Koichi Hirose

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Por que eu estou fugindo e com medo pensando em coisas como "Deus me ajude" só por causa de um assassino? Não deveria ser o contrário?!
—Koichi Hirose, Chapter 358: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 5

Koichi Hirose (広瀬 康一, Hirose Kōichi) é o deuteragonista da quarta parte de JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable. Ele aparece brevemente como um aliado terciário na quinta parte, Vento Aureo, ajudando Giorno Giovanna a lutar contra o Stand de Polpo, Black Sabbath. Koichi também é o protagonista da light novel The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day.

Koichi é um aluno do primeiro ano do ensino médio tímido que se encontra enrolado no mundo de usuários de Stand ao se tornar amigo de Josuke Higashikata. Ele eventualmente se torna um usuário de Stand e porta o Stand manipulador de som Echoes.


Diamond is Unbreakable

Koichi Hirose Anime Profile.png

Koichi é um adolescente de porte médio, 157 cm de altura, embora ele seja tipicamente retratado como muito menor. Ele notavelmente veste um uniforme de estudante não-modificado, do contrário preferindo roupas de lazer.

Koichi primeiro tem seu cabelo claro penteado para trás. Durante seu confronto com Tamami, ele passa a se levantar quando ele está animado.[1] Perto do final de seu confronto com Yukako, ele repentinamente corta seu cabelo, ficando com um corte militar,[2] que espontaneamente fica levantado novamente durante sua batalha com Yoshikage Kira.[3] A cor de seu cabelo varia entre as mídias, os esquemas de cores mais comuns sendo loiro, azul, ou prateado.

Heaven's Door revela que Koichi nasceu prematuramente pesando apenas 2325 gramas, e foi mantido sob cuidados especiais por 7 dias.[4]

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
(Purple uniform with gold accessories. Dark green shoes.)
(Indigo uniform with gold accessories. Dark green shoes.)
(Navy uniform with gold accessories. Grayish-green shoes.)
(Green uniform with gold accessories. Brown shoes.)
(Dark Blue-gray uniform with gold accessories. Black shoes.)

Vento Aureo

Part 5 Koichi.png

Em Vento Aureo, Koichi é retratado sendo ainda menor do que em 'Diamond is Unbreakable' (90 cm}} no anime).[5] Seu gakuran agora possui uma jaqueta muito mais longa adornada com braceletes metálicos e o numeral romano para três (III) em cada lado de seu pescoço.

Esquemas de Cores

A obra é conhecida por sua mudança de cores entre as mídias, a informação apresentada abaixo pode ou não ser canônica.
(Purple uniform with gold accessories. Dark green shoes.)
(Green uniform with gold accessories. Light brown shoes.)
(Blue uniform with gold accessories. Gray shoes.)


Eu não te disse? Não me subestime.
—Koichi a Giorno Giovanna, Chapter 440: Gold Experience, Part 1

Koichi é um jovem amigável porém tímido que passa por um grau excepcional de desenvolvimento de personagem durante o curso de Diamond is Unbreakable, se tornando mais assertivo através muitas confrontações com usuários malignos de Stand. Sua evolução é melhor representada pela metamorfose de seu Stand, Echoes.

Uma das características constantes de Koichi são sua amigabilidade e educação em geral com qualquer estranho ou conhecido. Tendo um coração gentil, Koichi não busca machucar seus oponentes, notavelmente tendo salvo Yukako da morte mesmo que ela desejasse matá-lo momentos antes,[6] e brevemente lutando contra Giorno Giovanna sem a intenção de matar, o que inadvertidamente o salvou.[7] Entretanto, a amigabilidade de Koichi desaparece em ocasiões raras em que ele está enfurecido, e se torna mais grosso, violento e vulgar.

Koichi é um fã da arte de Rohan Kishibe

Complimenting his childlike appearance, Koichi also possesses a rather cheerful personality. He finds wonder in the littlest and most mundane things (such as his new bike,[8] a famous mangaka living in town,[9] finding an error in a map,[10] etc.), and has little trouble befriending people. Because of this, he is usually easily pressured into an interlocutor's demands, such as Tamami Kobayashi effortlessly extorting him,[8] or Rohan pushing him into spending time with him.[10] Much like any ordinary teenager, Koichi is interested in more accessible distractions. He is a great fan of Rohan Kishibe's manga Pink Dark Boy[9] and plans to visit Disneyland Paris but expresses no interest in "old" countries such as Italy.[11]

Another one of Koichi's primary characteristics is his courage and associated virtuousness. As revealed by Heaven's Door, Koichi is described as cowardly, but courageous when push comes to shove.[12] True to that assertion, Koichi is very prone to express anxiety, fear, and despair at various setbacks, such as his battles against Yukako,[13] Rohan[14] or Sheer Heart Attack. Terunosuke states that when Koichi is scared he blinks twice.[15] In addition, Koichi mentions during the Atom Heart Father arc that he has claustrophobia.[16] Still, Koichi soldiers on and braves danger despite his fears.

A determinação de Koichi evolui

Inicialmente obstinado, adquirindo um Stand e lutando contra outros o tornou mais confiante em si mesmo e assertivo, indo de zombado por outras pessoas à capaz de provocar Yoshikage Kira enquanto à beira da morte.[17] Pelo tempo de Vento Aureo, Koichi virou um jovem confiante que, enquanto ainda propenso a ataques de pânico, consegue entrar em uma batalha de Stand sem escrúpulos.[18]

A combinação de sua docilidade e coragem tornam Koichi um indivíduo extremamente amável, ganhando o respeito e amizade da vasta maioria do elenco incluindo Josuke Higashikata, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Rohan Kishibe, Yukako Yamagishi, Aya Tsuji, e Jotaro Kujo.

Koichi é um indivíduo relativamente perceptivo, capaz de realizar ações rápidas e decisivas em uma batalha, às vezes ao custo de ser muito imprudente. Pela maior parte, Koichi tenta analizar sua situação antes de agir, notavelmente devido ao quão fraco seu Stand é no começo da obra e as limitações rígidas de seus poderes, mas as vezes perde a consequência crítica de suas ações.

Depois de um começo díficil no seu relacionamento com Yukako, devido a ela ter sequestrado Koichi,[19] ele eventualmente se apaixona pela personalidade forte e implacável de Yukako. Seu amor foi tanto que ele estava disposto a ser cegado para sempre caso Yukako se torne feia, para amenizar a dor dela.[20]



Veja também: Echoes

O Stand de Koichi, Echoes, começa apenas com o ACT1. Entretanto, o Stand evolui durante a narrativa de Diamond is Unbreakable, dando ao Koichi novas habilidades para seu uso. Durante as batalhas contra usuários de Stand tais como Yukako Yamagishi e Yoshikage Kira, Echoes adquire o ACT2 e ACT3. Koichi é capaz de usar os ACTs passados e usar suas habilidades únicas ao seu bel prazer.


Echoes ACT1 o permite escrever em qualquer superfície, fazendo com que as palavras ou onomatopeia continuem a se repetir em volumes diferentes.

Echoes ACT1 (エコーズ ACT1)Link para essa seção


Echoes ACT2 o permite escrever um efeito sonoro em qualquer superfície. Se a palavra é tocada, um efeito especial relacionado a esse efeito sonoro é ativado.

Echoes ACT2 (エコーズ ACT2)Link para essa seção
Echoes ACT2 Av.png
Efeito Sonoro Físico


Echoes ACT3, um Stand humanoide, facilita os ataques corpo-a-corpo convencionais e a habilidade de "congelar" alvos ao atribuí-los um peso insuportável.

Echoes ACT3 (エコーズ ACT3)Link para essa seção


Koichi & Echoes ACT 3

Thanks to Echoes' three forms, Koichi is presented with a wide array of options. For direct combat, Koichi favors using his latest ACT, almost exclusively using Echoes ACT3 when he unlocks it despite ACT2's potential for versatility. With Echoes ACT3, Koichi makes ample use of his weight increasing power to immobilize enemies.

Koichi also regularly uses ACT1 as a scout, using its great range of 50 meters to watch his surroundings.



  • Josuke Higashikata: One of Koichi's best friends, the two quickly got along the first moment they met. Koichi admires Josuke and looks up to him while considering him a kind strong person. In turn, Josuke also relies on Koichi during battles and is impressed by his bravery. Josuke is willing to help him whenever he can, such as when Yukako goes after Koichi.
  • Okuyasu Nijimura: The two met on bad terms as Okuyasu slammed some doors between Koichi's neck nearly choking him. However, they moved on from that and became friends. While Koichi and Okuyasu do not have much interaction, they've shown to care for each other's well-being. Okuyasu was concerned when Koichi was kidnapped by Yukako and during the Red Hot Chili Pepper arc, Koichi was sympathetic and comforting to Okuyasu's plight and desire for vengeance against Red Hot Chili Pepper. Nonetheless, Okuyasu is mildly jealous of Koichi's relationship with Yukako, as Okuyasu himself hasn't had a girlfriend.
  • Jotaro Kujo: Koichi looks up to Jotaro as a strong ally, although he is put off by Jotaro's aloof temperament. Their cooperation during the Sheer Heart Attack story arc had Jotaro act as a mentor figure to Koichi, who came to really respect Jotaro's prowess in battle. In addition, Jotaro also grows to see Koichi as a good friend and a reliable person, enough so that he chose him to go to Italy and investigate Giorno Giovanna.
  • Rohan Kishibe: Koichi first admired Rohan as a talented mangaka, but his view changed quickly upon their first meeting when he and Toshikazu Hazamada went to visit Rohan. While Rohan liked Koichi and grew to see Koichi as his first (and possibly only) true friend, he was still abrasive and pushy, notably pressuring him to accompany him on two occasions, and Koichi tolerated less and less the worst sides of Rohan's arrogance as he gained confidence and he was overall a positive influence on Rohan's attitude. At the end of Diamond is Unbreakable, one reproachful look from Koichi was enough for Rohan to yield and confess an attachment to Reimi Sugimoto.
  • Yukako Yamagishi: When Yukako first confessed her feelings to him, Koichi was happy but quickly lost interest upon learning of her obsessive personality, made worse when she kidnapped him. He managed to defeat her and remained somewhat frightened of her. However, during the Cinderella arc, Koichi sought to reconcile with her and grew attracted to her forceful and aggressive personality, ultimately the two became a couple. Koichi's affection for Yukako was such that he was willing to blind himself if Yukako ended up being ugly due to Cinderella's power in order to ease her pain.
  • Reimi Sugimoto: The two met when he and Rohan stumbled upon the haunted alleyway she resided in. While initially scared upon hearing she was a ghost, he quickly sympathized with her after hearing her tragic story and promised to find her killer so she may rest in peace. He later bids her farewell when she ascends to heaven and was rather saddened with her parting. He also gave Rohan a reproachful look so he would admit he would miss Reimi too.
  • Tamami Kobayashi: Initially Tamami tried to scam Koichi with his stand, but Josuke and Okuyasu intervened. When Tamami tried to involve Koichi's family, Koichi got so angered he awakened his Stand and beat Tamami. Since then, Tamami has become afraid of Koichi but also genuinely respects him. Their relationship has been described as a one-sided boss-subordinate relationship.[21]
  • Toshikazu Hazamada: Koichi and Josuke fought him and quickly defeated him. Afterward, Hazamada somewhat bonded with Koichi over their mutual interest in Pink Dark Boy and the two went to visit Rohan's place. Their relationship has been described as a one-sided friendship.[21]
  • Aya Tsuji: While the two had little interaction, Aya grew to respect Koichi's determination when she saw his willingness to blind himself if he couldn't help Yukako through the trial Aya put her through. He was also saddened when Kira killed her.
  • Family: While not much interaction was shown with his family (which consists of his parents and older sister), when Tamami tried to use them to get revenge on Koichi, he became enraged enough to beat Tamami by awakening his Echoes ACT1 Stand, demonstrating that he cared for them. His relationship with his father is never shown but is presumed to be good.
  • Giorno Giovanna: Koichi was sent to investigate Giorno by Jotaro, and Giorno did his best to avoid Koichi even turning his suitcase into a frog. However, over time Koichi grew to see Giorno's noble soul. He reports to Jotaro after the trip, but he convinces Jotaro that Giorno is a good person.

The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day

  • Chiho Futaba: Koichi firstly meets Chiho in Thorn Palour while studying with Yukako, and gets to know her through Yukako's introduction. He runs into Chiho again about 5 months after Takuma Hasumi's case. Surprised to find out that Chiho is pregnant with Takuma's baby, Koichi decides to keep this encounter as a secret and sees Chiho leaving Morioh, sending his wishes to her.
  • Takuma Hasumi: After discovering Trinita and Hanae Orikasa's corpse, Koichi and Rohan start investigating to find the culprit, who is ensured to be a Stand user. Later, Koichi runs into Takuma at the hallway in his high school, along with Josuke and Okuyasu, without realizing Takuma is the culprit and has already sensed their actions.


  • Koichi é confrontado por Yoshikage Kira
    Yoshikage Kira: Koichi, after learning of Kira's crimes, came to deeply loathe him to the point he would attack him on sight. Kira, on the other hand, came to somewhat praise Koichi's ability for being able to track him and then indirectly humiliate him in public, which he made sure to pay back with a beating. When Koichi humiliated Kira a second time, demonstrating how careless the serial-killer could be, Kira was enraged and came to detest Koichi, being happy at the prospect of Koichi dying.
  • Terunosuke Miyamoto: While there is little interaction between the two, Koichi hated Terunosuke for taking him hostage and trying to kill him and Josuke.

Capítulos / Episódios

Book Icon.png Aparições no Mangá
Capítulos em ordem de aparição

TV Icon.png Aparições no Anime
Episódios em ordem de aparição


Quote.png Frases
  • In case you're wondering, my name is Koichi Hirose (though I guess it's not that important). Anyway, I was nervously walking myself to class... until I met those two really strange guys.
    —Koichi Hirose's narration, Chapter 266: Jotaro Kujo! Meets Josuke Higashikata, Part 1
  • This Stand... this is actually my first time seeing it as well... If I recall what Josuke said, I'll be able to move the Stand if I have the will to protect myself or if I want to release my anger... Right now... I'm feeling both of these things. Pretty intensely, actually...
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 287: Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 4
  • No... I'm not going to take the sounds off you. I'm going to make one!
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 288: Koichi Hirose (Echoes), Part 5
  • A new Echoes! Echoes ACT2!
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 300: Yukako Yamagishi Falls in Love, Part 7
  • What made me fall in love with you, it's that personality you know...
    —Koichi Hirose to Yukako, Chapter 353: Yukako Yamagishi Dreams of Cinderella, Part 6
  • Wait... Now that I'm observing carefully like Mr. Jotaro said... I know what this thing's weakness is! A weakness I didn't think of earlier!
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 357: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 4
  • Now I'm starting to get pissed off... Why do I have to regretfully run away in fear like "Please, God, save me" just because of some serial killer? Shouldn't it be the other way around?! Why do I have to think that I'd rather be looking for a public restroom with diarrhea if I could only get out of this situation safely? Isn't something wrong? The one who should be running away in fear... is you, murderer!
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 358: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 5
  • Wow! It's really Echoes ACT3! Does that mean I got stronger again?
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 358: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 5
  • Yeah, you're about to kill me. But even so, I was able to figure out your name. You're nothing special. You might get away for now, but how do you feel? A little brat like me managed to find out what your name was. I'll say it again. A little brat figured out who you are! You're a complete idiot! I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the next world!
    —Koichi Hirose to Kira, Chapter 361: Sheer Heart Attack, Part 8

Quote.png Frases
  • Didn't I tell you? Don't underestimate me.
    —Koichi Hirose to Giorno, Chapter 440: Gold Experience, Part 1
  • Listening to Giorno's story, I could see that he held virtue within his words. I could tell, because I'd seen it before... because back in Morioh, I'd often seen something similar in the three generations of the Joestar bloodline. Those three, who always made it seem as if the virtue of justice was their life force! And as Giorno looked at the poor old man who'd been victimized for his dream, there was that same virtue in his eyes! Within him, Giorno had definitely inherited the will of the Joestar bloodline!
    —Koichi Hirose, Chapter 455: Joining the Gang, Part 6



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