Weiß Schwarz (ヴァイスシュヴァルツ, Vaisu Shuvarutsu), also spelled Weiss Schwarz, is a Japanese Collectible card game released by Bushiroad in collaboration with various other popular animation and video game companies. Series are divided into two sides: Weiß, German for "white," and Schwarz, German for "black."
A Golden Wind trial deck was released in Japan on June 14, 2019 with booster packs on September 29, 2019.[1] An English version was released on March 27, 2020.
Decks based on Stardust Crusaders and Stone Ocean were announced on March 21, 2023 and released on August 11, 2023.[2][3] English versions of both decks released on October 4, 2024.[4][5]
Rules & Information

Deck Building
- A deck must contain exactly 50 cards.
- A deck can only have up to four cards of the same name unless otherwise stated.
- A deck can have up to a maximum of 8 Climax Cards.
- Decks benefit from cards with matching colors and series.
Card Types
Character Cards

These cards feature unique characteristics and attributes based on the series they hail from and are the player's primary means of combat. Each player can place up to five Character Cards from their hand onto the Stage section of the field, three on Center Stage and two in the back. Characters in the Back Stage are invulnerable to direct combat but are also unable to attack, which benefits those who primarily provide buffs.
Power level determines the outcome of battles between two Center Stage Characters, soul points determine the damage dealt, and Level/Cost determines the cost required to summon the Character. During a turn, Characters will either be in upright 'Stand' state which allows them to attack, sideways 'Rest' state, which they are set to after attacking, or upside-down 'Reverse' state, which means they were defeated in battle.
Event Cards
These cards are typically used during the Main Phrase and can provide a number of different effects, such as changing the power of Characters, searching the deck, or removing cards from the Stage. Similar to Character Cards, a player can play as many Event Cards from their hand as they wish, provided they supply the appropriate cost stated on each card and have the right colors in their Level/Stock area. There is no designated area where an Event card should go, and once they are used they are placed into the Waiting Room unless otherwise stated.

Climax Cards
Similar to Event Cards, these cards provide various effects, but only 8 of them are allowed in a deck. Only one Climax Card may be used per turn and must be sent to the Waiting Room during the End Phase. Climax Card effects are either Automatic, which are invoked immediately, or Continuous, which continue to be active until they leave the field.
Set Up
At the start of the game, players shuffle their decks and place them face-down in the designated area. Players then choose who to go first through whatever means, and draw five cards. Starting with the player who goes first, each player can discard any number of cards in their hand to the Waiting Room and draw the same number of cards from their deck. The main objective of the game is to force your opponent to level up by inflicting seven cards of damage. Once a player hits level 4, they lose the game.
Stand, Draw, Clock Phase
At the start of a player's turn, all characters that are in the "rest" state are now turned right side up into "standing" state. The player then draws one card from the deck and places one card from their hand onto the Clock Area. They may also skip this clock portion to draw an extra card.
Main Phase
During the Main Phase, a player can perform any of the following given they pay the appropriate costs:
- Play an Event Card. After it's activated, the player places the card in the Waiting Room. There is no limit to the number of Event Cards that can be played during a turn.
- Play a Character Card. A player can place a card on the Stage standing up in any stage position of their choice. If a character already exists in a stage position, the existing card is placed in the Waiting Room. There is no limit to how many Character Cards can be played.
- Move a character. A player can freely change the stage position of a character or swap it with a character in another position. Character statuses can't be changed.
- Use a character's ability. A player can activate a character ability on Stage if it's marked with an "ACT" icon. The ability can be activated multiple times if the right costs are paid.
Climax Phase
The player can play a Climax Card from their hand and place it in the Climax Area. Climax Cards provide powerful effects that last for the rest of the turn.
Attack Phase
Players can choose to attack during this phase by switching characters on the stage to the "rest" position (Note: Only one attack can be made during the first turn). Players then select one of three attack types:
- Frontal: Your character attacks the character directly in front of them.
- Side: Your character attacks one of the opponent's other characters not in front of it, however, your character's soul points are reduced by the level of the target.
- Direct: If no enemy character is present in front of yours, you can choose to attack the other player directly. Doing so increases their soul points by 1 for the duration of the turn.
The attacking player picks up the top card of their deck. They then unleash the effect represented on the Trigger Icon on the top right of the card and place the card face-down in the Stock. The player being attacked can counter-attack by using a special card or ability which is marked with a "BACKUP" icon.
The player who is attacked takes damage equal to the Souls Points of the attacking character. This is represented by the player picking up a number of cards from their deck equal to the soul points and placing them in the Clock Area. If a Climax Card is drawn, place all the cards drawn in the Waiting Room. Compare the Power of the two characters and change the card with more points to "rest" state and the losing card to "reverse" state. Players are free to repeat an attack with all Characters on their stage.
End Phase
Cards in the Climax area are sent to the Waiting Room. If there are eight or more cards in the player's hand, they must select and send cards to the Waiting Room until they have seven or less. All effects that were activated during the turn will end if they have the phrase "until end of turn" in their text.
Leveling System
Players that have 7 cards in their Clock Area level up by 1. When this happens, the player selects any 1 card from the top 7 cards in their Clock Area, places it in the Level Area, and discards the remaining 6 to the Waiting Room. All additional cards past the aforementioned top 7 (the 8th and beyond, before discarding) remain on the Clock Area unless the conditions for a subsequent Level Up are met. Note that outside Level 0 Characters and Event cards, most cards cannot be placed unless their level matches the players and their color matches one card in the player's Level or Clock Area. i.e, a Red Level 3 Character can only be placed on the Stage if the player has reached Level 3 and has at least one red card in their Level or Clock Area.
List of Cards
Seeker of Truth, Giorno
Seeker of Truth, Giorno (Super Special)
Path Within the Darkness, Mista
Path Within the Darkness, Mista (Special)
The Path Ahead, Giorno
The Path Ahead, Giorno (Special)
Final Form, Gold Experience Requiem
Embodiment of Justice, Giorno
Simmering Fury, Fugo
Simmering Fury, Fugo (Special)
The One Chosen by Fate, Giorno
The One Chosen by Fate, Giorno (JoJo Rare)
Heavy Gunshots, Mista
Heavy Gunshots, Mista (JoJo Rare)
Angry Lunatic Tendencies, Fugo
Closing in on Death, Mista
Harbinger of Hope, Polnareff
Harbinger of Hope, Polnareff (JoJo Rare)
Bizarre Investigation Request, Koichi & Echoes ACT3
Bizarre Investigation Request, Koichi & Echoes ACT3 (JoJo Rare)
Abundance of Life, Gold Experience
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
6 Together as 1, Sex Pistols
Purple Haze
Haze of Death, Fugo
Haze of Death, Fugo (JoJo Rare)
Silent Dance, Chariot Requiem
A New Power, Gold Experience
Determination of Life, Giorno
A New Power, Giorno
Unexpected Clean Freak, Purple Haze
Determined Stand, Sex Pistols
Ladybug Brooch
The "Arrow" of Hope
The World's "Truth"
The World's "Truth" (JoJo Rare)
"The Path" to Resolution
"The Path" to Resolution (JoJo Rare)
Rampant Death
Rampant Death (JoJo Rare)
Fear of Shrinking, Formaggio & Little Feet
Fear of Shrinking, Formaggio & Little Feet (JoJo Rare)
Crucial Compatibility Check, Melone & Baby Face
Crucial Compatibility Check, Melone & Baby Face (JoJo Rare)
Greatful Teachings, Prosciutto
Greatful Teachings, Prosciutto (JoJo Rare)
Greatful Teachings, Pesci & Beach Boy
Greatful Teachings, Pesci & Beach Boy (JoJo Rare)
Freezing World, Ghiaccio & White Album
Freezing World, Ghiaccio & White Album (JoJo Rare)
Flipped World, Illuso & Man in the Mirror
Flipped World, Illuso & Man in the Mirror (JoJo Rare)
Unavoidable Assassination, Risotto
Unavoidable Assassination, Risotto (JoJo Rare)
Man in the Mirror, Illuso
Conception of the Two, Baby Face
A Traitor's Dignity, Risotto & Metallica
Resourceful Assassin, Formaggio
Significance of Resolution, Prosciutto & The Grateful Dead
Mammoni, Pesci & Beach Boy
Targeting the Hidden Treasure, Zucchero & Soft Machine
Targeting the Hidden Treasure, Zucchero & Soft Machine (JoJo Rare)
Targeting the Hidden Treasure, Sale & Kraft Work
Targeting the Hidden Treasure, Sale & Kraft Work (JoJo Rare)
Ghiaccio & White Album Gently Weeps
The Disappearance of Sorbet and Gelato
Controller of Magnetism
Controller of Magnetism (JoJo Rare)
The Grateful Dead
The Grateful Dead (JoJo Rare)
Remnant of the Past, Diavolo
Remnant of the Past, Diavolo (Secret)
Erased World, King Crimson
Erased World, King Crimson (JoJo Rare)
Predator of the Waters, Clash
Predator of the Waters, Clash (JoJo Rare)
"Movements" in the Future, Doppio & Epitaph
Spinner of Lies, Talking Head
Spinner of Lies, Talking Head (JoJo Rare)
Sowing Seeds of Despair, Cioccolata & Green Day
Sowing Seeds of Despair, Cioccolata & Green Day (JoJo Rare)
Pride of a King, Diavolo
He Who Sinks Into the Ground, Secco & Oasis
He Who Sinks Into the Ground, Secco & Oasis (JoJo Rare)
Tyrant Residing in Jail, Polpo
10 Hours Ago, Pericolo
Harmonized Teamwork, Tizzano
Harmonized Teamwork, Squalo
Restless Pursuer, Notorious B.I.G
Restless Pursuer, Notorious B.I.G (JoJo Rare)
Leaky-Eye Luca
Eternal Climax, King Crimson
Treat Time, Cioccolata
Split Personality, Diavolo
Split Personality, Doppio
Revenge of the Dead, Carne
Treat Time, Secco & Oasis
Observer From the Shadows, Black Sabbath
Observer From the Shadows, Black Sabbath (JoJo Rare)
Miraculous Public Telephone
Polpo's Entry Test
Eternal Climax
Eternal Climax (JoJo Rare)
10 Seconds Into the Future
10 Seconds Into the Future (JoJo Rare)
Cioccolata and Secco
Cioccolata and Secco (JoJo Rare)
Guiding Fate, Trish
Noble Resolutions, Bucciarati
Noble Resolutions, Bucciarati (Special)
Soul's Will, Bucciarati
Soul's Will, Bucciarati (Super Special)
Replaying the Past, Abbacchio
Replaying the Past, Abbacchio (Special)
Beacon Dispelling the Darkness, Bucciarati
Beacon Dispelling the Darkness, Bucciarati (JoJo Rare)
Choosing His Own Path, Narancia
Choosing His Own Path, Narancia (Special)
Awakened Power, Trish
Awakened Power, Trish (JoJo Rare)
Pursuer of Information, Abbacchio
Pursuer of Information, Abbacchio (JoJo Rare)
Aerial Hunter, Narancia
Aerial Hunter, Narancia (JoJo Rare)
Determination to Uncover Truth, Moody Blues
Awakened Power, Spice Girl
The One Who Opens, Sticky Fingers
Indestructible Flexibility, Spice Girl
Rebelling Against Fate, Bucciarati
Rebelling, Trish
Agile Aeroplane, Aerosmith
The Right Path, Bucciarati
Transforming Path, Sticky Fingers
Overwhelming Mental Strength, Narancia
Heart of Justice, Abbacchio
Destructive Tempest, Aerosmith
Playback Investigation, Moody Blues
"Key" to the Safe "Vehicle"
Room in the Turtle
The Sound of Farewell
The Sound of Farewell (JoJo Rare)
Determination to Awaken
Determination to Awaken (JoJo Rare)
Under the Falling Sky
Under the Falling Sky (JoJo Rare)
Unflinching Spirit
Unflinching Spirit (JoJo Rare)
Pioneer of Fate, Mista (Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Giorno(Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Fugo (Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Narancia (Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Bucciarati (Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Abbacchio (Promo)
Pioneer of Fate, Trish (Promo)
Bad at Studying, Narancia
Kind Teacher, Fugo
Gang Newcomer, Giorno
Gang Newcomer, Giorno (Special)
Hazing the Newcomer, Abbacchio
Accurate Shot, Mista
Gold Experience
Gold Experience (Super Rare)
Golden Intentions, Giorno
Golden Intentions, Giorno (Super Rare)
Overflowing Life Force
Gold Experience
Gold Experience (JoJo Rare)
Last Bullet
Readiness to Die, Bucciarati
Interest in the Newcomer, Abbacchio
Icebreaker, Mista
Sudden Fury, Fugo
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Fingers (JoJo Rare)
Pure and Innocent, Narancia
Unseen Attack, Bucciarati
Sudden Attack, Bucciarati
Sudden Attack, Bucciarati (JoJo Rare)
Future Comrade, Giorno
Permitted to Join
Carrying on the Bloodline, Giorno (Promo)
Beginning of Fate, Bucciarati (Promo)
Golden Dream, Giorno & Bucciarati (Promo)
- Trial decks have a chance of containing a signed card by the voice cast. Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks, and every deck contains two shiny cards. In addition, every deck has a chance to contain one of the following: [RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (4 types) and [SP] Sign card of voice cast (1 type).