Varianti dei nomi

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A list of English spelling variations and alternatives for many names and terms across various media in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.

For the purposes of this website, the articles use a naming convention that takes into account the most recent Japanese romanization found in the manga or artbooks, as well as their consistency throughout multiple official sources.
An example of Araki writing out a name in English

Due to a lack of proper localization early on in the series as well as different translation groups with their own preferences, a common problem for fans of the JJBA series is determining the correct English spelling of names. Multiple scanlation groups, fansubbers, and even professional anime and gaming companies often translate these names based on assumption or other reference material, or to avoid trademark and copyright issues outside of Japan.

As a result of the series's common theme of referencing musical artists, a false etymology has formed among fans regarding some of the names. Many fans believe most of the names are spelled exactly like the artists and bands they reference (with some exceptions such as Zeppeli) due to the belief that Hirohiko Araki does not like copyright changes to his character names.

Araki himself is not known for his consistency, and spelling changes become apparent even in the manga.

JOJOVELLER is the most recent artbook to provide English names for all major characters through April 2014, while some volumes of JoJolion provide English names for newer characters and Stands.

Phantom Blood

Phantom BloodJonathan JoestarGeorge Joestar IErina PendletonRobert E. O. SpeedwagonDio BrandoWill Anthonio ZeppeliRippleDario BrandoTonpettyTattooDireStraizoTarkusBrufordPage, Jones, Plant and BornnamDoobiePocoWang ChanPoco's SisterCaineghisWindknight's Lot
Varianti del nome:
Part 1 Jonathan Joestar: His Youth Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump.

Phantom Bloodline Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.

Varianti del nome:
JoJo Soprannome usato spesso durante la prima parte.

Varianti del nome:
Jorge Joestar 1st Used in the Duwang scans'] family tree.

Varianti del nome:
Erina Joestar Married name

Erina Pendolton Used in JoJo 6251

Elena Pendleton Used in the Italian edition and OVA adaptation

Elina Joestar Used in the Duwang scans'] family tree.

Varianti del nome:
Reo Speedwagon Romanization used for his diary's signature in Battle Tendency.

Varianti del nome:
Dior Brando Used in Chinese version, spelled like the fashion brand.

DIO Used from Part 3 onward, written in all caps to distinguish from the Dio of Part 1.

Varianti del nome:
Baron Zeppeli Nickname commonly used.

Wirr A Zeppelie Name used on the letter Dire gives Jonathan in Chapter 36.

Will A. Zeppeli Used in All-Star Battle.

Will A. Zeppelie Used in the Italian edition.

William Antonio Zeppeli Used in early JOJOVELLER editions and some fan translations.

Varianti del nome:
Hamon Romanization of the Japanese word "波紋". Used in VIZ Media's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, the official English dub, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
brandy Brendo Used in the Duwang scans'] family tree.

Varianti del nome:
Tonpeti Used in the Italian edition and Ignition-One scanlations.

Tom Petty Spelled like the musician.

Tompetty Used in the Spanish Edition.

Varianti del nome:
le tatoué Used in the French edition.

Tattoo Guy Used in the Phantom Blood PS2 game's character profile.

Tats Used in VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Diar Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Streitzo Used in the Italian edition.

Straights Used in the Ignition-One scanlations and some fansubs.

Straits Commonly used by other translation groups, spelled like the band. Used in the Spanish and French editions.

Straitso Used in the Polish edition.

Varianti del nome:
Tarukus Used in JoJo 6251, Crunchyroll subtitles, the Phantom Blood PS2 game, the localization of All-Star Battle, Volume 3 of VIZ's publication, and the English dub.

Turcus Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Blueford Used in Crunchyroll subtitles, the localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, and the English dub.

Bradford Used in the Italian edition

Varianti del nome:
Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham Names of the members of Led Zeppelin, used in the Italian edition and most English fan translations.

Pajyu, Jones, Pluton and Barnum Used in VIZ's publication and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Doobie the Phantom Translation of his full Japanese name.

Varianti del nome:
Poko Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Wang Chen Used in the Italian edition.

Wang Chung Spelled like the band name, used in some fan translations.

Origine: JoJo 6251
Varianti del nome:
Peggy Used in Crunchyroll's description for Episode 8, likely a misreading of Doobie's onomatopoeia "Pghi!?" in Chapter 37.

Varianti del nome:
Caighines Used in an advertisement for the Phantom Blood PS2 game in Weekly Shonen Jump.

Origine: VIZ Media
Varianti del nome:
Wind Knight's Lot Used in a newspaper article in Episode 9.

Battle Tendency

Battle TendencyJoseph JoestarCaesar Anthonio ZeppeliLisa LisaSuzi QRudol von StroheimSpeedwagon FoundationSantanaWamuuEsidisiKarsAir Supplena IslandLogginsMessinaRed Stone of AjaBrutoGeorge Joestar IIDonovan
Varianti del nome:
Part 2 Joseph Joestar: His Proud Lineage Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump.

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART II English subtitle used alongside the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Varianti del nome:
Josef Joestar Non-anglicized spelling used by Ignition-One scanlations. Also used on his character profile, his gravestone at the end of Battle Tendency and the hotel registry in the Justice (story arc).

JoJo Nickname used profusely during Part 2.

Joseph Josder Used in the Duwang scans.

Jonathan Joestar Joseph is mistaken for Jonathan in some of the French edition's character summary pages.

Varianti del nome:
Caesar Antonio Zeppeli Used in some fan translations.

Cesare Antonio Zeppeli Used in Italian translations.

Kaiser Pronunciation used in Chinese subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Elizabeth Joestar Birth name.

Elizabeth Straizo Used in the JORGE JOESTAR novel and website.

Varianti del nome:
Suzi Q. Joestar Married name.

Suzi Quatro Used in JoJo 6251.

Suzi Quatro Joestar Married name used in JoJo 6251.

Suzie Q Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and the English editions of the manga.

Sigi Q. Joestar Used in the Duwang scans' family tree.

Susie Quatro Used in the Stardust Crusaders OVA.

Susie Q. Joestar Used in the title of Chapter 133 of the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition.

Varianti del nome:
Rudolf von Stroheim Used in the Italian edition, the English OVA release, and various fansubs and scanlations.

Varianti del nome:
SPW Common abbreviation.

SWP Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Santviento Used in Crunchyroll subtitles, the English localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, and the English dub.

San Tan Used in French Crunchyroll subtitles.

Santa Ana Spelled like the Californian winds.

Varianti del nome:
Wham Spelled like the band. Used in the Spanish editions and the second French edition, as well as various English fansubs and scanlations.

Wham! See above. Spelled exactly like the band.

Wamoo Used in the Italian edition.

Whamm Used in the Polish edition.

Varianti del nome:
ACDC Used for Heavy Gauge figures, as well as English fansubs and scanlations. Spelled like the band.

AC/DC See above. Spelled exactly like the band. Used in the second French edition and Spanish edition.

Eisidisi Used in the Italian and Polish editions.

Acideecy Used in the first edition of the Italian translation.

Varianti del nome:
Cars Spelled like the band. Used in the second French edition and Spanish edition, as well as various English fansubs and scanlations.

Kaaz Originally used by Ignition-One scanlations.

Varianti del nome:
Saplena Island Used in the Ignition-One scanlations.

Isola di Easprina Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Loggs Used in Crunchyroll subtitles, the English localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Meshina Used in Crunchyroll subtitles, the English localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, and the English Dub.

Varianti del nome:
Red Stone of Asia Used in Ignition-One Scanlations. Spelled like it's pronounced.

Varianti del nome:
Brute Used in the French J'ai Lu edition.

Varianti del nome:
Jorge Joestar Used in the JORGE JOESTAR novel and website.

Jorge Joestar 2nd Used in the Duwang scans' family tree.

Varianti del nome:
Donobang Used in Crunchyroll subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Stardust Crusaders

Stardust CrusadersJotaro KujoStar PlatinumHoly KujoSadao KujoMuhammad AvdolMagician's RedNoriaki KakyoinHierophant GreenJean Pierre PolnareffGray FlyTower of GrayDevo the CursedImpostor Captain TennilleRubber SoulHol HorseJ. GeilZZEnya the HagSteely DanLoversArabia FatsSunDeath ThirteenMannish BoyCameoJudgementSherry PolnareffMidlerIggyN'DoulOingoBoingoTohthChakaKhanMariahBastetAlessiSethanDaniel J. D'ArbyGarie MoorPet ShopTelence T. D'ArbyKenny GTenore SaxVanilla IceRosesThe WorldNukesakuWilson Phillips
Varianti del nome:
Part 3 Jotaro Kujo: Heritage for the Future Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART III English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization

The 3rd Generation Used in various Super Techno Arts promotional material

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Legacy to the Future Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition.

Varianti del nome:
Jotaro Cujoh Used for some loading screens in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

JoJo Nickname used in Part 3's early chapters.

Qtaro Kujo False name used in the hotel registry in Justice (story arc).

Varianti del nome:
Star Platium Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Holley Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions.

Polly Used in the Duwang scans' family tree.

Holly Used in the Italian edition, the OVA adaptation, the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, VIZ's publication, and the English dub.

Seiko Japanese nickname adopted by Holy.

Varianti del nome:
Kujo zefu Used in the Duwang scans' family tree.

Varianti del nome:
Muhammad Avdol Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, as well as the French J'ai Lu edition.

Mohammed Abdul Used in the Italian and French Tonkam editions, as well as in Ignition-One scanlations as well as in the European Spanish Netflix subtitles.

Mohammed Avdol Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, as well as in Netflix subtitles.

Muhammad Abdul Use in the JoJo’s Coloured Adventure scanlations.

Varianti del nome:
Magician Red Used in the Italian edition.

Mago Vermelho Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.

Varianti del nome:
Tenmei Kakyoin Romanization used on the hotel registry in Justice (story arc). Author's reading of the kanji characters of his name.

Varianti del nome:
Hierophant Emerald Used near the start of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Varianti del nome:
Jean Paul Polnareff Used in the Italian edition, the second French edition of Vento Aureo, and on the cover of Chapter 127 in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Jan. P. Polnaref Used in the hotel registry in Justice (story arc).

Jean-Pierre Polnareff Used in both French editions of Stardust Crusaders.

Jun Pieal Polnareff Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

Jean Pierre Eiffel Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Jean Pierre Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Grey Fly Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Tower of Grey Used in the Crunchyroll title of SC Episode 4.

Varianti del nome:
D'Bo Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions.

Soul Sacrifice Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Captain Teneil Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game), the Italian and first French editions, and Crunchyroll French subtitles.

Captain Dragon Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Hol Hource Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

Varianti del nome:
John Geil Used in Chapter 158 in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

J Gail Used in JoJo 6251, the Italian edition, and Crunchyroll French subtitles.

J.Guile Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

J Gale Used in Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Centerfold Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Z-Z Used in the Italian edition.

Zi.Zi Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Zii Zii Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, as well as in Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Enya Geil Birth name.

Enya Gail Used in JoJo 6251 and the Italian edition.

Enyaba Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

N-Yah Gail Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, as well as the English OVA release.

Varianti del nome:
S-Terry Dan Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Rubber Soul Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition.

Dan of Steel Used in VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
The Lovers Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition.

Varianti del nome:
Alabia Fats Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Varianti del nome:
The Sun Used by Adventure Battle Card.

Varianti del nome:
Death 13 Spelled with Arabic numerals. Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and for romanization in the manga itself.

Varianti del nome:
Manishu Booi Used in Crunchyroll subtitles and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Kameo Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Varianti del nome:
Judgment Used in the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Chérie Used in the first French edition.

Varianti del nome:
Sidler Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Middler Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

Rose Used in Crunchyroll subtitles and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Iggi Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, as well as the English OVA release.

Varianti del nome:
N'Dyoul Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Nduul Used in the Italian edition.

N'Dool Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, as well as the English OVA release.

N'doul Used in Crunchyroll subtitles.

N'Dour Spelled like the singer.

Varianti del nome:
Oing Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Zenyatta Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition, the English localization of All-Star BattleCrunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Voing Used in Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Mondatta Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition, the English localization of All-Star BattleCrunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Thoth Spelled like the Egyptian deity. Used in JoJo 6251, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game), VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Chaca Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions.

Varianti del nome:
Malya Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game).

Mahrahia Used in Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Varianti del nome:
Bast Used in JoJo 6251, JOJO A-GO!GO!, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game), Eyes of Heaven, VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Basteth Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Alessy Used in Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Alexi Used in both Italian editions.

Alex Also used in official Italian translations.

Varianti del nome:
Set Written like the Egyptian deity. Used in VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
D'Arby the Elder Used in VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Darby Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Origine: Manga romanization
Varianti del nome:
Daddy Moor Used in the anime adaptation.

Varianti del nome:
Animal Shop Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Telence T. D'Arby (テレンス・T・ダービー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Terensu Tī Dābī
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Terence T. D'Arby
Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC), as well as the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Telence Trent D'Arby (テレンス・トレント・ダービー)
United States of America English
Germany German
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Denmark Danish
D'Arby Younger
Used in various Crunchyroll and Netflix subtitles, as well as the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
D'Arby the Younger
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Romania Romanian
Darby Younger
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R, as well as Netflix's Romanian subtitles.
United States of America English
Terrence Trent D'Arby
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
France French
Terrence T. D'Arby
Used in the second French release.
Croatia Croatian
Netherlands Dutch
Terence T. Darby
Used in Netflix's Croatian and Dutch subtitles.
Language Name Usage

France French
Jeune Darby (Young Darby)
Used in the French localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
D'Arby il giovane (D'Arby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Italian subtitles.
Italy Italian
Darby il piccolo (Little Darby)
Used in the Italian localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Spain Spanish
Darby menor (Darby the Lesser)
Used in the Spanish localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Poland Polish
D’Arby Młodszy (D'Arby the Younger)
Used in Netflix's Polish subtitles.
Flag of Thailand Thai
เทเลนซ์ ที. ดาร์บี้ (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
泰伦斯T达比 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
泰倫斯T達比 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
테렌스 T. 다비 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Теренс Д'Арби (Terence D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
داربي الصغير (Young D'Arby)
Used in Crunchyroll's Arabic subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
تيرينس تي داربي (Terence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
D'Arby mladší (D'Arby younger)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Ντάρμπι ο Νεότερος (Darby the Younger)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
טרנס טי. ד'ארבי (Terence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Ifjabb D'Arby (Younger D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Darby den yngre (Darby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Norwegian subtitles.
Sweden Swedish
D'Arby den yngre (D'Arby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Swedish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Дарбі-молодший (Darby Younger)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Vietnam Vietnamese
Darby Em (Darby Jr.)
Used in Netflix's Vietnamese subtitles.
Varianti del nome:
Ken-E-Gee Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1 Game).

Billie Jean Used in Crunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Tenor Sax Spelled exactly like the music instrument.

Varianti del nome:
Iced Used in JoJo's Venture and its revisions, as well as the English OVA release.

Vanilla Iced Used in promotional material for Heritage for the Future.

Cool Ice Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of HeavenVIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Rogers Used in the original scanlations of Part 3.

Rosas Used in VIZ's publication, Crunchyroll subtitles, and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
World 21 Used by Anubis in Chapter 198.

O Mundo Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.

Varianti del nome:
Loser Used in the English Stardust Crusaders paperback edition and the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Senator Phillips Used in Crunchyroll subtitles and the English dub.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Diamond is UnbreakableTomoko HigashikataJosuke HigashikataCrazy DiamondKoichi HiroseEchoesSurfaceLove DeluxeBad CompanyFather NijimuraYoshikage KiraMoriohJozenji RoadCafé Deux MagotsSt Gentleman'sRed Hot Chili PepperTonio TrussardiPearl JamHeaven's DoorPink Dark BoyBug-EatenNot Bug-EatenShigekiyo YanguAchtung BabyCinderellaAnjuro KatagiriAqua NecklaceAtom Heart FatherKen OyanagiBoy II ManMikitaka HazekuraEarth Wind and FireYuya FungamiHighway StarAkemi, Yoshie, and ReikoTamaStray CatToyohiro KanedaichiSuper FlyEnigmaKiller QueenSheer Heart AttackBites the Dust
Varianti del nome:
Part 4: Josuke Higashikata Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump

JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE PART IV English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization

Part 4: Diamond is not Crash Part 4's name's original translation, used in JOJO A-GO!GO! and in the Bunko Edition.

Part 4: Diamond is not Clash Used in HIROHIKO ARAKI WORKS.

Part 4: Diamond is not Crush Used sporadically in Japanese materials along with the above.

Varianti del nome:
Panko Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
JoJo Misreading of his name used by a street thug to mock him.

Jusuke Used in Duwang chapter title.

Varianti del nome:
Crazy D Used by Okuyasu during the fight against Rohan.

Shining Diamond Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Guanglai Kangyi Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Reverb Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Echo Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Show Off Used in the English Crunchyroll subtitles, English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Love Extra Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Worse Company Used in the English Crunchyroll subtitles, English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Destroying Army Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Mansaku Nijimura Used in the credits for the live action film.

Varianti del nome:
Kill・A Yoshikage Araki's romanization often uses Kill・A. It's fairly common in many Japanese works involving Kira.

Yoshigake Kira Typo used in VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Duwang The Chinese pinyin Romanization of the characters for "Morioh" (more correctly Dùwáng). Used in and is the fan nickname for the original scanlations for Part 4.

Jozenji RoadLink to this section
Origine: VIZ Media
Varianti del nome:
Johzenji Used in the Crunchyroll subtitles in most languages.

Jôzenji Used in the French J'ai Lu translation and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Jōzenji Used in German Crunchyroll anime subtitles.

Zyouzenji Used in JoJo's Colored Adventure scans.

Dingchan Road Used in the Duwang scans.

Café Deux MagotsLink to this section
Varianti del nome:
Rengatei Used in the anime adaptation.

Deux Maigots Used in episode 20.

St Gentleman'sLink to this section
Varianti del nome:
Saint Germain How it is pronounced in original Japanese.

Varianti del nome:
Chili Pepper Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of HeavenCrunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, VIZ's publication. Also a common abbreviation used in the manga.

Red Chili Hot Pepper Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Antonio Trussardi Real name.

Antonio Volpe Birthname in the Purple Haze Feedback novel.

Tonio Trendy Used in the Crunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Opal Jam Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Pole Jam Used in the Crunchyroll subtitles, English Dub, VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Heaven's Gate Used on a mid-chapter illustration of volume 34 and Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure. Also used by Duwang scanlation.

Porta do Céu Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub of the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan OVA.

Varianti del nome:
Pink Dark Shounen Original Japanese pronunciation.

Red and Black Boy Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Miteux Used in the French edition.

Mushikui Japanese Romanization, JoJo 6251.

Rosicchio Used in the Italian edition.

Bug Eye Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Mushikuidenai Japanese Romanization, JOJOVELLER.

Varianti del nome:
Shigechi Nickname derived from Shige-chan.

Young Written like Neil Young, composer of Harvest.

Shigekyo Yanguu Used in the Italian edition.

Fatty Used in the Duwang scanlations.

Varianti del nome:
Achtug Baby Used in old editions of JOJO A-GO!GO!, most likely a typo.

Varianti del nome:
Fashionista Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Angelo Nickname.

Anjiro Katjiri Used in the Italian edition.

Anben Pianshilang Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Silver Chain Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Heart Father Used in the English localization of All-Star BattleCrunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Ken Ooyanagi Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
BoyManMan Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Boys Man Man Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Boy to Man Used in the French J'ai Lu edition.

Boy 2 Man Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Nu Mikitakazo Nshi His alien name, used in JOJOVELLER and the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Terra Ventus Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, and English Dub.

Varianti del nome:
Yu-chan Nickname used by his fangirls.

Yuey Nickname used by his fangirls in the VIZ translation.

Yuuya Fungami Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Highway Go Go Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, the English Dub , Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Yuriko, Mijiri, and Meio Used in the Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Gatta Used in fan translations.

Varianti del nome:
Feral Cat Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Catgrass Used in fan translations.

Varianti del nome:
Ichitoyohiro Kaneda Used in the Italian edition and Duwang scans.

Varianti del nome:
Superfly Used in the Italian edition, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Misterioso Used in the English localization of All-Star BattleCrunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Deadly Queen Used in the English localization of All-Star BattleCrunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Heart Attack Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, the English Dub, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Bite The Dust Romanization used in chapters and media.

Another One Bites The Dust Name of the song and of the chapters featuring this ability, not actually used for the ability itself.

Lose and Die Literal meaning in the parenthesized kanji.

Vento Aureo

Vento AureoGiorno GiovannaGold ExperienceGold Experience RequiemBruno BucciaratiSticky FingersMan XMoody BluesSex PistolsAerosmithPurple HazeSpice GirlBlack SabbathSoft MachineKraft WorkPericoloSorbet and GelatoFormaggioLittle FeetMan in the MirrorThe Grateful DeadBeach BoyBaby FaceWhite AlbumRisotto NeroMetallicaCoco JumboMr.PresidentTizianoClashTalking HeadNotorious B.I.GOasisCioccolataGreen DayDiavoloVinegar DoppioKing CrimsonEpitaphChariot RequiemRolling Stones
Varianti del nome:
Part 5 Giorno Giovana: Golden Heritage Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump

Le Bizzarre Avventure Di GioGio V Italian subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization

Part 5: Golden Wind Used in the French edition and VIZ's publication.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Used for English language translations and the 2018 anime adaptation.

Varianti del nome:
Haruno Shiobana (汐華 初流乃) His birth name in Western order.

Shoruno Shiobana Another way to pronounce the characters of his birth name as noticed by Koichi.

GioGio Nickname used in Araki's artwork as reference to the previous JoJo nicknames. Used in Purple Haze Feedback and the English title of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.

Giorno Giovana Romanization used in the French edition and GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.

Jorno Used in promotional material for GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.

Varianti del nome:
Gold E How the name is sometimes shortened in the original manga.

Golden Wind Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication. A reference to the part's title.

Varianti del nome:
Golden Wind Requiem Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Chariot Requiem Erroneously used instead of "Requiem" in Netflix subtitles.

GER Common fan abbreviation.

Varianti del nome:
Bruno Buccellati Spelled like the brand. Used in Part 5 scanlations.

Bucciaratti Romanization used in an illustration of Vento Aureo volume 3.

Blono Buccellati Romanization used in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure and in the French edition.

Varianti del nome:
Zipper Man Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Mr. X Used in the English dub.

Varianti del nome:
Moody Jazz Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Six Bullets Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Li'l Bomber Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Purple Smoke Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Spicy Lady Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Shadow Sabbath Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Tender Machine Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Kraftwerk Spelled exactly like the band reference, used in the Italian edition.

Craft Work Used in the French edition.

Arts & Crafts Used in the English localization of All-Star BattleEyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Belcaro Used in original Part 5 scanlations.

Nunzio Pericolo Full name in the novel Purple Haze Feedback.

Varianti del nome:
Sorbei and Cante Used in original Part 5 scanlations.

Sorbe and Gelato Used in the French edition.

Sorbetto and Gelato Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Hormaggio Used in the French edition.

Varianti del nome:
Little Feat Spelled exactly like the Band reference.

Tiny Feet Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Mirror Man Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Thankful Dead Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

The Thankful Death Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles.

Thankful Death Used in VIZ's publication.

Grand Death Used in Weiß Schwarz English localization.

Varianti del nome:
Fisher Man Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Crunchyroll subtitles, and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Babyhead Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
White Ice Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Rizotto Romanization on his hat in the manga.

Varianti del nome:
Metallic Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Coco Large Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
T-Rex Used before the release of JOJO A-GO!GO!, used in a Weekly Shonen Jump N°9, 1998 interview.

Varianti del nome:
Tizzano Used in JOJOVELLER.

Tizano Used in Japanese merch.

Varianti del nome:
Crush Used in the English localization Eyes of Heaven and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Talking Mouth Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Notorious Chase Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles and the anime dubs.

Notorius B.I.G Used in the anime adaptation.

Varianti del nome:
Sanctuary Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Cioccolato (チョコラート) Used partway through the Weekly Shonen Jump prepubliation. Switched to the male form instead of the female form of his name.

Varianti del nome:
Green Tea Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Origine: JOJO magazine
Varianti del nome:
Solid Naso Fake alias.

Diabolo Romanization used in Series 8 of the Adventure Battle Card collectible card series.

Varianti del nome:
Aceto Doppio Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Emperor Crimson Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and Crunchyroll subtitles.

K Crimson Written K・クリムゾン, used in chapter 587.

Varianti del nome:
Eulogy Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and Crunchyroll subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Silver Chariot Requiem Used by Adventure Battle Card and Chara Heroes.

Requiem Commonly used abbreviation. Also used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.

Varianti del nome:
Rolling Stone(s) Literal romanization.

Prophecy Stones Used in English Crunchyroll subtitles.

Stone Ocean

Stone OceanGreen Dolphin Street PrisonJolyne CujohStone FreeErmes CostelloKissFoo FightersEmporio AlninoWeather ReportWeather Report (Stand)AtroeGwessGoo Goo DollsJohngalli A.Manhattan TransferWhitesnakeThunder McQueenHighway to HellBurning Down the HouseNarciso AnasuiDiver DownLoccobaroccoMiraschonMarilyn MansonSavage GardenLang RanglerJumpin' Jack FlashSports MaxxSonny LikirViviano WestwoodPlanet WavesKenzouD an GYo-Yo MaLimp BizkitMiuccia MiullerJail House LockUngaloBohemian RhapsodyRikielDonatello VersusPerla PucciEnrico PucciC-MOONMade in Heaven
Varianti del nome:
Part 6 Jolyne Cujoh: Stone Ocean Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump

Varianti del nome:
G.D. St. Prison Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and JOJOVELLER.

G.D. St. Jail Abbreviation used in Part 6, seen on the prisoners' clothes.

Origine: SO Chapter 2 Cover, SO Chapter 3 (Signature), JOJOVELLER, VIZ Media
Varianti del nome:
Jolyne Kujo Used in scanlations and the French Tonkam edition and the Italian edition.

Jolene Written like the song by Dolly Parton.

JoJo Nickname used by her mother. Romeo and her lawyer also used it a few times.

Varianti del nome:
Stone Ocean Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, Netflix subtitles, and VIZ's publication. A reference to the arc's title.

Varianti del nome:
Hermes Costello Used in scanlations and the French Tonkam edition.

Hermès Costello Used in scanlations. Forename spelled like the fashion brand.

Varianti del nome:
Smack Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and English Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
F.F. Nickname, used to distinguish between the character and the Stand. Also used as a localization for the name of the stand itself in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, as well as the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Soul Hacker Used in Chinese version.

UFO Family Used in Chinese fan-translations.

Varianti del nome:
Enporio Used in Adventure Battle Card.

Emporio Alniño Used in scanlations.

Enporio Alninio Used in the French Tonkam Edition.

Varianti del nome:
Weather Forecast Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and Netflix subtitles.

Wes Bluemarine Adopted name.

Domenico Pucci Birth name.

Weather Nickname used before and after his amnesia.

Varianti del nome:
Weather Forecast Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and English Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Etro Used in scanlations and the French Tonkam edition, spelled like the fashion brand.

Varianti del nome:
Guess Used in scanlations, the French Tonkam edition and the Korean edition, spelled like the fashion brand.

Varianti del nome:
Cry Cry Dolls Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and Netflix dub.

GooGoo Dolls Used in the Italian edition.

G.G. Dolls Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Jongalli A Used in Ignition-One scanlations and the French Tonkam edition.

Johngalli A Used in scanlations, missing the period at the end.

Varianti del nome:
Downtown Transfer Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
White Snake Used in the French Tonkam edition.

Pale Snake Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Xander McQueen Used in JoJo Project scanlations and the French edition.

Alexander McQueen Full name on his prisoner card, spelled like the fashion designer.

Varianti del nome:
Highway to Death Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Freeway Thru Hell Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Burning Down Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Narc Anastasia Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Narcisso Annasui Used in JoJo Project translations.

Narciso Anastasia Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Diver Drive Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and English Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Roccobarocco Used in the Italian edition.

Rocco Barocco Used in Nameless_One translations, spelled like the fashion designer.

Locobaroco Used in English Netflix subtitles and VIZ's publication.

Varianti del nome:
Mirashon Used in scanlations.

Milaschon Used in the French edition and the Italian edition, spelled like contraction of the fashion designer.

Varianti del nome:
Marilyn Manson, the Debt Collector Literal translation.

Mary Lynn Manson Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Savage Guardian Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Lang Wrangler Used in scanlations and the French Tonkam edition, family name spelled like the fashion brand.

Wrang Wrangler Used in Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Jumpin' Jack Spark Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Sports Max Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven, scanlations and the French Tonkam edition, spelled closer to fashion brand.

Sport Max Used in Italian edition.

Sports Maximum Used in the English localized Netflix subtitles.

Varianti del nome:
Sonny Rikyel Used in the localization of the French Tonkam edition.

Varianti del nome:
Vibiano Westwood Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Varianti del nome:
Earth Wind and Fire Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.

Varianti del nome:
Kenzo Used in JoJo Project translations and the French Tonkam edition, spelled like the fashion brand. Also used in the Chinese version.

Varianti del nome:
D&G Used in JoJo Project translations and the French Tonkam edition, spelled like Dolce & Gabbana abbreviation.

D and G Used in the Italian edition

Varianti del nome:
Yoyoma Used in Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Flaccid Pancake Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Miu Miu Nickname.

Mew Mew Nickname used in English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Miccia Müller Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Jail House Rock Spelled like the song.

Varianti del nome:
Ungaro Used in the French Tonkam and Italian editions, spelled like the fashion designer.

Varianti del nome:
Freeman's Fantasy Literal meaning in the parenthesized kanji.

Varianti del nome:
Rykiel Used in the French Tonkam and Italian edition, spelled like the fashion designer.

Varianti del nome:
Donatello Versace Used in scanlations and the French Tonkam translations, spelled like the fashion designer instead of the brand.

Varianti del nome:
Pearla Pucci Used in JoJo Project scanlations and the French Tonkam edition.

Varianti del nome:
Father Pucci Used by prison personnel and inmates.

Father Pucchi Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven, the Netflix subtitles, and JOJO magazine.

Varianti del nome:
Full Moon Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Stairway to Heaven Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump prepublication.

Maiden Heaven Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.

Steel Ball Run

Steel Ball RunJohnny JoestarGyro ZeppeliSteven SteelLucy SteelSandmanIn a Silent WayUrmd AvdulGeorgie PorgieTomb of the Boom 1 2 3OyecomovaBoku no Rhythm wo KiitekurePork Pie Hat KidOh! Lonesome MeDr. FerdinandScary MonstersMandomSugar MountainSugar Mountain (Stand)TATOO YOU!WekapipoMagent MagentTubular BellsD-I-S-C-ODirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapSilver BulletDiego BrandoParallel World Diego
Varianti del nome:
Steel Ball Run Used during Weekly Shonen Jump's prepublication, without the "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" connection

Varianti del nome:
Jonathan Joestar Birthname, used in JOJOVELLER.

Joe Kid A nickname while he was a jockey.

JoJo Another nickname while he was a jockey.

Varianti del nome:
Julius Caesar Zeppeli Birth name, used in JOJOVELLER

Julius Kaiser Zeppeli Birth name, used in the Italian edition

Iulius Caesar Zeppeli Birth name, used in the fan-made JoJo's Colored Adventure translations

J. Lo Zeppeli Used in the Italian edition, as a reference to Jennifer Lopez

Jayro Zeppeli Used in the French Tonkam edition and French localization of All-Star Battle

Jairo Used on SBR Chapter 22 cover

Varianti del nome:
Stephen Steel Used on the inside cover of each tankobon volumes, the Italian edition, and fan-made JoJo Project scanlations

Stephen Stills Spelled like the guitarist

Varianti del nome:
Lucie Steel Used in the French Tonkam edition

Varianti del nome:
Soundman True name.

Varianti del nome:
Silent Ways Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Urmd Avdol Spelled like his namesake

Urmud Abdul Used in the Italian edition

Varianti del nome:
George Porge Used in some fan-made scanlations

Varianti del nome:
Tomb of the Noise Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Oye Como Va Spelled like the song

Varianti del nome:
Listen to My Rhythm Literal translation

Varianti del nome:
Porky Pie Hat Kid Used in the Italian edition

Varianti del nome:
Oh Lonesome Me Spelled like the song.

Varianti del nome:
Ferdinando / Professor Ferdinando Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Frightening Monsters Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Mandam Romanization in the manga, also used in the Italian edition.

Mando Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Snow Mountain Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Sugar Mountain's Spring Literal translation of the Japanese name.

Snow Mountain Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Tattoo You! Used in scanlations.

Varianti del nome:
Uecapipo Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Magenta Magenta Used in original scanlations, spelled like the single.

Varianti del nome:
Tubular Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.

Varianti del nome:
Di・s・co Used by JoJo Project scanlation.

DI-S-CO Used in the JoJo's Colored Adventure Team translations.

Varianti del nome:
D4C Commonly used abbreviation. In the English localization of All-Star Battle, Valentine's Stand is only directly referred to by this name.

Filthy Acts, at a Reasonable Price The name used for Funny Valentine's GHA in the English localization of All-Star Battle. Subtitles for lines where the full name of the Stand is spoken are rewritten as though it were an unrelated catchphrase.

Varianti del nome:
Silver Barrette Used once in the French edition.

Varianti del nome:
Dio Romanization of his nickname used in the manga.

Varianti del nome:
Dio Romanization of his nickname used in the manga. In All-Star Battle's story mode, "Dio" is exclusively used for the Alternate Universe one while the original is "ディオ" to distinguish them.


JoJolionJosuke HigashikataOjiro SasameNorisuke Higashikata IINorisuke Higashikata IIINorisuke Higashikata IVKaato HigashikataCalifornia King BedKei NijimuraBorn This WayLes FeuillesNut King CallPaper Moon KingPaisley ParkKing NothingI Am a RockIwasukeLocacacaJosefumi KujoHato HigashikataHoly Joestar-KiraA. Phex BrothersSchott KeyUrban GuerrillaBrain StormDoremifasolati DoOzon BabyWu TomokiDoctor WuDo Do Do, De Da Da DaToruWonder of UJoseph Joestar
Varianti del nome:
Jojolion Title case used in some chapter covers and volume covers, the French and Italian editions, and JOJOVELLER.

JOJOlion Used in the Hong Kong Chinese edition.

JOJO Lion Used in the Taiwan Chinese edition.

Varianti del nome:
Johsuke Used on cover of JJL Volume 9.

Higashikata Jousuke Used in Hi Wa Mata Noboru's fan-translations.

Jo2uke/Josuk8 Names used to differentiate in English-speaking fan discussion from the original Josuke of Part 4. This distinction is not needed in Japanese, since both names are spelled with different kanji.

Gappy Another fan-created name for the Part 8 protagonist used to differentiate from the original Josuke of Part 4. The name comes from the prominent gap in his teeth.

Hat Josuke Used in Eyes of Heaven by Robert E. O. Speedwagon to distinguish him from the Josuke from part 4.

Varianti del nome:
O-Jiro Used in the Ultra Jump promo for JJL Volume 22.

Oujiro Used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Johei Higashikata Birth name.

Varianti del nome:
Josho Higashikata Birth name.

Joshou Higashikata Birth name used in Hi Wa Mata Noboru's fan-translations.

Varianti del nome:
Josuke Higashikata Birth name.

Varianti del nome:
Caato Fan-created name written with a "C" to match the initials "N to C" on her ring in JJL Chapter 55.

Varianti del nome:
King Bed Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven

Varianti del nome:
Kyo Nijimura Name originally used up until the release of JJL Volume 24 and the serialization of JJL Chapter 102. Also used in JOJOVELLER and in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Going Underground Name used in the Ultra Jump chapters before being changed in the tankobon release.

Varianti del nome:
Autumn Leaves Japanese pronunciation.

Varianti del nome:
Nuts N. Bolts Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Nat King Cole Spelled like the singer.

Varianti del nome:
Paper Moon Name used in the Ultra Jump chapters before being changed in the tankobon release.

Varianti del nome:
Flower Park Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
King of Nothingness Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
I, Rock Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.

Varianti del nome:
Rocky Used in the JoJo's Colored Adventure fan-translations.

Varianti del nome:
Rokakaka Used in the Hi Wa Mata Noboru fan-translations, French and Italian volumes.

Varianti del nome:
Jyosefumi Kujo Romanization used in JoJolion Chapter 47: Hato Brought Her Boyfriend Home, Part 1.

Josephmi Romanization used in JoJolion Chapter 52: Vitamin C and Killer Queen, Part 3.

Secchan Nickname used by Karera.

Varianti del nome:
Hata Higashikata Typo used in Italian edition

Varianti del nome:
Holly Joestar-Kira Used in various fan-translations and in the Italian volumes.

Varianti del nome:
Aphex Brothers Written with a single word like the musician, used in the Ultra Jump chapters before being changed in the tankobon release.

Varianti del nome:
Schottkey Written with a single word like the song, used in the Ultra Jump chapters before the tankobon release.

Varianti del nome:
Urban Guerilla Used in the Taiwan Chinese edition.

Varianti del nome:
Brainstorm Written with a single word like the song, used in the Taiwan Chinese edition.

Varianti del nome:
Solati Do Nickname used by Poor Tom.

do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-xi-do Used in the Chinese edition.

Origine: Written on the Stand's head
Varianti del nome:
Ozone Baby Used in the Hi Wa Mata Noboru fan-translations. Spelled like the song. Also used in the Italian edition.

Varianti del nome:
Uu Tomoki Initially used in the Hi Wa Mata Noboru fan-translations. Direct translation of the romanized name.

Woo Tomoki Used in a sketch in JJL Volume 20 and the Chinese translation. Also used in the Hi Wa Mata Noboru fan-translations.

Varianti del nome:
DocToR Woo Stylization used on Wu Tomoki's apparel and written on the sketch in JJL Volume 20.

Doctor Woo Used in Chinese translation.

Varianti del nome:
Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Used in the Hi Wa Mata Noboru fan-translations.

De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Spelled like the song reference. Also used in Chinese translation.

Varianti del nome:
Toru Used in French edition.

Origine: Japanese merch
Varianti del nome:
The Wonder of U Used in JOJO magazine.

Satoru Akefu Alias of the Stand.

Varianti del nome:
Josefumi Romanization of the kanji used in the Japanese spelling of his name.

Fumi Nickname taken from the Japanese spelling of his name.

Altre opere

SumireDr. KasuminomeSunny Stefen Nozzo22nd ManShirasawa
Varianti del nome:
Violet Used in VIZ Media release.

Varianti del nome:
Professor Hazyeye Used in VIZ Media release.

Varianti del nome:
Notsuo Used in VIZ Media release.

Varianti del nome:
Number 22 Used in VIZ Media release.

Varianti del nome:
Yuji Used in VIZ Media release.


Other languages:

Insert categories when you're done!