Jayro Zeppeli ★ Histoire

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Une biographie détaillée de Jayro Zeppeli.


Jayro enfant, puis à 13 ans.

Jayro Zeppeli est né en 1866 dans le Royaume de Néapolis au sein de la prestigieuse Famille Zeppeli.

Les Zeppeli étaient une famille de docteurs et de chirurgiens renommés ainsi que des serviteurs estimés de la famille royale de Néapolis. Ainsi, Jayro vécut dans un grand confort. Pendant son enfance, Jayro fut entrainé à l'usage de la Rotation par son père Grégorio Zeppeli, apprenant aussi la médecine pour devenir chirurgien et appliquer la Rotation a ses patients. De plus, Jayro développa un goût pour l'équitation et commença à chevaucher dès l'âge de neuf ans. Pour une raison qui lui était inconnue, l'un des servants du roi lui demandait régulièrement son âge, une ou deux fois par mois, à chaque fois que Grégorio et son fils étaient appelé au château du roi. C'est à l'âge de treize ans que Jayro apprit la vérité. A cet âge là, il fut emmené au château du roi, plus précisément dans les donjons, et son père Grégorio lui révélé que la famille Zeppeli étaient secrètement des bourreaux au service du royaume, et Jayro commença son entraînement pour devenir bourreau lui aussi. Il commença d'abord en assistant son père, aussi bien en tant que bourreau qu'en tant que docteur. Il finit par devenir un bourreau et un docteur et chirurgien à part entière, marchant dans les pas de son père.

La vie de Jayro fut ponctuée par certains incident. Un jour, un détenu parvint à enlever ses menottes en se tordant les articulations et prit un autre bourreau en otage. Jayro intervint rapidement et lança sa Boule de Métal de sorte que l'énergie de la rotation traversa le bourreau sans heurt mais força le corps du détenu à se tordre.[1]

Un jour, Jayro coucha avec l'une des patiente de la famille qui se reposait dans son hôpital. Son père faillit les surprendre au lit, mais Jayro utilise sa Boule de Fer pour créer des rides sur son amante de sorte qu'on croit que Jayro traitait une vieille femme, Jayro prétendant la traiter pour malnutrition lorsque son père glissa un regard dans la chambre. Jayro échappa à la surveillance de son père ainsi et celui-ci partit. Son amante cria sur lui pour l'avoir rendue laide mais Jayro utilisa ensuite la rotation pour rendre son corps plus voluptueux. Cependant, l'amusement de Jayro prit vite fin lorsqu'il vit une trace d'alliance au doigt de son amante car l'adultère était un crime puni de mort à Néapolis.[2]

Un jour, Jayro dut traiter une jeune femme qui était tombée des escaliers. Sa tête était blessée et elle s'était cassé l'épaule. Lorsque Jayro et sa mère durent l'opérer, Jayro réalisa aussi que la femme avec des nerf optiques endommagés. Contre l'avis de sa mère, Jayro décida d'essayer de traiter les nerfs avec l'aide de la Rotation. Cependant, au moment où il généra une rotation et s'apprêta à lancer sa boule, un tuyau se cassa soudainement et un jet de vapeur le dérangea dans son opération.[3] Par conséquent, la femme devint complètement aveugle. Jayro était mort de honte quant à son échec même si la femme ne lui en voulait pas.[4] Cependant, son père Grégorio lui révéla que cette femme était la soeur du garde royal Wekapipo qui avait été disgracié et exilé lorsqu'il a tué un noble dans un duel. Grégorio lui dit aussi que c'était pour le mieux qu'elle ne regagne pas la vue car cela voulait dire que ses ennemis potentiels n'avait plus aucun intérêt à se venger sur elle.[5]

A un moment, Jayro échoua dans une exécution et ne put tuer rapidement un détenu. L'exécution était supervisé par son père Grégorio, qui le réprimanda pour cela. Jayro aurait jeté la Boule de Fer qu'il avait utilisé pour cette exécution.[6]

Gyro refuse de tuer un petit garçon innocent.

Lorsque Jayro avait vingt-quatre ans, près de son vingt-cinquième anniversaire, une jeune détenue dont l'exécution était prévu devint soudainement violente alors qu'on la déplaçait et elle faillit tuer un autre bourreau. La jeune femme cloua Jayro contre un mur mais il put la neutraliser. Durant la lutte, Jayro perdit son col de bourreau. Son père Grégorio le réprimanda aussi pour son comportement durant l'incident, voyant que Jayro semblait pensif et distrait en regardant la jeune femme et un autre vieillard dans une cellule. Grégorio déplorait le sentimentalisme de Jayro, disant que ceci l'entravait dans l'accomplissement de ses fonctions. Lorsqu'il retrouva son col de bourreau, il apprit que c'était un petit garçon fait prisonnier qui l'avait gardé et même recousu pour lui. Le petit garçon, nommé Marco, était un simple servant déclaré traître par simple association avec un noble qui conspirait contre le roi. Marco avait recousu le col de Jayro avec une arête de poisson et avait même eu des ennuis avec les gardes pour avoir "gardé une arme potentielle sur lui".[7] Par un coup du sort, Marco devait être le premier détenu que Jayro allait exécuter alors que les accusations contre Marco étaient fausses. Jayro demanda publiquement à ce qu'on épargne Marco, ses protestations faisant même la une des journaux du Royaume de Néapolis. Son père Grégorio désapprouvait de sa conduite sentimentaliste. Les efforts initiaux de Jayro furent vain, mais le servant du Roi lui expliqua en privé que le Roi déclarerait une amnistie générale contre les prisonniers politiques si jamais le pays amassait assez de gloire, comme par exemple en gagnant un évènement sportif. Ainsi, contre l'avis de son père, Jayro décida de participer à la Steel Ball Run, une course de chevaux aux proportions épiques qui allait se dérouler aux Etats-Unis.[8]
Jayro partit de Gênes sur un navire affrété pour pour et se rendit en Amérique.

Steel Ball Run (1890-1891)

Rencontre avec Johnny Joestar

Jayro Zeppeli entre en scène.

Jayro part de Gênes en mai et arrive aux Etats-Unis le 22 mai. En tant que bourreau du roi et de par la nature spéciale de son voyage, Jayro adroit à un traitement de faveur et voyage sur un navire qui appartient à la royauté.[9]

Jayro va ensuite passer un peu de temps dans le désert d'Arizona à s'entrainer à manier la Rotation ; pendant ce temps il s'exerce et pousse les limites de son corps en sautant de grandes hauteurs et en augmentant son endurance. Par hasard, Jayro s'est entrainé sur le territoire de la tribu de Sandman. Sandman trouvera certains des livres qu'il a laissé dans son camp.

Deux jour avant le départ de la Steel Ball Run, Jayro arrive à San Diego beach en Californie et se présente au bureau d'inscription de la course avec son cheval, Valkyrie. Il paie son entrée dans la course en pièces d'or et on lui attribue l'immatriculation B-636 alors qu'un homme l'importune en prétendant être intéressé par ses Boules de Métal. On lui donne un badge commémoratif mais c'est alors que l'employé de la course lui dit qu'il manque 20 dollars. Jayro, sûr qu'il avait l'argent, presse la paume de l'homme inconnu avec sa Boule de Fer et le force à s'agenouiller. Il découvre aussi que c'est cet homme qui lui a chipé une pièce de sa bourse. Jayro reprend la pièce et complète son inscription. En colère, le voleur se fait arrêter mais arrive à voler une arme et à pointer sur Jayro avec par derrière. Le voleur jubile, déclarant que Jayro sera facile à tuer et qu'il cherchera à le tuer durant toute la course. Bien que les policiers lui reprennent rapidement l'arme, Jayro leur demande de la lui laisser. Si l'homme veut tant prendre sa revanche, dit-il, alors il accepte le duel. Jayro lance rapidement une Boule de Fer à l'épaule de l'homme, lui faisant tournoyer l'épaule. Jayro conseille au voleur de lâcher son arme et repart, et lorsque le voleur essaie de lui tirer dessus, l'énergie de la Rotation fait que l'épaule se tord et le voleur se tire dessus à la tête. Comme le duel était équitable, le shérif local laisse partir Jayro.

Le duel a attiré l'attention de la foule, notamment d'un certain Johnny Joestar, un ex-jockey qui est devenu paraplégique. Par curiosité, Johnny touche la boule de fer de Jayro alors qu'il l'avait remis dans son holster et qu'elle tournait encore. L'énergie de la rotation fait que Johnny se lève momentanément. Choqué, Johnny veut retoucher la boule et en savoir plus sur elle. Jayro refuse et l'en empêche, le faisant s'accrocher à un bâtiment avant de lui dire de déguerpir. Johnny jure de poursuivre Jayro durant la course pour connaitre le secret de la Boule de Fer.

Plus tard, trois heures avant le début de la course, Jayro organise son équipement et essaie de trier ce dont il n'aura pas besoin pour voyager le plus léger possible. Sachant qu'il pourra utiliser ce qu'il trouve dans la nature, il jette notamment son rouleau de papier toilette, sa brosse à dent, ses livres, ses montres, ses bouteilles d'encre et ses ciseaux, mais garde tout de même son ourson en peluche. Jayro voit Johnny dans un corral qui se fait trainer au sol par un cheval. Il apprend grâce à deux hommes regardant Johnny que ce dernier a acheté un cheval pour participer à la course malgré sa paraplégie et qu'il essaie en vain de monter dessus. Johnny se fait presque piétiner par sa monture, et Jayro commente que Johnny ne pourra pas monter à cheval. Cependant, il ajoute que si jamais Johnny y arrivait, alors il deviendrait un surhomme. Jayro repart, et rencontre Sandman qui lui demande le chemin du bureau d'inscription. Jayro le lui indique.

Deux minutes avant le départ de la Steel Ball Run, Jayro s'est aligné sur la ligne de départ. Il recroise Johnny dont le cheval se met à côté de Valkyrie, mais Johnny est encore déterminé à suivre Jayro coûte que coûte. Impressionné par la volonté de Johnny, Jayro le complimente aussi sur son choix intelligent de cheval et donne alors à Jayro un indice. Johnny comprend alors que le secret réside dans la Rotation elle-même de la Boule de Fer et parvient à monter sur son cheval, Slow Dancer, en faisant une pirouette par dessus le cou de Slow Dancer qui baisse la tête. On sonne alors le départ de la course.[10]

La Première Etape : San Diego Beach

Jayro prend un temps d'avance grâce à la Rotation.

Au début de la course, Jayro galope à fond et dépasse tout le monde, ce qui attire l'attention de tous les observateurs. Le compétiteur égyptien Urmd Avdul le rattrape bientôt à dos de dromadaire et le défie à la course. Grâce au poids supérieur de son dromadaire, Avdul pousse Jayro et Valkyrie pour les faire tomber. Jayro lance une Boule de Métal et voit qu'il y a des cactus près de là grâce à une image créée par la Rotation. Il se dirige vers les cactus pour attirer Avdul dans un piège et même s'il évite de peu de se faire pousser, il attire avec succès Avdul dans le piège. Avdul et son dromadaire tombent en plein dans les cactus et l'Egyptien tombe de sa monture, l'éliminant de la course.[11]

C'est alors que Diego Brando, la star des jockeys Britanniques, vient le défier. Jayro galope toujours mais Diego semble pouvoir le rattraper sans jamais accélérer. En fait, Diego a noté que Valkyrie glisse vers la gauche toutes les huit respirations et utilise ceci à son avantage pour prendre l'avantage. Alors qu'ils arrivent sur un pont de bois au-dessus d'une rivière asséchée, Diego a déjà un cheval d'avance. Cependant, Jayro va faire tournoyer ses boules et les appuie sur les hanches de Valkyrie, ce qui fait que Valkyrie pousse violemment avec les jambes arrières et bondit devant Diego, mais détruit aussi le pont. Jayro devance Diego mais le coince aussi sur le pont, choquant tous les observateurs.[12]

Gyro passe la ligne d'arrivée de la première étape en premier !

Jayro est devant tout le monde à 6000 mètre de la ligne d'arrivée. C'est alors qu'il prend un dangereux raccourci à travers une forêt. Il navigue aisément entre les arbres, mais remarque qu'un autre compétiteur, Pocoloco, le suit de près.[13] Le confiant Pocoloco confronte Jayro et déclare qu'il va le dépasser alors que les deux cavaliers commencent la descente d'une pente. Jayro décide de ralentir pour contrôler sa descente mais Pocoloco continue de galoper et son cheval trébuche. Jayro voit alors que Pocoloco est tombé sur une peau de vache et commence à glisser rapidement, ce qui l'agace car Pocoloco va pouvoir faire reposer son cheval un instant.[14] Ne voulant pas concéder cet avantage, Jayro lance une boule de fer vers une falaise près d'ici pour que des rochers tombent sur le chemin de Pocoloco et pour le forcer à quitter cette peau de vache. Malheureusement, Jayro va entraver le chemin de Sandman, qui était déjà sur les rochers. L'Indien regagne cependant son équilibre facilement et atterrit au sol sans heurt.[15] A 2000 mètres de la ligne d'arrivée, Sandman est le premier de la course car il utilise une technique de course spéciale qui lui permet de courir aussi vite qu'un cheval. Frustré, Jayro accélère. Durant le dernier kilomètre, le terrain ouvert transforme la course en sprint entre Sandman, Jayro, Pocoloco, Johnny et Diego. Jayro va alors déployer sa cape en la fixant derrière lui avec ses boules de fer pour qu'elle se transforme en voile. Avec le vent arrière pour l'aider, Jayro parvient à prendre de la vitesse et passe la ligne d'arrivée en premier.[16]

Cependant, les organisateur vont pénaliser Jayro pour avoir mis en danger Sandman, et le relèguent à la vingt-et-unième place, ce qui l'énerve grandement. Jayro confronte brièvement Steven Steel et repart en forçant toute les bouteilles de champagnes de la réception de Steel à s'ouvrir et en aspergant tout le monde avec l'eau d'une tour d'eau. Jayro recroise Johnny. Ils se lient alors d'amitié, et Jayro lui donne une deuxième leçon, lui expliquant le secret de la rotation et lui montrant comment descendre de cheval malgré sa paraplégie. Jayro et Johnny décident de parcourir les Etats-Unis ensemble.[17]

La Deuxième Etape : l'Arizona

La deuxième étape redémarre le lendemain à 10 heure du matin, étant cette fois-ci une traversée du désert sur près de 2000 km. A cinq minutes du départ, les participants s'alignent sur la ligne de départ. Johnny et Jayro bavardent, Jayro apprenant qu'il est seulement le neuvième favoris dans la course tandis que Sandman est premier et Johnny sixième, ce qui l'agace. Ils s'inquiètent notamment à propos de Sandman car il a déjà remporté une étape et s'il remporte la deuxième étape dans le désert, qui doit être son terrain de prédilection, alors il aurait un grand avantage en points et en temps. Il aperçoivent aussi le cow-boy Mountain Tim qui était parmi les premier durant la première étape, et Jayro se moque de son chapeau. En regardant la carte du désert, Johnny prévoit que la course va devenir une lutte pour atteindre les rares points d'eau dans le désert en premier. La course redémarre. Contre l'avis de Johnny, Jayro décide de foncer à travers le désert pour rejoindre un point d'eau à 150 km du départ, et Johnny est forcé de le suivre. A leur insu, le cavalier Mrs. Robinson les suit aussi.[18]

Jayro combattant Mrs. Robinson.

Six heures après le début de la deuxième étape, Jayro et Johnny s'arrêtent momentanément pour vérifier s'ils sont sur le bon chemin. Jayro essaie de regarder un mont au loin pour se repérer, mais préfère assurer Johnny qu'ils sont sur la bonne route, rendant ce dernier nerveux. Alors qu'ils naviguent à travers le désert, ils repèrent Mrs. Robinson au loin et gardent un oeil sur lui. Soudain, quelque chose vole juste à côté de Jayro et lui troue l'oreille. Les héros sont soudainement assaillis de toute part par des épines de cactus cholla, des cactus qui sont réputé pour leurs explosions. Ils suspectent Robinson mais ce dernier se tient immobile et ils ne sont pas sûr qu'il est bien un ennemi. Cependant, lorsqu'une volée d'épines va couper la bride de Johnny et le blesser au visage avec une précision extraordinaire, il ne fait plus de doute que Robinson est le coupable. Johnny tombe de cheval et dit à Jayro de partir devant, mais Jayro décide de confronter Robinson et lui fonce dessus. Jayro lance sa Boule de Fer mais des épines qui piquent le bras, ce qui fait que Jayro manque son lancer et la boule tombe au sol. Robinson révèle qu'il est l'ennemi et qu'il élève une nuée de mouche dans son orbite pour les envoyer sur les chollas. Cependant, Jayro n'a pas encore perdu. Il explique que l'énergie de la Rotation se disperse aussi dans le sol et ceci fait exploser tous les chollas autour de Robinson, qui se fait transpercer de toute part et est vaincu. Les deux héros peuvent alors continuer leur chemin.[19]

La Famille Boomboom et La Paume du Diable

Main article: The Desert Born Outlaws (story arc)
Main article: The Devil's Palm (story arc)
Main article: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission (story arc)

La nuit tombe. Johnny et Jayro montent leur camp pour la nuit. Johnny réussit à créer un Rotation mais Jayro ne le voit pas et demande à ce qu'il recommence. Jayro repère alors un autre cavalier au loin et demande à Johnny s'il a apporté une arme. Johnny dit qu'il a un revolver et lorsqu'il fouille dans ses bagages, Johnny repère des documents qui alludent au passé de Jayro et à son but quant à la course, ce qui énerve d'ailleurs le Napolitain.

Le soir, la famille Boomboom attaque Johnny et Jayro.

C'est alors que le cavalier au loin s'approche. L'homme, qui se nomme André Boomboom, est un autre participant qui prétend avoir été mordu par un lézard venimeux. André demande alors du feu pour chauffer son couteau et Jayro va lui jeter une branche en feu à contrecoeur tout en lui disant de tenir ses distances. André se coupe sa peau empoisonné et s'étouffe aussi en guise d'anesthésie. Il semble alors qu'André perde conscience, et Jayro s'approche, donnant nonchalamment un coup de pied dans le couteau de ce dernier. Il remarque alors que sa botte est déchiquetée pour une raison inconnue. Johnny lit la liste des participants et réalise aussi qu'André fait partie d'une famille de trois compétiteurs. C'est alors que le reste de la famille Boomboom arrive.[20] Soudain, Jayro send une masse solide dans son pied et des lames de métal surgir de son pied, et les deux héros comprennent que les Boomboom veulent les éliminer pour supprimer la concurrence. Ils comprennent aussi que les Boomboom ont un pouvoir spécial lié au magnétisme alors que le patriarche Benjamin Boomboom et le cadet L.A. Boomboom les encerclent avec André. Le pistolet de Johnny se fait détruire par le magnétisme et lorsque Jayro lance sa Boule de Fer sur Benjamin, celle-ci se désagrège en plein air. Le couteau d'André file droit vers le cou de Jayro mais celui-ci le bloque heureusement. Jayro lance alors sa boule vers un rocher pour que les débris du rocher volent sur André et le transpercent. Jayro comprend que le pouvoir des Boomboom est corrélé à leur proximité et donc les deux héros décident de fuir à cheval. Le magnétisme s'affaiblit mais Benjamin réussit à asperger un peu du sang d'André sur Johnny. Puis, les Boomboom trompent le cow-boy Mountain Tim en lui faisant croire que c'est Johnny le coupable d'un meurtre qui s'est passé durant la première étape.

Jayro et Johnny chevauchent vers une zone montagneuse. Bientôt, Mountain Tim les rattrape et le duo recommence à sentir les effets du magnétisme. Il réalisent que Mountain Tim doit être affecté mais inconscient du danger. Pour éviter la mort, Jayro lance une boule de fer sur un rocher pour le réduire en grains riches en fer, grains qui frappent alors Mountain Tim. Le cow-boy utilise alors son pouvoir Oh! Lonesome Me pour s'attacher à deux rochers et les trois éclairent la situation entre eux. Mountain Tim explique que son pouvoir est un "Stand" et explique le concept aux héros. La famille Boomboom revient et couvre tous le monde avec du sable ferreux. Mountain Tim décharge son revolver sur L.A. mais Benjamin dévie les balles avec son Stand Tomb of the Boom. Les héros sont immobilisés et se rapprochent, leurs corps commençant à imploser. Heureusement, Johnny éveille son propre Stand et vainc Benjamin et L.A. avec des ongles tournoyant. Mountain Tim explique que Johnny doit être dans une Paume du Diable, une zone mystique du désert qui est dangereuse mais procure un pouvoir Stand à ceux qui s'en sortent. Abattu mais en colère, L.A. déclare que Jayro et Johnny mourront à coup sûr car un compatriote de Jayro a mis sa tête à prix. Comme Johnny est impliqué contre son gré, Jayro lui explique son passé de bourreau au Royaume de Néapolis et que les ennemis du roi veulent sûrement entraver ses performances dans la Steel Ball Run.


Main article: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission (story arc)
Main article: The Terrorist from a Faraway Country (story arc)
Oyecomova attaquant Jayro & Johnny

Jayro, Johnny et Mountain Tim chevauchent jusqu'à un village qui sert de point de rendez-vous aux participants de la Steel Ball Run au milieu de l'étape. Là, Jayro reçoit une lettre de son roi qui lui informe qu'on lui a préparé un Cheval Zombie à prendre plus loin, ceci étant un outil pour l'aider à traiter ses blessures et la fatigue. Cependant, le terroriste Napolitain Oyecomova arrive en ville, étant celui qui a mis la tête de Jayro à prix. Avec son pouvoir Stand Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure, Oyecomova peut générer des bombes à retardement et les accrocher à tout ce qu'il touche. Il fait alors exploser l'hôtel où les héros résidaient et blesse gravement Mountain Tim. Heureusement, Jayro et Johnny étaient dans l'étable à s'occuper des chevaux. Mountain Tim, blessé, les alerte sur l'ennemi mais Oyecomova parvient à se faufiler et à accrocher des bombes à la main de Jayro.

Avec des bombes accrochées aux doigts, Jayro doit serrer le poing sur sa boule de fer le plus fort possible pour qu'elle n'explosent pas. Il voit Oyecomova et se rappelle alors qu'il était un terroriste du Royaume de Néapolis qui voulait tuer le roi. Oyecomova envoie un rat avec une bombe qui explose près de Jayro. L'explosion le force presque à ouvrir la main. Une bombe glisse alors hors de son poing mais Jayro la renfonce dans la main pour gagner du temps. Oyecomova se prépare alors à partir pour récupérer le Cheval Zombie. Jayro commence à suer de la main et les bombes commencent à glisser. Jayro décide alors de lancer tout de même sa Boule de Fer vers le terroriste, utilisant la Rotation pour durcir les parties vitales de son corps et sacrifiant une jambe pour endurer l'explosion et sauvegarder ses deux mains. Il parvient à atteindre Oyecomova mais la portée limitée de ses boules fait que l'ennemi n'est pas gravement blessé.

Oyecomova vaincu, le duo continue sa course.

Oyecomova part à cheval pour prendre le Cheval Zombie avec Johnny et Jayro derrière lui. Alors qu'ils entrent dans une région escarpée et remontent une rivière, Oyecomova accroche des bombes à l'eau de la rivière, à des guêpes et même à la fumée d'une cigarette pour attaquer ses poursuivants. Pour éviter les explosions, Jayro et Johnny accélère pour sortir de la zone des explosions. En utilisant sa Boule de Fer, Jayro attrape une toile d'araignée et la fait tourner en l'air pour rattraper les guêpes-bombes. Malgré leurs efforts, Oyecomova parvient encore à rester en dehors de la portée effective de Jayro. Cependant, alors que Oyecomova crache de la fumée, Johnny met ses ongles tournoyant sur la toile d'araignée. Oyecomova entend le bourdonnement créé par les ongles et croit qu'on veut lui renvoyer les guêpes dessus. Il tire la toile vers lui, mais ceci rapproche les ongles tournoyant. Jayro lance sa boule et se sert des ongles tournoyant pour renforcer la rotation et augmenter sa portée. Il parvient alors à défoncer Oyecomova au visage, le terroriste étant vaincu pour de bon. Jayro et Johnny continuent alors leur course.[21]

Plus tard dans les montagnes, Jayro et Johnny acquièrent le Cheval Zombie, un fil magique encastré dans un mur telle une fresque de cheval. Jayro utilise le fil pour recoudre sa jambe et guérir. Lorsque Johnny lui demande si c'est un cadeau de son père, Jayro, connaissant son père, répond que son père ne lui a jamais fait de cadeaux.

Un Corps Saint

As Johnny and Gyro continue their journey, they are attacked by another competitor, Fritz von Stroheim. Gyro quickly defeats the German cyborg but Johnny begins to question how important the race prize can be with now several attempts on their lives. Suddenly, Johnny sees a mummified Left Arm fused to his own body, through it quickly fades inside of him. He quickly realizes its significance related to his Stand ability and the Devil's Palm.

Pork Pie Hat captures Gyro

The duo are in sight of Monument Valley, the end of the second stage. However, Gyro is captured by Pork Pie Hat Kid. Nearly immobilized, Gyro is able to grab a Steel Ball and throw it through the portal Wired creates, indicating Johnny where he and the enemy are. When Johnny finally reaches Gyro and the Pork Pie Hat Kid, the latter ambushes him by using Gyro to make his hooks appears. Johnny is unable to attack Pork Pie Hat Kid and must yield or else the both of them die. Devastated, Johnny ejects the arm and loses his Stand. Johnny despairs but then Gyro reveals that he made the nails on the left arm spin too, acting as a trap for Pork Pie Hat Kid who is killed by the nails.

Gyro retakes the arm under Johnny's anxious eyes, but the Neapolitan confirms that he isn't after the Corpse but simple victory and gives Johnny back the Left Arm. Johnny and Gyro discuss the true nature of the race, and Gyro theorizes that this Corpse must belong to some saint, knowing that relics can bless entire nations with good luck. That said, Johnny and Gyro resume their race, determined to get the Saint's Corpse or win it respectively.[22]

The other top contenders have arrived. Johnny and Gyro dash toward the finish line, with Diego Brando and Sandman contesting their lead. Incidentally, Johnny stumbles upon a stray newspaper and sees the photo of a mountain whose top exactly resembles the word "movere crus" carved on his arm. Gyro is distracted and ends up finishing fourth, behind Sandman in third place, Johnny in second place and Diego in first place. However, the race doesn't stop and the competitor directly enter the 3rd stage: the Rocky Mountain Breakdown, crossing the eponymous mountain chain towards Cannon City.

La Troisième Etape : Les Rocheuses

Scary Monsters

Diego mysteriously turns into a dinosaur and attacks Gyro & Johnny

In the Rocky Mountains, Gyro and Johnny meet with an unhorsed and visibly hurt Diego Brando. While Gyro tries to check up on him, Johnny advocates leaving Diego. Indeed, the British jockey even pridely tells them to go away. Soon enough, Diego catches up to them, strangely lively for someone who was wounded moments ago. The three of them decide to spend the night in a village to avoid the cougars. Gyro goes out to look for food and firewood. When he comes back, Gyro complains about a swarm of flies and discovers the corpse of a bear. Indeed, Diego has turned into a raptor, a ferocious dinosaur.

A fight ensues and Diego whips Gyro out of the house with his tail. He comes back and throws a Steel Ball but the dinosaur has an advantage in his kinetic vision allowing it to discern and avoid fast projectiles. Diego leaps at Gyro and pins him. To counter this kinetic vision, Gyro hides his second Steel Ball in a can, making it fly at Diego from point-blank range. Diego is stunned by the Ball, allowing the duo to escape. Still pursued by Diego, the duo notice on the horizon the "movere crus" mountain and realize where the next corpse part is. To hide from Diego, Gyro and Johnny lay on the bear corpse to mask their scent and stay immobile as dinosaurs cannot discern immobile objects. Diego follows one of Gyro's loose Balls, but thanks to the Spin, it flattens Gyro's leg as it passes on it, and rolls away, leading Diego away too. However, the bear that Diego has killed turns into another dinosaur.

Despite the dinosaurs, Johnny & Gyro reach the Eyes

The duo hides in a sewer where they are assailed by small rat-dinosaurs. These dinosaurs are killed by Gyro's Steel Ball but manage to mark their odor on the duo. The sewer leads to a cliff, but even there, some raptors are waiting for them and Diego tracks them thanks to the mark. Worse, Gyro and Johnny have been scratched by the dinosaur and slowly begin their own transformation. Noticing that Johnny's metamorphosis into a dinosaur is slowed by the Corpse Part, the duo try to reach the new Corpse Part on a nearby peak. They jump across a ravine and Gyro uses his Steel Ball on a tree to create a rope. However, both are stopped at the last moment by Diego and the horde of dinosaurs. Diego seizes the Eyes and Gyro, turned enough to become an ally to Diego, protects the former from Johnny.

Gyro acquires an Eye and other abilities

The true enemy, Valentine's Subordinate, Dr. Ferdinand, appears riding a raptor. In a position of strength, Ferdinand calls Johnny out on his petty goals with the Saint's Corpse, not realizing who he is dealing with. To turn the situation around, Johnny relinquishes his Left Arm. He partially transforms into a dinosaur and uses his tail to propel himself towards Ferdinand, knocking the Eyes out of his hands. Gyro gets one of the eyes and is cured. He throws a Steel Ball at Dr. Ferdinand, who is protected by Diego. However, Gyro has acquired a new ability with the Corpse Part. Gyro pilots his Steel Ball remotely and sends it at Ferdinand's face, wounding him despite Diego's protection. Gyro acquires a supernatural vision. Thanks to it, he is able to hit the enemy even through a crowd of dinosaurs; when Ferdinand hides inside of one of his raptors, Gyro throws his Ball at the ground and sees through their bodies thanks to the vibrations. He thus can see where Ferdinand is hiding and hits him a third time along with Johnny. Ferdinand is defeated and his power is cancelled. Now surrounded by cougars, Ferdinand is mauled to death. Gyro has acquired the Right Eye, but the duo sees Diego with the Left Eye. Diego disappears, having kept the dinosaur powers with him.[23]

Johnny and Gyro then ride safely toward the end of the third stage. As every competitor races to finish first, Gyro and Diego try to take a shortcut through the lake instead of going around it. Johnny admonishes him, criticizing his lack of real, selfish drive he needs to come out on top. This angers Gyro who persists in his path and closely follows Diego. Out of the water, Valkyrie shows he is exhausted but is still running behind. To help his horse, Gyro throws away everything he carries and even uses the Spin to wring the water out of his body. Still, Diego sneakily spits a gastrolith and makes it rebound into Valkyrie's leg. Wounded, the horse slows down and Diego stays ahead of Gyro. Johnny nonetheless finishes before Diego. Thinking about this defeat, Gyro acknowledges that Johnny may have a point and wonders if he can take the Corpse hunt seriously to help him grow spiritually. Surprisingly, Johnny isn't the stage winner: the racer Hot Pants has already crossed the finish line some time before.[24]

La Quatrième Etape : Les Grandes Plaines

Ringo Roadagain : Un Monde d'Hommes

The fourth stage begins for Johnny and Gyro: 1250 km through the Great Plains to Kansas City. They ride peacefully for about 600 km.

Hot Pants attacks Gyro with Cream Starter

In a forest, Gyro and Johnny find a fresh cow's corpse and take some meat from it. They then meet Hot Pants, the competitor who won the previous stage. Hot Pants attacks them both with his Stand Cream Starter, believing they killed a cow he specially had placed on his route. Cream Starters sprays flesh, which blinds and chokes Gyro and Johnny. Gyro uses his ability to punch Hot Pants' spine with his Steel Ball, and the Spin blocks his arms. Incidentally, he sees the word "turbo" on her skeleton. Johnny defuses the fight by shooting a nail into the ground, proving that neither of them has the weapon that killed the cow. Hot Pants calls off his attack but doesn't apologize as the two still took meat from the cow. The three go on their separate ways and Gyro mentions that he discerned the word "turbo" during the fight. However, the most important elements are the lines and circles engraved on the letters, from which Gyro guesses a set of coordinates near Kansas City. Suddenly, they notice that they are in sight of the cow carcass again. Likewise, Hot Pants has been going in circles. Gyro still hates Hot Pants but the three decide to cooperate to limit their time loss. They see a nearby house and decide to go ask the residents for direction.

Johnny encounters Ringo Roadagain

However, the three also meet Gaucho, another competitor who is also lost but also expresses anger against the resident of the house, who said that they would have to kill him to ever go out of theses woods. Gaucho shouts and challenges the inhabitant to a gun duel and the gunslinger named Ringo Roadagain appears. After a quick duel, Ringo kills Gaucho and salutes him. Shocked, the three leave and try to go out of the woods again without success. Resigned to fight, the trio prepares their fight and Hot Pants throws his Cream Starters onto the house's roof beforehand. They confront Ringo, who asks Johnny to be the first duelist. Hot Pants then attacks and melts Ringo's gun hand, but Ringo uses his power Mandom to rewind time to 6 seconds ago. He avoids the ambush. Johnny attacks but is shot in the head while Hot Pants is shot in the chest and taken out. Gyro is also shot in the guts when he retaliates, but Ringo spares him out of disdain since he attacked merely as a reaction to his friend's death. Ringo drags Johnny inside as Gyro yells, defeated. However, when Gyro's Steel Ball returns to him, he notices that Johnny was a barely out of the deadly range of Ringo's gun and thus Johnny should have survived his bullet wound.

Gyro confronts Ringo

Gyro sees a vision of his father Gregorio Zeppeli who questions his motivation and orders him to go home. However, Gyro instead affirms his will to solve all the doubts in him, save Marco and solve the mystery of the Saint's Corpse. With his new determination, Gyro throws a Steel Ball at Ringo's house and checks inside. He throws his second Steel Ball into Ringo's face, forcing the gunslinger to rewind time. However, Gyro has detected an old wound in Ringo, a damaged collarbone on the left shoulder that would paralyze Ringo if it was broken. Breaking in, Gyro confronts his opponent. The two attack at the same time. Gyro is shot in the throat but Ringo's collarbone is broken, paralyzing him. He is forced to rewind time. The two attack again, moving to get a better position. Gyro is shot in the shoulder but Ringo blocks the Steel Ball with his arm. Ringo arms his revolver for a second shot, but inadvertently places himself in the trajectory of a falling piece of wood that impales his collarbone, which was what Gyro was aiming for. Ringo is defeated, but both fighters acknowledges their respective skill. To force Gyro to move forward into "a real man's world", Ringo aims at Gyro again and Gyro finishes him off.

Gyro then heals everybody by using Cream Starter. Gyro comes up with a gag and shows it to Johnny, who seems to appreciate it. However, Johnny then warns Gyro about Ringo's message, which contained the coordinates of the next Corpse Part. Still, the duo is determined to get the Corpse Parts. Gyro then discovers Hot Pants' reserve of sandwiches. Sneering, Gyro plans to eat them all or even only eat all the meat to get back at the still unconscious Hot Pants.[25]

Combat aux Kansas

Gyro and Johnny defeat Diego, though he is sure to return

Near Kansas City, Gyro and Johnny meet Sandman who warns them of an incoming tempest to pay back his unjustified win in the first stage. Yet, when Sandman informs them of Diego's route, they decide to run after him.[26] In the storm, the duo finally catch up to Diego. Diego lets them approach once but suddenly turns into a dinosaur and leap above them. He warns the two to stay behind or be killed before he leaves. Johnny sees that Diego is systemically using the optimal route and proposes to wait for a mistake, but Gyro takes the initiative and challenges Diego. Still, Diego's optimal route choice only widens the gap between them. Instead of confronting Diego, Gyro decides to listen to his instincts and choose the path that is right for him. Gyro empties his mind of all distractions and seeks his own path... and then comes back to reality, and has caught up to Diego. Diego tries to whip Valkyrie, but the horse takes the whip from him. Gyro is now seriously challenging Diego. From behind, Johnny guesses that Diego is attacking somehow and intervenes, aiming at Diego with his nails. Diego attacks Johnny but Gyro intervenes. He throws a Steel Ball at Diego, who's fooled into not seeing the Ball is going slowly because of its speed relative to his horse. The Ball hits Diego in the face. Not only is the British unhorsed, but his horse Silver Bullet is injured, putting him temporarily out of the race. Gyro hits and yells at Johnny for robbing him of a square victory and apologizes afterwards.

Lucy presents the Spine to Johnny & Gyro

Later, the duo meet Lucy Steel, who learned about the Corpse Parts and unwittingly antagonized he American Government. Asking for help, Lucy gives them the Spine as token of good faith but then Blackmore, Valentine's Subordinate, finds them. Gyro and Johnny attack but the immobile rain drops deflect the projectiles. Moreover, Gyro's arm is pierced by raindrops since his arm moved. The three are cornered by rain blades and Blackmore moves to kill Lucy. Johnny intervenes but is choked by Blackmore's hand. However, Gyro decides to act: by doing his motion backward, Gyro is able to position his arm for a second throw that bounces the Steel Ball between the raindrops and collides with the last one near Blackmore. Blackmore ignores the Ball, but doesn't see that it keeps spinning and through friction, evaporates the raindrop. The agent is hit in the head. Defeated, Blackmore's Catch the Rainbow stops and he succumbs from previous bullet wounds.

The Spin then suddenly enters Johnny's body. Nauseous, Johnny falls from his horse but the ground then draws a map of the Great Lakes indicating where the next Corpse Parts are. Lucy then reveals what she knows about the President's plot and explains that Valentine has the Heart, making him a Stand User. Thus, Gyro shoves Lucy on Johnny's horse. He also lets loose Lucy's horse to erase any trace of her presence. Gyro enlists her in a plan to steal the Heart from the President and though Lucy wanted to ask for their protection, Gyro tells her that she wouldn't want to live her whole life in fear of reprisal. To protect her husband, Lucy will have to go out to steal the Corpse Part. To help her, Gyro gives her the Right Eye since he still has his Spin mastery. Lucy reluctantly agrees and the trio can return to Kansas City.[27]

On the way to Kansas City, Lucy seems to have explained her backstory and then falls asleep. Gyro doesn't believe that Steven Steel wouldn't have touched her.[28] Johnny also asks why he didn't want Lucy on his horse and Gyro explains that the goddess of victory would be jealous and he'd lose sight of victory.[29]

Gyro and Johnny finish the fourth stage in Kansas City in third and fourth place respectively because of their detour. They then see Diego crossing the line, sure that he will get back at them eventually.

A Silent Way

En route for Chicago, the next finish line, Johnny and Gyro ride peacefully for around 300 km.

Near the Mississippi, Johnny & Gyro are attacked by sound dinosaurs

Near the Mississippi, Johnny and Gyro decide to rest near a barn as other top competitors pass by to think about the way to cross the Mississippi. Gyro thinks of a song, the "Cheese Song", which Johnny seems to appreciate. As they set up camp, the duo discusses a letter the Vatican sent to them. After Gyro asked them if there was any saint who died in America, the letter suspiciously denies it.

Suddenly, Johnny discovers that anything who touches the barn is cut and warns Gyro in time about the trapped barn. The barn crumbles but its pieces are still dangerous. While Johnny scares away the horses, Gyro sees Dot Han coming out of the corn field. However, Dot Han is revealed to only be used by the real enemy when they see his body is also getting destroyed. Gyro loses a first Steel Ball against Dot Han. The barn crumbles on Johnny who tries without success to deflect the planks with his nails and Gyro loses his second ball when he tries to deflect the planks too, and the Ball is destroyed. Thankfully, the pieces of the destroyed Steel Ball dig a hole for Johnny to hide in. Johnny is alive, but Gyro is out of weapon. As they see dinosaurs with sound effects written on them, the duo now knows that there are dealing with Diego, teamed up with another enemy.

Gyro explains the Golden Rectangle to Johnny, allowing him to develop Tusk ACT2

Gyro recalls Valkyrie and the duo flees. However, they are still pursued by dinosaurs and Gyro is cut when the pieces of a killed dinosaur touch Valkyrie, making Johnny understand that the enemy's power is linked to sound. The duo reaches the Mississippi and must jump towards its muddy bank. The dinosaurs surround the duo, but Gyro has had enough of Johnny's despair and teaches him the next step in the Spin. The Neapolitan thus presents the Golden Rectangle, from which a perfect infinite spiral can be made. If Johnny can spin his nails in this ratio then he will be able to harness the power of infinity, but Johnny exclaims that he cannot do it. As the sounds begin to set their bodies on fire, Gyro declares that if Johnny says he cannot do it three more times then he will give him his specially designed belt buckle as a reference. Spinning a rock, Gyro shakes the dinosaurs off them for Johnny to shoot, but the latter sees that his power hasn't increased at all. They both plunge into the river.

Johnny says he cannot use the Golden Rectangle and asks for the buckle, but Gyro still refuses. A new group of creatures has appeared on the river bank and they begin to spread their sound into the water. Gyro tells Johnny to look for a place where there aren't any sound, where the enemy should be able to produce the sounds they want. As Johnny asks for the buckle again and Gyro refuses, Johnny shoots towards a specific piece of the field, uncovering Norisuke Higashikata. To buy more time, Gyro rotates the water to ward off the sound but some of it still passes through and Gyro is dismembered. Sandman reveals himself as the true enemy but is fortunately defeated and killed as Johnny unlocks Tusk ACT2.

Johnny is victorious but Hot Pants appears. She takes Johnny's Corpse Parts, only leaving a vertebrae, and knocks him out. Nonetheless, Hot Pants has made them cross the Mississippi and healed their wounds.[30]

The duo eventually reaches Chicago and finish the 5th stage of the Steel Ball Run at the 4th place for Gyro and 5th place for Johnny.

Les Cinquièmes et Sixième Etapes : Vers le Nord

Les Epreuves de Sugar Mountain

Johnny & Gyro obtain the Ears and Right Arm from Sugar Mountain

At the beginning of the sixth stage, Johnny and Gyro thus travel North, through the cold and snowy parts of the United States.

One day, Gyro wakes up covered in snow and Johnny preparing breakfast. Since Hot Pants has revealed herself as an agent from the Kingdom of Naples, the duo suspect that the identity of the Saint must be exceptional.

Later, Gyro detects Eleven Men that are trailing them. Gyro loses a Steel Ball in a shallow puddle, only to see a nearby young girl having it. The girl runs away, leading them to a massive tree in the forest. Johnny realizes that the Corpse Parts are near and accidentally makes mushroom fall in another puddle. Nonetheless, the duo investigate the tree where they see that the girl has turned a hole into her home. The blind girl, named Sugar Mountain, soon gives them propositions between items they have lost in the puddles and much more precious versions of said items. Gyro answers truthfully at first because he wants his Steel Ball back, but soon understands that she is handing them both if they answer truthfully. Exploiting this, the duo amasses a small fortune in precious gems, matsutake mushrooms, bank notes and other goods. Eventually, they get the trick and acquire the Ears and the Right Arm. However, Sugar Mountain then warns them that they have to spend everything in a fair trade before sunset or they will be absorbed into the tree itself.

Johnny & Gyro are attacked by the Eleven Men

Gyro and Johnny then head to Milwaukee, having to spend their fortune and still pursued by the Eleven Men. When they meet a farmer and try to buy a piece of land, the farmer refuses out of suspicion, showing that the task is not as easy at it seems. Worse, Gyro begins to turn into a tree when he tries to give some money to smooth things out and thus they cannot even give away their wealth. Thankfully, the duo manage to trade the mushrooms for a hill nearby. In Milwaukee, Johnny and Gyro try their best to spend everything but their wealth keeps increasing despite everything while their spending is not enough. Worse, their pursuers are catching up. Johnny and Gyro decide to go to an underground casino to gamble their money away, but as soon as the croupier decides to cheat, Johnny and Gyro begin to turn into trees. They are immobilized and cannot either take their money back as the ball rolls and the Eleven Men suddenly barge in.

Johnny must use Tusk ACT2 to cheat and win the round, freeing the duo. One of the men approach, and Johnny shoots him twice. However, the rest of the group has suddenly disappeared. Unbeknownst to them, the Eleven Men are using their collective power, Tatoo You!, to merge together, and they take Gyro by surprise by emerging out of the first dead man. Gyro is shot in the arm and loses one Steel Ball. The shootout continues but while they eliminate some enemies, the duo quickly runs out of ammunition. They are forced to hide behind a column and there are still eight enemies. Johnny kills one, but he only has one nail bullet now, and Gyro is bleeding to death. Gyro tries to negotiate with the gangsters besides them but they prefer to stand aside. Johnny sees a revolver on the ground but Gyro warns him that it is a trap. By dragging the corpses, the men surround Gyro and Johnny. Thankfully, Gyro concludes a trade with the gangsters in the casino. For all of their wealth, the gangster accept to give Gyro and Johnny a roll of string and shoot down the Eleven Men, all of whom die but a last one who flees.[31]

A shared toast in defeat

As the sun sets, Gyro suddenly transforms into a tree. Johnny realizes with horror that he must trade the Corpse Parts too and reluctantly trades the Ears and the Right Arm with the last of the Eleven Men at the last moment. For them, the duo acquire a half empty bottle of wine. Still, they have a toast to the next Corpse Part and the goal.

Wekapipo et Wrecking Ball

Eventually, Gyro and Johnny attempt to cross the Michigan Lake via a frozen strait. However, they deem the ice too thin for the moment to safely cross. More problems arise, as the other top competitors appear to cross the straits, a wild wolf cub has been following them since Johnny gave it scraps of food, and Johnny senses that the Legs are nearby. Gyro mentions the natives' route, a hidden path in the ice that the natives might have built by reinforcing the ice with logs.

The duo attacked by a Steel Ball

Nonetheless, their thoughts are interrupted when they notice two other agents of the government approaching to attack: Wekapipo and Magent Magent. Wekapipo suddenly throws a Steel Ball. Gyro throws his own Steel Ball to stop it, but Wekapipo's Ball shoots the small beads embedded on it at the duo. Indeed, Wekapipo is a former guard of the Kingdom of Naples who also masters a style of Spin, the "Wrecking Ball". While Magent Magent goes to their left on his sled, the pair realizes that they cannot see the left side of things anymore. Knowing this ability, Gyro advises Johnny to turn to the right until he sees Magent, allowing Johnny to shoot but the agent also unveils his Stand 20th Century Boy, which makes him invulnerable as long as he's sitting or kneeling. Gyro also throws a Steel Ball but Magent remains impervious to the Spin. Moreover, Gyro's left hand is wounded and Wekapipo throws two Balls. When Gyro tries to counter them, his Balls are pushed aside and Gyro understands Wekapipo's strategy. By attacking them on the water and attacking his hands, Wekapipo has isolated Gyro in a battlefield where he cannot closely observe nature to create a perfect Spin, thus depowering him greatly. Johnny stops the satellites of the second ball, allowing Magent to shoot the wolf. Sadly, Gyro's second hand is also wounded when the Neapolitan protects Johnny from a stray satellite. The attack begins and Magent disappears. Gyro only manage to grab one Steel Ball before the effects fully kick in. He throws his Ball in the general direction of Magent and does hit his shoulder. Gyro ducks to avoid two bullets to the head but receives one in the guts. Gyro uses the bullet as a weapon and throws it at Magent, who deflects the bullet upward. Still makes Magent drop his guard but the bullet then falls down and pierces Magent's face, taking him out.

Gyro duels Wekapipo

Gyro subsequently manages to take back his Balls. However, Wekapipo is still more powerful than them. During the next throw, Gyro decides to directly attack Wekapipo, trusting Johnny to shoot down the enemy's Ball. This allows Gyro to run towards the wolf (and the Corpse Parts of which it is the host) which can serve as a reference for the perfect Spin. Wekapipo protects himself from Gyro's Spin and throws his other Ball, which Gyro must counter. The satellites then shoot the ice, hiding the wolf and the Legs underwater. Unfortunately the left side ataxia begins again and Gyro has only one Ball. However, Gyro then throws his one Ball at Wekapipo's own and destroys both. It is revealed that luckily, it suddenly started snowing and Gyro was able to create a perfect Spin by using the snowflakes as a reference. Wekapipo is defeated and tries to commit suicide, but Gyro stops him. Gyro then explains that Wekapipo's sister is in the care of the Zeppeli Family, thus Wekapipo accepts to help them find Lucy Steel. Luckily, they also find the natives' path and acquire the Legs.[32]

Being in a victorious stroke, Gyro and Johnny cooperate to cross a treacherous ravine hidden by the snow, this way, they manage to overtake Pocoloco and finish at the 1st and second place of the 6th stage.

La Septième Etape : Vers Philadelphie

Civil War

Johnny and Gyro ride undisturbed for 12 days, until they are 145 km for Philadelphia, near Gettysburg.

Gyro is easily taken out by Axl RO's Civil War

After setting up camp, Johnny and Gyro spot Hot Pants, who hurriedly rides to Gettysburg. Hastily abandoning their camp, the duo pursues her into the town. They reach a strange garbage dump and enter inside from two sides, only to see a nun. Unaware of Hot Pants' true sex, Gyro investigates further inside the building. Confronted by Civil War, Gyro attacks the Stand but it separates into pieces. Gyro then discovers the many Steel Balls he's discarded over his life. Overwhelmed by the amounts of stuff he's discarded over the years, Gyro is easily defeated by Civil War. With a Steel Ball, Gyro is able to use the vibrations to pinpoint Axl RO's location and help Johnny once during this fight, but is otherwise stuck observing the battle.[33]

Unfortunately, Valentine intervenes at the last moment and steals away all the Corpse Parts that they've acquired. Their luck runs out, and Gyro finishes the stage at a disappointing 6th place.[34]

A Philadelphie

In Philadelphia, Johnny and Gyro have no Corpse Parts anymore. After dispatching other agents of Valentine on the way, the duo decides to steal the Right Eye from Diego. They follow him his trail and stop near a park. The duo discusses the situation and how to corner him. However, Johnny also sees unknown horse traces, meaning another person is involved and soon enough they also witness Wekapipo following Diego. Johnny want to clarify first that they will have to use lethal force, especially if Diego defends himself. This statement appalls Gyro, who yells at Johnny that they will simply beat him up and take the Eye. Gyro then goes to scout the area.


D-I-S-C-O attacks Gyro

At the corner of a building, Gyro sees the suspicious D-I-S-C-O and notices that Johnny has disappeared. He hears gunshots but when tries to run to Johnny, D-I-S-C-O attacks. With his Stand Chocolate Disco, D-I-S-C-O makes a grid appear on the ground. While Gyro is shocked to glimpse Wekapipo hiding near his horses, Gyro must focus on the enemy. He throws a Steel Ball at D-I-S-C-O, but it is then teleported above him and Gyro is hit by his own Ball. D-I-S-C-O then makes nails fall on Gyro, wounding his leg. D-I-S-C-O then takes bottles of acid out of his pocket. Worried, Gyro throws his Steel Balls, but D-I-S-C-O teleports them again. However, this time, he misses. Gyro reveals that he has created a zone of high pressure that refracts the light and prevents D-I-S-C-O from knowing Gyro's location. The Neapolitan quickly knocks out the agent.[35]

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Main article: D4C (story arc)
Gyro reveals the existence of the Super Spin

To solve the mystery of the shooting, Gyro takes out a photo of Diego and asks the children playing in the park if they saw him shoot Johnny. However, the situation gets more confusing when the boys confirm Gyro's theory, but then the girls claim that it was Wekapipo who did it and an old painter nearby says he sketched the face of the culprit, incriminating Funny Valentine.

Gyro decides to simply follow Johnny's trail and finds him near the docks, and Johnny explains how Valentine's abilities work to Gyro. Seeing their situation, Gyro tells Johnny that it may be time to drop out of the Corpse hunt. However, Johnny then briefly stands up and reaffirms his will to get the Corpse Parts. Gyro thus accepts to finish the hunt. Gyro thus explains that there is another level to the Spin. Explaining the story of horse stirrups, Gyro states that it is possible to harness the energy of the horse and create a much more powerful Spin. Thankfully, both of them are accomplished horse riders and Spin users. With that information in mind, pursuing the President is still impossible but they decide to go find Lucy Steel.

Combat contre Valentine

A la Poursuite de Valentine

Main article: D4C (story arc)
Main article: Ticket to Ride (story arc)

Gyro and Johnny spot Diego and Hot Pants who have allied themselves. Knowing they have a the President's trail, they also follow the pair to find Valentine. With a pair of binoculars, they observe the fight happening in the cars and Johnny sees Diego dying. Just before engaging Valentine, Johnny and Gyro reveal each others' secret. Johnny learns that Gyro's name is "Julius Caesar Zeppeli" and he reveals that he's excited by bug bites on girls. That said, they now ride towards the President's train and aim for the engineer at the locomotive. However, Johnny notices that a panel keeps coming towards them from behind. Even more strangely, the duo has already reached New Jersey. Suspicious, Johnny shoots down the "warning bear" panel. Suddenly, a school of fish jumps out of a hidden pond and attacks them. Johnny is unharmed but Gyro's finger is bitten. As they approach the train, the duo still see the broken panel pursuing them. They realize that the land itself is converging towards the train.

Valentine is secure inside of the wall of light

When they reach the locomotive, they notice that the train engineer is only one of Valentine's victim, stuck halfway inside of a mirror and forced to hold the lever. The engineer begs Gyro to help him, but Gyro cannot do anything. Meanwhile, Johnny engages Funny Valentine. Gyro then notices that the bite mark from the carp is moving up his arm; he cannot do anything as the wound reaches his carotid. Gyro then witnesses Valentine leap out of the train. Astonishingly, Valentine is secure inside of a wall of light. Johnny's nails reveal themselves to be ineffective as the bad is directed elsewhere and the President suffers no damage. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap attacks but Gyro throws a Steel Ball at its hand, stopping it. When Gyro approaches, D4C cuts Gyro's hand by sweeping in his direction; Gyro cannot prevent it from reaching his heart. Johnny manages to stop the train by shooting at the coupling and detach the locomotive.

Observing the train from afar, Johnny despairs at the President's power. However, Gyro shows the Ball he's thrown: some of Valentine's hair has stuck itself to the Ball, meaning that it is possible to attack through the light. Gyro tells Johnny to let their horses gallop at their most natural pace, which will create a natural Golden Rectangle from which the duo can create the Super Spin.[35]
Gyro to the rescue.
The duo now charges at the President with the intent of using the Golden Spin. Valentine dashes between them but using the pocket dimension, can freely flatten himself and stick to the ground beneath the rails. Valentine forces Johnny to separates from Gyro. Although Johnny momentarily manages to reach the Super Spin, he hits a tree branch, giving Valentine the occasion of cutting off his hand. Johnny is unhorsed and pinned down by D4C. Gyro throws a Steel Ball but it bounces off the wall. When Valentine strikes, it appears that he cannot reach Johnny now. Indeed, Steven Steel has lifted Lucy out of the train and begs Gyro to take her away. Gyro rides to Lucy and manages to take her just before Valentine can reach him. He subsequently head towards the coast, setting the stage for a duel against Valentine.[35]

Dernier Duel

Main article: Ball Breaker (story arc)
Main article: Break My Heart, Break Your Heart (story arc)
Gyro awaits Valentine for their final clash

Gyro finds himself surrounded by water because of Lucy, although it stops before it reaches them. As he observes Valentine slowly approach, Gyro thinks about the situation. The water will allow Valentine to hide in other dimensions but Valentine cannot wait forever inside of the water for fear of drowning. There are only a few places from which Valentine will be attack him, allowing Gyro a great chance to hit Valentine with the Super Spin. However, Valentine then realizes what the Spin can do as he notices his missing ear. Gyro begins to gallop towards the President.

As Gyro's Valkyrie reaches its natural pace and Gyro harness his energy, Valentine hides in another dimension. Johnny appears and warns Gyro that Valentine now knows about the Super Spin, complicating Gyro's situation. Two Valentine reappear, but Gyro knows that he must attack the one with the Stand. Seeing the light in Lucy shift direction, Gyro throws the Ball behind him and hits D4C. The Stand Ball Breaker appears when the Ball hits the wall of light and Ball Breaker breaks in, making Valentine age considerably. Valentine is knocked back to the ground. Then Gyro disposes of the remaining two Valentines.

Gyro's death.

However, Gyro realizes something is wrong when he takes back his Steel Ball and Valentine stands up. As Johnny tries to join the fight, Gyro shouts to Johnny his last lesson: "The shortest route was a detour; it was the detour that was our shortest path". Gyro charges again and throws his Steel Ball, but it cannot reach Valentine anymore. The President reveals that the Steel Ball has crossed the wall's fissure line and a small part of it was scratched off, turning the Ball into an imperfect ellipse. D4C slashes Gyro's chest. Gyro Zeppeli dies before he can even take back his Ball and he falls off his horse. To ensure his death, Valentine then empties his revolver on the Neapolitan.

Gyro then reappears as a spirit, saying goodbye to his friend and ascends to Heaven. His corpse is retrieved and after the race, Johnny travels by ship to the Kingdom of Naples in order to return Gyro's corpse to the Zeppeli Family, intending to honor him one last time.

Major Battles


  1. Steel Ball Run Chapter 21: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 2, p.2
  2. Steel Ball Run Chapter 45: The Promised Land: Sugar Mountain, Part 1, p.3-6
  3. Steel Ball Run Chapter 52: Wrecking Ball, Part 2, p.2-8
  4. Steel Ball Run Chapter 53: Wrecking Ball, Part 3, p.2-5
  5. Steel Ball Run Chapter 54: Wrecking Ball, Part 4, p.54-55
  6. Steel Ball Run Chapter 57: Civil War, Part 2, p.39-40
  7. Steel Ball Run Chapter 24: Interlude, p.6-18
  8. Steel Ball Run Chapter 21: Gyro Zeppeli's Mission, Part 2, p.10-15
  9. Steel Ball Run Chapter 12: 1st Stage: Disqualified from Victory, p.8
  10. Steel Ball Run Chapter 4: September 25, 1890 - 3 Hours to Start
  11. Steel Ball Run Chapter 5: 1st Stage: 15,000 Meters
  12. Steel Ball Run Chapter 6: The Dried-Up River; Diego Brando
  13. Steel Ball Run Chapter 8: Crossing the Forest
  14. Steel Ball Run Chapter 9: Long, Long Downhill
  15. Steel Ball Run Chapter 10: The Final Stretch: 2,000 Meters Left
  16. Steel Ball Run Chapter 11: The Final Stretch: 1,000 Meters Left
  17. Steel Ball Run Chapter 12: 1st Stage: Disqualified from Victory
  18. Steel Ball Run Chapter 13: The Sheriff's Request to Mountain Tim
  19. Steel Ball Run Chapter 14: Across the Arizona Desert: Continuing Along the Shortest Route
  20. Steel Ball Run Chapter 15: The Desert Born Outlaws, Part 1
  21. The Desert Born Outlaws story arc
  22. The Devil's Palm story arc
  23. Gyro Zeppeli's Mission
  24. Steel Ball Run Chapter 32: 3rd Stage Goal: Cañon City
  25. The Terrorist from a Faraway Country story arc
  26. Tusk story arc
  27. Scary Monsters story arc
  28. Steel Ball Run Chapter 61: Both Sides Now, Part 2, p.10-11
  29. Steel Ball Run Chapter 84: Ball Breaker, Part 2, p.39-40
  30. The World of Man story arc
  31. The Green Tomb
  32. Silent Way story arc
  33. The Promised Land: Sugar Mountain story arc
  34. Steel Ball Run Chapter 59: A Dream of Gettysburg
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Civil War story arc

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