JoJo Festival in Morioh, S City
JoJo Festival in Morioh, S City (ジョジョ展 in S市杜王町, JoJo Ten In S Shi Moriō-chō), otherwise known as JoJo Fes (ジョジョフェス, JoJo Fesu) was a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure-themed special event that was held in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan from August 12 to September 10, 2017.
Announced at the JoJo Great Festival on February 19, 2017,[1] the event's main highlight was the Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition 2017,[2] which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series[3] and featured newly-drawn visuals by series's creator, Hirohiko Araki. The festival also featured various other Diamond is Unbreakable-themed attractions and shops spread throughout the city.

in Morioh, S City
Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition in Morioh, S City 2017 (荒木飛呂彦原画展 ジョジョ展 in S市杜王町 2017, Araki Hirohiko Genga-ten JoJo Ten In S Shi Moriō-chō) also known as the Hirohiko Araki Art Exhibition 2017 (荒木飛呂彦原画展2017, Araki Hirohiko Genga-ten 2017) was an exhibit held at the Sendai Mediatheque during the JoJo Festival in Morioh, S City event where Hirohiko Araki presented various works of art to celebrate the 30th anniversary of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The exhibition had a 65-page pamphlet for sale featuring artwork from the event.
Other Events
Bizarre Summer

in Morioh, S City
Bizarre Summer 2017 in Morioh, S City (Bizarre Summer 2017 in S市杜王町) was a special event that was held at the Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi on August 13, 2017, it featured performances from Diamond is Unbreakable's Yuki Ono, Takahiro Sakurai, Daisuke Ono, Karen Aoki, and Daisuke Hasegawa.
JoJo Fes Cafe

JoJo Fes Cafe in the Sendai Forus (JOJO Fes CAFE in 仙台フォーラス) was a Diamond is Unbreakable-themed restaurant that was held at the Sendai Forus shopping mall on August 13, 2017 during the JoJo Festival in Morioh, S City event. The menu consisted of stylised food and beverages based on the series.
Morioh Grand Hotel

Morioh Street
Morioh Shopping District in the Ichibancho Sun Mall (杜王町商店街 in ぶらんど~む一番町) was a decorated area set up during the JoJo Festival in Morioh, S City event, in which Diamond is Unbreakable-themed banners, posters and flyers were displayed all around the Ichibancho Sun Mall Shopping District.
See also
- Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition 2012
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's 25th Anniversary
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's 30th Anniversary
- JoJo Great Festival