Diamond is Unbreakable - Chapter 122 [387]

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Highway Star, Part 4 (ハイウェイ・スター その④, Haiwei Sutā Sono 4), originally I Have to Go Straight Through! (突っ切るしかない!, Tsukkiru Shikanai!) in the WSJ release, is the 122nd chapter of Diamond is Unbreakable and the 387th chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga.


Josuke is now pursued by Highway Star and must find the user quickly. He starts off Rohan's motorcycle and flees from the enemy Stand, keeping his speed above 60 kmph to outdistance Highway Star. Since it is a long distance Stand, Josuke figures that Rohan should still be alive. He then begins to think about the potential location of the enemy Stand, deducing that it might be in relation with the twin forests tunnel.

He decides to keep a pace of 80 kmph to buy time and call Koichi from a phone booth, but when Josuke stops, Highway Star appears near him, making Josuke realize that it can materialize near its targets. Josuke attempts to flee again but in his precipitation, realizes too late that the traffic lights are red and a woman is crossing the street with her baby.

Determined, Josuke speeds up and Crazy Diamond breaks the motorcycle, propelling Josuke and the motorcycle's parts above the baby's stroller. Crazy Diamond then quickly repairs the motorcycle and Josuke resumes his course. However, Josuke still must find a way to contact Koichi.



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The fifth episode of the OVA is now for sale! There's also talk of releasing it in America. I'm so happy my wish came true!!



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