui lui présente un mémorial à Johnny Joestar et apprend les circonstances de sa mort.

Johnny et Rina qui vivaient heureux

Après la Steel Ball Run, Johnny s'était marié avec Rina Higashikata, la fille de Norisuke Higashikata I. Ils vivaient dans un ranch aux Etats-Unis; Après quelques années, Rina fut soudainement frappée par une maladie. Elle se mit à perdre la mémoire et sa peau commençait à se pétrifier. Ne pouvant pas la guérir, Johnny amena sa femme au Japon, lui retourna aux Etats-Unis pour voler le Corps Saint et le ramener à Morioh, le cachant sous un arbre. Un soir, Johnny amena sa femme au corps saint et pria pour que le corps transfère la maladie à un autre. Johnny vit avec horreur que c'était son fils qui avait hérité de la maladie. Désespéré, Johnny décida de se sacrifier en prenant la maladie pour lui et il mourut, la tête écrasé par un roc. Dans le présent, le vendeur d'animaux prétend que ce n'est qu'une légende mais Josuke réalise qu'il y a un lien entre la maladie dont souffre Holy et celle dont souffrait Rina Higashikata.

En même temps, Yasuho a aussi découvert la même histoire de Johnny. Elle se rend au pin de méditation situé près des terres des Higashikata. Soudain, une main attrape Yasuho et l'entraîne dans un trou.

Un ennemi inédit : les Hommes-rocher

La Farce de Tsurugi

Yasuho se retrouve avec le jeune Tsurugi Higashikata, le petit-fils de Norisuke. Tsurugi révèle qu'ils sont dans une chambre dans un réseau souterrain que la famille Higashikata a installé sous ses terres. Yasuho apprend aussi que Tsurugi est un garçon élevé comme une fille car c'est une tradition familiale qui vise à éloigner les démons de la maladie. Yasuho veut partir mais Tsurugi lui fait alors un tour. Il a plié le téléphone de Yasuho en un origami de grenouille qui bondit sur cette dernière et la place sous l'influence de Paper Moon King.

Yasuho part du souterrain et retourne en ville, suivie par Tsurugi. Elle découvre alors qu'elle ne peut plus distinguer les gens, ni leurs visages ni leurs voix. Bien qu'elle appelle Josuke à l'aide, Tsurugi le neutralise aussi en utilisant Paper Moon King sur lui. Après une longue série de mésaventures, Yasuho capitule et revient dans la chambre souterraine avec Tsurugi. Josuke est aussi libéré du pouvoir de Tsurugi.

On voit alors que quelqu'un épie Tsurugi et Yasuho.

Combat contre Yotsuyu Yagiyama

Tsurugi présente ses excuses à Yasuho et admet qu'il l'a ciblé avec son Stand Paper Moon King. Yasuho le pardonne et lui demande alors quel est le but de ce réseau souterrain. Tsurugi lui explique que le réseau est en partie utilisé pour traiter une maladie mystérieuse qui frappe toujours les aînés de la Famille Higashikata et qui les pétrifie à partir de 10 ans. Yasuho se rappelle alors de la maladie de Holy et que Kira avait essayé de sauver sa mère. Après le départ de Tsurugi, un homme mystérieux nommé Yotsuyu Yagiyama apparait et attaque Yasuho, mais celle-ci le repousse.

Pendant ce temps, Josuke a repéré Tsurugi en train d'aller vers le jardin et le suit, et se fait suivre à son tour par Norisuke. Josuke interroge alors Norisuke et découvre qu'il a des intentions pacifique malgré son comportement suspect plus tôt dans l'histoire. Norisuke explique qu'il ne veut pas de mal à Josuke mais plutôt est à la recherche d'un remède que Yoshikage Kira aurait acquis pour soigner la Maladie Pétrifiante qui afflige leurs familles respective avant la mort de ce dernier.

Josuke se bar contre Yotsuyu Yagiyama, un homme qui se transforme en rocher

Soudain, Josuke et Norisuke se font attaquer par de nombreux objets divers qui convergent droit vers Josuke après que Yotsuyu arrive à se faufiler et à toucher Josuke sans se faire remarquer. Les deux hommes prennent refuge dans le réseau souterrain avec Tsurugi, qui leur révèle que Yotsuyu a promis au garçon de lui donner un remède pour sa maladie en échange de sa collaboration contre Josuke. Quand Josuke remarque que Yotsuyu a kidnappé Yasuho, il entre dans une colère noire et veut pourchasser l'architecte. Norisuke l'aide avec son Stand King Nothing lequel peut traquer les odeurs automatiquement. En suivant la trace de Yasuho, Norisuke explique à Josuke que sa famille est affectée par une Maladie Pétrifiante qui frappe chaque aîné et qu'un membre de la famille se sacrifie pour sauver l'enfant. King Nothing mène Josuke et Norisuke jusqu'à la côte, où ils trouvent Yasuho encore inconsciante. Ils y découvrent en même temps Yotsuyu et voient qu'il peut se pétrifier à volonté aussi. Yotsuyu attaque Josuke avec des pots de pesticide mais Josuke l'attrape et se jette dans la mer avec lui. Josuke et Norisuke piègent Yotsuyu sous l'eau avec des filets, et Josuke menace de le laisser là s'il ne répond pas à ses questions. Yotsuyu se met en colère et préfère attaquer avant de se faire battre. Quand il meurt, Yotsuyu se pétrifie. Josuke voit alors un fruit étrange dériver hors de sa poche avant de disparaitre dans les fonds.

Josuke revient à la surface avec les débris rocheux de Yotsuyu, ce qui soulève plus de questions qu'autre chose. Tsurugi demande s'il a vu le remède que Yotsuyu lui a promit et Josuke mentionne le fruit.

La Trace du Fruit

Rencontre avec Jobin Higashikata

After some research, Norisuke reveals that Yotsuyu was impersonating someone and in reality has no identity. Meanwhile, Yasuho has been sent home. Norisuke, Josuke, and Tsurugi soon find another fruit alongside a dog which can transform into rock, and Norisuke makes King Nothing memorize its scent. Tsurugi adopts the dog which he dubs Iwasuke.

To investigate the fruit further, Norisuke brings Josuke to his fruit parlor to examine an encyclopedia, but they are interrupted by the return of Norisuke's firstborn son Jobin Higashikata. Jobin has just returned from a trip abroad and gives Josuke a rare Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus stag beetle. Overjoyed to see his eldest son, Norisuke decides to accompany him back home, and unbeknownst to him, King Nothing detects the mysterious fruit's scent on Jobin's handkerchief, a fact only Josuke notices.

Josuke challenges Jobin Higashikata to a beetle fight

Josuke enlists Tsurugi's help and learns that he can bait Jobin through his prized beetles. Thus Josuke manipulates Jobin into starting a beetle fight with Joshu as an observer. Josuke plants female beetle pheromones on the ring and manages to win the first bout, but Jobin asks for a second bout with his car as a prize, which was Josuke's goal. During the second bout, Jobin then cheats too, unveiling a small part of his Speed King's heat power to get the upper hand in the beetle fight but Josuke sneakily poisons Jobin's beetle and wins the car keys.

During the challenge, Tsurugi has also enlisted Yasuho and made her enter the Higashikata House. After Josuke sends them the car keys with a bubble, Yasuho and Tsurugi enter the garage and investigate where Jobin has gone with his car thanks to Paisley Park. That way, they see that Jobin has given the tree for the mysterious fruit to an unknown man. Meanwhile, Jobin has begun to suspect Josuke and tries to pressure him into revealing his intention with Speed King; however, Josuke escapes. So do Yasuho and Tsurugi.

Combat contre Aisho Dainenjiyama
Aisho holding a mysterious fruit

Yasuho discovers the man's identity as Aisho Dainenjiyama, a security guard at Morioh's baseball stadium. Using Yasuho's phone empowered by Paisley Park and folded up by Paper Moon King into a frog, the duo witness Aisho perform a fruit deal with an old man who miraculously regrows a lost leg. However, Aisho discovers the phone. Although the phone escapes, Aisho unleashes his Stand Doobie Wah! to chase Yasuho and Tsurugi. The automatic Doobie Wah! materializes from their own breath and relentlessly pursues them.

A flashback details Aisho's past: he used to live in a house with a girlfriend, but when he revealed his true nature as a rock man, his girlfriend used one of his hibernation periods to sell the house, nearly killing him in the process when it was demolished; Aisho was saved when Yotsuyu woke him up and lamented at the loss of his house.

In the present, Tsurugi retaliates by releasing a car origami that makes contact with Aisho and tricks him into mistaking a bus for Jobin, causing Aisho to be run over and die.

Une Vieille Connaissance

Josuke meets Karera Sakunami, an acquaintance of his former identity

The next day, Yasuho finally meets up with Josuke, again. They stroll along the beach, sharing a tender moment, but another girl suddenly greets Josuke as "Se-chan", asking for a later meeting. Josuke goes to meet the girl, named Karera Sakunami. Despite her suspicious behavior, Karera is familiar with the person Josuke was, and he plays along, hiding his lost memories and Karera does reveal his name: Josefumi Kujo. Meanwhile, a pair of twins playing football, the A. Phex Brothers, track Karera and attack her.

The nature of Rock Humans is explained, revealing their coexistence with humanity in secret, the prevalence of Stands amongst them, and the seeming cursed interactions they have if they fall in love with a human.

A short fight ensues between Josuke and the A. Phex Brothers. Josuke manages to use Schott Key No.2's poison gas to his advantage and takes the elder brother hostage with bubbles full of poison. When the elder, soaked with gasoline, is ignited by Karera, his brother runs toward him, forgetting the bubbles which pop and envelop him in poison gas. Both Rock Men are consequently killed. After watching the fight, Karera finally realizes that Kira and Josuke had performed an equivalent exchange, and leaves Josuke be before he can ask her anything else.

Combat contre Tamaki Damo

The mysterious Locacaca Tree is introduced, being a plant from New Guinea formally discovered by an Australian expedition in 1938. The Locacaca was used by the locals to cure various ailments while turning a random body part into stone. During World War II, all reports of the fruit disappeared and it became a mere legend.

As Josuke rests in the Higashikata House and converses with Yasuho, Hato brings her new boyfriend Tamaki Damo to meet her family. Surprisingly, Damo is unattractive and awkward, leading to an embarrassing meeting. However, the whole family is soon immobilized by Damo's Vitamin C which softens them into puddles. Damo confronts Norisuke and interrogates him in order to find who has been dismantling his organization. Damo then explains the context of the whole affair.
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The tragedy of Kira and Josefumi's demise

Two years ago, Yoshikage Kira discovered Aisho Dainenjiyama in his rock form by accident while working on a ship. Curious, he investigated the whole trade and discovered the Locacaca. He coincidentally met with an acquaintance, Josefumi. Back when he was a boy, Josefumi was saved by Holy Joestar-Kira and Yoshikage, who performed surgery on him. Grateful, Josefumi agreed to help Kira steal some branches from Aisho unnoticed and subsequently grafted the branches to another tree. However, in August 19, 2011, Josefumi and Kira were caught by Damo and Yotsuyu. Kira was fatally wounded but he snuck some of Killer Queen's bomb near them, causing an explosion. This allowed Josefumi to drag Kira to the hiding spot of the two fruits they had. Although he drove off the A. Phex Brothers, Josefumi wasted the fruits trying to save Kira but noting their new ability to fuse, decided to fuse himself to Kira in the hopes of Kira surviving and harvesting new fruits. A rift opened and the two men were buried underground.

Kaato Higashikata comes back to her family
Back in the present, Hato confronts Damo over what he is doing but Damo takes her out to confront Josuke after Norisuke reveals Josuke's identity. Damo almost kills him but is interrupted as Josuke has transported Hato out of the house. Thanks to her Walking Heart, Hato inflicts severe damage and Josuke can finish Damo off. He subsequently confirms that he is the amalgamation of Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo.

Meanwhile, Norisuke's wife Kaato Higashikata has finished her prison sentence and prepares to leave. She notably contacts her son Jobin in order to plot against Norisuke.

Interlude & Aftermath

Two weeks prior to Kaato Higashikata's release, Joshu asks his father for some money to buy some idol goods. After the idol meet-and-greet, Joshu antagonizes a fellow fan and secretly steals his wallet after he leaves it behind at the register. Joshu indulges himself in a shopping spree, and coincidentally accumulates more and more money as he tries to spend it. People actually refuse to take money from him, mentioning a mysterious Milagro Man. Discovering that the money is literally clinging to him and is burdening him more and more Joshu tracks down his victim Zaihei Nigatake. Zaihei, grateful toward Joshu for taking his "curse", explains the legend of the Milagro Man and his history with the curse. Nonetheless, Joshu tricks Zaihei into tearing one of the cursed bills and passes the curse back onto him much to Zaihei's horror. On his way home, Joshu melancholically ponders his true worth in the world.

Josuke confirms his second identity, then finally sees Holy Joestar-Kira for the first time. However, her condition has deteriorated drastically and Josuke is appalled that the hospital staff doesn't take care of her. Feeling attachment toward her, he swears to find the cure and pay for Holy's treatment in the meantime.

Afterward, the Higashikata family notices that their mother Kaato has returned home. Norisuke and Hato are wary of her because they know she was sent to prison for murdering a child. The meeting is ruined because Joshu and Kaato storms out of the house, still determined to have her due for protecting the family.

The New Locacaca

Seeking the Plant Appraiser

Sometime later, Josuke reveals Holy's condition to Norisuke and also that Jobin may be somehow conspiring against all of them due to his involvement in the Locacaca Smuggling Organization. Norisuke refuses to suspect Jobin but instructs Josuke to seek out his company's plant appraiser to find the branches. Kaato eavesdrops on this conversation and informs Jobin of the two's plans. Jobin in turn seeks out another Rock Human named Dolomite who agrees to attack Josuke under the belief that he will get his body back to normal, summoning up his Stand Blue Hawaii. Blue Hawaii then controls several consecutive people to try and touch Josuke so that he is controlled. Despite his best efforts, Josuke is touched by a baby. The controlled Josuke heads to the Mutsukabe Shrine, where he is interrogated by Dolomite about his goals. Once he discovers the truth, Dolomite instructs Josuke to drown himself in the pond, but Yasuho thankfully intervenes.

Rai Mamezuku the plant appraiser enters the scene

After Dolomite is neutralized and reveals Jobin's involvement with the Locacaca Organization, Josuke and Yasuho go to the plant appraiser's home on a bus. Suddenly, Rai Mamezuku the plant appraiser appears to hijack the bus. He notably tells Josuke that a new group of enemies is now moving against them and Mamezuku brings the couple to his home: a ski lift. He also reveals Doggy Style, a Stand ability allowing him to unravel himself. The trio is soon attacked by a duo of new enemies: Urban Guerrilla and Doremifasolati Do. Urban is a Rock Human and Doremifasolati is his pet which functions as an underground carrier. Because of their strong abilities, the two almost kill Josuke, Mamezuku and Yasuho but they manage to leak some gas inside of Doremifasolati Do and ignite it, creating an explosion that kills them both.

Not long after, Jobin meets with Urban's superior, Poor Tom. The baby-like old Rock Human then instructs Jobin to bury his Stand Ozon Baby in the orchard of the Higashikata Estate.

Interlude: Yasuho's Past

After the battle, Mamezuku tells Yasuho to go home and stay safe. However, the clash with the Rock Humans causes her to remember an incident of the past. When she was 13, Yasuho bought a hair clip in anticipation of a weekend with her father. However, the hair clip was a strange creature that tricked her into committing suicide. Thankfully, the Kira Family saved her from it. Since then Yasuho keeps its remains in her room.

In the present, Yasuho reaffirms her will to help in front of Mamezuku, who notes that the hair clip may be a Rock Animal and thus a lead toward identifying the enemy.

The Theft of the Locacaca Branch

It is breakfast at the Higashikata. Jobin stealthily plants Ozon Baby in the orchard, but when he returns to the tool shed, is confronted by his son Tsurugi. Jobin thus reassures that his actions are for the sake of his family.

Nonetheless, the air pressure increases and the Stand Ozon Baby appears to attack everyone.

The Higashikata House is under attack from Ozon Baby which manipulates pressure, everyone except Jobin having fallen unconscious. Trapped in their shed, Jobin and the revived Tsurugi realize that Ozon Baby is an automatic Stand that will indiscriminately attack anyone in its range. Jobin also roughly grasps the enemy's ability: Ozon Baby can decrease the air pressure in a zone, but any closed space will dampen its effects. Determined, they set the orchard on fire by using origamis and Speed King to spur their enemies into action.

After Poor Tom's attack, it is Jobin and Tsurugi who acquire the Locacaca Branch

Indeed, Poor Tom rushes into the orchard to retrieve the branch while Josuke and Mamezuku go out, protected by Soft & Wet's bubbles. They meet just as Mamezuku takes the branch and a fight ensues. Poor Tom takes out Mamezuku and seizes the branch but is poisoned by a yew seed. Pursued by Josuke, Poor Tom is bluffed into canceling the air pressure ability, but his supposed allies from the hospital have arrived. Surprisingly, Poor Tom is killed by a mysterious ability shooting through his head. An unseen person seizes the branch and drives away before Josuke can do anything. However, it is revealed that Tsurugi used Paper Moon King to trick everyone: an ordinary branch has been fought over while Jobin stole the real Locacaca branch. They hide the branch, grafted into a cactus. Meanwhile, the ambulance driver discovers the trick and guess that the arsonist is the one who has the branch.

Finally, Josuke returns to Mamezuku, revealed to be alive and slowly reconstituting himself. Desperate, Josuke can only observe his total loss.

The TG University Hospital

Main article: The New Locacaca
Yasuho and Mitsuba attacked by Wu Tomoki

After the fire, the whole Higashikata Family gathers, allowing Josuke to explain his situation and that he has now 10 days to retrieve the fruit. Jobin's insistence on the hospital clues Mamezuku in as to the eldest son's guilt about the fire but the two decide to search the TG University Hospital first for the occupants of the ambulance.

For her part, Yasuho has already headed to the hospital. Yasuho sees Mitsuba Higashikata with a physician, Dr. Wu Tomoki and discovers that he too is dealing the Locacaca to Mitsuba as a form of "beauty treatment". Tomoki, who can turn into dust thanks to his ability Doctor Wu attacks Yasuho but Mitsuba intervenes with her Stand Awaking III Leaves, realizing she doesn't remember how she is treated and determined to save her unborn baby from the equivalent exchange. During the fight, Yasuho incidentally meets Tooru, her ex-boyfriend. Fending off Tomoki until they discover a hidden laboratory and a garden of an orchard of Locacaca, the two women are almost killed by Tomoki but then saved at the last moment by Josuke who kills Tomoki. The only member of the Organization who remains seems to be the head doctor of TG University Hospital, Satoru Akefu, 89 years old.

Chasing After Akefu and Waiting for the Harvest

Josuke and co. are somehow unable to catch up to the old head doctor

Josuke, Yasuho and Mamezuku check the entry log of the laboratory and discover the supposed remaining member of the Locacaca Organization: Satoru Akefu the head doctor of TG University Hospital. Against Yasuho's instinct they persist in this lead. Unable to find a picture of the doctor, the group tries to chase after him but an unknown Stand prevents them from reaching Akefu, who eventually escapes. Moreover, the group has been crossing paths with Tooru, Yasuho's ex-boyfriend. Tooru tries to revive the flame between him and Yasuho, causing no small amount of jealousy and suspicion.

While chasing after Akefu, Josuke is made to look like a murder culprit when a man's neck snaps after getting into a fight with him. Yasuho then finds herself alone as Mamezuku and Josuke must now deal with the repercussion of the man's death. The group splits because Rai and Josuke believes Akefu has the branch but Yasuho believes it is at the Higashikata estate.

Tsurugi's Rock Disease becomes extremely grave

As the new Locacaca matures, it seems that Akefu keeps lurking near Mitsuba and the Higashikata Family begins to suffer from a string of bad luck. At school Tsurugi is accused of having shut the school's iron doors on a classmate and Mitsuba argues against one of the mothers: Maako Kitani. When Maako returns to her house and rants about the Higashikatas, her boyfriend Ojiro Sasame is reminded of the Locacaca. He eventually manages to enter the Higashikata home and steal the potted fruit. Jobin uses his Speed King to kill the intruder and Maako, and is reprimanded for his actions later by Norisuke as he learns about the deaths of Maako and Ojiro. Mitsuba's suspicions about the ongoing events grow as she learns about the repercussions of the struggle for the new Locacaca. At one point, Tsurugi's Rock Disease goes out of control and he is bedridden for the moment, distressing the whole family about his condition.

Meanwhile, Josuke and Mamezuku try to think about their next plan. Rai learns from a newspaper that Akefu will be present at the hospital in two days to give a lecture. Moreover, the duo eventually works out that Satoru Akefu's Stand must trigger bad luck as soon as they think about pursuing Akefu. Silently, in the back seat, the Stand reveals itself. Josuke attempts to attack it with a rush of punches from his Stand but fails to land a hit. Josuke has no choice but to let himself get heavily wounded by the enemy Stand's ability to be brought to the hospital and approach Akefu but Rai is brought to jail by the police.

While spending some time with Tooru, Yasuho is shown a photo of Satoru and Mitsuba Higashikata, implying they are acquainted. Yasuho decides to investigate the Higashikata House, still sure that the new Locacaca is there.

The Day of the Harvest

Main article: Go Beyond (story arc)
After Holy saves Josuke before losing consciousness

Two days later, Josuke wakes up at the hospital. While Satoru Akefu gives a lecture on his new medicine the Locacaca6251, Josuke tries to get out of bed but his stomach is crushed when a policeman he's stunned falls on him. With Satoru's power to bring out calamities seems insurmountable, Josuke suddenly meets Holy Joestar-Kira. Holy brings him to a secret laboratory where samples of the Locacaca6251 are kept and heals him. In addition, Holy reveals to him details about the Locacaca Organization and advises him not to pursue the Head Doctor. She then faints as a mass of petrified flesh reaches her head. With his resolve renewed, Josuke decides to complete a plan that will make Akefu come to him. Josuke contacts a journalist with damning evidence of illegal human trials of the Locacaca6251 on Holy, the journalist confronts Akefu over this, and the head doctor kills the journalist before coming to Josuke. Mamezuku also escapes from jail and arrives at the TG University Hospital just in time to join with Josuke and confront Satoru Akefu with him.

Calamity strikes the Higashikatas, with Norisuke being gravely wounded and Jobin following suit soon after

Meanwhile, Yasuho Hirose has arrived at the Higashikata House and begins to infiltrate the household to find the new Locacaca by sending in Paisley Park and hiding it in Joshu's cellphone. She finds a bedridden Tsurugi Higashikata but then Jobin catches Paisley Park and tosses the mobile phone in the toilets, menacing to drown Yasuho. Worse, Mitsuba decides to side with her husband and tries to help Jobin kill her. Satoru Akefu appears near the house and Yasuho loses her arm, but his power to bring calamities also alerts the rest of the Higashikata Family and brings the Locacaca out of its hiding spot. Norisuke confronts Jobin and the dispute degenerates until Jobin feels he's forced to induce a heat stroke in Norisuke, shocking the whole Family. Fortunately, Joshu uses the confusion to at least save Paisley Park. The head doctor's Stand then acts and causes a calamity that leaves Jobin bleeding out dead in the corridor, and the pot that he has taken rolling near the garage. Yasuho has called Tooru for help, but instead the "young man" prefers to hide and observe the situation and it is revealed that he is the enemy.

Josuke & Rai confront Wonder of U, the Head Doctor's true form

Back at the TG University Hospital, it is revealed that Satoru Akefu is actually the Stand named Wonder of U. Wonder of U senses that Josuke has laid a trap and doesn't fully step inside of the laboratory. Instead, he sics a Rock Insect named Dododo De Dadada on Josuke. Dododo De Dadada almost kills Josuke with its asbestos power but Rai kills it and confronts Satoru. The head doctor, surprised that Rai has managed to approach so close to him, taunts Rai about the "unlucky" death of his parents, implying he had a hand in it. Rai is angered and attacks, but is grievously wounded by the secret bubbles Josuke had deployed, out of sheer bad luck. Nonetheless, Rai sees some hope with Josuke's bubbles and shows that Josuke's bubble has the potential to deploy the Spin.

At the Higashikata House, Joshu suddenly comes out with the potted Locacaca and declares that he'll save Yasuho. Despite Yasuho's misgivings, the Locacaca seems to be her only way to save herself. Yasuho explains to Joshu how the Equivalent Exchange works, but he loses himself in his own fantasies about the exchange and pushes himself onto a dismayed Yasuho. At the same time, Tooru decides to allow the exchange to happen in order to confirm the fruit's power. He makes several faint noises while hiding in the thicket, and this makes Yasuho realize that Tooru must be the enemy Stand User, as he's been near her since the beginning of the heroes' chase after Satoru Akefu. Yasuho performs an equivalent exchange with Joshu, and heals her arm. Remembering that she once met Tooru as a young girl and helped him impersonate the real Satoru Akefu, Yasuho confronts Tooru, who remains hidden in the thicket and warns her about pursuing him. Unfazed, she takes Joshu's phone and contacts Kei Nijimura, although it triggers Wonder of U's ability. Joshu goes mad and attacks Yasuho to get his arm back. Kei receives Yasuho's call for help and begins looking for Josuke at the Locacaca lab.

The narration ominously mentions that a failure on a plane in the skies of Morioh has caused a panel from the plane to drop towards the town. At the Higashikata estate, Joshu trips and falls on the ground, allowing Yasuho to continue her call. She explains the situation to Kei and warns her about the enemy's calamity power. In the lab, Josuke tries to bait Wonder of U closer by trying to destroy the supply of Locacaca6251. However, the head doctor's calamity power works against him. Despite his effort, Josuke cannot harm the enemy Stand and ironically impales himself on the wreckage of the vault. However, Born This Way suddenly intervenes as Kei enters the room. Its chilling wind freezes the bubbles and blows them towards Wonder of U, slightly wounding the Stand's head and causing Tooru to bleed. Wonder of U thus realizes that there is indeed a hidden potential within Soft & Wet's bubbles.

The successful attacks on Wonder of U came at the cost of its broken cane lodging itself in Kei's eye. She collapses but Josuke is able to pick up her phone to contact Yasuho. Yasuho tells Josuke everything about Tooru, while Tooru decides to make Wonder of U retreat and comes out of the trees to confront her. Tooru tells Yasuho to give him the Locacaca to prevent it from being destroyed in the incoming calamity that will befall her. Joshu tries to defend her, to no avail, and he trips on Yasuho, which allows Tooru to take the Locacaca. Seeing something big falling towards her, Yasuho tells Josuke about it, forcing him to chase Wonder of U again. Reminiscing Mamezuku's words about the hidden power in his bubbles, Josuke shoots a single bubble towards Wonder of U. Suddenly, a bubble-like sphere comes out of his Joestar Birthmark.

File:Tsurugi Tooru equivalent exchange.jpg
Tooru doing equivalent exchange with Tsurugi

Josuke shoots his bubble, but Wonder of U summons a new Rock Insect named "Obladi Oblada". It deflects the bubble, and latches itself onto Josuke, multiplying and covering his body. Thanks to Paisley Park's help, Josuke has another shot at the head doctor but Obladi Oblada gets in the way and Josuke misses his second shot. However, Paisley Park then brings the invisible bubble that's come out of Josuke's birthmark back to the Higashikata House via the cellphone connection, and the bubble flies right towards Tooru.[3] Tooru is hit and launched into the path of the falling panel. Wonder of U has no choice but to curve the path of the calamity, and Yasuho is spared from the slide panel. The panel crashes into the house instead. Josuke manages to find the shower room and dives in the pool to get Obladi Oblada off him. Tooru eats the last Locacaca and tries to touch Yasuho to perform another equivalent exchange, but Josuke shoots another bubble that hits him, sending him flying into the back of the garage. Suddenly, Kaato Higashikata appears in tears.[4] Kaato reveals her Stand Space Trucking but despite Tooru's taunts, she has no intentions of attacking him. Instead, she traps Tooru by using her cards to pin his limbs to the ground. She brings out Tsurugi from her deck and drops him on Tooru, making an Equivalent Exchange.[5] Tooru tries to attack Kaato using Wonder of U, but Wonder of U disintegrates. While Tsurugi is cured for good from the Rock Disease, Tooru dies from the exchange. Unfortunately, Kaato finds herself stabbed with a saw in the guts and she collapses on the floor.[6]

While they call an ambulance, Tsurugi heads upstairs to Norisuke's office and carries his body down to the garage.[7] It seems like the struggle has ended and that the curse that had befallen the Higashikata Family is now broken, but Yasuho discovers that the head doctor's calamity energy has invaded Norisuke's body and is worsening his wounds. Thankfully, Josuke arrives and destroys the calamity for good with a last bubble shot. Josuke and Yasuho are now reunited.[6]

Epilogue: The Radio Gaga Incident

Josuke and his family

Taking place some time in 1941, Lucy Steel comes from America to S-City to investigate a strange place. She meets a boy named Fumi, who decides to stay with Lucy after a thief robbed his wallet. Fumi sees where Lucy is going, and warns her about the "Radio Gaga Incident". It is a legend of a girl who heard a strange voice by a guard rail and began to follow it and strip herself. She later disappeared with only her clothes and a foot left behind. Lucy and Fumi arrive near the Higashikata Fruit Company's orchard, where the same thing happens to their driver. Suddenly, Lucy starts to hear voices too and starts getting sucked into the guard rail, Radio Gaga. Fumi saves Lucy from the guardrail, but starts getting sucked in himself. He uses his Stand to save himself and runs away with Lucy from the guardrail. It is revealed that Fumi is Joseph Joestar and is the father of Holy Joestar-Kira.

Back to the present, Josuke and Yasuho find themselves without the Locacaca to cure Holy Joestar-Kira. They run into Kiyomi Kujo, and learn that she has not forgotten about her son. Nonetheless, Josuke feels that he is neither Josefumi nor Kira and doesn't approach Kiyomi. Josuke and Yasuho then head to the Higashikata Fruit Parlor. The family tries to choose a cake for tomorrow to properly celebrate Norisuke being discharged from the hospital, but they are all overcome by emotion. They thus ask Josuke to choose the cake. Seeing that Josuke has found his family, Yasuho leaves the parlor crying tears of joy.

Personnages et Stands

Personnages de JoJolion

JoshuAv.png NutKingCallAv.png

Allié (neutre avant)

KeiAv.png BornThisWayAv.png

Alliée (antag. avant)

TooruAv.png WonderofUAv.png

Antag. ppl

SatoruAv.png WonderofUAv.png


DolomiteAv.png BlueHawaiiAv.png

Neutre (Vilain avant)
Lucy Steel/fr

Combats majeur

Endroits Visités

L'entièreté de l'histoire de JoJolion se passe dans la ville de Morioh, une petite ville côtière du Japon qui est inspirée de la réelle Sendai, la ville natale de Hirohiko Araki. Durant cette partie, les personnages se déplacent à travers la ville et visitent divers endroits avec quelques points privilégiés dans l'histoire.

Morioh JJL map.png

Galerie d'Images

CouverturesIllustrationsCouvertures Ultra JumpEsquisses


  • Selon une note d'auteur d'Araki dans le tome 2 de JoJolion, le suffixe -lion dans le titre est dérivé du mot grecεὐαγγέλιον (evangelion) en référence aux évangiles. "En combinant le mot avec "JoJo", je voulais que le titre signifie l'existence dans ce monde du protagoniste, "Josuke"".[8]
  • JoJolion a été sérialisé dans le magazine Ultra Jump pendant 10 ans, ce qui en fait la partie la plus longue de la série, devant Steel Ball Run.

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